ORD 693 09/27/2005 ORDINANCE NO. 6 9 3 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-06, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2005,AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30,2006. WHEREAS,the City Council of the Municipality of Cibolo, Texas,has complied with all laws of the State of Texas regarding calculation of effective and rollback tax rates; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the municipality of Cibolo, Texas, has met in open meetings, conducted public hearings and taken action to set the date of the adoption of the 2005-06 City Budget as required by the"Truth in Taxation" legislation of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, it is necessary at this time to adopt the annual budget; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS... Section 1 That the City Budget herein presented by the City Manager is hereby approved and adopted for the fiscal year 2005-06. Section 2 That the City Manager and Finance Director are authorized to invest any funds not needed for current use in United Treasury Bills, the State of Texas, TexPool system, savings accounts in the City depository, or other such instrument or program allowed by the City's investment policy adopted by the City Council. Interest accrued from such investment(s) may be deposited in the General Fund for a specific enterprise fund as required by accepted accounting procedures. Section 3 That the City Manager be and is hereby authorized to make interdepartmental transfers, not to exceed $5,000, during the fiscal year as becomes necessary to avoid a specific department from exceeding its authorized budget. Section 4 That the City Manager be and is hereby authorized to make intradepartmental transfers, not to exceed $3,000, during the fiscal year as becomes necessary in order to avoid a specific line item from exceeding its authorized budget. 1 Section 5 This ordinance shall take effect and shall be in full force at 12:00 a.m. on October 1, 2005. PASSED AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 2711I DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2005. APPROVED: . X , ./Z,7 ----- i- . ,or Jo °utton ATTEST: 1A '' 4it .L &\-- /e'nne Griffin, y Se rtart' 2 RAblic Cop(i CITY OF CEBOLO FY 2005-06 BUDGET 27-Sep-05 I ieetc e iu ev\noue-- City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget Summary Sheet' Adopted FY Adopted FY Expensed as of Proposed FY 2003-04 2004-05 4-30-05 2005-06 Revenue General Fund 1,876,707 2,667,231 2,016,771 3,200,113 Utility Fund 1,604,640 2,404,893 1,536,973 2,919,056 Debt Service 145,213 451,231 160,024 409,945 Expenses General Fund 1,930,314 2,709,778 1,330,032 3,200,113 Utility Fund 1,813,618 2,454,893 1,348,563 2,919,056 Debt Service 145,213 451,231 199,507 409,945 Differences General Fund (53,607) (42,547) 686,739 (0) Utility Fund 0 (50,000) 188,410 0 Debt Service 0 0 (39,483) (0) Difference between Revenue and Expense for Water for FY 2004-05 Adopted is the Impact Fees - - - " — -- Other Difference in FY 2004-05 is the budget adjustments Tax Rate Existing Proposed Difference %Change l&S 0.0495 0.0904 0.0409 82.6% M&O 0.22 0.2274 0.0074 3.4% TOTAL 0.2695 0.3178 0.0483 17.9% City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget Summary Total Page -Expenses Adopted Fy Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY 2003-04 2004-05 of 4-30-05 2005-06 Change+/- General Fund Council 4,300 5,350 1,445 5,350 0 Administration 337,173 528,018 309,410 545,879 17,861 Police 972,124 1,168,198 699,617, 1,501,879 333,681 Court 95,725 113,736 81,806 89,841 (23,895) Public Works 227,492 346,478 42,354 486,394 139,916 Animal Control 36,173 68,004 25,726 36,221 (31,783) Parks 93,856 125,518 35,045 110,992 (14,526) Development Services 163,471 354,476 134,629 423,557 69,081 TOTAL 1,930,314 2,709,778 1,330,032 3,200,113 490,335 Utility Fund Administration 1,683,418 2,311,393 1,160,516 2,332,930 121,537 Operations 130,200 143,500 188,047 586,126 442,626 TOTAL 1,813,618 2,454,893 1,348,563 2,919,056 564,163 Debt Service 145,213 451,231 199,507 409,945 (41,286) TOTAL 145,213 451,231 199,507 409,945 (41,286) GENERAL FUND REVENUES City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget General Fund Revenues Budget Adopted Fy Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 5-15-05 2005-06 (Decrease) 01-31100 Property Tax-Current 534,819 554,368 721,600 698,202 958,072 236,472 01-31120 Delinquent Taxes 7,200 10,209 8,200 4,414 9,530 1,330 01-31130 Penalty&Interest 4,390 6,059 4,800 3,398 4,900 100 Property Tax-Total 546,409 570,635 734,600 706,014 972,502 237,902 01-31200 Sales Tax 220,000 277,192 220,000 159,000 300,000 80,000 01-31220 Beverage Tax 1,600 1,372 1,616 376 1,000 (616) Sales Tax Total 221,600 278,564 221,616 159,376 301,000 79,384 01-31300 Street Use 96,000 119,560 115,000 137,678 150,000 35,000 Streets Total 96,000 119,560 115,000 137,678 150,000 35,000 01-32100 Plumbing Permits 40,000 71,394 