ORD 966 03/08/2011 o F Cit etsIWlwilmme ya ,� .o � pSa�- (J.,�`.. J r_ O * , ,1. * 7. E.`X .S "City of Choice" ORDINANCE NO. 9 6 6 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, THAT REPLACES APPENDIX B (SUBDIVISION) OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO CODE OF ORDINANCES WITH A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE THAT CODIFIES CITY OF CIBOLO ORDINANCE NO. 590 (SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE), ORDINANCE NO. 635 (PLUMBING), ORDINANCE NO. 638 (TREE PRESERVATION), ORDINANCE NO. 662 (DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS), ORDINANCE NO. 674 (CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS), ORDINANCE NO. 683 (SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS), ORDINANCE NO. 686 (DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS), ORDINANCE NO. 687 (PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS), ORDINANCE NO. 756 (UPDATED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE), ORDINANCE NO. 866 (WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND DRAINAGE IMPACT FEES), 881 (TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES), AND ORDINANCE NO. 953 (LANDSCAPING AND BUFFERING) PROVIDING: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES AS ALLOWED UNDER THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE; PROVIDING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT, AND AMENDMENT THEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS AND ESTABLISHING EACH DAY OF SUCH VIOLATION AS A SEPARATE OFFENSE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, §212 of the Texas Local Government Code empowers the City of Cibolo to establish, administer, enforce and amend Subdivision Regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas deems it necessary for the purposes of the community health, safety and welfare to enact such an ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, adopted a Subdivision Ordinance by adopting Ordinance 590, and subsequently amended Ordinance 590 by adopting Ordinance 756; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, adopted all of the ordinances described in the Preamble of this ordinance that relate to, or reference, the Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, has determined that the City of Cibolo Code of Ordinances has been codified include, as Appendix B, Ordinances 590 and 756, and that none of the other existing ordinances described in the Preamble of this ordinance that relate to, or reference, the Subdivision Ordinance and that are in effect, have been codified into the City of Cibolo Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas has determined that is in the best interests of the City of Cibolo to codify all ordinances that are currently in effect and that pertain to land development in the City of Cibolo into a single unified development code; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, through the adoption of a unified development code, is not creating any new development regulations that will effect land development, but instead will simplify the land development process and help to ensure that all land development regulations previously adopted by the City of Cibolo City Council will be fully enforced. NOW THERFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS,THAT: SECTION 1. REPEAL AND ADOPTION (a) The following enacted sections of the City of Cibolo Code of Ordinances are hereby repealed: Appendix"B" Subdivision. (b) City of Cibolo Code of Ordinances Appendix B shall read as follows in attached "Exhibit A." SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shill not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and SECTION 3. REPEAL All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed insofar as the same is in conflict with the provisions hereof; and SECTION 4. SAVINGS All rights or remedies of the City of Cibolo, Texas, are expressly saved as to any and all violations of any Subdivision Ordinance or amendments thereto, or to any of the other City of Cibolo Ordinances described in the Preamble of this ordinance as being codified into this Unified Development Code of said City of Cibolo that have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and as to such accrued violation, the court shall have all the powers that existed prior to the effective date of this ordinance; and that all existing or previous Subdivision Ordinances which would otherwise become non-conforming uses under this ordinance but shall be considered as violations of this ordinance in the same manner that were violations of prior Subdivision Ordinances, and any of the related development ordinances that were described in the Preamble of this ordinance of said city; and SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall be effective upon the approval of the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of March 2011. SIGNED: J Ter I an, Mayor City of Cibolo, Texas ATTEST: Peggy Cimics, City Secretary City of Cibolo, Texas EXHIBIT A City of Cibolo Code of Ordinances APPENDIX B Unified Development Code Unified Development Code City of Cibolo UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE February 22, 2011 The City of Cibolo Unified Development Code is comprised of the below ordinances adopted by the City of Cibolo City Council. The purpose of the Unified Development Code is to codify all of these ordinances into a unified document in the City of Cibolo Code of Ordinances. Ordinance No.590 April 3,2003 Ordinance No. 635 March 23,2004 Ordinance No. 638 April 27,2004 Ordinance No. 662 January 25,2005 Ordinance No. 674 April 26,2005 Ordinance No. 683 June 28,2005 Ordinance No. 686 August 23,2005 Ordinance no.687 August 23,2005 Ordinance No. 756 August 8,2006 Ordinance No.866 August 12,2008 Ordinance No.881 December 9,2008 Ordinance No.953 October 26,2010 1 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 6 SECTION I GENERAL PURPOSE 6 SECTION II INTERPRETATION,CONFLICT,SEPARABILITY,&VESTED RIGHTS 6 A. Interpretation, Conflict and Separability 6 B. Vested Rights Petition 6 C. Petition Requirements 7 D. Processing of Petition and Decision 7 E. Action on Petition and Order 8 F. Criteria for Approval 9 G.Application Following Relief Order 9 H. Expiration 9 SECTION III PURPOSE AND JURISDICTION 9 A. Purpose of Regulations to Control Subdivision of Land 9 B. Jurisdiction 10 C. Plumbing 10 SECTION IV APPLICATION PROCESS 10 A. Size of Development Required to Submit Plans 10 B. Approval of City Required for Subdivision of Land 10 C. No Improvements Allowed Without City Approval 10 D. No Street Number/Building Permit Issued Without Compliance 11 E. Warranty 12 F. Landscaping and Buffering Required 12 SECTION V PROCESSING PROCEDURE 12 A. Pre-Application Procedure 12 B. Statutory Procedures 13 C. Procedures and Submission Requirements for Land Study Approval 17 D. Procedures and Submission Requirements for Preliminary Plat Approval 20 E. Procedures and Submission Requirements for Final Plat Approval 25 2 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo SECTION VI DEDICATION OF PARKLANDS 33 A. Definitions 33 B. Criteria for Parkland Dedication 34 C. Criteria for Contributions in Lieu of Parkland 35 SECTION VII SURVEY REQUIREMENTS 37 A. Placement of Monuments 37 B. Benchmarks 37 C. Lot Markers 37 D. Geographic Position 37 SECTION VIII RESERVATIONS 37 A. Permitted Purposes 37 B. Designation of Plat 38 C. Schools 38 SECTION IX VARIANCES 38 SECTION X AS-BUILT DRAWINGS 38 SECTION XI PENALTIES 38 A. Violation of Any Provision of this Ordinance 38 B. Other Legal Remedies 38 SECTION XII ADMINISTRATIVE RULES 39 A. Authority 39 B. Adoption 39 C. Administration Rules May Contain 39 D. Amendments to Administrative Rules 39 E. Appeal of Determination 39 SECTION XIII DEFINITIONS 40 APPENDIX A LANDSCAPING AND BUFFERING REQUIREMENTS 42 1.0 Purpose 42 2.0 Installation and Maintenance 42 3 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 3.0 General Landscaping Requirements 43 4.0 Landscape Installation Required 44 5.0 Parking Lot Landscaping 44 6.0 Landscape Plan Required 45 7.0 Non-Residential and Multi-Family Landscape Buffer Requirements 46 8.0 Existing Tree Credits 46 9.0 Improvements in the Public Right-of-Way 47 10.0 Approved Landscaping Plant List 47 11.0 Variances 51 12.0 Enforcement 51 ARTICLE 2 TREE PRESERVATION 52 1.0 Definitions 53 2.0 Replacement and Protection of Existing Trees 54 2.01 Tree Removal Permit 54 2.02 Tree Preservation Plan 54 2.03 Tree Protection and Planting 55 3.0 Fees for Permits 56 4.0 Penalty 56 5.0 Authorized Tree Species 56 ARTICLE 3 DESIGN STANDARDS 58 A. Purpose 58 B. Classification &Section 58 C. Standards for Residential Lots 58 D. Zoning District Lot Design Specification and Design Requirements 59 E. Standards for Residential Blocks 66 F. Easements 64 G. Right-of-Way and Pavement Widths 64 H. Horizontal Design Requirements 68 I. Vertical Design Requirements 70 J. Pavement Design 71 K. Bridges and Other Structures 73 L. Traffic Impact Analysis 74 M. Other Street Design Standards 76 4 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo ARTICLE 4 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 80 A. Purpose 80 B. Water System 80 C. Sanitary Sewer System 83 D. Drainage and Storm Sewers 88 E. Electricity 92 F. Natural Gas 93 G. Telephone 93 H. Street Lights 93 I. Traffic Control Signs and Street Signs 93 J. Flood Regulation 93 K. Warranty Bond, Preliminary/Final Acceptance Exhibits 94 L. Standard Construction Drawings 100 ARTICLE 5 IMPACT FEES 114 A. Drainage Impact Fee Program 114 B. Water Impact Fee Program 114 C. Wastewater Impact Fee Program 115 D. Transportation Impact Fee Program 119 E. Water System Master Plan 120 F. Waste Water System Master Plan 134 G. Drainage Capital Improvement Plan 147 H. Transportation Capital Improvements Plan &Impact Fee Determination 155 ARTICLE 6 ZONING REGULATIONS 219 (Reserved) 219 5 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo ARTICLE 1 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS SECTION I GENERAL PURPOSE This ordinance shall govern every person, firm partnership, association, corporation, limited liability corporation, or other legal entity owning any tract of land in the city limits of the City of Cibolo and its extraterritorial jurisdiction as prescribed by state law or by letters of intent, who may hereafter divide any tract of land into two (2) or more parts for the purpose of laying out any subdivision or any tract of land or building lots or any lots, and streets, alleys or parks or other portions intended for public use or the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto. SECTION II INTERPRETATION,CONFLICT,SEPARABILITY AND VESTED RIGHTS For purposes of determining a vested rights petition, no vested rights accrue solely from the filing of an application that has expired or rejected as incomplete pursuant to this section, or from the filing of a complete application that is subsequently denied. A. INTERPRETATION, CONFLICT AND SEPARABILITY 1. Interpretation. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of these regulations shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare. These regulations shall be construed broadly to promote the purposes for which they are adopted. 2. Conflict with other laws. These regulations are not intended to interfere with, abrogate, or annul any other ordinance, rule or regulation, statute or other provision of law except as provided in these regulations. Where any provisions of these regulations imposes restrictions different from those imposed by any other provision of these regulations, or other provision of law, the provision which is more restrictive or imposes higher standards shall control. 3. Separability. If any part or provision of these regulations or the application of these regulations to any person or circumstances is adjudged invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the judgment shall be confined in its operation to the part, provision,or application directly involved in the controversy in which the judgment shall be rendered and it shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of these regulations or the application of them to other persons or circumstances. The council hereby declares that it would have enacted the remainder of these regulations even without any such part, provision, or application which is judged to be invalid. 4. Determination of vested rights. B. VESTED RIGHTS PETITION 1. A qualified party shall be required to file a vested rights petition to determine whether one or more standards of these subdivision and property development regulations should not be applied to a preliminary or final plat application by operation of state law, or whether certain plats are subject to expiration. 6 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 2. Applicability. A vested rights petition may be filed with an application for a preliminary or final plat application. A vested rights petition also may be filed to prevent expiration of certain plats pursuant to this chapter. 3. Effect. Upon granting of a vested rights petition in whole or in part, the plat application shall be decided in accordance with the standards specified in the relief order based on prior subdivision requirements or development standards, or the approved plat otherwise subject to expiration shall be extended. C. PETITION REQUIREMENTS 1. Who may petition? A vested rights petition may be filed by a property owner or the owner's authorized agents, including the applicant, with a preliminary or final plat application, or by the holder of a plat subject to expiration pursuant to this chapter. 2. Form of petition. The vested rights petition shall allege that the petitioner has a vested right for some or all of the land subject to the plat application under Texas Local Government Code, chapter 245 or successor statute, or pursuant to Texas Local Government Code,section 43.002 or successor statute,that requires the City to review and decide the application under standards in effect prior to the effective date of the currently applicable standards. The petition shall include the following information and documents: (a) A narrative description of the grounds for the petition; (b) A copy of each approved or pending development application which is the basis for the contention that the City may not apply current standards to the plat application which is the subject of the petition; (c) The date of submittal of the plat application, or of a development plan pursuant to which the plat was subsequently filed, if different from the official filing date established under this chapter; (d) The date the project for which the application for the plat was submitted was commenced; (e) Identification of all standards otherwise applicable to the plat application from which relief is sought; (f) Identification of the standards which the petitioner contends applies to the plat.application; (g) Identification of any current standards which petitioner agrees can be applied to the plat application at issue; (h) A copy of any prior vested rights determination by the City involving the same land;and (i) Where the petitioner alleges that a plat subject to expiration under this chapter should not be terminated, a description of the events, including any plat or other development applications on file that should prevent such termination. 3. Time for filing petition. A vested rights petition shall be filed with a plat application for which a vested right is claimed, except that the petition may be filed before the date of expiration of a plat subject to expiration as provided herein. D. PROCESSING OF PETITION AND DECISION 1. Responsible official.The responsible official shall process the vested rights petition. A copy of the petition shall be forwarded to the City attorney following acceptance. 7 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 2. Decision by commission. On petition the planning and zoning commission shall render a decision on the vested rights petition in conjunction with its decision on the plat application, based upon the report and recommendation of the responsible official. 3. Appeal of decision on petition.. The petitioner or any interested person may appeal the commission's decision on the vested rights petition within ten (10) working days of the date of such decision to the City council. An appeal under this subsection stays acceptance of filing of any related development applications. 4. Decision by City council.The City council on appeal shall decide the vested rights petition. The request must be accompanied by a waiver of the time for decision on the plat application imposed under these subdivision and property development regulations pending decision by the council,which shall stay further proceedings on the application. The council shall decide the petition, after considering the responsible official's report and the decision by the planning and zoning commission within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the notice of appeal. E. ACTION ON PETITION AND ORDER 1. Action on the petition. The decision-maker on the vested rights petition may take any of the following actions: (a) Deny the relief requested in the petition, and direct that the plat application shall be reviewed and decided under currently applicable standards; (b) Grant the relief requested in the petition, and direct that the plat application shall be reviewed and decided in accordance with the standards contained in identified prior subdivision and property development regulations;or (c) Grant the relief requested in part, and direct that certain identified current standards shall be applied to the plat application, while standards contained in identified prior subdivision and property development regulations also shall be applied;or (d) For petitions filed pursuant to this chapter, determine whether the approved plat should be terminated, or specify the expiration date or the conditions of expiration for such plat. 2. Order on petition. The responsible official's report and each decision on the vested rights petition shall be memorialized in an order identifying the following: (a) The nature of the relief granted,if any; (b) The approved or filed plat application(s) or other development application(s) upon which relief is premised under the petition; (c) Current standards which shall apply to the plat application for which relief is sought; (d) Prior standards which shall apply to the plat application for which relief is sought,including any procedural standards; (e) The statutory exception or other grounds upon which relief is denied in whole or in part on the petition; (f) For petitions filed pursuant to this chapter, determine whether the approved plat should be terminated, and specify the expiration date or the conditions of expiration for the plat. 8 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo F. CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL The decision-maker shall decide the vested rights petition based upon the following factors: 1. The nature and extent of prior plat or other development applications filed or approved for the land subject to the petition; 2. Whether any prior vested rights determinations have been made with respect to the property subject to the petition; 3. Whether any prior approved applications for the property have expired or have been terminated in accordance with law; 4. Whether any statutory exception applies to the standards in the current subdivision and property development regulations from which the applicant seeks relief; 5. Whether any prior approved plat or other development applications relied upon by the petitioner has expired; 6. For petitions filed pursuant to this chapter, whether any of the events preventing expiration have occurred. G. APPLICATION FOLLOWING RELIEF ORDER Following the City's final decision on the vested rights petition, the property owner shall conform the plat application for which relief is sought to such decision. If the plat application on file is consistent with the relief granted on the vested rights petition, no revisions are necessary. Where proceedings have been stayed on the plat application pending referral of the vested rights petition to the City council, proceedings on the application shall resume after the City council's decision on the vested rights petition. H. EXPIRATION Relief granted on a vested rights petition shall expire on occurrence of one of the following events: 1. The petitioner or property owner fails to submit a required revised plat application consistent with the relief granted within thirty (30) days of the final decision on the petition; 2. The plat application for which relief was granted on the vested rights petition is denied under the criteria made applicable through the relief granted on the petition;or 3. The plat application for which relief was granted on the vested rights petition expires SECTION III PURPOSE AND JURISDICTION A. PURPOSE OF REGULATIONS TO CONTROL SUBDIVISION OF LAND The City of Cibolo does hereby adopt the following regulations to hereafter control the subdivision of land within the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo and within its extraterritorial jurisdiction thereof in order to provide for the safe, orderly, and healthful development of the community and to secure adequate provisions for traffic, light, air, recreation,transportation,water,drainage,sewage, and other public facilities. 9 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo B. JURISDICTION The territorial jurisdiction of this ordinance shall include all land located within the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo and all land located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of Cibolo, as provided under the Municipal Annexation Act. The City of Cibolo has reached an intergovernmental agreement with Guadalupe County and the City shall be the controlling authority in the ETJ of the City. C. PLUMBING All plumbing work performed in areas served by the City of Cibolo water or sewer systems shall be performed in accordance with the City of Cibolo ordinances and applicable State Plumbing Laws as authorized by Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 42. All work performed shall be inspected and approved by the city plumbing inspector. SECTION IV APPLICATION PROCESS A. SIZE OF DEVELOPMENT REQUIRED TO SUBMIT PLANS Proposed development of over five (5) acres is required to follow the application process for approval to develop a subdivision within the city limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo. Development of five (5) acres or less, that does not include the planning or development of a new street,is not required to submit plans for development. B. APPROVAL OF CITY REQUIRED FOR SUBDIVISION OF LAND It shall be unlawful for any landowner, or the agent of any landowner, to lay out, subdivide, plat, or replat any land into lots, blocks, and streets within the City limits of the City and its extraterritorial jurisdiction without a recommendation for or against such subdivision by the City of Cibolo as allowed by law under the (Texas Local Government Code, §212). Violations shall be punishable pursuant to this ordinance. C. NO IMPROVEMENTS ALLOWED WITHOUT CITY APPROVAL (Ord.687) 1. The City will make no improvements nor will the City maintain any streets or any utility service in any addition or subdivision for which approved preliminary and final plats are not on file with the City of Cibolo and the County Clerk. Furthermore, no plat of a subdivision shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk without official approval as required by this Ordinance. Such approval shall be entered in writing on the plat. 2. No construction work shall begin on the improvements in a proposed subdivision prior to approval of the final plat by the City as specified by this Ordinance. No excavation, grading or site clearing activities shall occur prior to approval of the final plat and the construction plans. However, limited/preliminary grading or site preparation activities (i.e. excavation, filling, tree removal/clearing, etc.) may be authorized by the City Manager at his/her discretion upon recommendations by the City Engineer and the City Infrastructure Compliance Manager provided that: a. such request is submitted in writing and signed by the property owner and said request states that the property owner assumes all responsibility and liability relating to the proposed work; 10 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo b. such activities will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare; c. such activities are within the area of an approved preliminary plat and all applicable conditions or stipulations relating to the preliminary plat approval have been met; d. engineering and construction plans have been submitted and approved by the City Engineer and Infrastructure Compliance Manager prior to the commencement of the construction work;and e. Site Development Permit meeting the standards specified in 3. except for subparagraph 3.b.1 below have been met. 3. A Site Development Permit is required from the City of Cibolo prior to beginning any work in the City or the extraterritorial jurisdiction that affects erosion control, storm drainage, vegetation or tree removal, grading or excavation. Said permit shall be subject to the following: a. All contractors participating in the proposed work shall be required to meet with the City for a preconstruction conference to discuss the project prior to release of a Site Development Permit and before any filling, excavation, clearing and/or removal of vegetation and trees is performed. b. Prior to authorizing the release of a Site Development Permit, the City Engineer and Infrastructure Compliance Manager shall be satisfied that the following conditions have been met: (1) The final plat has been approved by the City in accordance with this ordinance; (2) All required construction documents are completed and approved by the City Engineer and the Infrastructure Compliance Manager; (3) All necessary off-site easements and/or dedications required for public infrastructure have been conveyed solely to the entity for which the improvements are to be dedicated with the proper signatures attached. The original documents and the appropriate filing fees shall be returned to the Infrastructure Compliance Manager prior to approval and release of the engineering plans; (4) All contractors participating in the construction work have been presented with a set of approved plans bearing the stamp of release by the City Engineer and Infrastructure Compliance Manager (at least one set of these plans shall remain on the job site at all times); (5) A complete list of the contractors, their representatives on the site, and telephone numbers where a responsible party may be reached at all times must be submitted to the Infrastructure Compliance Manager;and (6) All applicable fees have been paid to the City. D. NO STREET NUMBER/BUILDING PERMIT ISSUED WITHOUT COMPLIANCE No street number and no building permit shall be issued for construction of any building on any parcel of land subdivided unless said land has been subdivided in accordance with this ordinance and filed for record. Additionally, any other required City improvements must be completed and approved by the City and dedicated for public use. 11 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo E. WARRANTY All improvements made, but not limited to streets, drainage, water, and sewer improvements shall carry a one-year warranty from the date of acceptance and dedication to the City. F. LANDSCAPING AND BUFFERING REQUIRED The Landscaping and Buffering requirements contained in Appendix A of this ordinance shall apply to all new non-residential construction and multi-family construction other than duplex uses in the City of Cibolo and the City of Cibolo Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. a. The standards and criteria contained within this subsection are deemed to be minimum standards and shall apply to all new construction or any construction that increases the existing square footage of a structure by more than thirty percent (30%). The provisions of this subsection shall be administered and enforced by the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee. The landscape standards in this subsection apply to nonresidential developments, including uses such as schools and churches within a residential zoning district(s). b. If at any time after the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy and/or a Site Development Permit, the approved landscaping is found not to be in conformance with the standards and criteria of this subsection, the Zoning Administrator, or his/her designee, shall issue written notice to the property owner, citing the violation and describing the action(s) required to comply with this subsection. The owner, tenant or agent shall have thirty (30) days from date of said notice to establish/restore the landscaping as required. If the landscaping is not established or restored within the allotted time, then such person shall be in violation of this Ordinance. c. Only that portion of a lot, tract or parcel being developed shall be required to meet these landscape requirements.Those portions of a lot,tract or parcel to be developed at a later time shall be required to meet the landscape requirements in effect at the time of their development. d. Pad site developments: Pad site developments or ground lease developments shall be required to provide landscaping in accordance with the interior landscape requirements herein. e. Expansions of Paved Areas: Any expansion or reconfiguration of paved areas shall comply with all requirements herein. SECTION V PROCESSING PROCEDURE A. PRE-APPLICATION PROCEDURES (1) The applicant(s) should avail themselves of the advice and assistance of the City officials and should consult early and informally with the City Manager, City Engineer, the Chief Building Official, the City Planner, the Subdivision Infrastructure Compliance Manager, and other designated administrative officers as determined by the City of Cibolo before preparing any application pursuant to this Ordinance in order to save time and money and to avoid unnecessary delays. 2. Prior to formal application for approval of any submission pursuant to this Ordinance, the applicant(s) or (s) shall request and attend a pre-application conference with the City of Cibolo Development Review Committee in order to become familiar with the City's Master Plan, development regulations, and 12 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo development/subdivision process. At the pre-application conference, the applicant may be represented by his/her land planner,engineer,and/or surveyor. B. STATUTORY PROCEDURES 1. Land Use and Zoning Requirements a. Within the City's Corporate Limits (1) A property within the City's corporate limits that is being proposed for platting must be properly zoned for the proposed use(s) before an application for acceptance of any preliminary or final plat can be accepted by the City of Cibolo. (2) The proposed development layout/subdivision design shown on any preliminary or final plat must be in conformance with all standards and requirements prescribed in the City's Zoning Ordinance, as amended, before any preliminary or final plat can be approved by the City of Cibolo. (3) Non-compliance with the requirements of the zoning district in which the subject property is located or lack of proper zoning for the uses proposed on a land study, preliminary or final plat shall constitute grounds for denial of same. b. Within the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (1) Property located inside the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction is required to file an application and process all plats through the City of Cibolo. (2) Such plats are required to conform to this subdivision ordinance and any required codes adopted by the city as allowed by L.G.C.§ 212.003. (3) The city is entitled to appropriate injunctive relief in district court to enjoin a violation of municipal ordinances or codes applicable in the extraterritorial jurisdiction. 2. Classification of Subdivisions and Additions a. Before any land is platted the property owner shall apply for and secure approval of a final subdivision plat in accordance with the following procedures, unless otherwise provided within this Ordinance. Subdivision plats are classified as major or minor, depending on the number of lots to be created and upon whether or not any public improvements will be required to develop the property. (1) Minor Subdivision (L.G.C.§ 212.004) (a) Minor subdivisions shall create no more than four (4) lots and every lot within a minor subdivision shall already be served by all required utilities, streets, and services pursuant to this and all other applicable Ordinances of the City of Cibolo. (b) Subdivision of a lot(s) previous platted and recorded with the County of record may not utilize the minor plat process. (c) If the development of any lot within the proposed subdivision will require dedication of right-of-way, the construction of a new street (or portion thereof), a public improvement (water line, sewer line, drainage facility), or 13 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo if an easement(s) for any utility must be dedicated or established on the plat, then the subdivision and its corresponding plat shall be classified as a major subdivision and plat and shall be processed/approved as such. (d) Minor subdivisions may be approved for residential or non-residential developments/uses. (e) Minor subdivision plat approval requires the submission of a final plat in accordance with this section, except that the minor subdivision may be approved by the City Manager upon recommendation from the City Engineer, City Planner, and Chief Building Official. (L.G.C.§ 212.0065). (f) A minor subdivision that is denied by the City Manager may be appealed to the Planning and Zoning Commission by filing a Notice of Appeal in the Office of the City Secretary no later than ten (10) days after the date upon which the City Manager denied the petition. The Notice of Appeal shall set forth in clear and concise fashion the basis for the appeal. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the appeal at a public meeting no later than thirty (30) days after the date upon which the Notice of Appeal was filed with the Office of the City Secretary. The Planning and Zoning Commission may affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the City Manager, or it may, where appropriate, remand the minor subdivision back to the City Manager for further proceedings consistent with the Planning and Zoning Commission's decision. Affirmation or modification of the City Manager's decision shall require a simple majority vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission members present. The Planning and Zoning Commission may reverse the City Manager's decision to deny a minor subdivision (upon appeal by the applicant/property owner) upon a three-quarters vote of the full Planning and Zoning Commission. (2) Major Subdivision (L.G.C.§ 245.002) (a) Major subdivisions involve the construction of new streets, the construction or extension of public utilities, the establishment or dedication of an easement(s) or right(s)- of-way for any public facility or roadway, and/or the creation of more than four(4) lots. (b) Major subdivisions may be approved for residential or non-residential developments/uses. (c) Major plat approval shall be in accordance with Subsections E.and F.of this Section V. (d) Lots may be sold only when the final plat has been approved by the City and the plat has been recorded at the county of record. (3) Amended Plats and Certain Replats (a) The City Manager or their designated employee may administratively approve certain replats and amending plats (L.G.C. § 212.0065). For any reason, the employee 14 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo may refuse to approve the plat, but in such case,the plat must be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission or governing body or both, as required, for their consideration (L.G.C.§ 212.009). (b) An applicant may submit an amending plat application for administrative approval to amend and correct errors, omissions and minor adjustments (L.G.C.§ 212.016). (c) An applicant may submit a replat application when it does not require the creation of any new street or the extension of municipal facilities (L.G.C. § 212.045) and does not otherwise conflict with L.G.C. § 212.014 and 212.0145. (d) All submittals shall comply with the application requirements of a final plat as proscribed by this section. 3. Submission Requirements a. Applications for consideration of any plan/plat shall be made by the applicant in writing along with all information required by the City of Cibolo and this section. All fees will be paid at the time of application with the exception of some engineering fees, which shall be billed to the applicant as they are received by the City from its engineer. No final plat shall be recorded and no construction permit issued until all such fees are paid in full. b. In addition to the requirements outlined herein for each type of development or plat application, the City shall maintain separate policies and procedures for the submission and processing of applications including, but not limited to, application forms, checklists, language blocks for plats, application and fee schedules and other similar items. Forms and paperwork shall be made available City Manager, or their designee. c. The applicant shall submit all applications, checklists, copies, originals, fees, reports, plans, plats and all other information necessary for review and consideration by this section, City policies and procedures, the Planning and Zoning Commission and/or the City Council, as required. d. These policies and procedures may be amended from time to time and it is the applicant's responsibility to be familiar with and to comply with said policies and procedures. 4. Official Filing/Application Submission Date and Processing Procedure a. For the purpose of these regulations,.the date upon which a application is submitted for a land study or any type of plat or plan, that contains all required elements mandated by the Texas Local Government Code, § 212.004 and by this Ordinance, is first filed with the City of Cibolo shall constitute the official submission date for the application as determined by the submittal deadlines established by the policies and procedure of 3.b. above. For plats, this official application deadline date shall initiate the statutory period for application completeness. (L.G.C.§ 245.002) b. No application shall be deemed filed until the City Manager, or their designee, determines that the application package is complete. Completeness of an application does not deem the application accepted by the City for action by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, if required. The City Manager or their designee and the City Engineer will determine that all required information is provided relative to the application submitted. Incomplete submittals shall be 15 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo rejected. Applications are deemed rejected when a permit application expires on or after the 45th day after the date the application is filed (as determined by 4.a. above) if the applicant fails to provide documents or other information necessary to comply with the city's technical requirements relating to the form and content of the application.) Such application packages will not be considered by the Planning & Zoning Commission or the City Council when an application is rejected. (L.G.C.§ 245.002 c. The City Manager, or their designee,shall notify the applicant in writing as to the status of an application being reviewed pursuant to b. above. (L.G.C.§ 245.002) d. The statutory requirements of Texas Local Government Code, Section 212.009 are deemed to officially begin upon acceptance of the application for scheduling at the Planning and Zoning Commission and/or City Council, if required under this ordinance section. Acceptance of an application in no way impairs the ability of the City to require compliance with technical requirements relating to the form and content of an application. (L.G.C.§ 245.002.al) e. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review all plats as designated in this section and make its final determination or recommendation to the City Council, if required. The applicant shall appear in person, by agent, or by attorney at the meeting when the plat is reviewed. The City Council will review and act on the plat if the plat is recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission,when required. (L.G.0§ 212.009) 5. Proof of Land Ownership a. In the public interest, the City requires proof of land ownership prior to consideration of any development application involving real property. Along with the application submission, the applicant shall provide written verification that he/she is the owner of record of the subject land parcel. The applicant shall provide a copy of one of the following documents to prove ownership: (1). General warranty deed; (2) Special warranty deed; (3) Title policy;or (4) Some other document that is acceptable to the Chief Building Official. b. If the applicant is other than the property owner, a written notarized statement signed by the property owner shall be provided indicating that the applicant is the owner's authorized agent. This notice shall be provided in addition to the proof of land ownership specified in 5.a. above. c. If ownership cannot be conclusively established prior to the meeting date on which the application will be heard, and the City has concerns regarding the welfare of future owners of all or any portion of the subject property, then the City shall have the authority to deny the application on the basis of protecting the public interest. The applicant may resubmit a new development application along with applicable paperwork and payment of fees on at any time following such denial. 16 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo C. PROCEDURES AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND STUDY APPROVAL 1. Applicability A land study shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for review,evaluation,and approval in the following circumstances: a. In conjunction with an application for preliminary plat approval for any tract of land over fifty (50) acres in size, or for a smaller tract where the land is part of a larger parcel over fifty (50) acres in size; b. In conjunction with a development plat;or c. In any case where a road is to be established or realigned. 2. Purpose The purpose of the land study is to allow the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council to review the proposed major thoroughfare and collector street patterns, land use(s), environmental issues, conformance to the Master Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Future Land Use Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Land Subdivision Ordinance, other applicable ordinances/rules/regulations, and the property's relationship to adjoining subdivisions or properties. The land study is also used to assist in evaluating the impacts of developing the land to be platted on provision of supporting public facilities and services (including water or sewer main extensions required, detention or downstream drainage improvements required, or road improvements required), the environment, provision of open space and recreational opportunities, and the general health, safety, and welfare of the community. 3. Extent of Area Required for Land Study a. When the preliminary plat or development plat designates the land area to be developed in phases, the land study area shall include the entire property from which the phases are being subdivided and an approximate development schedule. b. Where the applicant can demonstrate that natural or manmade features, such as highways and/or creeks, make inclusion in the land study of the entire property unnecessary to adequately review the items listed in Subsection 2.a. above, he/she may submit a written request to the City for approval for a smaller land study area. Boundaries such as existing major thoroughfares, creeks, political subdivisions or other such natural or manmade features may be used to delineate a smaller study area. c. Submission Requirements (1) Submission of an application for land study approval shall be preceded by a pre-application conference as specified in Subsection A.2. (2) The land study shall be prepared by a qualified civil engineer, land planner, architect or surveyor at a scale no smaller than one inch (1") equals two hundred feet (200') and on sheets no larger than twenty-four inches (24") by thirty-six inches (36") in size (unless otherwise approved by the City Planner) and it shall show the following: (a) Title block within the lower right-hand corner of each page of the land study with the proposed name of the development, name and address of the owner/ and the person responsible for preparing he land study; (b) Graphic and written scale of the drawing; (c) North arrow; 17 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (d) Date the drawing was prepared; (e) Location of the tract according to the abstract and survey records of Guadalupe County,Texas; (f) Vicinity map or location map that shows the location of the subject tract within the City or its extraterritorial jurisdiction an in relationship to existing major roadways; (g) Limits of the subject tract in heavy lines; (h) Names of adjacent additions or subdivisions or the name of the owners of record and recording information for adjacent parcels of unplatted land, including parcels on the other sides or roads, creeks,etc. (i) Depiction of all contiguous holdings of the property owner(s); (j) Existing uses of the subject property; (k) Existing buildings located on the subject property; (I) General arrangement of future land uses for the subject property. The applicant shall depict the types of land uses,planned densities for residential areas,and any non- residential uses anticipated. This information shall not include a lot pattern nor specify lot sizes or lot dimensions; (m) Generalized vehicular and pedestrian circulation plan for the subject property; (n) Existing zoning for the subject property; (o) Existing zoning and existing/proposed uses on adjacent land; (p) Existing/proposed driveways and median openings within two hundred feet (200') of the subject property; (q) Location, width, paving material, and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within two hundred feet (200') of the subject property; (r) Existing easements located on or within two hundred feet (200') of the subject property. This information shall include the type, dimension, ownership, and recording information; (s) Existing railroad rights-of-way located on or within two hundred feet (200') of the subject property; (t) Existing topography at five foot (5') intervals with existing drainage channels or creeks; (u) Existing 100-year floodplain areas and floodways as shown on the Federal Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for the subject tract with a note on the drawing indicating the appropriate panel number and any known environmentally sensitive areas relative to wetlands, endangered or otherwise listed specie, archeological indicators,soils and slope analysis. (v) Size and location of existing water mains, wastewater mains, and lift stations located on and within two hundred feet (200') of the subject property; 18 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (w) Proposed phasing of the development and the order of platting;and (x) Designation of those areas within the subject property covered by tree canopy areas of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or more. (y) Phase I Studies (written and descriptive reports) on the following issues: Traffic Impact Analysis. Environmental Study, Soils Study, and an Engineers report regarding the sites development, drainage areas, and connection to any utilities. These reports will also address conformance to the Master Plan, Future Land Use Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Parks Plan, Land Subdivision Ordinance, Zoning and other applicable ordinances of the City. (z) Other information as requested particular to the site/project or adjacent property/development. (3) Procedures and Conditions (a) The required number of copies of the proposed land study and reports shall be submitted per the City's submission guidelines, as may be amended from time to time and any other required submission materials determined necessary by the City. (b) The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council shall review and evaluate the land study to determine whether the proposed development conforms to the Master Plan, Future Land Use Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Land Subdivision Ordinance, and other applicable ordinances of the City. (c) The Planning and Zoning Commission or the City Council may require additional information to be submitted to supplement the initial land study. (d) Based upon the land study, the Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend and the City Council may require as a condition of preliminary or development plat approval, that the land to be platted be developed in phases, that the proposed phases be developed in a different sequence or include more or less land, or that all phases designated be accompanied by a schedule of public improvements to adequately serve the development in accordance with the City's minimum design criteria for public improvements. (e) A land study may be submitted for review concurrently with a preliminary plat application, provided that the respective requirements for both types of applications are satisfied as specified by this Ordinance, as amended. If the preliminary plat cannot not be reviewed by the City in time for it to be scheduled on the same Planning and Zoning Commission agenda as the land study, then the preliminary plat shall be denied on the basis of inadequate review time unless the applicant has executed a notarized written waiver of the 30-day review period for the preliminary plat. (4) Effect of Review 19 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (a) The land study shall be used only as an aid to show the anticipate layout of the proposed development and to assess the adequacy of public facilities/services that will be needed to serve the proposed development. Any proposed use or development depicted on the land study shall not be deemed formal authorization or approval by the City until a preliminary plat or development is approved for the development. If the applicant chooses to plat only the initial phase or phases of a multi-phase project designated on a land study, a new land study shall be required for plat approval of subsequent phases if the proposed development layout, character, and/or other conditions affecting the development substantially change from one phase to the next. (b) The approved land study shall be valid for a period of five (5) years, or as otherwise specified by the Texas Local Government Code, from the date of land study approval by the City Council. Prior to the lapse of approval for a land study, the property owner may petition the City Council to extend the land study approval. Such petition shall be considered at a public meeting before the City Council and an extension may be granted by the City Council at such meeting. If no petition for extension of land study approval is submitted by the property owner prior to the expiration date, the land study shall be deemed to have expired and shall become null and void. (c) In determining whether to grant a request for extension, the City Council shall take into account the reasons for the lapse, the ability of the property owner to comply with the conditions attached to the original approval, and the extent to which the Land Subdivision Ordinance in effect at the time of the extension request shall apply to the land study. In the event the City Council denies a request for extension, the property owner must thereafter submit a new land study application for approval, and shall conform to all applicable regulations then in effect. (d) The City Council may grant extension of the land study subject to additional conditions based upon the applicable City regulations and/or State legislation in effect at the time that the extension is requested, or such as are necessary to ensure compliance with the original conditions of approval. (e) The City Council may specify a shorter time for extension of the land study than the original five-year (5-year) approval period. D. PROCEDURES AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL 1. Procedures a. Upon reaching conclusions at the pre-application conference specified in Subsection A. of this Section V regarding a general development program and objectives and upon approval of the land study (if required), the applicant shall have prepared a preliminary plat together with general 20 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo utility plans and other supplementary materials, as specified by the City. The preliminary plat shall be submitted to the City of Cibolo with the appropriate filing fee and with a written application form per the City's submission guidelines, as may be amended from time to time, prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at which the preliminary plat is to be considered. b. Certificate of No Tax Delinquency At the time that an application for a preliminary plat is filed with the City, the applicant shall also file a certificate showing that all taxes have been paid on the subject property and that no delinquent taxes exist against the property. c. The preliminary plat may constitute only that portion of the approved land study that the applicant proposes to construct and record provided, however, that such portion conforms to all the requirements of this Ordinance and all other applicable ordinances of the City of Cibolo. d. Following review of the preliminary plat and other materials submitted in conformity to these regulations, and following discussions with the applicant on changes deemed advisable and the kind and extent of improvements to be installed by the applicant, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall act on the preliminary plat as it was submitted or as modified. Said action shall be whether to recommend acceptance or denial of the preliminary plat to the City Council. If the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval, it shall state the conditions of approval, if any, and the preliminary plat shall be placed on a City Council agenda. The City Council shall take action on the preliminary plat within thirty (30) days of the Planning and Zoning Commission's action. e. After the preliminary plat has been scheduled on an agenda, the applicant or property owner may request via a notarized written statement waiver of the thirty (30) day approval requirement in order to allow him/her more time to correct deficiencies, address concerns, or otherwise improve the plat pursuant to the City's regulations. After receipt of the request, the City may delay action on the preliminary plat beyond thirty (30) days of the submission date. f. Approval of the preliminary plat by the City Council shall be deemed approval of the street and lot layout shown on the preliminary plat, and to the preparation of the final plat,inclusive of the associated engineering & construction plans for public improvements. Except as provided for herein, approval of the preliminary plat shall constitute conditional approval of the final plat when all conditions of approval and as provided in this section have been met. 2. Submission Requirements a. Copies/prints of the preliminary plat for the proposed subdivision, drawn on sheets of eighteen inches (18") by twenty-four inches (24") and drawn to a know engineering scale of not smaller than one inch equals one hundred feet (1"=100') or a larger scale, shall be submitted in a quantity as specified by the City. In cases of large developments that would exceed the dimensions of the sheet at the one inch equals one hundred feet (1"=100') scale, preliminary plats may be on multiple sheets or to another known engineering scale as approved by the City. b. Preliminary plat applications that do not include the required data, a completed application form, the appropriate filing fee, the appropriate number of copies of the plat, and/or other required information will be 21 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo considered incomplete, shall not be accepted for submission by the City, and shall not be scheduled on a Planning and Zoning Commission agenda until the information specified by this Ordinance is provided to the City staff. Additional copies of the preliminary plat may be required if revisions or corrections are necessary. c. A preliminary plat, if not preceded by a land study showing phases of the development, shall include all contiguous property under the ownership or control of the applicant. It may contain more than one phase which,if so,shall be clearly identified. d. No preliminary plat shall be recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or approved by the City Council, unless the following standards have been met: (1) The plat substantially conforms with the approved land study and other studies and plans, as applicable; (2) The preliminary layouts of require public improvements and City utilities have been approved by the City Engineer;and (3) The plat conforms to all applicable zoning and other regulations. e. The required copies/prints of the proposed preliminary plat and associated construction plans shall show the following (this information may be shown on separate sheets): (1) Vicinity or location map that shows the location of the proposed preliminary plat within the City or the extraterritorial jurisdiction and in relationship to existing major roadways; (2) Boundary lines, abstract survey lines, corporate boundaries, extraterritorial jurisdiction boundaries; (3) Existing or proposed roadways,including right-of-way widths; (4) Bearings and distances sufficient to locate the exact area proposed for the subdivision,and all survey monuments (identified and labeled); (5) Length and bearing of all straight lines, radii, arc lengths, tangent lengths, and central angles of all curves shall be indicated along the lines of each lot (curve and line data may be placed in a table format); (6) Accurate reference ties via courses and distances to at least one recognizable abstract survey corner or existing subdivision corner shall be shown; (7) Name, location and recording information for all adjacent subdivisions,including those located on the other sides of roads or creeks. For unplatted properties, the name of property owners and recording information shall be shown; (8) Property lines for all platted lots or unplatted tracts shall be shown within two hundred feet (200') of the subject property (the platted block and lot designations shall be shown for platted lots); (9) Location, width and names of all existing streets and all existing street rights-of-way located on and within two hundred feet (200') of the subject property; (10) Location and width of all proposed streets located on and within two hundred (200') of the subject property; 22 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (11) Location, type, dimension, ownership, and recording information for all existing easements located on and within two hundred feet (200') of the subject property; (12) Location, type, and dimension of all proposed easements located on and within two hundred feet (200') of the subject property; (13) Existing buildings, sewer mains, water mains, gas mains, culvert pipes (including slope and elevation), and drainage structures located on or within two hundred feet (200') of the subject property. The type and size of existing sewer mains, water mains, gas mains, and culvert pipes must be included. The width and depth of drainage channels must be included. The height and elevation of dams, spillways and other similar drainage structures must be included; (14) Proposed arrangement and square footage of lots and proposed use of same. For non-residential uses, the following existing and proposed information must be shown: location and size of proposed buildings, parking lots (including number of parking spaces), driveways, drive aisles, loading areas, garbage storage areas,landscaped areas, and preserved trees. (15) Title block within the lower right hand corner of the plat and associated preliminary grading and utility plans that show:the title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded, the name and address of the owner/applicant, the name and address of the land planner and/or engineer or registered public surveyor who prepared the plat and plans, graphic and written scale, date of preparation, north arrow, location of the property according to the abstract survey records of Guadalupe County, and number of lots (segregated by the intended use of each lot- i.e.single-family residential, open space,school, park); (16) Sites, if any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks, schools, playgrounds or other uses and the entity to which those sites are to be dedicated; (17) Contours with intervals of two (2) feet or less shown for the area with all elevations on the contour map referenced to sea level datum; (18) Areas contributing drainage to the proposed subdivision shall be shown in the preliminary drainage plan and locations for proposed drainage discharge from the site shall be shown by directional arrows; (19) All physical features of the property to be subdivided shall be shown in the preliminary utility and drainage plans, including the location and size of all water courses, 100-year flood plains according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) information, Corps of Engineers flowage easement requirements, ravines, bridges, culverts, existing structures, and drainage area in acres or area draining into subdivisions. (20) A tree survey indicating all trees six inch DBH (6") to be preserved and removed, their DBH in inches, their botanic and common names, and their location clearly represented on a topographical survey. A table on the survey shall enumerate each tree. Building setbacks shall be indicated as well as street pavement area and 23 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo right-of-way. A grading plan shall accompany the tree survey with all trees located. (21) An engineers report indicating any known/studied environmentally sensitive areas relative to wetlands, endangered or otherwise listed specie, archeological indicators, soils, and slope analysis. (22) Phase II Studies (written and descriptive reports) on the following issues: Traffic Impact Analysis, Environmental Study, Soils Study, Drainage Study and-an Engineers report regarding the sites development and connection to any utilities. These reports will also address conformance to the Master Plan, Future Land Use Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Parks Plan, Land Subdivision Ordinance, Zoning and other applicable ordinances of the City. (23) Proposed phasing of the subdivision; (24) Dedication of rights-of-way for streets and street improvements, whether on-site or off-site, intended to serve each proposed phase of the subdivision; (25) Proposed or existing zoning of the subject property and all adjacent properties; (26) Minimum finished floor elevations of building foundations for all lots adjacent to or within a floodplain or within an area that may be susceptible to flooding; (27) Statement that the subject property is owned by the applicant; (28) Place for the plat approval signature of the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary, Mayor, a place for the City Clerk to attest to the Major's signature, and the approval dates by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. (29) Special Notice: NOTICE:Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City Ordinance and State Law, and is subject to fines and/or withholding of utilities and building permits. (30) Note: Approval shall not be deemed to or presume to give authority to violate, nullify, void, or cancel any provisions of local, state, or federal laws,ordinances,or codes. (31) Other applicable language (e.g. for drainage, public access or other special types of easements) deemed necessary and appropriate by the City for the purpose of protecting the public health,safety and welfare. Applicable plat language is available upon request at the City. 3. Effect of Approval Approval of a preliminary plat authorizes the property owner, upon fulfillment of all requirements and conditions of approval, to submit an application for final plat approval. 