ORD 754 08/08/2006 ORDINANCE NO. 754 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 583 "SIGNS"; PROVIDING FOR THE FINDINGS, PURPOSE, REGULATION, INSTALLATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS; ESTABLISHING JURISDICTION, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS, ON-PREMISE SIGNS, AND FEES; PROVIDING A REPEALING AND SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo seeks to provide for the orderly development of land and use of property within its corporate limits and ETJ;and WHEREAS, the City Council seeks to maintain the value of the City of Cibolo's scenic and natural resources,which are the keystones of the City's economic strength and quality of life, through a comprehensive regulatory program that includes ordinances restricting signs;and WHEREAS,the City Council finds that improperly constructed and poorly maintained signs can be safety hazards that constitute a public health risk and can devalue adjacent properties;and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that certain signs overwhelm the public, unduly distract and confuse motorists by diverting attention away from the roadway, and result in safety threats to vehicular and pedestrian traffic; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that certain signs constitute aesthetic harm by cluttering viewsheds and highway corridors and adversely affecting the naturally scenic views and native environment;and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that certain signs may conceal or obstruct windows, doors,or significant architectural features or details of buildings;and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that properly constructed and maintained signs can create a pleasing environment for residents,visitors,shoppers, and the entire community; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it to be in the best interest of the public safety, health, and general welfare to regulate the construction, design, repair, demolition, maintenance, and use of signs so as to preserve the quality of life for the City of Cibolo's residents, visitors, and property owners, maintain the public rights-of-way, prevent threats to public safety, prevent traffic hazards, restrict signs that unduly interfere with scenic views and constitute a public nuisance, and deter signs that are detrimental to property values;and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it to be in the best interest of the public to regulate signs so as to promote roadway and pedestrian safety, encourage effective communication with the public, improve the appearance of the City of Cibolo, uphold the principles of free speech, including commercial speech, and enhance the community's character while preserving the authentic cultural heritage of the area within the boundaries of the City of Cibolo;and WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized to regulate signs by virtue of the Texas Constitution, the City of Cibolo's police power, and Texas Local Government Code Chapter 216;and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council to have this "Sign Regulation" as a stand alone ordinance and chapter in the Cibolo Code of Ordinances and to amend the previous sign ordinance sections as indicated in this ordinance. NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS: These findings of the City Council are found to be true and correct and are hereby incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 1. AMENDMENTS. An ordinance amending the following sections of Ordinance 583 and not affecting the remainder of sections and paragraphs,thereof;and SECTION III. JURISDICTION. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply within the city limits and ETJ of the City of Cibolo,as defined by state law. SECTION V. GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS. 2. Fees: The permit fee for all signs, banners and flagpoles shall be based on the following schedule: Illuminated Signs $200.00 plus$10 per square foot Non-Illuminated Signs $150.00 plus$10 per square foot Banner or Temporary Signs $75 plus$10 per square foot Flagpoles $50 per pole plus$2.50 per linear foot of pole height Billboards $5000.00, plus$500.00 each time the advertisement face information changes, each side. 7. Variance. B. Fee schedules set forth for variances: Fees are not refundable after approval or denial. 1) Any pre-construction variance petition shall be set at$500.00. 2) Any post-construction variance petition shall be set at$1,500.00. C. Attendance at City Council meeting: Attendance of the petitioner(s) is recommended at the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council at which a variance is to be heard. SECTION VIII ON-PREMISE SIGNS E. Flags: 1. Permanent Flags: Flags that show an emblem or logo of a firm or corporation, national,state or local government or affiliation,subdivision or development logos are permitted. No more than three (3) flags shall be permitted to be flown on any one (1) flagpole to include flagpoles equipped with a yardarm. No flag shall exceed the recommended size for the flagpole using specifications listed in Chart "A" in Section X. The flagpole height, not counting the finial, the top of the pole in residential areas shall not exceed twenty five (25') feet in height from the ground, and in commercial areas (to include Government Agencies, Police Departments, Fire Stations, Schools, United States Post Offices, Cemetery's, and places of religious worship) shall not exceed forty five (45') feet in height from the ground. No more than three (3) permanent flagpoles shall be permitted per property. The second and/or third flagpole shall not be higher than the primary flagpole. Permit required for the construction of a flagpole. 