ORD 1067 08/02/2013 Ay , NO • a•v `J ' * s . rex p5 "City of Choice" ORDINANCE NO. 1067 AN ORDINANCE UPDATING AND AMENDING THE CITY OF CIBOLO WATER, WASTEWATER, DRAINAGE AND TRANSPORATION IMPACT FEE PROGRAMS BY ADOPTING UPDATED LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS, ADOPTING AN UPDATED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN; REVISING THE IMPACT FEE SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES AND ADOPTING THE 2013 IMPACT FEE STUDY 2013 UPDATE; AND BY AMENDING THE WATER, WASTEWATER, DRAINAGE AND TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES TO BE CHARGED BY THE CITY OF CIBOLO; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SAVINGS AND REPEAL; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas (the "City Council") has previously passed Ordinance No. 811 adopting Land Use Assumptions ("LUA") and a Capital Improvement Plan("CIP"); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas (the "City Council") has previously passed Ordinance No. 866 adopting impact fees for Water, Wastewater and Drainage ("Impact Fees"); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas (the "City Council") has previously passed Ordinance No. 881 adopting an impact fee for Transportation ("Impact Fees"); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas (the "City Council") has previously passed Ordinance No. 1025 on September 11, 2012 adopting the 2012-2017 City of Cibolo 5-Year Capital Improvements Plan; and WHEREAS, the City has caused its existing Land Use Assumptions, Impact Fee Service Area and 5-Year 2012-2017 Capital Improvements Plan to be reviewed by the Capital Improvements Plan Advisory Committee on April 10, 2013, and reviewed by City Council on May 20, 2013; and WHEREAS, the City has caused its existing Land Use Assumptions, Impact Fee Service Area and 5-Year 2012-2017 Capital Improvements Plan to be reviewed, evaluated and updated by qualified professionals using generally accepted engineering and planning practices in accordance with the provisions of Subchapter B of Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code; and Page 1 WHEREAS, such updates to the Land Use Assumptions, Impact Fee Service Area and 5- Year 2012=2017 Capital Improvements Plan necessitate an increase in the water, wastewater, drainage and transportation impact fees in order to implement and fund the expenses of constructing capital improvements and facility expansions in accordance withthe provisions of Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City's consultants have prepared .a document titled "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Water, Wastewater, Drainage and Transportation", dated July 1, 2013, attached hereto as Exhibit A to this ordinance updating the Impact Fee Studies adopted by Ordinances 811 and 866 in 2007 for Water Systems, Wastewater Systems, Drainage Systems and Transportation Systems; and WHEREAS, The City of Cibolo ("City") has fully complied with Chapter 395, Texas Local Government Code, with regards to notice, adoption, promulgation and methodology as required for creation and adoption of the updated Land Use Assumptions, Impact Fee Service Area and 5-Year 2012-2017 Cibolo Capital Improvements Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 395.056, Texas Local Government Code, the CIP Advisory Committee has filed written comments on the proposed amendments, to the Land Use Assumptions, Impact Fee Service Area and 5-Year 2012-2017 Cibolo Capital Improvements Plan;before the 5th day before the date of the public hearing on the amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the updated and amended Land Use Assumptions, Impact Fee Service Area, 5-Year 2012-2017 Cibolo Capital Improvements Plan and each impact fee study referenced above and held a public hearing on August 13, 2013 to receive public input on the proposed updates and amendments to the Land Use Assumptions, Impact Fee Service Area, 5-Year 2012-2017 Cibolo Capital Improvements Plan and each impact fee study; and WHEREAS, the proposed updates and amendments to the updated and amended Land Use Assumptions, Impact Fee Service Area, 5-Year 2012-2017 Cibolo Capital Improvements Plan and each impact fee study were made available to the public; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the health and welfare of the citizens of Cibolo to approve the updated Land Use Assumptions, Impact Fee Service Area, 5-Year 2012-2017 Cibolo Capital Improvements Plan and each impactfee study. NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS: Part 1. Water Impact Fee Program. The City Council amends the City's Water Impact Fee Program by adopting: (1) the area described in the City's Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) for water service, as identified in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Page 2 Water, Wastewater, Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A) of this ordinance, as the City's Water Service Area; (2) the Land Use Assumptions described in of the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update,Water,Wastewater,Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A); (3) the Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, described in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Water, Wastewater, Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A) ; and (4) a Water Impact Fee of $3,595.00 per living unit equivalent (LUE) on new development within the Water Service Area described in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Water, Wastewater, Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A). Part 2. Wastewater Impact Fee Program. The City Council amends the City's Wastewater Impact Fee Program by adopting: (1) the area described in the City's Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) for wastewater service, as identified in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update,Water,Wastewater, Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A) of this ordinance, as the City's:Wastewater Service Area (2) the Land Use Assumptions described in of the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update,Water,Wastewater,Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A); (3) . the Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, described in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Water, Wastewater, Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A); and (4) a Wastewater Impact Fee of$1,770.00 per living unit equivalent(LUE) on new development within the Waste Water Service Area described in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update,Water,Wastewater,Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A). Part 3. Drainage Impact Fee Program. The City Council amends the City's Drainage Impact Fee Program by adopting: (1) the watersheds; as described