ORD 631 03/09/2004 ORDINANCE NUMBER lS�� AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LINES OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SUCH PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. WHEREAS,a petition for annexation has been heretofore filed by Mr.Perry Blanton,being the owner of certain land in the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo,Guadalupe County,Texas said land being described in paragraph 1 below,and WHEREAS, Cibolo City Council approved the annexation on March 9,2004, and WHEREAS, said petition in form and substance,fully complies with all of the provisions of Section 43.028,Local Government Code,V.A.T.S. and WHEREAS, said tract of land is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Cibolo,is not more than one-half mile in width and is vacant and without residents; and WHEREAS,the City Council is of the opinion that said petition should be granted and that such tract of land should be annexed to the City;NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS The property herein abstracted consists of all that certain tract or parcel of land,being 5.750 acres(250,470 sq.ft.) of land out of a 7.22 acre tract as recorded in Volume 621,Page 364, of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County,Texas and situated in the Trinidad Garcia Survey Abstract Number 137,and described more particularly by metes and bounds as follows: Point of Beginning at southeast corner of said 7.22 acre tract for the Point of Beginning of Beginning the tract herein described and being more particularly described as follows: Thence S 59.29'54" W a distance of 281.91 feet to a point for the southwest corner Of the tract herein described: Thence N 30. 38'04 W a distance of 954.96 feet to a point for the northwest corner of this tract: Thence N 59. 18" 53"E,crossing said 7.22 acre tract,a distance of 26.92 feet for The northeast corner of this tract: Thence S 30. 39'03 'E distance of 955.80 Feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 5.750 acres of land more or less. ii • 4. EXHIBIT "B" PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 1. Ingress and Egress and Public Utilities Easement recorded in Volume 621,Page 366,Deed Records,Guadalupe County,Texas 2. Ingress and Egress and public Utilities Easement recorded in Volume 599,Page 740,Volume 599,Page 744,Volume 599,page 748,Volume 599,Page 753,Volume 599,page 757 and volume 599,page 761,Deed Records, Guadalupe County,Texas and as shown on survey dated July 17,2002 by Don McCrary&Associates. 3. Easement and Agreement recorded in volume 631,Page 768,Deed Records, Guadalupe County, Texas. 4. Water Pipe Line Easement recorded in volume 580,Page 83,Deed Records, Guadalupe County, Texas. 5. Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease,and all terms, conditions and stipulations therein recorded in volume 259, Page 429, deed Records, Guadalupe County,Texas.Title to said interest has not been investigated subsequent to the date of the aforesaid instrument. 2. The City Secretary is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this ordinance together with a copy of said petition with the County Clerk of Guadalupe County,Texas. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9TH DAY OF MARCH 2004. I Iit Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST: • 1 4onne Griffin Secretary U.S. Department of Justice t" Civil Rights Division JDR•RPL•JBG:t f •ma f Voting Section-NWB. g 950 Pennsylvania Avenue,N W DJ 166-012-3 Washington,DC 20530 2004-1783 June 4, 2004 Ms. Yvonne Griffin City Secretary P.O. Box 826 Cibolo, Texas 78108 Dear Ms . Griffin: This refers to the annexations (Ordinance Nos . 629 through 634 (2004) ) to the City of Cibolo in Guadalupe County, Texas, submitted to the Attorney General pursuant to Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, 42 U. S .C. 1973c. We received your submission on April 13 , 2004 . The Attorney General does not interpose any objection to the specified changes . However, we note that Section 5 expressly provides that the failure of the Attorney General to object does not bar subsequent litigation to enjoin the enforcement of the changes . See Procedures for the Administration of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act (28 C.F.R. 51 .41) . Sincerely, Com\ \� Joseph D..: Rich Chief, Voting Section TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME : 01/27/2005 10:38 DATE,TIME 01/27 10:36 FAX NO./NAME 4083912 DURATION 00:01:18 PAGE(S) 03 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM rI VIII.rnlr1r114,G.1 IV.ran bate. Ilt,l CUL., l idle. I V.I./I IV HIVI rayc I VI I Pathfinder Mortgage Group Announces ' WE HAVE MORE LOAN PROGRAMS AND BETTER INTEREST RATES THAN ANY LENDER AROUND. LET US SHOW YOU WHAT REAL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS. Refinance Now and Skip UP-TO 2 Mortgage Payments • 0% Down Stated income with No Documentation • 0% Down on Prima or Investor loans Yes Investor We have RATES Starting at 1%, That's RIGHT 1% . . Pick a Payment Option • Need some EXTRA MONEY? 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