60,000 41,191 65,000 5,000 01-32150 Electrical Permits 0 0 9,000 7,368 10,000 1,000 01-32200 Building Permits 25,000 32,553 32,000- 28,664 - 35,000 3,000 01-32250 Building Permits-New Home 275,000 430,164 487,500 282,316 507,000 19,500 New Site Development Permits 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 01-32300 Contractor Permits 3,200 5,130 6,395 8,370 8,500 2,105 01-32350 Reinsertions Fee 7,000 51,210 57,635 82,755 65,000 7,365 01-32400 Subdivision Plat Fee 7,700 7,095 4,800 2,180 4,000 (800) 01-32500 heating&A/C Permits 7,500 26,987 27,560 21,739 25,000 (2,560) 01-32600 Plan Checks 142,500 215,427 234,000 138,239 253,500 19,500 01-32650 Variance Fee 0 15,750 1,200 0 500 (700) Permits Total 507,900 855,710 920,090 612,822 1,003,500 83,410 0 01-33100 Animal Registration 900 1,333 1,250 1,117 1,500 250 01-33200 Impound Fees 1,400 2,438 1,750 2,906 1,800 50 Animal Control Total 2,300 3,771 3,000 4,023 3,300 300 0 01-34100 Fines 149,120 167,346 164,125 87,894 198,830 34,705 New Warrant Fees 0 0 0 0 22,540 22,540 01-34110 Time Pay Fees 1,200 1,660 1,500 1,477 2,000 500 01-34150 Special Expense Fee-Bond 0 20,216 16,500 6,837 0 (16,500) Holding(Pass Through) 01-34200 State Court Fees 15,000 9,656 18,000 395 4,600 (13,400) 01-34250 Seatbelt Fee 4,300 100 1,500 0 500 (1,000) 01-34300 City Court Fees 6,800 7,713 7,500 3,734 13,500 6,000 01-34400 Arrest Fees 9,500 10,532 10,000 6,830 11,000 1,000 01-34500 Admin Fees 6,200 6,385 6,200 3,477 6,000 (200) 01-34540 Credit Card Fee 0 0 0 371 500 500 01-34550 OMNI Fees 4,500 14,700 14,000 (3,173) 5,000 (9,000) 01-34570 Child Safety Fee 2,000 3,200 3,000 (200) 01-34575 STF-State Fee 0 569 2,900 210 2,900 0 01-34600 Reports&Other 200 308 200 484 600 400 Court Total 198,820 239,183 245,625 108,536 270,970 25,345 01-34710 Task Officer Grant 49,000 36,612 50,000 12,038 49,597 (403) 01-34900 Alarm Fees 3,000 2,670 3,200 4,282 5,000 1,800 Police Total 52,000 39,282 53,200 16,320 54,597 1,397 01-35100 Interest 22,000 40,749 20,000 29,302 55,000 35,000 01-35150 Bond Funds Transfer from 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserves 01-35200 Transfer in Lieu of Taxes 20,000 20,000 50,000 0 0 (50,000) 01-35260 Trans in-Cap Replacement 112,731 0 144,000 144,000 130,000 (14,000) New Transfer in from Fund Balance 15,000 15,000 New Encumbered Funds(TWDB 60,000 60,000 Grant) 01-35300 Miscellaneous 5,700 2,915 5,000 13,767 15,000 10,000 01-35310 CCMA Pass Thru Fees 4,500 10,855 7,500 7,200 16,500 9,000 01-35315 NSF Fees 300 308 250 125 250 0 01-35320 Child Support Fees 72 114 50 59 72 22 01-35335 Cingular 0 6,411 7,500 5,250 9,000 1,500 01-35340 A/C-Trap Rental 0 8 80 0 50 (30) 01-35400 Garbage-Transfer 81,375 107,626 133,836 65,735 136;172 _2,336 01-36100 Park/Pavilion Rentals 2,800 2,988 1,334 1,260 1,500 166 01-36250 Cibolofest 2,868 2,650 3,084 3,000 350 01-36300 Park-Ball field Rental 1,700 1,718 1,700 2,111 2,500 800 01-36400 Coke Machine Revenue 500 248 200 109 200 0 Other Total 251,678 196,808 374,100 272,002 444,244 70,144 GRAND TOTAL 1,876,707 2,303,512 2,667,231 2,016,771 3,200,113 532,882 20% GENERAL FUND EXPENSE City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget GF-City Council Expenditures Budget Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 4-30-05 2005-06 (Decrease) 01-41-2630 Conference Travel 1,500 1,346 3,000 442 3,000 0 01-41-3610 Meeting Expense 500 336 500 57 500 0 01-413640 Clothing 600 479 600 310 600 0 01-41-3760 Awards 500 198 250 219 250 0 01-41-5750 Contingency 1,200 1,774 1,000 417 1,000 0 TOTAL 4,300 ' 4,133 5,350 1,445 5,350 0 City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget GF-Administration Budget Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 4-30-05 2005-06 (Decrease) 01-42-1010 Salaries-Admin 133,992 114,529 156,908 80,901 208,767 51,859 01-42-1011 Longevity pay 2,200 840 3,400 0 1,320 ' (2,080) 01-42-1015 Overtime , 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-42-1020 Unemployment Tax 366 422 1,035 423 400 (635) 01-42-1030 Social Security/Medicare 10,250 8,376 12,003 6,178 14,379 2,376 01-42-1040 TMRS 9,393 7,575 12,302 5,785 17,829 5,527 01-42-1060 Medical and Life Insurance 12,087 8,680 21,226 8,709 18,719 (2,507) 01-42-1070 Worker's Comp 456 797 536 0 865 329 01-42-2200 Data processing 1,800 2,252 2,000 386 2,000 0 01-42-2610 Contract Services 2,200 11,773 9,000 7,248 28,000 19,000 01-42-2620 Publications 1,800 3,875 2,800 1,741 6,000 3,200 -01-42-2630 Travel-Training 2,500- --- -- 3,137--- - _3,000_ ___-_- -635- --- - --- 5,000 2,000 01-42-2650 General Liability Insurance 15,500 26,906 16,500 816 25,000 8,500 01-42-2660 Other Insurance 230 234 300 0 300 0 01-42-2670 GCAD 10,172 9,079 12,000 5,674 12,000 0 01-42-2680 Legal Services 7,500 14,573 30,000 23,576 35,000 5,000 01-42-2710 Professional Services 50,000 59,246 20,000 15,522 20,000 0 01-42-2712 Design Standards 0 0 12,000 11,763 0 (12,000) 01-42-2714 Economic Development 0 0 30,887 0 45,000 14,113 01-42-2720 Audit Services 4,000 3,750 7,000 3,000 . 