ORD 881 12/09/2008 CITY OF CIBOLO ORDINANCE NO. 8 81 AN ORDINANCE UPDATING AND AMENDING THE CITY'S TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE PROGRAM BY ADOPTING IMPACT FEE LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS, UPDATING THE TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN, REVISING THE TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES, AND BY AMENDING THE TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES TO BE CHARGED BY THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo, Texas ("City") adopted an Impact Fee Ordinance on November 14, 1995 pursuant to Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code which sets out, among other things,the City's Transportation Impact Fee Program; and WHEREAS, the City's Impact Fee Programs were amended by ordinance adopted on February 24,2004; and WHEREAS, the City is required under Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code to update its Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plans at least once every five(5)years; and WHEREAS, the City has previously adopted updates to its Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plans for the City's Drainage, Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Programs by ordinance adopted on August 26,2008; and WHEREAS, the City has caused its existing Land Use Assumptions with regard to transportation to be reviewed and evaluated and has caused an update of the Capital Improvements Plan for transportation facilities to be developed by Cobb Fendly & Associates, who are qualified professionals using generally accepted engineering and planning practices in accordance with the provisions of Subchapter B of Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, such updates to the Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan necessitate an increase in the impact fees in order to pay the costs of constructing capital Improvements and facility expansions in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City's consultant has prepared the City of Cibolo Transportation Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee Determination(2008-2018) dated September, 2008, a copy of which is attached in Attachment A to this ordinance ("Transportation Impact Fee Study"); and WHEREAS, the City's Impact Fee Advisory Committee has filed its comments on the proposed modification to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fees contained in the Transportation Impact Fee Study with the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 395.056 of the Texas Local Government Code and has made a recommendation to adopt the proposed modifications; and 1 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the proposed modifications and the proposed ordinance, as required by Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code on December 9, 2008; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo has made a finding that the above statements are true and correct, and that it is in the best interest of the City to adopt the modifications to the Land Use Assumptions, Transportation Service Area Boundaries, Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fees for the City's Transportation Impact Fee Program, as set out in this ordinance; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO: Part 1. Transportation Impact Fee Program. The City Council amends the City's Transportation Impact Fee Program by adopting: (1) the Transportation Service Area, consisting of the North Zone and the South Zone, as described in Section 1.2 and in other portions of the Transportation Impact Fee Study; (2) the Land Use Assumptions described in of the Transportation Impact Fee • Study: (3) the Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, described in the Transportation Impact Fee Study; and (4) Transportation Impact Fees in the amount of $1464.02 per living unit equivalent (LUE) on new development within the North Zone of the Transportation Service Area, and $533.10 per LUE on new development within the South Zone of the Transportation Service Area, as described in the Transportation Impact Fee Study. Part 2. Assessment and Collection of Impact Fees. Impact Fees shall be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, as the same may be amended from time to time. The City Manager, or his designee, is hereby authorized to develop procedures and policies for assessment and collection of impact fees consistent with applicable law and the City's ordinances, and to implement said procedures and policies in the administration of the City's Transportation Impact Fee Program. Part 3. New Development Platted Before Adoption of Impact Fees. For new development which is platted in accordance with Subchapter A, Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code or the subdivision or platting procedures of a political subdivision before the adoption of the impact fees set out in this ordinance, the impact fees adopted by this ordinance may not be collected on any service unit for which a valid building permit is issued within one year after the date of adoption of said impact fees. The impact fees in existence immediately prior to the adoption of these new impact fees 2 shall continue to apply within the one year period to new development for which impact fees have not been assessed as of the date of adoption of this ordinance, and said impact fees shall continue in effect after adoption of the new impact fees provided by this ordinance for that limited purpose. Part 4. Collection of Fee if Services not Available Except as otherwise provided by law, impact fees required by this ordinance may be assessed but may not be collected in areas where services are not currently available unless: (1) the collection is made to pay for a capital improvements or facility expansion that has been identified in the Capital Improvements Plan and the City commits to commence construction within two years, under duly awarded and executed contracts or commitments of staff time covering substantially all of the work required to provide service, and to have the service available within a reasonable period of time considering the type of capital improvements or facility expansion to be constructed, but in no event longer than five years; (2) the City agrees that the owner of a new development may construct or finance the capital improvements or facility expansions and agrees that the costs incurred or funds advanced will be credited against the Impact Fees otherwise due from the new development or agrees to reimburse the owner for such costs from impact fees paid from other new developments that will use such capital improvements or facility expansions,which fees shall be collected and reimbursed to the owner at the time the other new development records its plat; or (3) an owner voluntarily requests the City to reserve capacity to serve future development, and the City and owner enter into a valid written agreement. Part 5. Additional Fees. After assessment of all impact fees attributable to the new development or execution of an agreement for payment of impact fees, additional impact fees or increases in fees may not be assessed against the tract for any reason, unless the number of service units to be developed on the tract increases. In the event of the increase in the number of service units, the impact fees to be imposed are limited to the amount attributable to the additional service units. Part 6. Agreement with Owner. \ This ordinance does not prohibit the City from entering into an agreement with the owner of a tract of land for which the plat has been recorded providing for the time and method of payments of the impact fees. Part 7. Acceptance of Fees. The City is under no obligation to accept offered impact fees. This ordinance creates no obligation for the City to serve any property within the City. 3 Part 8. Imposition of Additional Fees. This ordinance shall not limit the City's authority to impose other or additional impact fees authorized by Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, or to impose taxes, fees, charges or assessments authorized by state law. Part 9. Attachments. Attachment A referenced above is incorporated into this ordinance. Part 10. Repeal. Any prior ordinance or parts of ordinances that are in force when this ordinance becomes effective, and which conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Approved and adopted this 9th day of December, 2008. Hon. Jennifer Hartman, Mayor Attest: Peggy Cimics, City Secretary 4 Part 7. Acceptance of Fees. The City is under no obligation to accept offered impact fees. This ordinance creates no obligation for the City to serve any property within the City. Part 8. Imposition of Additional Fees. This ordinance shall not limit the City's authority to impose other or additional impact fees authorized by Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, or to impose taxes, fees, charges or assessments authorized by state law. Part 9. Attachments. Attachment A referenced above is incorporated into this ordinance. Part 10. Repeal. Any prior ordinance or parts of ordinances that are in force when this ordinance becomes effective, and which conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Approved and adopted this day of ,2008. 4:-:Jennif t artman, Mayor Attest: Peggy dmics, City'Secretary 4 ATTACHMENT A City of Cibolo Transportation Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee Determination September,2008 City of Cibolo, Texas / atac4711,, cerursfrt 4i 4r.4. 0. aft YOURR viss- Transportation Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee Determination (2008-2018) CFA Project No. 0809-706-00 September, 2008 Submitted By: . -ThF . 0 8CAss0CIATES 8620 N.New Braunfels,Suite 542 San Antonio,Texas 78217 Voice(210)826-4611 Fax(210)826-4906 ( www.cobfen.com City of Moll*, Texas Trans*ortaton Capital imprsvements Plan • an ini *act Fee Pieterl : ination (2008201 ) Prepared for: City of Cibolo P.O. Box 826 Cibolo, Texas 78108 Submitted By: Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc. 8620 N. New Braunfels, Ste. 542 San Antonio, Texas 78217 • '474,4:1L- kk% 41' - 6 * - * • 0* *10 .......... ...... ... 40/2,X- TRACY L TERRILL , • 117 r ed #0.*. 7i74 ‘vkatto.-- CFA Project No. 0809-706-00 September, 2008 City of Cibolo Impact Fee Study:Transportation Capital Improvement Plan 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations 1 1.2 Description of Planning Area 2 2.0 Population and Land Use Projections 2 2.1 Future Land Use 3 2.2 Service Areas 5 3.0 Existing Transportation Network 5 3.1 General 5 3.2 Relationship to Other Entities 5 3.3 Existing Signalization 6 4.0 10-Year Capital Improvements Program 6 4.1 Transportation Master Plan 6 4.2 Capital Improvements 6 4.2.1 Signalization 6 4.2.2 Roadway Improvements and Expansions 7 4.2.3 New Roadway Construction 7 43 Cost Estimates 7 4.4 LUE Determination 8 5.0 Maximum Impact Fee Determination 8 Appendix A: Capital Improvements Summary Table Appendix B: Typical Roadway Cross Sections Appendix C: Cost Estimates Appendix D: Future Land Use Map Appendix E: Trip Generation Tables D:\Share\CIBOLO\Report\Impact Report.doc Final Report-9/16/2008 City of Cibolo Impact Fee Study: Transportation Capital Improvement Plan 1.0 Introduction: Executive Summary The following Impact Fee Study was developed for the 2008 Capital Improvements Plan for the City of Cibolo. The Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) consists of various roadway projects proposed in order to provide safe transportation alternatives designed to accommodate the city's growth over a ten-year period. The plan should be updated annually to account for any changes in the Transportation Master Plan or as needed to reflect changing conditions. Cost estimates were used in conjunction with Living Unit Equivalents (LUE) based on land use assumptions to develop a method for applying impact fees. Existing and future LUE's will benefit from the improvements and therefore the cost is distributed across the total number of LUE's both existing and projected for the ten-year period. The impact fee study has established two zones. The North Zone consists of those areas within the City Limits of Cibolo north of SH 78. There will be 38,504 LUE's within the North Zone with 27 CIP projects totaling $112,741,786.04 planned to accommodate the LUE's. The South Zone consists of those areas within the City Limits of Cibolo south of SH 78. There will be 11,867 LUE's within the South Zone with five CIP projects totaling $12,652,740.40 proposed to accommodate the LUE's. Including the eligible finance costs as allowed under Local Government Code (LGC) §395.012(b) and the alternative 50% credit described under LGC §395.014(7) (B), the impact fees per LUE is calculated to be $1,464.02 for the North Zone and$533.10 for the South Zone. 1.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations CIP—Capital Improvements Plan City—City of Cibolo Committee—Impact Fee Committee C.Y.—Cubic yard DUA—Dwelling Units per Acre ETJ—Extraterritorial Jurisdiction FLUA—Future Land Use Assumption GFA—Gross Floor Area GLA—Gross Leasable Area ITE—Institute of Transportation Engineers L.F. —Linear feet LOS—Level of Service LGC—Local Government Code LUE—Living Unit Equivalent OH—Overhead RCB—Reinforced Concrete Box RCP—Reinforced Concrete Pipe ROW—Right-of-way S.Y.