in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Water, Wastewater, Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A) as the City's Drainage Service Area; (2) the Land Use Assumptionsdescribed in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Water,Wastewater,Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A); (3) the Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, described in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Water, Wastewater, Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A); and (4) a Drainage Impact Fee in the amount of$1,015.00 per living unit equivalent (LUE) oh new development within the:Drainage Service Area described in the Page 3 "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Water, Wastewater, Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A). Part 4. Transportation Impact_ Fee Program. The City Council amends the City's Transportation Impact Fee Program by adopting: (1) the Transportation Service Area, consisting of the North Zone and the South Zone, as described in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Water, Wastewater,. Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A) as the Transportation Service Area; (2) the Land Use Assumptions described in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Water,Wastewater,Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A): (3) the Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, described in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Water, Wastewater, Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A); and (4) Transportation Impact Fees in the amount of $1,090.00 per living unit equivalent (LUE) on new development within the North Zone of the Transportation Service Area, and $1,940.00 per LUE on new development within the South Zone of the Transportation Service Area, as described in the "Impact Fee Study 2013 Update, Water, Wastewater, Drainage and Transportation" (Exhibit A). Part 5. Assessment and Collection of Impact Fees. Impact Fees shall be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, as the same may be amended from time to time. The City Manager, or his designee, is hereby authorized to develop procedures and policies for assessment and collection of impact fees consistent with applicable law and the City's ordinances, and to implement said procedures and policies in the administration of the City's Transportation Impact Fee Program. Part 6. Agreement with Owner. 'This ordinance does not prohibit the City from entering into an agreement with the owner of a tract of land for which the plat has been recorded providing for the time and method of payments of the impact fees or an agreement for a reduction or waiver of fees. Part 7. Acceptance of Fees. The City is under no obligation to accept offered impact fees. This ordinance creates no obligation for the City to serve any property Within the City. Part 8. Imposition of Additional Fees. This ordinance shall not limit the City's authority to impose other or additional impact fees authorized by Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, or to impose taxes, fees, charges or assessments authorized by state law. Part 9. Attachments. Exhibit A referenced above is incorporated into this ordinance. Part 10. Repealer. Any prior ordinance or parts of ordinances that are in force when this ordinance becomes effective, and which conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed to the.extent of the conflict. Page 4 Part 11. Severance. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Part 12. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall becomeeffective after having been published twice in the official newspaper of the City. PASSED AND APPROVED this,the 27th day of August 2013. J Ter H man, Mayor. ATTEST: Peggy Cimics, City Secretary Page 5 EXHIBIT A "IMPACT FEE STUDY 2013 UPDATE,WATER,WASTEWATER,DRAINAGE AND TRANSPORTATION" (Attached) Page 6 RPS Espey City of Cibolo Impact Fee Study 2013 Update Water, Wastewater, Drainage, and Transportation Date Submitted:.July 2013 Client: City of Cibolo Project Number: 13001.00 1 I t. - { — �£ s r, -- :7" --•*-..:.'' 0 - * ''' * 4k%.0,,,, ; 4:*:- k$31. , ._ r /ff- Irl ' Ofrr - to ,' 1(; I I '4 .,,,s.c.ill,:n.tie... ___, *Ii, ,r..„.„. i l _I , - b..&.:„. F , -7.(4-.7-:',J , :‘ , 1 t' :, r. 4'7 r : ._ • "- _ .....:20,114' . 14 - .,., t/ `.. J , rpsgroup.com CITY OF CIBOLO—IMPACT FEE STUDY-2013 UPDATE Water, Wastewater, Drainage, and Transportation TETAI, ...... ...... 1,.. ••• Prepared for: 1*1 City of Cibolo DAL " ' RAY 200 S. Main Street 40* '•3133 %dr 14i• Cibolo, Texas 78108 4IC E SV#44, %•tikii"*.1114.Viell By: RPS Espey Project No. 13001:00 4801 Southwest Parkway Parlway 2, Suite 150 Austin,Texas 78735 T(512)326-5659 F(512) 32645723 www.rpsaroup.com , . City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update-Water,Wastewater, Drainage, and Transportation Table of Contents Introduction 1 1.1 Executive Summary 1 1.2 Periodic Update Required 1 2 Impact Fee Summaries 2 2.1 Water 2 2.1.1 Description of the Water Planning Area 2 2.2 Wastewater 4 2.2.1 Description of the Wastewater Planning Area 4 2.3 Drainage 6 2.3.1 Description of the.Drainage.Planning Area 6 2.4 Transportation 7 2.4.1 •Description of the Transportation Planning Area 7 3 Methodology 9 3.1 CIP Development 9 3.1.1 Capital Improvements Advisory Committee 9 3.1.2 Planning Meetings 10 3.2 Update Assumptions Map 10 3.2.1 Future Land Use Plan Update 10 3.2.2 Future Land Use Assumptions Map Update 10 3.3 Living Unit Equivalency Calculations 10 3.3.1 Water 11 3.3.2 Wastewater 12 3.3.3 Drainage, 13 3.3.4 Transportation 13 4 Implementation 15 4.1 Comparison with Surrounding Communities 15 4.2 Steps for Adoption 15 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact.Fee Study 2013 Update-Water,Wastewater, Drainage,Transportation . Appendix A— Future Land Use Assumptions Map A Appendix B Project Maps A Appendix C — Impact Fee Tables A Appendix D — Digital Data A List of Figures Figure 1:. Water Planning.Area 3 Figure 2: Wastewater Planning Area . . _ 5 Figure 3: Town Creek Watershed 6 Figure 4: Transportation Planning Area 8 List Of Tables Table 3.1:Water Land Use Equivalency Table .. . 12 Table 3.2: Wastewater Land Use Equivalency Table 12 Table 3.3: Drainage Land Use-Equivalency Table . . 13 Table 3.4: Average Trip Generations Table' 14 Table 4.1: Impact Fee Comparison Table 1.5 Page 2 of 2 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update—Water,Wastewater, Drainage,Transportation - 1 Introduction 1.1 Executive Summary This 2013 Water, Wastewater, Drainage, and Transportation Impact Fee Study for the City of Cibolo has been developed to update the fees established in 2008. This update serves to anticipate capital project needs and determine impact fees for the 2013-2023 ten-year statutory planning period. This plan was developed by RPS Espey Consultants,. Inc. with guidance from City staff and the Impact Fee Advisory Committeeappointed by City Council. The plan should be reviewed and updated on an annual basis, in connection with updates to the City Master Plan or other planning documents, or as needed to reflect changing conditions. 