7,000 0 01-42-2810 Utilities 2,000 2,153 5,000 3,119 5,500 500 01-42-2815 CPS-Street Lights 0 414 900 514 1,200 300 01-42-2820 Telephone 2,500 2,692 5,000 2,653 5,000 0 01-42-2850 Newsletter 3,850 0 - 0 140 3,000 3,000 01-42-3210 Office Supplies 1,800 1,985 3,000 2,177 4,000 1,000 01-42-3220 Janitorial Supplies 476 584 500 14 500 0 01-42-3230 Other Supplies 1,500 6,835 1,500 414 1,500 0 01-42-3240 Postage 750 7,568 1,000 802 1,200 200 01-42-3410 Building Maintenance 800 449 500 456 1,000 500 01-42-3430 Office Equipment Repair 800 397 500 0 500 0 01-42-3640 Election 2,000 4,852 2,200 0 2,200 0 01-42-4910 Capital Outlay -- 43,500 54,694 - 24,812' ' •31,833 . 15,000 (9,812) 01-42-4920 Capital Replacement Trans, 5,000` 5,000, 5,000 ' ., 5,000 0 (5,000) 01-42-4950 FEMA Grant Repairs ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-42-5080 Car Allowance 4,000 2,771 5,000 2,743 4,200 (800) 01-42-5730 Library Donations 2,500 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 01-42-5740 Northeast Partnership 1,000 0 1,000 0 1,000 0 01-42-5750 Randolph Metrocom 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-42-5980 Contingency 251 0 15,534 - 3,500 20,000 4,466 New 2005 Bond Expense 30,000 30,000 01-42-6860 Land Purchase 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 01-42-6890 2003 Construction-Bond 0 0 60,000 60,000 0 (60,000) 01-42-6891 2003 Construction-Interest 0 0 41,175 21,188 0 (41,175) TOTAL 337,173 366,438 528,018 309,410 545,879 17,861 0.033827 1 City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget GF-Police Department Budget Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 4-30-05 2005-06 (Decrease) 0143-1010 Salaries 416,712 376,790 509,243 278,845 710,095 200,852 01-43-1011 Longevity 6,760 5,280 6,840 0 8,160 1,320 01-43-1013 Certificate pay 15,120 15,120 18,280 7,607 18,680 400 01-43-1015 Overtime 12,000 3,752 17,540 3,675 3,810 (13,730) 01-43-1020 Unemployment Tax 1,800 2,980 1,800 506 1,900 100 01-43-1030 Social Security-Medicare 31,878 26,230 38,957 20,724 54,614 15,657 01-43-1040 TMRS 29,212 30,228 39,925 20,337 61,041 21,116 01-43-1060 Medical-Life Insurance 71,905 43,836 91,091 36,646 79,036 (12,055) 01-43-1070 Workers Compensation 19,096 3,110 22,453 0 37,292 14,839 01-43-2610 Contract Services 3,000 3,282 3,000 2,832 6,000 3,000 01-43-2620 Publications-Dues-Fees 1,500 754 1,500 121 1,500 0 --- 01-43-2630 Travel and Training 1,500- -----1,518-- - -- 1,500- 1,029--- - --2,000---- - - -500- ---- 01-43-2650 Liability and Auto Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-43-2780 Medical&Lab 500 589 800 430 1,000 200 01-43-2810 Utilities 3,200 2,436 5,500 1,887 4,000 (1,500) 01-43-2820 Telephone 2,300 3,168 2,800 1,138 4,400 1,600 01-43-3090 Uniform Replacement 4,100 3,489 4,500 2,400 8,300 3,800 01-43-3210 Office Supplies 2,500 2,390 2,800 2,081 3,400 600 01-43-3240 Postage 600 345 600 373 600 0 01-43-3250 Officers Equipment-Supplies 4,000 3,043 4,000 3,328 4,500 500 01-43-3260 Crime Prevention Supplies 300 174 500 0 750 250 01-43-3270 Operating Supplies 0 0 0 64 0 0 \ 01-43-3410 Building Maintenance 1,000 908 1,500 1,553 2,000 500 01-43-3430 Office Equipment.Maintenance 2,000 2,409 2,500 1,386 2,500 0 01-43-3450 Vehicle Operation Expense 18,000 22,156 20,000 14,846 30,000 10,000 01-43-3470 Vehicle Repairs 5,400 9,398 7,500 5,650 12,000 4,500 01-43-3715 Fire Inspections 0 0 0 0 0 01-43-4910 Capital Outlay 60,000 59,516 75,000 61,728 100,000 25,000 01-43-4920 Capital Replacement Transfer 53,369 53,369 53,369 62,854 0 (53,369) 01-43-4930 Communication Equipment ` 1,250 1,236 1,500 1,299 2,500 1,000 01-43-5085 Narcotic Grant 50,000 35,597 0 0 0 0 01-43-5742 SAFES 27,720 27,720 39,200 29,400 80,000 40,800 01-43-5743 Public Safety Dispatch 56,402 56,402 82,000 81,928 106,801 24,801 01-43-5745 Cibolo Vol Fire Department 0 68,000 100,000 50,000 140,000 40,000 01-43-5747 Schertz Fire Contract 63,000 0 0 0 0 0 01-43-5770 Jail Cost 6,000 12,250 12,000 4,950 15,000 3,000 TOTAL 972,124 877,477 1,168,198 699,617 1,501,879 333,681 29% • City of Cibo o 2005-06 Annual Budget GF-Court Budget Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 4-30-05 2005-06 (Decrease) 01-44-1010 Salaries 39,480 42,660 53,065 32,444 48,358 (4,707) 01-44-1011 Longevity 480 720 2,460 0 960 (1,500) 01-44-1013 Certificate Pay 1,560 1,560 1,560 320 0 (1,560) 01-44-1015 Overtime 300 0 400 0 200 (200) 01-44-1020 Unemployment 244 472 518 32 200 (318) 01-44-1030 Social Security-Medicare 3,020 2,822 4,664 2,294 3,699 (965) 01-44-1040 TMRS 2,768 3,368 4,780 2,260 4,130 (650) 01-44-1060 Medical-Life Insurance 7,673 8,594 11,831 7,366 8,320 (3,511) 01-44-1070 Workers Comp 250 478 208 0 624 416 01-44-2420 Judge-Prosecutor 16,400 16,935 16,400 9,800 16,800 400 01-44-2610 Contract Services 300 300 300 397 0 (300) --- --01-44-2630 Travel--Training_______________ i,000__ 458 _1_,000 202 _ _ 1,000 0 01-44-2640 MSB-MNI 4,000 0 6,000 