4. Expiration a. Approved preliminary plats shall expire two (2) years from the date of the first application if no progress has been made toward the completion of the project (L.G.C. § 245.005 (a) and (b). Otherwise, a preliminary plat 24 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of the first plat application. b. Within two (2) years from the first application date of a preliminary plat, a final plat must be approved by the City for construction of the development or the preliminary plat shall expire and become null and void. c. Projects filed prior to April 27, 2005 shall expire five (5) years from the date of the first project application (L.G.C.§ 245.004 (b). d. Prior to the lapse of approval for a preliminary plat, the property owner may petition the City to extend the preliminary plat approval. Such petition shall be considered at a public meeting before the City Council. An extension may be granted by the City Council at such meeting. If no petition for extension of an approved preliminary plat is submitted by the property owner/applicant and no final plat has been approved by the City prior to the expiration date, the preliminary plat shall be deemed to have expired and shall become null and void. e. In determining whether to grant a request for extension, the City Council shall take into account the reason for the lapse, the ability of the property owner/applicant to comply with any conditions attached to the original approval, and the extent to which newly adopted subdivision regulations would apply to the preliminary plat. The City Council may grant extension of the preliminary or denial of the request, in which instance the original preliminary plat shall be deemed to be null and void. The property owner must thereafter submit a new preliminary plat application for approval, and shall conform to the subdivision regulations then in effect. f. The City Council may grant extension of the preliminary plat subject to additional conditions based upon newly enacted City regulations and/or State legislation, or such as are necessary to ensure compliance with the original conditions of approval and to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. The City Council may specify up to a one (1) year extension to the plats expiration period, not to exceed two years overall with a subsequent request. Up to two (2) extensions may be approved. E. PROCEDURES AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL The following requirements apply to all final plats, replats, minor plats, vacating plats, and amending plats. In the case of amended and minor plats, staff may review and approve amended and minor plats when they meet the conditions of the Texas Local Government Code, § 212 and as indicated in Section V, B,2,a, (1). 1. Procedures a. The final plat shall be in accordance with the preliminary plat, as approved, and shall incorporate all applicable conditions, changes, directions and additions imposed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council upon the preliminary plat. The final plat shall not be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission until detailed engineering and construction plans for all required public improvements have been prepared by the applicant and submitted to the City for review and approval by the City Engineer. b. A final plat shall not be submitted prior to approval of a preliminary plat, unless submittal of consecutive plats is a "qualified economic development project" as allowed by the Economic Development Policies of the City. c. Certificate of No Tax Delinquency 25 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo At the time that an application for a final plat is filed with the City, the applicant shall also file a certified tax certificate showing that all taxes have been paid on the subject property and that no delinquent taxes exist against the property. d. The final plat shall be in conformance with the City's Zoning Ordinance, including the proper zoning for theintended use, if located within the City's corporate limits, and it shall be in conformance with the City's Master Plan, including all adopted water, sewer, drainage, parks/recreation/open space, thoroughfare, and future land use plans. e. The final plat shall be prepared by a registered/certified civil engineer or surveyor and shall include all land area that is proposed for immediate development. f. After the final plat has been scheduled on an agenda, the applicant or property owner may request via a notarized written statement waiver of the thirty (30) day approval requirement in order to allow more time to correct deficiencies, address concerns, or otherwise improve the plat pursuant to the City,State, or Federal requirements and regulations. After receipt of the waiver request, the City may delay action on the final plat beyond thirty (30) days of the submission date. j. If the Planning and Zoning Commission votes to deny a final plat application, the Commission shall state such disapproval and the reasons therefore. The applicant or property owner may appeal such decision to the City Council by filing a Notice of Appeal in the office of the City Clerk no later than ten (10) calendar days after the date upon which the Commission denied the application. The Notice of Appeal shall set forth in clear and concise fashion the basis for appeal. The City Council shall consider the appeal at a public meeting no later than thirty (30) days after the date upon which the Notice of Appeal was filed. The City Council may affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Commission, or it may, where appropriate, remand the final plat back to the Commission for further proceedings consistent with the City Council's decision. Affirmation or modification of the Commission's recommendation shall require a simple majority vote of the City Council members present. The City Council may reverse the Commission's decision to deny a plat (upon appeal by the applicant/property owner) upon a three-quarters (3/4) vote of the full City Council. k. Upon final approval and following preliminary acceptance of all required public improvements, the applicant shall return copies of the final plat, as approved, with any other required documents and necessary fees attached thereto to the City Manager, or designee, in accordance with the requirements established by the City. All necessary filing materials, including mylars, reductions, and/or copies, as required by the designated county clerk, in addition to a computer disk containing the digital plat files in an AutoCAD and PDF file format, shall be returned to the City with the required fees. The City shall file the final plat within thirty (30) days at the office of the designated county provided that all requirements have been satisfied. Timing of Public Improvements (1) The Planning and Zoning Commission may permit or require the deferral of the construction of public improvements if, in its judgment, deferring the construction would not result in any harm to the public or would offer significant advantage in coordinating the site's development with adjacent properties and off-site public improvements. The deferred construction of any required 26 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo public improvement(s) must be approved by the City at the time of final plat approval and the necessary assurances for completion of the improvements shall be a stipulation of approval of the final plat. Said assurances shall be as specified below. (2) Security for Completion of Improvements (a) Security: Whenever the obligation to install public improvements to serve a subdivision or development is deferred as specified within this ordinance, the property owner or developer shall provide sufficient security to ensure completion of-the public improvements. The security shall be in the form of one of the following: A cash escrow with the City; ii An irrevocable letter of credit drawn upon a state or national bank that has a regular business office in the State of Texas that (1) is of a term sufficient to cover the completion, maintenance and warranty periods, but not less than two (2) years and (2) authorizes the City to draw upon the letter of credit by presenting to the issuer only a sight draft and a certificate signed by an authorized representative of the City attesting to the City's right to draw funds under the letter of credit; iii A construction funding agreement under which funds for the construction of the required improvements are escrowed in Texas with an office of a state or national bank, under which (1) the City has the irrevocable right to withdraw funds, and (2) the applicant may be permitted to draw funds to make payments towards the construction of the improvements as progress is verified;or iv A first and prior lien on the property. (b) Amount and Acceptability: The security shall be issued in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the cost estimate approved by the City Engineer for all public improvements associated with the subdivision. The security shall be subject to the approval of the City Attorney. (c) Reduction of Security: As portions of the public improvements are completed in accordance with the approved construction plans and the- City's design standards, the developer may make application to the City Manager to reduce the amount of the original security. If the City Manager is satisfied that such portion of the improvements has been completed in accordance with the City's standards, he may (but is not required to) cause the amount of the security to be reduced by such amount he deems appropriate, so that the remaining amount of the letter of credit adequately insures the completion of the remaining public improvements. 27 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (d) Partial Release: If,in the opinion of the City Manager and City Engineer, the public improvements have commenced in good faith, a release for construction of residential lots may be issued. A lot must have permanent street access, water, wastewater and drainage improvements installed prior to its release for construction. 2. Submission Requirements a. Copies/prints of the final plat for the proposed subdivision, drawn on sheets of eighteen inches (18") by twenty-four inches (24") and drawn to a known engineering scale of not smaller than one inch equals one hundred feet (1"=100') or a larger scale shall be submitted in a quantity as specified by the City. In cases of large developments that would exceed the dimensions of the sheet at the one inch equals one hundred feet (1"=100') scale, final plats may be on multiple sheets or to another known engineering scale as approved by the City. b. Final plat applications that do not include the required data, a completed application form, the appropriate filing fee, the appropriate number of copies of the plat, and/or other required information will be considered incomplete pursuant to this ordinance. c. No final plat shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, unless the following standards have been met: (1) The plat substantially conforms with the approved land study and other studies and plans, as applicable; (2) The complete engineering/construction plans for all required public improvements and City utilities have been submitted to the City for review/approval by the City Engineer (whether specifically stated or not, final plat approval shall always be subject to any additions and/or alterations to the engineering/construction plans as deemed necessary to the City Engineer, as needed, to ensure the safe, efficient and proper construction of public improvements within the subdivision);and (3) The plat conforms to all applicable zoning and other regulations. d. The required copies/prints of the proposed final plat and associated construction plans shall show the following: (1) Vicinity or location map that shows the location of the proposed final plat within the City or the extraterritorial jurisdiction and in relationship to existing major roadways; (2) Boundary lines, abstract survey lines, corporate boundaries, extraterritorial jurisdiction boundaries; (3) Existing or proposed roadways,including right-of-way widths; (4) Bearings and distances sufficient to locate the exact area proposed for the subdivision,and all survey monuments (identified and labeled); (5) Field notes description providing a full metes and bounds description of the subject property; (6) Length and bearing of all straight lines, radii, arc lengths, tangent lengths, and central angles of all curves shall be indicated along the lines of each lot (curve and line data may be placed in a table format); 28 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (7) Accurate reference ties via courses and distances to at least one recognizable abstract survey corner or existing subdivision corner shall be shown; (8) Name, location and recording information for all adjacent subdivisions,including those located on the other sides of roads or creeks. For unplatted properties, the name of property owners and recording information shall be shown; (9) Location, width and names of all existing streets and all existing street rights-of-way located on and adjacent to the subject property; (10) Location, type, dimension, ownership, and recording information for all existing easements located on and adjacent to the subject property; (11) Location, type, and dimension of all proposed easements located on and adjacent to the subject property; (12) Proposed arrangement and square footage of lots; (13) Title block within the top right hand corner of the plat and associated construction/engineering plans that show: the title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded, the name and address of the owner/developer, the name and address of the land planner and/or engineer or registered public surveyor who prepared the plat and plans, graphic and written scale, date of preparation, north arrow, location of the property according to the abstract survey records of Guadalupe County, and number of lots (segregated by the intended use of each lot- i.e.single-family residential,open space,school,park); (14) Sites, if any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks, schools, playgrounds or other uses and the entity to which those sites are to be dedicated; (15) Location and size of all 100-year flood plains according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) information, Corps of Engineers flowage easement requirements, floodways. If no flood plains exist, provide a note on the face of the plat and include a reference to the appropriate Federal Insurance Rate Map (FIRM); (16) Dedication of rights-of-way for streets and street improvements; (17) Minimum finished floor elevations of building foundations for all lots adjacent to or within a floodplain or within an area that may be susceptible to flooding; (18) Required building setbacks; (19) Statement that the subject property is owned by the applicant; (20) Place for the plat approval signature of the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary, a place for the City Clerk to attest to the Chairman's signature, and the approval dates by the Planning and Zoning Commission; (21) Special Notice: Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City Ordinance and State Law, and is subject to fines and/or withholding of utilities and building permits. 29 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (22) Note: Approval shall not be deemed to or presume to give authority to violate, nullify, void, or cancel any provisions of local, state, or federal laws,ordinances,or codes. (23) Note: The City of Cibolo reserves the right to rename streets and/or change house numbers due to incompatibility with existing name layout, emergency vehicle response, and mail delivery. (24) Other applicable language (e.g. for drainage, public access or other special types of easements) deemed necessary and appropriate by the City for the purpose of protecting the public health,safety and welfare. Applicable plat language is available upon request at the City. (25) All certificates and signature blocks as required by the City of Cibolo. e. Engineering/Construction Plans (1) Along with the final plat application, the applicant shall cause to be prepared and shall submit the required signed and sealed copies of an engineering report, the complete engineering/construction plans for streets, storm sewers, drainage structures, water and wastewater facilities, screening and/or retaining walls, sidewalks, irrigation, and any other required public improvements for the area covered by the final plat. (2) Cost estimates shall also be submitted with the construction plans. Prior to construction of any public improvements, a set of construction plans marked "Approved" by the City Engineer must be on file with the City. A full set of the City-approved engineering/construction plans must also be available for inspection on the job site at all times. (3) The applicant shall have these plans prepared by their own professional engineer(s) subject to approval of the plans by the City of Cibolo. The City Engineer shall review or cause to be reviewed the plans and specifications and, if approved, shall be marked "Approved" and shall return one set to the developer. If not approved, one set shall be marked with the objections noted and returned to the applicant or developer for correction. Once the construction plans are approved by the City, the owner/developer shall provide additional sets of the approved plans to the City, as specified by the City Engineer, for use during construction. (4) Construction/engineering plans shall be prepared by an engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas. All plans and reports shall be signed and sealed by the engineer. (5) After approval of the final plat and construction/engineering plans by the City, the developer shall cause a contractor to install/construct the public improvements in accordance with the approved plans and the City's standard specifications, and at the developer's expense. The developer shall employ engineers, surveyors, and other professionals as necessary to design, stake, supervise, and perform the construction of such improvements, and shall cause his/her contractor to construct the said improvements in accordance with these regulations and with the City's design standards. 30 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (6) Engineering/construction plans shall be in conformance with the City's design requirements set forth herein. As part of the engineering/construction plans, a drainage plan showing how the drainage of each lot relates to the overall drainage plan for the plat under consideration shall be submitted. The drainage plan shall be made available to each builder within the proposed subdivision and all builders shall comply with the drainage plan. (7) The engineering/construction plans shall be valid for a period of one (1) year after the first application of the final plat. The City Council may grant a one (1) year extension, after which they are subject to re-approval by the City if no construction has occurred. In no case shall an extension occur more than twice. (8) If no significant progress has been made toward the completion of the project within two (2) years from the first application date of a final plat, the plat shall expire and become null and void. Within five (5) years from the first application date of a final plat the required infrastructure must be installed and a preliminary acceptance of the infrastructure must be made by the City or the final plat shall expire and become null and void. L.G.C. § 245.005 (a) and (b). f. Guarantee of Improvements to City (1) The City Engineer shall be satisfied that the applicant will be in a financial position to install or cause to be installed at his own cost, risk, and expense all of the improvements herein required. The city requires such security as item the form of a performance bond equal to the estimated cost of the improvements to secure the estimated cost of such improvements in order to insure the orderly development within any subdivision. (2) It is expressly understood that as a condition to the approval of said subdivision, no Building Permits will be issued until all utilities are installed and other improvements required by this subdivision ordinance are accepted for the subdivision in which said lot is contained except as specified in this section. 3. Policy Statements The City Secretary shall keep on file current written City policies concerning: a. The policy of the city regarding any participation, reimbursement, or arrangements for future repayment to the applicant for the cost of street, utilities,drainage, and other improvements. b. The policy of the city regarding street appurtenances (lights,signs) 4. Pre-Construction Conference Before any construction shall begin, a pre-construction conference will be held on major and/or minor subdivisions for project coordination. The conference must be attended by the developer, all contractors and sub-contractors, utility companies, the City Engineer, the City Manager and/or an appointed representative and anyone concerned with the development of the subdivision. 5. Inspection and Acceptance of Public Improvements a. Inspection Construction inspection shall be supervised by the City of Cibolo Infrastructure Compliance Manager. Construction shall be in accordance with the approved construction plans. Any significant change in design required during construction shall be made by the applicant's engineer, 31 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo and shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. If the Infrastructure Compliance Manager finds upon inspection that any of the required public improvements have not been constructed properly and in accordance with the approved construction plans, the property owner shall be responsible for completing and/or correcting said public improvements. b. Acceptance of Public Improvements (1) Preliminary Acceptance (Part I) (a) When the City Engineer has determined that public improvements have been installed in compliance with the approved construction plans, the developer may petition the City for preliminary acceptance of public improvements by completing Part I of the "Developer Petition for Acceptance of Public Improvements" as contained in Exhibit B of this Ordinance and forwarding it to the Infrastructure Compliance Manager in three (3) copies with required supporting documents as specified in the "Developer Petition for Preliminary Acceptance of Public Improvements." (b) After recommendation(s) by the City Engineer, the City Manager shall accept or reject the petition for preliminary acceptance of public improvements and said acceptance or rejection shall be final. The City Manager may provide for conditional acceptance of public improvements provided that the applicant guarantees that all materials and workmanship are to be in accordance with the approved plans and specifications prescribed by the City and to correct any and all deficiencies not in accordance with approved plans and specifications as may be noted until final acceptance by the City of Cibolo in accordance with Final Acceptance as specified in b.below. (2) Final Acceptance (Part II) (a) After 365 calendar days from the date of preliminary acceptance in accordance with Part I, the developer may petition the City for final acceptance of public improvements by completing Part II of the "Developer Petition for Acceptance of Public Improvements" as contained in Exhibit C of the Ordinance and forwarding it to the Infrastructure Compliance Manager in three (3) copies. (b) Upon the submission of a complete petition with all the required information and attachments specified in Exhibit C of this Ordinance, the Infrastructure Compliance Manager in conjunction with the City Engineer shall perform acceptance inspections to determine that the owner has maintained the public improvements in good condition and has corrected any and all deficiencies specified in the Preliminary Acceptance procedure. (c) When the City Engineer has determined that the owner has maintained the public improvements in good condition and has corrected any and all deficiencies specified in the Preliminary Acceptance procedure or any other deficiencies having arisen from the effective 32 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo date of the acceptance of the petition for preliminary acceptance, the petition shall be forwarded to the City Manager for final acceptance of the public improvements. The effect of approval of a petition for final acceptance of public improvements by the City Manager shall be the assumption of the responsibility for maintenance of the public improvements by the City of Cibolo. (3) Notice of Deficiencies (a)' In the event required plans and/or specifications have not been complied with during either Phase I or Phase II of the public infrastructure inspection and acceptance processes, the City Engineer will so inform the developer in writing listing each discrepancy requiring correction. A copy of said notice to the developer shall be forwarded to the Infrastructure Compliance Manager and the City Secretary. (b) When all of the listed discrepancies have been corrected the owner shall request re-inspection by the City Engineer and Infrastructure Compliance Manager. The developer shall pay all re-inspection costs prior to acceptance by the City Council. (c) When inspection or re-inspection reveals that all plans and specifications have been complied with, the City Engineer shall complete the final acceptance certificate shall forward three (3) copies with supporting papers to the City Secretary for consideration by the City Council at its next regular meeting. (4) Compliance Affidavit An affidavit from the applicant stating that to the best of his information and belief, the contractor(s) has complied with the regulations contained in this chapter. SECTION VI DEDICATION OF PARK LANDS Prior to approval of a planned development or a final plat, each applicant shall be required to dedicate public park land, contribute cash or park improvements in lieu of land dedication, or any combination thereof as determined by the City Council A. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Section, certain words and terms are hereby defined; terms not defined herein shall be construed in accordance with this Subsection and the City Zoning Ordinance, as amended, other codes and ordinances, or their customary usage and meaning: 1. Minor Subdivision means any residential subdivision or residential portion of a subdivision five (5) acres or less that does not include the planning or development of a new street. 2. Major Subdivision means any residential subdivision or residential portion of a subdivision greater than five (5) acres. 33 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 3. Park Improvements means any public improvements, which directly attribute to the development of parkland for the enjoyment and use by the public. Such improvements may include, but shall not be limited to the following: a. Curb/gutter and one-half (1/2) paving section costs bordering all park land; b. Water/sewer line costs bordering all park land;and c. Landforms created by the applicant or developer. 4. Holding Costs are any and all costs incidental to the respective tract of land borne by the respective landowner. B. CRITERIA FOR PARK LAND DEDICATION Eligibility of Subdivisions for Parkland Dedication a. Minor Subdivision -The developer of any subdivision classified as a minor subdivision shall not be required to dedicate parkland. The developer of minor subdivisions shall pay a cash contribution in lieu of parkland dedication. Applicants may address an appeal to the City Council relative to cash contributions, and where undue hardship can be proved by the applicant, the City Council may mitigate the amount of contribution required by the applicant. b. Major Subdivision - The developer of any subdivision shall be required to dedicate public park land or a cash contribution in lieu of park land dedication as determined by the City Council. If a cash contribution is selected by the City Council it shall be as set according to the fees established by the City. 2. Land Dedication Guidelines a. A applicant or developer who is required to dedicate parkland shall make a total land dedication of at least eight (8%) percent of the total tract, excluding any commercial or industry land uses that may be in the tract. The City Council shall determine the suitability of the subject tract pursuant to recommended dedication criteria. b. On subdivisions of more than one section or phase, land dedication shall be made prior to the first phase reaching seventy-five (75%) percent of built-out (completion) or before a second phase is requested for final plat approval,whichever is occurs first. 3. Location and Size The Parks element of the Master Plan adopted by the City Council of Cibolo shall be used as a guide for location of park sites. All land intended for park purposes shall be inspected both on the plat and in the field by the Parks and Recreation Commission relative to suitability, size, potential use, and the physical characteristics of the site. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall make a recommendation to the City Council regarding acceptance or rejection of parkland. Parkland dedication shall be consistent with the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Where adjacent subdivision projects join together to create a park tract of at least twenty (20) or more acres, individual dedications of less than that specified by the Parks and Recreation Master Plan may be accepted by the City with a development agreement between the parties. The final decision on acceptance of parkland shall be made by the City Council. 4. Parkland and Facilities Credit Applicants may be allowed a credit against the parkland dedication requirement when improvements, such as recreational facilities are provided for the use of the 34 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo public, as approved by the City Council, However, any allowed credit for improvements or recreational facilities shall be credited no more than twenty percent of the overall parkland dedication requirement of the project. Furthermore, the overall parkland dedicated must be contiguous through the development and reasonably located so as to provide reasonably equal access to all residents utilizing the facility. C. CRITERIA FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IN LIEU OF PARK LAND 1. Cash Contributions a. The City Manager or their designee may accept cash contributions in lieu of park land when such contribution is consistent with the intent of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and this ordinance. b. Where the City Manager rejects such contribution, the applicant may appeal the decision of the City Manager to the City Council after recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission. A letter from the applicant stating the reasons and circumstances for the appeal must be delivered to the City Secretary no more than ten (10) days from the date of the City Manager's decision. The appeal must be placed on an agenda of the City Council within thirty (30) days from receipt of the appeal. The applicant or their representative must attend the appeal hearing before the City Council. 2. Deposition of Cash Contributions All cash contributions shall be received by the City Manager or a designee. The City shall deposit said funds directly into a special Park fund, as established by the City Council of Cibolo. 3. Park Improvements in Lieu of Park Land The Parks and Recreation Commission may recommend to the City Council that an applicant provide publicly dedicated park improvements in lieu of the parkland equivalent of the cash contribution herein or the appraised value of the project land per acre,whichever is greater 4. All improvements shall be subject to adopted City specifications and codes. The City Council shall promulgate such specifications, especially in the case of park and playground equipment. 5. All public improvements made by the applicant may be given credit towards the suggested park contribution according to: a. The actual cost the city would have to pay for the equivalent park and playground equipment improvements at such time improvements is made. b. The cost of improvements to provide utilities specifically to the park only where similar services are not provided to adjacent acreage by the development. 6. Combinations of Contributions in Lieu of Park Land Where there is a combination of contributions considered by the applicant, the Parks and Recreation Commission may recommend to the City Council that an applicant make a contribution of parkland, cash, and/or park improvements. Determination of exact contribution amounts shall be determined by the Parks and Recreation Commission and recommended to the City Council or as proscribed in this section. 7. Letter of Credit An irrevocable letter of credit equivalent to the dedicated park land assessed value shall be given to the City Manager or designee prior to final plat 35 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo recordation. The issuer and form of said letter shall be subject to the approval of the City Council. 8. Reservation of Additional Park Land In the event that the Master Plan for the City specifies a larger amount of parkland in a subdivision or planned development than the applicant or developer may be required to dedicate, the land required beyond the respective contribution shall be reserved for subsequent acquisition by the City.The may choose to locate the park in another location within the vicinity that will similarly serve the needs of the public. 9. City May Elect to Hold Such Land By: a. Purchasing an option to buy the property for a period of time and at a price as agreed upon by the City and applicant. b. Indemnifying the land owner for all holding costs for a period of time, said costs and time period to be agreed upon by the City and applicant. 10. If the City and the applicant cannot agree on criteria for contributions in lieu of park land, then the City may elect to prohibit any development or improvement to the proposed parkland for a period not to exceed six (6) months, during which time the City shall use reasonable and diligent efforts to acquire the necessary funds or financing to purchase the subject tract or otherwise utilize tools at their disposal to take action on acquiring the land for the city. No provision herein shall in any way be construed as a limitation of the city's authority to acquire parkland by eminent domain. 11. Land Treatment Upon preliminary platting of the parkland by the applicant dedicating the park land to the City, the applicant shall not cause or allow any fill material or construction debris to be dumped on the land, or otherwise alter, damage or impair the land, water or vegetation on the park site, without written permission from the City Council. The City Council may allow the applicant to fill the site with fill materials as designated by the City and take other respective actions specified in this subsection when such action would be beneficial to the park land. In such cases, the City Manager or designee shall provide a letter to the respective applicant or developer stating the allowed materials and the degree of change allowed within the park site. 12. Transfer of Land a. The area to be dedicated as parkland shall be shown on the final plat as "Parkland Dedicated to the City of Cibolo"with the respective acreage of the parkland also shown. Dedication of parkland shall be included in the narrative portion of the plat where the applicant dedicates all easements, rights-of-way, etc., to the City of Cibolo. b. The City Attorney shall prepare a warranty deed for the parkland depicted on the final plat that contains the dedicated park land, attaching a metes and bounds description of the land dedicated for the publicly dedicated park as provided by the applicant, and which shall be signed by the developer on or before the subdivision is fifty (50%) percent built out (completed) or before a second phase is requested for final plat approval whichever occurs first. 13. Payment of Fees in.Lieu of Land a. The applicant(s) shall pay the current park fees established by the City of Cibolo. b. The applicant(s) shall pay any cash contributions to the City prior to recordation of a final plat 36 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo c. Should the applicant(s) divide the subdivision into sections, the fee for the entire subdivision shall be prorated by the number of sections in the subdivision, and the fee attributable to each section shall be paid prior to recordation of the final plat and/or at building permit as established by the City of Cibolo. 14. Underground Utilities All utilities in parkland shall be underground unless a variance is granted by the City Council. SECTION VII SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. PLACEMENT OF MONUMENTS Monuments, consisting of one-half (1/2") inch iron pipe or one half (1/2") inch reinforced steel or larger, twenty-four (24") inches in length, shall be placed at all corners of the block lines, and at the point of intersection of curves and tangents of the subdivision. B. BENCHMARKS At least one (1) benchmark for each subdivision shall be permanently installed in an approved manner, with the location and the elevation as shown on the plat. Permanent bench marks shall be five (5') feet long concrete posts six (6") inches in diameter with the top to be at least twelve (12") inches above finished grade. C. LOT MARKERS Lot markers shall be metal at least twenty-four (24") inches in length, with visible marker caps on top, placed at each corner of all lots, flush with the average ground elevation, or they may be countersunk, if necessary, to avoid being disturbed. The developer or applicant is responsible for maintaining these markers. D. GEOGRAPHIC POSITION All survey benchmarks shall be tied to Geographic Positioning System (GPS) survey datum as specified by the City. SECTION VIII RESERVATIONS A. PERMITTED PURPOSES No land contained within the City Limits and in a proposed subdivision shall be reserved for any use other than a use permitted by the Zoning Ordinance for the district in which the land to be reserved is located. Land located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction is not subject to City zoning restrictions,but must follow the regulations of the Subdivision Ordinance and any required building codes adopted by the city and as allowed by the Texas Local Government Code. 37 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo B. DESIGNATION ON PLAT The specific use for which each piece of land is to be reserved must be shown by appropriate label or description on the subdivision plat. Provision for future abandonment of a reservation as may be appropriate must likewise be shown on said plat. Vacation of a previously dedicated easement or right-of-way must likewise be indicated as a vacating instrument on the plat. C. SCHOOLS The location and size of school sites shall be in accordance with the City of Cibolo Master Plan and with the requirements of the Universal City-Schertz-Cibolo Independent School District. SECTION IX VARIANCES A. VARIANCE REQUEST PROCEDURE All variance requests will be processed in accordance with the latest Variance Request Ordinance. SECTION X A. AS-BUILT DRAWING REQUIRED The engineer representing the applicant shall present to city Public Works Department five (5) original copies and one (1) reproducible copy of the complete "as-built drawings" for all paving, drainage structures, water lines, sewer lines or other facilities, such as lift stations within thirty (30) days after completion of the development. SECTION XI PENALTIES A. VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION OF THIS ORDINANCE Violation of any provision or provisions of this Chapter by any applicant shall constitute a Class C misdemeanor and upon conviction of such violation in Municipal Court of the City of Cibolo, shall be punishable pursuant to this ordinance. B. OTHER LEGAL REMEDIES 1. No conviction or convictions under the penal provision of this Chapter, or Article 427 B,Texas Penal Code, shall ever be considered as any bar to any injunctive or other legal remedy, relief, right or power existing in the City of Cibolo,Texas,to enforce the application and provisions of this Chapter by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas. 2. The City of Cibolo shall also gain compliance according to L.G.C. §212.018 Enforcement of Platting Regulations in the latest edition of the"Texas Municipal Law and Procedure Manual." 38 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo SECTION XII ADMINISTRATIVE RULES A. Authority The City Planner or designee is authorized to create and interpret Administrative Rules and provide written opinions of same. The City Planner or a designee shall create appropriate rules, which contain policies, criteria and standards and shall be responsible for making determinations on the application and interpretation of same,. Administrative rules apply and are the implementation of the ordinances and policies of the City. This ordinance shall cause these Administrative Rules to be prepared, interpreted, and enforced administratively. B. Adoption Administrative Rules are hereby established and adopted as an enforceable administrative element of this ordinance. C. Administrative rules may contain: 1. Design and construction standards and/or manuals; 2. Policies;and Guidelines; 3. Application deadlines and schedules; 4. Fees and fines; 5. Applications; 6. Checklists; 7. Interpretations; 8. Processes;and, 9. Other information as deemed necessary to enforce, interpret or explain the ordinances and provisions of the City of Cibolo and protect the health,safety and welfare of the community. D. Amendments to Administrative Rules 1. Administrative Rules of the City may be updated or amended from time to time. It is the responsibility of the applicant to be aware of any changes. Administrative Rules are available through the City Secretary, the Building Official, and the City Planner's offices. 2. Notice of amendments to Administrative Rules shall be posted for ten (10) calendar days prior to their effective date. Posting shall occur at City Hall on the City's Official Bulletin Board or at the City Building Inspections window indicating where the document is available for review. When available, such notice will be placed on the City's web site. 3. The City Planner or designee and the City Secretary shall maintain a copy of all Administrative Rules which will be updated as amendments occur. 4. Amendments are automatically enjoined, have the full authority of this ordinance and become effective via these administrative rulemaking procedures. E. Appeal of Determination An applicant may appeal the determination of the City Planner or designee to the City Manager, showing cause for their appeal in writing within 10-days of the City Planner's determination, the City Manager will make a determination regarding the appeal within 30-days. The decision of the City Manager may be appealed to the City Council in writing within 10-days of that determination. All appeals shall be delivered to the City Secretary's 39 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo office. Appeals to the City Council will be placed on an agenda within 30-days. The decision of the City Council is final. SECTION XIII DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this ordinance, certain terms and words are hereby defined. Terms not defined herein shall be construed in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and/or customary usage in municipal planning and engineering practices. 1. ALLEY- A minor public right-of-way which provides a secondary means of vehicular access to abutting property and which is used primarily for vehicular traffic to the rear or side of properties which otherwise abut on a public street as that term is defined herein. 2. APPLICANT - A person or agency dividing or proposing to divide land so as to create a subdivision as that term is defined herein. 3. BUILDING HEIGHT - Measured from the finished floor elevation of the foundation to the uppermost roof ridgeline. 4. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEABILITY-A document issued or provided by the City Engineer certifying that a proposed subdivision meets all provisions of the subdivision ordinance and, if not, listing such deficiencies. Such document shall also certifies that the proposed subdivision can be adequately served with water and sewer in accordance with the existing capacity of the City's water and sanitary sewer system. The cost of the engineer's review will be borne solely by the applicant who will be billed when the City receives its statement from its engineer. 5. CITY-The City of Cibolo,Texas 6. CITY ENGINEER- A duly qualified and licensed engineer hired by the City, either full-time or on an"as needed"consulting basis. 7. CUL-DE-SAC - A short minor street having but one vehicular access to another street and terminated by a vehicular turnaround that has adequate turning movements for emergency vehicles with a minimum radius of fifty (50) feet. 8. EASEMENT: A right granted for the purpose of use across, over, or under-private land, used primarily for utilities. 9. EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION (ETJ) -That area adjacent to the corporate limits of the city in which the city is authorized to control subdivisions, among other things, as prescribed or defined by law,including letters of intent. 10. GENERAL PLAN - A map or plat designed to illustrate the general design features and street layout of a proposed subdivision to be developed and platted in sections 11. GREENBELT - A natural or relatively undeveloped area near or surrounding an urban area which remains undeveloped through restrictions on building. Greenbelts typically provide a buffer between differing land uses, preserve the natural features of an area, or provide recreation space. Greenbelts tend to belinear and are thus ideal sites for trail development. 12. IMPROVEMENTS- The construction of waterlines, sanitary sewer systems, streets and other infrastructure necessary to support the development of land for use by it's occupants. 13. MAJOR STREET- A principal traffic thoroughfare, which continues, or is intended to continue, across the city and which serves to connect remote parts of the city. It may also be a principal connecting street to State or Federal Highways. 40 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 14. MAJOR SUBDIVISION -Requires the full development,including, but not limited to, provisions for water,electrical and sewer service. (Subdivides more than five (5) acres.) 15. MASTER PLAN - Overall plan for development for the city; includes plans for land use, housing, water,wastewater, etc.for the future population. 16. MINOR OR RESIDENTIAL STREET-All streets not otherwise indicated. 17. MINOR SUBDIVISION - Areas where water, electrical and sewer services are already provided and only building specifications are required. (Subdivides five (5) acres or less.) 18. OPEN SPACE - Land, water, and atmosphere, private or public, predominately natural and undeveloped. 19. PARKLAND - Land designated for recreational use or open space as determined by the City Council. 20. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION- Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Cibolo, Texas. 21. PLAT-A drawing, or chart of the proposed subdivision. It shall include the plan, plat, or replat, both singular and plural except where the subdivision ordinance specifically refers to a replat. 22. REPLAT-A plat that has been redesigned from the original submitted plan. 23. REVISED PLAT-A resubmitted plat including all revisions as required by the City. 24. REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT - A plat, which has been previously submitted and is being resubmitted with, changes. 25. SECONDARY OR COLLECTOR STREET - A continuous street through several residential districts intended as a connecting street between residential districts and major streets or business districts. 26. SETBACK—Distance between a property line and a structure. 27. SHALL OR MAY-Shall is always mandatory. May is merely directory. 28. SUBDIVISION - Any lot, tract, or parcel of land divided into two or more lots or sites for the purpose of sale, building development, or transfer of ownership, whether immediate or future. The following shall be defined as subdivision: testamentary division of property, partnership division of property upon dissolution, or division of property between two (2) or more owners of an undivided interest by court order. Division of land into parcels of five (5) acres or more shall not be included within this definition of subdivision, unless any such subdivision of five acres or more includes the planning or development of a new street. 29. SURVEYOR-A State licensed land surveyor or registered public surveyor. 30. UTILITY - Includes water, sanitary sewer, electrical telephone, natural gas, CATV, storm sewer, and all other services as determined by the City of Cibolo. All utilities shall be located within the required easement as defined above. 41 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX A LANDSCAPING AND BUFFERING 1.0. Purpose The purpose of this section is to establish landscaping and buffering requirements to enhance the community's ecological, environmental, and beautification efforts as well as its aesthetic qualities. It is the intent of this section to reduce the negative effects of glare, noise, erosion, and sedimentation caused by expanses of impervious and un-vegetated surfaces within the urban environment. It is the intent of this section to preserve and improve the natural and urban environment by recognizing that the use of landscaping elements can contribute to the processes of air purification, oxygen regeneration, groundwater recharge, noise abatement, glare and heat, provision of habitats for wildlife, and enhance the overall beauty of the City and the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City. 2.0. Installation and Maintenance 1. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any building or structure, all screening and landscaping shall be in place in accordance with the landscape plan approved as part of the site plan 2. The property owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of all landscape areas. The areas shall be maintained so as to present a healthy,neat and orderly appearance at all times. 3. Should any of the plant materials used in any landscaping required under this section die, the owner of the property shall have ninety (90) days after notification from the City to obtain and install suitable replacement plant material.Synthetic or artificial lawn or plant material shall not be used to satisfy the requirements of this ordinance. 4. If seasonal weather conditions make it impractical to install landscaping, or replacement landscaping, as required herein, a deferral of the required plant installation may requested for a period not to exceed six (6) months. The applicant shall be required to provide a Letter of Credit, bond, or escrow depositin an amount sufficient to cover the installation of the required landscape and irrigation requirements, plus a 10% contingency. Such amount shall be evidenced by an itemized bid prepared by a qualified contractor. Upon the failure of the applicant to complete the installation requirements, the City shall have the right to draw upon the letter of credit or escrow. A deferral may not be requested for any required screening fence or wall. 5. Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter,weeds, and other material or plants not a part of the landscaping. 6. All plant material shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season of the year. 7. It shall be the duty of any person or persons owning or occupying real property bordering on any street to prune trees next to the street in such manner that they will not obstruct or shade any street lights, obstruct vision of traffic signs, or obstruct the view from any street intersection, pursuant to the City's visibility standards.The minimum clearance of any portion of a tree overhanging a public street right-of-way shall be fourteen (14) feet, and overhanging a public sidewalk shall be eight (8) feet. Landscaping within required sight visibility areas at street intersections and site access driveway shall not exceed a maximum height of two feet (2.0'). 8. All landscape materials shall be installed according to American Nursery and Landscape Association (AN&LA) standards. 42 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 9. Irrigation: a. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated with an approved automatic underground irrigation system unless the landscaped area has been designed utilizing xeriscaping methods. All irrigation systems shall be designed and sealed in accordance with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and shall be professionally installed. Irrigation shall not be required for undisturbed natural areas or undisturbed existing trees. b. Flat spray heads should be utilized under shrubs rather than upward spray heads on risers above shrubs. Lawn spray heads should have low precipitation rates, run for longer periods of time, and water infrequently to promote deep root growth for grasses. Irrigation systems must be equipped with a rain/freeze sensor. c. The 20% landscaping requirement will be reduced to a 15% requirement for those developments where 67% of the total required landscaping is devoted to any combination of the following: i. Undisturbed natural areas or undisturbed existing trees, ii. Xeriscape landscape design, iii. Incorporate porous hose, deep pipe, clay pot lid, porous capsule, perforated drain pipe, Micro catchment, drip,wick or other comparable alternative irrigation systems for arid climates, or iv. Utilize reclaimed, recycled, gray water, non-potable surface water, rainwater or alternative water harvesting systems in accordance with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) standards and the adopted plumbing code. 10. Vegetation other than approved grasses or ground cover six inches (6") in height is prohibited in any City right-of-way unless authorized by the Zoning Administrator. 3.0.General Landscaping Requirements 1. Trees planted shall be a minimum of three inches (3.0") caliper measured at four feet (4') above ground level at the time of planting. 2. All trees planted to meet the minimum landscaping, mitigation or preservations requirements of this section shall be planted so as to provide for no impervious material within the drip line of the tree. For the purposes of determining the drip line to meet the requirements of this section, the drip line radius shall be measured as being ten (10) times the caliper of the tree. For example, a six inch (6") tree will have a sixty inch (60") or five foot (5') radius or a ten foot (10') diameter. Tree wells, alligator bags or tree grates may be utilized to meet the requirements of this section.The City may, at its option, require certification by a registered Arborist that adequate space has been provided for pervious cover beneath the drip line of a tree. 3. Shrubs, vines and ground cover planted pursuant to this section should be good, healthy nursery stock.Shrubs shall be a minimum of one-gallon container size at the time of planting. 4. Grass areas are encouraged to be planted in species normally grown as permanent lawns in the City, including Bermuda, Buffalo Grass, Zoysia, or other drought-tolerant grass. Grass areas may be sodded, plugged, sprigged or seeded, except in swales or other areas subject to erosion which shall require installation of solid sod. In the event that grass areas are seeded, plugged or seeded, the City of Cibolo can consider the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy to ensure 100%grass coverage. 5. The use of St. Augustine grass is only permitted where structures or trees provide shade for more than 75%of the day. 43 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 6. New landscaped areas shall be prepared so as to achieve a soil depth of at least six inches (6"). 7. The use of architectural planters in nonresidential districts is permitted to count toward the fulfillment of landscape requirements subject to approval. 8. Developers and homebuilders are encouraged to use xeriscape plant materials on model homes to promote use of water-wise landscaping. 9. Landscape planting shall not be erected or installed in such a manner as to interfere with traffic view or impose a safety hazard. Landscaping shall not interfere with clear sight lines at street intersections or ingress/egress drives to developments. 4.0. Landscape Installation Required 1. A minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the total land area of any proposed multifamily or nonresidential development shall be landscaped and shall be comprised of trees, shrubs, sod or other ground cover. In the event of the construction of a phased development, the minimum twenty percent (20%) requirement shall apply to each phase as it is developed. 2. Landscaping required to satisfy the 20%landscaping requirement shall be provided in accordance with the following criteria: a. Not less than forty percent (40%) of the total required landscaping shall be located in the designated front yard, with the front yard defined as the area between the front property line and the front of the building. In the case of a corner lot, landscaping may be installed between the exterior side of the building and the corner street. b. Approved tree species listed in Section 12.0.1 shall be provided at a ratio of nine (9) trees per acre of gross lot area, at a minimum ratio of 5 approved shade trees for every 4 approved ornamental, evergreen &palm trees. Existing trees may be counted toward meeting the requirements of this section, provided that measures are taken to ensure that existing trees will survive the site development process. c. The use of native and adapted, drought tolerant plants is encouraged to meet the requirements of this section. d. Artificial plants or turf shall not be counted towards meeting the requirements of this section. e. Parking lots and vehicular use areas shall be landscaped in accordance with the parking lot landscaping criteria described below. f. Areas used for parking or vehicle storage that are under, on or within buildings are exempt from the landscaping requirements. g. In no case shall the application of the landscaping requirements contained herein require more than 20% of the area of any development to be devoted to landscaping. 5.0. Parking Lot Landscaping A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the gross parking areas shall be devoted to living landscaping, which includes grass,ground covers,plants,shrubs and trees.Gross parking area is to be measured from the edge of the parking and/or driveway and sidewalks.The following additional criteria shall apply to the interior of parking lots. 1. Interior landscape areas shall be protected from vehicular encroachment of overhang through appropriate wheel stops or curbs. 44 Unified Development Code t of Cf o 0 2. There shall be a minimum of one (1) shade tree planted for each 400 square feet or fraction thereof of required interior landscape area. 3. Interior areas of parking lots shall contain planting islands located so as to best relieve the expanse of paving. Such islands shall be a minimum of 200 square feet or ten feet (10') by twenty feet (20') in size. Smaller sized planting islands may be provided at the end of parking aisles where appropriate. 4. Planter islands shall contain a combination of trees, shrubs, lawn, ground cover and other appropriate materials provided such landscaping does not cause visual interference within the parking area. 5. When an off-street parking or vehicular use area abuts a public right-of-way, except a public alley, a perimeter landscape area of at least fifteen feet (15') in depth shall be maintained between the abutting right-of-way and the off-street parking or vehicular area. Appropriate landscaping shall be installed to create an attractive site presentation. Necessary access ways from the public right- of-way shall be permitted through this area. 6. When an off-street parking or vehicular use area abuts an adjacent residential property line, all landscape buffer requirements described below shall be applicable. 6.0. Landscape Plan Required A landscape plan demonstrating compliance with all landscaping requirements shall be submitted to the City for approval.The landscape plan may be submitted as a part of the site plan. 1. Qualifications to Prepare Landscape Plans For all lots greater than 30,000 square feet in area, Landscape Plans shall be prepared by a Registered Landscape Architect. For lots less than 30,000 square feet, a Landscape Designer or Landscape Contractor, knowledgeable in plant materials and landscape design may also prepare the landscape plan. Irrigation plans shall be prepared by a Licensed Irrigator or Landscape Architect. The Zoning Administrator may reject plans if deemed of insufficient quality or completeness and require that plans be prepared by a Registered Landscape Architect or a Licensed Landscape Contractor. 2. The landscape plan shall meet the following standards and contain the following information: a. Sheet size 24"x 36",or as approved. b. Acceptable scale: 1"= 10', 1"=20',or as approved. c. North arrow, graphic and written scale in close proximity. d. Appropriate title (i.e."Landscape Plan") e. Title block shall include the project street address,subdivision name,with lot and block numbers, date of plan preparation (and revisions). f. Name and address of owner. g. Name, address and phone of firm preparing plan. h. Property boundaries and dimensions. Any existing or proposed easements and utilities shown j. Width and type of bufferyards labeled on all sides. k. Location,caliper size and name of all existing trees with a caliper equal to, or greater than 6-inches,which are to be preserved. Location, quantity,size and name of all proposed plant materials. m. Provide Bufferyard and Interior Landscape Calculations. o. Visibility triangles shown. P. Landscape Architect seal signed and dated. P. Plant list,with the size and spacing of all plants. r. Location &footprint of proposed or existing buildings &parking lots. s. Any berms delineated with one-foot (1') contour intervals. 45 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo t. Any proposed or existing sidewalks. u. Location of all existing trees with indication as to those to be preserved. v. Location of all landscaping material to be used including paving, benches,screens, fountains,statues,walls/fences or other landscaping features; w. Type of watering system and location of watering source,irrigation,sprinkler, or water system,including placement of water sources. x. Description of maintenance provisions of the landscaping plan. y. Description of how existing trees will be protected during construction. 7.0. Non-residential and Multi-family Landscape Buffer Requirements 1. A non-residential or multi-family use adjacent to a single-family zoning district shall provide a minimum twenty foot (20') landscape buffer adjacent to the property line of the residential use or residentially zoned property.A minimum of one (1) shade tree shall be planted for each thirty linear feet (30') of landscape buffer. A minimum of ten (10) shrubs shall be planted for each fifty linear feet (50') of landscape buffer. All other areas within the landscape buffer shall be covered with grass or another solid vegetative cover approved at the time of Site Plan approval.The Buffer Wall Standards below shall also be applicable. 2. A non-residential use adjacent to a multi-family zoning district shall provide a minimum ten foot (10') landscape buffer adjacent to the property line of the residential use or residentially zoned property. A minimum of one (1) shade tree shall be planted for each thirty linear feet (30') of landscape buffer. A minimum of ten (10) shrubs shall be planted for each fifty linear feet (50') of landscape buffer. All other areas within the landscape buffer shall be covered with grass or another solid vegetative cover approved at the time of Site Plan approval. The Buffer Wall Standards below shall also be applicable. 3. The following standards shall apply when a buffer wall is required: a. Fences and walls used as a buffer must have a minimum height of 6 feet (6') but may not exceed 8 feet (8') in height. The height restriction shall not apply to decorative or architectural ornamental elements,such as pilasters and pilaster caps. b. Fencing and walls shall not be placed within the line of sight as determined by the Sight Triangle. c. Fences and walls must be constructed of high quality materials, such as decorative block, brick, stone, woodcrete (decorative concrete), faux stone,wrought iron and comparable materials.The use of chain-link fencing,with or without slats,sheet metal, railroad ties or like materials may not be used as a screening wall or fence. d. Breaks in the fence or wall may be made to provide pedestrian connections to the perimeter of the site and to adjacent development. e. In lieu of the masonry or wood screening wall, a combination of screening trees, shrubs and earthen berms may be constructed to the minimum six-foot height. Earthen berms shall be constructed with a maximum 1:3 (one vertical to three horizontal) slope. The entire length of the berm shall be vegetated with dense evergreen plant material. 8.0. Existing Tree Credits Credits shall only be granted if the trees are in healthy condition and all requirements of the Landscape and Tree Preservation Ordinance (City of Cibolo Ordinance No. 638) have been met, as determined by the Zoning Administrator at the time of submitting the Landscape Plan. 1. Existing Tree Credit Calculation Existing trees which are saved in landscape areas and that can provide protection for at least 75% of the'Critical Root Zone'will be granted credits toward reducing the required plantings as follows: 46 Unified Development Code City of Ctbolo a. Undesirable Trees (Any Size) =0.5 tree credit b. Approved Tree 6-12 inch Diameter at Breast Height (4.5 feet) = 1.5 Tree Credits c. Approved Tree 12-inch (or larger) Diameter at Breast Height (4.5 feet) =2.5 Tree Credits Trees are classified as Approved or as Undesirable in Section 10.6 below. 9.0. Improvements in the Public Right-Of-Way All unpaved portions of public right-of-way (R.O.W.) must be planted with an Approved grass, as classified in Section M below. A maximum of ten percent (10%) of the required interior plant material may be placed within the R.O.W. parkway.Should the applicant elect to provide plantings in the public R.O.W. 10.0.Approved Landscaping Plant List Landscape plans shall incorporate plantings from the approved species listings. Plants species on the undesirable tree list shall not be incorporated into landscape plans. Existing undesirable trees,with a caliper of 6-inches (6") or greater may be preserved and counted as 1 tree credit. Existing undesirable trees smaller the 6-inches (6"),if retained,shall count as 0.5 (1/2) of a tree credit. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to consider other plant species not included in the approved landscaping plant lists if such plant is appropriate to the South Central Texas climate and is appropriate within the context of a proposed Landscape Plan. 1.Approved Shade Trees Common Name Scientific Name American elm Ulmus Americana Anaqua Ehretia anacua Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum Bigtooth Maple Acer grandidentatum Black Walnut Juglans nigra Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa Canby's Oak Quercus canbyi Carolina Basswood Tilia caroliana Cedar elm Ulmus crassifolia Chinkapin or Chinquapin oak Quercus muhlenbergii Chisos red, Graves Quercus gravesii Durand oak Quercus durandii Fragrant ash Fraxinus cuspidate Green ash Fraxinus Pennsylvania Lacey oak Quercus glaucoides Little,Texas walnut Juglans microcarpa Mexican live or Monterrey oak Quercus polymorpha Mexican sycamore Platanus mexicana Nuttall Oak Quercus nuttallii Pecan Carya illinoensis Red oak Quercus texana Shin oak Quercus mohriana Southern live oak Quercus virginiana Texas ash Fraxinus texansis Texas red oak Quercus buckleyi (texana) Texas sycamore Platanus occidentalis 47 Unified Development Code City of Czbolo Vasey oak Quercus pungens var.vaseyana 2.Approved Ornamental, Evergreen and Palm Trees Aleppo pine Pinus halepensis Anacacho orchid tree Bauhinia congesta Bradford Pear Pyrus calleryana California fan (exotic) Washingtonia filifera Carolina buckthorn Rhamnus caroliniana Condalia,brazil Condalia hookeri Crepe myrtle, etc. (exotic) Lagerstroemia indica,fauriei, and X's Desert willow Chilopsis linearis Dwarf Palmetto Sabel minor Eastern red cedar Juniperus virginiana Escarpment live oak Quercus fusiformis Evergreen Sumac Rhus virens Flameleaf sumac Rhus lanceolata Goldenball leadtree Leaucaena retusa Lavender tree Vitex agnus-castus Mediterranean fan palm (exotic) Chamaerops humilius Mexican buckeye Ungnadia speciosa Mexican Palmetto,sable Sabal mexicana Mexican pinyon pine/Remote pine Pinus cembroides Mexican redbud Cercis reniformis Mountain laurel or mescal bean Sophora secundiflora Possum-haw holly Ilex deciduas Rusty blackhaw Viburnum rufidulum Texas Crabapple Mollis texana Texas or Oklahoma redbud Cercis canadensis var.texensis Texas Palmetto,sable Sabal texana Texas persimmon Diospyrus texana Texas Pistache Pistacia texana Texas sophora or Eve's Necklace Sophora affinis Wild olive, Mexican wild olive Cordia boissieri Yaupon holly Ilex vomitoria 3.Approved Shrubs,Vines, Perennials and Ground Cover Agarita, Agarito Berberis (Mahonia) trifoliata Agarita,Tx. Barberry Berberis spp. Althea, Rose-of-Sharon Hibiscus syriacus American Beauty Callicarpu americana Artemesia Artemesia spp. Asian Jasmine Trachelospermum asiaticum Asparagus Fern Asparagus sprengeri Aster Aster spp. Autumn Sage Salvia greggii Bird of Paradise Caesalpinia gilliesi Blue Sage,Mealy Sage Salvia farenaceae Blue Shrub Sage Salvia ballotaeflora Bottlebrush Callistemon spp Bougainvillea Bougainvillea Brazilian Sky Flower Duranta repens Buckley Yucca Yucca constricta Bush Morning-Glory Ipomea fitulosa 48 Unified Development Code City of Czbolo Butterfly Bush Buddleia spp. Butterfly Vine Mascagnia spp. Orchid Vine Stigmaphyllon littorale Cape Honeysuckle Tecoma capensis Caroline Jessamine Gelsemium sempervirens Cat Claw Mimosa, Fragrant Mimosa Mimosa bluncifera Century Plant Agave americans Cigar Plants Cuphea spp. Columbine Aquilegia spp. Confederate Jasmine,Star Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides Coppertone Loquat Eriobotrya x"Coppertone" Coral Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens Coral Vine, Rosa-De-Montana, Queens Wreath Antigonon leptopus Coralberry Symphoricapus orbiculatus Dwarf Nandina Nandina domestics "nana"etc. Dwarf Yaupon Ilex vomitoria nana Elderberry Sambucus Canadensis Evening Primrose Oenothera speciosa Fern Acacia Acacia hirfa Firecracker Plant Russelia equisetiformis Fireman's Cap,Coral Tree Erythina crista-galli Four-nerve Daisy Hymenoxys scaposa Frogfruit Phyla humilis Gayfeather Liatris spp. Giant Liriope Liriope gigantea Golden Shrub Daisy Euryops pecinatus African Bush Daisy Gamolepis chrysanthemoides Guara Gaura spp Hawthorn Crataegus spp. Heartleaf Hibiscus Hibiscus cardiophyllus Hibiscus,Texas Star Hibiscus coccineus Hummingbird Bush Anisacanthus spp. Illinois Bundleflower Desmanthus illinoensis Iris Iris spp Italian Jasmine Jasminium floridum Juniper Juniper spp Lady Banksia Rose Rosa Banksiae Lantana Lantana spp. Lily Turf, Liriope (Std., "Big Blue") Liriope muscari vars Lindheimer Senna Cassia lindheimeriana Mexican Bird of Paradise Caesalpinia mexicana Mexican Butterfly Weed Asclepias tuberosa Mexican Flame Vine/Love Vine Senecio confuses Mexican Marigold Tagetes Ilucida Mexican Oregano Poliomentha longiflora Mexican Shrimp Plant Justicia suberecta Mist Flower Eupatroium spp. Mondo Grass, Monkey Grass Ophiopogon japonica Mountain Sage Salvia regla Nandina Nandina domestics spp. Narrow-leaf Yucca Yucca agustifolia Passion Vine Passiflora allatocaerrulea (P.pfordtii) Passionflower Passifloria incarnate Pigeonberry Rivina humilis Pink Skullcap Scutelleria spp. Pomegranate (Regular and Dwarf) Puncia granatum 49 Unified Development Code Gay of C ibolo Prairie Phlox Phlox spp. Primrose Jasmine Jasminum mesnyi Primrose Primrose spp. Prostrate Rosemary Rosemarinus officinales vars. Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea Red Yucca Hesperaloe parviflora Rock Rose Pavonia lasiopetala Rosemary Rosemarinus spp. Salvia Salvia spp. Santolina Santolina spp. Shrimp Plant Justicia spp. Silk Tassel Garrya ovata lindheimer Softleaf Yucca Yucca pendula Sotol Dasylirion spp. Spanish Dagger Yucca treculeana St.John's Wort Hypericum spp Texas Clematis,Scarlet Leatherflower Clematis texensis Texas Elbow Bush Foresteriera pubeseebs Texas Silverleaf,Sage, Cenizo Leucophyllum frutescens Texas Wisteria Wisteria macrostachya Thompson Yucca Yucca thompsonia Trumpet Vine,Trumpet Creeper Campsis radicans x"Madame Galen" Turk's Cap Malvaviscus drummondii Twisted-leaf Yucca Yucca rupicola Verbena Verbena spp. Virginia Creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia Wax Myrtle-Dwarf,Standard Myrica cerifera White Bush Honeysuckle Lonicera albiflora Winecup Callirhoe involuerata Wisteria,evergreen Wisteria millettia veticulata Witchhazel Hamamelis virginiana Yarrow Achillea millefolium Yew Podocarpus macrophyllus Yucca Yucca spp. 4.Approved Ornamental Grasses Bamboo Muhly Muhlenbergia dumosa Big Bluestern Andropogon gerardii Deer Muhly Muhlenbergia rigens Eastern Gama grass Tripsacum dactyloides Gulf Muhly Muhlenbergia capillaris Indian Grass Sorghastrum natums Inland Sea Oats Chasmanthium latifolium Lindheimer Muhly Muhlenbergia lindheimer Little Bluestem Schizaachyrium scoparium Mexican Feathergrass Stipa tenuissima Pine Muhly Muhlenbergia dubia Seep Muhly Muhlenbergia reverehonii Sideoats grama Bouteloua curtipendula Switch Grass Panicum virgatum Weeping Muhly Muhlenbergia dubioides Western Wheatgrass Agropyron smithii 50 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 5.Approved Turf Grasses* Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon var.dactylon Buffalo grass Buchloe dactyloides Blue Grama Bouteloua gracilis Zoysia Grass Varieties Zoysia sp. *The City will consider additional varieties of turf grass that have summer dormancy characteristics. Summer dormancy is defined as the ability of turf grass to survive without water for a period of sixty (60) consecutive days during the months of May through September. 6. Undesirable Trees Common Name Scientific Name Arizona Ash Fraxinus velut Ashe-Juniper, Mountain Cedar Juniperus ashei Box Elder Acer negundo Chinaberry tree Melia azedarach L. Chinese Loquat or Loquat Eriobotrya japonica Chinese Parasol/Varnish Tree Firmiana simplex Chinese Tallow Sapium sebiferum Golden-Rain Tree Koelrenteria paniculata Huisache or Sweet Acacia Acacia farnesiana Japanese Plum Prunus salicina Ligustrum or Privet Ligustrum japonicum Lombardy Popular Populus nigra "italica" Mesquite Prosopis glandulosa Mimosa Albizia julibrissin Paper Mulberry Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L= (Her.ex.Vent.) Saltcedar Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. Sugarberry or Hackberry Celtis laevigata Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima Section 11.0 Variances The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the authority to hear requests for variances to this ordinance when the literal enforcement of these requirements would result in creation of an unnecessary hardship or impractical application of the plan considering the physical characteristics of the lot or parcel of land in question. All of the application requirements, variance hardship criteria, legal notice procedures, and application filing fee required for the granting of a variance to the Zoning Ordinance shall be applicable. Section 12.0 Enforcement The owner of a building or premises in or upon which a violation of any provision of this ordinance has been committed or shall exist, or the lessee or tenant of an entire building or entire premises in or upon which a violation has been committed or shall exist, or the agent, architect, building contractor, or any other person,firm or corporation who commits, takes part or assist in any violation, or who maintains any building or premises in or upon which such violation exists, shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than five hundred ($500.00) per offense. Each day that such violation occurs continues as a separate offense. 51 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo ARTICLE 2 TREE PRESERVATION (Ord. No. 638) The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all developments including commercial, industrial, single and multifamily, and other developments within the corporate limits of the City. Purpose and Intent The purpose of this ordinance is to encourage the preservation of mature trees which once removed can be replaced only after generations, to preserve protected trees during construction and to control the removal of protected trees when necessary. It is the intent of this ordinance to achieve the following: • Prohibit the indiscriminate clearing of property. • Protect and increase the value of residential and commercial properties within the City. • Maintain and enhance a positive image for the attraction of new business enterprises to the City. • Protect healthy quality trees and promote the natural ecological environmental and aesthetic qualities of the City. • Help provide needed shaded areas in order to provide relief from the heat by reducing the ambient temperature. Affectivity All developments for which a Master Plan has not yet been submitted as of the effective date of this ordinance shall be subject to the requirements for tree protection and replacement specified herein. Private Property Agricultural: Property zoned agricultural and being actively used for agricultural purposes shall be exempt from the requirements specified herein. Homeowners The owner of a residence of Iwo acres or less who uses the residence as a homestead shall be exempt from the tree protection and replacement requirements of this ordinance as it pertains to that residential property. Exceptions A tree removal permit and tree protection and replacement requirements shall not be required under any of the following circumstances: • Damaged/Diseased Trees: The tree is dead, diseased, damaged beyond the point of recovery, in danger of falling, or endangers the public health, welfare or safety as determined by the City Administrator/City Manager or their designee. • Utility Service Interruption: The tree has disrupted a public utility service due to a tornado, storm, flood or other act of nature. Removal shall be limited to the portion of the tree reasonably necessary to reestablish and maintain reliable utility service. 52 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo • Business Interests: The following business ventures shall be exempt from the requirements specified herein as follows: • Landscape Nursery: All licensed plant or tree nurseries shall be exempt from the tree protection and replacement requirements and from the tree removal permit requirements only in relation to those trees planted and growing on the premises which are so planted and growing for the sale to the general public. • Golf Course: Golf courses shall be exempt from the tree protection and replacement requirements and from the tree removal permit requirements for removal of protected trees within areas designated as tee boxes, fairways or greens. All other areas shall be subject to these requirements. Deferral The Planning and Zoning Commission shall be allowed to consider variances to the tree removal permit and tree replacement plan where literal enforcement would result in creation of an unnecessary hardship on impractical application of the plan considering the physical characteristics of the lot or parcel of land in question. 1.00 DEFINITIONS • Contiguous Residential Lots- Contiguous lots include three or more adjoining lots DBH - Diameter-at-breast-height (caliper) is tree trunk diameter measured in inches at a height of 4.5 feet above the ground. If a tree splits into multiple trunks below 4.5 feet, the tree shall be measured in two places, the narrowest point beneath the split and '/2 the sum of the calipers of the trunks immediately above the split. Whichever is the greater measurement is to be the measurement applied. If there is no single trunk above ground level to measure, the measurement shall be the sum of the main trunk, plus '/2 of all other branches of the calipers of the various trunks at breast height. • Drip Line - A vertical line run through the outermost portion of the canopy of a tree and extending to the ground. • Governmental Entity - City of Cibolo, Independent School Districts, State and County property; property owned by the United States of America or other federal agencies. Examples of this would include City Hall, public parks, Corps of Engineers property, State R.O.W., library, fire stations,water tower sites or similar properties. • Mitigation -Tree replacement with an authorized species. • Multi-Trunk Tree-Tree with more than one trunk arising at or near the ground. • Protective Fencing - Snow fencing, chain link fence, barbed wire fence, orange vinyl construction fencing or other similar fencing with a four foot (4') approximate height. • Pervious-Water will permeate the surface. • Protected Trees -Trees having a 6-inch DBH and not belonging to the unauthorized species list. • Heritage Trees -Trees having a 24-inch DBH and not belonging to the unauthorized species list. • Root Protection Zone (RPZ) - The area of undisturbed natural soil around a tree defined by a concentric circle with a radius equal to the distance from the trunk to the outermost portion of the drip line. As a practical matter, this is the acute portion of the tree's root system. Approximately ninety percent (90%) of the tree's root mass occurs within the top three feet of the soil and most of the fine feeder roots which collect moisture and nutrients are located in the top six inches (6") of the soil. Typically, a tree's root system extends as much as two to three times the distance from the trunk to the dripline. • Tree Affidavit -Affirmation by the developer/land owner that there are not heritage or protected trees in a proposed development or subdivision. 53 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo • Tree Crown - Parts of the tree above the trunk including leaves, branches, limbs and scaffold: the uppermost part of the tree. • Tree Preservation/Removal Permit- Permit required when heritage/protected trees are to be removed. 2.00 REPLACEMENT AND PROTECTION OF EXISTING TREES Developers/subdividers must submit a tree affidavit or a tree preservation plan with their preliminary plat. However, a tree preservation plan must be submitted no later than when a building permit is requested. Either a tree affidavit or tree preservation/removal permit is required for approval of final plats by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. Any tree plan or survey which shows that protected or heritage trees will be removed, shall be accompanied by a tree removal application and a plan for replacement pursuant the tree replacement definition. The burden shall be upon the applicant to show the necessity for all trees being removed. No person, directly or indirectly, shall cut down, destroy, remove or move, or effectively destroy through damaging, any protected tree situated on property regulated by this ordinance without first obtaining a tree-removal permit unless otherwise specified in this ordinance, except as follows: a. Right-of-way owned or leased by a governmental entity as of the effective date of this ordinance. b. Property owned or leased by a public utility excluding property used for administration offices or functions. 2.01 TREE REMOVAL PERMIT Existing protected or heritage trees shall not be removed from the land without first obtaining a tree removal permit: A. A tree affidavit is used when there are no heritage or protected trees in the proposed development; or, when no heritage tree will be damaged or removed; or when no protected tree will be damaged or removed except in that area inside the proposed building footprints or inside the street rights-of-way and drainage and utility easements for residential development. B. An application for a tree preservation/removal permit is submitted when protected trees will be removed except inside the setbacks, street rights-of-ways and drainage and utility easements for residential development. A tree preservation plan/removal permit is required for the removal of a heritage tree regardless of its location. A tree preservation plan with an inventory of existing trees is required in order to calculate diameter-inches that will be removed versus number of inches that will be preserved. In addition, a tree preservation plan includes notes on methods of tree protection during construction and justification for removing protected or heritage trees.This permit will be issued after the City Code Enforcement Office has evaluated and approved the tree preservation plan. 2.02 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN A. At a minimum a tree preservation plan includes: 1) Existing/proposed topography 2) Location of property lines, easements, approaches, right-of-ways, setbacks, parking areas, and sidewalks; 54 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 3) Location, species, and size in DBH of each heritage tree and each protected tree except those located inside the footprint of proposed structures (for commercial development). Driveways and parking facilities are included as structures. 4) Tree inventory that summarizes total number of DBH inches to be removed and to be preserved (trees down to 1 and '/2 inch DBH can be used in calculating preservation diameter inches). B. Existing protected or heritage trees shall not be removed from the land without first obtaining a tree preservation/removal permit from the City. The land developer will submit a tree preservation plan and inventory to the City Code Enforcement Office. C. The City Code Enforcement Office has the approval authority for all tree preservation plans and will make note of the tree preservation plan approval on their plat review. Specifically, it will be noted that the tree preservation plan meets the City's requirements and is on file with the plat in the Code Enforcement Office. D. Substitution by a mitigation tree species not on the Authorized Species list in Section 5.00 may be submitted for approval on a case by case basis. 2.03 TREE PROTECTION AND PLANTING A. Tree protection will be installed before any site work is initiated and maintained for the duration of the construction work. 1) It will consist of fencing (orange mesh or chain link) placed around the RPZ. 2) No vehicles or construction materials/debris will be allowed in the RPZ. 3) No equipment shall be cleaned or other liquids deposited within the limits of the dripline of any Protected Tree. This includes, but is not limited to, paint, oil, solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar, or other materials; 4) No signs, wires, or other attachments, other than those of a protective nature, which have been approved in the Tree Disposition Plan, shall be attached to any Protected Tree; 5) Trespassing or throwing trash into a Protective Fence area is prohibited. 6) Any damage done to tree crowns or roots will be repaired immediately and any wounds on live oaks will be painted with pruning paint within 60 minutes to prevent oak wilt. 7) Wells or retaining walls around the RPZ will be used if proposed finished grades will raise or lower the natural RPZ grade by more than 6 inches. 8) The finished RPZ will be pervious except for those areas excluded in paragraph 12 below. 9) For commercial, multifamily and other developments; a minimum of 25%of the total DBH must be preserved. 10) For single family residential development of single or contiguous lots; contiguous lots include three or more lots, a minimum of 50%of total DBH must be preserved. 11) For individual lots, 45%of total DBH must be preserved. 12) Utility and flatwork per the original builder's plan are exempt for up to 45% of the RPZ. B. Even though the preservation standard is met, a permit is still required to remove heritage trees and protected trees. There is a mitigation requirement imposed for the removal of any and all heritage trees, and for the removal of any and all protected trees. C. Residential home builders in the City of Cibolo are henceforth required to provide and plant, or allow to remain, a minimum of 2 approved trees per single dwelling lot. When mature, the species planted will have an average crown greater than 15 feet in diameter. Trees planted or allowed to remain shall have minimum 2 inch DBH and an overall height of at least 8 feet when 55 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo planted. Trees may be planted within the City's right of way only if approved by the City in accordance with the Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 316, Subchapter A, Sections 316.002 and 316.003. D. For single family residential developments; each residence will have a minimum of 2 approved trees. E. Each tree will have a 2 inch DBH minimum. F. All trees shall be of an approved/authorized species. (See 5.0 Authorized Species) G. Site plans should accommodate existing trees by providing islands in parking lots, grading, and landscaping surrounding structures. In commercial, multifamily, and other developments, trees will be added to the landscape, as necessary, to have the equivalent of 4 inch DBH per 50 feet of street frontage. H. Protected trees are mitigated at a ratio of 1 inch to 1 inch. Heritage trees are mitigated at a ratio of 3 inches for every one inch of removed tree. Mitigated trees will be approved trees. (see the authorized species list) and have a minimum DBH of 2 inches. I. In Multi-family developments (apartments. condos, town homes, and modular home parks), there will be a minimum of one preserved or planted tree for each dwelling unit. 3.00 FEES FOR PERMITS At the time of application, the following fees are required Tree Affidavit$25.00 Tree Preservation/Removal Permit$25.00 PLUS $10 PER SUBDIVISION UNIT 4.00 PENALTY Upon conviction violators shall be deemed guilty of a Class C Misdemeanor and shall be fined five hundred ($500.00) dollars, per violation, per day, and each violation shall be a separate offense, and each day the violation exists shall constitute a separate offense. 5.00 AUTHORIZED TREE SPECIES Authorized species: Live oak-Quercus virginiana Shumard red oak-Quercus shumardii Chinquapin oak-Quercus muehlenbergii Bur oak-Quercus macrocarpa Lacey Oak-Quercus glauco ides Pecan-Carya illinoinensis Chinese pistache-Pistacia chinensis Cedar elm-Ulm us crassifolia Texas Red bud-Cercis canadensis var texensis Bradford pear-Pyrus calleryana Persimmon-Diospyros texana Crepe myrtle-Lagerstroemia indica 56 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Monterrey Oak-Quercus polymorpha Texas Mountain Laurel-Sophora secundiflora Unauthorized species: Ash juniper/mountain cedar-Juniperus ashei Cottonwood-Populus deltoides var. Sycamore- Platanus occidentalis Hackberry-Celtis occidentalis var. Mulberry-Morus sp. Chinaberry-Sapindus drummondii Box elder-Acer negundo Chinese tallow-Sapium sebiferum Mesquite-Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa Huisache-Acacia farnesiana (A. smog Willow-Salix sp. Arizona ash-Fraxinus velutina Silver Maple-Acer saccharinum *Trees from unauthorized species list may be allowed to remain but not counted as required trees. 57 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo ARTICLE 3 DESIGN STANDARDS LOTS AND BLOCKS(Ordinance 686) A. PURPOSE It is the purpose of this chapter to define the standards to be followed in the design and construction of subdivisions, projects, and streets in the City of Cibolo. These standards are to be followed, but it is not the intent that they should supplant sound engineering judgment when there are special circumstances that would make these standards inappropriate. Under such circumstances the project engineer shall discuss and document the variation with the City Engineer, who will make a recommendation for or against varying the standards to the City Council.The City Council will then either approve or disapprove said variation of standards. B. CLASSIFICATION&SECTION 1. The City of Cibolo has classified streets for use in the City and in it's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). These classifications establish requirements for right-of-way, pavement widths, cross- sections, crown or cross slopes, and parkway slopes. These classifications are to be used on publicly funded projects and in new subdivision developments, which are privately funded. For any project or subdivision, the City Engineer will determine the classification of street to be used based upon the City's Master Plan or the City's Thoroughfare Plan. 2. The classifications of streets for public and private sector development and their basic requirements are as shown in the following tables or as determined by the City Engineer or Public Works Director. C. STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL LOTS 1. Lot Size and Districts The lot size of all lots platted within the City shall conform to the Zoning Ordinance on the basis of the district in which they are located. Subdivisions outside the city but within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) are not subject to the zoning ordinance but must follow applicable subdivision standards. 2. Lot Orientation a. Physical Setting - Residential lots shall be oriented to take advantage of topography, climate conditions and the best relationship to the overall design of the neighborhood and to the effects of any surrounding land uses. b. Double Front - Double Front lots are prohibited except when facing on major thoroughfares. c. Right Angles-The placing of lots at eight angles to each other shall be avoided. d. Orientation to Streets -Side lot lines shall be as nearly perpendicular as practicable to the street or radial to curved streets. e. Access - Every lot shall be provided with adequate access to a public street by direct frontage on such street. Rear and/or side driveway access to major streets shall be prohibited. 3. Lot Numbering All lots shall be numbered consecutively within each block. Lot numbering may be cumulative throughout the subdivision if the numbering continues from block to block in a uniform manner 58 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo that has been approved on an overall preliminary plat. Lot numbers must be approved by the city. 4. Additional Restrictions a. Septic System-Where a lot is to be served by a septic tank system, the lot shall be at least one hundred (100') feet wide and one hundred-twenty (120')'feet deep, regardless of location in the city or ETJ. Septic system shall be designed by a Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Licensed OSSF installer and subject to approval of design and inspection, and shall meet all State regulations, State Health Department codes, and Guadalupe County and City of Cibolo requirements. b. Roofing Restriction-Wood shingle roofs shall be prohibited. D. ZONING DISTRICT LOT DESIGN SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS(SEE ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS BELOW IN TABLE 1) - - =, - • - — -- - =e - •--- - - -- - - as follows: a. Zoning District R 1 Residential Single Family Large Lot b. Zoning District R 2 Residential Single Family Standard Lot, 60 foot width c. Zoning District R 2B Residential Single Family Standard Lot,55 foot width d. Zoning District R 2D -Residontial Single Family Standard Lot, Dotachod Carago e. Zoning District R-3 Residential Single Family Standard Lot,50 foot width f. Zoning District R-3D Residontial Single Family Standard Lot, Dotachod Garago I. Zoning District MF Residential Multi Family Lot j. Zoning District MH Residential Manufactured Homes (In Manufactured Homes Park) k. Zoning District CBD Central Business District I. Zoning District C 1 Commercial (Light) m. Zoning District C 2 Commercial (Medium) n. Zoning District C-1 R Commercial Light Density Retail o. Zoning District C 2R Commercial Medium Density Retail p. Zoning District NS Neighborhood Sorvicos q. Zoning District C 3R Big Box Retail r. Zoning District I 1 Industrial (Light) s. Zoning District 12 Heavy Industrial t. Zoning District PK Parkland/Opon Space u. Zoning District OP Open Space/Park v. Zoning District PD Pre Development w. Zoning Special SO Overlay District x. Zoning District AS Places of Assembly 2. Zoning District R 1, Residential Single Family Large Lot a. Intent to establish and preserve areas of low density land uso, primarily dovotod to low c. Specific uses subject to site plan approval, places of worship, schools, private recreational amenities. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 10,000 sq.ft. (2) Minimum Lot Width 100' (3) Minimum Lot Depth 100' (4) Minimum Front Setback 30' (5) Minimum Rear Setback 20' 59 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (6) Minimum Side Setback 5' (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 35' (8) Maximum Lot Coverage 10;. (9) ETJ Classification Low Density 3. Zoning District R 2, Residential Single Family Standard Lot a. Intent to establish and preserve areas of Medium density land use primarily devoted to Medium density residential development. No mobile/ manufactured/modular homes permitted. c. Specific uses subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities, day care centers, places of worship,schools. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 6,000 sq.ft. (2) Minimum Lot Width 60' (3) Minimum Lot Depth 100' (1) Minimum Front Setback 20' (5) Minimum Rear Setback 15' (6) Minimum Side Setback 5' (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 35' (8) Maximum Lot Covcrago 10% (9) ETJ Classification Medium Density 1. Zoning District R-3, Residential Single Family Standard Lot a. Intent to establish and preserve areas of medium to high density land use primarily devoted to Medium density residential development. No mobile/ manufactured/modular homes permitted. b. Permitted uses one (1) dwelling unit per lot,and community recreational facilities. c. Specific uses subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities, day care centers, places of worship,schools. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 5000 sq.ft. (2) Minimum Lot Width 50' (3) Minimum Lot Depth 100' (1) Minimum Front Setback 20' (5) Minimum Rear Setback 10' (6) Minimum Side Setback 5' (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 35' (8) Maximum Lot Coverage 40% (9) ETJ Classification Medium to High Density _ _ _ _re a. Intent to establish and preserve areas of medium density land use primarily devoted to Medium density residential development. No mobile/ manufactured/modular homes permitted. b. Permitted uses one (1) dwelling unit per lot,and community recreational facilities. c. Specific uses subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities, day care centers, places of worship,schools. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 1,500 sq.ft. (2) Minimum Lot Width 15' (3) Minimum Lot Depth 80' (1) Minimum Front Setback 20' (5) Minimum Rear Setback 15' 60 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (6) Minimum Side Setback 10' (1 side) (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 35' (8) Maximum Lot Coverage 50% {9) ETJ Classification Medium Density 6. Zoning District MF, Residential Multi Family Lot a. Intent to establish and preserve areas of high density land use, primarily devoted to high density multi family residential development. b. Permitted uses all permitted uscs in district R 3, two family dwellings, townhouse dwellings, • c. Specific uses subject to site plan approval. Private recreational amenities,day care centers. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 7,500 sq.ft (2) Minimum Lot Width 75' (3) Minimum Lot Depth 100' (4) Minimum Front Setback 25' (5) Minimum Rear Setback 15' (6) Minimum Side Setback 5' (7) Maximum Lot_Sevotpge 50% (8) Maximum Height of Principal Building 2 Stories (9) ETJ Classification High Density 7. Zoning District MH, Residential Manufactured Homes (In a Manufactured Homes Park) a. Intent to establish and to preserve areas of high density land use primarily for the location and placement of mobile/manufactured/modular homes. b. Permitted uses and uses permitted in district C 2 and mobile/manufactured/modular homes. c. Specific uses subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 10,000/3 units (1) (2) (2) Minimum Lot Width 50' (3) Minimum Lot Depth 100' (4) Minimum Front Setback. 25' (5) Minimum Rear Setback 20' (6) Minimum Side Setback 10' (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 1 story (8) Maximum Lot Coverage 50% (9) ETJ Classification Manufactured Housing Parks 8. Zoning District C 1, Commercial (Light) a. Intent to establish and preserve areas of Medium Density land us, primarily devoted to general commercial and high density residential development and other non industrial-i.iseT b. Permitted uses all permitted uses in the MF district, offices, services, family oriented are conducted wholly within an enclosed building or buildings. No mobile/manufactured/modular homes. c. Specific 6iscs subjoct to site plan approval, other non industrial activities which entail either unenclosed operations and storage, contractors storage and equipment yard, light - - _ _ _ _ _ _ , _e /taverns, paint an body shop or other business emitting--rnauseous fumes or chemicals, mortuary, filing stations, bookstores, adult entertainment clubs, day care centers. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area None (2) Minimum Lot Width P1sae 61 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (3) Minimum Lot Dopth Nono (1) Minimum Front Setback 25' (5) Minimum Rear Setback 6' (6) Minimum Side Setback 6' (7) Maximum Lot Covorago 75% (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 60' (8) ETJ Classification Commercial 9. Zoning District C 2,Commercial (Medium) a. Intent to establish and preserve areas of high density land use, primarily designated for light industrial development b. Permitted uses all permitted uses in the C 1 district, light industrial establishmonts with all associated operations and storage contained within an enclosed building. No mobile/manufactured/modular h-homes. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 10,000 {2) Minimum Lot Width 100' (3) Minimum Lot Depth 100' (1) Minimum Front Setback 25' (5) Minimum Rear Setback 6' (6) Minimum Side Setback 6' (7) Maximum Lot Covorago 80; (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building Variablo (8) ETJ Classification Commercial -1'Q. Zoning District 11, Industrial (Light) - industrial development. associated operations and storage contained within an enclosed building. No mobile/manufactured/modular-homes c. Specific uses subject to site plan approval, heavy industry provided that the external physical storage, contractor storage and equipment yard, and paint and body shop or ether d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area Nono (2) Minimum Lot Width Nono (3) Minimum Lot Dopth Nono (1) Minimum Front Setback 25' (5) Minimum Rear Setback 6' (6) Minimum Side Setback 6' (7) Maximum Lot Covorago 80;, (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 60' (8) ETJ Classification Industrial 11. Zoning District OP, Open Space/Park -- --- -- - - - - - •e = ---= _ - • residents. - --- -- , - --• -- - - - - - - - --- - - _- •=• city. c. Spocific uses to bo considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council of Cibolo. 62 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 12. Zoning District PD, Pre Development a. Intent newly annexed property is given the zoning of PD, Pre Development District. This is Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council of Cibolo. the city. b. Specific uses to bo considered by tho Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council of Cibolo. 13. Zoning District SO,Special Overlay a. Intent special overlay districts may be established when it is determined additional zoning requirements, as authorized by the Zoning Ordinance, are applicable tb certain areas witiia the city. This special overlay district will not change the existing zoning classification and its general welfare of the City. The City of Cibolo, Texas must forward a public hearing and proper notice to all affected parties, in accordance with the notice procedures prescribed under the Zoning Ordinance. Authorization of special overlay districts must be recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the City Council. b. Permitted uses soo Cibolo Zoning Ordinance Zoning Land Use Lot Lot Lot Front Rear Side Max. Max.Lot ETJ District Classification Area Width* Depth* Setback* Setback* Setback* Hgt(3) Cover Classification R-1 SFR Large Lot 10K SF 100' 100' 30' 20' 5' 35' 40% Low Density R-2 SFR Standard Lot 6K SF 60' 100' 20: 15' 5' 35' 40% Medium Density R 2M SFR Small Lot Front Entry 6K SF 55' 100' 20' 10' 5' 35 40% Medium to High Density Rear Entry 6K SF 55' 100' 10' 20' 5' 35 40% Medium to High Density R 3G SFR Garden Home I Front Entry 5K SF 50' 110' 20' 10' 10'1-side 35 40% Medium to High Density Rear Entry 5K SF 50' 110' 10' 20' 10'1-side 35 40% Medium to High Density R-4 SFR Small Lot 7.5K SF 75' . 100' 25' 15' 5' 35' 50% Medium Density MF MFR 7.5K SF 75' 100' 25' 15' 5' 35' 50% High Density MH Manufactured SFR(4) (1)(2) 50' 100' 25' 20' 10' 1 story 40% Manufactured housing C-1 Commercial(Light) None None None 25' 6' 6' 60' 40% Commercial C-2 Commercial(Medium) 10,000 100' 100' 25' 6' 6' Varies 40% Commercial I-1 Industrial(Light) None None . None 25' 6' 6' 60' 40% Industrial OP Open Space/Park N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Open Space/Park PD Pre-Development N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I Pre-Development SO Overlay District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Overlay District (1)10,00/3 Units Rus 1,800/additional unit E (2)No more than 24 unit/acre (3)Of principal building (4) In a manufactured home park *All lot and setback dimensions listed are minimum requirements. 