1.2 Periodic Update Required Per Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395 Section 052, a periodicupdate of Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan is required. a) A political subdivision imposing an impact fee shall update_the land use assumptions and capital improvements-plan at least every five years. The initial five-year period begins on the day the capital improvements plan is adopted. b) The political-subdivision shall review and evaluate its current land use-assumptions and shall cause an update of the capital improvements planto be prepared in accordance. with Subchapter B. Page 1 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update-Water,Wastewater, Drainage,Transportation 2 Impact Fee Summaries 2.1 Water There are currently 6,141 Living Unit Equivalents (LUEs) in the City's Water Service Area. Future land use assumptions and anticipated population growth were revised and updated to guide the future system improvement needs. There will be 12,366 LUEs in the City's Water Service Area by 2023. Based on land use assumptions and work done by the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) advisory committee, $46,013,976 in Capital Improvement Projects are necessary to accommodate the additional 6,225 LUEs attributable to growth. The impact fee below Includes eligible finance costs as allowed under Local Government Code (LGC) 395.012(b) and the alternative 50% credit described under LGC 395.014(7)(B). A project location map can be found in Appendix B and the water impact fee table that shows the calculation can be found in Appendix C. The Impact fee per water LUE is calculated to be$3,595. 2.1.1 Description of the Water Planning Area For the purposes of this study, the planning area is defined by the City's Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN)1, which is the City's water service area. This area is defined by jurisdictional and geographic considerations, existing water service, and practical limitations of service. The adjacentwater service areas receive service from City of Schertz and Green Valley Special Utility District (GVSUD). The northern portion of Cibolo's city limits and portions of its ETJ are actually served by GVSUD. Properties within the GVSUD service area are notsubject to impact fees assessed by the City of Cibolo. The planning area encompasses an area of 5,596 acres (8.74 square miles). Figure 1 shows the location of the CCN. and water impact fee service area. 'The City's CCN for water service is CCN#11903,submitted on March 1, 1986 and created on November 2,2000. Page 2 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update_-Water,Wastewater, Drainage, Transportation.. Figure 1: Water Planning Area € ', sem:+- -� -�.e_�`.s� z�+' - "a .. - ?' �. mss t,_ 'ad. .•t., x. Ce al �� ar `�5�a ; , m CO ass ' ' ,. ,.� �,: IN .xr � z � �.- - uadalupe_Co .- .73'1,4,7Wa�' a� - r - �, .,�.`.:;;::::•:; ' Cit sof � ` x ° S-,c§h e,CN k, ..,r,....,-"W i fax$, ,k .:. {I t �,Y="x, :9 �, <`'2 .7'- "",;,,-r,"fit, _ '}' pre• • ��^';� =�: war,,m :' ''''1,0 _:r:L':£:°�'•• .��';{•$���f::=::.�' 4':��'1�:,••.. r ..,,,.',7 g. t. t g ( CR 31C ,y"tea - L:*-:4:•••:::::•!:1::Y:4•-•::•:::::::::.,-.6,1. .-;6'4'.•: :.:.. r VSs h e r -z C GAN;� :��' -- � max' •�� .,a . fI� 7 - 4�= 3 ic • r� u, s xu I• �v t �. G r e e-n V a l l e y az tom ,- ��W 6.e� 3 ' ��= fir' �,�� aw � � �`�• -R. +rte — ,���� t- ' � F ilk �^ � 9 I 7° fieri' G�`�r o,fw �:v i; Sche=r�t=z:a�CC-N I 3 i .,r• -•t i. ro rfid�:�?� 3. G,re.en Valleys'j, ��. • •, r.;T 1:::::::.. Cibolo.Cit}*;L>mits �, c k x '"i'.' CibaloR CCN-Boundary&'Service Area P .i ,i..10•30.50_O,CIPStuWtGlStezh�water_service an_iepu,t.mid: r . •= - ,. - _ - Page 3 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update—Water,Wastewater, Drainage, Transportation_. 2.2 Wastewater Currently, there are 8,906 LUEs in the City's Wastewater Service Area. Future land use assumptions and anticipated population growth were revised and updated to guide the future system improvement needs. There will be 21,817 LUEs in the City's Wastewater Service Area by 2023. Twenty-three Capital Improvement Projects totaling $45,758,960 are necessary to accommodate the 12,911 LUEs attributable to growth. The impact fee below includes eligible finance costs as allowed under LGC 395.012(b) and the alternative 50% credit described under LGC 395.014(7)(B). A project location map can be found in Appendix. B and the wastewater impact fee table that shows the calculation can be found in Appendix C. The Impact fee per wastewater LUE is calculated to be $1,770. 2.2.1 Description of the Wastewater Planning Area For the purposes of this study, the planning area is defined by the wastewater service area of the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority (CCMA) that serves the Cibolo area and is not overlapped by other surrounding CCNs. This area is defined by jurisdictional and geographic considerations, existing wastewater service, and practical limitations of service. The planning area encompasses an area of 10,755 acres (16.8 square miles). The adjacent areas receive wastewater services from City of Schertz and Green Valley Special Utility District (GVSUD). Portions of the City's corporate limits and ETJ are served by GVSUD. Properties within the GVSUD service area are not subject to impact fees assessed by the City of Cibolo. Figure 2 shows the location of the wastewater impact fee service area. Page 4 City of Cibolo July 1, 2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update—Water,Wastewater, Drainage, Transportation Figure 2: Wastewater Planning Area • Comas Co: IN 35 Guadalupe Co. _. - • City of Schett:z,. C:CN 4. . — — —G1I - g - .: ••,,:......„-:.:.::,...._.„-......„-.„.„......,-..... ,,,,•_,° .' .• • •: .? -. 10,,766 Acres jl`�}�, City:-.o'f , • St:h e rtz C•C;N "� - F,••:•:•..::•::: Green Mail ey :.1: .. a. - - - -� „ i • i. ,...••� \. AREAS NOT COVERED:BYA CCN - - , : ...'.::.:::..l::.:.:i•-•!...:..:....E.;..:1:1...--.1...-:..:.'.1.i•..::::..:,:i I..1:::.:-..1-:,,:,': 1.-..-..:'.......::..?.:-..?.-:'..',... , :,,- : :.'',..*;.:.F:::..2..