570 0 (6,000) 01-44-2650 General Liability Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-44-2820 Telephone 550 556 2,100 1,125 2,100 0 01-44-3210 Office Supplies 1,600 1,219 2,300 1,000 2,300 0 01-44-3230 Other Supplies 250 360 500 460 500 0 01-44-3240 Postage 550 799 650 376 650 0 01-44-4910 Capital Outlay 12,800 9,831 2,500 20,635 Note 1 0 01-44-4920 Capital Replacement Transfer 2,500 , 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 (2,500) 01-44-5080 Car Allowance 0 0 0 25 0 0 TOTAL 95,725 93,632 113,736 81,806 89,841 (21,395) -19% Note 1: Capital Expense are on the Special Budget Page City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget GF-Development Services Budget Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 4-30-05 2005-06 (Decrease) 01-45-1010 Salaries 87,294 90,401 158,273 58,690 188,945 30,672 01-45-1011 Longevity 720 480 720 0 1,800 1,080 01-45-1013 Certificate Pay 2,000 2,000 5,200 3,177 0 (5,200) 01-45-1015 Overtime 500 801 3,000 2,688 4,000 1,000 01-45-1020 Unemployment Tax 427 832 1,344 146 750 (594) 01-45-1030 Social Security-Medicare 6,678 6,123 12,108 4,451 16,504 - 4,396 01-45-1040 TMRS 6,175 6,957 12,409 4,266 20,345 7,936 01-45-1060 Medical-Life Insurance 15,346 15,376 29,233 10,248 31,200 1,967 01-45-1070 Workers Compensation 1,074 797 1,932 0 3,022 1,090 01-45-2200 Data Processing Software 1,500 166 500 264 2,500 2,000 01-45-2610 Contract Services 200 18 23,200 803 3,842 (19,358) --.--New- - Inspection Services Contract 0 -0 0- -= 0-_ ---100,000; -100,000 ---- ---- 01-45-2620 Publications 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 01-45-2625 Dues, Fees and Travel 3,800 3,615 10,000 3,701 15,000 5,000 01-45-2810 Utilities 800 1,127 1,600 64 1,600 0 01-45-2820 Telephone 750 959 2,500 1,502 2,500 0 01-45-3090 Uniform Replacement 2,000 2,863 2,800 813 3,000 200 01-45-3210 Office Supplies 1,000 0 3,500 2,178 3,500 0 01-45-3230 Other Supplies 0 3,693 1,000 946 1,000 0 01-45-3240 Postage 400 246 500 52 500 0 01-45-3280 Minor Tools and Equipment 350 170 350 429 1,000 650 01-45-3410 Building Maintenance 800 58 200 0 300 100 01-45-3450 Vehicle Operation Expense 2,000 4,122 6,000 1,354 11,000 5,000 01-45-3470 Vehicle Repairs 1,500 486 750 39 3,000 2,250 01-45-4910 Capital Outlay 16,000 14,773 66,000 28,023 3,250 (62,750) 01-45-4920 Capital Replacement 10,657: ,,10,657 10,657 . 10,657 0• (10,657) 01-45-4930 Communication Equipment 700 690 700 138 2,500 1,800 01-45-5800 Misc 800 1,295 0 0 500 500 TOTAL 163,471 168,704 354,476 134,629 423,557 69,081 19% City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget GF-Public Works Budget Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 4-30-05 2005-06 (Decrease) 01-46-1010 Salaries 66,254 61,573 117,503 94,537 201,777 84,274 01-46-1011 Longevity 1,320 1,320 2,160 0 3,360 1,200 01-46-1013 Certificate pay 2,200 2,200 1,120 359 0 (1,120) 01-46-1014 On-Call Pay 2,200 520 800 560 1,040 240 01-46-1015 Overtime 1,800 826 2,000 2,006 2,500 500 01-46-1020 Unemployment Tax 900 722 1,242 287 1,235 (7) 01-46-1030 Social Security/Medicare 5,068 4,353 8,989 6,850 15,162 6,173 01-46-1040 TMRS 4,644 4,858 9,212 6,400 15,892 6,680 01-46-1060 Medical/Life Insurance 13,201 7,843 23,619 18,565 40,907 17,288 01-46-1070 Workers Compensation 3,129 1,535 5,434 0 12,044 6,610 01-46-2095 Medical Exams 500 926 400 429 500 100 01-46-2610 Contract Services 0 5,000 725 2,000 (3,000) 01-46-2615 Contract maintenance Streets 0 350 0 (200,000) 0 0 01-46-2620 Publication 500 247 250 0 250 0 01-46-2625 Dues, Fees,Travel 1,500 13 1,500 185 1,500 0 01-46-2680 Telephone 1,000 1,854 2,500 1,815 2,500 0 01-46-2710 Professional Services 10,000 0 2,000 (8,000) 01-46-2720 Engineering 20,326 5,720 0 17,500 18,000 18,000 01-46-2810 Utilities 1,800 1,890 2,500 720 2,500 0 01-46-3090 Uniform Replacement 2,500 3,131 2,800 1,389 5,423 2,623 01-46-3210 Office Supplies 750 551 900 279 900 0 01-46-3230 Other Supplies 500 214 200 147 200 0 01-46-3272 Streets/Drainage Repair , 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 01-46-3275 Streets/Drainage Maintenance 10,500 17,206 12,500 - 9,738 23,705 11,205 01-46-3280 Minor Tools&Equipment 1,500 1,408 1,000 585 1,000 0 01-46-3295 Street/Drain Project 0 315 1,000 1,000 01-46-3410 Building Maintenance 1,200 1,019 1,500 350 1,500 0 01-46-3440 Machinery Maintenance 4,500 4,207 6,000 1,939 7,000 1,000 01-46-3450 Vehicle Operation Expense 3,000 4,654 10,000 6,391 15,000 5,000 01-46-3470 Vehicle Repairs 2,500 3,474 4,000 2,350 3,000 (1,000) 01-46-3530 Sign Maintenance 4,000 4,096 4,000 3,247 6,000 2,000 01-46-4910 Capital Outlay - • - 30,000 429,076 57,640,. 