—Square yard UG—Underground Page 1 of 8 Final Report-9/16/2008 City of Cibolo Impact Fee Study: Transportation Capital Improvement Plan 1.2 Description of Planning Area The planning area includes all areas within the City of Cibolo limits, located in Guadalupe County and Bexar County. Because there are locations within the City Limits which are more than six miles from some of the proposed CIP projects, the Transportation Impact Fees are calculated based on two zones. The North Zone consists of the areas within the City Limits north of SH 78. The South Zone consists of the areas within the City Limits south of SH 78. Cost estimates were made based on roadway lengths inside the city limits. Construction outside the city limits was not included in the cost estimates. Any CIP projects lying on the edge of the city limits were proportioned between the City of Cibolo and the bordering jurisdictions. Costs for CIP projects located on SH 78 were divided between the North and South Zones. 2.0 Population and Land Use Projections Future transportation demand is determined by future land use assumptions. The future land uses were determined during three previous Impact Fee Studies prepared for the City of Cibolo by Espey Consultants, Inc. The following is an excerpt from those reports regarding the future land uses: "The assumptions were defined in workshops with City Staff,the Impact Fee Advisory Committee,the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. The intent of the workshop exercises was to evaluate the entire city's planning area (which extends beyond the service area) and determine the most likely,balanced and orderly land use pattern for the period 2007-2017. The anticipated growth pattern of the city, in terms of the location,use, and intensity of the use, is based upon the following considerations: • Average annual residential building permit growth of 4% for the period 2003-2007'. • Average annual sales tax revenue growth of 31% for the period 2003- 20072 • Populations projections of the 2005 Master Plan3 • Trend of higher consumer expenditures per household closer to Cibolo's center,relative to greater distances from the city's center4 • Retail and commercial uses are anticipated along state highways and major intersections, in response to the population growth and anticipated demand for services. Source:Building Inspections Department,City of Cibolo 2 Source: Allocation Historical Summary,Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, http://ecpa.cpa.state.tx.us/allocation/AllocHist.jsp 3 The adopted Master Plan presents several scenarios for growth. The city's population growth as estimated by Census and building permits,is currently following Scenario `C',which forecasts a population of 28,537 by 2015. This scenario represents an average annual growth rate of 24.9%. Source: Figure 2—Population Projections,City of Cibolo Master Plan,2004 4 Source: SitesUSA,Census-based Demographic Profile prepared for City of Cibolo,September 2007, page 9. Page 2 of 8 Final Report-9/16/2008 City of Cibolo Impact Fee Study: Transportation Capital Improvement Plan • The city's largest private employers have announced plans to expand their operations and hire additional workforce. • The availability of utilities and regional transportation infrastructure. • The location of floodplains,railroads and similar constraints. • The application of prudent land use planning principles, such as the transition of use intensity and the creation of a center of high activity." 2.1 Future Land Use Future land use assumptions were developed by city staff based on desired development patterns for Cibolo. Different land use areas are shown on the aerial map located in Appendix D, and described as follows. Attached Residential: The attached residential land use areas were assumed to be town homes ranging from six to twelve dwelling units per acre. The acreage multiplied by the dwelling units per acre determined the amount of total dwelling units for a specific region. Where dwelling units were not specified a value of 8 dwelling units per acre was assumed. An average value of 5.865 trips per dwelling unit per day was used for trip calculations. Cluster: Cluster residential development is characterized by denser areas of development and larger areas of set-aside open space, resulting in a low overall average density. Cluster areas were assumed to contain two dwelling units per acre, and trip calculations follow the same assumptions as single family detached residences, using an average of 9.576 trips per dwelling unit per day. Commercial: Commercial land use areas were assumed to be shopping centers with approximately 20% of the area as gross leasable commercial land. Acreages were converted into units of 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area (GLA), and trips generated were calculated using the average value of 42.947 trips per 1000 sq. ft. gross leasable area per day based on these areas. Institutional: Institutional areas were determined to be used for Elementary, Middle/Junior High, or High school uses. The trip productions were based on assumed number of students for each type of school, with 850, 1500, and 2800 students at elementary,junior high, and high school respectively. Single Family: This land use area was classified as single family detached housing, with an average trip generation of 9.57 trips per dwelling unit per day. The number of dwelling units per acre was provided for a majority of the areas,where none was provided a value of 4 dwelling units was assumed. 5 Source:Trip Generation,7`h Edition,Volume 2 of 3,page 367,Institute of Transportation Engineers,2003 6 Source:Trip Generation,7th Edition,Volume 2 of 3,page 269,Institute of Transportation Engineers,2003 7 Source:Trip Generation,7th Edition,Volume 3 of 3,page 1451,Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2003 Page 3 of 8 Final Report-9/16/2008 City of Cibolo Impact Fee Study: Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Mixed Use: The mixed use regions were split into 25% retail, 30% residential, 15% office, 10% commercial, 10% Public/Civic and 10% institutional areas. The office buildings were assumed to be multi-story and the retail area was classified as a Specialty Retail Center for trip generation purposes. The assumed percentages were based on experience and prior knowledge of land development desires of Cibolo. Trips were calculated using the same averages for the specialized areas mentioned previously. Mixed use assumes ratio identified in Table 20, City of Cibolo Master Plan. Industrial: Industrial zones were assumed to be industrial parks with acreage used for trip production calculations. This land use produces an average of 63.118 trips per acre per day. Table 1 shows average trip generation values for each land use as seen in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation Manual. Table 1:Average Trip Generations Average Number of Trips Produced per Land Use Unit unit per day Attached Residential Dwelling Units 5.86 Cluster Dwelling Units 9.57 Commercial GLA 42.94 Industrial Acre 63.11 Institutional Elementary Students 1.29 Middle School Students 1.62 High School Students 1.71 Mixed Use (% based) Commercial (10%) GLA 42.94 Office (15%) GFA 3.32 Retail (25%) GLA 44.32 Public/Civic(10%) Acres 1.59 Institutional (10%) Students 14.49 Residential (30%) Dwelling Units 9.57 Park Acre 1.59 Single Family Dwelling Units 9.57 8 Source:Trip Generation,7th Edition,Volume 2 of 3,page 151,Institute of Transportation Engineers,2003 Page 4 of 8 Final Report-9/16/2008 City of Cibolo Impact Fee Study: Transportation Capital Improvement Plan 2.2 Service Areas For roadway facilities, the service area is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of the political subdivision and shall not exceed six miles (Texas Local Government Code, Sec. 395.001(9)) The area considered in this analysis includes all areas and roadways within the City of Cibolo limits, which is split into two service areas. Due to the inequality of developmentand project locations, the overall planning area was divided into North and South zones for impact fee determination. There are a total of 30 projects included in the 10-year capital improvements transportation program, with 25 projects in the North, 4 projects in the south, and one traffic signal project split between the two zones. 3.0 Existing Transportation Network 3.1 General The majority of the City-owned streets and roads inside the city limits consist of older two-lane collector streets built with open ditches. These roads are out of date, with many roads lacking striping and the capacity to carry the traffic loads created by the current population. There is a need for expansion on most collector streets, possibly the development of these roads into minor arterials is necessary. As the roadways are expanded, curb and gutter and storm drain systems should be installed. The existing city-owned transportation network contains little to no facilities for pedestrian or cyclist traffic, so expansion also calls for an inclusion of sidewalks and some bike lanes to accommodate non-auto traffic. In addition, the City of Cibolo is served by state and federal roadways IH 35, IH 10 SH 78, FM 3009 and FM 1103. IH 35 and FM 3009 are roadways bordering the City of Cibolo for only short distances. SH 78 traverses across the city from east to west and is a four-lane roadway with a center left turn lane for most of the distance through the City. FM 1103 is a primary access point for the City of Cibolo and currently consists of a two-lane roadway with minimal shoulders for most of the distance. IH 10 is within the ETJ south of the current Cibolo city limits. The only state or federal funding currently projected for any of these roadways within the City of Cibolo is funding for ROW purchase along FM 1103. Therefore, any needed expansion along these roadways has been included in the CIP program. 3.2 Relationship to other Entities The City of Cibolo shares a border with the City of Schertz. Where it was applicable, the roadway projects along these borders were proportioned equally between the two cities. Only the cost applicable to the City of Cibolo was included in impact fee determination. Page 5 of 8 Final Report-9/16/2008 City of Cibolo Impact Fee Study: Transportation Capital Improvement Plan 3.3 Existing Signalization Within the City there are four locations in need of new signalization. Flashing light signals or stop signs currently exist at these locations. These facilities do not adequately move traffic and create congestion during peak hours. Turn lanes have been included at the intersections as needed. 4.0 10-Year Capital Improvements Program The 10-Year Capital Improvements Program involves planning, design, construction, and funding of 30 transportation projects in order to equip the city with the means to provide adequate Levels of Service (LOS) for its growing developments. Increasing development, especially single family housing, will result in more traffic on the roads which creates a demand for an increase in the capacity of the city's existing roads. 4.1 Transportation Master Plan The primary objective of the Transportation Master Plan is to increase mobility, efficiency, and safety of Cibolo's roadway system. A Transportation Master Plan was completed as part of the City of Cibolo — Update to the Master Plan (Espey Consultants, Inc, January, 2005) This master plan identified the need for expansion of several existing roadways and the construction of new sections of road. All street constructions and upgrades will be designed as curb and gutter streets to improve drainage from the road. All roadway sections were also designed to equip four foot side walks on both sides of the road. Designated hike-bike facilities, in addition to sidewalks included in estimates, have not been accounted for pending completion of a Parks and Trails Master Plan. 4.2 Capital Improvements The projects included in the CIP program are all included in the Transportation Master Plan. Many of the projects were carried forward from the 2007 CIP program and projects 39 through 56 were added due to planned development needs and changing in state and federal funding availability. 4.2.1 Signalization Planned development is expected to meet signal warrants to justify signal installation for CIP projects 37, 38, 39 and 40. In addition to the signal installation, turn lanes at new signals were included where needed. Signalization and additional turn lanes are intended to increase circulation around retail developments, as stated in the city's Master Plan. Page 6 of 8 Final Report-9/16/2008 City of Cibolo Impact Fee Study: Transportation Capital Improvement Plan 4.2.2 Roadway Improvements and Expansions Several roadway improvements and expansions are needed to increase mobility and ease of access to the Town Center, as is desired by the City's Master Plan. Existing roadways will be expanded to thoroughfare right-of-way widths no less than 66' to accommodate traffic from residential areas into the community center. Capital Improvement Project 45 includes the expansion of the existing Schaefer Road and approximately 400 feet of new bridge construction over a low water crossing. The new bridge will provide mobility and emergency access to projected development. The widening and addition of curb and gutter to existing roadways will require modification of the profile in order to provide adequate drainage to adjacent properties. This will require reconstruction of the entire width of the roadways in most cases. 