‘-,,,' - !,-' . :: City of Cibolo July 1, 2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update—Water,Wastewater, Drainage, Transportation 2.3 Drainage The purpose of the drainage impact fee is to mitigate flooding from new development and to provide for downstream conveyance from newly developed portions of Cibolo, to and through the existing developed and undeveloped areas of Cibolo. There are currently 5,237 LUEs in the Town Creek watershed. Future land use assumptions and anticipated population growth were revised and updated to guide the future system improvement needs. Future land use assumptions were established to guide future system improvements needs. There will be 18,918 LUEs in the City's Town Creek Drainage Service Area by 2023. Seven Capital Improvement Projects totaling $38,428,233 are necessary to accommodate the 13,681 LUEs attributable to growth. The impact fee below includes eligible finance costs as allowed under LGC 395.012(b) and the alternative 50% credit described under LGC 395.014(7)(B). A project location map can be found in Appendix B and the wastewater impact fee table that shows the calculation can be found in Appendix C. The Impact fee per drainage LUE is calculated to be $1,015. 2.3.1 Description of the Drainage Planning Area Figure 3: Town Creek Watershed For the purposes of this impact fee study, the planning area is defined by the Town Creek watershed. This watershed area is the impact fee service area or the area in which fees are : , � omai 35 ou,,,. _I County assessed and the CIP is implemented. The Dietz Creek drainage system, Bracken ' serving the western portion of the City, / STUDY AREA has been built to capacity. The Santa ' ` 10 Clara Creek drainage system is in a largely undeveloped area of the City of 0► „niVlr al City Cibolo and has yet to be fully studied. r ,„, L iii. Figure 3 shows the location and extentII,. * `"'�� ig.1 Ci of the Drainage impact fee service area. 0 , 2 Mas Page 6 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update-Water,Wastewater, Drainage, Transportation 2.4 Transportation Currently, there are 20,312 LUEs within city limits of Cibolo or the transportation service area. Future land use assumptions and anticipated population growth were revised and updated to guide the future system improvement needs. There will be 64,988 LUEs in the City's Transportation Service Area by 2023. Twenty-nine Capital Improvement Projects totaling $186,034,215 are necessary to accommodate the existing and future LUEs. Existing and future LUEs will benefit from the improvements, and therefore,,the cost is distributed across the total number of LUE's both existing and projected for the ten-year period. The impact fee below Includes eligible finance costs as allowed under LGC 395.012(b) and the alternative 50% credit described under LGC 395.014(7)(B). A project location map can be found in Appendix B and the transportation impact fee table that shows the calculation can be found in Appendix C. The impact fee per transportation north zone LUE is calculated to be$1,090. The impact fee per transportation south zone LUE is calculated to be$1,940. 2.4.1 Description of the Transportation Planning Area The transportation planning area is defined by the City Limits of Cibolo. Per LGC 395.001(9), for roadway facilities, the service area is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of the political subdivision and shall not exceedsix miles. The transportation impact fee has been split into two zones, one north of FM 78 and the other south of FM 78, to comply with the requirement that fees be limited to a six mile area. The planning area encompasses an area of 9,728 acres (15.2 square miles). Figure 4 shows the location of the transportation impact fee service area. Page 7 City of Cibolo July 1, 2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update—Water, Wastewater, Drainage, Transportation Figure 4: Transportation Planning Area ® -li 0 2500 5,000 10,000 wilm. Feet I Yr d 1 eneexv user•o ! �.... r—��.. ....._,_, - L..i �-- � �rr$�—fI PN J n = 1+MlDNG1 EJ -1 O f 4—! i FM II. lir} p • /7 PFSf t tl 1 o I ' ..' j^u.---- 61 J r r.- ,___,,- . LJ --„, BOLTON no m ) d ',. ______J. LJ � ` Cibolo City Limits(Transportation CIP Service Area) Page 8 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update—Water,Wastewater, Drainage, Transportation_ 3 Methodology This section describes the methodology applied to the impact fee study for water, wastewater, drainage, and transportation service within each of the corresponding planning areas. This includes the development of the CIP by the CIP Advisory Committee, the update to the Future Land Use Assumptions map, and the calculation of Land Use Equivalencies (LUES) for developed and undeveloped areas. 3.1 CIP Development 3.1.1 Capital Improvements Advisory Committee As required by LGC Chapter 395.058, a CIP Advisory Committee was appointed by City Council in July of 2012. City Council approved the 5-year CIP on September 11, 2012.- The Cibolo CIP Advisory Committee is comprised of citizens of the City of Cibolo who are members. of the following standing Boards and Commissions of the City of Cibolo: • Streets and Drainage Commission • Planning and Zoning Commission • Parks and Recreation Commission • Economic Development Corporation The members of that Committee are: • Dick Hetzel, Chairman • Meghan Bailey, Vice Chair • Stan Boyle • Allen Dunn • Tex Farnsworth • Pat Evans • Michael Flores The ongoing Capital Improvements Advisory Committee will be composed of members from the Planning and Zoning Commission consistent with Texas Local Government Code. Page 9 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update—Water,Wastewater, Drainage, Transportation 3.1.2 Planning Meetings The initial planning meeting was an Advisory Committee meeting in 2012. In this meeting, the Council and City staff discussed past city growth, 2007 CIP list and impact fee report, projected growth, project priorities and completed CIP projects to this point. From this meeting, a revised CIP list was compiled. RPS Espey met with City of Cibolo staff and. Klein Engineering on March 21, 2013 and again with City of Cibolo staff.and Cobb Fendley, the transportation consultanton this project, on April 18, 2013 to refine the CIP lists by identifying and removing duplicates and completed projects from the 2008 CIP list, updating cost estimates, and removing projects ineligible for impact fee funding. This was used as the final list of capital improvements for water, wastewater, drainage and transportation to be used in the 2013 impact fee study. 3.2 Update Assumptions Map 3.2.1 Future Land Use Plan Update An update to the Future Land Use and.Thoroughfare Plan was completed and adopted by City Council on May 14, 2013: This was done prior to reviewing the original land use assumptions which were utilized to complete the 2008 Impact Fee Study so that the most current vision of future growth for the City of Cibolo could be used for this analysis. 3.2.2 Future Land Use Assumptions Map Update On May 15, 2013, the Future Land Use Assumptions Map was sent to the City for final review -by staff and the CIP Advisory Committee. This map anticipates the growth pattern of the city and was based on the same considerations as the assumptions used in the 2008 impact fee studies for the city. An update was needed to the Future Land Use Assumptions due to changing growth patterns in the city as identified by city staff and the CIP Advisory Committee. Updates to the Future Land Use-Map were also completed to reflect changes during the interim five-year period since the completion.of the last study. 