63 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 1. For the Purpose of this ordinance,the City of Cibolo is hereby divided into twenty (20) districts as follows: a. Zoning District SF-1 Rural Residential b. Zoning District SF-2 Suburban Residential (2.0 to 5.5 dwelling units/acre) c. Zoning District SF-3 Mixed-Density Residential (5.5 to 12.5 dwelling units/acre) d. Zoning District MF-1 Multi-Family Residential (Max. Density 18 dwellings/acrel e. Zoning District MF-2 Multi-Family Residential (Max. Density 24 dwellings/acre) f. Zoning District MH-1 Manufactured Home Residential g. Zoning District MH-2 Mobile Home Residential h. Zoning District C-1 Neighborhood Commercial i. Zoning District C-2 Old Town/Town Center j. Zoning District C-3 Retail/Office k. Zoning District C-4 General Commercial I. Zoning District PF Public Facilities m. Zoning District I-1 Light Industrial n. Zoning District 1-2 Heavy Industrial o. Zoning District PUD Planned Unit Development p. Zoning District OT Old Town Overlay District q. Zoning District 78 FM 78 Overlay District r. Zoning District TC Town Center Overlay District s. Zoning District AG Agricultural 2. Zoning District SF-1, Rural Residential a. Intent - This district is established for large-lot single-family residential housing and agricultural use. It is consistent with a very low density suburban/exurban environment with housing arranged in conventional detached format with a maximum density of 2.0 units per acre. These lots contribute to the semi-rural setting of the City and are protected from incompatible uses.Mobile/manufactured/modular homes are not permitted. b. Permitted uses-one (1) dwelling unit per lot, community recreational facilities, and farms. c. Specific uses - subject to site plan approval, places of worship, schools, and private recreational amenities. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 21,000 sq.ft. 12) Minimum Lot Width 85' (3) Minimum Front Setback 35' J4) Minimum Rear Setback 25' (5) Minimum Side Setback 10' (6) Maximum Height of Principal Building 45' (7) Maximum Lot Coverage 35% (8) ETJ Classification Low-Density Residential 3. Zoning District SF-2,Suburban Residential a. Intent - This district is established for traditional suburban development of single-family detached dwellings in a medium density setting of 2.0 to 5.5 units per acre. Higher intensity residential development serves as a buffer to protect this area from incompatible and nuisance issues.Mobile/manufactured/modular homes are not permitted. b. Permitted uses-one (1) dwelling unit per lot, and community recreational facilities. c. Specific uses -subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities, places of worship, schools. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 6,500 sa.ft. (2) Minimum Lot Width 55' (3) Minimum Front Setback 25' 64 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (4) Minimum Rear Setback 5' (5) Minimum Side Setback 5' (6) Maximum Height of Principal Building 35' (7) Maximum Lot Coverage 50% (8) ETJ Classification Low to Medium-Density Residential 4. Zoning District SF-3, Mixed-Density Residential a. Intent - The mixed-density residential district enables higher density (5.5 to 12 units per acre) housing types, such as townhomes, garden homes, or duplex/triplex to be developed in closer proximity to collector streets. The district is intended to complement the suburban district and in infill areas of the Town Center, serving as a transitional use between commercial and single family uses.Mobile/manufactured/modular homes are not permitted. b. Permitted uses-one (1) dwelling unit per lot, and community recreational facilities. c. Specific uses-subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities, places of worship, schools. d. Lot Design Requirements (11 Minimum Lot Area 6,000 sq.ft. (2) Minimum Lot Width 50' (3) Minimum Front Setback 10' (4) Minimum Rear Setback 5' (5) Minimum Side Setback 5' (6) Maximum Height of Principal Building 35' (7) Maximum Lot Coverage 60% (8) ETJ Classification Medium to Medium High Density Residential 5. Zoning District MF-1, Multi-Family Residential a. Intent-This district provides for attached, multiple family residential use to a maximum density of 18.0 units per acre, situated with access to an arterial roadway. It is intended to be located near retail and office use to provide convenient service. Its scale is complementary to the Town Center and provides pedestrian access to surrounding service uses. Mobile/ manufactured/modular homes are not permitted. b. Permitted uses - townhomes, condominiums and apartments not to exceed eighteen (18) dwelling units per acre, and cluster housing not to exceed fifteen (18) units per acre. Mobile/manufactured/modular homes are not permitted. c. Specific uses -subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities, places of worship, schools. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 20 acres (2) Minimum Lot Width 40' (3) Minimum Front Setback 15' (4) Minimum Rear Setback 5' (5) Minimum Side Setback 5' (6) Maximum Height of Principal Building 35' (7) Maximum Lot Coverage 75% (8) ETJ Classification Medium High to High Density Residential 6. Zoning District MF-2, Multi-Family Residential a. Intent-This district provides for attached, multiple family residential use to a maximum density of 24 units per acre, situated with access to a major arterial roadway or highway. It is intended to be located near retail and office use to provide convenient service, and access to regional facilities for its residents. 65 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo b. Permitted uses - townhomes, condominiums and apartments not to exceed eighteen (24) dwelling units per acre, and cluster housing not to exceed fifteen (24) units per acre. Mobile/manufactured/modular homes are not permitted. c. Specific uses-subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 30 acres (2) Minimum Lot Width 35' (3) Minimum Front Setback 15' (4) Minimum Rear Setback 5' (5) Minimum Side Setback 5' (6) Maximum Lot Coverage 45% (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 45' (8) ETJ Classification High Density Residential 7. Zoning District MH-1, Manufactured Home Residential a. Intent - The Manufactured Home District is established to provide a single family residential zoning district most appropriate to an established neighborhood that contains predominantly manufactured home residences. This district allows for HUD-Code manufactured homes, modular homes, or other site-built homes on individual lots and provides for a diversity of housing options. Maximum density is limited to 5.5 dwelling units per acre. b. Permitted uses—manufactured/modular homes. c. Specific uses-subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 9,000 sq.ft. J2) Minimum Lot Width 75' (3) Minimum Front Setback 25' (4) Minimum Rear Setback 20' (5) Minimum Side Setback 10' (6) Maximum Height of Principal Building 35' (7) Maximum Lot Coverage 40% (8) ETJ Classification Manufactured/Modular Residential 8. Zoning District MH-2,Mobile Home Park a. Intent-The MH-2 Mobile Home Park District is intended to provide locations for development of mobile home residence parks. Homes in this district shall be restricted to mobile homesas defined by the U.S. Department of Housing And Urban Development. Maximum density is limited to 4.0 dwelling units per acre. b. Permitted uses — mobile homes, as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing And Urban Development c. Specific uses-subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area 7,500 sq.ft. 12) Minimum Lot Width 55' (3) Minimum Front Setback 20' (4) Minimum Rear Setback 10' (5) Minimum Side Setback 5' (6) Maximum Height of Principal Building 35' (7) Maximum Lot Coverage 50% (8) ETJ Classification Mobile Home Residential 66 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 9. Zoning District C-1, Neighborhood Commercial a. Intent-The Neighborhood Commercial district is established to provide for a limited variety of commercial uses and services associated with neighborhood storefront retail,service,financial, and office activities which are compatible and designed in scale with surrounding residential areas. The intent of this District is to provide convenient neighborhood access to commercial services, and minimize undesirable impacts such as noise, traffic and odors through performance standards. b. Permitted uses—limited office and retail uses and services which are compatible and designed in scale with surrounding residential areas. c. Specific uses - subject to site plan approval, limited office, retail and service uses which are compatible and designed in scale with surrounding residential areas. d. Lot Design Requirements 11) Minimum Lot Area None (2) Minimum Lot Width 50' (3) Minimum Front Setback 20' (4) Minimum Rear Setback 20' (51 Minimum Side Setback 5' (6) Maximum Lot Coverage 70% (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 30' 18) ETJ Classification Light Retail, Office and Services 10. Zoning District C-2,Old Town/Town Center a. Intent - The Old Town district is established to reinforce and reinvigorate downtown Cibolo's historical traditions and monuments. The district is intended to ensure harmonious development, redevelopment, and rehabilitation of uses in the historic core by integrating an appropriate mix of retail, office, entertainment, civic, and residential uses commensurate with traditional values of the city,its citizens, and the surrounding area. b. Permitted uses—a mix of retail, office,entertainment, civic,and residential uses c. Specific uses - subject to site plan approval, office, retail and service uses which are compatible and designed in scale with Old Town Cibolo and a Town Center. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area None (2) Minimum Lot Width 70' (3) Minimum Front Setback 15' (4) Minimum Rear Setback 15' (5) Minimum Side Setback 15' (6) Maximum Lot Coverage 70% (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 45' J8) ETJ Classification Retail,Office and Services 11. Zoning District C-3, Retail/Office a. Intent-The Retail/Office District establishes a broad range of business operations, services and commercial development requiring arterial or collector street access. This district is intended for a variety of office, institutional and indoor retail uses that are designed to make the most efficient use of existing infrastructure and provide for orderly transitions and buffers between districts and uses. This district should facilitate economic development activities that will strengthen neighborhoods; promote the development of targeted industries and provide community balance; provide educational and employment opportunities; and encourage local economic investment for citizens of Cibolo. b. Permitted uses—general retail,office and service uses c. Specific uses - subject to site plan approval, completely enclosed general retail, office and service uses 67 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area None (2) Minimum Lot Width 70' (3) Minimum Front Setback 25' (4) Minimum Rear Setback 15' (5) Minimum Side Setback 15' (6) Maximum Lot Coverage 75% (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 45' (8) ETJ Classification Enclosed general retail, office &service uses 12. Zoning District C-4, General Commercial a. Intent - The General Commercial district is established to provide for a broad range of commercial uses and activities in high visibility areas to serve the needs of the surrounding region. It is the most intensive commercial zoning district and generally situated along a highway or major roadway due to high traffic requirements. b. Permitted uses-Commercial Uses c. Specific uses - subject to site plan approval, retail, office, service and general commercial uses. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area None (2) Minimum Lot Width 70' (3) Minimum Front Setback 40' (4) Minimum Rear Setback 35' j5) Minimum Side Setback 20' 16) Maximum Lot Coverage 80% (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 45' (8) ETJ Classification Commercial 13. Zoning District I-1, Light Industrial a. Intent- The I-1 district is established to permit most commercial uses, office park, flex-space, and low impact industrial uses which are compatible with surrounding commercial districts. Limited retail and services uses that serve the industrial development zone are also permitted. b. Permitted uses- most commercial uses, office park, flex-space, and low impact industrial uses which are compatible with surrounding commercial districts. Limited retail and services uses that serve the industrial development zone are also permitted. c. Specific uses - subject to site plan approval, most commercial uses, office park, flex-space, and low impact industrial uses which are compatible with surrounding commercial districts. Limited retail and services uses that serve the industrial development zone are also permitted. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area None (2) Minimum Lot Width 100' (3) Minimum Front Setback 50' (4) Minimum Rear Setback 40' (5) Minimum Side Setback 25' (6) Maximum Lot Coverage 80% (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 45' (8) ETJ Classification Liaht Industrial 14. Zoning District 1-2, Heavy Industrial a. Intent-The 1-2 district is established to provide for a broad range of industrial uses. It is the least restrictive industrial zoning district and is intended for the grouping of industrial uses in locations that have adequate and convenient access to major arterials, highways, and rail lines. b. Permitted uses-Liaht and Heavy Industrial Uses 68 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo c. Specific uses - subject to site plan approval, light and heavy industry uses provided that the external physical effects thereof are contained within the boundaries of the respective development sites. d. Lot Design Requirements (1) Minimum Lot Area None (2) Minimum Lot Width 100' (3) Minimum Front Setback 50' (4) Minimum Rear Setback 50' j5) Minimum Side Setback 25' (6) Maximum Lot Coverage 80% (7) Maximum Height of Principal Building 45' (8) ETJ Classification Heavy Industrial 15. Zoning District PF, Public Facilities a. Intent-The Public Facilities District is intended to provide for public,semi-public and institutional facilities within close proximity to various neighborhood and commercial land uses. b. Permitted uses — includes parks, preen space, schools, governmental uses and other land intended for recreation in the city. 16. Zoning District PUD (Planned Unit Development) a. Intent — Planned Unit Development zoning is intended to allow flexibility in planning and designing for unique or environmentally sensitive properties that are three acres in size or greater and which are to be developed in accordance with a common development scheme of planned associations of uses. PUD zoning is designed to accommodate various types of development, such as single-family residential, multiple housing development, neighborhood and community shopping centers, professional and administrative areas, industrial and business parks, and other uses or a combination or mix of uses. A PUD may be used to permit new or innovative concepts in land use and standards not permitted by zoning or subdivision standards in this Ordinance or to permit development projects that existing Zoning Districts do not easily accommodate. b. Specific uses—to be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council of Cibolo 17. Zoning District 78 Overlay a. Intent - The "78" Overlay District (78) intends to provide a cohesive set of design and use standards for properties within its boundaries. The District recoanizes the importance of the FM 78 corridor through Cibolo as a local and regional commercial center, and emphasizes traffic management, mixed commercial and residential use opportunities, and management of visual clutter through signage control, screening and buffering. Architectural design standards are part of the 78 Overlay District to promote the development of pedestrian-scale buildings and define the corridor as a cohesive district. 18. Zoning District Old Town Overlay a. Intent-Old Town Overlay District (OT) is intended to provide a cohesive set of design and use standards for properties within its boundaries. The OT District recognizes the historical fabric of Old Town Cibolo and seeks to preserve the character, pedestrian scale,and architecture of the area surrounding Main Street. Additionally,it seeks to provide a pedestrian-oriented environment and flexibility for harmonious residential,civic,and commercial uses, as well as context-sensitive desian standards to integrate new development with the City's original core. 69 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 19. Zoning District Town Center Overlay a. Intent -The Town Center Overlay District is intended to provide a cohesive set of design and use standards for properties within its boundaries. The TC District recognizes the current and future importance of this area adjacent to the Old Town District, the future extension of FM 1103 and Haeckerville Road, and generally the area's central location with respect to the ultimate city limits. The TC District provides additional flexibility to mix residential, commercial, and civic uses. Additionally, it seeks to provide a pedestrian-oriented building environment and manage visual clutter through signage control,screening and buffering. 20. Zoning District Agricultural a. Intent-The Agricultural district is intended to serve as an initial temporary zoning designation for newly annexed properties into the City and as a permanent zoning designation for those rural properties of the City that are ideally suited for agricultural purposes.Since single-family residences are permitted in is district,this district is considered to be a very low density residential district.Such acreage contributes to the rural to semi-rural setting of the City and is protected from incompatible uses. TABLE 1 LOT DESIGN STANDARDS Appendix C:Lot Desi Standards SETBACKS Maximism District Maximum Minimum MaximumLot Code Zoning District Develop. Lot Area(11") Minimum Nairn m Minimum Minimum ��g cosetage Density 1'.liasioonn Lot Width Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard • Height Cxn) (units+ac) Lot Area(ac) -. ''.i . .. - '.-. . . . . - ''."RESID TIAL='`"-. , :. . = ..•,. AG Agricaltual None None None 35 5 5 35 S 35 SF1 Rural Residential 2.00 2L000' 55 35 ?5 10' 45 35' SF2 Suburban Residential 550 6500 55 25 5 56.7- 35 50' sr; ]Sued-Density Residential' 1200 6,000 50 10' 5 5 r ' 35 60 hff 1 ASulti-Fainly 13.00 '20 40 15 5 5' 35 75 .141F2 Multi-Family 24.00 30 35 15 5 5 . 45 SO 111x1 Manufactured Home 550 9,000 75 25 20 10 35 40 1‘032 ManufacturedHousingPark 4.00 7500 55 20 10 5 35 50 =- `-,No-IIESIDI;\-31AL`.,'# 9' CI Neighborhood Commensal- - - 50 20 20 10 30„ 70 Cl Old Town!Toun Center. - - . 70 15 15 15" ' 45 70 C3 Retail/Office - - 70 25' 15 15 35 75 C4 General Commercial - - 70 40 35 20 45 SO II LigstlnduStrial - . - 100 50 40 25 45 SO L Heavy Industrial - - 100 50 50 25 45 SO Nott 1 Lab far vieicbmzecTsefmnlityiapeogceedage subject to76230,3'm:aAdmiC'a tatice Cody Capter235.The appliestianctiCupter235 maysc elugerniaiffi=lot dun doCityafCilrola7�cCcd®ce.Insahcv2s,tLemmer cesYailapply 2 .Flat cm-anv s35°:,apt la mused 15.000 scpwifeet 3 Ma m13'fiat pad setbeckfor page,&cotmewed fraaeraUe�y. 4 5taylsxed¢cedtu 15'ifpa3¢ogpmcidedztside cenertfimldieg. 5 Tlses�lotconage for tlais&kid doll obanilict empbmt ofcue(1)1a aydrachmoflcd>an 100 squat feet,word noh.ftuetoseis plced.= i&and comp}Sea'' with the segmsomementanfllveadaD,am$do.rat iatedeleui$hale Tem efaay eaaaaans taecest 6 leGic=15 feet between h®;hat nit tem t1>ea 5 feat an Dither side of tin cry ilde lot lig. 7 C®erlotr hnygrage meapatfacing the..&vtreetmcfbemtbarknotle•« as20 fit. S The racolmabeightpettaasrnlytothelni 1t afadiame_The lre 3t of 2==Euagtieal'tzzalshomueb soshnbam,laicdemlts,mica cnatmslriccted. 70 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo E. STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL BLOCKS(Ordinance 686) 1. Block Length a. For a residential subdivision, block length shall be that distance measured along the centerline of the street from the intersection centerpoint of one through street (i.e. not a cul-de-sac, dead end or loop street) to the intersecting centerpoint of another through street or to the midpoint of a cul-de-sac. b. Block length along minor or secondary streets shall not exceed one-thousand four hundred (1,400) feet nor be less than five hundred (500) feet. On a major street, the maximum block length shall be one-thousand five hundred (1,500) feet, except under special conditions and upon approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission through approval of a final plat. c. In general block length along minor or secondary streets shall not exceed one thousand-four hundred (1,400') feet nor less than five hundred (500') feet. On a major street, the maximum block length shall be fifteen hundred (1500') feet, except under special conditions and upon approval by the City Council. 2. Block Width Blocks shall be wide enough to allow two (2) tiers of lots of at least minimum depth, except when prevented by the size of the property or the need to back-up to a major thoroughfare. 3. Block Numbering Blocks shall be numbered consecutively within the subdivision and/or sections of an overall plat as recorded and approved by the City. F. EASEMENTS 1. The subdivider shall dedicate or grant easements for poles, wires, conduits, storm sewers, water lines,open drains, gas lines, or other utilities as follows: a. A minimum of a ten (10') foot utility easement shall be required across the front portion of lots (including sidelines) other than along boundary lines. Lot side easements shall be determined by the electric, telephone, and CATV companies; b. A storm-water easement or drainage right-of-way of sufficient width shall be provided where a creek,stream,or tributary flows through a subdivision to accommodate future access for construction and maintenance. Required width shall be determined by the City Engineer; and c. Grant access easement at all bridges and street crossing large enough for City equipment and workers access for maintenance. G. RIGHT-OF-WAY AND PAVEMENT WIDTHS In newly developed subdivisions, right-of-way shall be dedicated by the developer and pavement width constructed in accordance with city requirements. The classifications of the streets shall be as determined by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council Tables 2 and 3 on the following pages provide the requirements for right-of-way and pavement widths, as well as median widths and crown or cross slope. In construction projects by the City of Cibolo, where the desired right-of-way is not available for the adequate pavement width 71 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo shown in Table 2, the City Engineer will determine the pavement width to be used on the project. Said pavement width must be approved by the City Council. TABLE 2 ROAD DEVELOPMENT Median Pvmt.Crown Street Classification R.O.W Pavement Widths Or Cross-Slope Local"A"(Residential) 50' 30' --- 4" Local`B"(Residential) 60' 40' --- 4" Collector 60' 44' Secondary 86' 2 @ 24' 14'paved (1,2) '/"per ft. Primary 110' 2 @ 36' 14'paved (1,2) 1/4'per ft. Marginal Access(Comm.) 40' 30' --- 4" Marginal Access(Res.) 40' 26' --- 3" Alleys(Commercial) 24' --- --- 0"to 7"* Alleys(Apartments) 24' 20' --- 0"to 7"* Alleys(Residential) 24' 18' --- 0" to 7"* *Crown shall be inverted to facilitate drainage. NOTES: (1) In new subdivisions-median may be left unpaved and landscaped (See #2.b.below). (2) When determined by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council,turning lanes and other usage of street pavement may be used in lieu of medians in either public or private development. 1. Parkways Parkways shall be sloped a minimum of one quarter (1/4") inch per foot from the property line to the top of curb. In heavy"cut" areas this slope may be increased to one (1") inch per foot. In reconstruction projects where lot grading is not feasible, parkways may be sloped a maximum of three horizontally to one vertically from the sidewalk to the property line. If the slope exceeds this amount, a "combination type" sidewalk and retaining wall shall be constructed with the top of the wall matching the property line grade. The Design Engineer shall determine the height and length of retaining wall considering the use and appearance of the private property. Landscaping, walls, or fences placed in the parkway shall not obstruct sight distance. Plans for such work shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council. 2. Medians a. On redeveloped streets, medians will be paved. This may be accomplished by carrying the proposed pavement across the median and then outlining the median and turning lanes with paint or traffic buttons, or it may require construction of curbs around the median with concrete or asphaltic pavement between the curbs set to top of curb elevation. In either case,the paved median shall be sloped one quarter (1/4") inch per foot from the centerline of 72 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo the medianto the curbs for proper drainage. The City Engineer will determine the type of median to be used. When determined by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council,turning lanes or other usage of street pavement may be used. b. Paving of the median is not required in the construction of a primary or secondary street by a private developer. The developer is required to construct two (2) twenty four (24') foot paved roadways and to provide right-of-way for the median. The median area itself is graded off to an elevation approximately seven inches above the edge of the adjacent pavement. The earth median is to be sloped at one quarter(1/4") per foot for drainage. c. Medians shall be continuous. Openings in the median will be provided at all public streets provided the centering spacing for such streets is at least five hundred (500') feet. If the street spacing is less than five hundred (500') feet, the median shall be open for the street with the higher functional classification. All other openings shall be made in accordance with the current standards of the Department of Public Works. When medians are open, left turn safety bays and median radii shall be provided and curbed unless approved otherwise by the Director of Public Works. d. Special purpose medians or dividers constructed for aesthetic reasons as entrances for subdivisions, etc.,will be permitted and should be designed according to the standards of this section. Dividers must be constructed according to the following standards and after which the appropriate transition shall be provided in accordance with the provisions contained herein under 'Transitions". Minimum width of medians or dividers shall be fourteen (14') feet and minimum length shall be twenty-five (25') feet. e. The nose or rounded portion of the divider shall normally be semi-circular in shape at intersections of arterial streets and bullet shaped at all other street intersections. The semi- circular nose shall have a radius equal to one half the divider width and shall be placed two feet from the proposed curb line of the arterial The bullet nose shall have two radii of fifty (50') feet joined at the nose with a radius of three feet which shall be placed five feet from the proposed curb line of the cross street. Intersection characteristics may require other modifications to the median nose as approved by the City Council. The length of the full width median shall be measured from the point of tangency of the curved nose section. f. No signs, walls, or fences shall be placed in the median area other than approved traffic control devices unless approved by the City Council. No trees, shrubs, walls, fences, or other ground cover may be placed in the median, which will obstruct the driver's sight distance. With the approval of the Director of Public Works, trees, shrubs, or other ground cover may be placed in the median and divider area provided the full grown tree or shrub trunk diameter does not exceed four (4") inches. Said landscaping shall be in accordance with current design standards of the City Engineer and by the City Council Plans for such work shall be approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation and by the Director of Public Works. g. Where a median or traffic divider projects across crosswalks, the median (paved or sod) shall be opened for five (5') feet at the projection of the grade of the adjacent roadway to permit wheelchair and mobility-impaired persons to utilize the crosswalk. 3. Crown and Cross-Slope The crown cross-slope shall be as indicated for each classification of street and shall slope from the centerline of the streets as needed for proper drainage. Where drainage indicates the crown or normal cross-slope may be phased out to allow for proper drainage. The maximum cross-slope in such cases shall be one half (1/2") inch per foot from gutter to gutter of the project street. In certain cases on primary or secondary streets with horizontal curves, the pavement may be super-elevated with the pavement on one side sloping from the gutter to the median. This may be done only with the approval of the Director of Public Works and where street drainage has been adequately provided. 4. Curbs and Gutters All new street construction shall include curbs with seven (7") inch exposure from top of curb to gutter. Curbs shall be continuous with curb drops constructed at approved driveways and wheelchair ramps only. On bridges, or at other hazardous locations where public safety will be 73 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo enhanced, curbs shall be constructed at a height of nine (9") inches and transitioned to seven (7") inches off the bridge or beyond the hazardous location. 5. Sidewalks a. For new subdivisions sidewalks must be constructed along all street rights-of-way and for redevelopment projects sidewalks must be constructed as required by the City Council after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission. All sidewalks required herein shall be constructed as specified by the appropriate section of Article II of the Land Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Cibolo. (Ord. 674) b. In the development or redevelopment of streets, sidewalks shall be placed between the property line and curb line, so as to abut the front property line. Walks in residential areas are to be four (4') feet wide, and in commercial areas six (6') feet wide. Widths may vary in special cases where existing right-of-way is of insufficient width. Such special cases must be reviewed by the City Engineer and Public Works Director and approved by the City Council. c. Where street and top of curb grades are substantially below the property line grade, the sidewalk shall be placed behind the curb with the remaining parkway sloped a maximum slope of three (3') feet horizontally to one (1') foot vertically from the walk to the property line. If this maximum slope cannot be attained, an integral retaining wall shall be constructed on top of the sidewalk Walls are to match the grade of the adjacent private property as closely as possible. Drainage and appearance of the adjacent private property are vital consideration in the design of such retaining walls. The existing grade of the adjacent private property must be accurately determined by the Engineer from actual field surveys. d. Where utility poles, fire plugs or other utility installations occur within the sidewalk width, the walk shall be offset around the obstacle at its full width. If the available right-of-way is insufficient to offset the walk, the City Engineer must approve the solution to the problem. Either additional right-of-way must be dedicated to accommodate the sidewalk or a "Pedestrian and Sidewalk Easement" must be granted of sufficient width and depth to accommodate the sidewalk. (Ord. 674) 6. Wheelchair Ramps One or more wheelchair ramps shall be constructed at intersections, depending upon the need and the pattern of pedestrian traffic. The City Council and City Engineer will determine the number and location of wheelchair ramps, which will be shown on the final plans with appropriate details. 7. Driveway Approaches Every lot shall be provided with adequate access to a public street by direct frontage on such street. Rear and/or side driveway access to major streets shall be prohibited. a. In new subdivisions, driveway approaches shall be designed and constructed as required for the proposed residence or commercial building. Concrete driveway approaches are required in new subdivisions and shall be built in accordance with city specifications. b. In the development or redevelopment of streets, driveway approaches shall be designed and constructed where deemed necessary by the City Council. The new approaches will be constructed with concrete and with the same location and width used in the existing driveway, and the city Engineer will work with the property owner when exact location and specifications cannot be defined. c. "Head-in" parking is not preferred in construction or reconstructed. Engineer will work with the property owner to determine relocation of the driveway approach. The City shall notify the owner and document any changes in location,width, and material for the driveway. d. The City Engineer shall be consulted regarding the size and location of commercial driveways when located on a collector or higher Type Street. The driveway shall be flared at the curb line so as to allow ingress and egress to the property by vehicles without the need of crossing into another driving lane. These flared sections may be constructed with radii equal to the distance from the property line to the curb, or by widening the edges of the driveway at the forty five (45°) degree angle. Exceptional or unusual conditions shall be referred to the City Engineer. 74 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo e. Driveways shall be constructed on a constant grade from the curb to the property line. The maximum grade that most vehicles can negotiate is twelve (12%) percent, without scraping the extremities of the vehicles. If a twelve (12%) percent grade cannot be constructed because of extreme elevation differences or short parkway widths, the driveway must be extended into the private property sufficiently to achieve the twelve (12%) percent grade maximum In such cases, the Engineer must prepare a "driveway plat" showing the driveway plan,section and profile grade. The overall length of driveway and the length of the portion of the drive to be located on private property should be shown also. The plat also contains an affidavit for signature of the property owner giving approval to the City to construct the drive on their property. The necessary signatures will be obtained by the project Inspector or other City representative prior to construction of the street. H. HORIZONTAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 1. Horizontal design requirements will include horizontal curves, curb return and property line return, radius requirements, and pavement transitions. 2. Horizontal curves a. Change in alignment of a street shall be accomplished by use of simple horizontal circular curves of radii which meet the requirements of the latest edition of "A Policy on Design of Urban Highways and Arterial Streets" (American Association of State Highway &Transportation Officials). The following minimum radii and design speed in Table 3 below shall be used in the design of horizontal curves: b. In certain instances, the radius of horizontal curvature may be restricted by the required sight distance for safe stopping or for safe operation at a street intersection. Safe stopping distance as related to sight distance will be as shown in Table 4 below. c. Compound curves shall not be permitted unless approved by the Director of Public Works. Reverse curves should be avoided. If a reversal of direction is needed, the curves should be separated by at least one hundred (100') feet of tangent. Transitional curves may be used where comfort and safety of the motorist will be enhanced. Where a horizontal curve is used in combination with a vertical curve, adequate sight distance must be provided, and the horizontal curvature should be introduced on the upgrade of a"crest"vertical curve. 3. Property Line and Curb Returns Where two streets intersect, certain radii are required for the curbs and for the property lines in new subdivisions or where new right-of-way is being acquired. These radii vary with the classifications of the intersecting streets and with the intersecting angle of the streets. Table 5 gives the required minimum radii for curb returns and property line returns for various types of streets, and for the interior angles of the intersecting tangents of the streets--180 degrees--P.1. Deflection Angle. TABLE 3 HORIZONTAL CURVE RADII Street Classification Minimum Centerline Radius Design Speed Primary 1,200' 50 mph Secondary 700' 40 mph Collector 400' 30 mph Local"A" or"B" 100' Marginal Access (Res.or Comm.) 50' *See Alliterative Geometric Alignment Design in Exhibits. 75 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo TABLE 4 REQUIRED SIGHT DISTANCE Street Classification On Curves At Intersections Primary 450' 450' Secondary 300' 400' Collector 250' 300' TABLE 5 INTERSECTION CURB RETURNS&PROPERTY RETURN RADIUS(BY ROAD CLASSIFICATION) Interior Local to Collector to Collector to Arterial to Arterial to Angle Local Local Collector Local/Collector Arterial Degrees C.R. P.L.R. C.R. P.L.R. C.R P.L.R. C.R. P.L.R. C.R. P.L.R. 150-145 15 5 15 5 20 10 25 15 25 15 145-140 15 5 15 5 20 10 25 15 29 15 140-135 15 5 15 5 20 10 25 15 30 20 135-125 15 5 15 5 20 10 25 15 35 25 125-85 15 5 15 5 20 10 25 15 35 25 C.R.=Curb Return Radius(Minimum.) P.LR.=Property Line Return Radius(Minimum.) 4. Transitions Where street pavement widths change, for whatever reason, the pavement of the wider section shall be transitioned into the narrower section. Such transitions shall be described as a ratio of the lateral width transition to the length of the transition. The following formula shall be used in computing transition length. Case 1: Local and Collector Streets L=20 W where, L= Length of transition measured along centerline of street. W = Transition width measured as the difference in pavement width from the centerline to the pavement edge of two street sections. Case 2:Arterial Streets L= DW where, L= Length of transition measured along centerline of street. D= Design speed of street. W=Transition width as before. 76 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Medians or center dividers shall also be transitioned. Median transition shall generally parallel the pavement transition to a point where the median is four (4') feet wide at which point the median shall be rounded off with a two (2') foot radius. Median or divider transitions shall be designed so that abrupt offsets are not created at intersections. Specifications of transitions shall be determined by the City Engineer. I.VERTICAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Vertical design requirements shall include vertical curve requirements and minimum and maximum grades for the various classifications of streets. 1. Vertical Curves A gradual transition from one roadway grade to another shall be accomplished by means of a vertical parabolic curve connecting two intersecting tangents, unless the algebraic difference in grades is less than one point five (1.5°) percent. The minimum length of vertical curve shall be computed from the following formula and table: L= KA where, L=Length of vertical curve required,in feet. A=Algebraic difference in the grades,in percent. K=A constant related to sight distance,the geometry of a parabolic curve,vehicle speed, and safe stopping distance. (Table 6) TABLE 6 Street Classification K,Crest Curves K Sag Curves Primary 70 60 Secondary Street 70 60 Collector Street 55 55 For local and marginal streets, "K' values shall be determined considering the design speed of the street and a safe stopping or sight distance for that design speed. For flat gradients,where sight distance is not a critical determinant of the design, the minimum length of curve, in feet, shall be three times the design speed of the street in miles per hour. Any deviation from the above requirements must be justified by the design Engineer and approved by the Director of Public Works. 2. Grades a. Tops of street curbs shall be lower than the adjacent property line so that the parkway slopes may be constructed in accordance with the standards previously discussed. The minimum and maximum grades for the various classifications of streets shall conform to the standard values. b. The "Minimum Grade" indicated is considered the absolute minimum for proper drainage. No exceptions will be granted for this requirement. The "Unrestricted Maximum Grade" may be used generally throughout the City. It should be noted that these values are consistent with those recommended by the A.A.S.H.T.O. and are widely used throughout the country. The "Restricted Maximum Grades" may be used on Local Marginal Access, and Alleys only where certain length limitations and approach grades have been met. These values have been determined by the Department of Public Works in conjunction with the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Department. It has been determined in field tests that local fire equipment cannot negotiate 77 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo grades exceeding these amounts, and private property located on or above grades exceeding these values cannot be adequately served by the Fire Dept. Grades between twelve (12%) percent and fifteen (15%) percent can be negotiated by the fire equipment depending upon the length of such grades and the approach conditions below these grades. The restrictions on using grades between twelve (12%) percent and fifteen (15%) percent are contained in Table 7. c. The design engineer should also note maximum grades may also be restricted by drainage considerations. Streets used as drains shall have maximum flow velocities assigned to control erosion of the pavement. TABLE 7 Minimum&Maximum Street Grades Street Minimum Unrestricted Restricted Classification Grade Maximum Grade* Maximum Grade** Primary 0.3% 6% - Not applicable Secondary 0.3% 7% Not applicable Collector 0.3% 8% 15% Local 0.3% 12% 15% Marginal Access 0.3% 12% 15% Alley 0.3% 12% 15% *A.A.S.H.T.O.values ** Determined by the Department of Public Works in conjunction with the San Antonio Fire Department. It has been determined in field tests that local fire equipment cannot negotiate grades exceeding these amounts, and private property located on or above grades exceeding these values cannot be adequately served by the Fire Dept. J. PAVEMENT DESIGN 1. Soil Borings Prior to the design of pavements, the City Engineer shall secure the services of an independent geotechnical laboratory selected by the City Engineer to perform soil borings and to determine the character of the subgrade soils. Sufficient soil borings shall be performed to prepare a soil profile which is representative of the actual soils encountered over the length of the project, and to provide the design engineer with sufficient information for a good engineering design. Fees charged for soil borings shall be paid by the developer. Copies of the laboratory report and the pavement design calculations shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval. If during construction of the project, soil conditions differ substantially from those shown on the soil profile, additional pavement section may be altered accordingly. 2. Subgrade Classification a. Strength of subgrade soils shall be determined by one of the three following accepted methods: 78 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo b. Resistance Value-This is a measure of the stability of soils or pavements as determined by a"Stabilometer"which measures the materials resistance to plastic deformation. R-Values are determined by test methods outlined in either AASHTO T190 or ASTM 2844. c. CBR- (California Bearing Ratio) This is a measure of the shearing resistance,or load bearing value, of a soil as determined by forcing a three square inch plunger into a cylinder of the soil. CBR values are obtained by test methods outlined in either AASHTO T193 or ASTM 1883. d. Triaxial Strength Class: This method classifies soils and base materials by a triaxial shear test in which the specimen is encased in an impervious membrane, subjected to a confining pressure, and then loaded axially to failure. Triaxial Strength Class can be determined by test methods outlined in AASHTO T 212, or Texas Department of Transportation Test Method 'Tex- 117-E". 3. Pavement Structure (Ord. 674) The design of pavement structures shall be in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993 or latest approved edition. The pavement design report shall be prepared and signed by, or under the supervision of, a professional engineer registered in the State of Texas. The following design requirements shall be used for pavement design: a. Length of Service Life-Pavement shall be designed for a twenty-year(20-year) service life. b. Traffic Load, Reliability and Pavement Structures-The traffic load is cumulative expected 18-Kip equivalent single axle loads (ESAL) for the service life. The following 18-Kip ESAL Reliability Level and Pavement Structure shall be used in the design of streets for each street classification: Pavement Specifications Street Classification 18-Kip Reliability Minimum Pavement Maximum Pavement ESAL Level Structure Stucture Primary and Secondary Arterials 3,000,000 R-95 SN=3.80 SN=5.76 Collector and Type"B" Streets 2,000,000 R-90 SN=2.92 SN=5.08 Type"A" Streets-wBus Traffic 1,000,000 R-70 SN=2.58 SN=4.20 Type"A" Streets-w/out Bus Traffic 100,000 R-70 SN=2.02 SN=3.18 Traffic loads for primary and secondary arterials,collector and local Type"B" streets shall include bus traffic. c. Serviceability-The serviceability of a pavement is defined as the pavement's ride quality and its ability to serve the type of traffic (automobiles and trucks) that use the facility. The initial serviceability index of (p0) for flexible pavements shall be 4.2 and for rigid pavement shall be 4.5. The minimum terminal serviceability index (Pt) for local streets shall be 2.0 and for collectors and arterials shall be 2.5. A standard deviation (SO) for flexible pavement shall be 0.45 and for rigid pavement shall be 0.35. d. Roadbed Soil - A soil investigation must be performed for the design of pavement structures. The number of borings and locations must be sufficient to accurately determine the stratum along the route. Any existing soil information that is available either from the City or from private sources will be evaluated by the City and, if determined to be applicable and valid,will be allowed in place of new soil tests. Roadbed soil having a plasticity index (PI) greater than twenty (20) shall be treated with lime to reduce the P.I. below twenty (20). Application rate of lime shall be determined by the City Engineer based on laboratory testing. In no case shall the lime be less than fifteen (15) pounds per square yard for six (6) inches of lime treated subgrade. Lime treated subgrade shall be included as a "structural layer" within the pavement design 79 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo calculations. Proposals for stabilization alternatives in place of the use of lime will be considered for approval by the City Engineer upon submittal of an engineering report verifying adequate stabilization of the highly plastic soil. Where the roadbed is in a rock excavation a "Structural Layer" within the pavement design calculations may be used that is equivalent to a structural layer for the Lime Stabilized Subgrade, as approved by the City Engineer. If a roadbed Structural Layer is used in the pavement calculation for rock subgrade as approved by the City Engineer, an engineering report must be provided to the City addressing the consistency of the subgrade prior to base placement. e. Pavement Layer Material -Alternative pavement materials may be used as approved by the City Engineer where the existing soil or subsurface conditions or the alternative materials provide a level of driveability comparable to the materials otherwise required herein. Where the use of alternative pavement materials are proposed for consideration by the City Engineer, supporting engineering documentation must be submitted to the City. The combination of the following materials will be allowed for pavement structure: 1. Lime treatment for subgrade; 2. Flexible base; 3. Prime coat; 4. Tack coat; 5. Hot mix asphaltic concrete pavement; 6. Asphalt treated base; 7. Reinforced concrete; and 8. Base reinforcement (geogrids). The City Engineer in consultation with the Infrastructure Compliance Manager in accordance with the standards provided herein must approve the pavement combination. f. Minimum Layer Thickness (Compacted) - If the following components are utilized in proposed pavement sections,the minimum thickness for the components shall be: 1. Hot mix asphaltic concrete pavement shall not be less than one and one-half (1 'h) inches thick for surface course (Type D); 2. Hot mix asphaltic concrete pavement shall not be less than two and one-half (2'h) inches thick for a leveling-up course (Type B); 3. Asphalt treated base shall not be less than four (4) inches thick; 4. Flexible base shall not be less than six(6) inches thick;and 5. Lime treatment for subgrade shall not be less than six(6) inches thick. K. BRIDGES AND OTHER STRUCTURES 1. Bridges and culverts for vehicles over channels and at grade separations shall be designed in accordance with the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, latest edition. Truck loading for live load consideration shall be H-20 or HS-20 for streets classified as Primary, Secondary, or Collector. Streets classified as Local NB" or Local "A" may be designed for H-15 or HS-15 truck loading. Railroad structures shall be designed in accordance with the American Railway Engineering Association, latest edition, and in accordance with the special requirements and loadings of the particular, Railroad Company involved. 2. Clearance for grade separations involving truck traffic shall be a minimum of fourteen (14') feet six (6") inches (14' - 6") vertically. Horizontal clearance to barrier curbs, piers, retaining walls, etc., shall be a minimum of two (2') foot (2'-0") from the back of curb where sidewalks are not provided. Clearances over railroad tracks shall be a minimum of twenty two (22') feet 80 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo six (6") inches (22'-6 ) vertically. Horizontal clearances at railroads shall be a minimum of eight (8') feet six (6") inches (8'-6') from centerline of track to face of pier or other obstacle. However, where this clearance is less than twenty (20') feet (20'-0"), a "crash wall" may be required. Vertical clearance for bridges and culverts over channels shall meet the requirements for freeboard as outlined in Chapter In,"Storm Drainage Design". For structures in this category, energy losses and backwater elevations at the structure may require investigation if so determined by the City Engineer. 3. Roadway widths of bridges shall conform to the standards for streets, unless otherwise designated by the City Engineer. Curbs adjacent to sidewalks shall be a minimum of five (5') foot width on bridges and shall be constructed with the area standard parapet wall and railing on the outside of the bridge. Sidewalks in underpasses shall be six (6') feet in width but will not require more than the standard seven (7") inch curb. 4. Culvert sections used as drainage conduits, retaining walls related to overpasses or underpasses, or to protect private property, shall be designed under the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Bridges, latest edition. 5. Appropriate values of earth weights and earth pressures based on laboratory studies of actual site conditions shall be used. Live loads,if applicable,shall be incorporated into the design. 6. Standards of recognized agencies, such as the Texas Department of Transportation, may be utilized in the design of bridges, culverts, and other structures provided that the design criteria satisfies the conditions found at the project site and contained herein. Approval of the City Engineer will be required for use of such standard designs. L. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS 1. Analysis Required—Any plat application must be preceded by submission and City approval of a traffic impact analysis as specified in Subsection 2 below, provided that either of the conditions listed below apply. Failure to provide for such approval prior to submission of a plat application shall be grounds for automatic denial. a. the plat is not subject to roadway impact fees of the City of Cibolo;and b. the plat involves development of one hundred (100) or more dwelling units or residential lots or the proposed development is anticipated to generate one thousand (1,000) or more "one-way"trips per day as determined by the City Engineer. 2. Traffic Impact Analysis ITIA) — Whenever these regulations require submission and City approval of a TIA,the following elements shall be included: a. General Site Description—The traffic impact analysis shall include a detailed description of the roadway network within one (1) mile of the site, a description of the proposed land uses, the anticipated states of construction, and the anticipated completion date of the proposed land development shall be provided. This description,which may be in the form of a map,shall include the following items: 1. all major intersections, 2. all proposed and existing ingress and egress locations, 3. all existing roadway widths and rights-of-way, 4. all existing traffic signals and traffic control devices, and 5. all existing and proposed public transportation services and facilities within a one (1) mile radius of the site. b. Proposed Capital Improvements — The TIA shall identify any changes to the roadway network within one (1) mile of the site that are proposed by any government agency or other developer. This description shall include the items listed in Subsection 2. a. as well as any proposed construction project that would alter the width and/or alignment of roadways affected by the proposed development. 81 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo c. Roadway Impact Analysis. 1. Transportation Impacts: a. Trip Generation. The average weekday trip generation rates (trip ends), the average weekend trip generation rates (for uses other than residential or institutional), the highest average a.m. and p.m. hourly weekday trip generation rates, and the highest hourly weekend generation rates (for uses other than residential or institutional) for the proposed development shall be determined based upon the trip generation rates contained in the most recent edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual; or shall be based upon data generated by actual field surveys of area uses compatible to the proposed use and approved by the City Engineer. b. Trip Distribution. The distribution of trips to arterial and collector roadways within the TIA study area identified in L. 2. a. (General Site Description) shall be in conformity with accepted traffic engineering principles, taking into consideration the land use categories of the proposed development; 2. Adequacy Determination - The roadway network included within the TIA shall be considered adequate to serve the proposed development if existing roadways identified as arterials or collectors can accommodate the existing service volume, the projected service volume of the proposed development, and the service volume of approved but unbuilt developments holding valid, unexpired building permits at a level of service "C"or above. d. Intersection Analysis: 1. Level of Service Analysis- For intersections with the roadway traffic impact analysis described in L. 2. a. (General Site Description), a level of service analysis shall be performed for all arterial/arterial, arterial/collector, and collector/collector intersections, and for any other pertinent intersections identified by City staff. Also, level of service analyses will be required on all proposed site driveway locations for all non-residential developments. The City may waive analysis of minor intersections and minor site driveway locations within the one-mile radius. The level of service analysis shall be based upon the highest hourly average a.m. or p.m. peak weekday volume or highest average hourly peak weekend volume as determined from a two-day survey of weekday volumes, and, where necessary, a one-day survey of weekend volumes. The level of service analysis shall take into consideration the land geometry, traffic volume, percentage of right-hand turns, percentage of left-hand turns, percentage and typical size of trucks, intersection width, number of lanes, signal timing and progression, roadway grades, pedestrian and bicycle flows,school routes,number of accidents,and peak hour factor. 