4.2.3 New Roadway Construction There are four new roadway construction projects included in the 10-year Capital Improvements Program. CIP projects 51 through 54 include a future thoroughfare width of 150 feet, which will continue the FM 1103 expansion and create a major arterial. The extension of FM 1103 continues into the south zone and includes CIP 50, in this region. CIP project 46 proposes an 86 foot wide thoroughfare linking FM 78 and CR 374, opening up a new access route to the center of town. 4.3 Cost Estimates The cost of each project involves calculating the roadway construction cost, the price of ROW, and the cost of relocating existing utilities (where applicable). The construction costs are based on quantities estimated from typical sections and design experience. Typical sections for the various categories of roadway are included in Appendix B. The price of ROW varies based on project location and ranges from $7,000 up to $30,000 per acre. Utility relocations are required when overhead poles are in direct conflict with a proposed road, or when underground utilities are in conflict with new cross drainage facilities. The cost of relocation varies depending on the type of utilities, for example overhead electric lines cost approximately $7.50/L.F. to move whereas underground waterlines cost about $60.00/L.F. for relocation construction. See Appendix C for a summary of all estimated costs and detailed calculations for each CIP project. Page 7 of 8 Final Report-9/16/2008 • City of Cibolo Impact Fee Study: Transportation Capital Improvement Plan 4.4 LUE Determination For transportation pin-poses, one Living Unit Equivalent (LUE) is equal to a single family dwelling unit. Future land use assumptions (FLUA) were used to determine how many vehicle trips per weekday would be generated at probable development of the city over the 10 year program period. Using the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation manuals, trip generations based on land use were calculated for all areas shown on the future land use map within the city limits. The expected development for the ten-year CIP period was determined by adjusting the LUE's calculated for each land use area with the probability of development for each area. The probability of development was determined through collaboration between Espey Consultants and city staff based on current development trends, and provided to Cobb Fendley as part of base data for this study. A summary of LUE's and detailed calculations based on land uses can be found in Appendix E. The number of trips calculated for each area was then divided by an average of 9.57 vehicle trips per single family household per weekday, to determine the LUE's for each area. The North project zone has 38,504 calculated LUE's and the south has 11,867 total LUE's. 5.0 Maximum Impact Fee Determination Appendix A shows the derivation of the maximum fees for transportation for both the North Zone and the South Zone. The proposed facility costs, debt service costs for the proposed CIP, and engineering costs are shown, as well as a 50% credit for the CIP and the study. The maximum transportation impact fee is $1,464.02 for the North Zone and$533.10 for the South Zone. Page 8 of 8 Final Report-9/16/2008 Appendix A:Capital Improvements Summary Table City of Cibolo Transportation Impact Fee Study CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS:NORTH ZONE Length(L.F. or other Construction Finance Costs specified Engineering& allowable under LGC Project Number Location Improvement Type quantity) Construction Cost Contingency Landscaping Design&Survey Inspection section 395 Construction Year Cost CIP 4 Cibolo Valley Drive Extension to Main Street Roadway extension 4961 $2,502,835.88 $625,708.97 $31,285.45 $312,854.49 $218,998.14 $2,085,800.85 $6,367,364.87 CIP 12 Borgfeld Road Reconstruction&Widening 5585 $2,707,938.31 $676,984.58 $33,849.23 $338,492.29 $236,944.60 $2,256,728.09 $6,889,157.78 CIP 16 FM 1103 at FM 78 Traffic Signal $160,000.00 $40,000.00 $2,000.00 $20,000.00 $14,000.00 $133,340.00 $415,190.61 CIP 17 FM 1103 at New Haeckerville Road extension Traffic Signal $160,000.00 $40,000.00 $2,000.00 $20,000.00 $14,000.00 $133,340.00 $427,771.30 CIP 23 Cibolo Valley Drive at Borgfeld Road Traffic Signal $160,000.00 $40,000.00 $2,000.00 $20,000.00 $14,000.00 $133,340.00 $419,342.51 CIP 28 Weidner Road from FM 1103 Phase 1 road realignment 1476 $946,024.08 $236,506.02 $11,825.30 $118,253.01 $82,777.11 $788,392.82 $2,454,876.95 CIP 34A Weidner Road Phase 2 road realignment 2244 $981,617.04 $245,404.26 $12,270.21 $122.702.13 $85,891.49 $818,055.10 $1,286,355.48 CIP 34B Weidner Road Phase 2 road realignment 832 $535,171.06 $133,792.77 $6,689.64 $66,896.38 $46,827.47 $445,998.18 $1,402,624.85 CIP 35 Green Valley Road Roadway upgrade 1881 $813,875.45 $203,468.86 $10,173.44 $101,734.43 $71,214.10 $678,263.45 $2,133,078.61 CIP 37 11-1-35 at Wiederstein Traffic Signal $334,336.24 $83,584.06 $4,179.20 $41,792.03 $29,254.42 $278,627.46 $438,129.38 CIP 38 Cibolo Valley Drive at Old Wiederstein Traffic Signal $421,504.37 $105,376.09 $5,268.80 $52,688.05 $36,881.63 $351,271.20 $828,537.66 CIP 39 FM 78 at Main Street Traffic Signal $337,951.95 $84487.99 $4,224.40 $42,243.99 $29,570.80 $281,640.71 $442,867.56 CIP 40 Cibolo Valley Drive Traffic Signal $247,168.12 $61,792.03 $3,089.60 $30,896.02 $21,627.21 $205,983.73 $323,900.32 CIP 41 --CR 372 Extension New road construction 3775 $2,606,386.36 $651,596.59 $32,579.83 $325,798.30 $228,058.81 $2,172,097.23 $7,038,041.54 CIP 42 Old Weiderstein to Dean Road Roadway extension 5015 $2,433,865.36 $608,466.34 $30,423.32 $304,233.17 $212,963.22 $2,028,322.54 $3,385,662.83 CIP 43 Old Weiderstein to FM 1103 Roadway extension 1601 $678,472.55 $169,618.14 $8,480.91 $84,809.07 $59,366.35 $565,422.06 $943,798.84 CIP 46 Town Creekway to FM 78/Haeckerville Road Roadway extension 5631 $3,088,19048 $772,047.62 $38,602.38 $386,023.81 $270,216.67 $2,573,620.74 $8,256,495.29 CIP 48 Cibolo Valley Drive to Old Wiederstein Road Roadway extension 3067 $2,046,326.25 $511,581.56 $25,579.08 $255,790.78 $179,053.55 $1,705,357.14 $2,602,988.47 CIP 49 Cibolo Valley Drive from Old Wiederstein Road Roadway extension 3294 $1,950,916.30 $487,729.08 $24,386.45 $243,864.54 $170,705.18 $1,625,844.87 $4,963,248.29 CIP 51 FM 1103 between Old Wiederstein and Green Valley Roadway extension 4701 $6,042,773.36 $1.510,693.34 $75,534.67 $755,346.67 $528,742.67 $5,035,896.25 $16,480,512.45 CIP 52A FM 1103 between Green Valley Road and Roadway extension 2110 $2,546,823.23 $636,705.81 $31,835.29 $318,352.90 $222,847.03 $2,122,458.81 $6,877,202.84 CIP 52B FM 1103 Roadway extension 1478 $1,781,225.55 $445,306.39 $22,265.32 $222,653.19 $155,857.24 $1,484,428.84 $2,404,927.30 CIP52C FM 1103 Roadway extension 1689 $1,773,187.43 $443,296.86 $22,164.84 $221,648.43 $155,153.90 $1,477,730.07 $4,740,741.79 CIP 53 FM 1103 New road construction 1538 $1,753,799.54 $438,449.89 $21,922.49 $219,224.94 $153,457.46 $1,461.572.69 $4,688,906.89 CIP 54 FM 1103 between Cibolo city Emits and FM 78 New road construction 2802 $3,622,904.67 $905.726.17 $45,286.31 $452,863.08 $317,004.16 $3,019,238.18 $9,590,189.54 CIP 56 CR 374 to FM 78 Roadway extension 10772 $6,088,817.74 $1,522,204.44 $76,110.22 $761,102.22 $532,771.55 $5,074,268.48 $16,939,872.10 Total Cost $112,741,786.04 Total LUE's 38504 Existing LUE's inside City Limits Total LUE's attributable to growth Initial Impact Fee Calculation,based on benefit to existing LUE's $2,928.05 50%Credit $1,464.02 Transportation Impact Fee $1,464.02 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS:SOUTH ZONE Length(L.F or other Construction Finance Costs specified Engineering& allowable under LGC Project Number Location Improvement Type quantity) Construction Cost Contingency Landscaping Design&Survey Inspection section 395 Construction Year Cost CIP 39 FM 78 at Main Street Traffic Signal $334,336.24 $83,584.06 $4,179.20 $41,792.03 $29,254.42 $278,627.46 $438,129.38 CIP 44 South Main Street td West Schaefer Road Roadway extension 1951 $996,027.94 $249,006.99 $12,450.35 $124,503.49 $87,152.44 $830,064.78 $2,662,951.02 CIP 45 West Schaefer Road to South Main Street Roadway extension 3052 $1,308,336.00 $327,084.00 $16,354.20 $163,542.00 $114,479.40 $1,090,334.51 $3,639,958.62 CIP 47 Haeckerville Road from FM 78 Roadway extension 1053 $551,697.27 $137,924.32 $6,896.22 $68,962.16 $48,273.51 $459,770.71 $1,489,751.61 CIP 50 FM 1103 from FM 78 New road construction 1456 $1,621,359.80 $405,339.95 $20,267.00 $202,669.98 $141,868.98 $1,351,200.72 $4,421,949.77 Total Cost $12,652,740.40 . Total LUE's 11867 Existing LUE's inside City Limits Total LUE's attributable to growth Initial Impact Fee Calculation,based on benefit to existing LUE's $1,066.21 50%Credit $533.10 Transportation Impact Fee $533.10 D:\ShareICIBOLO\Report\Appendix A.xls A-1 Final Report 9/16/2008 APPENDIX B TYPICAL STREET CROSS SECTIONS 66'R.O.I4 11.0' 11.0' 11.0' 11,6' •�°�" '�...�..., 12" FLEXIBLE BASE 10" LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 2" HOT MIX ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT (TYPE C) 5.' MIN SIDEWALK 5' MIN SIDEWALK - ° ° ♦ ! o„ ;� • : TT T E .` 86'R.O.N. 12.0' 12.0' 14.0' 12.0' 12.0' 15” FLEXIBLE BASE 10" LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 3" HOT MIX ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT (TYPE C) 5' MIN SIDEWALK 5' MIN SIDEWALK ° R.O. . sEcoNpARy ARTERIAL STREET 6-1 APPENDIX B TYPICAL STR T, CROSS S CTIONS 110'R.O.W. 12.0' 12.0' 12.0 14.0' . . 12.0' ,.., 12.0', lar ,... ' — 16" FLEXIBLE BASE IT all. 10" LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 5' MIN SIDEWALK 5" HOT MIX ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT (TYPE C/ 5 ' MIN SIDEWALK co 11 a R W PRI1P, Y ART RI TR T N, 150'R.O.W. .. 12Z 12.0' 12.0' 16.0' 12.0' 12.0' . 12.0' --- 22" FLEXIBLE BASE 2" LIME STABILIZED SUEIGRAE _ 6" HOTMIXASPHALTIC PAVEMENT (TYPE CI 5' MIN SIDEWALK 5' MIN SIDEWALK 1. I!' R • W PRIMARY ART' R ' ..,. - TR. T Appendix C City of Ciholo CIP Summary Sheet Transportation Impact Fee Study North Zone CIP II Pro)¢et Dasetlpgon PlanYearFr Jed City noClbolo .Proposed 2008-2009 20094010 20804011 2011.2012 2012.2013 2013.2014 20142015 2015.2016 2015.2017 20174016 , ,.Coat R4eponelbBiry..Funding Year (3Y.lyeer).. (3%elm) . (2%d , , m) 41%dm} (t1 dm) , (1%0401) (IF elm) (1%dm) (8%dm) ;(1%dm} Cibolo Valley Drive Extension 86'right-or-way and new roadway section from Borgfeld at Cibolo Valley Dnve to Main at FM 1103. 4 to Main Realignment end Intersection of North Main into new Cibolo Valley Drive extension.Abandonment of $5,777,483.78 85,777,483.78 20094010 $6,181,907.64 58,367,364.87 $8,494,712.17 $8.559,659.29 56,625,255.88 $6,691,50844 $6,758,423.53 $6,826,007.76 $6,894,267.84 $6,503,210.52 Borgfeld from Bentwood Ranch Drive to New Cibolo Valley Drive. 12 Borgfeld Road Reconstruction 710 g to full builtl0ul(4 lane)and improvements from FM 3009 to Main Street,includes bridge $6,250.937.10 $6,250,937,10 2009-2010 $6688,502.70 $6,809,157.70 $7,026,940.94 $7,097,210.35 57,168,182.45 $7,239,864.28 $7,312,262.92 $7,385,385.55 57,459,239.40 $7,533,831.80 B Widening widening at Dietz Creek. 16 Traffic Signal FM 1103 at FM 78(Studied by TxDOT) $369,340.00 $369,340.00 2010.2011 $395,193.80 $407,049.61 5415,190.61 $419,342.51 5423,535.94 $427,771.30 5432.049.01 5436.369.50 $440,733.19 0445,14(1.53 17 Traffic Signal FM 1103 or Now HB¢ckerville Road extension,80 ngMol-way(West of 5150 School at their 000065 $369,340.00 $369,340.00 2013-2014 $395,193.80 $407,049.61 $415,190.61 0419,342.51 $423,535.94 0427,771.30 5432,049.01 5436,369.50 9440,733.19 $445,140.53 drive.) 23 Traffic Signal Cibolo Valley Drive al Borgfeld $369,34000 $369,340.00 2011-2012 $395,193.80 $407,049.61 0415,190.61 5419,342.51 $423.535.94 8427,771.30 5432,049.01 5436,369.50 $440,733.19 0445,140.53 28 Weidner Road Realignment Ph 66'right-of-way acquisition,new street section,from Gatewood entrance at Weidner to FM 1103. 52,183,778.34 $2,183,778.34 2010-2011 $2,336,642 82 92,406,742.11 92,454,876.95 $2,479,425.72 $2504,219.97 $2,529,262.17 32,554,554.80 02,580,100.34 $2,605,901.35 52,631,960.36 34A Weidner Rd.Realignment 66'right-of-way acquisition.new sheet section,Gatewood Subdivision to Townaeek Road. 92,265,94023 01,132,970.12 2011-2012 $1,212,27802 $1,248,646.36 $1,273.619.29 51,285,355.48 51.299,219.04 $1,312,211.23 51,325.333.34 51,338.586.68 01,351572.54 01,365.492.27 Phase II 348 Weidner Rd.Realignment 66'right-of-way acquisition,new street section,Gatewood Subdivision to Towncreek Road. 51,235,37549 01,235,375.49 2011.2012 01,321.851.77 01,361,507.33 01,388,737.47 $1,402,624,85 51,416,651.10 51,436817.61 91.445,125.78 $1,459,577.04 $1,474,172.81 $1,488,914.54 Phase 11 35 Green Valle Road Upgrade CiboloValleyRoad.Valley Drive to Town Creek T-Inlersectiori project will become moot If developer reroutes Green y $1,B78,729.75 81,878,729.75 2011.2012 02,010.240.83 02,070,548 06 $2,111,959.02 52,133.078.61 52954.409.39 $2,175,953.49 92,197.713.02 92.219,690.15 $2,241,887.05 92264,305.92 37 Traffic Signal 1H-35 of Wiedersteini 1/2 funded by others $771,773.43 _ 5385,866.71 2011.2012 $412,898.78 5425,285.75 9433,791.46 5438,129.38 $442,51067 6446,935.78 $451,405.14 5455,919.19 $460,478.38 $465,083.16 38 Traffic Signal Cibolo Valley Drive at Old Wiederstein $972,990.14 5729,742.61 2011.2012 0780,824.59 5804,249.33 $820,334.31 5628,537.66 5838,823.03 $845,191.26 $853,643.18 5882,179.61 $870,801.40 $879,509.42 39 Traffic Signal FM 78 at Male Street 5780,11983 0390,059,91 2011-2012 $417,364.11 $429,885.03 $438,482.73 8442.857.56 5447,298.23 5451.76920 $456,286.89 5460.849.76 3465,45825 0470,11284 40 Traffic Signal Cibolo Valley Drive at future CR 372 $570,556.71 5285,278.36 2012.2013 5305,247.84 $314,405 28 $320,693.38 5323,900.32 9327,139.32 $330,410.71 $333,714.82 $337,051.97 $340,422.49 0343.826.71 41 CR 372 Extension 66'righlofway acquisition,new street section.from Wiederstein Road to Cibolo city limits 66,016,517.12 16,016,517.12 2014-2015 58.437,673.32 $6.630,803.52 06.763419.59 56,831.053.78 56.899.364.32 $6,968,357.97 