3.3 Living Unit Equivalency Calculations For this study, a Living Unit Equivalency(LUE) is the term used in place of the term service unit found in the Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395 which describes the standard measure of consumption, use, generation, or discharge attributable to an individual unit of development. Page 10 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update-Water,Wastewater, Drainage,Transportation Much of Cibolo can be described as transitioning from rural farmland and large lot residential uses to more dense single-family development with new mixed-use, cornmercial, and retail areas serving this residential growth. As a result, areas can easily be classified as being developed or undeveloped based on the vision of future development as described on the Future Land Use Map. Existing LUEs were calculated by the same criteria used to calculate LUEs attributable to future growth for each type of impact fee. Areas that aredeveloped as of the date of this study are assigned a number of LUEs consistent with the existing land use, and areas that have not yet been developed are assigned LUEs based on the Future Land Use Map land use classification and a "probability of development" value. Land Use Classifications Residential and non-residential land use classifications are indicated as follows on the attached copy of the Future Land Use Assumptions Map (Appendix A). Residential uses indicate the future density in terms of dwelling units per acre or DUA. The land use classifications include: large lot residential (0-2 DUA) single-family residential (2-6 DUA), mixed use (6-16 DUA), institutional, commercial, industrial, commercial/industrial, and park/open space/preserve. Probability of Development Since the Future Land Use Assumptions serve as a policy document (the Future Land Use Plan), the map initially describes a build-out scenario. However, for the purposes of impact fee calculation, the Future Land Use .Assumptions must reflect the estimated level of growth in the planning area within the statutory ten-year planning horizon.2 A probability overlay exercise is undertaken in which each planning:subarea is assigned a "probability of development" value (between 0.0 and 1.0). These values act as a coefficient to provide a weighted estimate of future demand at the end of the planning horizon, thereby avoiding an overestimation of LUEs for each type of impact fee Tables 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 describe the conversion factors to convert land use classifications to number of LUEs for water, wastewater, drainage, and transportation. 3.3.1 Water The calculation of the water impact fee per LUE.was based on conversion factors for each type of land use. Future land use equivalencies for water service units follow: 2 Texas Local Government Code§395.001(5) Page 11 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update-Water,Wastewater, Drainage, Transportation, Table 3.1: Water Land Use Equivalency Table Land Use Classification LUE Conversion Single-Family 1 Dwelling Unit= 1 LUE Rural Residential 1 Dwelling Unit= 1 LUE Commercial' 1 LUE/1660 sf floor area Commercial/Industrial 1 LUE/2830 sf floor area Industrial 1 LUE/4.000 sf floor area Institutional2 2.5 LUE/acre Mixed Use3 50% Commercial/Retail/Office. 30% Residential 20% Institutional/Public/Civic Notes: 1) Commercial and industrial development assumes 20%available land area is building area 2) Institutional use ratio is consistent with other direct methods 3) Mixed use assumes ratio identified in Table 20,City of Cibolo Master Plan 3.3.2 Wastewater The calculation of the wastewater impact fee per LUEs was based on conversion factors for each type of land use. Future land use equivalencies for wastewater service units follow: Table 3.2:Wastewater Land Use Equivalency Table Land Use Classification LUE Conversion Single-Family 1 Dwelling Unit= 1 LUE Rural Residential 1 Dwelling Unit= 1 LUE Commercial' 1 LUE/1660 sf floor area Commercial/Industrial 1 LUE/2830 sf floor area Industrial 1 LUE/4000 sf floor area Institutional2 2.5 LUE/acre Mixed Use3 50% Commercial/Retail/Office 30% Residential 20% Institutional/Public/Civic Notes: 1) Commercial and industrial development assumes 20%available land area is building area 2) Institutional use ratio is consistent with other direct methods 3) Mixed use assumes ratio identified in Table 20,City of Cibolo Master Plan Page 12 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update—Water,Wastewater, Drainage,Transportation.. 3.3.3 Drainage The calculation of drainage impact fees per LUE is based on impervious cover on a typical single-family lot and-impervious cover percentages for all other land uses are used. Impervious cover is projected for each area by assuming 3,762 square feet per LUE per the 200,8 drainage impact study. To determine the amount of impervious cover attributable to .a living unit equivalency, a typical single-family lot is evaluated. The 3,762 sf of impervious cover per lot includes surfaces that are placed on the lot, as well as some that are within the right-of-way but attributable to the unit, such as the driveway apron, curb, and pavement measured to the road centerlinefor the width of the.property. The impervious cover percentages below are consistent with current zoning and standard planning practices. Future land use equivalencies for drainage service units follow: Table 3.3: Drainage Land Use Equivalency-Table Land Use Classification LUE Conversion Single-Family/Rural Residential 1 Dwelling Unit= 1 LUE =3,762 sf impervious cover Commercial (75% of land area)/3,762 sf= Number of LUEs Industrial (40% of land area)/3,762 sf= Number of LUEs Commercial/Industrial (57.5% of land area)/3,762 sf= Number of LUEs Institutional (20%of land area)./3,762 sf=.Number of LUEs Mixed.Use (75%of land area)/3,762 sf= Number of LUEs 3.3.4 Transportation The calculation of transportation impact fees per LUE is equal to a.single family dwelling unit. Using the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation manuals, trip generation rates based on land uses are calculated for all areas within the transportation service area, the city limits. The 9th edition of the ITE trip generation manual is used to determine the rates and lists the trip generation rate for a single family dwelling unit as 9.52. For all other land uses, trip generation rates based on predominant land uses in the general land use categories are used. (i.e. trip generation rates for shopping centers are used for the more general commercial land use classification): To determine the LUEs for each area, the number of trips calculated for each area is divided by an average 9.52 vehicle trips per single