2. Adequacy Analysis-The intersections included within the traffic impact analysis shall be considered adequate to serve the proposed development if existing intersections can accommodate the existing service volume, the projected service volume of the proposed development, and the service volume of approved but unbuilt developments holding valid, unexpired building permits at level of service "C"or above. e. Effect of Adequacy Determination - If the adequacy determination for roadways and intersections indicates that the proposed development would cause a reduction in the level of service for any roadway or intersection within the study area identified in subsection L. 2. a. that would cause the roadway to fall below the level of service required herein, the proposed development shall be denied unless the developer agrees to one of the following conditions: 82 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 1. the deferral of building permits until the improvements necessary to upgrade the substandard facilities are constructed; 2. a reduction in the density or intensity of development; 3. the dedication and/or construction of facilities needed to achieve the level of service required herein;or 4. any combination of techniques identified herein that would ensure that development will not occur unless the levels of service for all roadways and intersections within the TIA study are adequate to accommodate the impacts of such development. f. Application and Fees - An application as required herein shall be submitted on an official form of the City and payment of all applicable fees. Failure to submit a TIA on said official form and failure to pay all applicable fees shall be grounds for denial. J. OTHER STREET DESIGN STANDARDS 1. Arrangement of Streets Not Shown on the Thoroughfare Plan For streets that are not shown on the City's Thoroughfare Plan as amended,the arrangement of such streets within a subdivision shall: a. Provide for the continuation of appropriate projection of existing streets from or into surrounding areas; b. Conform to a plan for the neighborhood approved or adopted by the City to meet a particular situation where topographical or other conditions make continuance or conformity to existing streets impractical; c. Provide for future access to adjacent lots, tracts or parcels that will likely develop under a similar zoning classification and/or for a similar type of land use;and d. Not conflict in any way with existing or proposed driveway openings. 2. Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited except where their control is definitely placed by the City under conditions approved by the Planning and Zoning Condition through approval of the final plat. 3. Intersecting, undivided streets with intersection offsets of less than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet shall be avoided. Intersecting streets onto a divided roadway must be configured such that the centerline offset will accommodate the appropriate left-turn lanes with required transition and stacking distances as determined by the City Engineer onto each of the two intersecting streets. 4. Cul-de-Sac Streets and Dead End Streets a. A cul-de-sac street shall not exceed the following lengths, as measured along the centerline of the street: (1) Cul-de-sacs containing fewer than fifteen (15) lots of a minimum platted lot area of one acre- 1,500 feet (2) Cul-de-sacs containing fifteen (15) or more lots of a minimum platted lot area of one acre- 1,000 feet (3) Cul-de-sacs that do not meet the conditions specified in 1 and 2 above-600 feet b. Cul-de-sacs shall be designed with the following right-of-way and paving at the outside diameter at the closed end and for interim turnarounds as follows: (1) Cul-de-sacs measuring 1,000 to 1,500 feet in length as measured along the centerline of the right-of-way: a. Right-of-way- 140 feet outside diameter b. Paving- 120 feet outside diameter 83 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo c. Turnarounds-full turnarounds for cul-de-sacs measuring up to 1,000 feet in length shall be constructed at a maximum interval of 500 feet with a minimum outside right-of-way diameter of 120 feet and a minimum outside paving diameter of 80 feet (2) Cul-de-sacs measuring up to 600 in length as measured along the centerline of the right-of-way: a. Right-of-way-100 feet outside diameter b. Paving-80 feet outside diameter (3) Except in unusual cases, no dead-end streets will be approved unless such dead-end streets are provided to connect to future streets on adjacent land. In the case of dead-end streets that will eventually be extended into an adjacent subdivision, no more than one (1) lot per side can front onto the dead-end street stub unless a temporary turn around bulb with an appropriate easement is provided for the turn around. A temporary dead-end street shall not exceed 600 feet in length and the temporary turn-around bulb must be constructed like a cul-de-sac, as provided in the City of Cibolo design standards for public streets. A note shall be placed on the face of the final plat clearly labeling any dead-end streets that will at some point be extended into adjacent property and signage shall be placed at the end of the constructed street stub stating that the street will be extended in the future. Said signage shall be shown on the construction plans and shall be of a size and include lettering that must be large enough to be legible by a person with normal vision at a twenty-foot distance. 5. Points of Access All subdivisions shall have a minimum of two (2) points of access as specified in Sub-Paragraph a. below. All residential subdivisions shall provide no less than one (1) entrance for every forty (40) lots, or portion thereof, including dead-end stubbed streets that will eventually provide connections into adjacent future developments and thence to an existing arterial or collector street. a. Approach Roads and Access - All subdivisions containing more than twenty (20) lots must have at least two (2) points of vehicular access and must be connected to the City's improved thoroughfare and street system by one or more approach roads of such dimensions and constructed of such standards that are in accordance with the City's design standards for public streets as specified in the Land Subdivision Ordinance. Requirements for the dedication of right-of-way and improvement of approach roads may be increased depending on the density or intensity of the proposed development,if such need is demonstrated by a traffic impact analysis. (1) Two (2) points of vehicular access" shall be construed to mean that the subdivision has at least two (2) roads accessing the subdivision from the City's improved thoroughfare/street system. The Planning and Zoning Commission may, at its discretion and upon a finding that such will not compromise the public safety or impede emergency access, accept a single median-divided entrance from the City's improved thoroughfare/street system provided that the median extends into the subdivision for an unbroken length of at least one hundred and fifty (150) feet to an intersecting interior street that provides at least two (2) routes to the interior of the subdivision. (2) Except for lots within a residential subdivision with two (2) or fewer lots, a minimum lot area of one (1) acre, and a minimum roadway frontage of two hundred and fifty (250) feet as measured along the front property line, direct access for individual lots within a subdivision onto a highway, arterial or collector shall be limited as follows: (a) Residential Subdivisions 84 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo I. Direct access onto highways, arterials, and major collectors as designated by the Master Plan, as amended,shall be prohibited. II. Direct access onto minor collectors as designated by the Master Plan, as amended, may be allowed provided that a residential lot has a minimum frontage of one hundred (100) feet. III. A minimum distance of one hundred and fifty (150) feet must be maintained between driveways onto a minor collector as designated on the Master Plan. This minimum spacing shall be measured from the edge of pavement to the edge of pavement. (b) Non-Residential Subdivisions I. Direct access onto highways and arterials as designated on the Master Plan, as amended,shall be restricted as follows: a. A minimum distance of two hundred and fifty (250) feet must be maintained between driveways. This minimum spacing shall be measured from the edge of pavement to the edge of pavement. b. Driveways shall not be located closer than one hundred and fifty (150) feet from a street intersection. Said separation shall be measured from the edge of pavement of the driveway to the property line adjacent to a highway or arterial. c. A common access easement and fire lane easement shall be dedicated along the roadways to facilitate shared access. Said easement shall contain a minimum width of twenty four(24) feet. II. Direct access onto major collectors as designated on the Master Plan, as amended,shall be restricted as follows: a. A minimum distance of one hundred and fifty (150) feet must be maintained between driveways. This minimum spacing shall be measured from the edge of pavement to the edge of pavement. b. Driveways shall not be located closer than seventy five (75) feet from a street intersection. Said separation shall be measured from the edge of pavement of the driveway to the property line adjacent to a highway or arterial. c. A common access easement and fire lane easement shall be dedicated along the roadways to facilitate shared access. Said easement shall contain a minimum width of twenty four(24) feet. III. Direct access onto minor collectors as designated on the Master Plan, as amended,shall be restricted as follows: a. A minimum distance of one hundred (100) feet must be maintained between driveways. This minimum spacing shall be measured from the edge of pavement to the edge of pavement. b. Driveways shall not be located closer than fifty (50) feet from a street intersection. Said separation shall be measured from the edge of pavement of the driveway to the property line adjacent to a highway or arterial. c. A common access easement and fire lane easement shall be dedicated along the roadways to facilitate shared access. Said easement shall contain a minimum width of twenty four(24) feet. 6. Off-Site/Perimeter Road Improvements 85 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Where a subdivision is adjacent to or is served by a collector or arterial street(s) that does not meet the City's minimum standards for roadway construction, the subdivider shall make the improvements to the substandard collector or arterial street(s) and intersections as are necessary to mitigate traffic impacts generated by the subdivision or related projects. Said improvements shall be established through the completion of a traffic impact analysis that meets the minimum standards specified in the Land Subdivision Ordinance. The City may participate in the costs to oversize the improvements with the subdivider as set out herein and subject to the City's participation policies regarding oversizing improvements. 7. Rural Street Sections Subdivisions with lots containing a minimum of one (1) acre are eligible to construct a rural street section that meets the following minimum design standards. All other subdivision shall be required to meet the minimum requirements specified in Appendices A and B of the Land Subdivision Ordinance. a. Standard Specifications (1) Paving: (a) Minimum width of asphalt roadway-24 feet (b) Minimum thickness of asphalt- 1 1/2 inches (c) Type surface-Type D HMAC (d) Concrete ribbons required-to be installed along the edge of the asphalt paving to contain a minimum width of 1 foot and a minimum depth of 11/2 inches (e) Grade-0.3 percent minimum (1.0 percent required for ditches) (2) Base a. Minimum width of base-26 feet b. Minimum thickness of base-8 inches c. Compaction of base-95 percent d. Type of base-as specified by in APPENDIX A DESIGN STANDARDS of the City of Cibolo Land Subdivision Ordinance as amended (3) Construction Specifications-as specified by in APPENDIX A DESIGN STANDARDS of the City of Cibolo Land Subdivision Ordinance as amended. (4) Minimum Right-of-Way-60 feet (additional right-of-way or drainage easement may be required due to ditch depth) (5) Drainage-open drainage ditches may be utilized subject to the following: a. Maximum slope-3:1 b. Minimum width-14 feet as measured from the top of the ditch to the top of the ditch (6) Shoulder Required from Edge of Paving a. Minimum width-4 feet b. Maximum slope- 1 inch per foot 86 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo ARTICLE 4 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS A. PURPOSE It is the purpose of this chapter to define the standards to be followed in the design and construction of utilities in the City of Cibolo. These standards are to be followed, but it is not the intent that they should supplant sound engineering judgment when there are special circumstances that would make these standards inappropriate. Under such circumstances,the Engineer shall discuss and document the variation with the City Engineer who will then make a recommendation to the City Council for their final approval or disapproval B. WATER SYSTEM The subdivider shall provide all water lines necessary to properly serve each lot of the subdivision and insure that existing and/or new water facilities can supply the required demand for domestic use and fire protection at the desired pressure. The subdivider shall install all mains and shall extend the service to all lots, terminating with a curb stop and meter box. The subdivider shall submit a certificate to the City Council certifying that the system has been designed in accordance with the requirements of the State Department of Health, the City of Cibolo, the rules of the State Board of Insurance, and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regulations. Water system improvements shall be in accordance with the specifications and Design standards for public improvements of the City of Cibolo as follows: 1. Plans Copies of plans and profiles of all proposed water lines and fire hydrants shall be delivered to the city hall at the time a final plat is submitted. 2. Standards a. Water Lines- All water distribution and transmission lines shall be in accordance with city standards and specifications. Acceptable pipe types authorized for domestic and commercial water transmission and distribution lines for use within the City Of Cibolo and the city's certified water service area as granted by the Texas Public Utility Commission, including subdivisions within the City's E.T.J.,shall be as follows: (1) AWWA C-900 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) DR-18 Pressure Pipe Class 150, four (4') feet twelve (12") inches (4"-12") maximum,or; (2) AWWA C-909 (Ultra-Blue) Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride (PVCO) Pressure Pipe Class 150, six 6') feet twelve (12") inches (6"-12") maximum for water distribution and shall be manufactured in accordance with the following standards: (a) AWWA C-900 - AWWA Standard for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, four (4") inch through twelve (12") inch,for Water Distribution (b) AWWA C-909 - AWWA Standard for Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride (PVCO) Pressure Pipe,four(4") inch through twelve (12") inch,for Water Distribution (c) AWWA C -605 - AWWA Standard for Underground Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Water (d) ASTM D-3139 - Specification for Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals (e) ASTM D-1784 - Specification for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds (f) ANSI/NSF STANDARD NO. 61 -Drinking Water System Components-Health Effects 87 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (g) UL STANDARD 1285 - Pipe and Couplings, Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) for Underground Fire Service (h) FM CLASS #1612 - Approval Standard Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings for Underground Fire all other piping for water transmission and distribution mains are hereby prohibited for use within the city limits of the City of Cibolo, its certified water district,and subdivisions within its E.T.J. b. Water Meter Boxes-Water meter boxes shall be provided and installed by the developer and must meet the specifications set forth by the City of Cibolo. c. Service piping All service piping utilized shall be type K copper or better and not less than three quarter (3/4") inch diameter. No service piping made of plastic shall be permitted from the service main to the property line meter box. From the meter to the house, service lines should be at least a schedule 40 P.V.C. The pipe and accessories shall be new and unused-AR lines must be sized to provide enough pressure and flow to meet the minimum requirements of the standard fire code. Where service lines cross under streets or sidewalks, they are to be enclosed within a sleeve. d. Developers shall be responsible for all costs of utility installations within the subdivision. The following minimum line sizes shall be used: TABLE 12 Minimum Water Lines Sizes Dwelling Units Minimum Line Size 1 3j4" 2-6 2" 7-11 4" 12-75 6" More than 75 8" 3. Reimbursement for Required Excess Capacity Where the size of the water lines required to meet the ultimate requirements for the City is larger than eight (8") inches and the total capacity is not required to serve the tract of land to be developed, the City may enter into a contract with the owner, developer, or entity constructing the lines for reimbursement for the excess capacity as other users request and are granted service. The developer or entity requesting service from an existing line shall pay a utility extension fee on a prorated basis, as hereinafter set forth. The reimbursement to the owner, developer, or entity that paid for the line construction shall be made only from those utility extension fees paid to the City by users of the facility paid for by the said owner, developer, or entity. The pro-rata basis for the utility extension fee shall be computed based upon the projected capacity in terms of dwelling units as specified by the engineering criteria approved by the City Engineer. The basis for cost shall be the actual total cost of the facility, which shall include, but shall not be limited to construction costs, engineering costs, and inspection costs. The total cost shall be divided by the projected capacity of dwelling units, to determine the base utility extension fee. 88 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 4. Valves At intersections of water distribution lines, the number of valves shall be one (1) less than the number of radiating lines. Two (2) valves shall be required for the connection and three (3) valves for a cross connection. 5. Fire Hydrants a. Every residential subdivision, commercial, business, or industrial park or subdivision within the corporate and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, as part of the water distribution system, shall be provided with fire hydrants of the type specified by the City. Fire hydrants shall be located at street corners, as well as other locations along a street to maintain the minimum distance as specified in the table and notes below, unless specifically approved otherwise by the City Engineer to accommodate the design of a subdivision. b. In addition,within commercial, business or industrial areas of the city, fire hydrants shall be within three hundred (300') feet of each lot or as specified in the table and notes below, unless a greater or lesser distance is required by the city. Each part of the structure is required to be within four hundred (400') feet of a fire hydrant following a path on which hose from a fire department pumper truck would be laid (As the crow walks, not as the crow flies). If required, a private fire hydrant shall be installed to meet the required distances, or distances as specified in the table and notes below, at a cost to the business and property owners. c. Fire hydrants and their outlets shall be suitable for use with the City's designated Fire Department equipment and shall meet AWWA standards. NOTES ON FLOW For SI: 1 foot=304.8 mm, 1 gallon per minute=3.785 L/m. (a) Reduce by one hundred (100') feet for dead-end streets or roads. (b) Where streets are provided with median dividers which can be crossed by fire fighters pulling hose lines, or where arterial streets are provided with four or more traffic lanes and have a traffic count of more than thirty thousand (30,000) vehicles per day, hydrant spacing shall average five hundred (500') feet on each side of the street and be arranged on an alternating basis up to a fire-flow requirement of seven thousand (7,000) gallons per minute and four hundred (400') feet for higher fire-flow requirements. (c) Where new water mains are extended along streets where hydrants are not needed for protection of structures or similar fire problems, fire hydrants shall be provided at spacing not to exceed 1,000 feet to provide for transportation hazards. (d) Reduce by fifty feet (50') for dead-end streets or roads. (e) One hydrant for each 1,000 gallons per minute or fraction thereof. d. Every subdivision within the corporate and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, as part of the water distribution system, shall be provided with fire hydrants of the type specified by the City, and every lot shall be within four hundred (400') feet, as measured along public streets, of each fire hydrant. Fire hydrants shall be located at street corners, as well as other locations along a street to maintain the minimum distance requirement between fire hydrants, unless specifically approved otherwise by the City to accommodate the design of a subdivision. e. Within commercial business, or industrial areas of the city,fire hydrants shall be within three hundred (300') feet of each lot unless a greater or lesser distance is required by the city. Each part of the structure is required to be within five hundred (500') feet of a fire hydrant following a path on which hose from a fire department pumper would be laid (As the crow 89 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo walks, not as the crow flies). If this is not possible, a private fire hydrant shall be installed to meet the required distances at a cost to the business and property owners. f. Fire hydrants and their outlets shall be suitable for use with the City's Fire Department equipment and shall meet AWWA standards. TABLE 13 FIRE HYDRANTS NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF FIRE HYDRANTS MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM AVERAGE SPACING ANY POINT ON FIRE-FLOW BETWEEN HYDRANTS STREET OR ROAD REQUIREMENT MINIMUM NUMBER {a,b,c} FRONTAGE TO A (gpm) OF HYDRANTS (feet) HYDRANT{d} 1,750 or less 1 500 250 2,000-2,250 2 450 225 2,500 3 450 225 3,000 3 400 225 3,500-4,000 4 350 210 4,500-5,000 5 300 180 5,500 6 300 180 6,000 6 250 150 6,500-7,000 7 250 150 7,500 or more 8 or more{e} 200 120 C. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM I. Plans Copies of plans and profiles of proposed sanitary sewer lines showing depth and grade lines and other design features and specifications shall be delivered to city hall at the time a final plat is provided. In addition, all subdivisions shall be provided with a sewage disposal system approved by the State Health Department and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. 2. Standards a. Subdivider to provide sewer service to each lot. b. The subdivider shall install all sanitary sewer mains and lines to each lot. If the public sewer system is not within twelve hundred (1200') feet of the subdivision, those portions of the system which lie under paved areas shall be installed and capped off, and temporary waste treatment will be provided in accordance with requirements of State and County Health Officials. 3. Exception for Septic System Connection with the sanitary sewer system shall be required except where the Planning and Zoning Commission determines that such connection would require unreasonable expenditure of funds when compared with other methods of sewage disposal If the installation of septic tanks is approved,the subdivider shall conduct percolation tests under the supervision of the County Health Official in order to determine the adequacy of 90 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo proposed lot sizes. Plans for such systems must be approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality prior to recommendation of approval of the final plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 4. Subdivider to Submit Certificate The subdivider shall submit a certificate to the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, certifying that the sewer system has been approved by the State Health Department, The County Health Officer, and the City of Cibolo. 5. Manhole Location Manholes shall be spaced no more than four hundred (400') feet apart accept as required for change of direction and shall be constructed in accordance with the City Of Cibolo Standard Specifications as follows: 6. Description This item shall govern theconstruction of standard sanitary sewer manholes complete in place and the materials therein, including manhole rings and covers. All plans, materials and specifications shall be in accordance with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's rules to include: 30 TAC 313.5, and design criteria for sewerage systems 30 TAC 317.1,30 TAC 317.2,31 TAC 317.3 and 30 TAC 317.13, or any revisions thereto as applicable. All manholes shall be watertight. a. Types: Unless approved by the City,standard sanitary sewer manholes shall be constructed on influent or effluent pipes less than twenty four (24") inches in diameter with pre-cast reinforced concrete manhole sections or be monolithically poured concrete manholes. A standard sanitary sewer manhole shall be a single maintenance entrance cylindrical structure having a uniform internal diameter of four (4') feet, five (5') feet or six (6') feet structure to the bottom of the diameter adjustment section or cone. The base of the structure shall include the load bearing portion beneath and exterior of the structure,invert channels and the fill or bench portions adjacent to the lower sewer pipes within the structure. The maximum vertical height of the diameter adjustment section or cone shall be thirty six (36") inches. Adjustment or throat rings may be used for elevation adjustment of the manhole ring and cover. Manhole ring concrete encasement shall be provided to attach the ring and cover to the diameter adjustment section or cone, when required by the City. b. Materials (1) Pre-cast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections: Pre-cast reinforced concrete manhole sections shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Designation C-478. (2) Monolithically Poured Concrete Manholes: A minimum of two (2) and a maximum of six (6) throat rings shall be_ used at each manhole for adjustability. All concrete for manholes shall conform to the provisions of "Concrete (Class "A")," of the City governing specifications. All reinforcing steel shall conform to the provisions of "Reinforcing Steel,"of the City Specifications. (3) Mortar: Mortar shall be composed of one (1) part Portland Cement,two (2) parts sand and sufficient water to produce a workable mixture. When used to plaster manholes, it may be composed of one (1) part cement to three (3) parts sand. Lime up to ten (10%) percent may be used. (4) Manhole Rings and Covers: Standard manhole rings and covers shall be cast iron. Covers shall contain no holes or openings. Lifting bars with slots cast into the covers shall be provided for lifting purposes. (5) Watertight manhole rings and covers shall be cast iron and shall contain no holes or openings except as required for bolts. Lifting with slots adequate for pick insertion and cast into the covers shall be provided for lifting purposes. Covers shall seat on a minimum five sixteenths (5/16") inch diameter rubber ring conforming to the material requirements of ASTM Designation C-443. The rubber gasket shall rest in a groove cast 91 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo in the ring. A minimum of four (4), five eighths (5/8") inch diameter, stainless steel, hex head bolts shall be provided for each cover. The four (4) bolt-holes in the covers shall be evenly spaced and provided with a minimum one and one half (1 1/2") inch diameter counter sink for the bolt heads. On the fastened and bolted position, the bolt heads shall not extend beyond the surface or the cover. Gaskets of a size and material as approved by the City shall be provided for the bolts to insure air and water tightness. Alignment marks shall be provided on watertight rings and covers for proper bolt alignment. (6) The finished frames and covers shall have the bearing surfaces machined ground and sets of rings and covers shall be marked in such a way that they can be matched for assembly in the field. All covers shall have the words"Sanitary Sewer"cast thereon. (7) Throat Rings: Adjustment throat rings shall be reinforced concrete rings having a maximum thickness of two (2") inches. The internal diameter shall not be less than twenty-four(24") inches,and the width shall be a minimum of five (5") inches. c. Construction- Manholes shall be constructed of materials and workmanship as prescribed by these specifications: (1) Footings or bases of manholes shall be a minimum of six (61 inches in depth below the bottom of the pipe. (2) All invert channels shall be constructed and shaped accurately so as to be smooth, uniform and cause minimum resistance to flow. The bench shall be finished smooth with a slope of one-half (1/2") inch per foot from the manhole walls to the edges of the invert. The top half of all sewer pipes within the invert channel or bench zone shall be removed flush to the inside manhole walls. (3) Joints on sewer pipes shall not be cast or constructed within the wall sections of manholes. (4) Concrete cradles shall not be required for new pre-cast manholes. Concrete cradles shall be provided for all influent and effluent pipes on new monolithic manhole and sewer pipe systems. Concrete cradles shall extend beyond the outside walls of the manhole a minimum of thirty-six (36") inches. On new monolithic sewer manhole and pipe systems and new pipe systems connecting to existing manholes, pipes entering a manhole above the lowest sewer shall project two (2") inches from the inside wall. Such pipes shall be installed with a joint a minimum of six (6") inches and a maximum of eighteen (18") inches from the outside manhole wall. A concrete cradle shall be provided for the pipe extending from the manhole wall a minimum distance of thirty- six(36") inches. (5) Voids between exterior pipe walls and manhole walls at all pipe connections in manholes shall be filled with a non-shrink grout, concrete or mortar, as approved by the City and inspected prior to backfilling. (6) Where connections to existing manholes are required, the adjacent pipe bedding shall be prepared to proper grade, the existing manhole neatly cut and the new pipe inserted so that the end is projecting two (2") inches from the inside wall. The invert shall then be reshaped to properly channel new flows. Debris of any kind shall be kept out of new or existing manholes or mains. (7) Monolithically Poured Concrete Manholes:The wall thickness of the manhole shall not be less than six (6') inches. The structure shall be poured in a manner to produce dense, compacted walls free of honeycomb surfaces throughout the pour. The base shall be poured monolithically with the walls to the manhole. (a) Concrete: All concrete shall conform to the provisions of"Concrete (Class A)," of the City Specifications. (b) Reinforcing Steel: All reinforcing steel shall conform to provisions of "Reinforcing Steel,"of the City Specifications. 92 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (c) Membrane Curing Compound: All membrane curing compound shall conform to the provisions of Membrane Curing;'of the City Specifications. (d) Base Diameter:The minimum base diameter shall be eight (8") inches greater than the outside diameter of the manhole. (e) Cold Joints: A cold joint will be allowed should the manhole invert depth exceed twelve (12') feet. One joint will be allowed per each twelve (12') feet of depth and that joint shall be approved by the City. (f) Backfill: No backfill shall be placed around the manhole until twenty-four (24) hours after the pour has been completed. (8) Throat rings shall be mortared between all bearing surfaces sufficient to provide a minimum, in place, mortar thickness of one-quarter (1/4") inch. No more than six (6) throat rings may be used on any manhole. (9) Manhole Ring Encasement: All manhole rings shall be encased with non-reinforced concrete as shown on the plan details or as approved by the City. (10)Concrete for manhole ring encasements shall conform to the provisions of"Concrete (Class B)," minimum. Manhole ring encasement shall extend six (6") inches below the top of the cone and have a minimum width when measured at the manhole ring of one (1') foot. The surface of the encasement shall be four and one-half (4-1/2") inches below the top of the manhole ring. (11)Where manholes are constructed in existing streets and where directed by the City, the exterior exposed surfaces of the ring, mortar; throat rings and manhole surface shall be coated with a one-eighth (1/8") inch minimum thickness of mastic or plastic prior to placement of concrete. d. Testing (1) Hydrostatic Testing: Hydrostatic testing shall be conducted by plugging with approved plugs all influent and effluent pipes in the manhole and filling the manhole to the top of the manhole cone with water. Additional water may be added over a twenty four (24) hour period to compensate for absorption and evaporate losses. At the conclusion of the twenty four (24) saturation period the manhole shall be filled to the top of the manhole cone and observed. A loss within a thirty (30) minute period shall be considered an unsuccessful test. (2) Vacuum Testing: (a) General. Manholes shall be tested after installation and prior to backfilling with all connections (existing and/or proposed) in place. Lift holes shall be plugged with an approved non-shrink grout prior to testing. Drop connections and gas-sealing connections shall be installed prior to testing. (b) Test Procedure. The lines entering the manhole shall be temporarily plugged with the plugs braced to prevent them from being drawn into the manhole. The plugs shall be installed in the lines beyond drop connections, gas sealing connections, etc. The test head shall be inflated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. A vacuum of ten (10") inches of mercury shall be drawn, and the vacuum pump will be turned off. With the valve closed, the level vacuum shall be read after the required test time. If the drop in the level is less than one (1) inch of mercury (final vacuum greater than nine (9) inches of mercury), the manhole will have passed the vacuum test. The required test time is determined from Table 14. (c) Acceptance. Manholes will be accepted with relation to vacuum test requirements if they meet the criteria above. Any manhole, which fails the initial test, must be repaired with a non-shrink grout or other suitable material based on the material the manhole is constructed of. Manholes shall be repaired on the exterior surface only prior to backfilling. The manhole shall be re-tested as 93 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo described above until a successful test is made. After a successful test, the temporary plugs will be removed. (d) Repairs to existing manholes. Any existing manhole, which fails to pass the vacuum test, shall be closely examined by the City and the Contractor to determine if the manhole can be repaired. Thereafter, the Contractor shall either repair or remove and replace the manhole as directed. The manhole shall then be re-tested. The Owner may elect to simply remove and replace the existing manhole with a new manhole. TABLE 14 TEST TIME rm 4 - - - - <3 - ...AMP i T L' '852-a '1INI �CMTIM RI � i ,:';'''--.4,,,,RAVtItgib 9 li e n a 3 , �., : ,, rn r 1 � - � �Y w3b � v> _ :^ -am s- � � rr im v ' p , k1P ' 44MH 0601 �� aft" t 1$4 - .sw r, `i1 y4 4 ^ y It ii',4m5PltiVFN,:k ,,.,.�,..... t Qu^ -..1I..-..:-fi :6y ‘ , E ` . x - . - r r- tens - - i 0� 4r). _ _ 00_ X ' . ,}g `�, � - C 81�6 die �+f'�6 � �'tti _e& ,�f�37;;;-: 'a , _ �'7" y#'.�;'�+ x. .,t„ ..sn . Y .s `i` h -.. �K� _Na.i,,,,,.+,, 3 } � res : ^ d- P te` s ita sA i x 4 +, '"` iit 4 ,h ,,k, Q ,^r _ , !!! v4:9, %.7- 5,7771A1 5t i5K ' n 0, ,,fug '^^'7n f'°" .es i 54 .+.�Y�' A -- i `$ rztl,„ A3i ,1.7 ...11 dF�i I ,Xi .,,,:i,a s , > Y C Jfefts' T, so ) � -O5 µ ' IOC D. DRAINAGE AND STORM SEWERS The subdivider shall be responsible for providing an adequate drainage system approved by the City Engineer that may consist of pipes, swales, natural features and manmade improvements that effectively carry runoff from the development. Detention ponds, retention ponds, and siltation ponds shall be used individually or in concert to control runoff and protect downstream interests from increased flooding from the subdivision. (Ord. 662) 94 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 1. Plans Copies of construction plans of storm drainage improvements shall be delivered to the City at the time a final plat is submitted,including: a. Construction details of all drainage structures, including dimensions, reinforcing grates, manhole covers, and other components. b. Alignment of drainage easements showing a beginning and ending station, each deflective angle of the centerline, the station of the point of intersection,the station of the point of curvature, the point of tangency of each curve, the station and angle of intersection of each intersection with another drainage easement, the location and size of each drainage structure,and the location and size of all storm sewers. c. The centerline grade at each end and at fifty (50') foot stations of drainage ditches. d. The direction of storm drainage flow at each ditch intersection, the flow line elevations of each drainage structure, and the flow line elevations of each sewer at each point of change, each end, and at intervening gradients. 2. Flood Prone Areas No plat in any subdivision, which is subject to flooding by rainfall based on a twenty (25) year frequency, shall be approved until drainage facilities adequate to carry off such rainfall have been provided. Lots in any subdivision subject to flooding by rainfall based on a frequency of twenty (25) and one hundred (100) years shall be subject to approval by the City Council. 3. Specifications and Design Standards, Drainage and Storm Sewers Size and design of inlets , storm sewers, out falls, culverts, and drainage ditches shall be based upon the following: a. Design Storm - All drainage structures shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and to the lines, grades as recommended by the City Engineer, and approved by the City Council. All work shall be done in compliance with the provisions of these specifications. b. The interior drainage system shall be designed for a storm frequency of occurrence of once in five (5) years. The intensity of a sixty (60) minute rainfall on this frequency is two point eight (2.8) inches. Major drainage ditches and structures shall be designed for a storm with a frequency occurrence of once in twenty-five (25) years. The intensity of a sixty (60) minute rainfall of this frequency is three point seventy five (3.75) inches. c. Runoff Computations - To determine the runoff rates for various areas, the standard rational method shall be used utilizing the following formula: Q=CIA where, Q= Rate of Runoff in Cubic Feet per second C= Runoff Coefficient I = Rainfall intensity for the particular duration in inches per hour A= Drainage Area in Acres Drainage areas shall be arrived at by considering location of high and low points on streets grades, drainage divides in the area, and general configuration of existing and finished grades. d. Sizing of Storm Sewers - Storm sewers will be required where subsurface conditions indicate a potential for seepage or underground flow as determined by the city engineer. Sewers shall be sized to carry the discharge (Q of the above formula). Capacity of the storm sewers shall be determined by the use of Manning's formula on the basis of hydraulic gradients rather than the physical slope of the pipe. The minimum size of a storm sewer shall be twenty-four (24) inches. Storm sewers shall be designed on a twenty (25) year frequency and shall be subject to the approval of the engineer. 95 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo e. Sizing and spacing of inlets-Where storm sewers are required,inlets shall be spaced so that the maximum travel distance of water in a gutter will not exceed six hundred (600') feet Inlets will be sized using an allowable capacity of one (1) cubic foot per second per foot of opening for a throat height of five (5) inches. f. Ditches-Ditches shall be designed to carry the run-off from storm events. Where approved by the City Council drainage ditches may be used for outfalls to natural or major drainage channels. Ditches shall have a minimum grade of not less than ten (10%) percent and side slopes not steeper than one to two (2:1). g. Pipe - Pipe for storm drains shall be concrete in sizes as shown on the approved plans. Pipe twenty (20") inches or larger in diameter shall be reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) ASTM C76, Class 3 pipe nineteen (19") inches or smaller in diameter shall be plain concrete pipe (PC) ASTM C14, standard strength. Where in the opinion of the city engineer, added strength of pipe is needed for traffic loads over minimum cover or for excessive height of backfill, concrete pipe shall be ASTM C14 extra strength or ASTM C76, Class IV or Class V. Pipe shall have a minimum cover of not less than one (1') foot over the top of the pipe. Monolithic, reinforced concrete sewers may be used for storm sewers thirty-six(36") inches and larger. h. Concrete Drainage Channels-Concrete lined channels shall be designed based on a twenty five (25) year flooding frequency and is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. (1) Vertical walls will be permissible in depths not to exceed two (2') feet unless properly fenced or closed. (2) Concrete lining shall extend one (1) foot beyond the height of the design flow line of the channel. From the top of the concrete lining to the top of the ditch, a side slope no steeper than two (2) horizontal to one (1) vertical where mulch sodding will be allowed. (3) Easements for concrete lined channels shall extend a minimum of five (5) feet on both sides of the extreme limits of the concrete lining. In addition, the City of Cibolo will not accept maintenance responsibility for any channels that contain a width of less than fifteen (15) feet at their narrowest point. An easement of fifteen (15) feet or greater is required for ingress and egress for maintenance for each one thousand five hundred (1,500) linear feet or fraction thereof of drainage channel for drainage channels that measure fifteen (15) feet or more for their entire length. (Ord.662) i. Earth Sodded Channels-The design of earth sodded channels shall be based on a twenty (25) year storm frequency, subject to the approval of the city engineer, and shall conform to the City of Cibolo Standard specifications. (1) Mulch sodding shall be placed over the entire area of the channel including the easements required on both sides of the channel. (2) Side slope shall not be steeper than three (3) horizontal to one (1) vertical. (3) Easements for earth sodded channels shall extend a minimum of five (5) feet on one side and fifteen (15) feet on the opposite side of the extreme limits of the channel when such a channel does not abut an alley or roadway. When such a channel abuts an alley or roadway, the easement shall extend a minimum of five (5) feet on each side of the extreme limits of the channel. The City will not accept maintenance responsibility for any channel that contains a width of less than fifteen (15) feet at its narrowest point. An easement of fifteen (15) feet or greater is required for ingress and egress for maintenance for each one thousand five hundred (1,500) linear feet or fraction thereof of drainage channel for drainage channels that measure fifteen (15) feet or more for their entire length. j. Outfalls-Outfalls from storm sewers and ditches into material drainage ways shall enter at the grade of the natural drainage channel. If necessary, the City may require drop type out fall structures be used to prevent erosion. (Ord. 662) k. Alleyways - Alleyways may be designed on a five (5) year frequency to carry storm water only from the lots within the block abutting the alley. 96 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo I. Weather Crossings-All weather crossings at streets shall be designed on a twenty (25) year frequency. m. Streets - Streets where curbs and gutters are installed may be used for storm water drainage only if the calculated water flow does not exceed the flow calculations as determined under the runoff computations or the velocity does not exceed ten (10') feet per second. Minor streets shall be designed on the basis of a five (5) year frequency. Where streets are not capable of carrying storm waters, drainage ditches or storm sewers shall be provided. n. Storm Water Retention or Detention Facilities (Ord.662) (a) Storm water retention or detention facilities must reduce peak flows from the 10-year, 24-hour storm and the 100-year,24-hour storm,such that these peak flows are no greater than under pre-developed conditions. (b) The method(s) of retention or detention shall be appropriate to the type of development,topography, and amount of control needed. Suggested measures include the following: 1. Basins or swales—single or multiple 2. Check dams in gullies to slow runoff and trap sediment 3. Leach fields,infiltration chambers,dry wells,rain barrels, French drains 4. Granular fill under permeable paving blocks 5. Contour terracing,improved vegetation cover (c) Detention/retention facilities may be incorporated into parks, open space areas and landscaping designs if approved by the City Council after recommendation by the City of Cibolo Parks Board. Parking areas may be used as detention or retention facilities provided that maximum depths of ponding do not exceed eight (8) inches, and ponding is in the areas most remotely situated from structures. (d) Storm water infiltration systems are not permitted in any development where there is a potential for pollutants to adversely affect ground water quality (e.g. EARZ). (e) No detention or retention basin shall retain standing water longer than 36 hours unless it is designed and constructed to be a permanent pond with appropriate health, safety,and water quality measures,and water rights requirements for such a body of water. (f) Individual lot basins within subdivisions may be approved for lots of one (1) acre or more with slopes less than five percent (5%). (g) Specific requirements for retention/detention facilities are as follows: 1. Facilities shall be located such that the edge of the 100-year water surface is a minimum of ten (10) feet from the edge of any public road. Finished floors of adjacent structures shall be a minimum of one (1) foot above the 100-year water surface in the facility. Facilities should be located such that the invert of the outlet structure is above the 100-year flood level in the receiving body;but in all cases facilities shall be designed to function properly during conditions where the outlet is submerged by the tail water of the receiving stream. 2. Drainage easements dedicated to the public or open space areas dedicated to a Home Owner's Association shall be dedicated for retention/detention facilities. Easement boundaries or open space boundaries shall be sized to contain the berms,inlet and outlet structures, access ramps,permanent erosion control facilities,the 100-year water surface and any additional area needed for access and maintenance. 3. Ponding below natural grade (depressed storage) is encouraged. 97 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 4. Detention facilities shall be designed with one (1) or more outlet structures to allow safe passage of the 100-year post-development design storm runoff. In addition, an emergency spillway shall be provided with sufficient capacity to pass at least the 25-year design storm runoff assuming the pond is full. Spillways and outlets shall be protected from erosion with riprap, ground riprap,or other method or erosion control to adequately protect the structure and downstream channel. Outflows shall be conveyed to an appropriate receiving drainage facility in a manner such that roadways, buildings, etc. are not damaged. 5. In the event that a detention facility empties into another storage facility downstream,the effect of the facility's outflow hydrograph (volume and peak flow) on that facility shall be evaluated by the subdivider and said evaluation shall be submitted with the engineering designs for the detention facility. o. Design Parameters (Ord. 674) 1. Where required by the City Engineer, channels shall have sufficient gradient, depending upon the type of soil or channel lining material, to provide velocities that will be self-cleaning (greater than two (2) feet per second) but will not be so great as to create erosion. Maximum permissible velocities are as specified in the Velocity Criteria included in Subection 3 below. 2. Appropriate energy dissipating structures may be used to control erosion due to high velocities at pipe system outfalls and steep grades and shall be designed in accordance with accepted design practices such as outline by the Soil Conservation Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Land Reclamation, or the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). 3. Velocity Criteria a. The table below (Table 15) shall be used to determine maximum permissible channel velocity. b. Where velocities are in the supercritical range,allowance shall be made in the design for the proper handling of water. c. Channel designmust ensure that the channel will contain the hydraulic jump (sequent depth) throughout the extent of the superficial profile. An exception to this criterion is where concrete lined lateral channels discharge down the side slopes of channels. These channels may be designed for normal depth plus freeboard provided velocity controls are established at the main channel flowline. d. For vegetated earthen channels,vegetation shall be installed in a uniform manner and shall be kept in a well-maintained condition until final acceptance by the City of Cibolo. 98 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo TABLE 15 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CHANNEL VELOCITY Hydraulic Correction Maximum Permissible Velocity(fps) Type of Facility Required Radius(ft.) Factor Velocity 0-1 0.8 5 1-3 0.9 5.5 1 to 6(Maximum 3-5 1.05 6.3 Average Velocity=Vegetated Earthen Channel 5-8 1.15 6.9 6 fp.s. 8-10 1.225 7.35 More than 10 1.25 7.5 6 to 8 Concrete Retards NA NA NA Greater than 8 Concrete Lining or Drop Structures NA NA NA 4. Criteria for Design of Drainage Facilities (Ord. 662) A. The planning and design of drainage systems shall ensure that problems are not transferred from one location to another. Grading and other construction amenities may not change the terrain to cause damage to public or private property from drainage or flood problems,increased runoff,or increased erosion or sediment movement. B. Lot to lot drainage of sheet flows shall be prohibited in subdivision design. C. The City Engineer shall not approve any drainage plan, drainage detail or drainage report pertaining to proposed construction,platting or other development where the proposed activity or change in the land would result in post-development discharge from the site exceeding discharge under natural conditions (prior to grading or other development), immediately downstream of the proposed site. Downstream capacity shall not be exceeded as a result of development. Exemptions from these provisions are as follows: 1. Additional drainage improvements are not required if drainage improvements have been provided for fully developed conditions,which includes the proposed development. 2. A fee may be utilized in place of a detention/retention system,at the request of affected persons,when it can be clearly demonstrated that detention/retention at the site does not provide off-site flood relief due to the parcel size, location,or other factors. The amount of the fees shall be determined by the City Engineer and shall be used to construct public flood control improvements,which will be designed to mitigate the potential damage of floodwaters associated with the property from which the fees are contributed.The amount of the fee shall be proportional to the cost of the otherwise required detention/retention system and shall not preclude the City from assessment and collection of drainage impact fees in addition to any fees specified herein. E. ELECTRICITY Electric connections are to be installed according to standards of the local utility company and City Codes. All electric lines shall be placed underground and in the front of properties, unless a variance is granted by the City Council. 99 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo F. NATURAL GAS Natural Gas connections are to be installed according to standards of the local utility company and City Codes. All natural gas lines shall be placed underground and in the front of properties, unless a variance is granted by the City Council. G. TELEPHONE Telephone connections are to be installed according to standards of the local utility company. All telephone lines shall be placed underground and in the front of properties, unless a variance is granted by the City Council. H. STREET LIGHTS Street lighting shall be provided by the developer and shall conform to the latest edition of the Illuminating Engineering Society Handbook. I. TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AND STREET SIGNS All traffic control signs shall be provided and installed by the developer and shall conform to the latest edition of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. All street signs shall be provided and installed by the developer,and must meet specifications set forth by the City of Cibolo. J. FLOOD REGULATION The City shall review each proposed subdivision to assure that: 1. All proposals are consistent with the need to minimize flood damage. 2. All public utilities and facilities,such as sewage, gas, electrical and water systems are located, elevated, and constructed to minimize or elevate flood damage. 3. Adequate drainage is provided so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards. 100 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo MAINTENANCE BOND & PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ACCEPTANCE FORMS EXHIBIT A: Maintenance Bond MAINTENANCE BOND STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned subdivider,as Principal,and as Surety,do hereby acknowledge ourselves to be held and firmly bound unto the City of Cibolo,a municipal corporation of the County of Guadalupe and State of Texas,in the full and just sum of$ (being ten (10%)percent of the estimated cost of the hereinafter enumerated site improvements)for the payment of which well and truly to be made,we hereby bind ourselves and our respective heirs,administrators,executors and assigns, jointly and severally,firmly by these presents. WHEREAS,the Principal has petitioned the City Council of the City of Cibolo for permission to develop a subdivision within the jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo,more particularly described as follows,to wit: which is shown on a subdivision plat,entitled Subdivision,heretofore conditionally approved by the Planning Commission of The City of Cibolo on 20_;and WHEREAS,under the provisions of the City of Cibolo Subdivision Ordinance,being Ordinance No. passed and approved on the 8th day of April,2003,and as amended,the City Council of the City of Cibolo requires, as a condition precedent to the granting of such petition,that the Principal a guarantee that he will maintain and cause to be maintained,in good condition according to the requirements of such subdivision ordinance,and to correct any and all deficiencies not in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as may be noted,the following site improvements for a period of one(1)year after acceptance of the construction thereof by the City Council or until such time as such improvements have been accepted(fmal)by the City,whichever is the latter: NOW,THEREFORE,the condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal shall maintain or correct,and cause to be maintained or corrected,the above mentioned improvements in accordance with the requirements of the City of Cibolo subdivision ordinance,and the amendments thereto,if any,for the period of one(1)year after the acceptance of the construction thereof by the City Council of the City of Cibolo,or until said improvements have been accepted(fmal)by the City Council of Cibolo,then this obligation shall be void:otherwise,the obligations made under this bond will remain in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,WITNESS OUR HANDS and seal,this the Day of ,20_ Subdivider and Principal 101 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Surety By: Attorney in Fact APPROVED AND ACCEPTED,THIS THE . DAY OF 20 CITY OF CIBOLO BY: TITLE: 102 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo EXHIBIT B: Preliminary Acceptance PART I DEVELOPER PETITION FOR PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT(S), NO. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF GUADALUPE § CITY OF CIBOLO § WHEREAS, ,hereinafter called Owner,is the owner of the land described as Subdivision,desires to file this,his(its)Petition,with the City Council of the City of Cibolo. This petition is being filed in accordance with the terms and provisions of the current Regulations. NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THOSE PRESENT (Owner)respectfully files this,a Petition with the City Council of the City of Cibolo for acceptance of the following described public improvements(list each): (Water and sewer projects shall define the limits by street,alley between streets,and/or across easements by description of the property.) OWNER,in filing this petition,sets forth the following information as required in current Regulations: A.A.Attached hereto as Exhibit"C" is a true and correct copy of the itemized construction costs of the above described project(s). Construction was accomplished by(Contractor) at a total cost of$ B.Attached as Exhibit"D" are two(2)true and correct copies of"as built" drawings certified to by a registered professional engineer. C.Attached as Exhibit"E" are two(2)true and correct copies of field density tests and material source tests, certified by a recognized testing laboratory(Exhibit"C" is required only for street and alley improvements). OWNER GUARANTEES: A.All materials and workmanship to be in accordance with approved plans and specifications prescribed by the City,and B.To correct any and all deficiencies not in accordance with approved plans and specifications as may be noted until final acceptance by the City Engineer and City Council. 103 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,WITNESS OUR HANDS and seal this the Day ,20 Subdivider and Principal Surety By: Attorney in Fact APPROVED AND ACCEPTED,THIS THE day of 20 CITY OF CIBOLO BY: TITLE: • 104 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo EXHIBIT B: Final Acceptance PART II DEVELOPER PETITION FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT(S), NO. WHEREAS,The City Council of the City of Cibolo,Texas approved the preliminary acceptance of the improvements listed in Part I Petition No. for the Subdivision;and WHEREAS,The owner has maintained such improvements in good condition for at least one year from date of acceptance by the City Council;and WHEREAS,The owner has corrected all deficiencies reported by the City of Cibolo, It is therefore requested that final inspection be made of said improvements,that final acceptance be approved by the City Council of the City of Cibolo,and that the Owner be relieved of any further obligation to maintain or cause to maintain such improvements. (Date) (Owner) By 105 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo EXHIBIT B: Final Acceptance PART III FINAL ACCEPTANCE The above improvements listed in the petition have been inspected as required by current regulations,all required maintenance has been performed,and all noted deficiencies have been corrected. I recommend that the improvements described in the petition be acceptedby the City of Cibolo and all maintenance on said improvements be assumed by the City. (Date) City Engineer,CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS AS RECORDED IN THE CORPORATE MINUTE BOOK NUMBER PAGE ,DATED THE DAY OF, 20 AD MAYOR,CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS CITY SECRETARY Original-City Duplicate-Owner Triplicate—City 106 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo L. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ALLEYS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR ALLEYS -COMMERCIAL 24.0'R.O.W. AND PAVEMENT MINIMUM 3"SOIL PAVEMENT 165 LBS-PER SO.YD.MIN. SHOULDER ABOVE EDGE OF PAVEMENT 0"TO 7"INVERTED CROS (BOTH SIDES) SUBGRADE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY COMPACTED BASE"-95% COMPACTED DENSITY----- ALLEYS -APARTMENT ALLEYS -APARTMENT .41124.0'R.O.W. 2' 20.0'PAVEMENT 2' �-PAVEMENT 165 LBS.PER SO.YD.MIN. 0"TO 7"INVERTED CROWN SUBGRADE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY COMPACTED BASE'-95% COMPACTED DENSITY ALLEYS -SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 24.0'R.O.W. 3' 18.0'PAVING MIN-24'MAX. `+ 3' Imo- PAVEMENT 165 LBS.PER SO.YD.MIN. 0"TO 7"INVERTED CROWN SUBGRADE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY 11 COMPACTED BASE*-95%COMPACTED DENSITY COMPACTED BASE THICKNESS AND MATERIALS AS DETERMQ'IED BY THE PAVEMENT DESIGN SECTION OF THIS ORDINANCE 107 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo CITY OF CIBOLO CURB AND GUTTER DETAIL V 8318" 2 S B"—� V 5 3r1" W. . 3•' 1 11 1 s'1'i.-fsg3_.t :_. Et..1r,e®_- ,,r1,I .r.r..;::saA 2" • 3" geJ# :9 I 3-318' CONT.RE BAR � zy� "r`., °✓6 s a i 7" i SLOPE'/." r FOOT '"F` ra'F ._.. .• r ..-GY AY. W .aZ4'j.' -S i;}c -+'�F." ?' :i.-s- �,,k 3 �r'9iE>4c4'. £ �R 21" 12•' 11101 TYPICAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH DETAIL (WHERE SIDEWALK DOES NOT ABUT CURB) 12'ille ►-. Mes 2' ~ DROP CURB OPENING c 1' • .e3� z _ _�_..�...z- — �, ,a::e->.^--s — ...�. . - -K,--"'...-4-.:71.....7...._-.-...,_ 108 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo TYPICAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH DETAILS (WHERE SIDEWALK ABUTS CURB) R.O.W. EXPANSION_ 'h'EXPANSION JOINT JOINT MATERIAL OR16"REDWOOD CONCRETE DRIVEWAY OR CYPRESS WOOD w �% APPROACH /JOINT FILLER SLOPE 12:1SLOPE 12:1 MAXIMUM ► MAXIMUM v CURB DROP CURB OPENING VARIES DRIVEWAY CURB OPENING IP 41 12:1 MAXIMUM 12:1 MAXIMUM 14 VARIES-DRIVEWAY 12:1 MAXIMUM 109 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo ALTERNATIVE GEOMETRIC ALIGNMENT DESIGN FOR LOCAL STREETS The point of radius may be relocated along the lines indicated by letters on the figure below(point AX,AY and AZ).The point of radius shall not exceed fifteen(15)feet from point"A". The point of radius is shifted along the street centerline (Point AX and AZ),a site plan detailing lot siting,driveway location and on-street parking considerations shall be submitted to the City Engineer who will make a recommendation to the Planning Commission regarding the safety of the proposed flare. 60'R al A 0 0 40'R 50'R Y 25' 35' Minimum 0.3%outside grade on flare,in a manner approved by the City Engineer. 50' 30' • 110 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo FIGURE I • a 7 • 7 } 15% A MinimumLangL'Asil oach Grade 10%orless Maximum length o" 14% Restricted .,rade 1 13% ' 12% 11960 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 000 900 1000 Approach Grade Length,or Restricted Grade Length 11-24 111 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo VISION CLEARANCE =_-- 1 25' ,'._ 50'ON I. ___: ARTERIAL '.;f__ STREET ; ,.;.i :. :':'_;:_:;_:;.- OTHER :;.,.;:.; :_T; STREET •�aTt:.. a Q :3t•F,:d•.:F,.B:Rtii+yF,., 110 r'!�?F,C;Y:FF i 7 PAVEMENT EDGE OR CURB CAN BE TRANSITION AS SHOWN OR WITH _ _ ______ REVERSE CURVE. _:- =-- ___ 2.5 MAX `= p ..:si . .., __ T 50'ON V 25 '':;; _-_--.. ` ARTERIAL —.I—11 z ---- _ _'�` STREET „,,,,,W'';. •tr `;','? « :4-1_- OTHER , ' . ” — = STREET NOTES: CROSS SECTION 1. NO WALL,STRUCTURE,FENCE OR LANDSCAPING SHALL BE PLACED IN SHADED AREA WHICH OBSTRUCTS VISION OR THAT EXCEED 2.5 FEETABOVE NEAREST PAVEMENT SURFACE. 112 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo MARGINAL ACCESS STREET CROSS SECTIONS MARGINAL COMMERCIAL ACCESS STREET 40.0 ROW 30.0' 9.5' PAVING ill .�� 6.0' —SUBGRADE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY `COMPACTED BASE`-95% COMPACTED DENSITY PAVEMENT 165 LBS. PER SQ. YD. MIN. \ SOIL MAX. SLOPE= 1' PER FT. &MIN SLOPE= 114"PER FT. WALK MIN SLOPE= 114"PER FT. MARGINAL RESIDENTIAL ACCESS STREETS 40.0 ROW No- 26.0' 26.0' 13.5' -gmPAVING r 41 ~ / SUBGRADE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY" —COMPACTED BASE'-BASE'-95% COMPACTED DENSITY PAVEMENT 165 LBS. PER SQ. YD. MIN. SOIL MAX. SLOPE= 1' PER FT. &MIN SLOPE= 114"PER FT. COMPACTED BASE THICKNESS AND MATERIALS AS DETERMINED BY THE PAVEMENT DESIGN SECTION OF THIS ORDINANCE. 113 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo MEDIAN NOSE DESIGN ► 5'OFFSET 10' •1111-0N—N11— 2'OFFSET M NOSE PAVED R 1 M WITH CONCRETE R2 R=M12 CONCRETE WHERE STREET INTERSECTS WHERE STREET INTERSECTS A PRIMARY ARTERIAL OTHER THAN A PRIMARY ARTERIAL CONCRETE SIDWALK ITEM 502A \ CLASS"B"CONCRETE 4'-O' Y."/FT.SLOPE TO CURB ► T a • / 2"SAND CUSHION WELDED WIRE FLAT SHEETS, OR 03 REBAR 018"OCEW CENTERED IN SLAB OR 6 X 6 06 WIRE MESH 114 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo STANDARD STREET CROSS SECTIONS (PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR) SECONDARY ARTERIAL STREET 86'RO.W. . 12.0' / 12.0' 12.0' p 4 14.0' 12.0' 12.0' 14.0' PARKWAY PAVING PAVING DIVIDER PAVING PAVING PARKWAY II NEE I l'142F- MEI 1116 j �SUBGRADE- 90%COMPACTED DENSITY COMPACTED BASE'-95%COMPACTED DENSITY \ PAVEMENT 165 LBS.PER SQ.YD.MIN. SOIL MAX.SLOPE 1"PER FT. MIN SLOPE Y."PER FT. WALK MIN.SLOPE 74" PER FT. PRIMARY ARTERIAL STREET 110' RO.W. 14.0' 12.0' 12.0' 12.0' 14.0' 12.0' 12.0' 0 12.0' 0 14.0' 0. PARKWAY PAVING PAVING PAVING DIVIDER PAVING PAVING PAVING PARKWAY 2'COURSE ASPHALT MIN.SLOPE SURFACE TREATMENT 7"CURB YTMP PER FT. di FLEXIBLE BASET/ EXTOSP SUBGRADE- 90%COMPACTED DENSITY / COMPACTED BASE-95%COMPACTED DENSITY PAVEMENT 165 LBS.PER SQ.YD.MIN. SOIL MAX.SLOPE 1" PER FT. MIN SLOPE Y4" PER FT. WALK MIN.SLOPE Y4"PER FT. Note:EXACT SIDEWALK LOCATION IN THE PARKWAY SHALL BE AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 'COMPACTED BASE THICKNESS AND MATERIALS AS DETERMINED BY THE PAVEMENT DESIGN OF THE ORDINANCE 115 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo STANDARD STREET CROSS SECTIONS LOCAL TYPE "A" STREET III- 411PARKWAYPAVING ~PARKWAY 7" CURB EXPOSURE 4" CROWN SUBGRADE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY / / COMPACTED BASE—95% COMPACTED DENSITY I� PAVEMENT-165 LBS. PER SQ. YD. MIN R SOIL-MAX. SLOPE OF Ya' PER FT. WALK-MIN. SLOPE OF Y4" PER FT. LOCAL TYPE "B" STREET IP.4 110 41 PARKWAY PAVING PARKWAY 7" CURB EXPOSURE 4" CROWN ..'fit / SUBGRADE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY COMPACTED BASE—95% COMPACTED DENSITY i� PAVEMENT-165 LBS. PER SQ. YD. MIN R SOIL-MAX. SLOPE OF Ya" PER FT. WALK-MIN. SLOPE OF Ya' PER FT. COLLECTOR STREET 110.1/PARKWAY/IP' PAVING "PARKWAY lo 7" CURB EXPOSURE 5" CROWN ( r // j . SUBGRADE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY COMPACTED BASE—95% COMPACTED DENSITY R PAVEMENT-165 LBS. PER SQ. YD. MIN SOIL-MAX. SLOPE OF Ya' PER FT. WALK-MIN. SLOPE OF Ya' PER FT. Note: *COMPACTED BASE THICKNESS AND MATERIALS AS DETERMINED BY THE PAVEMENT DESIGN SECTION OF THIS ORDINANCE Unified Development Code City of Cibolo TYPICAL INTERSECTION DIVIDER PAVEMENT EDGE CURB OR PAVEMENT EDGE L OFFSET L VARIABLE (SEE FOLLOWING 2' I' 25'MINIMUM 1 r FIGURE) --� — —c' 4'SEE NO1NITES FORWTH 1 W2 IW1 PAVEMENT EDGE OR CURB CAN BE TRANSITION AS SHOWN OR WITH REVERSE CURVE NOTES (1)Median width shall normally be 14 (2)Median widths other than 14 shall be approved by_the Director of Public Works (3)Divider shall be constructed withrthe materials as specified by the Director of Public Works 117 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo KOMI .. .. .............. ................. -....... 1 . M Mini 11.11•4 14fiat:Valk ...ranarefe at stspedif—). . ...... ., .......„,.1. . ... . . . . . ......... .. .. •• •••••• • : 004IALIllani. • • 'VAPIO, . . . ...... . b di 1.--------1. amp rogropeono t --. iZ1 PINE ,-401,Of MI —1— — TYPICAL SIDEWALK wituna.i 11 -F-ff; • 1.ku nkeleupd walk Adembellep of elem.& V.I. CROSSING TYPICAL DRIVEWAY DETAILS _1_4. 41=4„.tmlausasewlee 06. TYPE"A" 114 4.71171T2.11±rt,7111111,•,. m.lemeram See Mote I SECTION"B-B" Mire --Glom Parkway cr MACHIN/LAE r h•-i c - \ I ra- I 4.te I r-e.. 1 I.. 41,111 ..11.1181t, PM • ILF1ii :V.IT4140FICIIHAllt-M, " r=== ..„-.......,,-• menage • E-11.7--"I e 'am woe SECTION"C-C" SECTION"AA" - 111e.• verde e•r Vanes NOTES: I _L.a= I.Comma:nen Of ail rairekbab temps to be Included mem — _ . ...... mati it.mu,..,at.,%Manuel°cuffing."'Mean.lald TYPICAL SIDEWALK AAUP Eli 1111 nab,"endear'Consfeto meow Yee'Ramp senate ilia be brusitfinisiled. (F_OUR QUADRANT) 1 etr SECTION GROSSING a mom 11-0` Z.These betels refer rebates.ells Areuel le:alone of "WSee Moto PO Whet/char romps io be elIewn on canenucben plane C.Xylnepcl eor can Weser lee Wane(or safety TYPE"A" W1 or teeley clear on 1 b I S.I•et Wee Mein feebler" 4 Tble porlionof farm maybe neOloasedin feerefol/ .1:1. 121 elopo allow... IU400faw&.woos. .Topa+Wimp alba slopes IU Into concrete element Or pefkon ....................... . . =ffi. '73:411 r apart 11Z401P Twe 0,.ramp WO latilna U.WO Wm Of eat pep keep. MASS 'NONNI 1 PARKWAY WHEELCHAIR RAMP DETAILS ____IS FURS ritimmtfiv imam . OPACIG 4-f Wenn 118 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo i.....77...., .. .. .. ....... .............. ..... . iimillii••' • -----------; ,--•-:..::._n_. •-::_ 1 •••••••;..-i:::..--::::::::.--:-:..:....,r;;;;;,. .,,. i, .::::: .......... . .... •.......•••••• Flit TYPICAL SIDEWALK RAMP 1 gwalayairm _ f:1-4=42imem16:44,ti_Tml,„_i_t_lial 1 .•::::::::::!.. .!.. .::.:1:,::.:. ..• .:;;,:;,..,• ......... .. ______ _:::__ ..i. 1.: 1111 , SECTION"B-13" iii r .:,. .. , t .qIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1-.E-77,,hrrommilk Il .,.,,_4IJ,.111414.111:311-4111 • . . 3%0" 4'-0" 3'-0" TYPICAL SIDEWALK RAMP (FOURROSSING QUADRANT) C TYPE"A" 7.•`fif;,. IL:':,",..fl :...._ Concrete sidewalk /— miimuSECTION"C-C" `'::,: : ] PARKWAY ,,, : SECTION"D-D" See Note#3 119 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo TYPICAL SIDEWALK RAMP MAXIMUM 1:10 SLOPE ON EACH FLARE 4'-0" .0— o. GROOVE 6'APART 1!2' DEEP F ri i iliTh__.„, 1 N ,- it it N \ CONCRETE I I:..1 SIDEWALK 12:1_ a b 1 \ ,0T GRASS IIII PARKWAY MACHINE LAID CURB ri 3'-0"or 4'4" Ito 3'4" 11.1 SECTION"A-A" SECTION "B -B " 120 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX E IMPACT FEES IMPACT FEES On August 12, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance Number 866 implementing the current City of Cibolo Impact Fee Program for Water, Wastewater and Drainage based on the Impact Fee Studies referenced below and included in this Appendix D: 1. City of Cibolo Drainage Improvement Capital Plan Impact Fee Study. 2. City of Cibolo Water System Master Plan Impact Fee Study. 3. City of Cibolo Wastewater System Master Plan Capital Fee Impact Fee Study. Part 1. Drainage Impact Fee Program. The City Council amends the City's Drainage Impact Fee Program by adopting: (1) the Town Creek Watershed, as described in Section 1.2 of the Drainage Impact Fee Study (Attachment One to this Ordinance) as the City's Drainage Service Area; (2) the Land Use Assumptions described in Section 3.1 and Appendix A of th-Dramage Impact-Fee Study: (3) the Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, described in Sections 3.0, 3.2 and Appendix B of the Drainage Impact Fee Study; and (4) a Drainage Impact Fee in the amount of$528.70 per living unit equivalent (LUE) on new development within the Drainage Service Area as described in Appendix B of the Drainage Impact Fee Study. Part 2.. Water Impact Fee Program, The City Council amends the City's Water Impact Fee Program by adopting: (1) the area described in the City's Certificate of Convenience-and Necessity (CCN) for water service, as identified in Section 1.3 of the Water Impact Fee Study (Attachment Two to this Ordinance), as the City's Water Service Area; (2) the Land Use Assumptions described in Section 5.1 and Appendix B of the Water Impact Fee Study; (3) the Capital Improvements Plan, described in Sections 5.0 and 5.2, and in Appendix C of the Water Impact Fee Study; and 121 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (4) a Water Impact Fee of$2,276.94 per living unit equivalent (LUE) on new development within the Water Service Area as described in Appendix C of the Water Impact Fee Study. Part 3: Wastewater Impact Fee Program. The City Council amends the City's Wastewater Impact Fee Program by adopting: (1) the area described in the City's Certificate of Convenience and Necessity .(CCN) for wastewater service, as identified in Section 1.3 of the Wastewater Impact Fee Study (Attachment Three to this Ordinance), as the City's Wastewater Service Area; (2) the Land Use Assumptions described in Section 4.1 and Appendix B of the Wastewater Impact Fee Study ; (3) the Capital Improvements Plan, described in Sections 4.0 and 4.2, and in Appendix C of the Wastewater Impact Fee Study; and (4) a Wastewater Impact Fee of$747.19 per living unit equivalent (LUE) on new development within the Wastewater Service Area as described in Appendix C of the Wastewater Impact Fee Study. Part 4. Assessment and Collection of Impact.Fees. Impact Fees shall be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, as the same may-be amended from time to time. The City Mana8er, or his designee, is hereby authorized to develop procedures and policies for assessment and collection of impact fees. consistent with applicable law and the City's ordinances, and to implement said procedures and policies in the administration of the City's Drainage,Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Programs •. Part 5. New Development Platted Before Adoption of Impact Fees. For new development which is platted in accordance with Subchapter A, Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code or the subdivision or platting procedures of a political subdivision before the adoption of the impact fees set out in this ordinance, the impact fees adopted by this ordinance may not be collected on any service unit for which a valid building permit is issued within one year after the date of adoption of said impact fees. The impact fees in existence immediately prior to the adoption of these new impact fees shall continue to apply within the one year period to new development for which impact fees have not been assessed as of the date of adoption of this ordinance, and said impact fees shall continue in effect after adoption of the new impact fees provided by this ordinance for that limited purpose. . Part 6. Collection of Fee if Services not Available Except as otherwise provided by law, impact fees required by this ordinance may be assessed but may-not be collected in areas where services are not currently available unless: 122 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo (1) the collection is made to pay for a capital improvement or facility expansion that has been identified in the Capital Improvements Plan and the City commits to commence construction within two years,under duly awarded and executed contracts or commitments of staff time covering substantially all of the work required to provide service, and to have the service available within a reasonable period of time considering the type of capital improvement or facility expansion to be constructed, but in no event longer than five years; (2) the City agrees that the owner of a new development may construct or finance the capital improvements or facility expansions and agrees that the costs incurred or funds advanced will be credited against the Impact Fees otherwise due from the new development or agrees to reimburse the owner for such costs from impact fees paid from other new developments that will use such capital improvements or facility expansions,which fees shall be collected and reimbursed to the owner at the time the other new development records its plat;or (3) an owner voluntarily requests the City to reserve capacity to serve future .development,and the City and owner enter into a valid written agreement. Part 7. Additional Fees. After assessment of all impact fees attributable to the new development or execution of an agreement for payment of impact fees,additional impact fees or increases in fees may not be assessed against the tract for any reason,unless the number of service units to be developed on the tract increases. In the event of the increase in the number of service units,the impact fees to be imposed are limited to the amount attributable to the additional service units. Part 8. Agreement with Owner. This ordinance does not prohibit the City from entering into an agreement with the owner of a tract of land for which the plat has been recorded providing for the time and method of payments of the impact fees. Part 9. Acceptance of Fees. The City is under no obligation to accept offered impact fees. This ordinance creates no obligation for the City to serve any property within the City. Part 10. Imposition of Additional Fees. This ordinance shalt not limit the City's authority to impose other or additional impact fees authorized by Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, or to impose taxes, fees, charges or assessments authorized by state law. Part 11. Attachments. Attachments One, Two and Three referenced above are incorporated into this ordinance. 123 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the proposed modifications and the proposed ordinance, as required by Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code on December 9,2008; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo has made a finding that the above statements are true and correct, and that it is in the best interest of the City to adopt the modifications to the Land Use Assumptions, Transportation Service Area Boundaries, Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fees for the City's Transportation Impact Fee Program,as set out in this ordinance; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO: Part 1. Transportation Impact Fee Program. The City Council amends the City's • Transportation Impact Fee Program by adopting: (1) the Transportation Service Area, consisting of the North Zone and the South Zone, as described in Section 1.2 and in other portions of the Transportation Impact Fee Study; (2) the Land Use Assumptions described in of the Transportation Impact Fee Study: (3) the Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, described in the Transportation Impact Fee Study;and (4) Transportation Impact Fees in the amount of_$1464.02-per living unit equivalent (LUE) on new development within the North Zone of the Transportation Service Area, and__$_533.I0per LUE on new development within the South Zone of the Transportation Service Area, as described in the Transportation Impact Fee Study. Part 2. Assessment and Collection of Impact Fees. Impact Fees shall be assessed and collected in accordance with.P:thea,provisions of Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, as the same-may be amended from time to time. The City Manager, or his designee, is hereby authorized to develop procedures and policies for assessment and collection of impact fees consistent with applicable law and the City's ordinances, and to implement said procedures and policies in the administration of the City's Transportation Impact Fee Program. Part 3. New Development Platted Before Adoption of Impact Fees. For new development which is platted in accordance with Subchapter A,Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code or the subdivision or platting procedures of a political subdivision before the adoption of the impact fees set out in this ordinance, the impact fees adopted by this ordinance may not be collected on any service unit for which a valid building permit is issued within one year after the date of adoption of said impact fees. The impact fees in existence immediately prior to the adoption of these new impact fees 124 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo shall continue to apply within the one year period to new development for which impact fees have not been assessed as of the date of adoption of this ordinance, and said impact fees shall continue in effect after adoption of the new impact fees provided by this ordinance for that limited purpose. Part 4. Collection of Fee if Services not Available Except as otherwise provided by law, impact fees required by this ordinance may be assessed but may not be collected in areas where services are not currently available unless: (1) the collection is made to pay for a capital improvements or facility expansion that has been identified in the Capital Improvements Plan and the City commits to commence construction within two years, under duly awarded and executed contracts or commitments of staff time covering substantially all of the work required to provide service, and to have the service available within a reasonable period of time considering the type of capital improvements or facility expansion to be constructed, but in no event longer than five years; (2) the City agrees that the owner of a new development may construct or finance the capital improvements or facility expansions and agrees that the costs incurred or funds advanced will be credited against the Impact Fees _ otherwise due from the new development or.agrees to reimburse the owner for such costs from impact fees paid from other new developments that will use such capital improvements or facility expansions,which fees shall be collected and reimbursed to the owner at the time the other new development records its plat; or (3) an owner voluntarily requests the City to reserve capacity to serve future development, and the City and owner enter into a valid written agreement. Part 5. Additional Fees. After assessment of all impact fees attributable to the new development or execution of an agreement for payment of impact fees, additional impact fees or increases in fees may not be assessed against the tract for any reason, unless the number of service units to be developed on the tact increases. In the event of the increase in the number of service units, the impact fees to be imposedare limited to the amount attributable to the additional service units. Part 6. Agreement with Owner. This ordinance does not prohibit the City from entering into an agreement with the owner of a tract of land for whichthe plat has been recorded providing for the time and method of payments of the impact fees. Part 7. Acceptance of Fees. The City is under no obligation to accept offered impact fees. This ordinance creates no obligation for the City to serve any property within the City. 125 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Part 8. Imposition of Additional Fees. This ordinance shallnot limit the City's authority to impose other or additional impact fees authorized by Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, or to impose taxes, fees, charges or assessments authorized by state law. Part 9. Attachments. Attachment A referenced above is incorporated into this ordinance. Part 10. Repeal. Any prior ordinance or parts of ordinances that are in force when this ordinance becomes effective, and which conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Approved and adopted this 9th day of December, 2008. 126 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo .. f - k i. Yp`� - •- V • Water System Master Plan CITY OF CIBOLO Impact Fee Study • • • C/1 • rj Aar V y7, . 5x `S�a-j 1 { " �" City of Cibolo CID W • (7.- yorC O.. v .o • r is -• • • X hal Of y DRAFT-September 27,2007 • Project No.4030.500 5 a E�°dt9` �•k+ E 127 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo CITY OF CIBOLO—IMPACT FEE STUDY Water System Master Plan Prepared for: City of Cibolo P.O.Box 826 Cibolo,Texas 78108 Issued under the interim review authority of Steve Wenzel,P.R. #59082 By: Espey Consultants,Inc. EC Project No.4030.500 3809 South 2nd St,Suite B-300 Austin,Texas 78704 DRAFT—September 27,2007 T(512)326-5659 F(512)326-5723 www.esnevconsultants.com 128 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Existing Water System 2.1 Water Supply 2.1.1 Water Rights 2.2 Water Storage 2.3 Water Distribution 2.3.1 Water Mains 2.3.2 Water Pumps 2.3.3 Pressure Zones 2.3.4 Meter Distribution 3.0 Water Consumption 3.1 Existing Water Consumption 3.2 Unaccounted For Water 4.0 Existing System Hydraulic Analysis 4.1 Analysis Technique 4.1.1 Method of Analysis 4.1.2 System Model 4.1.3 Planning and Design Criteria 4.1.4 Computer Model Correlation 4.2 System Analysis 5.0 10-Year Capital Improvements Program 5.1 Future Land Use Assumptions 5.2 Capital Improvements TABLES Table 1 Current Water Meter Count Table 2 Average Daily Water Usage by Month (Gallons) Table 3 Planning and Design Criteria Table 4 Equivalencies FIGURES Figure 1 Planning Area Figure 2 Daily Average Water Use and Capacities APPENDICES Appendix A: Existing System Map Appendix B: Future Land Use Assumptions Appendix C: Capital Improvements Summary Table 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this Study The 2007 Water System Capital Improvements Plan for the City of Cibolo has been developed so that the projected water need for the municipality can be met for the next 10 years. The plan was developed by Espey Consultants, Inc. with guidance from City staff and the Impact Fee Committee appointed by City Council. The plan should be reviewed and updated on an annual basis, in connection with updates to the City Master Plan or other planning documents, or as needed to reflect changing conditions. 1.2 Description of the Planning Area For the purposes of this study, the planning area is defined by the City's Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN). This area is defined by jurisdictional and geographic 129 Unified DevelCityopmentfCCode ibolo considerations, existing water service, and practical limitations of service. The planning area encompasses and area of 5,596 acres (8.74 square miles). The adjacent water service areas receive service from City of Schertz and Green Valley Special Utility District. The northern portions of Cibolo's city limits, and portions of its ETJ, are actually served by GVSUD. Properties within the GVSUD service area are not subject to impact fees assessed by the City of Cibolo. Figure 1 shows the location of the CCN and Planning Area. Figure 1 Planning Area Figure 1 11anningArea l',---' ',' ,; ti v: �r 76-4 t y 04,,,— �4A, t-.-44x-r--.,-...k`:`�':. �-- `. j• xr i w l r 2. .,.�-s __.ate- .n s "'zg�. w " x'� +j �£7 -x rotRi S � Y 41,; '3';'-'4:4744 4,.1.# - fy4'4. o'. ,". r-,:',-,W.,...,:-',..t..' r£3 Te;�f aJ 3�tR11,e• -:.....,,,:;;,,:,,,:zS"13f3r}g.:1F4L'r-7.7i..,-.-74:!-%:.=,-.ir,:,._,Tikik-Y?,.( 2-z-4:6-:-.;.S-?;:1' O 3, , x -i'fz {{,�'' +;iie..:.. K q - rr-C C-N? a .- r 7-y k 7 4 4 ,',4iltill,V414, ' ` t'. .i' ; .'S,CPC4rrtZ Cr..4` +gd,2 , vr` re ? -rr`•r `" � 3 ®y.5�'.``4+.Fart 4•g.'r.'rW�r t d r 1' i µ.--,- .°' '''i'''' m� f•.-,n ,:` !F`r !'a;4';-- ti---JyNS •--x - fit- - ^ - w:7:2"4,'W-44.01,- �' At d'r • 'r;-::i-:;.4:.,.1rt;`y4f-rl,::,,r n ' -)_ .F_ r. n: -. txrrr 'e.�-_y;S'"sy �` _xr';"'I'j'•'�rV'•.'-r'i �J.� `_e!•..`i•• _ 1} F ^�S'4 '� -. �' +s-� -fir^, .,frrC;.; •r,+r rr4�',, ,b� rr t tr- q a 'fife. f ..((`n•.�'.?' 4 4.h••'`rrN trf rr-0-r. r .a_, � � >•:{ rte ar4� rr .a •".' r-:e.-9:-r .,$. 'r v ,s # tui .•,rwt. rY kz,r' 3;::; � ,., �' '�� rc r _#., �,.. tr• �.rt.- z,r,. r.. 11''''f-;'''',1;-0'� t ;- s �-' - ..... `w Te .,._§, i. z•� rF r •r 4rF I r e e n Va 1 @ est � te- ! -•� sI rt„ �� ,�rki' rlrq; frrl �Fr.a.r t ,*^. !' � �•w�1,��.�..�- .$.rt". / ��. tom'- r d�.i f" .-,..:Y� ,2,,ru' . . .m iy C Q G L eV _- Y 1 ^Y .f `.0 -.-•......,-4,?...!._,:. � , -i ;;�1y1 rh r ,dr-um _ }"' i �ia x ` • r Fdr t r�2r ' �- � ti 1 ,., :- '�, r`'r r..r:.'r rapJF FF d�;,`,�rs" «s � ; ".4;'': �,y �w';: Xr 4 -.X.1 r'f �l Fhb w -�.�' i fr r n.np 2 7-74 � �� �. 14'.:• ee F�ihti V..•7 r < r ,. " `,, r '1-,,,::-'i4 -. ` a w� ,i4'k C it3 1131' ,y,s __ --%;,3, ' 5�` r�'vrs r "Yfi'E scf e,rfiCCN $` uf �', F c�''.0-..,,,c,,,,,,,...,,,,,-,v-,,,,,r,-,,,;:t.45::,,,,.' jam.-..- i.:;--.,,,,,,5-i,,,-..-, lir„, ,:,_,-,.'.t, *w`".- "es � ' tr ,_ �, ..44#""^^ �' ',+t•, ,1 r ,< _ _s ,„ „ ,........„„,,,,,,41,y„...2-,.-4 .0711„.s,,,,, ....fr.'1u t'-x,h yf ,,,, ,,g C;�p-as•i 1. 11 _ - r p St s *.* ! Green 3Va11ey c'�a, � ,�',' ,: -,y,:--� x;;U D;C CN- ,- ',,,-- --,.4-,-,-,t,:.---- ':---11 .,:,'",.:',,,,:-_-',14- . -`_3' �-',..i.... ,...4..„ .,,,,..„,„„..,,,_,, ,, : Citiule t GR-Iitrund rti+ ServiceArea: 5P,. v'4 3. CR_t ` f3, 1 . y a; ,w- -.. _ , ,%�•` .. L . . . .. . g City of Cibo/o 130 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo The City's CCN for water service is CCN #11903, submitted on March 1, 1986 and created on November 2,2000. 2.0 Existing Water System The purpose of this chapter is to provide a description of the existing capital improvements within the service area and the costs to upgrade, update, improve, expand, or replace the improvements to meet existing needs and usage and stricter safety, efficiency, and environmental or regulatory standards. In addition, this chapter provides an analysis of the total capacity, level of current usage, and commitments for usage of capacity of the existing capital improvements. 2.1 Water Supply The City of Cibolo currently draws its potable water from the Canyon Regional Water Authority (CRWA) water treatment plant at Lake Dunlap. 2.1.1 Water Rights The City of Cibolo is a member entity of CRWA and contracts its surface water rights through them. Other members include BexarMet, Green Valley SUD, City of Marion, Crystal Clear WSC, East Central WSC, and Springs Hill WSC. The City has a contract capacity of 1,098,073 gallons per day (gpd) and up to 1,427,495 gpd based on a contracted peaking factor of 1.3. Cibolo's ownership of the total 15,200,000 gpd plant capacity is specified at 1,702,732 gpd, approximately 11%. Any water processed over and above the ownership amount will incur a system capacity fee as determined by the member entities. 2.2 Water Storage There are two main service water storage tanks at Cibolo Valley Drive and Deer Creek Boulevard. The ground storage tank's capacity is 1 million gallons (MG) and the average daily minimum storage is maintained at 984,395 gallons. The cylindrical elevated tank is 1.25 mg and the average daily minimum water storage maintained is 0.85 mg. The volume of this existing elevated storage allows for approximately 12,500 connections based on the TCEQ 100 gallons per connection requirement. Assuming a 200 gallon per connection total storage requirement, and a combined (ground and elevated) volume of 2.25 MG, the City has storage capacity in place for 11,250 connections.The City currently has approximately 3,500 connections, and therefore the current storage is adequate to meet TCEQ's requirement for storage. 2.3 Water Distribution 2.3.1 Water Mains The city currently maintains a network of approximately 13 miles of pipes (10" mains and larger) within the city's jurisdiction to distribute water to individual meters from storage tanks. An existing system map is shown in Appendix A. 131 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 2.3.2 Water Pumps Three booster pumps provide water to the city's distribution system. These pumps, numbers 1, 2 and 3, are located at the pump house on Cibolo Valley Drive. These pumps move water from the standpipe to the elevated tank and distribution system. The simultaneous operating capacity for the city's booster pumps is 850 gpm (1,224,000 gallons per day), considering limitation and losses due to suction, discharge piping, or power arrangement. Cibolo's booster pump station has the capacity to meet its contract capacity. The following is a summary of the pump capacities. Number 1 Rated Capacity: 26 mgd 250 um 148 feet 772 psi Actual Capacity: .40 mgd 376 gpm 96.7 feet 772 psi Number 2 Rated Capacity: 52 mgd 463 gpm 156 feet 88.1 psi Actual Capacity: .60 mgd 533 gpm 122 feet 88.1 psi Number 3 Rated Capacity: .52 mgd 463 gpm 156 feet 88.1 psi Actual Capacity: .60 mgd 533 gpm 122 feet 88.1 psi Five booster pumps provide water to Cibolo's elevated tank from the CRWA regional supply system. These pumps are identical in design and capacity. The simultaneous operating capacity for the CRWA's booster pumps is 11,000 gpm considering limitation by suction, discharge piping or power arrangement. The rated capacity of a single pump exceeds Cibolo's contract capacity and highest historic peak use. Numbers 1-5 Rated Capacity: 2.376 mgd 2,200 gpm 500 feet 216 psi .Actual Capacity: 2.376 mgd 2,200 gpm 500 feet 216 psi 2.3.3 Pressure Zones The planning area served at this time is currently in one pressure zone. 2.3.4 Meter Distribution Table 3 summarizes the size and count of meters in the existing system. The smallest size currently used is 5/8" and the largest is 10". The American Water Works Association standard equivalency was utilized to determine the total number of living unit equivalencies (LUEs) for the City of Cibolo's water service area, based on the size and number of meters.There are 3,577 LUEs being served by the existing system. 132 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Table 1 Current Water Meter Count Table 1 Current Water Meter Count Current Water Meter Count and Estimate of Living Unit Equivalency (City of Cibolo,February 2007) Number of 2007 Number of Meter Size Meters 1,111Es per Meter r LUES SS of total 515" 3,310 1 3,310 93% 1" 14 2.5 35 1% 11/?" 7 5 35 1% 2" 4 3 32 1% 4" 2 25 50 1% 10" 1 115 115 3% Total 3,333 157 3,577 100% I)Sourez:..41117:4 3.0 Water Consumption 3.1 Existing Water Consumption Average daily water consumption totals for the city are shown below in Table 2 broken down by year and month. Table 2 Average Daily Water Usage by Month(Gallons) Tablet A; eDaily Water11 age by Month(moons) Mrd 2002 200.3 2004 2005 20045 January - 310,710 463774 402,78 760903 February - 332,630 390,379 460,500 689,9.9 March - 398,484 411,129 539,516 925.12. elgrl - 573,067 435,100 839,733 1,172,100 Mar - 758,097 597,613 936,067 1279.337 -Tune - 539,567 541,067 9709500 1343,400 July - 430:935 678,097 1,025,153 1,333,097 August - 761,516 356,903 1,172,12.9 1,709,581 September 413,000 5:•,033 731900 1,186,100 1,113,600 October 473.000 478,484652,452 978,323 957,065 November 283,000 500,500 460,167 307,267 932,333 December 427,000. 428,484 495,586 688,000 799,323 Annual Average 400,250 512,542 554,514 833,861 1,07787 Contract 1,098,073 GPO PeakDatly 1,702;732 GPD Soup:City of Colo The historic daily average water use is also presented in the following chart, to illustrate the City's historic use pattern with respect to its contract capacity, its pumping capacity, and the CRWA's pumping capacity. 133 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Figure 2 Daily Average Water Use and Capacities Figure 2 Daily Average Water Use and Capacities Daily Average Water Use September 2002-May 2007 3,500,000 MEIN Daily Average Water Use - - — - 3,000,000 Contract Capacity 2,500,000 Contract w/peaking ▪ 2,000,000 — 5 ----Cibolo booster pump capacity 3▪ 1,500,000 Single CRWA booster pump capacity 1,000,000 500,000 s ff :c -ffrf :cfIfs -ifE - ff vv Month and Year Based on an analysis of recent water use records, the existing usage rate per LUE was established to be 361 gallons per day. This rate was determined by calculating the average daily water usage for each month divided by the number of meters present on the system each month during the year 2006. This value was reviewed and found to be consistent with other recent, regional studies and standards and subsequently adopted by the Impact Fee Committee. 3.2 Unaccounted For Water Normal water loss includes such items as main flushing, testing, undetected leaks, and water obtained through hydrant usage by different entities. Reduction of water loss percentage is recommended, as it will affect future water supply projections. The City does not have a formal water audit program at this time. 4.0 Existing System Hydraulic Analysis In order to determine the improvements required to meet existing needs, a hydraulic analysis was performed. 134 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 4.1 Analysis Technique 4.1.1 Method of Analysis Hydraulic modeling software was utilized to accurately calculate the hydraulic response for several scenarios including fire simulations and peak hour demands. Steady state simulations were performed with MWSoft, Inc. H2OMap Water GIS Suite v. 7.0. These types of simulations give a "snap shot" of the system based on demands and elevation/pressure of water supply to the system. No 'Extended Period' simulations were performed. 4.1.2 System Model The existing water distribution system was imported into the hydraulic modeling software. Pipelines with diameters smaller than 10 inches were not modeled. Water demand was allocated to different nodes in the system based on land use and calculated water demand. Platted lots were assumed to be occupied for the purposes of flow allocation, since they represent a commitment to current capacity. 4.1.3 Planning and Design Criteria The design criteria utilized in the model were developed from state standards, known existing system characteristics, and generally accepted engineering principles. The criteria are summarized in the following table: Table 3 Planning and Design Criteria Table 3 Planning and Design Criteria Parameter Criteria People per connection 2.8 Average Day Demand 361 apd Maximum Day Demand 722 gpd Fire Flow Residential 1,000 gpm Fire Flow/Other 3,000 gpm Minimum Maximum Day Pressure 50 psi Minimum Average Day Pressure 50 psi Minimum Peak Hour Pressure 35 psi Minimum Fire Flow Pressure 20 psi at Maximum Day Demand Total Storage 200 gal/LUE Pump Capacity 0.6 gpm/LUE Max Velocity-Peak Hour 5 fps Max Velocity-Fire Flow 10 fps Max Static Pressure 110 psi Max Pressure(must provide PRV) 85 psi 4.1.3 Computer Model Correlation The modeled system was not calibrated. 4.2 System Analysis The existing system was analyzed. Fires at several different locations were modeled with peak day demands. No deficiencies were identified during this analysis. All velocities were below 10 135 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo fps and pressures at all modeled nodes were well above 20 psi. This is consistent with observations and reports by operation personnel and City staff. 5.0 10-Year Capital Improvements Program The purpose of this section is to provide a description of the capital improvements and their costs necessitated by and attributable to new development in the service area over the next ten years. This section also defines the specific quantity of water consumption for a service unit and provides an equivalency table establishing the ratio of a service unit to various types of land uses,including residential, commercial, and industrial. 5.1 Future Land Use Assumptions Future demands to the water system are determined by future land use assumptions. These assumptions were defined in workshops with City Staff, the Impact Fee Committee, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. The intent of the workshop exercises was to evaluate the entire city's planning area (which extends beyond the water service area) and determine the most likely, balanced and orderly land use pattern for the period 2007-2017. Residential and non-residential land use classifications are indicated as follows on the attached copy of the Future Land Use Assumptions Map (Appendix B). Residential uses indicate the future density in terms of dwelling units per acre or DUA. The land use classifications include: cluster residential (0-2 DUA), single-family residential (2-4.5 DUA), attached residential (6-12 DUA), mixed use (6-16 DUA), institutional, commercial, industrial, and park/open space/preserve. Future land use equivalencies for service units follow: Table 4 Equivalencies-Land Use Equivalency Table Table 4 Equivalandes Land Use Equivalency Table Land Use Classification LUE Conversion Single-Family/Cluster 1 Dwelling Unit=1 LUE Attached Residential 1 Dwelling Unit=0.7 LUE Commercial' 1 LUE/1660 sf floor area Industrial 1 LUE/4000 sf floor area Institutional" 2.5 LUE l acre Mixed Use' 50%Commercial/Retail/Office 30%Residential 20%Institutional/Public/Civic Notes: 1)Commecial development assumes 20%available land area is building area 2)Institutional use ratio isconsistent with other direct methods 3)Mixed use assumes ratio identified in Table 20,City of Cibolo Master Plan Demands are projected.for each area by assuming 361 gallons per day per LUE. The existing system serves 3,577 LUES. The total number of projected LUEs necessitated by and attributable to new development is 10,724. In order to serve these additional units, capital improvements are necessary. 136 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 5.2 Capital Improvements Improvement alternatives were placed into the hydraulic model to determine the minimum requirements to serve the projected demands. The improvements provide a minimum of 34 psi under fire flow conditions, above the required minimum of 20 psi. With the exception of the short pipe feed to the existing tank, all velocities are below the required maximums. The table included as Appendix C describes the type of improvements required and associated costs as allowed under LGC §395.012, to meet the City of Cibolo's anticipated growth until 2017. It is anticipated that these projects will be implemented according to most immediate need, and will become part of the City's 5-year Capital Improvements Program as prioritized by the CIP Committee and City Council. 137 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX A: EXISTING SYSTEM MAP ter.EXISTING 1.25 MG ELEVATED o- w ''= STORAGE TANK&1.0 MG GROUND STORAGE TANK r I r -.-" i _"._ '. 3 t' - GREEN VALLEY RD Y _ _-1 I I I_ v.p a _ -� O;' f/ 11111 r, WIEDNER RD - a A m Y S Q 8 =mgY,Rti EW} w Ibis .or!: .. ........,..-:. J illir 1_ li__, , I ,rr 1103 4L It, - 1 r 111.. I- , .... , , _,,i , , _,,,-in / z:\`\ IK m4 -_-;_sad—`�� ''II I 111. n V" LEGEND Q raw - Q'QOOLOCITY LIMTJ WATER LINE-DIAMETER - .,, ,,......0 .. _ , ,,a LOWER SEGUIN RD EsY Consultants,Inc o . EXHIBIT A _s ®; glicii �� �� EXISTING WATER SYSTEM MAP CIP AND IMPACT FEE STUDY 3eptem+.m07 CIBOLO.TEXAS PROJECT woJp 503 ra.oaow.r`.ao arras... 138 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX B: FUTURE LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS 7-71' !EXISTING 1.25 MG ELEVATED- ,FUTURE 1 25 MG ELEVATED 1��, STORAGE TANK&1.0 MG I' STORAGE TANK&.75 MG ' ✓ %,; GROUND STORAGE TANK GROUND STORAGE TANK GREENVALLE al, � w: t. Foil.-,4 "^ 1!s- *r r j ' --7-'e: , . ..i'4,';,i4 via* .....-- o s f - 11111 i 4x ..,,,,IT, 3 g ',1 LIVE OAK RD _ n $ igi�.1 1 \ 5 SLt�? t1 4'ayp 6d x +' ° � a k .r Ott *€`-lt o , • _1,...,,,,..„:**,q- -1.`.. -tr,' 'I- } rrmc 1,tmY O' o10 1 c. i.0 fin" ' - .. A Gf 4,‘ '.1., ' 1 ?T'1 : ' 2,\\,.. s:\.'i , '..'' k'alTh?•L r. 01 ..-'''', .., . z: v g i % / '� w 1 .. m' LEGEND 1 • PRVSYAl10N �i _ _ a m ,-;� ciBGlo art u.rs � t� ■ v �kE::s �,i,.' � Tr G� • ®uusTe,az oUA) - A ,a SINGLE FAMILY OAS 0W) ' , -- ill ATW11E0 RESOEHIML�,z OUR) .. . "''.,..._ .�Fa4wsq 5 -..EO USE P4.....) S• -WSnrurM)INLUSE •i4. 11X I ' -U..MMEROAL ( • • v j I <: -PAML OPEN SPACE.PRESERVE •- +"'�magi UN! M Ei5TW0 " .+ y``'S S• - FV1UtE _ I i� F �� EXHIBIT B ramEspey Consultants,Inc. o +� zaao FUTURE WATER SYSTEM MAP mvhuBmennlAe��ooeingscnices ® AND FUTURE LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS CIP AND IMPACT FEE STUDY SEPTEMBER 2007 =OW.TEXAS PROJECT N030.500 ........nueoP mow.. 139 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX C CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY TABLE Impact Fee Study -DRAFT-7124107 City of Cibolo Length(LF) (or other Finance Costs specified Construction ROW/Easement Eugineering1Surveyiogl allowable under Project?lumber Location Improvement Type quantity) Cost Contingency Acquisilloa Permitting costs LGC§395 Total Costs WI MainStreet ....--- 12'Pipeline 15,750 $1,240,313 5223,256 548,812 $310,078 51,822,459 W2 Aquavista ?'Pipeline 2,300 $181,125 $32,603 $7,128 545,281 5266,137 W3 HaeckervilleRoad 16'Pipeline 17,000 . $1,606,500 $289,170 $52,686 $401,625 S2,349,981 W4 FM781PfeilRoad 12'Pipeline 9,750 . 5767,813 5138,206 $30,217 . 5191,953 51,128,189 W5 Schaefer Road ?'Pipeline 4,350 5342,563 .561,661 513,481 585,641 . 5503,346 W6 Greenbelt 12'Pipeline 2,850 5224,438 $40,399 58,833 556,109 5329,778 W7 Arizpe Road 12'Pipeline 2,850 5224,438 540,399 $8,833 556,109 5329,778 W8 Luau Seguin Rdad 16°Pipeline 3,150 5297,675 553.582 59,762 . . $74,419 $435,438 W9 Weidner Road 16'Pipeline 9,750 $921,375 5165,848 $30,217 . 5230,344 .$1,347783 Wt0 Buffalo Crossing toWeidner 12'Pipeline 3,000 5236,250 542,525 59,298 . $59,063 $347,135 11/11 Hip]sSchool East 16"Pipeline 3,000 5283,500 551,030 $9298 $70,875 $414,703 W12 HlghSchool South -5) 16"Pipeline 3,400 $321,300 $57,834 510,537 $80,325 $469,996 W13 High School South[.W) 12"Pipeline 4,000 5315,000 556,700 512,397 $78,750 $462,847 W14 IRO School Smith(E•WDeadend) 12'Pipeline 2,300 $101,125 532,603 57,128 545,281 . .$266,137 'W15. FM 1103(Dedicated Tank Supply Line) . 16"Pipeline 18,100 51,710,450 S307,881 556,095 5427,613 52202,039 W16. Mail School East . PRV Station EA 531.500 55,670 $9,000 57,875 $54,045 Wil FM 1103. PRV Station EA 531,500 55,670 59,000 57,875 $54,015 W18 Main Street PRVStalion. EA $31500 $5,670 59,000 57,875 , $54,045 W19 Northeast Cibolo 1,25MGEST . LS 51,312,500 5236,250 522,000 5328,125 $1,898,875. W20 Northeast Cibolo . . ,75 MG GST LS $787,500 5141,750 522,000 5196,875 $1,148,125 W21 Northeast Cibolo . 1.25 MGD Pump Station L.S. $600,000 $108,000 $16,000 5150,000 587000 W22 Welts Ran* ' Water SupplyPreject(1200AP) L.S. 53,155,132 5567,924 50. 5252411 . .53,975,465 Total Cast $21,034,346 Total LUEs 17,877 ExisungLLB fnWater Service Asea 3,577 Total LUES attributable to growth 14,300 Initial Impact Yee Calculation. 51,470.93 5015 Credit $735.47 Water Impact Fee $735,47 140 Unified Development of CibCode • • Wastewater System Master Plan • r e CITY OF CIBOLO Impact Fee Study •U istik U .�� City of Cibolo r . •4�4t^X REVISED DRAFT—October 30,2007 at � Project No.4030-500 - n> 141 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo CITY OF CIBOLO—IMPACT FEE STUDY Wastewater System Master Plan Prepared for. OF City of Cibolo :; s Q P.O.Box 826 , Cibolo,Texas 78108 _•••<••�•••••••••�•••s••• STEVEN H. WENZEL . wc.oc.c•o.o.e.coomoo� •,. ,e 4/ 59082 e4 L011010r7 By: Espey Consultants,Inc. EC Project No.4030.500 3809 South 2nd St.,Suite B-300 Austin,Texas 78704 REVISED DRAFT—October 30,2007 T(512)326-5659 F(512)326-5723 www.esoevconsultants.com 142 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Existing Wastewater System 2.1 Relationship to Other Entities 2.2 Wastewater Collection System 2.3 Existing Lift Stations 2.4 Determination of Existing Flows 2.5 Determination of Number of Living Unit Equivalencies 3.0 Existing System Hydraulic Analysis 3.1 Analysis Technique 3.1.1 Method of Analysis 3.1.2 System Model and Flow Allocation 3.1.3 Planning and Design Criteria 3.1.4 Computer Model Correlation 3.2 System Analysis 4.0 10-Year Capital Improvements Program 4.1 Future Land Use Assumptions 4.2 Capital Improvements TABLES Table 1 Planning and Design Criteria Table 2 Equivalencies FIGURES Figure 1 Planning Area APPENDICES Appendix A: Existing System Map Appendix B: Future Land Use Assumptions Appendix C:Capital Improvements Summary Table 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Executive Summary This report is provided in support of a Capital Improvement Plan, which is necessary to calculate the 2007 Wastewater Impact Fees. This plan has been developed to meet the projected wastewater needs for the next 10 years. All wastewater flows are derived from land use projections provided by the City of Cibolo. The capital improvements criteria for this evaluation generally apply to gravity lines over 8" diameters, force mains, and lift stations. No capital improvement costs are associated with the treatment plant. These fees are developed separately by Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority (CCMA) and will be passed on to all its customers. Cibolo assesses impact fees associated with necessary improvements to its collection system,which come in addition to CCMA's impact fees. The City's existing wastewater system was modeled to determine the existing level of service. There are currently 4,716 Living Unit Equivalents (LUES) in the City's Wastewater Service Area. Future land use assumptions were established to guide future system improvement needs. There will be 27,222 LUEs in the City's Water Service Area by 2017. Nineteen Capital Improvement Projects totaling $21,353,048 are necessary to accommodate the 22,506 LUEs attributable to growth. Not including eligible finance costs as allowed under Local Government Code (LGC) §395.012(b) or the alternative 50% credit described under LGC 143 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo §395.014(7)(B), the initial impact fee is calculated to be $949 per wastewater service unit. Including these items, the impact fee per water service unit is calculated to be: $ 1.2 Abbreviations, Definitions, and Questions about this Document This document makes reference to numerous abbreviations which may not be familiar to all readers.The following guide clarifies many of these abbreviations. ADWF-Average Dry Weather Flow CCMA-Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority CCN-Certificate of Convenience and Necessity CIP-Capital Improvements Plan City-City of Cibolo Committee-Impact Fee Committee ETJ-Extraterritorial Jurisdiction FPS-Feet per second (velocity) GPD-Gallons per day (volume rate) GPM-Gallons per minute (volume rate) GVSUD-Green Valley Special Utility District I/I-Inflow and Infiltration LGC-Local Government Code LUE-Living Unit Equivalent MG-Million gallons (volume) MGD-Million gallons per day (volume rate) MH-Manhole PDWF-Peak Dry Weather Flow PF-Peaking Factor PSI-Pounds per square inch (pressure) PVC-Polyvinylchloride material TCEQ-Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Any readers with specific questions may direct them to the City Manager at (210) 658-9900. 1.3 Description of the Planning Area For the purposes of this study, the planning area is defined by the City's Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN). This area is defined by jurisdictional and geographic considerations, existing water service, and practical limitations of service. The planning area encompasses an area of 10,314 acres (16.1 square miles). The adjacent areas receive wastewater service from City of Schertz and Green Valley Special Utility District (GVSUD). Portions of the City's corporate limits and ETJ are served by GVSUD. Properties within the GVSUD service area are not subject to impact fees assessed by the City of Cibolo. Figure 1 shows the location of the CCN and Planning Area. 144 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo FIGURE 1 Planning Area Figure 1 Planning Area • ' e m�eea''i.vt,Y', is r.. v r.. ,--r#.�, Point°{ r k � l'.,,,1H Guadalupe Co — �'' 41,7 � '� CI 1'Yiy ,R, x. 4� a y hertz" ! - ° 4 -- ..� � . c i '4 431 yt.T.L' Y •'�°a. :y. • '�, Illi ;. R �s &: -x ;w ,.L'i .{ :;t, ter. ^N ,, g: • le I ,,.. Mi :,'3 k , � ' ''.'3.'• 1:0m- w" rt •r14 g 9 l. a i;___...L.--------r-T—CR J78 16 i • �- :).4 t•.`{r� 10,314Aeres • • ° IEty o,f'°,°r, �:',4 jete.l',.:::,:,.:_:' • ..,-.1-.4%.„•-.1 r • ,.�., t i C1eG 5f,,-- �� J• :z- 4 ' l: tky.. 79= •z I riz' y, ice' + r'. ` Y• 't,;:40.---- } '` r; r• 15 � tom' ,, (r - • 1 i F t s - i rti . - ? \ y;� i'''''� ': s E ....,4.-:::::,..,...:-.-;::::::::::::::4-•:::/.-. , k" ' 4W4 . ei a. as % '. �-.4‘,'-''ii" �f i e � � >i : 8 ' a f= yr•µ . :,,r,� R �„ - gg' e,; ra� {:` ice;r- '+ 41 � ` xF` t}REASIY rr�yj�cj58Y4"CCjjt :•- ::2ti' y''-'L:„..„:,-.___;••:,,r-r,'- ,',"•"?,;.•i•.,.,.......:::::::::.:.: :::::;;:.:...: : : • re r €" ,:,-",-4,. "-"&-,-..,[,-'Y r. I ,., ' ,.\ y , 5a� T_ " a.j .tip rr. t.I � --,,,,%V.4, rx.'�f a'" tp. 'a Ge: V_ a.i': c'e.1, al en r a ,: 11,4.,',:j0.-4n. . j�E X-' ' 'arn"n��S;i D jC'!C NE ' t• ?". .,4,q 5`IZ..Y 'X"„ le "V;))'• -, :. y 1,if -f: $. ,- A ,.. S, `ala ` .' + ''; ! . µ `, f..�, ,-�a'° ��." ��+ > 4Cibolo City L,mits tti.r t „ r ' ;. \. .z,. ,®Cibolo CCN Boundary B S ice�Aa a Cifl i}ie1E034SOD CIP Stu'WISa iI.vm senke=een re Ixnd ,_; _ ' s i'. - ..,-" .u. __ .- - . ' City of Cibolo 145 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 2.0 Existing Wastewater System The purpose of this chapter is to provide a description of the existing capital improvements within the service area and the costs to upgrade, update, improve, expand, or replace the improvements to meet existing needs and usage and stricter safety, efficiency, and environmental or regulatory standards. In addition, this chapter provides an analysis of the total capacity, level of current usage, and commitments for usage of capacity of the existing capital improvements. 2.1 Relationship to Other Entities As indicated previously, the City of Cibolo does not provide treatment services for wastewater. This function is provided in an agreement with Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority (CCMA), which owns and operates the regional wastewater treatment facility. City of Cibolo wastewater flows to the CCMA treatment plant via two routes. One is the Loop 539 lift station, which is located inside the city limits and pumps the effluent to the CCMA regional plant. The other is through wastewater lines that generally flow west through the City of Schertz. Since the City does not operate the CCMA treatment plant, the wastewater infrastructure evaluated in this plan are the major collection lines and lift stations that transport all flows to the Loop 539 lift station. No capital improvements were considered for the portion of the network that flows through the City of Schertz, since this portion of the City is built-out. Also, the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) does not include any over-sizing to serve areas outside of the Planning Area. 2.2 Wastewater Collection System The existing collection system consists of 6"-24" diameter pipes. Most of these are PVC. However, some of the older pipes and service laterals are concrete or clay. Replacement of these lines is not an eligible impact fee expenditure, and will have to be replaced or repaired as a maintenance project. Appendix' A is a map of the existing collection system. Although the system contains pipes less than 8" diameter, only those lines greater than 8" were evaluated. 