07,038.041.54 07.108.421.96 07.179,506.18 $7,251.301 24 42 Old Wiederstein Rd extension 66'right-of-way acquisition,new street section,from Cibolo Valley Drive to Dean Road;112 funded by $5,618,273.94 02,809,136.97 2017-2018 $3,005,776.56 $3,095,949.86 03,157.868.85 93,189,447.54 93,221,342.02 03,253,555.44 $3,286,090.99 03.318.951.90 $3,352,141.42 $3,385,662.03 to Dean Rd others 43 Old Wiederstein Rd extension 66'right-of-way acquisition,new sheet section,from Townaeek Way to FM 1103 $1,566,169.07 0783,084.53 2017-2018 0837,900.45 $863,037.47 $800,298.21 $889.101.20 0897.992.21 $906.972.13 $916,041.85 $925,202.27 0934,454.29 0343.798.04 to FM 1103 46 Town Creekway extension to 86'right-of-way acquisition.new sheet section,from CR 374 to FM 78;1/2 funded by others $7 128,701.70 $7,128,701.70 2013-2014 $7,827,710.82 $7,856,542.14 $8,013,672.99 $8,093,809.72 $8,174,747.81 00,255,495.29 $8,339,060.24 $8,422,450.85 $8,506,675.35 $8.591,742.11 FM 78/Haeckervllle Rd 48 Cibolo Valley Df.Extension to 110'right-ol-way acquisition,new street section,from IH-35 to Old Wiederstein Read,112 roadway $4,723,6B8.37 $2,361,844.18 20093010 $2,527,173.28 52,602,008.47 $2,655,048.24 12,681598.73 52,708.414.71 02,735,496.86 $2,762,853.85 $2,790,482.39 $2,818,387.21 $2,846,571.08 Old Wledersteln Rd section funded by others 49 015010 Valley Dr.Folenslon 110'right-obwey acquisition,new street section,from Old Wlederstein Road to*" $4,503,448.41 14,503,446.41 20094010 $4,818,687.66 54,963.218.29 $5,062,513.26 $5,113,138.39 55,164,269.77 $5,215,912.47 $5,268,071.59 $5,320,752.31 55,373,959.83 $5,427,699.43 from Old Wiederstein Rd FM 1103 Ph.1(from Old 51 Wiederstein Rd to Cibolo city 150'right-of-way acquisition,widen exlstng FM 1103 to three lanes In each direction $13,948,986.97 $13,948,986.97 2016-2016 314,925,416.05 $15,373,176.54 $15,680,642.11 $15,837,44853 $15,995,823.01 $16,155,781.24 016.317,339.05 016,480,512.45 516,645,317.57 916,811,77075 limits) 52A FM 1103 Ph.1(from Wledner 150'right-of-way acquisition,widen existing FM 1103 to three lanes in each direction $5,879,023.07 $5,879,023.07 2014-2015 $6,290,554.69 $6,479,271.33 $6,608,856.76 $6,674,94532 $6,741,694.78 $6,809,111.73 56,877,202.04 96,945574.87 $7,015,434 62 S7,085,588.97 Rd to Climb city limits) 520 FM52A 1103andCIP Ph 158)(between CIP 158'right-of-way acquisition,widen existing FM 1103 to three lanes in each direction $4,111,736.54 02,055,868.27 2014.2015 02,199,779.05 $2,265,772.42 $2,311,087.87 $2,334,198.75 02,357,540.73 $2,389118.14 92,404,927.30 $2,428,976.58 92,453,266.34 52,477,799.00 52C Fsly limM 1103its PIoh.1Brite(homRd)Cibolo 150'right-of-way acquisition,widen existing FM 1103 to three lanes in each direction $4,093,181.53 $4,093,181.53 2013.2014 04,379.704.24 $4,511,09536 $4,601,317 27 $4,647,330.44 94,693,803.75 94,740,741.70 $4,788,149.20 $4,836,033.70 $4,884,391.00 $4,933,234.91 FM 1103 Ph.1(now location 53 southeast of Steele 150'right-of-way acquisition,widen existing FM 1103 to three lanes in each direction $4,048,427.01 54,049,427.01 2013.2014 $4,331,816.90 $4,481,771.40 $4,551,006.83 $4,596,516.90 54542,482.07 84,680.905.09 94,735,795.96 $4,783,153.92 54,830,985.46 $4,879,295.31 Highschool,within city limits) 54 FM 1103 Ph.1(from Cibolo 150'right-of-way acquisition,widen existing FM 1103 to three lanes in each direction $8,363,022.57 $8,363,022.57 2012-2013 $8.948.434.15 $9,216,887.18 09,401,224.92 09.495,237 17 00,590,160.54 $9,886091.44 09,782.952.35 09,880.781.87 59,979,589.69 $10,079,385.59 city limits to FM 78) 56 CR 374 extension to FM 78 86'rightof-way acquisition,new sheet section including 4 lanes,from FM 1103 to FM 78 514,055.274.65 $14,055,274.65 2017.2018 015,039.143.87 $15,490,318.19 $15,800124.55 $15558,125.80 $16,117,707.06_$16,278,884.13 516,441,672.97 016,606,089.70$16.772.150.59 516,939.872.10 Total Estimated CIF(2008 dollars) 1107,852,153.74 8100,213,914.12 Total Estimated CIP(Year-Built Cost) 8112,741.786.04 Total Cost $112,741,786.04 Total LUE's 38504 Existing LUE's(node City Limits i Total LUE's attributable to growth Initial Impact Fee Calculation,based on benefit to existing LUE's $2,928.05 50%Credit $1,464.02 Transportation Impact Fee 01,464.02 ` D.1Share1CIBOLOICIP Cost ESBmetes_North.xls C-1 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 4 Cibolo Valley Dr. Extension to Main; Bentwood Ranch &N Main Street Description: extension to intersection Future Thoroughfare Width of 86' Length L.F. 4961 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 29217.64 S.Y. $8.86 $258,868.26 Flexible Base 15 51 28115.08 S.Y. $14.60 $410,480.23 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 26461.26 S.Y. $8.26 $218,569.97 Prime Coat - 49 8103.76 gal. $4.54 $36,791.07 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks (1 on each side of road) 4 10 5512.76 S.Y. $40.47 $223,101.46 Concrete Curb &Gutter(on each side of road) - - 19845.94 L.F. $21.03 $417,360.16 Concrete Medians - 14 7717.87 S.Y. $26.88 $207,456.25 Earthwork 24 53 19478.42 C.Y. $19.14 $372,817.05 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 30" 64 2 L.F. $113.69 $14,552.32 Crossing Culverts - L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire (ft) 86 9.80 Acre $35,000.00 $342,8.39.10_ Bridges Totals $2,502,835.88 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $625,708.97 Landscaping 1 $31,285.45 Design &Survey 10 $312,854.49 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $218,998.14 Finance Costs 56.5 $2,085,800.85 Totals $5,777,483.78 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates North.xls C-2 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 12 Description: Borgfeld Rd.Reconstruction&Widening Future Thoroughfare Width of 66' Length L.F. 5855 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price. Amount Paving Materials (in) Width(ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 31874.61 S.Y. $8.86 $282,409.08 Flexible Base 12 47 30573.61 S.Y. $14.60 $446,374.70 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 28622.10 S.Y. $8.26 $236,418.57 Prime Coat - 45 8781.78 gal. $4.54 $39,869.29 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 6505 02 S.Y $40.47 $263,258.29 , Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 23418.08 L.F. $21.03 $492,482.31 Concrete Medians - 14 9107.03 S.Y. $26.88 $244,797.04 Earthwork 24 49 21249.74 C.Y. $19.14 $406,720.08 Storm Drainage Size Length(ft) Crossing RCP's 30" 66 2 L.F. $113.69 $15,007.08 36" 66 2 L.F. $130 00 $17,160.00 48" 66 2 L.F. $165.00 $21,780.00 60" 66 1 L.F. $219.54 $14,489.64 Crossing Culverts 6'x2' 66 1 L.F. $530.00 $34,980.00 Misc.Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 6 0.806408 Acre $30,000.00 $24,192.24 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project UG Gas Main Southside,parallel 500 . L.F. $90.00 $45,000.00 Buried Telecommunications Southside,parallel 500 L.F. $40.00 $20,000.00 Waterline _ Southside,parallel 300 L.F. $60.00 _ $18,000.00 UG Cable TV Southside,parallel 300 L.F $50.00 $15,000.00 UG Gas Main Northside,parallel 300 L.F. $90.00 $27,000 00 Buried Telecommunications _ Northside,parallel 500 L.F. $40.00 $20,000.00 Waterline Northside,parallel 300 L.F. $60.00 $18,000.00 UG Cable TV Northside,parallel 100 L.F. $50.00 $5,000.00 Totals $2,707,938.31 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $676,984.58 Landscaping 1 $33,849.23 Design&Survey 10 $338,492.29 Construction, Eng.,&Inspection 7 $236,944.60 Finance Costs 56.5 __$2,256,728.09 Totals $6,250,937.10 SOURCE. City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-3 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 16 Description: Traffic Signal (FM 1103 at FM 78) Length L.F. 0 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 0.00 S.Y. $8.86 $0.00 Flexible Base 15 51 0.00 S.Y. $14.60 $0.00 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 0.00 S.Y. $8.26 $0.00 Prime Coat - 49 0.00 gal. $4.54 $0.00 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 0.00 S.Y. $40A7 $0.00 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 0 L.F. $21.03 $0.00 Concrete Medians - 14 0.00 S.Y. $26.88 $0.00 Earthwork 24 53 0.00 C.Y. $19.14 $0.00 Storm Drainage Crossing RCP's 0 L.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts 0 L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition _ Signals $160,000.00 ROW Acquire (ft) 0 Acre $0.00 Totals $160,000.00 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $40,000.00 Landscaping 1 $2,000.00 Design &Survey 10 $20,000.00 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $14,000.00 Finance Costs 56.5 $133,340.00 — Totals $369,340.00 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-4 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 17 Description: Traffic Signal (FM 1103 at New Haeckerville Rd. extension) Length L.F. 0 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 0.00 S.Y. $8.86 $0.00 Flexible Base 15 51 0.00 S.Y. $14.60 $0.00 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 0.00 S.Y. $8.26 $0.00 Prime Coat - 49 0.00 gal. $4.54 $0.00 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 0.00 S.Y. $40.47 $0.00 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 0 L.F. $21.03 $0.00 Concrete Medians - 14 0.00 S.Y. $26.88 $0.00 Earthwork 24 53 0.00 C.Y. $19.14 $0.00 Storm Drainage Crossing RCP's 0 L.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts 0 L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals $160,000.00 ROW Acquire (ft) 0 Acre $0.00 Totals $160,000.00 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $40,000.00 Landscaping 1 $2,000.00 Design &Survey 10 $20,000.00 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $14,000.00 Finance Costs - 56.5 $133,340.00 Totals $369,340.00 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-5 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 23 Description: Traffic Signal (Cibolo Valley Dr. at Borgfeld) Length L.F. 0 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 0.00 S.Y. $8.86 $0.00 Flexible Base 15 51 0.00 S.Y. $14.60 $0.00 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement, Type C 3 48 0.00 S.Y. $8.26 $0.00 Prime Coat - 49 0.00 gal. $4.54 $0.00 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks (1 on each side of road) 4 10 0.00 S.Y. $40.47 $0.00 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 0 L.F. $21.03 $0.00 Concrete Medians - 14 0.00 S.Y. $26.88 $0.00 Earthwork 24 53 0.00 C.Y. $19.14 $0.00 Storm Drainage Crossing RCP's 0 L.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts 0 L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals $160,000.00 ROW Acquire(ft) 0 Acre $0.00 Totals $160,000.00 _ %Total Amount Contingency 25 $40,000.00 Landscaping 1 $2,000.00 Design &Survey 10 $20,000.00 Construction, Eng., & Ins_p_ection_ 7 $14,000.00 Finance Costs 56.5 $133,340.00 Totals $369,340.00 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-6 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 28 Description: Weidner Rd. Realignment Phase I Future Thoroughfare Width of 110' Length L.F. 1476 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade , 10 77 12626.91 S.Y. $8.86 $111,874.41 Flexible Base 16 75 12298.94 S.Y. $14.60 $179,564.48 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement, Type C 5 72 11806.98 S.Y. $8.26 $97;525.65 Prime Coat - 73 3591.29 gal. $4.54 $16,304.45 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 1639.86 S.Y. $40.47 $66,365.06 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 5903.49 L.F. $21.03 $124,150.39 _ Concrete Medians - 14 2295.80 S.Y. $26.88 $61,711.14 Earthwork 24 77 8417.94 C.Y. $19.14 $161,119.35 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 30" 88 1 L.F. $113.69 $10,004.72 36" 88 1 L.F. $130.00 $11,440.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 69 2.34 Acre $30,000.00 $70,134.43 Bridges _ , Utility Relocations Relation to Project Waterline Northside, parallel 100 L.F. $60.00 $6,000.00 Buried Telecommunications Northside, parallel 100 L.F. $40.00 $4,000.00 OH Cable TV Southside, parallel 1476 L.F. $10.00 $14,760.00 OH Electric Southside, parallel 1476 L.F. $7.50 $11,070.00 Totals $946,024.08— % 946,024.08%Total Amount Contingency 25 $236,506.02 Landscaping - 1 $11,825.30 Design &Survey 10 $118,253.01 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $82,777.11 Finance Costs _ 56.5 $788,392.82 Totals $2,183,778.34 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates North.xls C-7 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 34A Description: Weidner Rd. Realignment Phase II Future Thoroughfare Width of 66' Length L.F. 2244 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 12214.91 S.Y. $8.86 $108,224.07 Flexible Base 12 47 11716.34 S.Y. $14.60 $171,058.55 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 10968.49 S.Y. $8.26 $90,599.71 Prime Coat 45 3365.33 gal. $4.54 $15,278.60 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks (1 on each side of road) 4 10 2492.84 S.Y. $40.47 $100,885.16 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 8974.217 L.F. $21.03 $188,727.79 Concrete Medians - 14 3489.97 S.Y. $26.88 $93,810.48 Earthwork 24 49 8143.27 C.Y. $19.14 $155,862.21 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's _ L.