family household per weekday. Gross Leasable Area (GLA) is considered to be 20% of land area and Gross Floor Area (GFA) is considered to be 60% of land area. Future land use equivalencies for transportation service units follow: Page 13 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update—Water,Wastewater, Drainage,Transportation Table 3.4: Average Trip Generations Table' Trip Specific Land Use for Generation Future Land Use(General) Trip Generation Rate Unit Rate Rural.Residential Single-Family Dwelling Units 9.52 Single-Family Single-Family Dwelling Units 9 52 Institutional Elementary Students(850) 1.29 Middle Students (1500) 1.62 High Students(2800) 1 71 Civic General Office Building GFA 11.03 Industrial Industrial Parks Acres 61.17 Industrial/Commercial Shopping Center GLA 42.7 Commercial Shopping Center GLA 42.7 Park Acre 1.89 Mixed-Use2 Commercial (10%) Shopping Center GLA 42.7 Office (15%) General Office Building GFA 11.03 Retail (25%) Specialty Retail Center GLA 44.32 Public/Civic(10%) average trip generation Acres 1.59 Institutional (10%) average trip generation Acres 14.59 Residential (30%) Single-Family Dwelling Units 9.52 1) Source: Trip Generation, 9th Edition, Volume 2 of 3, Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2012 2) Mixed use assumes ratio identified in Table 20, City of Cibolo Master Plan Page 14 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update-Water,Wastewater, Drainage,Transportation. 4 Implementation 4.1 Comparison with Surrounding Communities This table provides a point-in-time comparison with impact fees being charged for new development in surrounding communities as of July 2013. The communities of Austin and San Marcos are currently in the process of updating their impact fees. Table 4.1: Impact Fee Comparison Table City Water •Wastewater Drainage Transportation Total** Austin*. $3,307.00 $1,852.00 $5;159.00 RBI belog(cuc rye'gat) $2L217�6T9_4�$17L47�1IAMIIIE$528KOMM$f4'. !02!$533.10 $3V552,83I Lockhart $1;223.96 $1,094.33 $0 00 $819.00 $2,318.29. New Braunfels* $2,311.00 $1,570.00 $1,500.00 $3,881:00 San Marcos* $2,466.00 $2,185.00 $4,651.00 SAWS $3,510.00 $3,174.00 $2,587.50 $9,271.50 Schertz* $4,240.00 $3,468.00 part of water fee $7,708.00 Seguin . . . $1,919 00 $2,374.00 $500.00 $4,793.00 *City is in the process of updating its impact fees **Cumulative total of Water,Wastewater,and Drainage fees only 4.2 Steps for Adoption The following timeline describes the notice, public hearing, timing, and sequence requirements found in LGC Chapter 395 for an updateto an impact fee schedule. 1) Establish a local capital improvements plan (CIP). — Section 395.0411 - CIP must be developed by qualified professionals using generally accepted engineering and planning practices whichincludeestablishing service area boundaries and land-use assumption (LUA). 2) Land-use assumptions, CIP and proposed amended impact fees must be made publicly available before publication of the first public hearing date. — Section 395:054— On or before the date of the first publication of the notice of the hearing on the amendments, the land use assumptions and the capital improvements plan, including the amount of any proposed amended impact fee per service unit, shall be made available to the public. Page 15 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update-Water,Wastewater, Drainage,Transportation 3) Set date for public hearing to consider the update to LUA and CIP for the designated service area within 60 days of receiving update. —Section 395.053 4) Publish and send notice of public hearing on LUA and CIP at least 30 days before hearing. — Section 395.055—Notice of hearing must be sent by certified mailto anyone who has requested in writing within the previous two years that notice be provided. 5) Advisory Committee Comments on Amendments — Section 395.056— The advisory committee created under Section 395.058 shall file its written comments on the proposed amendments to the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, and the impact fee before the fifth business day before the date of the public hearing on the amendments. 6) Conduct public hearing. — Section 395.054— On or before date of hearing, five-person advisory committee must be appointed. 7) Approval of Amendments Required — Section 395.057- Amendments of the land use assumptions, the capital improvements plan, and modification of the impact fee mustbe approved or disapproved within 30 days after the date of the public hearing on the amendments. Page 16 City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update-Water,Wastewater, Drainage, Transportation:. Appendix A.— Future Land Use Assumptions Map A II-- ,., EM, FUTURE THOROUGHFARE WIDTH,TYPE FUTURE LAND USE \\nD.u.EaoE,nwro:ouv ,ds ISI: f :i,�l r•_ t rt ,g 111111MED uc'x w,cE r l t. � ®,� l -- , - ems 1 EE 1-_ i _I j r7 I I - - I • o ® 1 . .) la .r ee—AE . \\. 4,, gr ,t1.4 Ain i_,n IliM 1311 • FUTURE LAND USE et% ASSUMPTIONS MAP o 1.000 DOD ..� • RPS Espey CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS ®FeelF.* .�,,. , .ew.om o,e mn:o:.,y aamm, ., MAY11,2013 �y yEYvx�• City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update-Water,Wastewater, Drainage, Transportation Appendix B - Project Maps Exhibit 1 —Future Water System Improvements and Future Land Use Assumptions Map Exhibit 2— Future Wastewater System Improvements and Future Land Use Assumptions Map Exhibit 3— Future Drainage System Improvements and Future Land Use Assumptions Map Exhibit 4—Future Transportation System Improvements and Future Land Use Assumptions Map B u bcl �J . . ;i j,- EXISTING 1.25 MG ELEVATED EXISTING 1 25 MG ELEVATED " .� ,,,r 1 STORAGE TANK&1.0 MG STORAGE TANK&.FUTURE 75 MG �. � ' . a; GROUND STORAGE TANK GROUND STORAGE TANK J1IiI 3 v -x' - ' ._ 1pREEN VALLEY RD\ +'r 7 .=,, .....• o H'20-W21 r T WIEDN ER RD 3 LIVE OAK RDA ow \ rn m O A Q03 O r t'J„, O t y o Ir 70 J - 90O�0_p RO r-- FM 11031 .ry \ \ : W16 crl WI 7 W 118 y� 4? FM 1B Z > mo fi,. H WI3A \\13B • • pFF/RD ❑ •. /. • \Wl4 1 !• • ott CI LU • W ••• M Q ;,r Fa U_ Wi\ \\5R (-u W II U m `.__ .... n .... \\6 < p „..,. r m A O 3. 1 I---a L_ \V7 — I. IW � _ FUTURE 1.25 MG • • ELEVATED STORAGE TANK - 1 63 I r _ LEGEND EJClbolo City Limits # 0 1 O CIWater service Area (p • PRV STATION ' I Gum/Rp 44 TANK '••••••• WATER LINE I \_\ t. EXISTING O FUTURE L...... LI-' ...'. __Li ' 500,moo 2 000FUTURE WATER SYSTEM MAP RPS Es p ey WATER IMPACT FEE STUDY CIBOLO,TEXAS JULY 2013 PROJECT#13001 00 vacw.uom YX1CIP StA+GSu.me00e00exh_Fuw,a rrma,d v.Ier_wo mm 0 r........" I -:--- i,iii.„ .. , , , ,,, ___. „C17 ,i,,_:, ,,, 5r i_., „. :,,_4. ,.„. ,:„.,,,,,, ,....___ 9L,4 /4"'`,1:•''' --• )1t, L \VN V.6. GREEN VALLEY RD i ♦ �T[[[/ WIEDNERRD 1 ....1i .... _ D r— o ` �• L �.�. I•�.� ,�FN=101. D O •,y n w . 1: ♦ o J i N 1.i L •M.e •11+\112 11\1.1;.1 Pi fr 1 11.its O* --1 _ •tq t \001511m �J _ rn • I 1 .•..,••..