ORD 685 07/12/2005 r' Ordinance Number 6 8 5 WHEREAS, Cibolo, Texas, an engineering and traffic investigation has been made to determine the maximum,reasonable and prudent speeds on the section of: FM 1103 from the intersection of Rodeo Drive Southwest to the intersection of FM 78 for a total distance of 2:0 miles approximately. WHEREAS, it has been determined by the engineering and traffic investigation that the maximum, reasonable and prudent speeds for the section of highway described above are as shown on the attached plans. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, hereby declares and fixes the maximum,reasonable and prudent speed limits to be shown on the above plans. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict are hereby repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12TH DAY OF JULY,2005. i yS ' on Mayor ATTEST: A onne C Secretary 1 ,( . ' { ... s ..> "-',...„. I . on T I-1 gthlg.'.1 ROAD \c, FIEL SEA TID• 1 DEG 111 1-1113JECIsy51132a.T.1-!6N--\ DULY 1 _..'`-‘''.'3g3 .^. I /CULT, A 1 I I \f-- CUL,/ 2\ 1 - I _-:..„,____—_—_-______—___=-_,.___7.-•,_—_-_-— __ , • •11,..... IL 1 1 ,-. I _ W_I.-E-U."ENO'SLTD IEN RU. . ,,„. -5, '^•-••,_,,,,,,,,, T.5 .,,, ... , _•:. •-•• _., 1 • .SOUTHENLUN LH. GREER VALLEY RD. COY LII. 1 1 GRITS 110.1 t1 „..-GLILV S 1 ' 1 1 ..,,-CUL V 7 ' lil -'' ------- -,... '''''''',,, •..- .-. A - . _ '''-PX------1r7:----INCULV di DULY 9 - • . 7.:7) ......................Cyl....1, -tr---------I--- • 1 I-,\ .• •:' cuLv 1 a •\ a,...WE IL RD. r;LA _ e................,..........„. ...*.......„.._......._...,.,........„....-r” 7E1 1,-Wirl ntvISloc -1-7T(111173DnIIEETcir4513r1."ZIsi"2% CULV 11, WE . 2013 STA D1'. 192.41.79 . - .=- -T-1--°Texas 02,,,d, rInrznt or rranspy-follen STA Ali 155-1B.ED (ED nal, r 1 ' ' -r — 14S—141/'reL „0_ , - L,'In;1_, . ,iv•e•••Ydi,,g,:•...••••,...•- —_____- /.I1::•--- - .r• - / „,,,F,^ :)--- '..-.,.._,.. ,r, / - ''''''''''rir,...1, 1 . , s.,..u.c.,.S.D. (.' ' 111.011 SCIR RI 1DOL ,—DCE CLASS END PROJECT C511 1 2513-2-2 1 ,..f.,. ' ....-Y.L .--. `;. .,'" sinuclunE no. 13 CS) 12E2-1)r2-021 \ \ STA 31)995\ 171::./CULV 12 .r..--------- ---_-7 ' ' • IS/ p--EIHILICE CLASS __.-...-::;,.... -',..•-\,:s,...,,,CL1LV 15 / •S TRUC1 LIRE'140. 1 A DRIVE ' ' -----'"% ,....'i4__,______._ / PROJECT LM OUT - surrALD Tn. __.....--:::-• - -F,1'=-- r a'''''--- -.._ r.:-/ i ..0.,,..11 SCHHEIDER on. Ft-1-18 1=1,1 1103 I ill ,...,-------- 1 . - 4erd-k. / IHNIAN CIN. ..-- ,,,c13,-.-7-:-, 1--..-- GUADALUPE Si. SCALE l'•IMID•H 1--10' V. BUIE ALD '-''' '''''''----=--='---------7;. -_____.I._ 7:..-S-",,,S:-.%:"1-' -ITEM rannt.l tdo Ing.fIcl tic CROSSING l'..-z--'---rSz--.. -':-:-ATI.:;I.- 5 3 CIDOLO Dn. SIAIL ICSI. mu. /1 19E05 541 DUADALLPE, 1.1. 149111 ST c." 050Cc I ES) 02 DOI. e1c.1 145 Tit/3