24,750 37,000 (20,640) 01-46-4920 Capital ReplacementTransfer, 39,000 ,- 39,000 39,000 39,000 0 (39,000) 01-46-4925 Capital Replacement Street Transfer 0 0 11,209 0 0 (11,209) New TWDB Grant Expense 60,000 60,000 Capital Improvements-Streets 0 0 0 0 0 0 Captial Improvements-Drainage 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-46-4930 Communication Equipment 1,200 1,578 1,500 936 1,500 0 TOTAL 227,492 606,362 346,478 42,354 486,394 139,916 40% 01-46-3272 was Maintenance Supplies PW now is Streets/Drainage Repair 01-46-3275 was Maintenance Supplies Streets now is Streets/Drainage Maintenance City of Ciboio 2005-06 Annual Budget GF-Animal Control Budget Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 'of 4-30-05 2005-06 (Decrease) 01-47-1010 Salaries 18,190 14,405 35,792 9,825 19,047 (16,745) 01-47-1011 Longevity 240 120 200 0 240 40 01-47-1013 Certificate pay 1,040 1,040 1,040 0 0 (1,040) 01-47-1015 Overtime 200 413 300 157 300 0 01-47-1020 Unemployment Tax 122 235 414 117 100 (314) 01-47-1030 Social Security Medicare 1,392 1,177 3,067 764 1,457 (1,610) 01-47-1040 TMRS 1,275 1,266 3,143 687 1,627 (1,516) 01-47-1060 Medical-Life Insurance 4,384 3,583 9,022 6,942 , 4,160 (4,862) 01-47-1070 Workers Compensation 955 148 1,851 0 1,190 (661) 01-47-2610 Contract Services 1,200 5,780 6,000 3,271 6,500 500 01-47-2630 Travel Training 500 200 500 75 1,000 500 01-47-3270 Operating Supplies 1,000 420 500 357 600 100 -01-47-4910_Capital Outlay____ .__ ____ 2,500..__-._ __ --__3,000- --356 0 _� (3,000)_ Capital.Replacement- ' 01=47-4920:, 3,.175 - „ 3;175- 3;175 ,- , ; 3,:175 0 (3,175) Transfer,;_ _ .. - TOTAL 36,173 31,963 68,004 25,726 36,221 (31,783) -47% City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget GF-Parks Budget Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 4-30-05 2005-06 (Decrease) 01-48-1010 Salaries 19,689 21,556 31,779 10,101 44,375 12,596 01-48-1011 Longevity 600 600 720 0 240 (480) 01-48-1013 Certificate Pay 280 280 560 778 0 (560) 01-48-1015 Overtime 400 426 500 410 750 250 01-48-1020 Unemployment Tax 122 239 414 91 300 (114) 01-48-1030 Social Security-Medicare 1,506 1,368 2,431 636 3,452 1,021 01-48-1040 TMRS 1,380 1,584 2,491 779 3,854 1,363 01-48-1060 Medical/Life Insurance 4,384 4,297 9,459 3,460 10,053 594 01-48-1070 Workers Compensation 1,100 148 1,589 0 2,818 1,229 01-48-2610 Contract Services 40,000 20 10,000 219 0 (10,000) 01-48-2710 Professional Services 2,500 0 2,500 0 10,000 7,500 01-48-2810 Utilities 3,500 3,376 3,800 2,248 4,000 200 _01-48-3210 Office Supplies _ __ 120 0 50 0 100 50 01-48-3225 Botanical Supplies 2,500 0 2,500 347 2,500 0 01-48-3240 Postage 100 34 50 56 100 50 01-48-3370 Park Maintenance 5,000 9,789 5,500 3,725 4,000 (1,500) 01-48-3400 Cibolofest Expense 0 3,114 1,000 1,530 1,500 500 01-48-4910 Capital Outlay. '0 . - 9',.,_' 40,000 , 730 22,450 (17,550) 01-484920 Capital Replacement Trans 9,675 • - 9,675 , 9,675' ' , 9,675 0 ' (9,675) 01-48-5800 Misc 500 269 500 260 500 0 Contingency 500 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 93,856 56,775 125,518 35,045 110,992 (14,526) -12% Combined Maintenance Repair and pavilion Maintenance Repair to Park Maintenance CAPITAL RECOVERY COST City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget Capital Recovery Fees Accounts -Utility Fund Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 5-15-05 2005-06 Water Impact Fees Revenue 02-35270 Impact Fee Trans in for Debt-Water 208,979 0 50,000 0 0 Reimbursement for 16" Feeder Line 0 0 0 0 0 208,979 0 50,000 0 0 Expenses 03-41-09602002 Tax Note Principle 0 0 0 0 0 03-41-09702002 Tax Note Interest 0 0 0 0 0 New 2005 Tax Note Principle & Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Summary Water Impact Fee Fund Balance FY05 __- 0 0 0 0 801,590 02-32300 Impact Fees-Water- Revenues FY06 0 0 0 0 409,508 Impact Fee Trans Out for Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 Remaining Balance 0 0 0 0 1,211,098 Waste Water Impact Fees Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 Impact Fee Trans in for Debt-Sewer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expenses 03-41-0960 2002 Tax Note Principle 0 0 0 0 0 03-41-0970 2002 Tax Note Interest 0 0 0 0 0 New 2005 Tax Note Principle & Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02-23400 Impact Fees-Waste Water 280,600 211,744 205,918 125,781 Summary Waste Water Impact Fee Fund Balance FY05 0 0 0 568,496 02-32300 Impact Fees-Waste Water-Revenue FY06 0 0 0 125,781 Impact Fee Trans Out for Debt Service 0 0 0 0 Remaining Balance 694,277 City of Cibolo ' 2005-06 Annual Budget Capital Recovery Fees Accounts-General Fund Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 5-15-05 2005-06 Streets Revenue Impact Fee Trans in for Debt 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expense 2005 Certificates Principle& Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 Summary Street Impact Fee Fund Balance FY05 - 0 0 0 0 722,227 Impact Fees-Streets-Revenue FY06 0 0 0 0 — 265,923 Impact Fee Trans Out for Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 Remaining Balance 988,150 Drainage Revenue Impact Fee Trans in for Debt 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expense 2005 Certificates Principle& Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 