� i N‘NI,15( _ a NIs \N".14:\//A\ AA 14C / _ Legend wastewater Planning Area Eil ® (oyPfR'sFCO,N • WJV MANHOLE RO �^• •❑ LIFT STATION ' ----______.,, EXISTING WASTEWATER LINE r Q b— -1--r ' ••►PROPOSED WAN FORCE MAIN n---, ■••PROPOSED VAN GRAVITY MAIN 0 1250 2,500 FUTURE WASTEWATER SYSTEM MAP R PS Espey � WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE STUDY Feet CIBOLO,TEXAS JULY 2013 PROJECT#13001 OC P\actm40305000P5W00I9.1No00' .5 FWn WX_SSGam M•Pmma Legend nCibolo City Limits ® n Town Creek Watershed 1 V/7jj Drainage CIP Project TII r — ri --- --',..,W.4,W;II,..:7 j __1 -p. `- ` , j 1 1 1 6 1,4 t bTo reek Watershed _.. , qT I i p - O --- Dietz Creek 1 a n _- 3 Watershed ?_ FM 1103 -) '...1 , I • 78 a r,,, i,1• I Santa Clara a5r^� �,. Watershed 70 1 0 D6 ti t Wo a o / -...\\..."............. -- _ ,, ..,,,,,,A1..:,_:.H.:-,,,,,,Fiii,.. ::_:: G.-.Z 0 E73 CowerSegV' �Y I Ll et p11j ` vi f 11 0 IIMP C 13 ......JT:1 1/4,......,... aoJ . ,, (i..-___ a FUTURE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS a toxo zmo 400 DRAINAGE IMPACT FEE STUDY RPS Espey 0 CIBOLO,TEXAS JULY 2013 PROJECT#13001 00 Mavtre4.4010500 OP 9ud101510014030-• an furore Oranage System Wpmaa 37 *40 l___________I `r 38 1 T 35A L0 35B GREEN VALLEY RD t 35D `,,, 3 m O. WIEDNER RD i (LIVE OAK RD O z,3t�P � ill_________ o 34B S;. C_ r `> m 4 T' o r X.' m s N N 0 O i� HI tIr E�O R c- .. 'G 17 t I ?` t iliti ,,,,-.1./ r-- ._,...i r,11-Lia / ......J , ., _ .,,, 4 r. A PFFi r aim ij .) e5 v �M >8 l 1 ", ,, 1.0 At 07 I 'Too�ti"4 i;ate s r r m Z00� x I Lt n +s Y...4' Q O ii `t't .� .. s ._.. m 'a�F= I—c m O , i ;.mss,..,.` Ind, \ •' V n 3. 7/ 8 — per - COwfRS 00 ', ...�.�...,. -: t. 50 .,� o 0 ,. c, "., �: —L 1 — 'i 4 — ‘ --.:4/ 72 BOLTON RD / r1 l'--,,,,. C 4* j D � ----i M. LEGEND ,-.....---,t,,-.....---,t, ° 4:`�" o ---z- Cibolo City Limits .___.________.___ 3 r • Traffic Signals w 0500FUTURE TRANSPORTATION PROJECT MAP0 1,750 � TRANSPORCBO O^TEXASFEE STUDY RPS Espey JULY 2013 PROJECT#13001 00 FW.t+e1.03050D OP 9u0/IGISe0,4030-51:1Oem furore Wmana Warer_Map ma. City of Cibolo July 1,2013 Impact Fee Study 2013 Update—Water,Wastewater, Drainage,Transportation Appendix C — Impact Fee Tables Water Capital Improvement Projects Wastewater Capital IImprovement Projects Drainage Capital Improvement Projects Transportation Capital Improvement Projects C Impact Fee Study July 2013 City of Cibolo CITY OF CIBOLO Water Capital Improvment Projects Length(LI?) (or other Finance Costs specified Construction ROW/Easement Engineering/Surveying T Adjusted Rate allowable under Project Number Location . Improvement Type quantity) . Cost Contingency Acquisition Permitting costs , for 2013-2014 LGC§395 Total Costs WI Main Street(WIC-WIE) . . 12"Pipeline. . 8,484 ..$668,115 .$120,261 .$26,293 $167,029 $1,150,940 $650,280. $1,801,000 'W2 Red River(Aquavista) .. 12"Pipeline .. 2,300.. $181,125 $32,603 $7,128 . . $45,281' $312,020 $176,000 ,$488,000 U W4 FM 78/Pfeil Road 12"Pipeline 9,750 . $767,813 $138,206. .. $30,217. . $191,953 $1;322,690 $747,000 $2,070,000 W5 Schaefer Road(W5B) 12"Pipeline 2,632 $207,270 $37,309 $8,157 $51,818 $357,060 $202,000 $559,000 N .. ao W6 Greenbelt 12"Pipeline 2,850 $224,438 $40,399 $8,833 .$56,109 $386,630 $218,000' $605,000-' N W7 Arizpe Road 12"Pipeline 2,850 $224,438 $40,399 $8,833 $56,109 $386,630 $218,000 $605,000 c W11 High School East 16"Pipeline 3,000 $283,500 $51,030 $9,298' $70,875 $486,200 $275,000 $761,000 W I2 High School South(N-S) 16"Pipeline 3,400 $321,300 $57,834 $10,537 $80,325 $551,020 $311,000 $862,000 1 W13 High School South(E-W) 12"Pipeline 4,000 $315,000 $56,700 $12,397 $78,750 $542,640 $307,000 $850,000 E W14 . Higlt School South(E-W Deadend) . 12"Pipeline . .2,300 $181,125 $32,603 .$7,128 . $45,281 . $312,020 . $176,000. .. $488,000 . 8 WI6 High School East PRV Station EA $31,500 .$5,670 $9,000 $7,875 $63,360 $36,000 . $99,000 c W17 .PM 1103 ' PRV Station. . EA . $31,500 . $5,670 $9,000 $7,875 $63,360 $36,000 $99,000, W18 Main Street PRV Station EA $31,500 $5,670 . $9,000 $7,875 $63,360 $36,000 $99,000 'o W20 Northeast Cibolo .75 MG Ground Storage Tank L.S. $787,500 $141,750 $22,000 $196,875 $1;346,060 $761,000 $2,107,000 a W21. Northeast Cibolo .. . 1.25 MGD Pump Station . L.S. ., $600,000 .. $108,000 . $16,000 .. $150,000 . $1,024,680 $579,000 $1,604,000 W22 Wells Ranch Water Supply Project(1200AF Pump Station) L.S. $3,155,132 $567,924 . $0 $252,411 $4,660,840 $2,633,000 $7,294,000 10 Lower Seguin and Haeckerville Road Water Storage and Distribution(1.25 MGD EST L.S. $4,347,006 $782,461 $0 $347,760 $5,477,230 $3,094,630 $8,571,860 o N'& . 15 City-Wide Expand Available Water Resources L.S. $8,000,000 $1,440,000 . $0 $640,000 $10,080,000 $5,695,200 $15,775,200 f° 63 Southof FM 78 Water Receiving/Blending Station L.S. $1,149,139 $206,845 $0 $91,931 $1;447,920 $818,070 $2,265,990 Total Cost $44,738,060 " Total LUES 12,366 Existing LUEs in Water Service Area 6,141 Total LUES attributable to growth 6,225 Initial Impact Fee Calculation $7,190 50%Credit $3,595 Water Impact Fee $3,595 previously$2,276.94 RPS Espey P:Wctive\1300I.00_Ciboto CIP_and_IF9tSpreadshmt\CPP_Prjects130711.xls Impact Fee Study July 2013 City of Cibolo CITY OF CIBOLO Wastewater Capital Improvment Projects Finance Costs Length(LF) Engineering/ allowable (or other specified ROW/Easement Surveying/ Adjusted Rate under LGC Project Number Location/Description Improvement Type quantity) Construction Cost Contingency Acquisition Permitting costs for 2013-2014 §395 Total Costs WW1 Town Creek Parallel Interceptor 30"Gravity Main 5,600 $911,400 $164,052 '$23,140 • $227,850 • $1,555,000 ' $879,000 $2,434,000 WW2 Town Creek West Parallel30"Gravity Main 5,950 $968,363 . $174,305 $24,587 $242,091 $1,652,000 $933,000 . $2,585,000 WW7 Town Creek East Fork(Weidner to GV) 15"Gravity Main 4,850 $724,590 $130,426 $20,041 $181,148 $1,238,000 $699,000 $1;937,000 III WW8 North Side FM 78 ' 30"Gravity Main 3,600 $585,900 $105,462' $14,876' $146,475 $1,000,000 $565,000 $1,565,000 rn WW9 Country Lane Force Main6"Force Main 4,800 $378,000 $68,040 $19,835 , $94,500 $657,000 $371,000- $1,028,000 NW W10 East System Lift Station(Country Ln at Tolle Rd) •Lift Station 1.14 MGD $672,000 $120,960 $9,000 ' $168,000 $1,137,000 $642,000 $1,779,000 o 'WWII East System Gravity Main 21"Gravity Main • ..7,600 $1,157,100 $208,278 ..$31,405 . . $289,275 • . $1,977,000 .$1,117,000 .$3,094,000 N WW12 Aqua Vista Force Main re-route 15"Gravity Main 600 $89,640 $16,135 $2,479 $22,410 $153,000 $86,000 $239,000 c WWI3 Southwest System Main(Schaffer Rd.to Lower Seguin Rd.) 21"Gravity Main 10,500 $1,598,625 $287,753 $43,388 ' .