2.3 Existing Lift Stations The City currently owns and operates two lift stations (Willowbridge and Cibolo Vista). Each station is sufficient to serve the existing area flowing into each, as they were sized to accommodate the developments that they serve. The Loop 539 lift station is owned and operated by CCMA. 2.4 Determination of Existing Flows Flows are not metered at any point in Cibolo's collection system. CCMA charges a treatment fee based upon water use data. It is not possible to evaluate winter averages to determine wastewater flow, because the City of Cibolo's water service area is not coterminous with its wastewater service area (recall that portions of the City are served by Green Valley SUD). Therefore, the existing flow rate per living unit equivalency (LUE) must be estimated based on the water consumption rate per LUE. The Water System Impact Fee Study - Master Plan was prepared at the same time as this study, and derived 361 gallons per day per LUE. Based on an evaluation of seasonal water use patterns, the wastewater flow per LUE was determined by using 75% of the water demand rate per LUE (361 gallons per day), and is calculated to be 271 gallons per day per LUE: 361 gpd/LUE x 0.75 = 271 gpd/LUE 146 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 2.5 Determination of Number of Living Unit Equivalencies Within the City of Cibolo's wastewater service area, there are 4,716 existing wastewater customers.Therefore, there are currently 4,716 LUEs within the City's service area. 3.0 Existing System Hydraulic Analysis In order to determine the improvements required to meet existing needs, a hydraulic analysis was performed. 3.1 Analysis Technique 3.1.1 Method of Analysis A computer hydraulic model (InfoWorks) was developed to assess the capacity of the City's collection system. InfoWorks software is a GIS-based platform that incorporates standard engineering algorithms and enables time-series flow data to assess capacities and restrictions. 3.1.2 System Model and Flow Allocation The existing collection system was imported into the hydraulic modeling software. Pipelines with diameters smaller than 8" were not modeled. Existing wastewater flows were calculated according to the flow rate per LUE (see section 2.4), and allocated to different nodes in the system based on known flow patterns and land use.1 Platted lots were assumed to be occupied for the purposes of flow allocation, since they represent a commitment to current capacity. A free outfall at the Loop 539 lift station wet well was assumed.2 1 Nodes are points within the network, such as junctions or manholes. In some instances these nodes mark the point that flows are introduced into the network. 2 The free outfall assumption means that the wet well of the lift station is sufficiently sized such that the level in the wet well never exceeds the incoming flowlines of the wastewater mains, creating a tailwater condition at the pipe outfall. 147 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 3.1.3 Planning and Design Criteria The design criteria utilized in the model were developed from state standards, known existing system characteristics, and generally accepted engineering principles. The criteria are summarized in the following table: Table 1 Planning and Design Criteria MgaifigNEWMINOMPMt'lue. Person/LUE 2.8 Average Dry Weather Flow ADWF=70 gallons/person Peaking Factor(PF) PF= [18+.J0.0206xADWVF] [4+.J0.0206xADWI,] Peak Dry Weather Flow PDWF=ADWF x PF (PDWF) Inflow and infiltration 750 gallons/acre I/I Peak Wet Weather Flow PWWF=(PDWF)+I/I (PWWF) Gravity Pipe Capacity [85%of Pipe Flowing Frill] .85 x PWWF Mannings n n=0.013 Gravity Pipe Velocity Min Velocity=2 fps Force Main Velocity Range Min Velocity=3 fps Max Velocity=8 fps Living Unit Equivalent .1 LUE=271 gpd Manhole Spacing 1MH/300 feet 3.1.4 Computer Model Correlation The modeled system was not calibrated as flows have not been metered. 3.2 System Analysis The existing system was analyzed. Some areas of restriction were noticed in peak wet weather scenarios; however the impact was limited to surcharge in manholes and no overflows were indicated. Therefore, the existing system is adequate to serve the existing population. This is consistent with observations and reports by operation personnel and City staff. 4.0 10-Year Capital Improvements Program The purpose of this section is to provide a description of the capital improvements and their costs necessitated by and attributable to new development in the service area over the next ten years. This section also defines the specific quantity of wastewater flow for a service unit and provides an equivalency table establishing the ratio of a service unit to various types of land uses, including residential, commercial, and industrial. 148 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 4.1 Future Land Use Assumptions Future demands to the wastewater system are determined by future land use assumptions. These assumptions were defined in workshops with City Staff, the Impact Fee Committee, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. The intent of the workshop exercises was to evaluate the entire city's planning area (which extends beyond the water service area) and determine the most likely, balanced and orderly land use pattern for the period 2007-2017. Residential and non-residential land use classifications are indicated as follows on the attached copy of the Future Land Use Assumptions Map (Appendix B). Residential uses indicate the future density in terms of dwelling units per acre or DUA. The land use classifications include: cluster residential (0-2 DUA), single-family residential (2-4.5 DUA), attached residential (6-12 DUA), mixed use (6-16 DUA),institutional, commercial, industrial, and park/open space/preserve.3 Future land use equivalencies for service units follow: Table 2 Equivalencies Table 2 Equivalencies Land Use Equivalency Table Land Use Classification LUE Conversion Single-Fancily/Cluster 1 Dwelling Unit= 1 LUE Attached Residential 1 Dwelling Unit=0.7 LUE Commercial' 1 LUE/16.60 sf floor area Industrial 1 LUE/4000 sf floor area Institutional'- 2.5 LUE/acre Mixed Use 50%ConunerciaURetail/Office 30%Residential 20%Institutional/Public/Civic Notes: 1) Commercial development assumes 20%available land area is building area 2) Institutional use ratio is consistent with other direct methods 3) Mixed use assumes ratio identified in Table 20,City of Cibolo Master Plan Flows are forecast for each area by assuming 271 gallons per day per LUE,. consistent with the existing system flow rate assumption. The existing system serves 4,716 LUEs. The total number of projected LUEs in the City's service area by 2017 is 27,222. The total number of projected LUEs necessitated by and attributable to new development is 22,506. In order to serve these additional units, capital improvements are necessary. 3 Cluster residential development is characterized by denser areas of development and larger areas of set- aside open space, resulting in a low, overall average density. Attached residential development is characterized by narrow lots and often zero side yard setbacks, such as townhomes, garden homes, patio homes,etc. 149 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 4.2 Capital Improvements Improvement alternatives were placed into the hydraulic model to determine the minimum requirements to serve the projected demands for service. Wastewater lines serving future areas of development were sized and located in natural drainage ways and along alignments of future roadways shown in the City's Future Thoroughfare Plan. The table included as Appendix C describes the type of improvements required and associated costs as allowed under Local Government Code (LGC) §395.012, to meet the City of Cibolo's anticipated growth until 2017. It is anticipated that these projects will be implemented according to most immediate need, and will become part of the City's 5-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) as prioritized by the CIP Committee and City Council. 150 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Appendix A: Existing System Map • - z L(`=L _ri_� --� 1 , e I — - _ i rt--tip to , � t; [ 1 'T .y. GREEN VALLEY RD --- �: �_•,. t., J .;t 12 A ^ ` - , � t k ' / / - i «: -:', '--;--4'IY e�_41 A WIEDNER RD I - .. F • �i y, _ / ELi3l JJ j - _ T I f i=''''MIM Int. ri, ..., p _ } .4., _IF 4yiipti,„ s 2o.y 1103. ,u ."..2 fir`, i ' 461..4*44414441.441 .- Nrm, •;.-ir,1:- ......_1 �0 n ritimiiii - . --_ : :___.. . ,.,-: _..... , , __.. ...___ ,, ________,._,_ _ , „ ,_ - -400 _•,-„,,. .,... ,. ., LEGEND �axp srrw.irswar&3 UNE - � I, G urr outran v sr=vo. r *smawx + . e LOWER SEGUIN RD ! t` 13 PeY Consultants a :moo EXHIBIT A -_____ ® EXISTING WASTEWATER SYSTEM MAP Environmental&Engineering Service. rest DIP AND IMPACT FEE STUDY CIBOLO.TEXAS PROJECT M030SOO 151 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Appendix B: Future Land Use Assumptions ik l r� J l ,-„T k 1 s '-:4 %;.•.:7-7!„.7r.-Li,, 1 Ari1?4r �ftMRJ� _ice / �( _� YI } • s c+; t-,------.A y ; s a y ty3F43 ,,44 y S l- i FSS- 711 ..-rX 9t' � {' ._ '} i • t. S.#. ..�., rte. I cif ■ —, E� �. 1 „,,,f , , ,,,;,,,„,„ ,,,„ _,:.I. -� �T� LA I: ,t , ;,,,, , , is � ,,..„,...... ....„ . .„..,...-;...4::.11-----:-.-:':'4:1-.:,:,...".1,,,,:.::. 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FUTUREFUTURWASTEWATER SYSTEM MAP — --# MPTIONS o 1,200 1400 4,100 C Lrv4,tTvwlal t L .eFTitgj 5m1R3 AND CP AND IMDLANDACT FEEASSUSTUDY Feet SEPTEII6ER 2001 CIBOLO.TEXAS PROJECT M030.500 152 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Appendix C Capital Improvements Summary Table CITY OF CIBOLO Wastewater Capital Improment Projects Length(Lf) Engineering) FinanceCosts (or other specified ROW/Easement Surveying amble under Project Number Luca tionDescripBon Improvement Type quantity) Construction Cost Contingency Acquisition Permit*costs LGC§395 Total Costs WWI. Town Creek Paallellntercepfit 30'Gravity Main 5,600 S911,400 $164,052 93,140 $227,850 . 51,326,442 WW2 'Cum Creek West Patallel 30"Clarity Main 5,950 $968,363 S174,305 5..94587 $242,091 S1,409,345 WW3 Ton Creek West from Beata toGVRoad 24"Gcait*Main 3,500 $551250 $99225 S14,463 $137,813 5802,750 WW4 DeanRoadtoWrlloabiidge 21"Gully Main 4,500 $655,125 9123,323 518,595 $171281 5998324 WW5 Green Valley Road West 18"GracityMain 2,400 8362880 $65,318 $9,917 $90,720 $528,836 WW6 Green Valley Road fist 18"GsastyMain 1,100 $161,100 529,106 $4,545 $40,425 $235,776 WW7 Town CreekEast Fork(Weidner toGV) 15"Gravity Main 4,850 $724,590 $130,426 $20,041 $181,148 S1,056,205 WW8 Nod Side FM78 30'GoavityMain 3,600 3585,900 5105,462 $14,876 S146,475 $852,713 WW9 Coldly Lane Fon Main 6"Foxe Main 4,800 $378,000 $68,040 $19,835 $94500 . $560,375 WWtO last S9stanIaftSetiau(Country lit atTolle Rd) Lift Station 1.14 MGD $672,000 S120,960 $9,000 $168,000 $969,960 WWII East System GsavtyMin .21'Gravity Main 7,600 $1,157,100 908,278 531,405 3289.275 $1,686,058 WW12 Aqua Vista Force Main minute 15"Gravity Main 600 589,640 $16,135 S2,479 92,410 $130,665 WW13 Southwest System Main(Schaffer Rd.toLower Seguin Rd) 21'Gravity Main- 10500 $1,598,625 $287,753 $43,388 $399,656 52329,429 WW14A Lilt Station Amur SeguinRdand Cando Creek Litt Station 1.4MGD(24MGD $787,500 S141,750 $9,000 $196,875 51,135,125 WW14B. Force Main parallel toSouthwest SystemMain 8"Force Mail 12,500 S1,131,250 $212,625 $15,996 $295,313 $1,715,014 WW15 BisonPidgeLi@Station inguocenients(CoCPastion) Wet srzllandpumps Additional 05 MGD $288,750 $51,975 $4,500 $72,188 $417,413 WW15A Stha&rRd.East 8"Gravity Main 1,320 8193,600 $34,848 $5,455 $45,400 $28..9,303 WW15B I3aclema1eEast 15°easily Main 1,800 $268,920 $48,406 $7,438 $67,230 $391,994 WW15C ArizpeRdEast 15°Gravity Main 1,650 8250,592 $45,179 $6,942 S62,748 • $365,861 WW15D Lower SeguinEast 15°Gravity Main 2,040 $304,776 $54,860 $8,430 S76,194 $444,259 WW16 Town Oa Fork East(Rustic Tr.) 87Grasilybtain 3,600 $503000 $90,720 514,876 5126,000 $735,596 WWII East GrasityMainEastern Extension near PietsrmLn 8"Gaily Main 3,840 $537,600 896,768 $15,868 $134,400 S784,636 WW18 Canny bale Garay Line S"GmityMain 2,880 $403200 $72,516 $11,901 $100,500 559,477 WW19 South Side I'M 78 across Eaclxtsi&etArizpeRd 15-24"Gravity Main 7,000 $1,102,500 $198,450 98,926 $275,625 $1,605,501 Total Cost IirtStatianAltermtinsratLowerSeg iaond S21,353,048 TatalLUEs 27222 Existing LUEsin wastewatersersimarea 4,716 Total Las attributable tograwth 22,506 Initial Impact Fee Calculation S949 50%Condit $47439 Wastacderlm nctFee $47439 153 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Drainage Capital Improvement Plan z :y_ CII'Y OF CIB®L® Impact Fee Study ( • hi r' fir` Can 4 City of Cibolo or 0,0 z't t �,# k .KG , ._^e••. ks DRAFT—October 25,2007 • • cProject No.4030500 E C • 154 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo r' CITY OF CIBOLO=I!YIPACI'FEE STUDY- Drainage Plan • • • _ a ^.�.O F 1 ' te_ 11 Prepared for: f g'�4''' •-14,111 City of Cibolo a"` ' '¢�f ji P JOSHA CROWLEY P.O.Box 826 P i Cibolo,Texas 78108 Pt -,•• 9447 94.475 : ft0,.c*�4/CENsSP:�1`�••3' S �tiQNA yG` c_ C/Zy/goo, By: — — —.Espey Consultants,Inc. EC Project No.4030.500 3809 South 2nd St.,Suite B-300 Austin,Texas 78704 FINAL—June 24,2008 T(512)326-5659 . F(512)326-5723 vnyw.espeyconsultants.com 155 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Table of Contents 1.0 Chapter 1. Introduction 2.0 Existing Town Creek Drainage System 2.1 Methodology 2.2 Impervious Cover 2.3 Living Unit Equivalency 3.0 10-Year Capital Improvements Program 3.1 Future Land Use Assumptions 3.2 Capital Improvements TABLES Table 1 Land Use Equivalency Table FIGURES Figure 1 Town Creek Watershed 1.0 Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this Study The 2007 Drainage Capital Improvements Plan for the City of Cibolo has been developed so that the drainage capacity for the municipality can be met for the next 10 years. The plan was developed by Espey Consultants, Inc. with guidance from City Staff and the Impact Fee Committee appointed by City Council. The plan should be reviewed and updated on an annual basis, in connection with updates to the City Master Plan or other planning documents, or as needed to reflect changing conditions. 156 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 1.2 Description of the Planning Area Figure 1 Town Creek Watershed S M tair 401, E " 30D9 "i .. Corral 35 Guadalupe County Bracken S del STUDY AREA 78 Cibolo' a A .1111111111110. _ Universal Cit,, J1'! v�f i4.ti ce rtiy U v 10 Creak 0 1 2 Mles For the purposes of this study, the planning area is defined by the Town Creek watershed.The Dietz Creek drainage system, serving the western portion of the City, has been built to its capacity. Figure 1 shows the Town Creek watershed. 2.0 Existing Town Creek Drainage System The purpose of this chapter is to provide a description of the existing capital improvements within the service area and the costs to upgrade, update, improve, expand, or replace the improvements to meet existing needs and usage and stricter safety, efficiency, environmental or regulatory standards. In addition, 157 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo this chapter provides an analysis of the total capacity, level of current usage, and commitments for usage of capacity of the existing capital improvements. 2.1 Methodology In order to determine the capacity of the existing Town Creek drainage system, a hydrologic and hydraulic analysis was performed. Details of the analysis and methodology are found in the report "City of Cibolo Flood Protection Plan: A Master Plan for Managing Town Creek (September 1, 2007, Espey Consultants, Inc.)". The results of this study indicate that improvements are necessary to provide a 25-year level of flood protection in several existing problem areas. Consequently, improvements are also necessary in some areas to provide a 100-year level of protection. This study determined that in some areas, a 100-year level of protection was not cost justified. For this reason, a 100-year level of protection criterion is not uniformly applied throughout the watershed; rather, the highest level of protection (25-year or 100-year) that can reasonably be achieved is the criterion for which improvements have been considered for. 2.2 Impervious Cover Hard surfaces which do not permit the absorption of rainfall into the soil, thus resulting in increased stormwater runoff, are known as impervious cover. Impervious cover is the basic, quantifiable and common unit that creates the need for drainage improvements. There are currently 49,964,782 square feet of impervious cover in the Town Creek watershed. 2.3 Living Unit Equivalency To determine the amount of impervious cover attributable to a living unit equivalency,a typical R-2B zoned lot was evaluated and calculated to account for approximately 3,462 square feet of impervious surfaces. This includes impervious surfaces that are placed on the lot, as well as some that are within the right-of-way but attributable to the unit, such as the driveway apron, curb and pavement measured to the road centerline for the width of the property. Based on this calculation,there are 11,055 existing LUEs in the service area. 3.0 10-Year Capital Improvements Program The purpose of this section is to provide a description of the capital improvements and their costs necessitated by and attributable to new development in the service area over the next ten years. This section also defines the specific quantity of impervious cover for a service unit and provides an equivalency table establishing the ratio of a service unit to various types of land uses, including residential, commercial, and industrial. 3.1 Future Land Use Assumptions Future impervious cover is determined by future land use assumptions. These assumptions were defined in workshops with City Staff, the Impact Fee Committee, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. The intent of the workshop exercises was to evaluate the entire city's planning area (which extends beyond the water service area) and determine the most likely, balanced and orderly land use pattern for the period 2007-2017. Residential and non-residential land use classifications are indicated as follows on the attached copy of the Future Land Use Assumptions Map (Appendix A). Residential uses indicate the future density in terms of dwelling units per acre or DUA. The land use classifications include: cluster residential (0-2 DUA), single- family residential (2-4.5 DUA), attached residential (6-12 DUA), mixed use (6-16 DUA), institutional, commercial, industrial, and park/open space/preserve. Future land use equivalencies for service units follow Table 1. 158 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Table 1 Land Use Equivalency Table Table 1 Land Use Equivalency Table Land Use Equivalency Table Land Use Classification LUE Conversion Single Family/Cluster 1 Dwelling Unit=1 LUE =3,462 sf impervious cover Attached Residential (60%of land area)-3,462 sf=Number of LUEs Commercial (75%of land area)_3,462 sf=Number of LUEs Industrial (40%of land area)_3,462 sf=Number of LUEs Institutional (20%of land.area)_3,462 sf=Number of LUEs Mixed Use (75%of land area)_3,462 sf=Number of LUES Impervious cover is projected for each area by assuming 3,462 square feet per LUE. The existing drainage system serves 11,055 LUES. The total number of projected LUES necessitated by and attributable to new development is 15,310. In order to serve these additional units, capital improvements are necessary. 3.2 Capital Improvements Improvement alternatives were identified by placing the impervious cover assumptions into the hydrologic model,then using the hydraulic model to size the improvements. The table included as Appendix B describes the type of improvements required and associated costs as allowed under LGC§395.012,to meet the City of Cibolo's anticipated growth until 2017.The corresponding project locations are identified on the Appendix A map. It is anticipated that these projects will be implemented according to most immediate need, and will become part of the City's 5-year Capital Improvements Program as prioritized by the CIP Committee and City Council. 159 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX A: Future Land Use Assumptions & Future Drainage System Improvements '04P g '1' t1+114 y ., ;)q Legend _1 ,� -F` kr '' ' O TOWN CREEK WATERSHED 1 . 4`; ' �/n OP PROJECT ¢,'7' v,' y �f % FUTURE LAND USE r # ®CLUSTER(42 DUA) �5 DUA) � 1;1y- i; SINGLE FAMILY(2.. Mil ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL(6-12 DUA) _MIXED USE(6-16 DUA) '4-,A- ; v_E lir+ MO INSTITUTIONAL USE 1 ., '''� • INN COMMERCIAL 1 • �► + - -INDUSTRIAL 1 , ,*s; 't___' -PARK,OPEN SPACE,PRESERVE j \I1 p Santa Clara 0:::"':iWatershed ,,, $ 1 • � 110, ; s D3` *.I)1 "rb Dietz Creek Town Creek Watershed Watershed a, �� ps c 73 'S.. i to ' ; lik 1 ' ,o : ` 4 • ��, :'. ,r 4 b.. s:: _ J s:F ,ill\11 I I I 1 i', N, L ,3 , 4k ,. :, ...., •`., d` r :�l'f.J.--i i .` v ...S 3 '"�P"afr'J $5Fs �ss EXHIBIT A girii Fspey Consultants,Inc U 2.000 4.000 acro FUTURE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS _.. _cat AND FUTURE LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS Fnti[omrvesl k Fbgp cling Bermes Fog CIP AND IMPACT FEE STUDY OCTOBER 2007 C18OLO.TEXAS PROJECT M030 500 160 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX B Capital Improvements CIIY OF CII30L0 Drainage Capital Impromeat Projects Engineerhng7 Finance Costs Conttrnc6on ROWIEasement Swilling! allowableanda ProjectNnmber Location Improvement Tine Cost Contingency Acgnuihaa Pullin*costs LGC§39S Total Cotts Notes D 1 01 Ton Coed Eatt howl Chamelltnprmemems 51231,621 5221,692 $172,176 $307,905 51.539.526 D 2 02 Town Creek&atftm U Latina!!duping $250,000 $45,600 $12,000 $61500 5312,500 D 3 D3 Toon Creel West Basel Choonellmproo ien1s S2.220.991 5399,1778 $0 9555,240 $2,776,239 D 4 Dt TosnCreekWest Rase l Lpperreoch $750,000 $135,000 $43,044 5187,500 5937,500 D 5 D5 Toon Cott Of0eRegionalDetention Wanton hay 52.161,141 5389,005 $937,500 $540,285 $2,701726 D 6 176 Tolle Raa0RegiamlDefeo/don DeteutitothaTity 5734,708 $132262 $937,500 $113,697 $918.585 D 7 D7 Downstream Conv yance Land A tiro S0 S0. $509,642 $35,675 5580992 LUEMethod2 Tail Cost $9,766,668 TotaILUEt 26,365 Existing LUEsiaDraina eSante Area 11,055 Tag LUEs anal:ablet°gm* 15310 Initial",•.ctFeeCalculate,based admen)datingnodfateLLEs $370.45 50%Ctedt $18512 Drainage Impact Foe $185.21 161 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo City of Cibolo, Texas 0f- Ci 4 d^ } r -t 0 y 4 1 T' I . .,5. * 1 i a ,'/r. .�' '1 wt X��,p2+'P Y otuT\:,,,l�o..h... a I Tr-a-nspo ati .p taLlm.provera Ian and _ Impact Fee Determination (2008-2018) 1 J CFA Project No. 0809-706-00 September,2008 Submitted By. 1 Cobb Fendley &Associ 5•d ....- 1 8620 N.New Braunfels.Suds 542 I San Antonio,Texas 78217 1 Voice(210)826-46114 , Fax(210)826-4906 I www.cobfen.com 162 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo City of . bolog Texas Transportation Capital Improvements .Plan and Impact Fee Determination (2008-201.8) Prepared for: cityof Clbolo P..0. Box 826 Cibolo,Texas 78'108 Submitted By: Cobb, Fendlep&Associates, Inc. 8620 N„....:::...7..unfels,Ste. 542 San nTexas 78217 ka *. .*/ * .. s* e TRACY L.TERRL t.t40,1/4:::.%..e 7 0974 ..-41`..-41`Ng ..taTE..: tit'AYQ�mmt' CFA Project No. 4809-706.00 1 September,2008 t 9 163 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations 1 1.2 Description of Planning Area 2 2.0 Population and Land Use Projections 2 2.1 Future Land Use 3 2.2 Service Areas 5 3.0 Existing Transportation Network 5 3.1 General 5 3.2 Relationship to Other Entities 5 3.3 Existing Signalization 6 4.0 10-Year Capital Improvements Program 6 4.1 Transportation Master Plan 6 4.2 Capital Improvements 6 • 4.2.1 Signalization 6 4.2.2 Roadway Improvements and Expansions 7 4.23 New Roadway Construction 7 4.3 Cost Estimates 7 4.4 LUE Determination 8 5.0 Maximum Impact Fee Determination 8 Appendix A: Capital Improvements Summary Table Appendix B: Typical Roadway Cross Sections Appendix C: Cost Estimates Appendix D: Future Land Use Map Appendix E: Trip Generationjfables 164 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 1.0 Introduction: Executive Summary The following Impact Fee Study was developed for the 2008 Capital Improvements Plan for the City of Cibolo. The Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) consists of various roadway projects proposed in order to provide safe transportation alternatives designed to accommodate the city's growth over a ten-year period. The plan should be updated annually to account for any changes in the Transportation Master Plan or as needed to reflect chancing conditions. Cost estimates were used in conjunction with Living Unit Equivalents (LUE) based on land use assumptions to develop a method for applying impact fees. Existing and future LUE's will benefit from the improvements and therefore the cost is distributed across the total number of LUE's both existing and projected for the ten-year period. The impact fee study has established two zones. The North Zone consists of those areas within the City Limits of Cibolo north of SH 78. There will be 38,504 LUE's within the North Zone with 27 CEP projects totsling$112,741,786.04 planned to accommodate the LUE's. The South Zone consists of those areas within the City Limits of Cibolo south of SH 78. There will be 11,867 LUE's within the South Zone with five CIP projects totsling $12,652,740.40 proposed to accommodate the LUE's. Including the eligible finance costs as allowed under Local Government Code (LGC) §395.012(b) and the alternative 50% credit described under LGC §395.014(7) (B),the impact fees per LUE is calculated t-o-be-$1 64-.0-2-for-the-Narth-Zone-and-$533-1-0- or-the-South Zane. 1.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations CIP-Capital Improvements Plan City-City of Cibolo Committee-Impact Fee Committee C.Y.-Cubic yard DUA-Dwelling Units per Acre ETI-Extraterritorial Jurisdiction FLUA-Future Land Use Assumption GFA-Gross Floor Area GLA-Gross Leasable Area 11'h-Institute of Transportation.Engineers L.F.-Linear feet LOS-Level of Service LGC-Local Government Code LUE-Living Unit Equivalent OH-Overhead RCB-Reinforced Concrete Box RCP-Reinforced Concrete Pipe ROW-Right-of-way S.Y.-Square yard UG-Underground 165 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 1.2 Description of Planning Area The planning area includes all areas within the City of Cibolo limits, located in Guadalupe County and Bexar County. Because there are locations within the City Limits which are more than six miles from some of the proposed CIP projects, the Transportation Impact Fees are calculated based on two zones. The North Zone consists of the areas within the City Limits north of SH 78. The South Zone consists of the areas within the City Limits south of SH 78. Cost estimates were made based on roadway lengths inside the city limits. Construction outside the city limits was not included in the cost estimates. Any CIP projects lying on the edge of the city limits were proportioned between the City of Cibolo and the bordering jurisdictions. Costs for 022 projects located on SH 78 were divided between the North and South Zones. 2.0 Population and Land Use Projections Future transportation demand is determined by future land use assumptions. The future land uses were determined during three previous Impact Fee Studies prepared for the City of Cibolo by Espey Consultants,Inc. The following is an excerpt from those reports regarding the future land uses: "The-assumptions-were-defined-in workshops_wath City-Staff,thesmpact_Eee Advisory Committee,the Planning and Zoning.Commission and the City Council. The intent of the workshop exercises was to evaluate the entire city's planning area (which extends beyond the service area)and determine the most likely,balanced and orderly land use pattern for the period 2007-2017. The anticipated growth pattern of the city,in terms of the location,use,and intensity of the use,is based upon the following considerations: • Average annual residential building permit growth of 4%for the period 2003-2007'. • Average annual sales tax revenue growth of 31%for the period 2003- 20072 • Populations projections of the 2005 Master Plan3 • Trend of higher consumer expenditures per household closer to Cibolq's center,relative to greater distances from the city's center4 ▪ Retail and-commercial uses are anticipated along state highways and major intersections,in response to the population growth and anticipated demand for services. I Source:Building inspections Department,City of Cibolo 2 Source: Allocation Historical Summary,Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, http:l/ecpa.cpa.state.b;.us/allocation/A1locHistjsp 'The adopted Master Plan presents several scenarios for growth. The city's population growth as estimated by Census and building permits,is currently following Scenario'C',which forecasts a population of 25.537 by 2015. This scenario represents an average annual growth rate of 24.9%. Source: Figure 2-Population Projections,City of Cibolo Master Plan,2004 4 Source: SitesUSA,Census-based Demographic Profile prepared for City of Cibolo,September 2007, page 9. 166 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo ▪ The city's largest private employers have announced plans to expand their operations and hire additional workforce. • The availability of utilities and regional transportation infrastructure. ® The location of floodplains,railroads and similar constraints. ■ The application of prudent land use planning principles, such as the transition of use intensity and the creation of a center of high activity." 2.1 Future Land Use Future land use assumptions were developed by city staff based on desired development patterns for Cibolo. Different land use areas are shown on the aerial map located in Appendix D, and described as follows. Attached Residential: The attached residential land use areas were assumed • to be town homes ranging from six to twelve dwelling units per acre. The acreage multiplied by the dwelling units per acre determined the amount of total dwelling units for a specific region. Where dwelling units were not specified a value of 8 dwelling units per acre was assumed. An average value of 5.865 trips per dwelling unit per day was used for trip calculations. Cluster: Cluster residential development is characterized by denser areas of development and larger areas of set-aside open space, resulting in a low overall average density. Cluster areas were assumed tecontain_tio_dwelling units per acre, and trip calculations follow the same assumptions as single family detached residences, using an average of 9.576 trips per dwelling unit per day. Commercial: Commercial land use areas were assumed to be shopping • centers with approximately 20% of the area as gross leasable commercial land. Acreages were converted into units of 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area (GLA), and trips generated were calculated using the average value of 42.947 trips per 1000 sq. ft. gross leasable area per day based on these areas. Institutional: Institutional areas were determined to be used for Elementary, Middle/Junior High, or High school uses. The trip productions were based on assumed number of students for each type of school,with 850, 1500, and 2800 students at elementary,junior high, and high school respectively. Single Family: This land use area was classified as single family detached housing, with an average trip generation of 9.57 trips per dwelling unit per day. The number of dwelling units per acre was provided for a majority of the areas,where none was provided a value of 4 dwelling units was assumed. `Source:Trip Generation,7th Edition,Volume 2 of 3,page 367,Institute of Transportation Engineers,2003 6 Source:Trip Generation,7th Edition,Volume 2 of 3,page 269,Institute of Transportation Engineers,2003 7 Source:Trip Generation,7th Edition,Volume 3 of 3,page 1451,Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2003 167 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo Mixed Use: The mixed use regions were split into 25% retail, 30% residential, 15% office, 10% commercial, 10% Public/Civic and 10% institutional areas. The office buildings were assumed to be multi-story and the retail area was classified as a Specialty Retail Center for trip generation purposes. The assumed percentages were based on experience and prior knowledge of land development desires of Cibolo. Trips were calculated using the same averages for the specialized areas mentioned previously. Mixed use assumes ratio identified in Table 20, City of Cibolo Master Plan. Industrial: Industrial zones were assumed to be_industrial parks with acreage used for trip production calculations. This land use produces an average of 63.118 trips per acre per day. Table 1 shows average trip generation values for each land use as seen in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation Manual. Table 1: Average Trip Generations Average Number of Trips Produced per Land Use Unit unit per day Attached Residential Dwelling Units 5.86 • Cluster Dwelling Units 9.57 Commercial GLA 42.94 -Matta! Acre 63:111 Institutional Elementary Students 1.29 Middle School Students . 1.62 - High School Students 1.71 Mixed Use(%based) . Commercial (10%) GLA 42.94 Office(15%) . . GFA . . 3.32 Retail(25%) GLA 44.32 • Public/Civic(10%) . Acres 1.59 Institutional (10%) Students 14.49 Residential(30%) Dwelling Units 9.57 Park Acre 1.59 • Single.Family Dwelling Units 9.57 • • Source:Trip Generation,7th Edition,Volume 2 of 3,page 151,Institute of Transportation Engineers,2003 168 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 2.2 Service Areas For roadway facilities, the service area is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of the political subdivision and shall not exceed six miles (Texas Local Government Code, Sec. 395.001(9)) The area considered in this analysis includes all areas and roadways within the City of Cibolo limits, which is split into two service areas. Due to the inequality of development and project locations,the overall planning area was divided into North and South zones for impact fee determination. There are a total of 30 projects included in the 10-year capital improvements transportation program, with 25 projects in the North, 4 projects in the south, and one traffic signal project split between the two zones. 3.0 Existing Transportation Network 3.1 General • The majority of the City-owned streets and roads inside the city limits consist of older two-lane collector streets built with open ditches. These roads are out of date, with many roads lacking striping and the capacity to carry the traffic loads created by the current population. There is a need for expansion on most collector streets,possibly the development of these roads into minor arterials is necessary. As the roadways are expanded, curb and gutter and storm drain systems should be installed. The existing city-owned transportation network contains little to mo facilities for pedestrian or cyclist traffic, so expansion also calls for an inclusion of sidewalks and some bike lanes to accommodate non-auto traffic. In addition,the City of Cibolo is served by state and federal roadways IH 35, IH 10 SH 78, FM 3009 and FM 1103. IH 35 and FM 3009 are roadways bordering the City of Cibolo for only short distances. SH 78 traverses across the city from east to west and is a four-lane roadway with a center left tuna lane for most of the distance through the City. FM 1103 is a primary access point for the City of Cibolo and currently consists of a two-lane roadway with- minimal shoulders for most of the distance. IH 10 is within the ETJ south of the current Cibolo city limits. The only state or federal funding currently projected for any of these roadways within the City of Cibolo is funding for ROW purchase along FM 1103. Therefore, any needed expansion along these roadways has been included in the CIP program. 3.2 Relationship to other Entities The City of Cibolo shares a border with the City of Schertz. Where it was applicable, the roadway projects along these borders were proportioned equally between the two cities. Only the cost applicable to the City of Cibolo was included in impact fee determination. 169 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 3.3 Existing Signalization Within the City there are four locations in need of new signalization. Flashing light signals or stop signs currently exist at these locations. These facilities do not adequately move traffic and create congestion during peak hours. Turn lanes have been included at the intersections as needed. 4.0 10-Year Capital Improvements Program The 10-Year Capital Improvements Program involves planning, design, construction, and funding of 30 transportation projects in order to equip the city with the means to provide adequate Levels of Service (LOS) for its growing developments. Increasing development, especially single family housing, will result in more traffic on the roads which creates a demand for an increase in the capacity of the city's existing roads. 4.1 Transportation Master Plan The primary objective of the Transportation Master Plan is to increase mobility, efficiency, and safety of Cibolo's roadway system. A Transportation MasterPlan_was_c_omplete_d_as_part_of_the_City_oLCiholo — Update to the Master Plan (Espey Consultants, Inc, January, 2005) This master plan identified the need for expansion of several existing roadways and the construction of new sections of road. All street constructions and upgrades will be designed as curb and gutter streets to improve drainage from the road. All roadway sections were also designed to equip four foot side walks on.both sides of the road. Designated hike-bike facilities,in addition to sidewalks included in estimates, have not been accounted for pending completion of a Parks and Trails Master Plan. 4.2 Capital Improvements The projects included in the CIP program are all included in. the Transportation Master Plan. Many of the projects were carried forward from the 2007 CIP program and projects 39 through 56 were added,due to planned development needs and changing in state and federal funding availability. 4.2.1 Signalization Planned development is expected to meet signal warrants to justify signal installation for CU ' projects 37, 38, 39 and 40. In addition to the signal installation, turn lanes at new signals were included where needed. Signalization and additional turn lanes are intended to increase circulation around retail developments, as stated in the city's Master Plan. 170 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 4.2.2 Roadway Improvements and Expansions Several roadway improvements and expansions are needed to increase mobility and ease of access to the Town Center, as is desired by the City's Master Plan. Existing roadways will be expanded to thoroughfare right-of-way widths no less than 66' to accommodate traffic from residential areas into the community center. Capital Improvement Project 45 includes the expansion of the existing Schaefer Road and approximately 400 feet of new bridge construction over a low water crossing. The new bridge will provide mobility and emergency access to projected development. The widening and addition of curb and gutter to existing roadways will require modification of the profile in order to provide adequate drainage to adjacent properties. This will require reconstruction of the entire width of the roadways in most cases. • 4.2.3 New Roadway Construction • There are four new roadway construction projects included in the 10—y_ear Capital Tmpr xements Program.—CIP prajectsS_1_tbrough 54 include a future thoroughfare width of 150 feet, which will continue the FM 1103 expansion and create a major arterial. The extension of FM 1103 continues into the south zone and includes CIP 50, in this region. CIP project 46 proposes an 86 foot wide thoroughfare linking FM 78 and CR 374, opening up a new access route to the center of town. 4.3 Cost Estimates The cost of each project involves calculating the roadway construction cost, the price of ROW, and the cost of relocating existing utilities (where applicable). The construction costs are-based on quantities estimated from typical sections and design experience. Typical sections for the various categories of roadway are included in.Appendix B. The price of ROW varies based on project location and ranges from $7,000 up to $30,000 per acre. Utility relocations are required when overhead poles are in direct conflict with a proposed road, or when underground utilities are in conflict with new cross drainage facilities. The cost of relocation varies depending on the type of utilities, for example overhead electric lines cost approximately $7.50/L.F. to move whereas underground waterlines cost about $60.00/L.F. for relocation construction.. See Appendix C for a summary of all estimated costs and detailed calculations for each CIP project. 171 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 4.4 LUE Determination For transportation purposes, one Living Unit Equivalent (LUE) is equal to a single family dwelling unit. Future land use assumptions (FLUA) were used to determine how many vehicle trips per weekday would be generated at probable development of the city over the 10 year program period. Using the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation manuals,trip generations based on land use were calculated for all areas shown on the future land use map within the city limits. The expected development for the ten-year CIP period was determined by adjusting the LUE's calculated for each land use area with the probability of development for each area. The probability of development was determined through collaboration between Espey Consultants and city staff based on current development trends, and provided to Cobb Fendley as part of base data for this study. A summary of LUE's and detailed calculations based on land uses can be found in Appendix E. The number, of trips calculated for each area was then divided by an average of 9.57 vehicle trips per single family household per weekday, to determine the LUE's for each area. The North project zone has 38,504 calculated LUE's and the south has 11,867 total LUE's. 5.0 Maximum Impact Fee Determination Appendix A shows the derivation of the maximum fees for transportation for both the North Zone and the South Zone. The proposed facility costs, debt service • costs for the proposed CIP, and engineering costs are shown, as well as a 50% credit for the CIP and the study. The maximum transportation impact fee is $1,464.02 for the North Zone and$533.10 for the South Zone. 172 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo 3 y Vk ooFo'n�-n�qa mRgrv•`n.� °e�v.�4w gm u�ry o.qm.: S G igu»aa� ..,i.v.» `am»» a22Fa'2®H 2232- 1Vg V _ pp qq .J v<m� ;-$�legE:' o2ro2P22 t< �2igq R ' ai^Grg a' ffi g" »= Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX B TYPICAL STREET CROSS SECTIONS 66'R.0d3. 11.0' 11.0' 11.0' 11.8' 1 12' FLEXIBLE BASE 10" LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 2' HOT MIX ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT (TYPE .C) • 5' MIN SIDEWALK S.' MIN SIDEWALK ST R:0.W, COLLECT R STREET . 8S'R.D.H. 12.0'. 12.8 14.0' 12.8' 12.0' ' ..r . 15FLEXIBLE BASE 10" LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 3" HOT MIX ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT /TYPE C) 5' MIN SIDEWALK. 5' MIN SIDEWALK S5 R.O.VY_ SECONDARY ARTERLAL STREET B-. 174 APPENb I.._i i JIB'fl.D.W, 12',0' _ 12.0' _ . 12.0' .1 14.0' 12.0' _ , 12.0' 12.0' ., I............--. ,[ 16" FLEX IDLE BASE I0"' LIME STAB ILIZ D SUDO/a. 5" NOT MIX ASPHALTIC.•AVEMENT {.TYPE C1 5• MIN SIDEWALK • 5' MIN SIDEWALK !----.1 PO . 15B'F.D. . w • 12.0' 12.0' 12.0' 16.1? 12.0' I2.0' _ 12.0' 1 E. 1.,_ .................*X....... """ '".""_.. 22" FLEX IEX. BASE . _ ..,. .., .....,-..,....j ';:h co 12' LIME STABILE ED SUBGRADE co 6" HOT.MIX ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT (TYPE CI 5' MIN SIDEWALK 0 5' MIN SIDEWALK n o N C) p o 1 o c¢u Unified Development Code City of Cibolo • sE $as a -;41 ; aEl p il g- 2 1 3E 22il 3 atga`a e g s = 2 a 1 4~ i 1" 7. . nv $2t ` " 0 Y ai a'r. 3 93Em-9 . 25 ; 3 n '' 9 5 - g ; e g. . zi33l 2 -2 :-s352 - 2g 2 i » -.+ a ad oa = 0-A ffi" ^ a i 1 9 m .a 1 ed :a 's $ad35' 3 . sq_3s=s $ « C 2 " d d- a '3aa1. 0 1 51s9$" 2 1 u 2 a I i a i 3 t-,21 1g a a a a » a :» 3§a e . d x a a - 3 s a z i 1 ag^='. a c 3•"-•003 5 3 a a aP. - '' o s ;"1332 e . 2 =1 32 - 22 : w a : 5 , of ` aµas i ` gF.sa as a 5 e " R " a i . lalsc' -.ERE' a 3 Ran r2 ' a i• i s 5 z i $ ,m3 . 22 $ 3 a II S a ri=x e5 - cit it3 a e mA. 0 �a3a„ : g aR. -a3 :- s e - i `s d 114111 '18 3 a i 2$ 1 n S 11• H i $ _2,152 A :7 e- a e ; e 33 ' _ ' 9 P. 3 3 s ' - $3531aae"' 3 45g F 5 a a . 3 3 aa - s S S i ail 3 ':' ; .. 9 c ?d. s . a a a i 5 4 4 8 . ) dSA 4 2M =r--=—.—_— I .d 71 iaRxs a - s'� ` = o K §a1=ft _ fl - ag _ 3 + a s i a s g3 e .II a . . a . . a c $ ' a - a a 31g .ei 8 I_ i 3 1 ,..1 a ii a g a a a a s WI § : tili in ts@ 01 ail s = = ' r rs ¢ y g2 eillws 41 .:, 111, 1111 5 "" ' spps ' I 4 ga re 30111 1 wig $ # ffi *1 �''il ` �= 1_ 111 i = 3 141111 4 9 3.1 g ; " I s g I.S f i ill :��,¢i 31 : 1. . D' r ep;. G i 4415 ' V,;,74 yg y1`_- .sst§">§2 se41§a 54in §1 a4. 8 S i & .3 as"3.813 3 iiii lilt 1 _ aI. Este g �;�'ig: ti ' ; i X13 yy _a - _ _ �s,, 'a g,L=- -sgs =$dB.S..13.-a g_..gJ C�._ -C &L- ra e ' .', 41'7121112 4'21 +141.215 +1 . I `. IzlaI 3 Ia 2 176 • LiJ J Appendix City of Cibolo North Zon= Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 4 Cibolo Valley Dr.Extenslo to Main;Bentwood Ranch&N Main Street Description: extension to intersection Future Thoroughfare Widt of 86' Length L.F. 14961• Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials in Width ft Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 29217.64 S.Y. $8.86 $258,868.26 Flexible Base 15 •51 2)3115.08 S.Y. $14.60 $410,480.23 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 2_6461.26 S.Y. $8.26 $218,569.97 Prime Coat - 49 0103.76 gal. $4.54 $36,791.07 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 5512.76 S.Y. $40.47 $223,101.46 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 1845.94 L.F. $21.03 $417,360.16 Concrete Medians - 14 ,717.87 S.Y. $26.88 , $207,458.25 Earthwork 24 53 19478.42 C.Y. $19.14 $372,817.05 1—' 'Storm Drainage Size Length(ft) Crossing RCP's 30" 64 I 2 L.F. $113.69 $14,552.32 Crossing Culverts I L.F. $0.00 Misc.Costs Demolition Signals . ROW Acquire(ft), 86 9.80 Acre $35,000.00 $342,839.10 Bridges Totals, $2,502,835.88' %Total Amount Contingency 25 $625,708.97 - Landscaping 1 $31,285.45 Design&Survey 10 $312,854.49 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $218,998.14 Finance Costs _ 56.5 $2,085,800.85 Totals $5,777,483.78 C P.. b c co D o SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing P 0 D:\SharelCIBOLO\CIP Cost Estlmates_North.xis C-2 Final Report 9/16/2008 n p c, o o c¢o• , I • _./Appendix CCity of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project 12 Description: Borgfeld Rd.Reconstruction&Widening Future Thoroughfare Width of66' Length L.F. . 5855 Thickness Layer Quantity U�rIt Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (In) Width(ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 31874.81 S Y. $8.86 $282,409.08 Flexible Base 12 47 30573.61 S.M. $14.60 $446,374.70 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 28622.10 S.M. $8.26 $236,418.57 Prime Coat - 45 8781.78 gal. $4.54 $39,869.29 2-5 Ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 6505.02 S.M. $40.47 $263,258.29 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 23418.08 L.F. $21.03 $492,482.31 Concrete Medians 14 9107.03 S.M. $26,88 $244,797.04 Earthwork 24 49 21249.74 Cf . $19.14 $406,720.08 Stone Drainage Size Length(ft), Crossing RCP's 30" 68 2 L.F. $113.89' $15,007.08 36" 66 2 L.=. $130.00 . $17,160.00 48" 68 2 L.=. $165.00 $21,780.00 v 60" 66 1 L.=. $219.54 $14,489.64 0o Crossing Culverts 6'x2' 66 1 L.F. $530.00 $34,980.00 Misc.Costs - Demolition - I Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 6 0.806408 A Ire $30,000.00 $24,192:24 IIII Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project UG Gas Main Southside,parallel 500 . L.=. $90.00 $45,000.00 Buried Telecommunications Southside,parallel 500 L.'. $40.00 $20,000.00 Waterline Southside,parallel 300 L.=. $80.00 . $18,000.00 UG Cable TV'. . 'Southside,parallel 300 L.=. $50.00 $15,000,00 UG Gas Main Northside,parallel 300 L.F. $90.00 $27,000.00 Burled Telecommunications Northside,parallel 500L, , $40.00 $20,000.00 Waterline Northside,parallel 300 L, . $80.00 $18,000.00 UG Cable TV Northside,parallel 100 L.F. $50.00 $5,000.00 Totals $2,707,938.31 i I %Total Amount Contingency . . '26 $678,984.68 E. Landscaping 1 $33,849.23 a Design&Survey 10 $338,492.29 Construction,Eng.,&inspec ion 7 $236,944.60 d Finance Costs ' 56.5, $2,258,728.09 C Totals $6,250,937.10 C) O SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing `Z P O D:1SheratCIBOLOICIP Cost Estlmates_North,xle C-3 Final Report 9/16/2008 n a n I J Appendix City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 16 Description: Traffic.Signal(FM 1.103 at FM 78) Length L.F. I 0 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials in Width ft Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 •0.00 S.Y. $8.86 $0.00 Flexible Base15 51 0.00' S.Y. - $14.60 $0.00 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 0.00 S.Y. $8.26 $0.00 Prime Coat 49 0.00 gal. $4.54 $0.00 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 10.00 S.Y. $40.47 $0.00 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) ( 0 L.F. $21.03 $0.00 Concrete Medians - 14 10.00 S.Y. $26.88. $0.00 Earthwork 24 53, 10.00 C.Y. $19.14 $0.00 Storm Drainage j Crossing RCP's 0 L.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts 0 L.F. $0.00 Misc.Costs Demolition - Signals . $160,000.00 ROW Acquire(ft) 0 Acre $0.00 Totals $160,000.00 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $40,000.00 Landscaping I 1 . $2,000.00 Design&Sti ,ey 10 $20,000.00 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $14,000.00 Finance Costa 56.5 $133,340.00 Totals $369,340.00 E. co a d C con SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing 2) 5 D:1Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C.4 Final Report 9/16/200 c p °" o o o cru Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 17 Description: Traffic Signal(FM 1103 at New Haeckerville Rd.extension) Length L.F. 0 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width(ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 0.00 S.Y. $8.86 $0.00 Flexible Base. . 15 51 0.00 S.Y. $14.60 $0.00 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 • 48 0.00 S.Y. $8.26 $0.00 Prime Coat - 49 ' r0.00 gal. $4.54 $0.00 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 10.00 S.Y. $40.47 $0.00 • • Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - 0 L.F. $21.03 $0.00 Concrete.Medians 14 0.00 S.Y. $26.88 $0.00 • Earthwork 24 53 10.00 C.Y. $19.14 $0.00 Storm Drainage .- Crossing RCP's I 0 L.F. $0.00 o I Crossing Culverts • 0 _ L.F. $0.00 Misc.Costs Demolition ' , Signals I - $160,000.00 ROW Acquire(ft) _ I 0 Acre $0.00 Totals $160,000.00 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $40,000.00 Landscaping 1 $2,000.00 Design&Suirley 10 $20,000.00 Construction,Eng .,&Inspection 7 $14,000.00 Finance Cost 56.5 $133,340.00 Totals $369,340.00 co• C co n SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing - c 3 da. D:\ShareICIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xis C-. Final Report 9/16/2008 n a Q. n O Pc' Appendix • City of Cibolo J North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Protect: 23 Description: Traffic Signal(Cibblo Valley Dr.at Borgfeld) Length L.F. 0. Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials In Width ft Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 L0.00 . S.Y. $8.86 '.0.00 Flexible Base 15 51 10.00 S.Y. $14.60 $0.00 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 10.00 S.Y. $8.26 $0.00 Prime Coat - 49 10.00 gal. $4.54 $0.00 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 0.00 S.Y. $40.47 $0.00 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - 0 L.F. $21.03 $0.00 Concrete Medians - 14 0.00 S.Y. $26.88 ' $0.00 Earthwork 24 53 0.00 C.Y. $19.14 $0.00 Storm Drainage 1 0 L.F. $0.00 oo Crossing RCP's I 0 L.F. $0.00 . Crossing Culverts Misc.Costs Demolition Signa $160,000.00 ROWls Acquire(ft) I 0 Acre $0.00 1 Totals $160,000.00 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $40,000.00 Landscaping 1 $2,000.00 Design&Survey 10 $20,000.00 Construction, ng.,&Inspection 7 $14,000.00 Finance Costs 56.5 $133,340.00 Totals $369,340.00 I n O SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing 0 D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xis C-6 Final Report 9/16l2008 ti, p C) o cao Appendix q City of Cibold North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 28 Description: Weidner Rd.Realignment Phase I Future Thoroughfare Width'of 110' Length L.F 1476 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width ft 1 Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 77 12626.91 S.Y. $8.86 $111,874.41 Flexible Base 16 75 12298.94 S.Y $14.60 $179,564.48 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 5 72 11806.98 S.Y. $8.26 $97,525.65 Prime Coat 73 3591.29 gal. $4.54 $16,304.45 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 1639.86 S.Y $40.47 $66,365.06 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) 5903.49 L.F. $21.03 $124,150.39 Concrete Medians 14 2295:80 S.Y. $26.88 $61,711.14 Earthwork 24 77 8417.94 C.Y. $19.14 $161,119.35 Stonn Drainage Size Length(ft) I 0o Crossing RCP's 30" 88 1 L.F. $113.69 $10,004.72 N 36" 88 1 L.F. $130.00 $11,440.00 L.F. $0.00 .951..s sing Culverts Misc.Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 69 2.34 _ Acre $30,000.00 $70,134.43 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project Waterline Northside,parallel 1100 L.F. $60.00 $6,000.00 Buried Telecommunications Northside,parallel 1100 L.F. $40.00 $4,000.00 OH Cable TV Southside,parallel 0476 L.F. $10.00 $14,760.00 OH Electric Southside,parallel 1476 L.F. $7.50 $11,070.00 Totals $946,024.08 %Total Amount [ Contingency I 25 $236,506.02 5 Landscaping I 1 $11,825.30 . Design&Survby 10 $118,253.01co a Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $82,777.11 d Finance Costs! 56.5 $788,392.82 C Totals $2,183,778.34 n co O SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing Z. 0 D:1Share\CIBOLOICIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-7 Final Report 9/16/2008 n p n O O CD Appendix C City of Cibolo' North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 34A Description: Weidner Rd.Realignment Phase II Future Thoroughfare Width of 66' Length L.F. 2244 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials in Width ft 1 Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 12214.91 S.Y. $8.86 $108,224.07 Flexible Base 12 47 11716.34 S.Y. $14.60 $171,058.55 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 10968.49 S.Y. $8.26 $90,599.71 Prime Coat — 45 3365.33 gal. $4.54 $15,278.60 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 2492.84 S.Y. $40.47 $100,885.16 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) 8974.217 L.F. $21.03 $188,727 79 Concrete Medians 14 3489.97 S.Y. $26.88 $93,810.48 Earthwork 24 49 8143.27 C.Y. $19 14 $155,862.21 • Storm Drainage Size Length(ft) L.F. $0.00 o Crossing RCP's L.F $0.00 Crossing Culverts t • Misc.Costs Demolition -I Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 37 _ i1.91 Acre $30,000.00 $57,170.46 Bridges � Totals $981,617.04 Total Amount Contingency 25 $245,404.26 Landscaping I 1 $12,270.21 ' Design&Survey 10 $122,702.13 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $85,891.49 Finance Costs I 56.5 $818,055.10 Totals $2,265,940.23 City of Cibolo Responsibility 50 $1,132,970.12 [ C co a t7 co coSOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing n q 0 D:\Share\CIBOLOICIP Cost Estimates North.xls C'8 Final Report 9!16/2008 L., • n o 0 f -- Appendix C City of Clbolo-/ North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study 34B DIP Project: Weidner Rd.Realignment Plhase II Description: Future Thoroughfare Width bf 66' Length L.F. 832 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials in Width ft Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 4528.33 S.Y. $8.86 $40,121.02 Flexible Base 12 47 4343.50 S.Y. $14.60 $63,415.13 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 4066.26 S.Y. $8.26 $33,587.29 Prime Coat 45 1247.60_ gal. $4.54 $5,664.11 924.15 S.Y. $40.47 $37,400.33 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 3326.938 L.F: $21.03 $69,965.51 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) Concrete Medians - 14 1293.81 S.Y. $26.88 $34,777.59 24 49 3018.89 - C.Y. $19.14 $57,781.52 Earthwork Storm Size Length(ft) Storm Drainage 24„ 66 3 L.F. $95.00 $18,810.00 Crossing RCP's 48" 66 1 L.F. $165.00 $10,890.00 Crossing Culverts 6'x3' 66 3 L.F. $576.78 $114,202.44 Misc.Costs Demolition Signals Acquire(ftZ 66 1.26 Acre $30,000.00 $37,806.11 ROW Bridges , Utility Relocations Relation to Project OH Electric Crossing 100 L.F. $7.50 $750.00 Buried Telecommunications Crossing 100 L.F. $40.00 $4,000.00 WaterlineCrossing 100 L.F. $60.00 $6,000.00 Totals $535,171.06 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $133,792.76 Landscaping 1 $6,689.64 Design&Survey 10 $66,896.38 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $46,827.47 e. rh Finance Costs! 