ORD 1001 11/08/2011 A� 1 j111111111I/I/NINNiN��' O r=.o * z * yh'y0.10i#NN/g111111111 TeX AS "City of Choice" ORDINANCE NO. 10 01 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO CONFIRMING AND APPROVING A BOUNDARY AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION (ETJ) BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE CITY OF CIBOLO AND THE CITY OF NEW BERLIN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo and City of New Berlin (collectively referred to as the "Cities") are neighboring and adjacent municipalities that currently, or will in the future, share common boundaries, and that are empowered by state law to establish respective corporate boundaries; and WHEREAS, the Cities seek to avoid conflicts and uncertainty relative to the extent and location of their respective ETJ; and the potential for litigation involving the same; and WHEREAS, the Cities, desire to approve, a boundary survey and legal description, which is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" (hereafter referred to as the "Boundary Agreement") which confirms and adjusts their ETJ boundaries as described by Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, each of the Cities has reviewed their respective ETJ boundaries based upon their respective populations,relative to Chapter 43 of the Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Cities find and determine it necessary for the health, safety and welfare of their residents to confirm boundaries and make certain agreements and adjustments regarding their respective ETJ boundaries; and Page 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of New Berlin, on October 17, 2011, adopted a resolution approving the Boundary Agreement with the City of Cibolo, as attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit"B"; and WHEREAS, Section 1.03 (1) and Section 1.03 (3) of the City Charter of the City of Cibolo provides that the City Council has authority by ordinance to fix the City limit boundaries, provide for the alteration and extension of said boundaries, and annex additional territory lying adjacent to said boundaries in any manner provided by law and to extend the ETJ boundaries as provided by state law; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Texas Local Government Code section 42.021 the extraterritorial jurisdiction of municipality with 5,000 to 24,499 inhabitants extends one mile; and WHEREAS,the population of the City of Cibolo, Texas is in excess of approximately 20,000 but less than 24,499 inhabitants. NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS: SECTION 1. The City of Cibolo City Council hereby adopts the attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein as if fully laid out herein, recognizing the Boundary Agreement that depicts the ETJ boundary between the City of Cibolo and City of New Berlin and hereby establishes its municipal and extraterritorial boundaries consistent therewith in the area described. SECTION 2. This ORDINANCE shall be effective from and after November 8, 2011. PASSED AND APPROVED this, the 8th day of November 2011. a44 ' 4C/it aA.4./ J fer f an, Mayor ATTEST: 4 Peggy Cimics, City Secretary Page 2 EXHIBIT"A" CIBOLO/NEW BERLIN ETJ BOUNDARY (Graphically) ,,..' ,.. , \—f „I 7 i , n .1, I r 40000 4100 —POB P -� --010 TEALER JIWE:,1 6EeL P EVOCABLE /. ah I /L..� LV YJV TRU4T a mei, �,,.„' _ 77 8170 AC � P.O.B.IS StiO FEkT FROM - . 4t 0 E SOI�fM R.O.W. t . . ' •a,��,i lL i 4441T. nARTNERrP ONOfS. a _ 1O -____ PAR Nat HIP RD. 00101101.10 01 ' '. // I , 01.40000 I 111.1004000 1!1•010 � Velliiii 1040-0 if - $1004' - 1iti ►.V *WI ETI BOUNDARY CITY OF CIBOLO ��,, SNN INN Tl,7jZ CITY OF NEW BERLIN -.,� c+.m it _-. NOVE BER 1.ZOL ' m __ ` CMS-RING .{/ III ..7"."..717;t:':;7125 1 - Page 3 EXHIBIT "A" CIBOLO/NEW BERLIN ETJ BOUNDARY (Metes and Bounds Description) —NEW BERLIN–NOVEMBER 8,2011. FORTE CITY OF C1BOLO,TEXAS Field Notes for an:intend upon boundary between the city of Cibolo and the City of'New Berlin statutoryExtra TerritoriatJurisdiction(ETJ). BEGLNN'ING: at a point 4,681' from the intersection of the West Right-of-Way CR 311 and 1.10 along.the South Right-of-Way and on the North Property line of a 27,8570 Acre tract.listed in the Guadalupe County Appraisal District,Account No.65896,and said point also bein the terminus of the agrced upon boundary between the City of Cibolo and the City of New Berlin,approved by.the City ofCibolo on Tune 14,2011;said POINT OF BEGINNING Of herei described junction of the City of Cibolo and the City of New Berlin statutory Extra Territorial Jurisdictions(ETJ). THENCE: Continuing along the South Right-of-Way of 1-10,N 73°26'31"W, for