$399,656 $2,731,000 ' $1,543,000 $4,274,000 'k W W 14A Lift Station at Lower Seguin Rd and Cibolo Creek . Lift Station 1.4 MGD/2.4 MGD $787,500 $141,750 $9;000, $196,875 $1;331,000 $752,000 . $2,083,000 ✓ ' WW14B Force Main parallel to Southwest System Main 8"Force Main" 12,500 $1,181,250 $212,625 $25,826 $295,313 $2,011,000 $1,136,000 $3,147,000 EW W15 Bison Ridge Lift Station improvements(CoC Portion) . . Wet well and pumps Additional 0.5 MGD $288,750 $51,975 $4,500 . $72,188 $489,000 $276,000. $765,000 u WW15A Schaffer Rd.East 8"Gravity Main 1,320 $193,600 $34,848 $5,455 $48,400 $331,000 $187,000 $518,000 4.65 WW15B Hackerville East • 15"Gravity Main 1,800 $268,920 ' $48,406 . $7,438 '$67,230 $460,000 $260,000 $720,000 5 • W W 15C Arizpe Rd:East 15"Gravity Main 1,680 $250,992 $45,179 $6,942 $62,748 . .$429,000 $242,000 $671,000 P., WWI5D Lower Seguin East 15"Gravity Main • 2,040 $304,776 $54,860 $8;430 $76,194 $521,000 $294,000 $815,000 ° WW16 Town Creek Fork East(Rustic Tr.) 8"Gravity Main 3,600 $504,000 $90,720 $14,876 $126,000 $862,000 $487,000 $1,349,000 W W 17 East GravityMain Eastern Extension near Pierson Ln 8"Gravity Main 3,840 $537,600 $96,768 $15,868 $134,400 $920,000 $520,000 $1,440,000 WWI8 Country Lane Gravity Line 8"Gravity Main 2,880 $403,200 $72,576 $11,901 $100,800 $690,000, $390,000 $1,080,000 WW19 South Side FM 78 across Haeckerville to Arizpe Rd. 15-24"Gravity Main 7,000 $1,102,500 $198,450 $28,926 $275,625 $1,882,000 $1,063,000 $2;945,000 3A Extend Sanitary Sewer along FM 78-from Main to Santa Clara Creek $883,068 $158,952 $0.00 $220,767 $1,262,788 $713,475 $1,976,262 G N& 3B Upgrade Sanitary Sewer along FM 78-from Niemitz Park to Dietz Creek • $928,247 • $167,085 $0.00 $232,062 $1;327,394 $749,977 $2,077;371 N . 4 Extend Sanitary Sewer Service South of FM 78 $3,233,909 $582,104 $0.00 $808;477 $4,624,490 $2,612,837 $7,237,327 r. Total Cost $45,758,960 Total LUEs 21,817 Existing LUEs in.wastewater service area .8,906 Total LUEs attributable to growth 12,911 Initial Impact Fee Calculation $3,540 50%Credit $1,770 Wastewater Impact Fee $1,770 previously$747.19 RPS Espey P,\Active\13001.00 Cibolo_CIP_and_IFS\Spreadsheet\CIP_P jects1307I1 sls Impact Fee Study July 2013 City of Cibolo CITY OF CIBOLO Drainage Capital Improvment Projects Engineering/ Finance Costs Project Construction ROW/Easement Surveying/ Adjusted Rate allowable under Number Location Improvement Type Cost Contingency Acquisition Permitting costs for 2013-2014 LGC§395 Total Costs ,o N D6. Tolle Road Regional Detention Detention facility $734,788 $146,958 $937,500 $183,697 $2,331,024 $1,317,029 $3,648,053 0 o ru cu U D7 . Downstream Conveyance Land Acquisition $0 $0. $3,168,000 $221,760 $3,945,003 $2,228,927 . , $6,173,929, 1 Haeckerville Levee Flood Control $2,487,700 $497,540 $760,000 $373,155 $2,326,893 $6,445,288 A N U 7B Tolle Road Drainage Improvements II Drainage Improvements $3,265,192 $653,038 $0 $489,779 $2,490,525 $6,898,534 r" 18 Town Creek East Phase II Channelization $7,223,963 $1,444,793 $0 $1,083,594 $5,510,078 $15,262,428 Total Cost $38,428,233 Total LUEs 18,918 .Existing LUEs in Drainage Service Area 5,237 Total LUEs attributable to growth 13,681 Initial Impact Fee Calculation,based on benefit to existing and future LUEs $2,030 50%Credit $1,015 Drainage Impact Fee $1,015 previously$528.70 RPS Espey P:\Active\13001.00_Cibolo_CIP_and IFS\Spreadsheet\CIP_Projects130711.xls Impact Fee Study July 2013 City of Cibolo CITY OF CIBOLO Transportation Capital Improvment Projects Length(LF) (or other specified Project Number 2012 CIP ., LocntioirlDescription Improvement Type quantity) _ Road Type .. Total Costs Widening to full buildout(4 lanes)between Scherz&Main Street,including Dobie Creek bridge widening . .. ..5825 . 86 $: . 8,391,338 CIP 12 5 Borgfeld Road _ $ 369,340 CIP 17 58 FM 1103 at New Haeckerville Road extension Traffic signal @ FMl 103 West of High School $ 369,340 CIP 23 Cibolo Valley Drive at Borgfeld Road Traffic signal @ Cibolo Valley Drive&Borgfeld 1476 . 86 $ 2,098,820 - . CIP 28 . 25 Weidner Road Phase 1 ROW acquisition,New Street Section,from Gatewood Entrance to FM 1103 Realignment,ROW acquisition,New Street Section, from Town Creek Road to Dean Rd fli CIP 34A 43&26 Weidner Road Phase 2 Extension(Town Creek Crossing) 3407 66 $ 3,167,970 Realignment,ROW acquisition,New Street Section,from Dean Rd Extension to Gatewood p„ N CII'34B 43&26 Weidner Road Phase 3 Entrance 2910 86 $ 4,578,165 U CIP 35A 17B Green Valley Road Widen Green Valley Road to 4 lanes west of FM 1103 1748 86 $ 2,390,473 oN CIP 35B 17A Green Valley Road-Town Creek Crossing CrossTown Creek West floodplain on Green Valley Road(Culverts) 803 $ 1,877,73.1 N Widen to 86'ROW&Pavement Standard,in concert with req traffic improvements being CI'35C 23 Green Valley Road installed at Enclave of Turning Stone,Heights of Cibolo and Landmark Pointe 1997 86 5- 2,637,228 z CIP 35D 17B Green Valley Road Widen Green Valley Road to 4 lanes west of FM 1103 8089 86 $: 10,937,863 CIP 37 I11-35 at Wiederstein Traffic signal $ 689,507 . . .. CI'38 31 Cibolo Valley Drive at Old Wiederstein Traffic signal - $ 809,638- $ 809,638 CIP 39 57 FM 78 at Main Street Traffic signal CIP 40 Cibolo Valley Drive . Traffic signal $. . 516,106 CIP 46 Town Creekway to FM 78/Haeckerville Road Roadway extension-New alignment FM 1103 to Tolle Rd 1670 86 $ 3,283,584 U FM 1103 between Old Wiederstein and Green Valley ROW acquisition,Environmental Study,currently 120'ROW 5794 • 150 $ 2,715,904 CIP 51 5048 150 $ 410,252 o' CT 52A FM 1103 between Weidner and FM 78 ROW acquisition,Environmental Study,currently 120'ROW N CIP 52B FM 1103 between Weidner and FM 78 New ROW acquisition,Environmental Study, 8914 150. $ 3,144,655 400 66 $ 2,058,435 CII'D5 1 Haeckerville Road Bridge Bridge over Town Creek $ 335,609 CIP'39 57 FM 78 at Main StreTraffic sinal .. - ..et g 1951 86 $ 2,847,444 CIP 44 65 ' South Main Street to West Schaefer Road Roadway extension 3052 66 $ '2,847,444 U 0 CIP 45 65 West Schaefer Road to South Main Street Roadway extension 302 66 $ 12,775,522 N N CIP 47A 8&1 Haeckerville Road from FM 78 Roadway extension-From FM 1103 to Arizpe Rd CIP 47B 8&1 Haeckerville Road from FM 78 Lower Seguin Rd,potentially to include the realignment of the intersection of Haeckerville& 3912 86 $ 5,335,785 c o CII'50 19 FM 1103 from FM 78 to I-10 .. New ROW acquisition 24312 .. 150 $ 2,898,823- VI N • NewBrid a 638 86 $ 2,258,104 CT 76 32 Lower Seguin Phase I-Bridge dge 8 23430 86 $ 32,009,320 CIF'71 8&32 Lower Seguin Phase II-Road New Street Section CII'72 66• Bolton Road New Street Section 14562 86 $- 19,981,791 North South Total $ 48,723,524 $ 86,467,682 $135,191,206 Total Cost 35981 29008 64,988 Total LUEs13619 6694 20,313 Existing LUES in transportation area 23619 26694 20,313 Total LUEs attributable to growth $2,362 22380 4,676' Initial Impact Fee Caldulation $1,090 $1,940 $3,030 50%Credit $1,090 $1,940 $3,030 Transportation Impact Fee Previously $ 1,464.02 $ 533.10 $ 1,997.12 P:'Active\13001.00 Cibolo_CIP_and_IFS\Spreadsheet\CtP_Projects130711.xls RPS Espey City of Cibolo July 1,2013 ImpactFeeStudy 2013 Update—Water,Wastewater, Drainage,Transportation Appendix D — Digital Data D