Summary Drainage Impact Fee Fund Balance FYOE 0 0 0 0 519,717 Impact Fees-Drainage- Revenue FY06 0 0 0 0 164,918 Impact Fee Trans Out for Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 Remaining Balance 0 0 0 0 684,635 Park Fund Revenue Park Trans in 0 0 0 0 135,000 135,000 Expense Rich Park 0 0 0 0 100,000 Niemeitz Park 0 0 0 0 35,000 0 0 0 0 135,000 Summary Park Fund Balance FY05 0 0 0 0 371,176 _ Buffalo Crossing Revenue-Park FY06 0 0 0 0 1,000 Builder Fees Revenue- Park FY06 0 0 0 0 50,000 - - Impact Fee Trans Out for Expense 0 0 0 0 135,000 Remaining Balance 0 0 0 0 286,176 SPECIAL ACCOUNT City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget Special Funds-Court Budget Adopted Fy Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 5-15-05 2005-06 (Decrease) Court Security 01-34510 Revenue 6,200 7,782 6,300 3,036 6,600 300 01-35270 Trans In , 0 0 1,500 0 17,231 15,731 01-44-2610 Contract Service 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 01-44-4910 Capital Outlay 0 0 1,000 0 15,231 14,231 Difference 6,200 7,782 6,800 3,036 6,600 (200) Estimated added to Fund Balance 6,600 ___Court Security will be used to purchase security system for City Hall. Court Technology 01-34520 Revenue 8,000 10,308 8,400 5,044 8,800 400 01-35275 Transfer in 10,300 10,300 25,000 0 4,191 (20,809) 01-44-4910 Capital Outlay 12,800 9,831 2,500 20,635 1,400 (1,100) 01-44-2610 Contract Services 0• 0 0 0 1,591 1,591 01-44-5425 CC Fees-Transfirst 600 1,163 1,200 476 1,200 0 Difference 4,900 9,613 29,700 (16,067) 8,800 (20,900) Estimated added to Court Technology Fund Balance 8,800 Court Technology will beused to purchase the On-Line Incode Software and its monthly fees Child Safety Fee 01-34570 Revenue 2,000 2,970 3,200 2,152 3,200 0 Child Safety Fee-Trans In 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 01-43-3090 Uniform Expense 0 0 0 0 300 300 01-42-1010 Expense 0 0 0 18,494 18,494 0 Difference 2,000 2,970 3,200 (16,342) (9,594) 6,000 Estimated added to Child Safety Fee (9,594) Child Safety Fees will be used to hire two crossing guards for the schools City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget Special Funds- Police Department Budget Adopted Fy Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 5-15-05 2005-06 (Decrease) Police Education Account 01-34730 LEOS Revenue 1,000 1,361 2,000 1,359 1,600 (400) 01-43-5635 LESO Training Expense 1,000 _ 947 1,000 350 1,000 0 Difference 0 414 1,000 1,009 600 (400) Estimated added to the Police Education Fund Balance 600 Police Education Fees will be used to police officer training. Police Forfeiture Account 01-34750 Revenue 500 0 3,533 3,000 3,000 01-43-5790 Expense 500 278 500 0 500 0 Difference 0 (278) (500) 3,533 2,500 3,000 Estimated added to the Police Forfeiture Account 2,500 Police Forfeiture Account fees will be used for Investigations Police Special Account 01-35330 Wrecker Reimb Fees-Revenue 600 1,700 800 1,000 1,200 400 01-43-1010 Personnel Expense 0 0 0 0 0 0 Difference 600 1,700 800 1,000 1,200 400 Estimated added to the Police Special Account 1,200 UTILITY FUND REVENUE City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget Utility Revenues Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed Budget Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 5-15-05 FY 2005-06 (Decrease) 02-31100 Water Sales 675,000 834,348 739,628 532,357 865,709 126,081 Water Sales Total 675,000 834,348 739,628 532,357 865,709 126,081 02-31200 Waste Water Sales 275,000 376,443 460,387 270,786 631,874 171,487 Waste Water Total 275,000 376,443 460,387 270,786 631,874 171,487 02-31300 Garbage Collection Sales 525,000 736,443 892,240 420,377 907,813 15,573 Garbage Total 525,000 736,443 892,240 420,377 907,813 15,573 02-31400 Late Fees 26,800 41,064 47,721 37,729 55,000 7,279 02-31600 Recycling Fees-AIR 0 40,076 49,073 30,088 55,000 5,927 02-31610 Recycling Fees-Cash Back 0 0 0 0 4,000 4,000 02-31700 Water Acquisition Fee 0 88,437 100,000 63,927 144,360 44,360 Total 26,800 - 169,576--- 196,794- 131,744 - -258,360 ._ _ 61,566 02-32100 Connect Fees 19,340 27,475 28,000 35,425 18,000 (10,000) 02-32200 Meter Installation Fees 15,000 19,511 20,000 19,505 189,000 169,000 Permits Total 34,340 46,986 48,000 54,930 207,000 159,000 409945 02-34540 Credit Card Fees 0 0 0 153 1,800 1,800 02-35100 Interest 25,000 28,454 24,000 20,415 35,000 11,000 02-35150 Bond Funds Transfer from 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0409 Reserves 02-35260 Capt Replace Transfer 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 9,000 (33,000) 40.9 02-35265 Transfer In 0 74,719 0 74,719 0 0 02-35300 MiscReceipts 1,000 6,071 910 (11,641) 1,000 90 02-35315 NSF Fees 500 1,325 934 1,249 1,500 566 02-35320 Child Support Fees 0 0 0 37 0 0 Other Total 68,500 152,569 67,844 126,779 48,300 (21,344) TOTAL UTILITY REVENUES 1,604,640 2,316,365 2,404,893 1,536,973 2,919,056 512,363 0.213050102 UTILITY FUND EXPENSE City of Cibolo 2005-06 Annual