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 37 1.91 Acre $30,000.00 $57,170.46 Bridges Totals $981,617.04 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $245,404.26 Landscaping 1 $12,270.21 Design &Survey _ 10 $122,702.13 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $85,891.49 Finance Costs 56.5 $818,055.10 Totals $2,265,940.23 City of Cibolo Responsibility 50 $1,132,970.12 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-8 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 34B Description: Weidner Rd. Realignment Phase II Future Thoroughfare Width of 66' Length L.F. 832 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade - 10 49 4528.33 S.Y. $8.86 $40,121.02 Flexible Base 12 47 4343.50 S.Y. $14.60 $63,415.13 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 4066.26 S.Y. $8.26 $33,587.29 Prime Coat - 45 1247.60 gal. $4.54 $5,664.11 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks (1 on each side of road) 4 10 924.15 S.Y. $40.47 $37,400.33 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 3326.938 L.F. $21.03 $69,965.51 Concrete Medians - 14 1293.81 S.Y. $26.88 $34,777.59 Earthwork 24 49 3018.89 C.Y. $19.14 $57,781.52 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 24" 66 3 L.F. $95.00 $18,810.00 48" 66 1 L.F. $165.00 $10,890.00 Crossing Culverts 6'x3' 66 3 L.F. $576.78 $114,202.44 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 66 1.26 Acre $30,000.00 $37,806.11 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project OH Electric Crossing 100 L.F. $7.50 $750.00 Buried Telecommunications Crossing 100 L.F. $40.00 $4,000.00 Waterline Crossing 100 L.F. $60.00 $6,000.00 Totals $535,171.06 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $133,792.76 Landscaping 1 $6,689.64 Design &Survey 10 $66,896.38 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $46,827.47 Finance Costs 56.5 $445,998.18 Totals $1,235,375.49 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-9 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone — Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 35 Description: Green Valley Road Upgrade Future Thoroughfare Width of 66' Length L.F. 1881 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 10241.50 S.Y. $8.86 $90,739.66 Flexible Base 12 47 9823.48 S.Y. $14.60 $143,422.75 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement, Type C 2 44 9196.45 S.Y. $8.26 $75,962.64 Prime Coat - 45 2821.64 gal. $4.54 $12,810.23 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks (1 on each side of road) 4 10 2090.10 S.Y. _ $40.47 $84,586.40 Concrete Curb &Gutter(on each side of road) - - 7524.365 L.F. _ $21.03 $158,237.39 Concrete Medians - 14 2926.14 S.Y. $26.88 $78,654.69 Earthwork 24 49 6827.66 C.Y. $19.14 $130,681.50 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 30" 66 2 L.F. $113.69 $15,007.08 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 6 0.26 Acre $30,000.00 $7,773.10 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project Waterline both sides, parallel 200 L.F. $60.00 $12,000.00 Buried Telecommunications Northside, parallel 100 L.F. $40.00 $4,000.00 Totals $813,875.45 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $203,468.86 Landscaping 1 $10,173.44 Design &Survey 10 $101,734.43 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $71,214.10 Finance Costs 56.5 $678,263.46 Totals $1,878,729.75 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C- 10 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CiP Project: 37 Description: Traffic Signal(IH-35 at Wiederstein) Number of'I urnlanes 2 Length L.F. 350 .. . Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width(ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 17 1322.22 S.Y. $8.86 $11,714.89 Flexible Base_ 16 15 1 1166.67 S.Y. $14.60 $17,033.33 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 5 12 933.33 S.Y. $826 $7,709.33 PrimeCoat - 13 303 33 gal. $4.54 $1,377.13 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks (1 on each side of road) 4 10 777.78 S.Y. $40.47 - $31,476.67 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - 2800 , 1_,F, $21.03 $58,884.00 Concrete Medians - 14 1088.89 S.Y. $26.88 $29,269.33 Earthwork 24 17 881.48 C.Y. $19.14 $16,8/1,56 Storm Drainage . Crossing RCP's L.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition _ Signals $160,000.00 ROW Acquire(ft) 0 Acre $22,500.00 $0.00 Totals $334,336.24 50%of project in another jurisdiction %Total Amount , Contingency 25 $83,584.06 Landscaping 1 $4,179.20 Design& Survey 10 $41,792.03 Construction, Eng., &Inspection .. / $29,254.42 Finance Costs 56.5 $278,627.47 Totals $771,773.43 City of Cibolo Responsibility 50 $385,886.71 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLOICIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-11 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Ciboio North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study GIP Project: 38 Description: Traffic Signal(Cibolo Valley Dr.at Old Wiederstein) Number of Turnlanes 3 Length L.F. 350 Thickness, Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials , (in) Width(ft) Lime Stabilized.Subgrade 10 17 1983.33 S.Y. $8.86 $17,572.33 Flexible Base 15 15 1750.00 S.Y. $14.60 $25,550.00 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 12 1400.00 S.Y. $8.26 $11,564.00 Prime Coat - 13 455.00 .gal. $4.54 $2,065.70 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 _10 1166.67 S.Y. , $40.47 $47,215.00 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 4200, L.F.. $21.03 $88,326.00 Concrete Medians - . 14,. 1633.33 S.Y. $26:88 $43,904.00 Earthwork. 24 17 1322.22 C.Y. , . $19.14 $25,307.33 Storm Drainage _, Crossing RCP's L.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs . . Demolition Signals $160,000.00 BROW. Acquire(ft) ,_.0. Acre_ $7,000.00 $0.00' ,. Totals $421,504.37 25%of project in another jurisdiction %Total Amount Contingency 25 $105,376.09 Landscaping 1 $5,268.80 Design&Survey . . 10 $52,688.05 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $36,881.63 Finance Costs 56:5 $351,271.20 Totals $972,990.14 City of Cibolo Responsibility 75 $729,742.61 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:1Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C- 12 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study GIP Project: 39 Description: Traffic Signal (FM 78 at Main Street) Number of Turnlanes 2 Length L.F. 350 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials in Width it Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 17 1322.22 S.Y. $8.86 $11,714.89 Flexible Base 15 15 1166.67 s S.Y. $14.60 $17,033.33 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 12 933.33 S.Y. $8.26 $7,709.33 Prime Coat 13 303.33 gal. $4.54 $1,377.13 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 777.78 S.Y. $40.47 $31,476.67 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 2800 L.F. $21.03 $58,884.00 Concrete Medians 14 1088.89 S.Y. $26.88 $29,269.33 Earthwork 24 17 881.48 C.Y. $19.14 $16,871.56 'Storm Drainage Crossing RCP's L.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals $160,000.00 ROW Acquire(ft) 30 0.24 Acre $15,000.00, $3,615.70 Totals $337,951.95 50%of project in South Zone %Total Amount ROW included in North Zone Contingency 25 $84,487.99 Landscaping 1 $4,224.40 Design &Survey 10 $42,243.99 Construction, Eng., &Inspection 7 $29,570.80 Finance Costs 56.5 $281,640.70 Totals $780,119.83 North Zone Responsibility 50 $390,059.91 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:IShare\CIBOLOICIP Cost Estimates North.xls C-13 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study GIP Project: 40 Description: • Traffic Signal(Cibolo Valley Dr at future CR 372) Number of Turnlanes 1 Length L.F. 350 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width '(It) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 17 661.11 S.Y. $8.86 $5,857.44 Flexible Base 15 15 583.33 S.Y. $14.60 $8,516.67 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 12 466.67 S.Y. $8.26 $3,854.67 Prime Coat - l 13 151.67 gal. $4.54 $688.57 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks (1 on each side of road) 4 10 388.89 S.Y. $40.47 $15,738.33 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 1400 L.F. $21.03 $29,442.00 Concrete Medians - 14 . 544.44 S.Y. $26.88 $14,634.67 Earthwork ." 24 17 440.74 C.Y. $19.14 $8,435.78 Storm Drainage Crossing RCP's L.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts ,, L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals _ $160,000.00 ROW Acquire(ft) 0 Acre $10,000,00 $0.00 Totals $247,168.12 50%of project in another jurisdiction %Total Amount Contingency 25 $61,792.03" Landscaping 1 $3,089.60 Design &Survey 10 $30,896.02 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $21,627.21 Finance Costs 56.5 $205,983,73 Totals $570,556.71 City of Cibolo Responsibility 50 $285,278,36 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLOICIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-14 Final Report 9116/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 41 Description: CR 372 extension from Wiederstein Rd . Future Thoroughfare Width of 66' Length L.F. 3775 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 20552.48 S.Y. $8.86 $182,094.99 Flexible Base 12 47 19713.61 S.Y. $14.60 $287,818.64 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement, Type C 2 44 _ 18455.29 S.Y. $8.26 $152,440.70 Prime Coat - 45 5662.42 gal. $4.54 $25,707.38 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 . 4194.38 S.Y. $40.47 $169,746.72 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 15099.78 L.F. $21.03 $317,548.43 Concrete Medians - 14 5872.14 S.Y. $26.88 $157,843.06 Earthwork 24 49 13701.65 C.Y. $19.14 $262,249.67 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 48" 66 3 L.F. $165.00 $32,670.00 Crossing Culverts 8'x8' ) 66 3 L.F. $809.72 $160,324.56 Misc. Costs _ Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 66 5.72 Acre $150,000.00 $857,942.20 Bridges Totals $2,606,386.36 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $651,596.59 Landscaping 1 $32,579.83 Design &Survey 10 $325,798.30 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $228,058.81 Finance Costs 56.5 $2,172,097.24 Totals $6,016,517.12 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C- 15 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolb North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study C1P Project: 42 Description: Old Wiederstein Rd.extension to Dean Rd Future Thoroughfare Width of 66' Length L.F. 5015 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width(ft) , Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49, 27305.80 S.Y. $8,86 $241,929.43 Flexible Base 12 47 26191.28 S.Y. $14.60 $382,392.71 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 24519.50 S.Y. $8.26 $202,531.05 Prime Coat -, 45 7523.03 gal. $4.54 $34,154,55 2-5 ft.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 5572.61 S.Y. $40,47 $225,523.65 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 20061.41 L.F. $21,03 $421,891.39 Concrete Medians - 14 7801.66 S.Y. $26.88 $209,708.58 Earthwork 24 49. 18203.87 C.Y. $19.14 $348,422.06 •Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 30" 66 2 L.F. $113.69 $15,007.08 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire (ft) 31. 3.57 Acre . $10,000.00 $35,692.36 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project OH Electric Northside, parallel 5015 L.F. $7.50 $37,612.50 UG Fiber Optic Cable Northside, parallel 2500 .. L.F. $50.00 $125,000.00 Waterline Northside, parallel 2500 L.F. $60.00 $150,000.00 Buried Telecommunications. Southside, parallel 100 L.F. $40.00 $4,000.00 Totals $2,433,865,36 50%of project in another jurisdiction %Total Amount Contingency 25 $608,466.34 Landscaping 1 $30,423.32 Design &Survey 10 $304,233.17 Construction, Eng.,&Inspection 7 $212,963.22 Finance Costs 56.5 $2,028,322.54- Totals 2,028,322.54Totals $5,618,273.94 City of Cibola Responsibility 50 $2,809,136.97 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:IShare\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-16 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 43 Description: Old Wiederstein Rd extension to FM 1103 Future Thoroughfare Width of 66' Length L.F. 1601 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width((t) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 8717.59 S.Y. $8,86 $77,237.88 Flexible Base 12 47 8361.77 S.Y. $14,60 $122,081.90 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 _7828.04 S,Y, . $8.26 $64,659.64 Prime Coat . T 45 2401.79 gal. $4.54 $10,904.11 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 1779.10 S.Y, $40.47 $72,000.21 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 6404.763 L.F. $21.03 $134,692.16 Concrete Medians - 14 2490.74 S.Y. $26.88 $66,951.12 Earthwork 24 .49 5811.73 C.Y. $19.14 $111,236.50 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's . 30" 66 1 L.F. $113.69 $7,503.54 Crossing Culverts . L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ,. ROW Acquire(ft) 6. 0.22055 Acre $10,000.00 $2,205.50 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project UG Fiber Optic Cable Southside, parallel 100 L.F. $50.00 $5,000.00 Buried Telecommunications Southside,parallel . 100 L.F. $40.00 $4,000.00 Totals $678,472.55 . 50%of project in another'jurisdiction %Total Amount Contingency 25 $169,618.14 Landscaping 1 $8,480.91 Design&Survey 10 $.84,809,07 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $59,366.35 Finance Costs 56.5 $565,422.06 —. Totals $1,566,169.07 City of Cibolo Responsibility 50 $783,084.53 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates North.xls C- 17 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 46 Description: Town Creekway extension to FM 78/Haeckerville Rd Future Thoroughfare Width of 86' Length L.F. 5631 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 33158.47 S.Y. $8.86 $293,784.01 Flexible Base 15 51 31907.20 S.Y. _ $14.60 $465,845.17 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 _ 30030.31 _ S.Y. $8.26 $248,050.35 Prime Coat - 49 _ 9196.78 gal. $4.54 $41,753.39 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks (1 on each side of road) 4 10 _ 6256.31 S.Y. _ $40.47 $253,193.04 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 22522.73 L.F. $21.03 $473,653.05 Concrete Medians - 14 8758.84 S.Y. $26.88 $235,437.62 Earthwork 24 53 22105.64 C.Y. $19.14 $423,102.03 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 24" 64 2 L.F. $95.00 $12,160.00 36" 64 1 L.F. $130.00 $8,320.00 48" 64 1 L.F. $165.00 $10,560.