ORD 850 06/10/2008 ORDINANCE #8 5 0 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR A 25.5 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OWNED BY DISCOVERY CHURCH TO BE RE-ZONED FROM RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY-RURAL (R-U) TO PLACES OF ASSEMBLY (AS); PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION I. Whereas two public hearings were held to discuss such rezoning, the first being on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; and, the second being on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall, for the purpose of providing all interested persons the opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed rezoning 25.5 acres R-U to AS by the City of Cibolo. SECTION II. And whereas the description of the 25.5 acres of land which is to be rezoned to AS is described in Exhibit "A" (metes and bounds) and Exhibit "B" (survey exhibit), attached hereto and made part of this ordinance. SECTION III. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED,APPROVED,AND ADOPTED THIS 1I v DAY OF re, , 2008. i 1IoAiw - JeiJiifer H/man Mayor, City of Cibolo ATTEST: , Peggy Cimics City Secretary, City of Cibolo MARTINEZ SURVEYING AND MAPPING Co. 8546 Broadway, Suite 225 EXHBIT San Antonio,Texas 78217 (210)829-4244 STATE OF TEXAS 25.5 ACRE TRACT COUNTY OF GUADALUPE All that certain tract or parcel of land containing 25.5 acres in Guadalupe County,Texas, out of the Geronimo Leal Survey No. 85,Abstract 210, being certain 25.50 acres described in conveyance to Discovery Church of the Assemblies of God, a Texas non-profit corporation, of record in Volume 2185, Page 297, Official Records of Guadalupe County,Texas. BEGINNING: at a concrete monument found on the Southeast line of Country Lane at the corner of Alvin D.Burney tract, of record in Volume 1406, Page 356, Official Records of Guadalupe County,Texas,for a corner of this herein described tract; THENCE: North 60 deg. 02 min. 00 sec. East, 529.77 feet to a 1/2'iron pin found,for a corner of this herein described tract; THENCE: South 29 deg.47 min.21 sec. East,209.02 feet to a'/"iron pin found,for a corner of this described tract; THENCE: North 60 deg.45 min. 58 sec. East,418.74 feet to a wood fence post,for a corner of this herein described tract; THENCE: South 29 deg. 12 min.27 sec. East, 897.67 feet to a'/2'iron pin found,for a corner of this herein described tract; THENCE: South 60 deg. 08 min. 54 min.West, 940.96 feet to a concrete monument found, for a corner of this herein described tract; THENCE: North 29 deg.42 min.26 sec.West, 18.29 feet to a'/2'iron pin found,for a corner of this herein described tract; THENCE: South 60 deg. 20 min. 36 sec.West, 216.67 feet to a '/z" iron pin found, for the South corner of this herein described tract, THENCE: North 29 deg.28 min. 56 sec.West, 691.66 feet to a 1/2"iron pin found,for the West corner of this herein described tract. THENCE: North 60 deg. 20 min. 36 sec. East, 213.96 feet to a 1/2" iron pin found, for a corner of this herein described tract; THENCE: North 29 deg.42 min.26 sec.West,400.15 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Bearing Basis-North 60 deg. 02 min. 00 sec. East—from the Northwest boundary line of said 25.50 acre tract,of record in Volume 2185, Page 297, Official Records of Guadalupe County, Texas �� k\� ! • • f#, REYNALDOMARTINF2•JR. ) REYN•LDO MARTINAZ 7 REGISTERED PROFESSI• AL •.,ts=!°:yo J LAND SURVEYOR No 5482 5U'R`i: -I W. O.#08-2-1 FEBRUARY 5, 2008 (SEE ATTACHED SURVEY PLAT) • • EXHIBIT FOR REZONING UNE DATA li LI N 29'42'26' W, 18.29' MARY E.CAPPERINO 1173/289 OFFICIAL RECORDS SUSAN CHRISTIAN A THERESA WAGES ALVIH D. GURNEY 1948/501 2126/696 OFFICIAL RECORDS X150 �30D OFFICIAL RECORDS SUSAN CHRISTIAN k THERESA WAGES SCALE: 1".= 300' 1948/501 OFFICIAL RECORDS PLAT LEGEND • 1/2' IRON PIN FOUND ALFRED W.VILLAREAL . A CONCRETE MONUMENT 1265/725, 0 WOOD FENCE POST OFFICIAL RECORDS VIOLA E.NIEWET2(50X) 1202/635 AREA WITHIN OFFlCH\L RECORDS DONALD KALE 4,1g BILLY R.h BARBARA A - CITY OF GIGOLO 575/455 y1 / 4\ . HEIMAN(50X) DEED RECORDS 9�' ,9. E.. 1161/370, TRIPLE 1 PPDROPERRES, 00 A. �O��, A�55 OFFICIAL RECORDS %°{'L- CITY U OUTSIDETS 1029/737, !L C'1° ..../..,..1 ,,,,,,,,,7, '� O /// OFFICIAL RECORDS PROPOSED REZONE / POINT OF BEGINNING .. v G 1I:' DANIEL B.NIEYIETZ JR. rµ %17'.8'• s 1202/833 y�� •' OFFICW.RECORDS ALVIN D. BURNEY 3�e y.y VOLUME 1406•PAGE 356, ;.: _? 25.5 OFFICIAL RECORDS ,f _ ACRE /6 ,'?. E,0 .,5, TRACT \' ,".- „==kms . A' VS - -per ,. \1..10\09°N �\� X10 5'I• ��,,ar��. Ott 9oNf Amo r, . 55 115 ,:� ' .' \ L 4':i \ .1'::^-00-4r.-,--13'J y Oa aTM Jp 5\ 17 ..r%-.--[. F r&�:;\ • �I co;e� o �'�'\ `f REYNALDO MARTINEZ. --7. \ y Pcss o PJ6;7*. SURVEY PLAT n, V MARTINEZ OF d • fi SURVEYING AND MAPPING CO. 8546 BROADWAY SUITE 225 25.5 ACRES IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, OUT OF SAN ANTONIO, TX, 78217 THE GERONIMO LEAL SURVEY NO. 85, ABSTRACT 210, BEING THAT CERTAIN 25.50 ACRES DESCRIBED IN (210) 829-4244 CONVEYANCE TO DISCOVERY CHURCH OF THE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD, A TEXAS NON-PROFIT STATE OFGAS CORPORATION, OF RECORD IN VOLUME 2185, PAGE COUNTY OF GUADALUPE 297, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT CONFORMS TO THE MINIMUM TEXAS. STANDARDS SET FORTH BY THE STATE BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING ACCORDING TO AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE ON THE GROUND BY (SEE ATTACHED FIELD NOTES) MARTINEZ SURVEYING AND MAPPING CO. OWNER: DISCOVERY CHURCH OF THE ASSMEBUES OF GOD TRACT DESIGNATED AS This 5th day of FEBRUARY , 20 08 A.D. - GUADALUPE PROPERTY ID # 66280 j BEARING BASIS - NORTH 60'O2'00" EAST - FROM THE "�\1 ,/-( ;Lf . I �� NORTHWEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID 25.50 ACRE TRACT, 1 OF RECORD IN VOLUME 2185, PAGE 297, OFFICIAL LAND SURV PROFESSIONAL \._ ` RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS LAND SURVETORINo.5482 JOB No.18-2-1