Budget Utility-Administration Expensed Budget Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY as of 4-30- Proposed Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 05 FY 2005-06 (Decrease) 02-42-1010 Salaries 156,097 152,158 174,470 81,677 43,381 (131,089) 02-42-1011 Longevity 3,200 2,640 3,540 0 3,000 (540) 02-42-1013 Certificate Pay 3,500 3,500 2,760 2,095 0 (2,760) 02-42-1014 On-Call Pay 2,000 1,300 1,040 160 1,500 460 02-42-1015 Overtime 1,040 3,196 3,000 1,170 3,000 0 02-42-1020 Unemployment Tax 800 1,472 1,553 164 405 (1,148) 02-42-1030 Social Security-Medicare 11,941 11,781 13,347 5,875 6,279 (7,068) 02-42-1040 TMRS 10,997 10,533 13,678 5,831 3,705 (9,973) 02-42-1060 Medical/Life Insurance 33,979 31,480 35,425 17,125 12,480 (22,945) 02-42-1070 Workers Compensation 5,247 8,925 6,266 0 191 (6,075) 02-42-2200 Data processing 2,000 2,533 1,500 436 1,500 0 02-42-2610 Contract Services 7,500 0 9,500 6,074 12,082 2,582 02-42-2650 General Liability Insurance 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 _ _02-42-2680_ Legal Services__ 7,500 585 7,500 0 3,000 (4,500) 02-42-2720 Audit Services 4,000 3,750 7,000 3,000 3,750 (3,250) 02-42-2812 Utilities-Office 0 4,063 0 0 6,000 6,000 02-42-2820 Telephone 1,100 1,116 1,709 2,556 4,500 2,791 02-42-2975 Agent Fees 5,000 0 2,140 0 2,140 0 02-42-3210 Office Supplies 1,000 2,133 2,000 1,834 3,500 1,500 02-42-3220 Janitorial Supplies 0 0 0 56 0 0 02-42-3230 Other Supplies 0 540 0 153 400 400 02-42-3240 Postage 6,000 6,714 6,600 6,094 10,000 3,400 02-42-3410 Building Maintenance 1,000 1,000 2,500 1,953 2,500 0 02-42-4910 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 2,552 2,552 02-42-5080 Car Allowance 4,080 4,080 3,300 163 0 (3,300) 02-42-5425 Credit Card Fees 0 0 0 466 1,500 1,500 02-42-5732 GBRA 64,000 0 70,400 238 97,520 27,120 02-42-5735 Transfer in Lieu of Taxes 20,000 20,000 50,000 0 0 50,000 02-42-5760 Edwards Aquifer Authority 0 7,457 4,000 0 0 (4,000) 02-42-5762 Green Valley SUD 15,000 7,895 15,000 9,064 20,000 5,000 New Green Valley Setup Fee 0 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 02-42-5764 Regional Water Dev Group 8,000 1,515 2,000 0 2,000 0 02-42-5766 CCMA 220,000 263,988 264,000 181,331 449,730 185,730 02-42-5767 Bexar Waste Garbage', , - - - 446,25Q- - 640,287 758,404 425,898 771,641.; 13,237 02-42-5768 Garbage Transfer to Gen Fund 81,375 : 107,626._ 133,836.. m 57,456 `< 136,172 2,336 02-42-5769 CRWA 560,812 619,892 683,142 349,162 685,000 1,858 02-42-5900 Charge Off Water Accounts 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 02-42-5980 Contingency 0 0 232 0 6,502 6,270 FM 1103 Project Contingency 0 0 30,601 0 0 (30,601) New-Note 1 Transfer to Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 0 02-42-6855 Bond Fees 0 485 950 485 1,000 50 TOTAL 1,683,418 1,922,645 2,311,393 1,160,516 2,332,930 121,537 5% Note 1 -Transfer to Debt Service for Bond Payment for Main Street Utilties and Water Meters. City of Cib®I® 2005-06 Annual Budget Utility-Operations Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY Budget Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 4-30-05 2005-06 (Decrease) 02-46-1010 Salaries 0 0 0 97,549 97,549 02-46-1011 Longevity 0 0 0 960 960 02-46-1013 Certificate Pay 0 0 0 0 0 02-46-1014 On-Call Pay 0 0 0 1,500 1,500 02-46-1015 Overtime 0 0 0 3,000 3,000 02-46-1020 Unemployment Tax 0 0 0 1,485 1,485 02-46-1030 Social Security-Medicare 0 0 0 8,331 8,331 02-46-1040 TMRS 0 0 0 8,331 8,331 02-46-1060 Medical/Life Insurance 0 0 0 24,267 24,267 02-46-1070 Workers Compensation 0 0 0 6,004 6,004 02-46-2200 Data processing 0 0 0 1,500 1,500 02-46-2475 Outside Repairs 7,500 13,110 12,000 0 12,000 0 02-46-2510 Lab Fees 2,000 1,653 1,800 1,750 3,000 1,200 02-46-2610 Contract Services 0 5,511 0 0 9,500 9,500 02-46-2625 Dues-Fees 3,500 1,679 2,000 330 2,000 0 02-46-2630 Travel-Training 2,000 1,709 2,000 495 3,000 1,000 02-46-2710 Professional Services 40,000 20,000 36,452 40,000 20,000 02-46-2811 Utilities-Shed 7,000 10,262 8,000 8,138 3,000 (5,000) 02-46-2820 Telephone 0 0 0 0 1,500 1,500 02-46-3090 Uniform Replacement 2,200 2,167 2,600 1,095 5,500 2,900 02-46-3210 Office Supplies 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 02-46-3220 Janitorial Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 0 02-46-3230 Other Supplies 0 0 0 0 400 400 02-46-3240 Postage 0 0 0 0 100 100 02-46-3271 Main Repair Water 7,500 15,821 10,000 24,612 45,000 35,000 New Main Repair Sewer 0 0 0 0 18,000 18,000 02-46-3280 Minor Tools/Equipment 1,200 1,791 800 877 1,000 200 02-46-3415 Facility Yard Upkeep 0 0 0 0 0 0 02-46-3440 Machinery Maintenance 2,500 2,191 2,500 4,188 5,000 2,500 02-46-3450 Vehicle Operation Expense 3,000 3,849 4,500 2,958 6,000 1,500 02-46-3470 Vehicle Repairs 1,500 5,884 3,000 361 3,000 0 02-46-4910 Capital Outlay 25,000 13,907 35,000 0 60,000 25,000 02-46-4915 CRWA Water Line Cap Project 0 0 0 106,403 0 0 New Water Line Projects 0 