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition _ Signals:At grade railroad crossing $400,000.00 ROW Acquire (ft) 86 11.12 Acre $20,000.00 $222,331.83 Bridges Totals $3,088,190.48 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $772,047.62 Landscaping 1 $38,602.38 Design &Survey 10 $386,023.81 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $270,216.67 Finance Costs 56.5 $2,573,620.74 Totals $7,128,701.70 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C- 18 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 48 Description: Cibolo Valley Dr.Extension to Old Wiederstein Rd Future Thoroughfare Width of 110' Length L.F. 3067 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width(ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 77 26238:11 S.Y. $8.86 $232,469.66 Flexible Base 16 75 25556.60 S.Y. $14.60 $373,126.37 . Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 5 72 24534.34 S.Y. $8.26 $202,653,62 Prime Coat - 73 7462.53 gal. $4.54 $33,879.87 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 3407.55 S.Y. $40.47 $137,903.42 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 12267.17 L.F. $21.03 $257,978.55 Concrete Medians .. - 14 4770.57 S.Y. $26.88. $128,232.80 Earthwork 24 77 17492.07 C.Y. $19.14 $334,798.29 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 48" 88 6 L.F. $165.00 $87,120.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc.Costs Demolition Signals. ROW. Acquire(ft) 49 3.45 Acre $30,000.00 $103,493.67 Bridges . Utility Relocations Relation to Project . UG Cable TV Eastside,parallel 400 L.F. $50.00 $20,000.00 UG Fiber Optic Cable. Eastside,parallel 400 L.F. $50.00, $20,000.00 UG Gas Main Eastside,parallel 400 . L.F. $90.00 $36,000.00 OH Telecommunications Eastside,parallel 3067 L.F. $10.00 $30,670.00 Waterline Eastside,parallel . 400 _ L.F. $60.00 $24,000.00 Waterline . Westside,parallel 400 LF. $60.00 _ $24,000.00 in another jurisdiction Totals $2,046,326.25 50%of - project 1 to Total Amount Contingency 25 $511,581.56 Landscaping - 1 $25,579.08 Design&Survey 10 $255,790.78 Construction, Eng.,&Inspection 7 $179,053.55 Finance Costs 56.5 $1,705,357.14 Totals '$4,723,688.37 City of Cibolo Responsibility 50 $2,361,844.18 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D.\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates North.xls C-19 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 49 Description: Cibolo Valley Dr. Extension from Old Wiederstein Rd Future Thoroughfare Width of 110' Length L.F. 3294 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 77 28184.02 S.Y. $8.86 $249,710.39 Flexible Base 16 75 27451.97 S.Y. $14.60 $400,798.69 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 5 72 26353.89 S.Y. $8.26 $217,683.10 Prime Coat - 73 8015.97 gal. $4.54 $36,392.52 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 3660.26 S.Y. $40.47 $148,130.80 Concrete Curb &Gutter(on each side of road) - - 13176.94 L.F. $21.03 $277,111.12 Concrete Medians - 14 5124.37 S.Y. $26.88 $137,742.98 Earthwork 24 77 18789.34 C.Y. $19.14 $359,628.06 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 48" 88 2 L.F. $165.00 $29,040.00 Crossing Culverts 6'x3' 88 1 L.F. $576.78 $50,756.64 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 19 1.44 Acre $25,000.00 $35,921.99 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project UG Telecom inside CGMP Crossing 200 L.F. $40.00 8000 Totals $1,950,916.30 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $487,729.07 Landscaping 1 $24,386.45 Design &Survey 10 $243,864.54 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $170,705.18 Finance Costs 56.5 $1,625,844.87 Totals $4,503,446.41 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-20 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 51 Description: FM 1103 Ph. 1 (from Old Wiederstein Rd to Cibolo city limits) Future Thoroughfare Width of 150' Length L.F. 4701 Thickness' Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 60591.18 S.Y. $10.63 $644,205.41 Flexible Base 22 114 59546.50 S.Y $21.42 $1,275,378.91 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 _ 108 56412.48 S.Y. $16.52 $931,934.11 Prime Coat - 114 17863.95 gal. _ $4.54 $81,102.34 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 _ 5223.38 S.Y. $40.47 $211,390.09 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 18804.16 L.F. $21.03 $395,451.46 Concrete Medians - 14 7312.73 S.Y. $26.88 $196,566.14 Earthwork 36 116 60591.18 C.Y $19.14 $1,159,715 15 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 30" 124 1 L.F. $113 69 $14,097.56 48" 124 2 L.F. $165.00 $40,920.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 72 7.77 Acre $15,000.00 $116,554.70 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project OH Electric Westside, parallel 4701 L.F. $7.50 $35,257.50 OH Cable TV Westside, parallel 4701 L.F. $10.00 $47,010.00 UG Fiber Optic Cable Westside, parallel 4701 L.F. $50.00 $235,050.00 Buried Telecommunications Westside, parallel 4701 L.F. $40.00 $188,040.00 Waterline Westside, parallel 4701 L.F. $60.00 $282,060.00 Buried Telecommunications Eastside, parallel 4701 L.F. $40.00 $188,040.00 Totals $6,042,773.36 %Total Amount - Contingency 25 $1,510,693.34 Landscaping 1 $75,534.67 Design&Survey 10 $755,346.67 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $528,742.67 Finance Costs 56.5 $5,035,896.25 Totals $13,948,986.97 SOURCE. City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-21 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 52A Description: FM 1103 Ph. 1 (from Wiedner Rd to Cibolo city limits) Future Thoroughfare Width of 150' Length L.F. 2110 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 27199.26 S.Y. $10.63 $289,182.56 Flexible Base 22 114 26730.31 S.Y. $21.42 $572,515.12 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 108 25323.45 S.Y. $16.52 $418,343.41 Prime Coat - 114 8019.09 gal. $4.54 $36,406.68 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks (1 on each side of road) 4 10 2344.76 S.Y. $40.47 $94,892.60 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 8441.15 L.F. $21.03 $177,517.39 Concrete Medians - 14 3282.67 S.Y. $26.88 $88,238.16 Earthwork 36 116 27199.26 C.Y. $19.14 $520,593.88 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP'sL.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts 8'x5' 124 2 L.F. $708.68 $175,752.64 * Misc. Costs _ Demolition _ Signals ROW Acquire (ft) 48 2.33 Acre $15,000.00 $34,880.79 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project OH Electric Westside, parallel 1400.00 L.F. $7.50 $10,500.00 OH Cable TV Westside, parallel 1400.00 L.F. $10.00 $14,000.00 OH Telecommunications Westside, parallel 1400.00 L.F. $10.00 $14,000.00 Centerpoint Gas Pipeline Crossing 200 L.F. $500.00 $100,000.00 Totals $2,546,823.23 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $636,705.81 Landscaping 1 $31,835.29 Design &Survey 10 $318,352:90 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $222,847.03 Finance Costs 56.5 $2,122,458.81 Totals $5,879,023.07 • SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-22 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 52B Description: FM 1103 Ph. 1 (between CIP 52A and CIP 52B) Future Thoroughfare Width of 150' Length L.F. 1478 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width(ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 19046.23 S.Y. $10.63 $202,499.57 Flexible Base 22 114 18717.85 S.Y. $21.42 $400,902.68 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 108 17732.70 S.Y. $16.52 $292,944.22 Prime Coat - 114 5615.36 gal. $4.54 $25,493.71 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each sideof road) 4 10 . 1641.92 S.Y. $40.47 $66,448.37 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 5910.9 L.F. $21.03 $124,306.24 Concrete Medians - 14 2298.68 S.Y. . $26.88 $61,788.61 Earthwork 36 116 19046.23 C.Y. $19.14 $364,544.93 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's L.F. $0.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. . $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 55 1.87 Acre $15,000.00 $27,987.22 Bridges Utility Relocations . Relation to Project OH Electric both sides,parallel 2956 L.F. $7.50 $22,170.00 OH Cable TV both sides,parallel 2956 . L.F. $10.00 $29,560.00 OH Telecommunications Eastside,parallel 1478 L.F. $10.00 $14,780.00 Buried Telecommunications Eastside, parallel 1478. L.F. $40.00 $59,120.00 Waterline . . Westside, parallel 1478 L.F. $60:00 $88,680.00 Totals $1,781,225.55 50%of project in another jurisdiction %Total Amount Contingency 25 $445,306,39 Landscaping 1 $22,265.32 Design&Survey 10 $222,653.19 Construction,Eng., &Inspection 7 $155,857.24 Finance Costs 56.5 $1,484,428.85 Totals $4,111,736.54 City of Cibolo Responsibility 50 $2,055,868.27 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:1Share1CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-23 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 52C Description: FM 1103 Ph. 1 (from Cibolo city limits to Brite Rd) Future Thoroughfare Width of 150' Length L.F. 1689 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 21771.02 S.Y. $10.63 $231,469.48 Flexible Base 22 114 21395.66 S.Y. $21.42 $458,256.46 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 108 20269.57 S.Y. $16.52 $334,853.29 Prime Coat - 114 6418.70 gal. $4.54 $29,140.88 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 1876.81 S.Y. $40.47 $75,954.58 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 6756.523 L.F. $21.03 $142,089.68 Concrete Medians - 14 2627.54 S.Y. $26.88 $70,628.19 Earthwork 36 116 21771.02 C.Y. $19.14 $416,697.31 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's - 30" 124 1 L.F. $113.69 $14,097.56 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition _ Signals ROW Acquire (ft) 0 Acre $15,000.00 $0.00 Bridges Totals $1,773,187.43 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $443,296.86 Landscaping 1 $22,164.84 Design &Survey 10 $221,648.43 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $155,153.90 Finance Costs 56.5 $1,477,730.07 Totals $4,093,181.53 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-24 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 53 Description: FM 1103 Ph. 1 (new location southeast of Steele Highschool,within city limits) Future Thoroughfare Width of 150' Length L.F. 1538 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 19817.19 S.Y. $10.63 $210,696.35 Flexible Base 22 114 19475.51 S.Y. $21.42 $417,130.43. Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 108 18450.49 S.Y. $16.52 $304,802.03 Prime Coat - 114 5842.65 gal. $4.54 $26,525.65 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks (1 on each side of road) 4 10 1708.38 S.Y. $40.47 $69,138.07 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 6150.162 L.F. $21.03 $129,337.91 Concrete Medians - 14 2391.73 S.Y. $26.88 $64,289.69 Earthwork 36 116 19817.19 C.Y. $19.14 $379,300.99 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 24" 124 1 L.F. $90.00 $11,160.00 Crossing Culverts 5'x5' 124 1 L.F. $500.00 $62,000.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire (ft) 150 5.29 Acre $15,000.00 $79,418.41 Bridges Totals $1,753,799.54 . %Total Amount Contingency 25 $438,449.88 Landscaping 1 $21,922.49 Design &Survey 10 $219,224.94 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $153,457.46 Finance Costs 56.5 $1,461,572.69_ Totals $4,048,427.01 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-25 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 54 Description: FM 1103 Ph. 1 (from Cibolo city limits to FM 78) Future Thoroughfare Width of 150' Length L.F. 2802 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 36112.59 S.Y. $10.63 $383,949.03 Flexible Base 22 114 35489.96 S.Y. $21.42 $760,130.99 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 108 33622.06 S.Y. $16.52 $555,436.50 Prime Coat - _ 114 10646.99 gal. $4.54 $48,337.32 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 3113.15 S.Y. $40.47 $125,989.35 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 11207.35 L.F. $21.03 $235,690.67 Concrete Medians - 14 4358.42 S.Y. $26.88 $117,154.22 Earthwork 36 116 36112.59 C.Y. $19.14 $691,194.93 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 24" 124 2 L.F. $90.00 $22,320.00 30" 124 1 L.F $133.69 $16,577.56 36" 124 2 L.F. $130.00 $32,240.00 48" 124 2 L.F. $165.00 $40,920.