a distance of 468.04'to apoint; Leaving the MO-Right-of-Way and contirnifg,S 3.1e 06'04"E,-for a.distannce of 1,544,80'to apoint; N 59°38'06"E,for a distance of 332,37'to a point; N 60°04'00"E,for a distaitee of 476.13'to a point; N 60°08'02"W,for a:distance of.540.97'to apoint S 29°46'55"E,fora distance of 1,291'to a point; S 30° 10' 10"E, for a.distance of 88779' to a point on.the North Right-of-Way of Partnership Road; Continuing along the North Right-of-Way of Partnership Road, N 58°42'SI"B,for distance of 492;14'to a point; N 58°4ty 00"E,fora distance of 843,30'to a point; N 58°59'36"E,fora distance of 1,389.75'to a point; Leaving the North Right-of-Way Of Partnership Road and continuing,N 29°58'50"W,for a distance of 2711.48'to a point on the South Right-of-Way of 1-10; Page 4 -Continuing along the South Right-of-Way a I-10,N 73° 17' 05"E, fora distance of 866.26'to a point; N 68 21'32"E,for a distance of 467.77'to a point; N 68° 57' 56" E, for a distance of 624.68' to the POINT OF ENDING which is 873'from the intersection of C.R.311 and I-10 on the South Risht-of-Way. .C- RUDOLPH F. kLE1141V 79689 Azif Jed__ Page 5 EXHIBIT "A" CIBOLO/NEW BERLIN ETJ BOUNDARY (Overall/Map) .....a.... • �:. _ iia ='011 ■�i. i iiii;,..:-.6pipix..- -4y ......,wow ... .. .:Nyi 1111111111141117.1Int in,...„w4L....._ .." .0.0 _:,. ,,::::_. imierm — I!1l . _ImitenuinnewL..... _Ism i 1111.1111 iit ilintalliiiireo_110.11 WI' ii` Pa'1J ■o_i I 11111111111111 gam= r.L.,„ Frei lel ' iidgplli r■ _ mm -- MIME 1 .7 '' iii AMIN 11M1191.1.- °II' PILmlimaium B i.1 . mai M6-..M1111111111111 -ii _Jilifklid milimmitAFE.9 i7 -1. Aye Imo" rAill11110•4111 mumi7...- .;,...4.40.....,,,,..., _. ................_, ..1 ► ,� :.J 1 .I ._. _! 11 r '" .,�■ ��—= —"=!�' i i =link)'• illialliklw .--III 1 AthiSer--.-iii.....,„.. ' ....-.._:. ,ral .."*" 1 NNW=mmiinion biall. pi, '" 11661111,s-litTt„,,voli -1 r." iitiirik .7.- --E---5---41 Eli 111.1_11/ .' .. _ P 116 viii, ....lair R IN tor...;,..4: - _74 Ili,. 141L • rill ,.... swim b 1 ri. It1 11 _ "W. Wit. i 11 Noul”-KI f PAP -emiltrillteLLI11 ll rim: ii pep_ - ,, -.di Mit -.... 1 ...iii 111.__ _4,r- _���..lir 11;wi maim ii. Il I la. �,� ,� ,moi� 11 i IR \�!" iii%� iiimmummomit Mail Illiiirat., � �2 �%0:9��1i,111011��aA illif .__.,; :r i�j,.•/,�` Wit047407020, mg =- /FAR~'I N& iiia ��igrA Am� . A.�keig*`. .,,,f,r:N BOUNDARY BETW - �--tftnial �• ""''' •. •.:.. A..ND CITY OF NEW..•' - ilp wm WI ........... ... - ALF.!\ cha EKGI!s F.ERI`iG �. N Page 6 EXHIBIT "B" CITY OF NEW BERLIN BOUNDARY RESOLUTION Resolution ceding part of the New Berlin Extra Territorial Jusisdiction(ET.])to the City of Cibolo. WHEREAS the City of New Berlin,Texas ETJ abuts the City of Cibolo,Texas ETJ;and WHEREAS the City of New Berlin,Texas is willing to exchange some parts of the ETJ with the City of Cibolo,Texas;and WHEREAS the City of Cibolo,Texas has proposed a boundary line shown as a red line on the attached map; NOW THEREFORE be it ordained by the City Council of the City of New Berlin,Texas that the City cede the part of its ETJ that lies north of the red line on the attached map. This line extends along the south line of interstate highway 10(IH-10)west from the ETJ of the City of Seguin, Texas to the west property line of a property owned by Vernon Schwab and identified as GEO 1D:2G0241-0000.03430-0.00. The line extends south along the west line of the Vernon Schwab property to a point of intersection with the north line of a County Road 306(Partnership Road). Thence,west along the north line of Partnership road until the road turns north. Thence north along the west line of property GEO 1D: 2G0241-0000-00200.0-00 and continues north along the west line of property GEO 11):2G0241-0000-05000-0-0)to the point where the line intersects the south line of property GEO ID:2G0196-00tH)-01 600-0-00. Thence west along the south line of property and extends along thesouth line of property GEOID:200196-0000- 01800.0.00 thence north along the west line of property to the point of intersection with the south line of IH-l0. PASSED AND APPROVED this,the 17th day of October,2011 JO7f, MAYOR CITY OF NEW BERLIN,TEXAS ATTEST: Secretary Page 7 = AR8A#1 `= TOTA1)CQES-1/1 A9 ----. • 7 TOTAL ACRE BEING ANNEXED=13.65 . . — Pe . . �._: n • ,� •� , l °ir a .. t $ te4N•.rr ' ' y"4sF:`x` - t' , I .. • =_--'"""-1."--. - . 4-71-r'' re' ;. 111 k' 11 hil:al If I Am iii. . r Ii h 1 .i..i .,.....1 , a o P • . f ..._c-..._c---- 1 *. i... ••••10.••••••••••:016. •., , .0 fr -) ANN£X MAP e���ii AUGUST 9.2011 /t Mvaewb I. POEM£ 46 4. MEN �jEIGINEER1NC '•.I/ .0- --- «e..0IINC. r. - NeYrUCla•reravYfnnomeerrmad -T-�am:mum or ammo.tes4 ar• a....�0 Page 8