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 02-46-4920 Capital Replacement Trans 20,000 20,000 30,000 0 33,000 3,000 Transfer to Water Impact Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 02-46-4955 Capital Outlay-New Meters 4,500 0 8,500 0 165,000 156,500 Capital Improvements-Water 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Improvements-Sewer 0 0 0 0 0 0 02-46-5000 Depreciation 0 124,830 0 0 0 0 02-46-5930 Communication Equipment 800 426 800 388 1,200 400 TOTAL 130,200 224,790 143,500 188,047 586,126 442,626 2,454,893 2,919,056 464,163 19% DEBT FUND City of Cib®I® 2005-06 Annual Budget Debt Service Budget Adopted FY Final FY Adopted FY Expensed as Proposed FY Increase/ 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 of 5-15-05 2005-06 (Decrease) Revenue 03-31100 Property Taxes-Current 138,356 " :, 142,106 , 162,360,.. 154,930 _ 402,745 247,815 03-31120 Delinquent 2,500 2,954 2,500 1,261 2,000 739 03-31130 Penalty& Interest 1,500 1,641 1,200 3,028 3,700 672 03-35100 Interest Income 857 460 1,219 805 1,500 695 03-35200 Transfer from Water Impact 0 0 201,312 0 0 0 Transfer from Waste Water Impact 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfer in-Drainage Impact 0 87,331 0 0 0 0 Transfer in-Water Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 03-35300 Transfer from GF Fund Bal 2,000 82,640 0 0 0 03-35500 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES 145;213- 234,492 451,231 - 160,024- 409,945 249,921 Note: 2002 Tax Note funding will come from 52%-Water Impact and 48%- Sewer Impact 2005 Tax Note funding will come from 93.6%-Water Impact and 6.4%-Sewer Impact of$2,900,000. 2005 Tax Note funding will come from Utility Fund$500,000. Expenses 03-41-0930 Principal-2001 Series 75,000 75,000 85,000 85,000 50,000 (35,000) 03-41-0940 Interest-2001 Series 68,213 65,544 61,744 31,881 58,538 26,657 03-41-0950 Agent Fees 2,000 0 2,000 0 4,000 4,000 03-41-0960 2002 Tax Note Principle 0' 0 170,000 0 175,000 175,000 03-41-0970 2002 Tax Note Interest 0 0 31,312 0 18,733 18,733 03-41-0980 2003 Cert of Obligation-Principal 0 55,000 60,000 55,000 65,000 10,000 03-41-0990 2003 Cert of Obligation-Interest 0 27,626 41,175 27,626 38,675 11,049 New 2005 Cert of Obligation-Principal 0 0 0 0 0 0 New 2005 Cert of Obligation-Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 New 2005 Tax Note Principle 0 0 0 0 0 0 New 2005 Tax Note Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENSES 145,213 223,170 451,231 199,507 409,945 210,438 Difference 0 11,322 0 (39,483) (0) 39,483 Note: Debt Service Tax Rate of.0476 Decrease of.0019 CAPITAL OUTLAY BY DEPART , , ENT City of Cibo o 2005-06 Annual Budget Capital Outlay Items by Department Depart Priority Item Cost Cumm Total Admin 1 Codification 15,000 15,000 2 GASB 34 Software-Incode 8,500 23,500 3 Printer 2,000 25,500 4 Microfilm 8,000 33,500 Admin Department Total 33,500 Police Department 1 2 New Cars, 2 Replacement Cars 100,000 100,000 2 2 New Cars 50,000 150,000 Police Department Total 150,000 Court 1 Note 1 Online Payment Software 500 500 Note 1 Monthly fee of$75.00 900 1,400 -2 -Note-2- -- Security System _0 -___ ___1,400 _ __ ___ Inside 8,588 9,988 Outside 5,243 15,231 Court Department Total 15,231 Note 1 - Funds will be used from Court Technology Fund 1,400 Note 2-Funds will be used from Court Security Fund 13,831 Water Operations 1 Scada System (Tank Monitor System 16,00010,000 10,000 26,000 Convert Pumps at Water Tank Note 1 1Ton Extended Pickup with compressor&lift arm 16,000 42,000 Note 1 Trailer 3, 00 45,000 1/2 Ton Truck Regular 15,000 60,000 Utility Department Total (Operations) 60,000 Note 1 - 1/2 Water 1/2 PW Note 2-Purchasing 200 meters per year(Take about 6 years to complete) Admin 0 0 326111 Note 1 Radio Read Conversion Online Payment Software 500 500 Note 2 Monthly fee of$75.00 900 1,400 .04 per month per customer 1,152 2,552 Utility Department Total (Admin) 2,552 Note 1 -Converted entire system to radio read Note 2-If online services is approved these items will move to the operating budget Depart Priority Item Cost Cumm Total Public Works 1 Note 1 1 Ton Extended Pickup with compressor&lift arm 16,000 16,000 2 Note 1 Trailer 3,000 19,000 3 Note 2 Road Repair Machine 18,000 37,000 4 1/2 Ton Truck(Move old truck to A/C) 15,000 52,000 5 Series 2160 Hydraulic Boom Rotary Cutter 16,000 53,000 5 Kubota M9000 Tract 4WD 32,600 85,600 6 Puckett 540 Asphalt Paver 35,900 121,500 Public Works Department Total 121,500 - Note 1 -1/2 Water 1/2 PW Note 2-Short Term Loan ($55,000) Parks 1 Turftiger Zero Turn Mower 8,000 8,000 2 2 Stihl F5 Weedeaters 275 each 550 8,550 3 Pressure Washer 500 9,050 4 Still Backpack Blower 400 9,450 5 Stihl Telescoping Pole Saw 1,000 10,450 6 - :;Mini,-Truck' - ' . 12;000- 22,450 7 Snapper Trail Cruiser Vehicle/Trailer 7,000 29,450 Parks Department Total 29,450 Development Services 1 Computer 750 750 2 1 Cars @ 18,000 each 0 750 3 Furniture 0 750 4 Printer 2,500 3,250 Development Services Total 3,250