ORD 649 09/21/2004 ORDINANCE NO. [ 0"iC CANVASSING THE HOME RULE CHARTER ELECTION OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2004; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE HOME RULE CHARTER. WHEREAS, a proposition was placed before the City of Cibolo voters on September 11, 2004 as to whether the city should adopt the Home Rule Charter; and WHEREAS, the electorate of Cibolo voted in favor of adoption of the Home Rule Charter by Ig I "For"versus 3,0 "Against"; and WHEREAS, state law requires that the city issue an order officially declaring that the Charter is adopted; and WHEREAS, state law also requires that the city shall certify to the Secretary of State an authenticated copy of the Charter under the city seal showing the approval by the voters of the municipality. NOW THEREFORE; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS: This City Council hereby issues an order that the Home Rule Charter was passed and approved by the voters and is hereby officially adopted by the City and that a copy of this ordinance be sent to the Secretary State's office with a copy of the Charter for submission as required under state law. r' f PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 1.IS T DAY OF Se P T 1 ,2004. kait/ , 4 CHARLES RUPPERT MAYOR ATTEST: • NNE GRIFFIN SECRETARY F:/Cibolo/Ordinance Canvassing the Home Rule Charter Election.doc