ORD 1016 06/26/2012 or A& Cif ,* ,I * f *a >01* re x S "City of Choice" ORDINANCE NO: 1016 AN ORDINANCE ASSIGNING PERMANENT ZONING TO A 4.009 ACRE PARCEL OF PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF SANTA CLARA ROAD, EAST OF STOLTE ROAD, SOUTH OF BOLTON ROAD AND NORTH OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 10; TO GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C-4); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Section 211.02 authorizes the City of Cibolo, as a home-rule municipality,to adopt, repeal or amend zoning district boundaries; and WHEREAS, Section 9.02 of the City Charter of the City of Cibolo provides that the City Council with the authority by ordinance to fix City zoning district boundaries, and provide for the alteration of said boundaries in any manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo received an application to assign permanent zoning to a 4.009 acre parcel of property located west of Santa Clara Road, east of Stolte Road, south of Bolton Road, and north of Interstate Highway 10, to General Commercial (C-4); and WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Section 211.004 provides that zoning regulations and district boundaries must be adopted in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan and promote public health, safety and general welfare; and WHEREAS, two public hearings were held to discuss the rezoning of certain tracts of real property described above; with the first public hearing being conducted by the Planning & Zoning Commission on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; and, the second public hearing being conducted by City Council on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; each being conducted for the purpose of providing all interested persons the opportunity to be heard concerning the assignment of permanent zoning to a 4.009 acre property to General Commercial (C-4); and WHEREAS, written notice was sent to each owner of real property, as indicated on the approved tax roll of the City of Cibolo, within 200 feet of each of the properties proposed to be rezoned, with said notice provided more than ten (10) days prior to the initial public hearing of the Planning and Zoning Commission as cited above; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined and found that the zoning application is accordance with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan and would promote public health, safety and general welfare. WHEREAS, the City Council has determined and found that the zoning application is accordance with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan and would promote public health,safety and general welfare. NOW,THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO;TEXAS: SECTION I. THAT a 4.009 acre parcel of property located west of Santa Clara Road, east of Stolte Road,south of Bolton Road, and north of Interstate Highway 10;being more specifically defined on Exhibit"B",is hereby zoned as General Commercial (C-4). SECTION H. THAT the zoning map of the City of Cibolo is hereby amended to reflect the new zoning designation created by this Ordinance. SECTION III THAT all provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cibolo not herein amended or repealed shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION IV THAT all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent that they are in conflict. SECTION V THAT if any provisions of this ordinance shall be held void or unconstitutional, it is hereby provided that all other parts of the same which are not held void or unconstitutional shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI THIS ordinance•will take effect its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 26th DAY OF June,2012. 4'4-tm ennifer Mayor,City of Cibolo ATTEST: Peggy Cimics City Secretary, City of Cibolo : EXHIBIT A: Legal Description (Field Notes) FIELD NOTES June 1,2012 BEING 4.009 acres of land,more or less, out of the Jose Flores Survey No. 68,Abstract 134, Guadalupe County,Texas and also being out of a 5.18 acre tract described in Volume 3126,Page 199 of the Official Records of Guadalupe County,Texas and being more particularly described as _. follows: - — -- BEGINNING at an iron rod found in the existing northwest R.O.W.line of Interstate Highway 10 • for the most easterly corner of this tract and the most easterly corner of the above referenced 5.18 acre tract,said point also being the most southerly corner of a 20.00 acre tract described in Volume 2219,Page 761 of the Official Records of Guadalupe County,Texas; THENCE,S 66°30'52"W,257.01 feet(S 66°30'52"W,257.16feet-3126/199)along said northwest R.O.W.line to an iron rod found in same for the most southerly comer of this tract and the most easterly corner of a 9.979 acre tract described in Volume 1018,Page 371 of the Official Records of - Guadalupe County,Texas; , • THENCE,N 31°00'20"W,667.67 feet(N 30°59'42"W-3126/199)along the common line with said 9.9879 acre tract to an iron rod set in same for the most westerly corner of this tract; THENCE,N 59°03'24"E,255.56 feet crossing said 5.18 acre tract to an iron rod set in the common line with said 20.00 acre tract for the most northerly corner of this tract; _ . THENCE, S 30°56'36"E,701.03 feet(S 30°56'37"E-3126/199)along the common line with said - 20.00 acre tract to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4.009 acres of land,more or less. Note:Plat. :. :''p. -d this d. -a F - 1 � ( J.M.BUZZ,JR. ') J. '.Butz,Jr. ' 'Co 2024 ' egisteredProfessio.,,- and Surveyor ' '�op �("tit> No.2024 t'•�.,e 8 6 - � o FNI2-123 _.. -- ----- - EXHIBIT A: Legal Description (Survey Plat) . . .. . 4 44 44444 itra 4444 1444.443 114444.444 on*,4*WV****:44M 41 __No ssmq va 044,444 alkaat tila WM at a...tamereamet takt Zee.1"comae e*23 laite.Dee teat-42=Di 1 14. An NM la emote rat__mem deep te ataskat mi ker ma ma 'Zetai ''''''''*ktaM aarreTterata7ter7matettata Mew MK Pagx'&4 4 err Me Mese tnaterre DM Derxr1s.lat Mg. 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