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals.At grade railroad crossing $400,000.00 ROW Acquire (ft) 150 9.65 Acre $20,000.00 $192,964.10 Bridges Totals $3,622,904.67 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $905,726.17 Landscaping 1 $45,286.31 Design&Survey 10 $452,863.08 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $317,004.16 Finance Costs 56.5 $3,019,238.18 Totals $8,363,022.57 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-26 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo North Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 56 Description: CR 374 extension to FM 78 Future Thoroughfare Width of 86' Length L.F. 10772 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 63436.87 S.Y. $8.86 $562,050.64 Flexible Base 15 _ 51 61043.02 S.Y. _ $14.60 $891,228.14 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 _ 57452.26 S.Y $8.26 $474,555.64 Prime Coat - 49 17594.75 gal. $4.54 $79,880.18 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 , 11969.22 S.Y. , $40.47 $484,394.34 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 43089.19 L.F. $21.03 $906,165.72 Concrete Medians - 14 16756.91 S.Y. $26.88 $450,425.70 Earthwork 24 53 42291.24 C.Y. $19.14 $809,454.43 Storm Drainage Size Length (ft) Crossing RCP's 18" 64 9 L.F. $64.31 $37,042.56 24" 64 2 L.F. $95.00 $12,160.00 30" 64 1 L.F. $113.69 $7,276.16 Crossing Culverts 4'x2' 64 14 L.F. $455.33 $407,975.68 8'x4' 64 8 L.F. $632.81 $323,998.72 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals:At grade railroad crossing $400,000.00 ROW Acquire(ft) 38 9.40 Acre $15,000.00 $140,959.82 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project OH Electric South/East, parallel 1500 L.F. $7.50 $11,250.00 OH Telecommunications South/East, parallel 1500 L.F. $10.00 $15,000.00 OH Cable TV South/East, parallel 1500 L.F. $10.00 $15,000.00 Buried Telecommunications South/East, parallel 1500 L.F. $40.00 $60,000.00 Totals $6,088,817.74 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $1,522,204.43 Landscaping 1 $76,110.22 Design&Survey 10 $761,102.22 Construction, Eng., &Inspection 7 $532,771.55 Finance Costs 56.5 ' $5,074,268.48 Totals $14,055,274.65 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_North.xls C-27 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo CIP Summary Sheet Transportation Impact Fee Study South Zone CIPS Project jDascdptlon 0,4,;14477,‘,.,4448 Cdya$Clbob Poppsed '2008.2009 200940'(6 2010.2011 2011.2012' 28444013: 2013.2044 401 20142015,75.2018 2016.2017 004'7-2018 C Responsibility-Funding Year (3%(year) (3%chit) (2%dm) (1bc/m) (14 dm) (1%ant) (1%dm) (7%dm), , (tYo/m) ,(1%um) 39 Traffic Signal FM 78 at Main Street $771,773.43 $385,886.71 2011-2012 $412,898.78 $425.285.75 $433,791.46 0436,129.38 $442,510.67 0446.935.78 0451.405.14 $455,919.19 $460,478.38 $465,083.16 44 S.Main St,extension to e6'right-of-way and new roadway section from East FM 78 to West Schaefer Road;Includes new signal $2,299,206.00 $2,299,206.00 2013-2014 $2,460,150.42$2,533,954.93$2,584,634.03$2,610,480.37$2,636,585.17 62,682.951.02$2,689,580.53$2,716,476.34$2,743,641.10$2,771,077.51 W.Schaefer Rd. at intersection of FM 78 and South Main Street 45 W.Scheeler Rd. 86'right-of-way and new roadway section from Lakeview Drive to South Main street;Includes bridge $3,020,130.13 $3,020,130.13 2017-2018 $3,231,539.23$3,328,485.41 $3,395,055.12$3,429.005 67$3.463,295.73$3,497,928.68 03.532907.97$3,568,237.05$3,603,919.42$3,639,958.62 extension to S.Main St construction at West Schaefer Road and Lakeview Drive 47 extensioHaeckervnillefroRmdFM 78 86'right-of-way acquisition,new roadway section,from FM 78 to edge of Cibolo city limits $1,273,524 18 $1,273,524.18 2014-2015 $1,362,670.87$1,403,551.00$1,431,622.02$1,445,938.24$1,460,397.62$1,475,001.59$1,409,751.61$1,504,649.13$1,519,695.62$1,534,892.57 FM 1103 Ph.1(from 50 FM 78 to Ciboio city 150'right-of-way acquisition;From FM 78 south to Ciboio City Limits $3,742,70842 $3,742,706.42 2015-2016 $4,004,695.87$4,124,836.75$4.207,333.48 04.249.406.82$4,291,900.88$4,334,819.89$4,378,168.09$4,421,949.77$4,466,169.27$4,510,830.96 limits) Total Estimated CIP(2008 dollars) $11,107,340.15 $10,721,453.43 Total Estimated CIP(Year-Built Cost) $12,652,740.40 Total Cost $12,652,740.40 Total LUE's 11867 Existing LUE's inside City Limits Total LUE's attributable to growth initial Impact Fee Calculation,based on benefit to existing LUE's $1,066.21 50%Credit $533.10 Transportation Impact Fee $533.10 D;Shere1CIBOLOICIP Cost Estimates South.xls C-28 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo South Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 39 Description: Traffic Signal(FM 78 at Main Street) Number of Turnlanes 2 Length L.F. 350 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width(ft) , Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 17 1322.22 S.Y. $8.86 $11,714.89 Flexible Base _ 15 15 1166.67 - S.Y. ' $14.60 $17,033.33 — Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 12 933.33 &Y. $8.26 $7,709.33 Prime Coat - 13 303.33 gal_ $4.54 $1,377.13 2-5f1.Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) — 4 10 777.78 S.Y. $40.47 $31,476.67 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 2800 L.F. $21.03 $58,884.00 Concrete Medians - 14 1088.89 S.Y. $26.88 $29,269.33 Earthwork 24 17 881.48 C.Y. $19.14 $16,871.56 ... 'Storm Drainage Crossing RCP's 1 LF. _ $0 00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Atlisc. Costs Demolition Signals $160,000.00 .. ROW —Acquire(ft) 30 024 Acre $0.00 Totals ',334,336.24 50%of project in North Zone %Total Amount ROW not included in South Zone Contingency 25 $83,584.06 Landscaping 1 $4,179.20 Design &Survey 10 $41.792.03 Construction, Eng., &Inspection 7 $29.254.42 Finance Costs 56.5 $278,627.47 1221als $771,773.43 _ South Zone Responsibility 50 $385,886.71 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\ShareICIBOLO\C1P Cast Estimates_South.xls C-29 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo South Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 44 Description: S. Main St. extension to W. Schaefer Rd. Future Thoroughfare Width of 86' Length L.F. 1951 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 11486.37 S.Y. $8.86 $101,769.21 Flexible Base - 15 51 11052.92 S.Y. $14.60 $161,372.62 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 10402.75 S.Y. $8.26 $85,926.70 Prime Coat - 49 3185.84 gal. $4.54 $14,463.72 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 2167.24 S.Y. $40.47 $87,708.17 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 7802.061 L.F. $21.03 $164,077.34 Concrete Medians - 14 3034.13 S.Y. $26.88 $81,557.54 Earthwork 24 53 7657.58 C.Y. $19.14 $146,566.05 Storm Drainage Size Length Crossing RCP's 36" 64 2 L.F. $130.00 $16,640.00 Crossing Culverts ' L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 46 2.06 Acre $15,000.00 $30,896.59 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project UG Fiber optic cable Eastside, Parallel 1951 L.F. $50.00 $97,550.00 OH Electric Eastside, parallel 1000 L.F. $7.50 $7,500.00 Totals $996,027.94 . %Total Amount Contingency 25 $249,006.98 Landscaping 1 $12,450.35 Design &Survey 10 $124,503.49 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $87,152.44 Finance Costs 56.5 $830,064.78 Totals $2,299,206.00 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_South.xls C-30 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo South Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 45 Description: W. Schaefer Rd. extension to S. Main St. Future Thoroughfare Width of 66' Length L.F. 3052 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 49 16618.56 S.Y. $8.86 $147,240.42 Flexible Base 12 47 15940.25 S.Y. $14.60. $232,727.63 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 2 44 14922.79 S.Y. $8.26 $123,262.21 Prime Coat - 45 4578.58 gal. $4.54 $20,786.76 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 3391.54 S.Y. $40.47 $137,255.72 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 12209.55 L.F. $21.03 $256,766.89 Concrete Medians - 14 4748.16 S.Y. $26.88 $127,630.52 Earthwork 24 49 11079.04 C.Y. $19.14 $212,052.79 Storm Drainage Size Length Crossing RCP's 24" 66 2 L.F. $95.00 $12,540.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals _ ROW Acquire (ft) 21 1.47 Acre $15,000.00 $22,073.05 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project Underground Telecommunications Northside, parallel 100 L.F. $40.00 $4,000.00 Water Line (Canyon Regional Water Authority) Southside, parallel 100 L.F. $60.00 $6,000.00 Water Line(EJIW on MH) Northside, parallel 100 L.F. $60.00 $6,000.00 Totals $1,308,336.00 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $327,084.00 Landscaping 1 $16,354.20 Design &Survey 10 $163,542.00 Construction, Eng., &-Inspection 7 $114,479.40 Finance Costs 56.5 $1,090,334.52 Totals $3,020,130.13 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_South.xls C-31 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo South Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 47 Description: Haeckerville Rd extension from FM 78 Future Thoroughfare Width of 86' Length L.F. 1053 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10 53 6202.14 S.Y. $8.86 $54,950.95 Flexible Base 15 51 5968.10 S.Y. $14.60 $87,134.19 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 3 48 5617.03 S.Y. $8.26 $46,396.68 Prime Coat - 49 1720.22 gal. $4.54 $7,809.78 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks(1 on each side of road) 4 10 1170.21 S.Y. $40.47 $47,358.59 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 4212.773 L.F. $21.03 $88,594.62 Concrete Medians - 14 1638.30 S.Y. $26.88 $44,037.52 Earthwork 24 53 4134.76 C.Y. $19.14 $79,139.28 Storm Drainage Size Length Crossing RCP's 36" 64 1 L.F. $130.00 $8,320.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 36 0.87 Acre $20,000.00 $17,408.15 Bridges Utility Relocations Relation to Project OH Electric Eastside, parallel 1053 L.F. $7.50 $7,897.50 UG Fiber optic cable Eastside, parallel 1053 L.F. $50.00 $52,650.00 Burried Telecommunications Westside, parallel 100 L.F. $40.00 $4,000.00 Waterline Westside, parallel 100 L.F. $60.00 $6,000.00 Totals $551,697.27 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $137,924.32 Landscaping 1 $6,896.22 Design &Survey 10 $68,962.16 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $48,273.51 Finance Costs 56.5 $459,770.71 Totals $1,273,524.18 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_South.xls C-32 Final Report 9/16/2008 Appendix C City of Cibolo South Zone Transportation Impact Fee Study CIP Project: 50 Description: FM 1103 Ph. 1 (from FM 78 to Cibolo city limits) Future Thoroughfare Width of 150' Length L.F. 1456 Thickness Layer Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Paving Materials (in) Width (ft) Lime Stabilized Subgrade 12 116 18761.89 S.Y. $10.63 $199,476.36 Flexible Base 22 114 18438.40 S.Y. $21.42 $394,917.43 Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement,Type C 6 108 17467.96 S.Y. $16.52 $288,570.73 Prime Coat - 114 5531.52 gal. $4.54 $25,113.11 2-5 ft. Concrete Sidewalks (1 on each side of road) 4 10 1617.40 S.Y. $40.47 $65,456.34 Concrete Curb&Gutter(on each side of road) - - 5822.654 L.F. $21.03 $122,450.41 Concrete Medians - 14 2264.37 S.Y. $26.88 $60,866.14 Earthwork 36 116 18761.89 C.Y. $19.14 $359,102.48 Storm Drainage Size Length Crossing RCP's 30" 124 1 L.F. $113.69 $14,097.56 36" 124 1 L.F. $130.00 $16,120.00 Crossing Culverts L.F. $0.00 Misc. Costs Demolition Signals ROW Acquire(ft) 150 5.01 Acre $15,000.00 $75,189.23 Bridges Totals $1,621,359.80 %Total Amount Contingency 25 $405,339.95 Landscaping 1 $20,267.00 Design&Survey 10 $202,669.97 Construction, Eng., & Inspection 7 $141,868.98 Finance Costs 56.5 $1,351,200.72 Totals $3,742,706.42 SOURCE: City of San Antonio February 2007 Unit Bid Pricing D:\Share\CIBOLO\CIP Cost Estimates_South.xls C-33 Final Report 9/16/2008 City of Cibolo Impact Fee Study: Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Appendix D Future Land Use Map D:\Share\CIBOLO\Report\Appendix D.doc D-1 Final Report-9/8/2008 °i-%->< „t¢,',{:�, s$;` mag °e*'.',p'",%-. ,'. 4+..•0' ,9' 'yr. ty,. y •0-- 'j`:•,arw, c=wt>l i `a,<, 25$:•�a asz�"" ,;tea s'' ` S 19, ^ ,amu,',;;p '.c"�L4 "� ,°$ ' `, ¢..1 s t. k ^.'- d' 1°i'-,a, - ,,,,-„va;.i `.,,,,,, „ . .-_,n,,..,.°„ ,---i _ i,;. fns .,-LL=.£4 '4,” 'r-,. x'.>- '"(",.,._�z•F.,ac,�-' F. 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'+"<'s" 9;p;'vi City of Cibolo Appendix E: LUE Calculations Impact Fee Study: SUMMARY Transportation Capital Improvement Plan NORTH ZONE FLU DUA ` Total Acreage Total LUE's , .LUE's/Acre Attached Residential 88.1308 369 4.2 Cluster 219.4858 418 1.9 Commercial (20% GLA) 382.4114 9455 24.7 Industrial 178.7739 1179 6.6 Institutional 171.3537 1696 9.9 Mixed-Use (% based) 907.0373 16477 18.2 Park 713.8718 106 0.1 Single Family 2509.1219 8803 3.5 North Zone Totals 5170.1866 38504 SOUTH ZONE FLU -DUA Total:Acreage Total.LUE's LUE's/Acre,- Attached Residential 80.1913 235 2.9 Cluster 292.7035 204 0.7 Commercial (20% GLA) 221.6053 4095 18.5 Institutional 158.4284 500 3.2 Mixed-Use (% based) 412.6466 6572 15.9 Park 320.4596 53 0.2 Single Family 123.4909 208 1.7 South Zone Totals 1609.5257 11867 Final Report 9/16/2008 E-1 City of Cibolo Appendix E: Impact Fee Study: LUE Calculations Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Land Use:Attached Residential (Assume attached residences are townhomes) Average o(5.86 trips per dwelling unit per day NORTH ZONE „ , , ,FLU DUA. ' ' - Probability : DUA, Acreage Total DU's ,. Trips- LUE ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL 1.00 6 5.4675 32.81 192 20.1 ATTACHED.RESIDENTIAL, , - 1.00 6 3.5884 21.53 126 13.2 ATTACHED.RESIDENTIAL; DUA: 12=16. 1.00 12 0.1619 1.94 11 1.2 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL; DUA. 12 . 0.50 12 44.6207 535.45 3138 163.9 ATTACHEDRESIDENTIAL,.DUA: 12 " 1.00 12 5.7815 69.38 407 42.5 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL 6 0.25 6 12.2416 73.45 430 11.2 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL 12 0.50 12 0.3787 4.54 27 1.4 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL 3 0.25 3 0.1264 0.38 2 0.1 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL 12 1.00 12 15.7642 189.17 1109 115.8 88.1308 928.65 5442 369.4 Total-Trips/Acre. 61.75 LUE's/Acre. 4.2 ' SOUTH ZONE , FLU DUA ' , Probability .DUA- • , Acreage`" Total DUs Trips , LUEs ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL; DUA. 8, 0.25 8 41.0981 328.79 1927 50.3 .ATTACHED:RESIDENTIAL; DUA. 8 1.00 8 33.2685 266.15 1560 163.0 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL, DUA: 6 1.00 6 3.2140 19.28 113 11.8 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL; DUA: 12 1.00 12 0.1674 2.01 12 1.2 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL 8 0.25 8 0.3227 2.58 15 0.4 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL.8 1.00 8 1.5928 12.74 75 7.8 ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL 8 _ 0.25 8 0.5277 4.22 25 0.6 80.1913 635.77 3726 235.2 ' Total Trips/Acre. . . 