56.5 $445,998.18 R Totals $1,235,375.49 d cu C n SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing co Io o N D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C 9 Final Report 9116!2008 n °" o o F cao• Appendix C City of Cibolo North ZonE Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project 35 Description: Green Valley Road Upgra e Future Thoroughfare Widtlj of 66' Length L.F. (1881 Thickness Layer Q}�antity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials in Width ft Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 10241.50 S.Y. $8.86 $90,739.66 Flexible Base 12 47 9823.48 S.Y. $14.60 $143,422.75 I-lot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 9196.45 S.Y. . $8.26 $75,962.64 Prime Coat 45 2821.64 _ gal. $4.54 $12,810.23 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 2090.10 S.Y. $40.47 $84,586.40 Concrete Curb&Gutter.(on each side of road) - - 7524.365_ L.F. $21.03 $158,237.39 Concrete Medians 14 2926:14 S.Y. $26.88 $78,654.69 Earthwork 24 49' 6827.66 C.Y $19.14 $130,681.50 Storm Drainage Size Length(ft) 1 o Crossing RCP's 30" • 66 2 L.F. $113.69 $15,007.08 "' Crossin. Culverts L.F $0.00 Misc.Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 6 0.26 Acre $30,000.00 $7,773.10 Brides 1 Utility Relocations Relation to Project Waterline both sides,parallel 200 L.F. $60.00 $12,000.00 Buried Telecommunications Northside,parallel 1100 L.F. $40.00 $4,000.00 1 Totals $813,875.45 %Total Amount Contingency 1 25 $203,468.86 Landscaping 1 1 $10,173.44 Design&SurVey 10 $101,734.43 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $71,214 10 5 Finance Costs l 56.5 $678,263.46 E. Totals $1,878,729.75 co a. b � SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing q n 0 0 D\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_No'rth.xls C 0 Final Report 9/16/2008 n n O CD Appendix C City of Cibolo / North Zone Transportation Impaot Fee Study CIP Project: 37 Description: Traffic Signal(IH-35 al VVied-rsleln) Number of'I urniarses i2 Length L.F. 3,50 Thickness Layer QuTrtiiy Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials , (in) Widthlft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade , ... 10 17 { 22,21 S.Y. $8.86 $11,714.89 Flexible Baso 16 15 1166.67 S.Y. $14.60 $17,033.33 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C5 12 933.33 S.Y. $8-26 $7,709.33 Primo Coat - 13 l 303-33 gal. $4.54 $1,377.13 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) T 4 10 777.78 S,Y. $40.47 $31,476.67 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) 2800 L.F. $21.03 $58,884.00 Concrete Medians - 14 1088.89 S.Y. $26.88 $29,269.33 Earthwork 24 17 881,1.8 C.Y. $19.14 $16,871.56 Storm Drainage . . I. -0. o L.F.LFCrossing RCP's, L.F. $0.00 0 °, Crossin. Culverts I Misc.Costs Demolition _ $160,900.D0 Signals Acquire(ft) 0 Acre $22,500.00 $0.00 ROWTotals '.33 ,336.2• 50%of project in another jurisdiction I %Total Amount Contingency 25 $83,584.06 Landscaping 1 $4,179.20 Design&Surve I 10 $41,792.03 Constriolion.Erjg.,&Inspection,. 7 $29,254.42 F1i3ance Costs . ..., 56.5 $278,627.47 Totals $771,773.43 City of Cfbolo Responsibility 50 $385,886.71 [ Ci. t7 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing nQ C0 Final Report 9!16!2008 0 D:1ShsrelCISOLUIC]P Cost Estimates_North,xls V n an o 0 1 o (9 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 38 Deacriptlon: Traffic Signal(Cibolo Valley Pr.at Old Wiederstain) Number of Turnlanes 3 LengthL.F. ... 350. Thloknese Layer Qui ntity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials . Lime Stabilized•Subgrade10 17 . 1983.33 S.Y. $8.86 $17,572.33 Flexible Base15 , . 15 1750.0.0. S.Y, $14.80 $25,559.00 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C . 312 .1400.00. S.Y. $8.26 $11,564.00 Prime Coat - 13 455.00 .gal, $4.54 $2,065.70 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on.each side of road) 4 .10 . 1166.67 S.Y. $40.47 $47,215.00 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side,of road) - . ,, - 4200 L.F. $21.03 $86,326.00 Concrete Medians - 1.4 1633.33. S.Y.. $26.88 $43,904.00 Earthwork24 17_ 1322.22 . .C.Y. $19.14 . $25,307.33 Storm Drainage co Crossing RCP Crossing Culverts Misc.Costs . Demolition ROnals ROW , , Acquire(R) 0. Acre IIIII$160,000.00 To ale $421 %Total 25%of project hi another jurisdiction Amount Contingency 25 $105,376.09 Landscaping 1 $5,268.80 Design&Survey; 10 $52,688.05 Construction,Eng.,&inspection 7 $36,881.63 Finance Costs _ . 56.5 $351,271.20 Totals $972,990.14 City of Cibolo R�spohsfbllity 75 $729,742.61 E. co a _ d - cu co n o SOURCE. City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing o 0 D:\Share1CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North,xls C-12 Final Report 9/16/2008 n p o:, n o cau• Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 39 Description: Traffic Signal(FM 78 at Mai Street) Number of Turnlanes �2 Length L.F, . . 31I50 .. Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Pride Amount Paviny Materials (in) Width(ft), I _ Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 17 1322.22. S,Y.. . $8.86 $11,714.89 Flexible Base 15 15 1166,67 S.Y. $14.60 $17,033.33 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 . 12 933.33 S.Y. .$6.26 $7,709.33 Prime Coat 13 _ 303.33. gal. $4.54 $1,377 13 2-5 fl.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) . 4. 10 . 777.78 S.Y. $40.47 $31,476.67 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - 2,800 .L.F .. $21£3 $56,884.00 Concrete Medians - 14 1068.89 S.Y.. $26.88 $29,269.33 Earthwork . 24 17 881.48 C.Y. . $19.14 $16,871.56 .--, Storni Drainage O 0o Crossing L.F. $0.00 Cron Cuverts I LF. $0.00 . . Misc.Costs ., . Demolition mals $160,000.00 ROW Acquire('ft) . . 1 . . , $3,615.70 Totals $337,951.95 50%of project iri South Zone %Total Amount. ROW included in North Zone Contingency 25 $84,487.99 Landscaplhg I 1 $4,224.40 Design&Survey 10 $42,243.99 ConstructiOn,00.,.&Inspection 7 $29,570.80 FInaitee Costs I 56.5 $281,640.70 Totals $ 60,119.83 North Zone Responsibility 50 $390;059.91 E. C co a. CD c n SOURCE: City of San Antonio Febtuary 2007 Unit Bid Pricing (- o D;1Sliare\CieOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-13 Final Report 9116/2008 n p oan T -/ Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 40 Description: • Thaffic Signal(Cibolo Valley pr at future CR 372) Number of Turnlanes I 1 Length 'L.F. .. 350 Thickness Layer Qui-niftyUnit Wilt Price Amount • Paving Materials . . In . Width ft. Lime Stabilized Subgtade 10. 17 601.1.1 S.Y. $8.86 $5,857.44 Flexible Base 15 15 583.33 S.Y. . $14.60 $8,518.67 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C . 3. . . . .. 12.. 466.67 S.Y. . $8.26 $3,854.67 Prime Coat 13 101.67 .gal. $4.54 $688.57 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 , . 308.89 S.Y. $40.47 $15,738.33 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - 1400. L.F. $21.0,3 $29,442.00 Concrete Medians . - 14. , 544.44 S.Y. $26.88 $14,634.67 Earthwork _. — . 24 17 440.74 . C.Y._ ,$19.14 $8,435.78.. Storm Drainage_. 1 o Crossing RCP's L F . $0.00 Crossing Culverts _ . . L.F. $0.00. Misc.Costs Denlolilion Signals I $160,000.00 ROW ' Acquire(ft) IO Acre $10,000.00 $0.00 ..I . Totals $247,168.12 50%of project in another jurisdiction %Total Amount Contingency25 $61,792.03, Landspaping 1 $3,089.60 Design&SUr'vey; . . 10 $30,896.02 • CanStrurtipn,Ei g.,&Inspection . 7 $21,627.21 Financp.Cosls.__ ._. . . . . , 56.5 $205,983.73 Totals $570,656.7.1 City of Cibolo Responsibility 50 $285,278.36 5 co a. C7 ro C co C..? O SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:1ShareICIBOLOICIP Cost Estimates_Norlhids C-14 Final Report 9/16/2008 n p n o 0 o cao Appendix C City of Cibolo " North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 41 Description: CR 372 extension from Wie•ersteln Rd Future Thoroughfare Width of 66' Length L.F. 31775 _ Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price. Amount Paving Materials (InL_ Width(ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 20552.48 S.Y. $8.86 $182,094.99 Flexible Base 12 47 191713.61 S.Y. $14.60 $287,818.64 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 18455.29 S.Y. $8.26 $152,440.70 Prime Coat - 45 5862.42 gal. $4.54 $25,707.38 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 41.94.38 S.Y. $40.47 $169,746.72 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - 15099.78 L.F. $21.03 $317,548.43 Concrete Medians 14 5872.14 S.Y. $26.88 $157,843.06 Earthwork 24 49 13701.65 C.Y. $19.14 $262,249.67 Storm Drainage Size Length(ft) '—' Crossing RCP's 48" 66 3 L.F. $165.00 $32,670.00 o Crossingulverts 8'x8' 66 3 L.F. $809.72 $160,324.56 Misc.Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 66 5.72 Acre $150,000.00 $857,942.20 Bridges Totals $2,606,386.36 %Total Amount Contingency I 25 $651,596.59 Landscaping1 $32,579.83 Design&Surve' 10 $325,798.30 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $228,058.81 'Finance Costs I 56.5 $2,172,097.24 Totals $6,016,517.12 co a t1 con O SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing 0 C D:15harelCIBOL0ICIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-15 Final Report 9/16/2008 ti, C) o cao C.. . Appendix C City of Cibolo J North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study dIP Project: 42 Description: Old Wlederrtein Rd.extension to Dean Rd Future Thoroughfare Width.•f 66' Length L. , 115 . Thickness Layer G!u•nifty Unit Unit Price Anloitrit paving Materials - ....(in) , .Width eft). . .. Lime Stabilized Subgrade fa 49 275.80` S.Y. $8.86 $241,929.43 Flexible Base • .12. .. .47 26191.28 $,Y. $1.4:60 $382,392.71 Hot MIX Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 24519.50, , S.Y. $8.26 . $202,531.05 Prime Coat - 45, 7623.03 gal. $4.54 $34,154.55 2-5 ft.Concrete SideWalks(1 on each side of road) . ,.4 _,10 5672.61 S.Y. _ $40.47 $225,623.65 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) ,„ ' - 20661,41 L.F. $21.03 $421,891.39, Concrete Medians. - 14. ,.. 701.66 S,Y.' „$26,88 $209,708.58 Earihwork , ., 24 49 18 03.87 C.Y. $19.14 $348,422.06 Storni Drainage , . . Size, Length(ft) 1 Crossing RCP's .. 30" . . 66 12 L.F. . $113.69 $15,007,08 Crossing Culverts . , , . L.F. $0.00 Misc:Costs . ' Demolition, , Signals Acquire(it), 31. . . 4 ROW .57 Acre $10,000.00 $35,692.36 ROW Braes Relation to Project f Utility Relocations OH Electric .Northside,parallel . 5015 L.F: . $7.50 $37,612.50. UG Fiber Optic Cable , Northside,parallel 500, : L.F.. $50.00 $125,000.00 Waterline ' • Northside,.parallei 1600 L:F.. $60.00 . . $150,000.00 Buried Telecommunications Southside,parallel , 90. L.F. $40.00 $4,000:00 Totals $20433,865.36 30%or project In another Jurisdiction ' %Total Amount Contingency 25. $608,466.34 Land'Scaping 1, $30,423.32E. Design&Surve 10 ,$304,233.17 Eh Conatruption,E g.,.8,inspection ` . 7 , $212,963.22 p Finance Costs 66.5 $2,028,322.54 d Totals $5,618,273.94 C City of Moldesponsibility 50 $2,809,136:97 co n� SOURCE: City of San Antonio FebtUary 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:1Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Eslimates_North.xls C-1 Final Report 9/16/2008 o p o 0 FS' CD Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 43 • Description: Old WierJeratein Rd extension to FM 1103 Future Thoroughfare Width of 66' Length L:F: .. 11601 Thickhess Layer QtiLntity Unit Unit Price Ahiount Paving Materials in WidLli ft Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 8717.59 S.Y. $8.86 $77,237.88 Flexible Base 12 47 83.61.77 S.Y. $14.60 $122,08.1.90 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement.Type C . 2 . .. 44 7628.04 S.Y.. . $8.26 $64,659.64. Prime Coat - 45. 2401.79 gal. $4.54 $10,904.11 2-5 fl.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 1779.10 S.Y. $40.47 $72,000.21 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - . 6404.763 L.F. $21.03. $134,692.16.. Concrete Medians - 14 2490.74 S.Y. $26.88 $66,951.12 Earthwork24 . . .49 (.:. 5811.73. C CY.. , $19 14 $111,236.50 Storm Drainage . .,..... . Size Length ft), Crossing RCP's •30" 66 1. . L.F. , $113,69 $7,503.54 N Crossit$Culverts , , $0.00 Misc.Costs Demolition . SignalsW ROW Acquire(ft) 6 0,22055 r r $2,205.50 Bridges . . . Utility RelocationsRelation.to Project UG Fiber Optic Cable Southside,parallel 100 L.F. $50,00 $5,000.00 Buried Telecommunications Southside;parallel $40,00 $4,000.00 7.-.. Teta s $678,472.55 50%of project In another Jurisdibtion . %Total Amount Contingency 25 $169,618.14 Landscaping I . . . 1 $8,480.91 Design 3 Suive>1 _10 $84,809.07 Construction,Erig„&lnspecti0n . 7 $59,366.35 Finance Cbsts I 58.5 $565,422.06 Totals $1,566,169.07 p„ CD City of Cibolo ..Toa Responsibility 50 $783,084.53 d rD C co C) O SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit bid Pricing D:\Sliare\CIBOL'O\CIP Cost Estimates Norlh.xls G-17 Final Report 9116!2008 n p C:7" , Appendix C City of Cibolo- North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study GIP Project: 46 Description: Town Creekway extension t FM 78/Haeckerville Rd Future Thoroughfare Width of 86' Length L.F. 5631 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width(ft) , 1 Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 33158.47 S.Y. $8.86 $293,784.01 Flexible Base 15 51 31907.20 S.Y. $14.60 $465,845.17 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 30030.31 S.Y. $8.26 $248,050.35 Prime Coat - 49 91196.78 gal. .$4.54 $41,753.39 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 6256.31 S.Y. $40.47 $253,193.04 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 22522.73 L.F. $21.03 $473,653.05 Concrete Medians 14 8758.84 S.Y. $26.88 $235,437.62 Earthwork 24 53 _221105.64 C.Y. $19.14 $423,102.03 Storm Drainage Size Length(ft) Crossing RCP's 24" 64 2 L.F. $95.00 $12,160.00 w36" 64 1 L.F. _ $130.00 $8,320.00 _ 48" 64 1 L.F. $165.00 $10,560.00 L.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts A Misc.Costs - Demolition $400,000.00 Signals:At grade railroad crossing ROW Acquire(ftp 86 11 12 Acre $20,000.00 $222,331.83 Bridges � Totals $3,088,190.48 %Total Amount Contingency I 25 $772,047 62 Landscaping 1 $38,602.38 Design&Survey 10 $386,023.81 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $270,216.67 Finance Costs I 56.5 $2,573,620.74 C' Totals $7,128,701.70 E. rn a. Y C co SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-18 Final Report 9/16/2008 an 0 I o CCn / �.. Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transporlallon Impact Fee Study CIF Project: 48 Description: Cibolo Valley Dr.Extension to Old Wiedersteln lid Future Thoroughfare Width of 110' LengthL.F . ✓ 3067 1 Thickness Layer Cluantlt1r Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials in . Width .ft. 1 Lime Stabilized Subgrade .10. . . 77 26238,111 S.Y. $8.86 $232,469.66 Flexible Base 16 75. 25556.60 S.Y. . $14.60 $373,126.37 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 5 72- . 24534.34 S.Y. $8.26 $202,653,62 Prime Coat 73 7402.53 gal. $4.54 $33,879.87 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road). 4 10 . 3407.55 .S.Y. $40.47 $137,903.42 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 12267.17 L.F. $21.03 $257,978.55 Concrete Medians . .. 14 4770.57 S.Y. .$26.88 $128,232.80 Earthwork 24 77 17492.07 C.Y. . $19.14 $334,798.29 Storni Drainage Size Length(ft) Crossing RCP's 48" 88 6 I L.F. $165.00 $87,120.00 , • - Crossing Culverts L.F. $0 00 Misc.Costs Demolition - - . . . .. 'Signals ROW Acquire(ft) . .49 3.45 Acre, $30,000.00 $103,493.67 Bridges . .. Utility Relocations Relation to Project . 1 UG Gable TV , Eastside,parallel 400 L.F. $50.00 $20,000,00 UG Fiber Optic CableEastalde,parallel •. 400. LF. $50.00 $20,000.00 UG'Gas Main Eastside,parallel 400 L.F. $90.00 $36,000.00 OH Telecommunications Eastside,parallel .3067, L.F. $10.00 $30,670.00 Waterline Eastside.parallel 400 L.F. $60.00 $24,000.00 Waterline „Westside parallel , . 400 L.F. . $60.00 $24,000.00 • Totals $2,046,326.25 50%of project in another jurisdiction %Total Amount Contingency25 $511,581.56 Landscaping • 1 $25,579.08 Design&Survey 10 $255,790.78 ;.+. Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $179,053.55 coa Finance Costa , 56.5 $1,705,357.14 d Totals $4,723,688.37 Co • City of Cibolo Respl nsibIlity 50 $2,361,844.18 co q'C SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing qI -J D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_Norlh.xls C-19 Final Report 9/16/2008 a • zy, n O cao• • Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 49 Description: Cibolo Valley Dr.Extension porn Old Wiedersteln Rd Future Thoroughfare Width pf 110' Length L.F. 3294 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials In Width ft 1 Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 77 28)84.02 S.Y. $8.86 $249,710.39 Flexible Base 16 75 27451.97 S.Y. $14.60 $400,798.69 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 5 72 26353.89 S.Y. $8.26 $217,683.10 Prime Coat - 73 8015.97 gal. $4.54 $36,392.52 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 3660.26 S.Y. , $40.47 $148,130.80 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 13176.94 L.F. $21.03 $277,111.12 Concrete Medians 14 5124.37 S.Y. $26.88 $137,742.98 Earthwork 24 77 18789.34 C.Y. $19.14 $359,628.06 Storm Drainage Size Length(ft) Crossing RCP's 48" 88 2 L.F. ' $165.00 $29,040.00 (./' Crossing Culverts 6'x3' 88 1 L.F. $576.78 $50,756.64 Misc.Costs - Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 19 ).44 Acre $25,000.00 $35,921.99 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project I UG Telecom inside CGMP Crossing 200 L.F $40.00 8000 Totals $1,950,916.30 %Total Amount , Contingency I 25 $487,729.07 Landscaping 1 $24,386.45 Design&Survey 10 $243,864.54 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $170,705.18 Finance Costs 56.5 $1,625,844.87 Totals $4,503,446.41 E. co P. co c co SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D 0 n� D•\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-23 Final Report 9/16/2008 p aft o O o CRD Appendix C City of Cibolo ' North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 51 Description: FM 1103 Ph.1 (from Old Wieder tein Rd to Cibolo city limits) Future Thoroughfare Width of 15 Length L.F. 4701 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (In) Width(ft) 1 Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 60591.18 S.Y. $10.63 $644,205.41 Flexible Base 22 114 59546.55 S.Y. $21.42 $1,275,378.91 i-lot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 108 56412.48 S.Y. $16.52 $931,934.11 Prime Coat - 114 17863.95 gal. $4.54 $81,102.34 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 5223.38 S.Y. $40.47 $211,390.09 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 18804.10 L.F. $21.03 $395,451.46 Concrete Medians 14 7312.73 S.Y. $26.88 $196,566.14 Earthwork 36 116 60591.18 C.Y. $19.14 $1,159,715.15 Storm Drainage Size . Length(ft) Crossing RCP's 30" 124 1 L.F. $113.69 $14,097.56 ,r 48" 124 2 L.F. $165.00 $40,920.00 rn Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc.Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 72 7.77 Acre $15,000.00 $116,554.70 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project OH Electric Westside,parallel 4701 , L.F. $7.50 $35,257.50 OH Cable TV Westside,parallel 4701 L.F. $10.00 $47,010.00 UG Fiber Optic Cable Westside,parallel 4701 L.F. $50.00 $235,050.00 Buried Telecommunications Westside,parallel 4701 L.F. $40.00 $188,040.00 Waterline Westside,parallel 4701 L.F. $60.00 $282,060.00 Buried Telecommunications Eastside,parallel 4701 L.F. $40.00 $188,040.00 Totals $6,042,773.36 %Total ' Amount Contingency 25 $1,510,693.34 Landscaping 1 $75,534.67c01 y Design&Survey 10 $755,346.67 co Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 _ $528,742.67 a Finance Costs 56.5 $5,035,896.25 d co Totals $13,948,986.97 co n SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing q 0 D:1Share\CIBOLOICIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-21 Final Report 9/16/2008 n 0 n o 0 \. Appendix C City of Cibolo-' North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 52A Description: FM 1103 Ph.1 (from Wiedi er Rd to Cibolo city limits) Future Thoroughfare Width of 150' Length L.F. 110 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (In) , Width(ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 271199.26 S.Y. $10.63 $289,182.56 Flexible Base 22 114 26730.31 S.Y. $21.42 $572,515.12 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 108 25323.45 S.Y $16.52 $418,343.41 Prime Coat 114 8019.09 gal. $4.54 $36,406.68 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 2344.76 S.Y. $40.47 $94,892.60 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 8441.15 L.F. $21.03 $177,517.39 Concrete Medians 14 3282.67 S.Y. $26.88 $88,238.16 Earthwork 36 116 271199.26 C.Y. $19.14 $520,593.88 ' Storm Drainage Size Length(ft) Crossing RCP's I L.F. $0.00 v Crossin• Culverts 8'x5' 124 12 L.F. $708.68 $175,752.64 * Misc.Costs I Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 48 '2.33 Acre $15,000.00 $34,880.79 Brid es I Utility Relocations Relation to Project I OH Electric Westslde,_parallel 1400.00 L.F. $7.50 $10,500.00 OH Cable TV Westsidetparallel 1400.00 L.F. $10.00 $14,000.00 OH Telecommunications Westside,parallel 1400.00 L.F. $10.00 $14,000.00 Centerpoint Gas Pipeline Crossing 1200 L.F. $500.00 $100,000.00 Totals $2,546,823.23 %Total Amount Contingency I 25 $636,705.81 Landscaping I 1 $31,835.29E. Design&SurvOy 10 $318,352.90 E. Construction,Ehg.,&Inspection 7 $222,847.03 p Finance Costs 56.5 $2,122,458.81 d Totals $5,879,023.07 C co n 0 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing `Z 'db l. Cost Estimates_North.xls C-2r Final Report 9/16/2008 n p a n o 0 o cRo• t ./ AppendbX C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 52B Description: FM 1103 Ph.1 (between CIP 52A and CIP 52B) Future Thoroughfare Width of 150' LengthL.f?.., 1478 Thickness Layer (.lilahtlty Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials in Width it . Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 . 116 19046.23 S.Y. $10.63 $202,499.57 Flexible Base 22 _._ .1.14 18717.85 . S.Y. $21.42 $400,902.68 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C. . 6 . . 108 . '17732.70. S.Y... $16.52 $292,944.22 Prime Coat ... .. 114 .. 5615.38 . gal. $4.54 . $25,493.71 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side Of road) 4 .. 10 .1641.92 S.Y. $40.47 $66,448.37 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) 5910.8 L.F. $21.03 $124,306.24 Concrete Medians .. . 14. 2296.68 . S.Y... $26.88 $61,768.61 Earthwork 36 . . 116 19046.23 .C,Y. $:I 9.14 $364,644.93 Storm Drainage . .Size ength(ft). osslL.F.. $0.00 7) Crossing RCP's , L.F. $0.00 0o Crn Culverts . . . Misc.Costs . S Demolition . . §nals ROW Acquire.(R) 55 1.87 Acre ,$15,000.00 $27,987.22 Brid es Utility Relocations Relation to Project OH Electric both.sides,parallel 2956 L.F. $7.50 .$22,170.00 OI-I Cable TV both sides,.parallel . . 2956 L.F. . $10.00 _ $29,560.00 OH I Telecommunications Eastside,parallel 1479 L.F. $10.00 $14,780.00 Burled TelecommunicationsEastslde,parallel . 1478. . L.F. $40.00 $59,120.00 Waterline Westside,parallel . 1470 , 1.-.F.. $60.00 $88,680.00 Totals $1,781,225.55 50%of project in another jurisdidtton %Total Amount ContIngency 25 $445,306.39 5Landscaping 1 $22,265.32 E. DeelOn&Survey 10 $222,653.19 Constructlon,Eng.,a Inspection 7 $165,857.24 a, Finerice Costs 56.5 $1,484,428.85 d Totals $4,111,739.54 C City of Moto Reapdnsibillty 50 $2,055,868.27 C n O SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing ,C.? DAShareICIBOLOICIP Cost Estimatee_North.xls C-23 • Final Report 9/16/2008p OV n O coo• f Appendix O City of Cibolo North Zon Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 52C Description: FM 1103 Ph.1 (from Cibol city limits to Brite Rd) Future Thoroughfare Width of 150' Length L.F 1689 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (In) Width(ft) I Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 21771.02 S.Y. $10.63 $231,469.48 Flexible Base 22 114 21395.66 S.Y. $21.42 $458,256.46 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 108 20269.57 S.Y. $16.52 $334,853.29 Prime Coat 114 6418.70 gal. $4.54 $29,140.88 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 1876.81 S.Y. $40.47 $75,954.58 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) 6756.523 L.F. $21.03 $142,089.68 Concrete Medians - 14 2627.54 S.Y. $26.88 $70,628.19 Earthwork36 116 211771.02 C.Y. $19.14 $416,697.31 Storm Drainage Size Length(ft) Crossing RCP's30" 124 1 L.F . $113.69 $14.F. ,097.56 10 Crossing Culverts Misc.Costs _ Demolition Signals ROW Acquirer) 0 Acre $15,000.00 $0.00 Bi ldyes Totals $1,773,187.43 °/Total Amount Contingency 25 $443,296.86 Landscaping 1 $22,164.84 Design&Survey . 10 $221,648.43 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $155,153.90 Finance Costs 1 56.5 $1,477,730.07 Totals $4,093,181.53 5 . co a. d c n� SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing 'Z' D:1Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates North.xls C-2 Final Report 9/16/2008 n p an Zi cau Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 53 Description: FM 1103 Ph.1 (new location southeast of Steele Highschool,within city limits) Future Thoroughfare Width of 150' Length L.F. 1 538 Thickness Layer Q lantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials in Width ft Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 19817.19 S.Y. $10.63 $210,696.35 Flexible Base 22 114 19475.51 S.Y. $21.42 $417,130.43 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 108 18450.49 S.Y $16.52 $304,802.03 Prime Coat - 114 5842.65 gal. $4.54 $26,525.65 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 1708.38 S.Y. $40.47 $69,138.07 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 6150.162 L.F. $21.03 $129,337.91 Concrete Medians 14 2391.73 S.Y. $26.88 $64,289.69 Earthwork 36 116 19817.19 C.Y. $19.14 $379,300.99 Storm Drainage Size Length(ft) o Crossing RCP's 24" 124 1 L.F. $90.00 $11,160.00 o Crossing Culverts 5'x5' 124 1 L.F. $500.00 $62,000.00 Misc.Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 150 5.29 Acre $15,000.00 $79,418.41 Bridges Totals $1,753,799.54 '- ---1 %Total Amount Contingency 1 25 $438,449.88 Landscaping I 1 $21,922.49 Design&SurveY 10 $219,224.94 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $153,457.46 Finance Costs 56.5 $1,461,572.69 Totals $4,048,427.01 E. a d n SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:1Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-25 Final Report 9/16/2008 n a a n 0 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 54 Description: FM 1103 Ph.1 (from Clbolo city limits to FM 78) Future Thoroughfare Width of 150' Length L.F. 2 802 , Thickness Layer Qentity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width(ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 36'1112.59 S.Y. $10.63 $383,949.03 Flexible Base 22 114 35489.96 S.Y. $21.42 $760,130.99 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 108 33622.06 S.Y. $16.52 $555,436.50 Prime Coat - 114 10646.99 gal. $4.54 $48,337.32 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) , 4 10 31113.15 S.Y. $40.47 $125,989.35 07.35 L.F. $21.03 $235,690.67 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 11207.35 Concrete Medians - 14 4358.42 S.Y. $26.88 $117,154.22 Earthwork 36 116 361112.59 C.Y. $19.14 $691,194.93 Storm Drainage Size Length(ft) NoCrossing RCP's 24" 124 2 L.F. $90.00 $22,320.00 30" 124 1 L.F. $133.69 $16,577.56 36" 124 2 L.F. $130.00 $32,240.00 48" 124 2 L.F. $165.00 $40,920.00 Crossing CulvertsL.F $0.00 Misc.Costs Demolition Signals:At grade railroad crossing $400,000.00 ROW Acquire(ft). 150 9.65 Acre $20,000.00 $192,964.10 Bridges Totals $3,622,904.67 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $905,726.17 Landscaping I 1 $45,286.31 Design&Survey 10 $452,863.08 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $317,004.16 C Finance Costs I 56.5 $3,019,238.18 . Totals $8,363,022.57 R. d co C c SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing 0 D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-/6 Final Report 9/16/2008ti, p CS o PD '\,__.; u'Zone City of Ciliolo•_ North AppendixC Transportation Impact Fee Study 56 CIP Project: CR 374 extension to FM 78 Description: Future Thoroughfare Width of 86' L.F. 10772 Length Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Payi1n Width ft Stabilized Materials 10 53 63436.87 S.Y. $8.86 $562,050.64 LimeFBase Subgrade 15 51 61043.02 S.Y. $14.60 $891,228.14 HotlMix p3 48 57452.26 S.Y. $8.26 $474,555.64 Mix Coal pavement,Type C - 49 17594.75 gal. $4.54 $79,880.18 Prime Coal 10 11969.22 S.Y. $40.47 $484,394.34 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 - 43089.19 L.F $21.03 $906,165.72 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - 14 16756.91 S.Y. $26.88 $450,425.70 Earthwork Medians 24 53 42291.24 C.Y. $19.14 $809,454 43 SDrainage Size Length(ft) Storm Dr RCP's 18" 64 9 L.F. $64.31 $37,042.56 N Crossing RCP's 24„ 64 2 L.F. $95.00 $12,160.00 0 N 30" 64 1 L.F. $113.69 $7,276.16 Crossing Culverts 4'x2' 64 14 L.F. $455.33 $407,975.68 8'x4' 64 8 L.F. $632.81 $323,998.72 Misc.Costs Demolition $400,000.00 nals:At grade railroad crossing ROW Acquire(ft) 38 9.40 Acre $15,000.00 $140,959.82 Bridges Relation to Project OHfily cmc ais South/East,parallel 1500 L.F. $7.50 $11,250.00 OH Electric South/East,parallel 1500 L.F $10.00 $15,000.00 OH CH e TV South/East,parallel 1500 L.F. $10.00 $15,000.00 O Buried T BuTelecommunications South/East,parallel 1500 L.F. Totals $$60,000.00 088 817 74 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $1,522,204 43 C' Landscaping 1 $76,110.22 Design&Survey 10 $761,102.22 E. Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $532,771.55 gl Q. Finance Costs 56.5 $5,074,268.48 d Totals $14,055,274.65 C n O SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing 0 `- CD D:1Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Esllmates_North.xls C 27 Final Report 9/16/2008 n '* o= n q7 31 Moto L Pnoundla C Tlwlspw1,119n Impact Flu Shnly LIP 61mn120ary 911431Owdh Zona n S pat 41 9.9013{s6;14.e:Jn3'a4:•3..:�nx;3.::2.6 0t0.a';I.:.I�:f..•O,,.uaanu:O1t:a•:ny,'3;CldJ'`:een fiwta�r:].-e✓•.ne,ed:w''rvo;y`try3rc,9alml4.423u,4Sia3raeC�4•tl:F�:l;M>.J�ra._,1,�'h•r.0}s_„7.1#e?.�;lW4_k.,:„;ma6'sqiItll,u�a.,USc��.s.ia,y,:lv;Mi�f•r2.:fl�,:o^,ar<t,9;:d.LI:�•b,:Yl,:cl+`w;?.r`.'8l�;e,dSie,,w31r'1�8'�i42Yrxa19',.3r•'{:.'1 PB?�iI.br.5'N.'.r',iX9`Os"e itt.:'?a.a r I i.rtcs8li lPa.h,,y3k1t181114%p0Ud�"o$i°8bu 1i 1).tifiy 41.4151r.544-1/8511K 1• .1m1 r4r4;1/8F18 >I1,773 1]OS99;.)1 2011-31 I220.70,,„3436202.)114)BI d 3212 120. 142.510 GT B]5.) •54014 2.14 89019.10 Sd60.a)030 3480 081.16 419 23413FM1IIB— .2•o1n6:4. . jw ;ux ' 1y ,B 9L89.200.00 91.301,220.00 1012304 !2x60.16042 84.53].454.9]92,601,832.05 22.210.480.37 13.0)4589.1]52.992861.02 52.080500.5]52.71&470.]4 52.743.241.10 92.)71,97},61 VI,ed.*,, Wnl0oolbn al FM 76 and 930h KIN 63331 52183442 NI, 1940144042ay anal now luodway ssWm Lola LobavIv2 Nee to 6wdh14nbl 21.288 Indados 121294 53.020,130.13 {5.010,110.18 20173010 43391,630.23 53.320,489.41 93.309.059.12 53,120A09.0T 53103.299.73 53.407,02650 53.832.40)87 53.568.237.89 53.002.41042 40 812343.5.1223 Si 342x4130,.1 n152321 5834.3128 Rend 3.31 Loklulaw Cdua ILv.53325I NI 00 11014142.2.8 oxxpi4Wm,nxwmadr3Y v0U1on.from FM 70108208 al GbUo wrVOmOx 81,273,624,10 91,373,614,19 10143010 91,362,57007 61,409.651.00 91,411,622.0)51,x45.81821 51,400.]3).02 91,x)0.001.59 SIAO0,T61.01 51,604,040.13 91.510.60562 f1.534,09]57 ptlme10 ham 13 JO MIl03Pll.11838 5]}12,106.x] 33,142,100.13 301931110 542304599 27 6x.124.550.)6 M.20i]]].x9 9/,x19.108 02 5x,391.00000 94,991.012.59 94,9)5.16009 94,121,029.)7 84180.160.25 01,G10.810.0G So 2u 2933x23 cnv 190'1111gabwryacwdA9wC Poem FM 70 s0utll le(.Poole Loy 11393 631]81 rola!821833174 Cw(7e09 2816091 3111.107.310.19 317.621.240.13 Total Ell/334241 CI?(233n0u01 Ceoll 812,662.740.40 TObITel Lu11 LUf9 11007 t0 0'1 L3Ma C13WNIx 3440 TUa4 LUCa44/304co,b 100'.03' 91,060.21 SO%Mo3U 730 CNUdnilwt Onxed m 63133 nlalNp LUES 9333.10 5011 L141M ].9533.10 0wwpwlvam 13884 Poo O W 1--1 N a d CD CDC-20 Fool Report 011622008 171,51%5222.11110501012 Coal ece,nms_5aam31s O O co 1--.1 Appendix C City of Clbclo South Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study 39 CIP Project: Traffic Signal(FM 78 at Mai Street) • Description: Traffic of TUnilanes 2 Length L.F. 50 Thickness Layer Rulantlty Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width(ft) Lime Stabilized"Subgrade 10 , 17 " 1322.22 S.Y. $8.86 $11,714.89 Flexible Base _ " , 18 15 1186.67 S.Y. $14.60 $17,033.33 1-lot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 12 933.33 S_Y. $8.26 $7,709.33 13 363.33 gal. $4.54 $1,377.13 Prime Coat 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 777.78 S.Y. $40.47 $31,476.67,43 $58,884.04 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - 14 10',82800 009 S.Y.L.F. $2$211,03 $29,269.33 Concrete Medialis -24 17 881.46 G.Y. $19.14 $16,871.66 Eadhwork loan bralnago I L.F_ $0.00 r`' Crossing RCP's L.F. $0.00 o I 4=, Crossing Culverts Misc.Casts < Demolition " $164,404.00 ROW Ac Ac ulna(ft) 30 924 Acre $0.00 Totals $33 3B_2 54%of project in North Zone %Total fimount ROW not included in South Zone Contingency I25 $83,581.06 Landscaping I 1 $4,179.20 Design&"Sur ," 10 $41,792.03 Construction,E,g.,&inspection 7 $29,254.42 Finance Costs 56.5 $276,627.47 Totals $771,773.43 South Zone Responsibility 50 $386,888.71 E. C co a. d c� C cu n O SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid PricingP Final Report 9i15/2008 �, p D:1SharetCIBO.LOICIP Cost Estlmates Soulh.xls G'29 n " ozn o 0 o fi, \__ Appendix C City of Cibolo`1 South Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 44 Description: S.Main St.extension to W.Schaefer Rd. Future Thoroughfare Width of 86' Length L.F. 1951 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials in Width ft 1 Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 11486.37 S.Y. $8.86 $101,769.21 Flexible Base 15 51 11052.92 S.Y. $14.60 $161,372.62 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 10402.75 S.Y. $8.26 $85,926.70 Prime Coat - 49 31185.84 gal. $4.54 $14,463.72 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 21;67.24 S.Y. $40.47 $87,708.17 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 7802.061 L.F. $21.03 $164,077.34 Concrete Medians 14 3034.13 S.Y. $26.88 $81,557.54 Earthwork 24 53 76157.58 C.Y. $19 14 $146,566.05 Storm Drainage Size Length N c) Crossing Crossing RCP's 36" 64 I 2 L.F. $130.00 $16,640.00 L.F. $0.00 `" Grossing Culverts Misc.Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 46 *.06 Acre $15,000.00 $30,896.59 Imes Utility Relocations Relation to Project UG Fiber optic cable Eastside,Parallel 1,951 L.F. $50.00 $97,550.00 ' OH Electric Eastside,parallel. 1000 L.F $7 50 $7,500.00 Totals $996,027.94 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $249,006.98 Landscaping I 1 $12,450.35 Design&Surve' 10 $124,503.49 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $87,152.44 Finance Costs I 56.5 $830,064.78 E. Totals $2,299,206.00 P. d CD C co O SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid PricingsZ. 0 Final Report 9/16/2008 ti, p D:\Share\CIBOLOICIP Cost Estlmates_South.xls C-3C n ''s a n o 0 o R. Appendix C City of Cibolo South Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 45 Description: W.Schaefer Rd.extension 'o S.Main St. Future Thoroughfare Width of 66' Length L.F. 3052 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount , Paving Materials (in) Widths L Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 16618.56 S.Y. $8.86 $147,240.42 Flexible Base 12 47 15940.25 S.Y. $14.60 $232,727.63 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 14922.79 S.Y. $8.26 $123,262.21 Prime Coat - 45 4$78.58 gal. $4.54 $20,786.76 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 3391.54 S.Y. $40.47 $137,255.72 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 12209.55 L.F. $21.03 $256,766.89 Concrete Medians 14 47748.16 S.Y. $26.88 $127,630.52 Earthwork 24 49 11079.04 C.Y. $19.14 $212,052.79 Storm Drainage Size Length tom.) Crossing RCP's 24" 66 12 L.F. $95.00 $12,540.00 rn Crossing CulvertsI L.F. $0.00 Misc.Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 21 1.47 Acre $15,000.00 $22,073.05 Bridges I Utility Relocations Relation to Project I Underground Telecommunications Northside,parallel 100 L.F. $40.00 $4,000.00 Water Line(Canyon Regional Water Authority) Southside,parallel 100 L.F. $60.00 $6,000.00 Water Line(EJIW on MH) Northside,parallel 100 L.F. $60.00 $6,000.00 Totals $1,308,336.00 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $327,084.00 Landscaping 1 $16,354.20 Design&Surve 10 $163,542.00 Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $114,479.40 E. Finance Costs I 56.5 $1,090,334.52 co P.. Totals $3,020,130.13 d co C co SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing n D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_South.xls C-31 Final Report 9/16/2008 -. p o 0 L Appendix C City of Cibolo South Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 47 Description: Haeckervilie Rd extension fr m FM 78 Future Thoroughfare Width of 86' Length L.F. 1053 • Thickness Layer Quntity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width(ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 6202.14 S.Y. $8.86 $54,950.95 Flexible Base 15 51 5968.10 S.Y. $14.60 $87,134.19 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 5617.03 S.Y. $8.26 $46,396.68 Prime Coat - 49 1720.22 gal. $4.54 $7,809.78 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 1170.21 S.Y. $40.47 $47,358.59 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 4212.773 L.F. $21.03 $88,594.62 Concrete Medians 14 1638.30 S.Y. $26.88 $44,037.52 Earthwork 24 53 4134.76 C.Y. $19.14 _ $79,139.28 Storm Drainage Size Length I o Crossing RCP's- 36" 64 L.F. $130.00 $8,320.00 Crossing Culverts I L.F. $0.00 Misc.Costs • . Demolition ls ROWAcquire(ft) 36 0187 Acre $20,000.00 $17,408.15 ROW Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project . I OH Electric Eastside,parallel 1053 L.F. $7.50 $7,897.50 UG Fiber optic cable Eastside,parallel 1053 L.F. $50.00 $52,650.00 Burned Telecommunications Westside,parallel 1;00 L.F. $40.00 $4,000.00 Waterline Westside,parallel 100 L.F. $60.00 $6,000.00 I Totals , $551,697.27 I %Total Amount Contingency I 25 $137,924.32 Landscaping I 1 $6,896.22 Design&Survey 10 $68,962.16otn Construction,Eng.,&Inspection 7 $48,273.51 co . a Finance Costs I 56.5 $459,770.71 a. Totals $1,273,524.18 C co n o SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing q 0 D•\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_South.xls C-32 Final Report 9/16/2008 ' o p a n o 0 O cRo• Appendix C City of Cibolo "" South Zone Transportation impact Fee Study CIP Project: _ 50 Description: FM 1103 Ph.1 (from FM 78 o Cibolo city limits) Future Thoroughfare Widths ff 1150' Length L.F. - �t 56 Thickness Layer Qu ntity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials In Width ft Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 18761.89 S.Y. $10.63 $199,476.36 Flexible Base 22 114 18438.40 S.Y. $21.42 $394,917.43 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 108 17467.96 S.Y. $16.52 $288,570.73 Prime Coat - 114 5531.52 gal. $4.54 $25,113.11 _ 10 16117.40 S.Y. $40.47 $65,456.34 2- ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 _ 5822.654 L.F. $21.03 $122,450.41 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - 14 2264.37 S.Y. $26.88 $60,866.14 EarthMedians 86 116 18761.89 C.Y. $19.14 $359,102.48 Earthworkle Storm Drainage Size Length 1 N30" 124 h L.F. $113.69 $14,097.56 o Crossing RCP's 36" 124 it L.F. _ $130.00 $16,120.00 oo L.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts Misc.Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 150 5;01 Acre $15,000.00 $75,189.23 Bridges Totals $1,621,359.80 %Total Amount Contingency I 25 $405,339.95 Landscaping 1 $20,267.00 Design&Survey • 10 $202,669.97 Construction,Erig.,&Inspection 7 $141,868.98 Finance Costs 56.5 $1,351,200.72 Totals $3,742,706.42 nia C1 cpn SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D 1ShareICIBOLO1ClP Cost Estimates_South.xls C-33 Final Report 9/16/2008 n p o 0 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX D FUTURE LAND USE MAP/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 209 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX E—LUE CALCULATIONS SUMMARY NORTH ZONE ..t a , .a„F_ _MOSIW, Tota> cheer- :`; ;ata gl2W.Ets.. L 3B PActe7 Attached Residential 88.1308 369 4.2 Cluster 219.4858 _418 1.9 Commercial (20% GLA) 382.41 14 9455 24.7 1 Industrial 178.7739 1179 6.6 Institutional 171.3537 1696 9.9 Mixed-Use (% based) 907.0373 16477 18.2 Park 713.8718 _ 106 0.1 Single Family 2509.1219 8803 3.5 North Zone Totals 5170.1866 38504 1 SOUTH.ZONE EWA `' 31 a 1' t-e'a e-z z sofa sLig` `_S ?► rI Attached Residential 80.1913 235 2.9 Cluster 292.7035 204 0.7 Commercial (20% GLA) 221.6053 , 4095 18.5 . 'Institutional 158.4284 500 3.2 / °Mixed-Use (% based) 412.6466 6572 15.9 Park 320.4596 53 0L - Single Family 123.4909 208 1.7 South Zone Totals 1609.5257 11867 210 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX E-LUE CALCULATIONS Land Use:Attached Residential (Assume attached residences are townhomes) Average of 5.86 trips per dwelling unit per day NORTH ZONE g-MOMFA' U � ... ev � Piobtifiy���.P' Ogcreag?" : Ada" ,g?UE ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL 1.00 6 5.4675 32.81 192 20.1 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL 1.00 6 3.5884 21.53 126 13.2 _ ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL; DUA: 12-16: 1.00 12 0.1619 1.94 11 1.2 . ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL; DUA: 12 ` 0.50 12 44.6207 535.45 3138 163.9 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL; DUA: 12 . 1.00 12 5.7815 69.38 407 42.5 •ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL6 •_ 0.25 6 12.2416 73.45 430 11.2 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL'12 _ 0.50 12 0.3787 4.54 27 1.4 ATTACHED RESIDENT.IAL3 0.25 3 0.1264 0.38 2 0.1 I ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL 12 . 1.00 12 15.7642 189.17 1109 115.8 88.1308 928.65 5442 369.4 Total Trips/Acre . :61_7:5 • :LUE's/Acre : 4.2 SOUTH ZONE , .,'r APID.b:7'''7 .._:,'4#F3 of at lliCx- '?1 a3a E_ A - ATTACHED.RESIDENTIAL::DIJA:.8 0.25 8 41.0981 328.79 1927 .50.3 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL; DUA:43 , 1.00 8 • 33.2685 266.15 1560 163.0 1---• ATTACHEb REEIDER1171 i DDA :-1.00 6 -3:2140 1-9:28-TT3-11.8 ATTACHED-RESIDENTIAL;:DUA:"12 '€ 1.00 12 0.1674 2.01 12 1.2 . ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL8 - . 0.25 8 . 0.3227 2.58 15 0.4 ATTACHED RESIDENTIALE8 . - 1.00 8 1.5928 12.74 75 7.8 ATTACHED RESIDENT.IAL:8 .. . 0.25 8 • 0.5277 4.22 25 0.6 80.1913 635.77 3726 235.2 .. . Total Trips/Acre .-- : . 46.46 ' - . - .::LUE':s/Acre :2.9 • 211 Unified Development Code . City of Cibolo • APPENDIX E-LUE CALCULATIONS Land Use: Cluster Average of 9.57 trips per dwelling unit per day NORTH ZONE -" Fc FL`^UM17OIM tP_.1;obabil*},sn'pt. trit4:4reage f#4801 m ogo,.gaguEr`: ;:: ZCUUSTER;`cDUA..'2:'.:`: t-r."•.41 1.00 2 163.4070 326.81 .3128 326.8 ". ;i':5.CLhUSTER ;DUAL'>2:;,' i>E >••'i: 1.00 2 14.1453 2829 271 28.3 .:;j^,;F' :__'LCLUSTER.2 P"&'-:" - .;. :A 0.75 2 41.9335 83.87 803 62.9 219.4858 438.97 4201, 418.0 -:T.dtalTipsiAcre ._. .;"FJ.I:1A�:;�'_4=;= SOUTH ZONE AlgrtFat_iA ���g ;MOWNMS MgceVell NvNIQIO titi[p2*-j00. _ s oik- vM CLUSTER; UA :tr.. =3 1.00 • 2 37.8183 75.64 724 75.6 •; z., ':•CLUSTER Qu ;.2aat '; 025 2 42.4572 84.91 813 21.2 4n cLustEk::2, 4 Aim, 1.00 2 0.3891 0.78 7 0.8 ; M? FE# a 0.25 2 0.0345 0.07 1 0.0 T. t-r iey.stEi;.21 0.25 2 0.5849 1.17 11 03 IT-Wa N R :! ' O N 0.25 2 75.4009 150.80 1443 37.7 andpjSt "r 0.25 2 31.0326' 62.07 594 15.5 ,_iatiiUt<ttj .d - 025 2 68:9533 137.91 1320 34.5 `-1 ' ; 8 4 -0:25--2 -36:032T-72:07--6K1----1-8-.0 292.7035 585.41 5602 I 203.7 sfA►t �`.'.,w 212 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX E-LUE CALCULATIONS Land Use:Commercial Average 42.94 trips per 1,000 sq.ft.gross leasable area(Using 20%of acreage as the gross leasable area) NORTH ZONE s r n.. _LU4D.EJA'ai^��-:%. � ilprobabi it Aexea9e s�=20%T L 01.sg : �;.'r-nps - sUE;§t �:;' `��.�.Y�.�s .._. ....,y< ��,:.1 - _gib ' , M j f jME bj n 4 1.00 18.7940 3.7588 163.734 7031 734.7 t r E ;l'2 ' 1.00 5.9723 1.1945 52.031 2234 233.5 eranatiaMiWaanatkVi 1.00 39.7775 7.9555 ._ 346.542 14881 1554.9 _ ;,---Mageirgajffitrafetniagn 1.00 25.5186 5.1037 222.318 9546 9975 MalatigailrOffrIMAitaigea 1.00 247948 4.9590 216.013 9276 9692 ' " 1.00 23.9444 4.7889 208.604 8957 936.0 tffr.l •ti a, a a T 1.00 6.4652 12930 56325 2419 252.7 MI-Ff £Wj .I«1 �, 1.00 9.7017 1.9403 84.521 3629 379.2 t gAitlp=1*- :;,t 1.00 10.9547 2.1909 95437 4098 4282 faL04 j MTti j ;`" i 0.50 34052 0.6810 29.666 1274 66.6 mmem-alopi tm 1.00 6:3067 1.2613 54.944 2359 246.5 E1MERIt `aa 025 74907 1.4981 65.259 2802 73.2 rg '_3 oa 025 2.8373 0.5675 24719 1061 27.7 't '-tftW '' : : 025 102169 .2.0434 89.010 3822 99.8 tn-Iw .P.1071targaittanA 1.00 0.3325 0.0665 2.896. 124 13.0 - Zacit ' 1.00 4.3078 0.8616 37.529 1612 168.4 - : , ^;ZAt t;. -2;_:,-6),,, 1.00 07432 0.1486 5475 278 29.1 T - -U mjjc s % : -0-25-1-1-25227-7-22:5045--980:298---42094--1099:6- g _"+ E>�'_.ilL .' = 0.50 48.8240 9.7648 425.355 18265 954.3 MIK-“:4;- p ' 0.25 134531 2.6906 117204 5033 131.5 Zi= w,s„ -,.z:=2 •- 025 6.0316 1.2063 52:547 2256 58.9 fj`s"'" 1.00 0.0026 0.0005 0.022 1 0.1 r>fVal ;;L := ==� 0.50 0.0140 0.0028 0.122 5 0.3 382.4114 76.4823 3331.568 143058 9455.0 SOUTH ZONE Z-f _L--EILVP MA aiiii' c10: u_ . s'latii*V _.=i`FJEWZ.:s gammoti�mM _r~=�:`4 = 025 . 1.5921 03184 13.870 596 15.6 t 6 rt � jji .M_M,�'--' :t -_•-Y 025 12.8654 2.5731 112.083 4813 1257 . i -...x- i:4„ '1.00 28.4226 5.6845 247.618 10633 1111.0 : .4 t50�0 _7t1.00 37.3793 74759 325.648 13983 146 . �. pjF 025 71.6673 143335 624366 26810 700.4 --t ': -:_®pfl frw 025 104728 2.0946 91239 3918 102.3 _ym_,mjR p� m i 025 59.1995 11.8399 515746 22146Iii- 578.5 ti-_- £ti o ora ek 1 ba 1.00 0.0062 0.0012 0.054 2 0. ,. 221.6053 44.3211 1930.625 82901 4095.0 rte,. • -a; .� = 213 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX E—LUE CALCULATIONS Land Use: industrial Average of 63.11 trips per acre per day NORTH ZONE , �s r2r �~_�k�� ^� P�obatii�tity��p;'cr�agei,��-i��TrijiFs: � � .-���. :��„;��,��5.�-�-._t ... . .. 105.9 ��',=:��� .�.ils: 1.00 16.0513 1013 ':M�J'31irdii:�.:��'��c`.' 1 1`_^�r.`'� }S-=��il•?i'S`ftii,e � ��. ��=�.�3I�D`u�T�tA���;�:�=."".. 1071.7 • .a:- ::y _. 10256 �alA�1��t� �;p(�����:;: :�y�� ==���' 1:00 162.5157 .}��,.kaS4i7Y�"r,��i'._-�+��.._;-�y�l:`SIJ.IJ:JtJ%f+.1.�1jIiaL.`n'7r''..,:�"'eY-y.`�s.��v 0111T I OWN0 ig ` ' 1.00 02043 13 1.3 Witigri li'ND:l.0*-11MI` 1.00 0.0026 0 0.0 178.7739 11282 1178.9 214 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX E-LUE CALCULATIONS Land Use: Institutional Average of 1.29 trips per student per day for Elementary School,Average of 1.62 trips per student per day for Middle School, and Average of 1.71 trips per student per day for High School NORTH ZONE Rig ,, $a•rx ?sg xg err'Esx sills xs.Lkt'•1E -r., ��.;,�� �:�M:^�, ;• �:�F,,aclitiy��i � ratiia6ili Acreage�,,�=.. �._. ...p.: - =INSTITUTIONAL USE • Elementary_ 1.00 5.5165 850 1097 114.6 INSTITUTIONAL USE . Elementary 1.00 _ 8.1130 _ 850 1097 114.6 ty 1NSTITUTI.ONAL-USE : Elementary 1.00 10.5971 850 1097 114.6 INSTITUTIONAL'USE - Elementary 1.00 11.7298 850 1097 114.6 INSTITUTIONAL.USE • Middle 1.00 16.7280 1500 2430 253.9 ;INSTITUT:IONAL•USE Highschool 1.00 94.6585 2800 4788 500.3 :INSTITUTIONAL USE : Elementary_ 1.00. 5.9286 850 1097 114.6 INSTITUTIONAL USE • Middle 0.25 13.1392 1500 2430 253.9 INSTITUTIONAL•.USE '1.00 0.0135 .0.0 INST-ITUTIONA1 USE • Elementary. 0.25 3.0515 850 1097 114.6 'INSTITUTIONAL'USE . • `•. 0.25 1.8779 ' 0.0 171.3537 10900 16227 1695.6 •:Trips/Acre,,:: : - • :94:70 r ;L•UE'siAcre - , =9s9, - ; SOUTH ZONE • �� '; Fes:- ' `- • �,.•, 'zFD Bd., ,."'64,-;„-.. .w..-1\4..-.,..,,o,� l "2 - "cam � : 5- � - _ �T•t11.A L Wal-,,,P14. ArAhabal „...teat...,,,:- u a°R� _ . '^ v.HighschooltS _ ports ;INStiTUTIONAL.USE;:'::+`i" Complex 1.00 158.4284 2800.000 4788 500.3 158.4284 2800.000 4788 500.3 .,Zilps1A-cre'. :_ -.,:),-;.-.-i-,:=30:22. ..--s; .3LUE'slAcre .,..s .- ,--:;::,3.2..:-.,.-.,:.-,2 • 215 ._il v - - Impact Fee Study: Appendix E: City of Cibolo LUE Calculations Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Land Use:Mixed Use Residential average of 9.57 trips per dwelling unit per day,commercial and retail averages of 42.94 end 44.32 trips per 1,000 sq.It.gross leasable area,respectively(using 20%of acreage as the gross leasable area),public/civic average of 1.59 trips per acre per day,office average of 3.32 trips per 1000 sq.ft.gross floor area(using 60%of acreage as gros&floor area) The dwelling units per acre listed In column A are only used In the multi family calculations.Residential celculaions are generated using 5 dwelling units per acre. NORTH ZONE _ :•M � '/ra - ��P 1 _ - _, ,i a:<;:.;..';i"t.;;;;".1.�` a', ;,t"• .rr:rz.� •N71„ni.,;.� +21'�7:ff. eir'87rka�ii"r11�;MAI 4`2i,;^;l,.�r' i. S. 1i� .7,%�, ;c4,; ..t.,1 .r• 't')4 ,t liia,Or?4I ,it..,. ,I"Vs '! n'. ,,{i. 3 5,,, .:E. �''•a-�I• I.' 't fri)s' to +'1';' ,.I:.., 4. ^'r.':; �i�:t.{�':,A,,:t.t.: 1 ' iitil r. rdi nF ' 1lE' 1 4�4 I�Fi6..,,I1n£li 11 Sit y lINcyc" trays Teals ME ...;kLU_tlifA�'FF•I',!1''hf5ba6ill�'of?�.a�e�4a',n'�;Unmine���g.�iTi�a.��.�¢t�'�'�11!���::�r%!9�,.,�s�� ,F...r�,�T11)!�`i,i:�i4�!v,....,F... P w lv.�h,.+=t�:Tt.�'���i'� t�::��,�b :4..�,.,..�';.,._.. Jahn:,..1 ...... I�MIXED USE;DUA:B 1.00 29.7846 2.9785 1114 4.4677 388 7.4462 2875 8.9354 513 2.9785 664 2.9785 5 5454 569.9 a� y MIXED USE;DUA:6 1.00 8.2095 0.8210 307 1.2314 107 2.0524 7921 2.4629 141 0.8210 165 0.6210 1 1503 157.1 MIXED 50E;00A:10 1.00 386.9777 38.6978 14477 68.0467 5037 96.7444 37355 118.0933 11110 38.6978 7328 38.6978 62 75306 7868.9 °•y MI7E0USE;00706 1.00 5.5152 0.5515 206 0.8273 72 1.3798. 6321 1.6548 127 0.5515 104 0.5515 1 1042 108.8 171 MIXED Use;OVA:a 1.00 16.4022 1.6402 914 2.4603 213 4.1006 1583 4.9207 377 1.6402 311 1.8402 3 3098 323.7 Z MIXED USE;0070 12 1.00 125.9196 12.5920 4711_ 18.8879 _ 1839 31.4799 12155, 37.7759 4338 12.5920 2384 12.5920 20 25227 2636.0 r Q MIXED USE;DUA:a 1.00 62.4593 5.2459 1962 7.8889 683 13.1148 5084, 15.7378 1205 5.2459 993 5.2459 8 9907 1035.2 QX MIXED USE;05A:a 1.00 11.5409 1.1541 432 1.7311 150 2.8852 . 1114_ 3.4823 265 1.1541 219 1.1541 2 2180 227.8 Q MIXED USE;00A:8 1.00 93.5213 9.3521 3499 14.0282 1217 23.3803 9028 28.0564 2148 9.3521 1771 9.3521 15 17662 1845.6 1'11 MIXED USE;DUE:10 1.00 47.0515 4.7051 1760 7.0577 612 11.7828 45421 14.1154 1351 4.7051 891 4.7051 7 9158 956.8 I Mixer)USE;DUA:8 1.00 2.2888 0.2289 86 0.3433 30 0.5722 2211 0.6866 53 0.2289 _ 43 0.2289 0 432 45.2 to T MIXED DUA:USE; 8 . 1.00 5.0035 0.5003 187 0.7505 65 1.2509 483) 1.5010 115 0.5003 95 0.5003 1 945 98.7 C 511060 USE;DUA:8 0.25 122.3632 12.2363 4578 18.3545 1593 30.5908 11812 36.7090 2810 12.2363 2317 12.2383 19 23109 603.7 f77 907.0373 90.7037 33932 138.0656 11806 226.7593 07555 272.1112 24553 90.7037 17175 91 144 175021 16477.4 X. Total TrlpslAcre 192.96 DLUE'slAcre 18.2 a (i SOUTH ZONE �- PAW ` _ -^a.,..�: ,ai .r�s.;n«.I,u..,NCI ,- ;r,,,.'S Insr.�r'�7a�g'arr' fx,?t:la;:>r:n#'t93a.:51�'"g)Ldl'rs'„a>,..1ayg5i.i�rl.Yr"'9xd4Y, i.�F-`,1` ,Y1• ,s1^n^tovr;? tr.,, t '07», kp 3 ��y q e 4f 74r y.., stlb f6 a 1;,anis, NOM f e 7).e.,:r•Tclpe.+„f�1G.T1(e aar.0 l;', cCn C gag ''}�E�e`�a'.61"801, ck;M8'i`1'd' ,K'-IN'..:AI! `L'sTt H li/a.B.i,',%1v1,` ?.4,�' fiedlr76q�a1•a:i .ii,T._..),,.,.J,ca ,..._,.:.4..�.............s..,. .�.....� 6 D W USE;DU e12a.„w..00 SCI a1.7r.r._ # . , � MIXED USE;DUA:12 1.00 101.7884 10.1768 3608 15.2663 1325+ 25.4471 9826 30.5305 3507 1(1.1788 1927 10.1788 16.J 20392 2130.9 MIXED USE;DUA:to 1.00 4.4958 0.4496 168 0.8743 59 _ 1.1239 434 1.3487 129 0.4496 85 0.4496 1 675 91.4 O MIXED USE;5570 8 1.00 43.2650 4.3265 1619 6.4898 563 10.8163 4176 12.0795 745 4.3265 819 4.3265 7 7922 827.6 Z MIXED USE;0070 12 1.00 0.0023 0.0002 0 0.0004 0 0.0006 0 0.0007 '0 0.0002 0 _ 0.0002 0 0 0.0 V! MIXED USE;DUE:12 1.00 65.9769 6.5979 2468_ 9.8968 059 16.4947 6369 19.7937_ 1084 6.5979 1249 6.5979 10 12839 1341.6 MIXED usE;0070 10 1.00 0,0008 0.0001 0 0.0001 0 0.0002 0 0.0002 0 0.0001 0 0.0001 0 0 0.0 MIXED USE;DUA:6 1.00 61.0736 6.1074 2285 9.1610 795 15.2684 6895 18.9221 1052 6.1074 1150 6.1074 10 11184 1168.6 MIXED USE;DUA:6 0.50 73.4353 7.3435 _ 2747 11,0153 966 18.3588 7099 22.0300 1265 7.3435 1391 7.3435 12 13447 702.6 MIXED USE;DUE:a 0.25 62.6067 6.2607 2342 9.3910 815 15.6517 6043 18.7820 1438 6.2607 1185 6.2607 10 11824 308.9. 412.6466 41.2647 1 15437 61.8970 5371 103.1617 39032 123.7040 10031 41.2647 7814 41 66 78484 6571.9 Total TrlpslAcre 190.20. LUE'slAcre 15.9 a Ci N CD CD n 4 F/nal Report 9/1512008 E-7 ( p O n O 0 CCD Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX E-LUE CALCULATIONS Land Use: Park Average of 1.59 trips per acre per day NORTH ZONE '-:^X:t'��y}S�xn� .r ''"§..i':�ti• `':,'S§ .. y�.�f�� ?7 _4 J -E�< V.,.. s� ;s. L 113:Pgti :.��:..0 4Pr; _f 15110 Acre4 6 `i..rA s ., .,�:E.14g s,l .i+ss'�`.ey0 :. m:•: ARI1: ;_: f�:;<- .:;.,:::a::;:: 1.00 39.0225 62 6.48 ."�3�`�•,"�i�.�..�'i'.X�'.0�Ma;ait ,...-.,c,.r•'7:F�z:,�txsGx��,t�� t -k y ` re-0.. .pA 1,4:00101%.4 1 00 3.4298 5 0.57 ��t ::' tFoit =' PAR3 ys§ t 1.00 3.8825 6 '0.65 ,. ;:::ti:o ,. K ... .s �,i. : -a ''-' -royMu , 1.00 36.8095 59 6.12 ti ; RAR ;:=:r f 1.00 43.7095 69 7.26 Metit:- „, ,.=,v ;.�._.�. ri �-�::�..::�.,. 0.50 0.0131 0 0.00 ", . . •,:n;`. ':"l> - :~,;'g 1.00 19.8745 32 3.30 :ter �:rF,w���x.�.s � ��.��=.���.�: == �� -013:k 4F•- :fazi.4 1.00 368.6150 586 61.24 MA rie-Nalg kitabr"Taik, 025 4.9810 8 021 ttix%+ ga ai102.`5 025 14.3605 23 0.60 t - ' : :'lit ; 1.00 0.2135 0 0.04 `t . `F 0.50 55.2286 88 4.59 KlailWaritWOIVAMOriti 1.00 2.4745 4 0.41 ., Ai It - u 0.25 36.6962 58 1.52 WM '` ` ''` .. "" 1.00 23.1514 37 3.85 t :; ;R1 ;K; -x A 1.00 56.7083 90 9.42 g.4? Lt ? = � 0.50 0.1977 0 0.02 ,k= .. -�q�:y.� : �_�.,_��: 025 4.4899 7__-0.19- t > if.:s..�4.145 •,,JctiRk�:-f .c r.�=i3:Y .atr L•�`'.-'LL'EF _ `MEAV = =4 Ari 1.00 0.0140 0 0.00 . 713.8718 1135 . 106.5 SOUTH ZONE inatfatNEOMOWASISIAN "<0:AtiltiY*.cre :e falik tt` Ul `WARa ` • 1.00 102981 16 1.71 . AR `- : W' 1.00 • 90:5299 144 1.5.04 `��`�- XPiAfi}Ciq 1.00 10.6468 17 1.77 �=int['�ii.'R:r.:y ��.�v w.:�%+ '�',^•.S^� ` . R W'R`> FKY 1-00 63.7380 101 10.59 T: = iafit IMI " i 0.25 1.6246 3 0.07 WIT:,-... =`=~it, 5 1.00 0.0806 0 0.01 S 'A: 2,Ri:� ;.'°° 1.00 33.4436 53 5.56 w� ` - ...y»- =k- , 025 0.4689 1 0.02 =` ;.` 1.00 109.6230 174 18.21 p- ..= piTh R►c M ' -=rt t 1.00 0.0062 0 0.00 1320.4596 5.10 53.0 • . 7] \ g uY „rr.:'ve. -ti mylpy.,tir..7_•3343 217 Unified Development Code City of Cibolo APPENDIX E-LUE CALCULATIONS Land Use:Single Family Average of 9.57 trips per dwelling unit per day NORTH ZONE Magf.ViiiiFIEVAD.Wa -4 i0a15410440-3au.AV!4Apie-.04412,urtotalIMIA OailijOR&it:6 Wait-4 SINGLE FAMILY; DUA::3 - 7 1.00 3 102.8655 .308.60 2953 308.6 .SINGLEFAM ILY;'DIA: 4:5 ' 1.00 4.5 2.1359 9.61 92 9.6 'SINGLE FAMILY;-DUA:4 'r 1.00 4 15.3684 61.47 .588 61.5 ! •SINGLEFAMILY;4DUA: 4 -; 1.00 4 9.3178 37.27 357 37.3 SINGLEFAMILY;.;DUA:•4• •:• 0:p 1.00 4 167.0796 668.32 6396 668.3 _ . 'SINGLE•FAIVIILY;-'0UA:-4 - -. 1.00 4 64.4088 257.64 2466 257.6 SINGLET D UA:-4:5. - - : 1.00 4.5 134.6058 .605.73 5797 605.7 _ - :SINGIETAMILY;DUA:2 -, 1.00 • 2 45.3499 90.70 868 90.7 --SINGLE FAMILY;:DUA: 4 ' -': 1.00 4 136.9437 547.77 5242 547.8 .-- !SINGLE FAMILY.;'DEJA:.2 - : ,..- 1.00 2 572749 114.55 _ 1096 114.5 . - .S1NGLEFAMIL-Y.;:DUA:u4f5 1.00 4.5 66.5012 29926 2864 ... 299.3 SINGLE:FAMILY;..DUA:-2 %i 1.00 . 2 31.4043 62.81 601 62.8 . • SINGLEFAMiLY-...DUA: 45-- - ; 1.00 4.5 513.7123 2311.71 22123 2311.7 --'-1 ,. SINGLE :D0Ai' • ---*- 'X 0.25 2 . 0.5601 1.12 11 0.3 • - ,_ •ISINGLEFAMILY;;CDUk.-415 .7,--.::..--:il 1.00 4.5 55.6222 250.30 2395 250.3 INGIFAMILY;..DUP,:-:4 ,..-:-' -•1 1.00 4 52.3704 209.48 2005 209.5 SINGLEAlvAillY.".fDLIA:-4. ;.;--IT. 1.00 4 3.0438 . 12.18 117 122 :.t.::.'i•::_:i1SINGEEFEAD.111LY.;.1DUA:-.4.1:;',::14:•1' 1.00 . 4 0.0489 020 2 0.2- :::::-.:.;: -iSINGtEPAMILYf AttUA:-,-21Y!:',:•;:l,.L',f 0.25 4 '29.7855 119.14 1140 29.8 SINGLEFAMIIIY.!,113.13A-:..4-r`i. : .i'l 1.00 4 1.5402 6.16 59 6.2 ., 4---2:5299'-1-0712-1-9T-- 10.1 --------.':.:::SINGLafAmILLY.;:-.D.M2- 1.00 2 13.3745 26.75 256 26.7 •••,-*::.4,--SINGLVEAMILY;--EDUA:L.'41;14. 0.25 4 88.1402 352.56 3374 88.1 _ 1-:-•' SINGE-E- AMIL...let 212111A:4-f•::::;:e--4. 0.25 4 0.4185 1.67 16 0.4 -,:si-•:'.-. INGEE:EA.MIL.Y.f.:-.EltlA-S4151.4 0.25 4.5 86.8195 390.69 3739 97.7 ;:l.P-..-='-• sitilGILBEAMiey.;qtaisPe:*:;;.--.4-S-T.---T;i..il 0.25 4 204.7143 818.86 7836 - 204.7 1.00 4 1.2450 4.98 48 5.0 •.'':,;-:-::". .SINGLEFANIIDUA:t•-12::Y-:•;,--=;:?:t 1.00' 2 1.2578 2.52 24 2.5 ..---1-nf'-ilsiNGLEFAlitliW;'13U4 -T---te.; 1.00 4 49.7058. 198.82 1903 198.8 ."-- •":''.--tSINGIMTAMIL-YfiDUA-.W.:1',>•4 • 1.00 4 147.4012 589.60 .5643 589.6 --::.•* 0.25 . 2 12.7620 25.52 244 6.4 025 . 2 3.5557 - 7.11 68 1.8 --;:SINGE.E.FAMILDUA:4!5:-'.::," 1.00 • 4.5 224.2115 1008.95 9656 1009.0 .. ------tr.-'SINGLE-FAMILY;tDUk•-2•-•: ; ;::' 1.00 2 . 0.6836 1.37 13 t4 _ '. -SINGLE-FAMIEY41DUA:-•4:5-:.1::: -:;...._ 1.00 4.5 . 125.1854 563.33 5391 563.3 .:- ..:SINGLIEFAMILY; DUA:•:13•: - - 0.25 ' 8 56.9960 455.97 4364 114.0 - • . 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