2. Temporary Flags: No more than six (6) temporary flags and flagpoles are permitted in any one development,such as, model homes or entries where the developer/builder intends to promote the development under construction through the use of temporary flags. One (1) flagpole may be up to fifty feet (50') in height. Two (2) flagpoles may be up to thirty-five feet (35') in height. Additional flag poles may be up to twenty-five feet in height. Flags shall comply with the size to pole ratio illustrated in Chart "A",Section X of this ordinance. All flags and flagpole installation shall be removed within thirty (30) days of when the last lot of the subdivision has been issued a building permit. 11. Subdivision Signs: Any sign used to mark the entrance to a specific subdivision. A low profile permanent sign designed in such a way as to indicate the name of the specific community and placed at the main entry to such community. The sign(s) will contain only the name of the development and may contain a community logo. Each entrance (provided the entrances are one thousand (1000') feet or greater apart) may have a maximum of two (2) subdivision signs (one double sided or two single-sided). One (1) subdivision sign may be located between the entrances or one (1) subdivision sign may be located on each side of the entrance.These signs shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet of sign area. Monument signs shall not exceed seven (7') feet in height. Signs may be indirectly illuminated. Architectural features such as columns,towers, or other obvious entry or gateway feature shall be limited to the maximum allowable building height of the zoning district. The signage area shall be the cumulative surface area of the sign itself and not the surface upon which the signage is applied,such as a wall, column,or other architectural feature. 13. Wall Signs: B. Wall signs projecting four (4") inches or greater from the wall. Signs shall be constructed entirely of metal or other noncombustible material. 1) Projecting signs shall be permitted in lieu of freestanding signage on any street frontage limited to one sign per occupancy along any street frontage with public entrance to such an occupancy. The maximum area of such signs shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the area of the wall on which such signs are mounted. In multi- tenant buildings on a single lot,the wall sign area allowed for each tenant space shall not exceed twenty (20) percent of each tenants wall area on of the area of the wall on which such signs are mounted. No such sign shall extend vertically above the highest point of the building facade upon which it is mounted by more than three (3') feet of the height of the building facade. The area of the wall shall be determined by the measurement of the area above the awning,eave, or extruding structure above the door, by the linear footage of the tenant frontage,and by the parapet roof edge or the baseline of the eave. All signage allowance shall be determined based on this calculation times the percentage allowable for the sign. 2) Such signs shall not exceed two feet (2') from the wall surface upon which they are applied. 3) Such signs shall maintain a clear vertical clearance above any sidewalk a minimum of ten (10') feet. SECTION 2. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide uniform sign standards and regulations in order to ensure public safety and to promote a positive city image reflecting order, harmony, and place, thereby strengthening the economic stability of the City of Cibolo's business, cultural, historical,and residential areas;and SECTION 3. JURISDICTION. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply within the city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo,as defined by state law; and SECTION 4. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS. Any business, person, homeowner, contractor, company, or firm violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance or failing to observe any of the provisions hereof, upon conviction shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, per violation,per day,and each violation shall be a separate offence,and each day the violation exists shall constitute a separate offence; and SECTION 5. REPEAL CLAUSE. That all Ordinances and/or parts of Ordinances that are in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed and all other Ordinances and/or parts of Ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance shall remain in force and effect;and SECTION 6. SAVINGS CLAUSE. That the terms and provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of any section,subsection, sentence,clause,or phrase,of this Ordinance should be declared to be invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of any other section,subsection,sentence, clause, phrase of this Ordinance; and Section 7. INVALIDITY OF A PART If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shill not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance;and Section 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. That this Ordinance shall be effective upon the approval of the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas and the publication twice in the newspaper of record AND IT IS SO ORDAINED. PASSED AND APPROVED by a vote of for, to against, this ' day of August, 2006. SIGNED: •hnny Sut,.: ayor City of Cibolo,Texas ATTEST-� 2,,,i,,- , ...a—,f i Peggy Cimics, City Secretary City of Cibolo,Texas