46.46 ' LUE's/Acre 2.9 Final Report 9/16/2008 E-2 City of Cibolo Appendix E: Impact Fee Study: LUE Calculations Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Land Use: Cluster Average of 9.57 trips per dwelling unit per day NORTH ZONE FLU_DUA Probability DUA Acreage Total DU's `Trips LUE's CLUSTER; DUA: 2 1.00 2 163.4070 326.81 3128 326.8 CLUSTER; .DUA: 2 1.00 2 14.1453 28.29 271 28.3 CLUSTER 2 0.75 2 41.9335 83.87 803 62.9 219.4858 438.97 4201 418.0 Total Trips/Acre , 19.14 LUE's/Acre, 1.9 SOUTH ZONE FLU_DUA Probability DUA. Acreage Total DU's -Trips ; LUE's CLUSTER; DUA: 2 > 1.00 2 37.8183 75.64 724 75.6 CLUSTER; DUA: 2 0.25 2 42.4572 84.91 813 21.2 CLUSTER 2 '_ 1.00 2 0.3891 0.78 7 0.8 CLUSTER`2 0.25 2 0.0345 0.07 1 0.0 CLUSTER 2 - 0.25 2 0.5849 1.17 11 0.3 CLUSTER:2 0.25 2 75.4009 150.80 1443 37.7 'CLUSTER 2 0.25 2 31.0326 62.07 594 15.5 CLUSTER.2 0.25 2 68.9533 137.91 1320 34.5 CLUSTER 2 - 0.25 2 36.0327 72.07 690 18.0 292.7035 585.41 5602 203.7 Total Trips/Acre. 19:14 LUE's/Acre 0.7 ' Final Report 9/16/2008 E-3 City of Cibolo Appendix E: Impact Fee Study: LUE Calculations Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Land Use: Commercial Average 42.94 trips per 1,000 sq.ft. gross leasable area(Using 20% of acreage as the gross leasable area) NORTH ZONE FLU_DUA Probability Acreage . 20%GLA 1000 soft. Trips LUE's COMMERCIAL 100 18.7940 3.7588 163.734 7031 734.7 COMMERCIAL 1.00 5.9723 1.1945 52.031 2234 233.5 COMMERCIAL 1.00 39.7775 7.9555 346.542 14881 1554.9 COMMERCIAL 1.00 25.5186 5.1037 222.318 9546 997.5 COMMERCIAL 1.00 24.7948 4.9590 216.013 9276 969.2 COMMERCIAL. 1.00 23.9444 4.7889 208.604 8957 936.0 COMMERCIAL 1.00 6.4652 1.2930 56.325 2419 252.7 COMMERCIAL 1.00 9.7017 1.9403 84.521 3629 379.2 COMMERCIAL,. 1.00 10.9547 2.1909 95.437 4098 428.2 COMMERCIAL 0.50 3.4052 0.6810 29.666 1274 66.6 COMMERCIAL 1.00 6.3067 1.2613 54.944 2359 246.5 COMMERCIAL 0.25 7.4907 1.4981 65.259 2802 73.2 COMMERCIAL 0.25 2.8373 0.5675 24.719 1061 27.7 COMMERCIAL 0.25 10.2169 2.0434 89.010 3822 99.8 , COMMERCIAL - 1.00 0.3325 0.0665 2.896 124 13.0 COMMERCIAL , 1.00 4.3078 0.8616 37.529 1612 168.4 COMMERCIAL., 1.00 0.7432 0.1486 6.475 278 29.1 COMMERCIAL 0.25 112.5227 22.5045 980.298 42094 1099.6 COMMERCIAL 0.50 48.8240 9.7648 425.355 18265 954.3 COMMERCIAL 0.25 13.4531 2.6906 117.204 5033 131.5 COMMERCIAL 0.25 6.0316 1.2063 52.547 2256 58.9 COMMERCIAL 1.00 0.0026 0.0005 0.022 1 0.1 COMMERCIAL 0.50 0.0140 0.0028 0.122 5 0.3 382.4114 76.4823 3331.568 143058 9455.0 Total Trips/Acre ' ' 374.09 ` LUE's/Acre. 24:7 SOUTH ZONE FLU_DUA Probability Acreage 20%GLA 1000 soft. Trips LUE's COMMERCIAL 0.25 1.5921 0.3184 13.870 596 15.6 'COMMERCIAL ' 0.25 12.8654 2.5731 112.083 4813 125.7 COMMERCIAL 1.00 28.4226 5.6845 247.618 10633 1111.0 COMMERCIAL .. 1.00 37.3793 7.4759 325 648 13983 1461.2 COMMERCIAL 0.25 71.6673 14.3335 624.366 26810 700.4 COMMERCIAL 0.25 10 4728 2.0946 91.239 3918 102.3 COMMERCIAL ' 0.25 59.1995 11.8399 515.746 22146 578.5 COMMERCIAL 1.00 0.0062 0.0012 0.054 2 0.2 221.6053 44.3211 1930.625 82901 4095.0 Total,Trips/Acre 374.09 ' LUE's/Acre 18:5 - Final Report 9/16/2008 E-4 City of Cibolo Appendix E: Impact Fee Study: LUE Calculations Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Land Use: Industrial Average of 63.11 trips per acre per day NORTH ZONE FLU_DUA Probability Acreage Trips LUE's ,INDUSTRIAL 1.00 16.0513 1013 105.9 INDUSTRIAL 1.00 162.5157 10256 1071.7 INDUSTRIAL 1.00 0.2043 13 1.3 INDUSTRIAL 1.00 0.0026 0 0.0 178.7739 11282 1178.9 Total Trips/Acre° ' 63.11 LUE'sIAcre 6:6." Final Report 9/16/2008 E-5 City of Cibolo Appendix E: Impact Fee Study: LUE Calculations Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Land Use: Institutional Average of 1.29 trips per student per day for Elementary School,Average of 1.62 trips per student per day for Middle School, and Average of 1.71 trips per student per day for High School NORTH ZONE `FLU_DUA Facility; Probability.. Acreage Students. Trips LUE's INSTITUTIONAL USE - Elementary 1.00 5.5165 850 1097 114.6 INSTITUTIONAL USE: : Elementary 1.00 8.1130 850 1097 114.6 INSTITUTIONAL USE. Elementary 1.00 10.5971 850 1097 114.6 - INSTITUTIONAL USE Elementary 1.00 11.7298 850 1097 114.6 - INSTITUTIONAL:USE Middle 1.00 16.7280 1500 2430 253.9 • . INSTITUTIONAL USE Highschool 1.00 94.6585 2800 4788 500.3 INSTITUTIONAL USE Elementary 1.00 5.9286 850 1097 114.6 INSTITUTIONAL USE Middle 0.25 13.1392 1500 2430 253.9 INSTITUTIONAL USE 1.00 0.0135 0.0 - INSTITUTIONAL USE Elementary 0.25 3.0515 850 1097 114.6 INSTITUTIONAL USE - 0.25 1.8779 0.0 171.3537 10900 16227 1695.6 Trips/Acre. 94:70 LUE's/Acre - 9.9 - SOUTH ZONE Proposed FLU_DUA . , Facilities ,'Probability - Acreage Students Trips LUE's - Highschool/S ports INSTITUTIONAL USE Complex 1.00 158.4284 2800.000 4788 500.3 158.4284 2800.000 4788 500.3 Trips/Acre . 30:22 LUE's/Acre 32 , Final Report 9/16/2008 E-6 City of Cibolo Appendix E: Impact Fee Study* LUE Calculations Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Land Use:Mixed Use Residential average of 9.57 trips per dwelling unit per day,commercial and retail averages of 42.94 and 44.32 trips per 1,000 sq.ft.gross leasable area,respectively(using 20%of acreage as the gross leasable area),public/civic average of 1.59 trips per acre per day,office average of 3.32 trips per 1000 sq.ft.gross floor area(using 60%of acreage as gross floor area) The dwelling units per acre listed in column A are only used in the multi family calculations. Residential calculations are generated using 5 dwelling units per acre. NORTH ZONE 10% - 30% '10% 10%.' ' ,FLU DUA , , Probability,1 Acreage Commercial Trips 15%Office Trips 25%Retail ,Trips Residential Trips Institutional Trips Public/Civic Trips Total Trips LUE's MIXED USE, DUA: 6 1.00 29.7846 2.9785 1114 4 4677 388 7 4462 2875 8.9354 513 2.9785 564 2.9785 5 5454 569.9 MIXED USE; DUA: 6 " 1.00 8.2095 0.8210 307 1.2314 107 2.0524 792 2.4629 141 0.8210 155 0.8210 1 1503 157 1 MIXED USE; DUA. 10 1.00 386.9777 38.6978 14477 58.0467 5037 96.7444 37355 116.0933 11110 38.6978 7328 38.6978 62 75306 7868.9 MIXED USE;DUA: 8 1.00 5.5152 0.5515 206 0.8273 72 1.3788 532 1.6546 127 0.5515 104 0.5515 1 1042 108.8 MIXED USE;DUA: 8 1.00 16.4022 1.6402 614 2.4603 213 4.1006 1583 4.9207 377 1.6402 311 1.6402 3 3098 323.7 MIXED USE; DUA: 12 1.00 125.9196 12.5920 4711 18.8879 1639 31.4799 12155 37.7759 4338 12.5920 2384 12.5920 20 25227 2636.0 MIXED USE;DUA: 8 1.00 52.4593 5.2459 1962 7.8689 683 13.1148 5064 15.7378 1205 5.2459 993 5.2459 8 9907 1035.2 MIXED USE;DUA: 8 1.00 11.5409 1 1541 432 1 7311 150 2.8852 1114 3.4623 265 1 1541 219 1 1541 2 2180 227.8 MIXED USE;DUA: 8 1.00 93.5213 9.3521 3499 14.0282 1217 23.3803 9028 28.0564 2148 9.3521 1771 9.3521 15 17662 1845.6 MIXED USE; DUA: 10 1.00 47.0515 4.7051 1760 7.0577 612 11.7629 4542 14.1154 1351 4.7051 891 4.7051 7 9156 956.8 MIXED USE;DUA: 8 1.00 2.2888 0.2289 86 0.3433 30 0.5722 221 0.6866 53 0.2289 43 0.2289 0 432 45.2 MIXED USE;DUA: 8 1.00 5.0035 0.5003 187 0.7505 65 1.2509 483 1.5010 115 0.5003 95 0.5003 1 945 98.7 MIXED USE,DUA: 8 0.25 122.3632 12.2363 4578 18.3545 1593 30.5908 11812 36.7090 2810 12.2363 2317 12.2363 19 23109 603.7 907.0373 90.7037 33932 136.0556 11806 226.7593 87555 272.1112 24553 90.7037 17175 91 144 175021 16477.4 Total Trips/Acre 192.96 LUE's/Acre 18.2 SOUTH ZONE 10% ' ' . 30% '' 10% 10% ' FLU DUA Probability ' Acreage: Commercial Trips 15%Office Trips 25%Retail ,Trips ' Residential,: Trips Institutional. Trips Public1Civic Trips Total Trips LUE's MIXED USE; DUA: 12 1.00 101 7884 10.1788 3808 15.2683 1325 25.4471 9826 30.5365 3507 10.1788 1927 10.1788 16 20392 2130.9 MIXED USE; DUA: 10 1.00 4.4956 0.4496 168 0.6743 59 1 1239 434 1.3487 129 0.4496 85 0.4496 1 875 91 4 MIXED USE; DUAi 6 1.00 43.2650 4.3265 1619 6.4898 563 10.8163 4176 12.9795 745 4.3265 819 4.3265 7 7922 827.8 MIXED USE; DUA: 12 1.00 0.0023 0.0002 0 0.0004 0 0.0006 0 0.0007 0 0.0002 0 0.0002 0 0 0.0 MIXED USE; DUA: 12 1.00 65.9789 6.5979 2468 9.8968 859 16.4947 6369 19.7937 1894 6.5979 1249 6.5979 10 12839 1341.6 MIXED USE; DUA. 10 1.00 0.0008 0.0001 0 0.0001 0 0.0002 0 0.0002 0 0.0001 0 0.0001 0 0 0.0 MIXED USE; DUA: 6 1.00 61.0736 6.1074 2285 9.1610 795 15.2684 5895 18.3221 1052 6.1074 1156 6.1074 10 11184 1168.6 MIXED USE; DUA:6 0.50 73.4353 7.3435 2747 11.0153 956 18.3588 7089 22.0306 1265 7.3435 1391 7.3435 12 13447 702.6 MIXED USE; DUA: 8 0.25 62.6067 6.2607 2342 9.3910 815 15.6517 6043 18.7820 1438 6.2607 1185 6.2607 10 11824 308.9- 412.6466 41.2647 15437 61.8970 5371 103.1617 39832 123.7940 10031 41.2647 7814 41 66 78484 6571.9 Total Trips/Acre 190.20 LUE's/Acre 15.9 Final Report 9/16/2008 E-7 City of Cibolo Appendix E: Impact Fee Study: LUE Calculations Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Land Use: Park Average of 1.59 trips per acre per day NORTH ZONE FLU_DUA 'Probability Acreage '' Trips LUE's • PARK 1.00 39.0225 62 6.48 , .PARK " 1.00 3.4298 5 0.57 PARK _ 1.00 3.8825 6 0.65 PARK 1.00 36.8095 59 6.12 PARK 1.00 43.7095 69 7.26 PARK. _., 0.50 0.0131 0 0.00 PARK• ,' 1.00 19.8745 32 3.30 PARK • _ 1.00 368.6150 586 61.24 PARK 0.25 4.9810 8 0.21 „ PARK - 0.25 14.3605 23 0.60 PARK ' ; 1.00 0.2135 0 0.04 PARK , „ , 0.50 55.2286 88 4.59 PARK 1.00 2.4745 4 0.41 PARK" 0.25 36.6962 58 1.52 "PARK ' 1.00 23.1514 37 3.85 PARK, -, 1.00 56.7083 90 9.42 PARK - ' : 0.50 0.1977 0 0.02 PARK 0.25 4.4899 7 0.19 ' . PARK 1.00 0.0140 0 0.00 713.8718 1135 106.5 Total TripslAcre` ' 1.59 ' LUE's/Acre - - 0.1,. SOUTH ZONE FLU_DUA Probability Acreage ' "Trips LUE's PARK ' „ ' 1.00 10.2981 16 1.71 - PARK- ; i 1.00 90.5299 144 15.04 PARK ' 1.00 10.6468 17 1.77 PARK 1.00 63.7380 101 10.59 ` , PARK, .. . 0.25 1.6246 3 0.07 - - - PARK ' . 1.00 0.0806 0 0.01 PARK 5 " 1.00 33.4436 53 5.56 PARK 0.25 0.4689 1 0.02 PARK _ 1.00 109.6230 174 18.21 PARK" ;• .:, ' ' 1.00 0.0062 0 0.00 320.4596 510 53.0 Total Trips/Acre... 1.59.' ; LUE's/Acre . ' 0.2' Final Report 9/16/2008 E-8 City of Cibolo Appendix E: Impact Fee Study: LUE Calculations Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Land Use:Single Family Average of 9.57 trips per dwelling unit per day NORTH ZONE FLU_DUA Probability . DUA ' "' Acreage Total DU's 'Trips LUE's SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 3 1 00 3 102.8655 308 60 2953 308.6 SINGLE FAMILY; DUA. 4.5, 1.00 4.5 2.1359 9.61 92 9.6 SINGLE-FAMILY;;DUA:,.4 1.00 4 15.3684 61.47 588 61.5 SINGLE-FAMILY;:DUA: 4 1.00 4 9.3178 37.27 357 37.3 :SINGLE FAMILY;.DUA: 4 1.00 4 167.0796 668.32 6396 668.3 SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 4 1.00 4 64 4088 257.64 2466 257.6 - ' .SINGLE FAMILY,"DUA: 4:5 1.00 4.5 134 6058 605.73 5797 605.7 SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 2 - 1.00 2 45.3499 90.70 868 90.7 SINGLE FAMILY;.DUA. 4-' 1.00 4 136.9437 547.77 5242 547.8 SINGLE FAMILY; DUA.'2 1.00 2 57.2749 114.55 1096 114.5 SINGLEFAMILY; DUA. 4:5 1.00 4.5 66.5012 299.26 2864 299.3 SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 2 , 1.00 2 31.4043 62.81 601 62.8 SINGLE'FAMILY;'DUA: 4.5 1.00 4.5 513.7123 2311.71 22123 2311.7 - :SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 2 . 0.25 2 0.5601 1.12 11 0.3 SINGLE FAMILY;'DUA:'4.5 1.00 4.5 55.6222 250.30 2395 250:3 SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 4 - 1.00 4 52.3704 209.48 2005 209.5 SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 4 1.00 4 3.0438 12.18 117 12.2 SINGLEFAMILY;.DUA. 4 ' 1.00 4 0.0489 0.20 2 0.2 • ,SINGLE FAMILY, DUA: 4 0.25 4 29.7855 119.14 1140 29.8 SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 4" 1.00 4 1.5402 6.16 59 6.2 SINGLE FAMILY;'DUA:'4 1.00 4 2.5299 10 12 97 10.1 SINGLE FAMILY;.DUA. 2 1.00 2 13.3745 26.75 256 26.7 SINGLE FAMILY; DUA. 4. 0.25 4 88.1402 352.56 3374 88.1 '•SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 4 0.25 4 0 4185 1.67 16 0.4 SINGLE FAMILY','DUA: 4.5 0.25 4.5 86.8195 390.69 3739 97.7 _ SINGLE FAMILY; DUA. 4 0.25 4 204 7143 818.86 7836 204.7 .SINGLE FAMILY; DUA. 4 1.00 4 1.2450 4.98 48 5.0 .SINGLE FAMILY;'DUA:,2; 1.00 2 1.2578 2.52 24 2.5 'SINGLE FAMILY; DUA. 4 1 00 4 49 7058 198.82 1903 198.8 ' SINGLEFAMILY; DUA. 4 1.00 4 147 4012 589.60 5643 589.6 " SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 2 ; 0.25 2 12.7620 25.52 244 6.4 - 'SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 2 0.25 2 3.5557 7.11 68 1.8 SINGLE FAMILY,'DUA. 4:5 ' 1.00 4.5 224.2115 1008.95 9656 1009 0 ` SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 2 " 1.00 2 0.6836 1.37 13 1 4 SINGLE FAMILY; DUA: 4.5 1.00 4.5 125.1854 563.33 5391 563.3 SINGLE FAMILY;-DUA. 8 0.25 8 56.9960 455.97 4364 114 0 SINGLE FAMILY; DUA.,3 0.25 3 0.1820 0.55 5 0.1. 2509.1219 10433.38 99847 8803.5 Total,Trips/Acre. , '39.79. , ' LUE's/Acre - 3.5 SOUTH ZONE .' •, FLU_DUA ' ' Probability' DUA ,Acreage = Total DU's Trips , LUE'S, ''SINGLE FAMILY,.DUA:-4 , , 1.00 4 28.1826 112.73 1078.83 112.7 `SINGLE FAMILY,.DUA: 4 " 0.25 4 0.1748 0.70 6.69 0.2 - :•'SINGLE FAMILY;'DUA:.4. ' 0.25 4 0.0012 0.00 0.05 0.0 SINGLE-FAMILY; DUA:'4 0.25 4 95.1322 380.53 3641.66 95.1 123.4909 493.96 4727.23 208 Total Trips/Acre . 38.28'- LUE's/Acre , 1.7 - Final Report 9/16/2008 E-9 0 / 0CAza¢ , ; � � , \7 / ill . « z. 4 \ ' '� ƒ � ° f # �` ` a s\!#,_ / our wta! //V - Ar y!� p C ,4477 x I111 II\ \ .} -n.• ley&ASSOCIATES -- ~ � . � 8620 N.New Braunfels,s Suite 542 I snit io,Texas 78217 Iva(210)826-4611 I Fax(210)826-49061 www.cobfen.com