ORD 1052 03/26/2013 of C/o Ufa , r O L * 2 a "%,„ , '4444H/N�ni1 ?E:. x "City of Choice" ORDINANCE NO. 10 5 2 , PROVIDING FOR THE CONTRACTION OF THE CIBOLO, TEXAS CITY LIMITS BY DISANNEXING TWO PARCELS OF LAND THAT HAVE AN AREA OF 24.19 ACRES, BEING SOUTH OF LOWER VALLEY LANE, EAST OF DW LANE, NORTH OF BOLTON ROAD AND EAST OF CIBOLO CREEK, ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING CITY LIMIT BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS AND TO ASSIGN THE RIGHTS OF A DULY EXECUTED NON-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT TO THE PROPERTY BEING DISANNEXED AND TO ADOPT AN UPDATED CITY OF CIBOLO CITY LIMITS/ETJ MAP REFLECTING THE SAID DISANNEXATION AND NON-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code section 43.142 authorizes the City of Cibolo, as a home-rule municipality, to disannex area in the municipality in accordance with the City of Cibolo City Charter and consistent with all procedural rules prescribed by Texas Local Government Code Chapter 43 Subchapter G; and WHEREAS, section 1.04 of the City Charter of the City of Cibolo provides that the City Council has authority by ordinance to identify territory not suitable or necessary for City purpose and to disannex said territory as part of the City in accordance with state law; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, approved Ordinance 997 on October 25, 2011, annexing 523.79 acres out a 1,604.41 annexation area into the City of Cibolo; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, approved Resolution 1438 that recognized the duly executed Non-Annexation Agreements within the 1,604.41 acre annexation area for an eight year time period to run until October 25, 2019; and WHEREAS, Guadalupe County Appraisal District Parcels 69654 and 69655, both owned by Lynette Weir, were eligible to execute a Non-Annexation Agreement and were properly notified of this right and were offered a Non-Annexation by the City of Cibolo; and WHEREAS, Lynette Weir, on February 12, 2013, described to the City Council a set of unique health and family circumstances that affected her ability to execute a Non-Annexation Agreement with the City of Cibolo between August 2011 through October 18,2011; and WHEREAS, Lynette Weir is not seeking tax restitution and is willing to abide by the October 25, 2019 Non- Annexation Agreement expiration, in accordance with the other Non-Annexation Agreements recognized by City Council by Resolution 1438; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo, after discovering these unique circumstances,hereby finds and determines that it would be right and appropriate, and in the best interest of the City of Cibolo, to disannex the 24.19 acres properties described herein; and to recognize the lawfully executed Non-Annexation Agreement for the 24.19 Page 1 acre parcels of property owned by Lynette Weir with the City of Cibolo, for a term that would run until October 25, 2019 and to amend the City of Cibolo City Limits/ETJ Map accordingly. NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS: SECTION 1. The land and territory lying within the City of Cibolo, Texas, more particularly described in Exhibits 'A' and `B', attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby subtracted and disannexed out of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and said territory, as described, shall hereafter not be included within the boundary limits of said City, and the present boundary limits of said City, at the various points contiguous to the area described in Exhibits 'A' and `B'. The City of Cibolo City Limits/ETJ Map is subsequently amended to subtract the property described in Exhibits "A"and"B" and is revised as depicted in Exhibit"C". SECTION 2. The land and territory more particularly described on Exhibits 'A' and 'B' attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, shall be excluded as a part of the City of Cibolo,Texas and inhabitants thereof shall not be entitled to any of the rights and privileges as citizens and shall not be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the City of Cibolo, Texas. SECTION 3. The service plan adopted as Exhibit 'C' to Ordinance Number 997 shall hereby be null and void relative to the properties described in this disannexation ordinance. SECTION 4. The lawfully executed Non-Annexation Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit"D", shall apply to the entire 24.19 acre property described in Exhibits "A" and "B"; and shall remain in effect for the entire acreage until October 25, 2019. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be effective from and after March 26,2013. PASSED AND APPROVED this,the 26th day of March 2013. //L. ll( per` rnnifer�,i . i an / Mayor ATTEST: Peggy Cimics,TRMC City Secretary Page 2 EXHIBIT A DISANNEXATION METES & BOUNDS DISANNEXATION AREA METES &BOUNDS DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS 1173 / Dg8 • Being 24.190 acres of land out of the Francisco Rodriguez Survey No. 84. • Abst. No. 271, Guadalupe County, Texas, and being 24.190 acres of land out of chat certain 48..36 acre Tract No. One described in that certain conveyance to Calvin R. Weir, et ux, by Partition Deed dated August 5, 1974 and recorded in Volume 489 on page 199 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas, and described more particularly by metes and bounds as follows: ?ROM a 1/2 inch thredded rod found in the Southwest line of the Haeckerville Road, set for the East corner of the said Calvin R. Weir, et ux, 48.36 acre tract; THENCE with the fence, the Southeast line of the said Calvin R. Weir, et ux, 48.36 acre tract, S. 62° 47' 15" W. 1,887.0 feet to an iron rod found, set for the South the Southernmost East ntDennis cornerandPOINT OF SECENNINC of 6.490 the herein described 24.190 acre tract; THENCE with the fence, the Southeast Line of the said 48.36 acre tract, S. 62° 49' W. 1,443.60 feet to a point in the center Line of the Cibulo creek, the common line between Guadalupe County and Bexar County, the Southeast corner of the said 48.36 acre tract, the Southeast corner of this tract; THENCE with the center line of the Cibolo Creek, the common line between Guadalupe County and Bexar County, N. 86° 04' W. 273.60 feet and N. 53' 00' W. 400.0 feet to a point, the Southwest corner of the said 48.36 acre tract, the Southwest corner of this tract; THENCE with the Northwest line of the said 48.36 acre tract, as follows: N. 60' 00' E. 816.0 feet, S. 30° 00' E. 30.0 feet, N. 580 43' E. 223.0 feet, N. 59' 41' 10" E. 896.23 feet, N. 30" 00' W. 20.0 feet, and N. 60' 00' E. 219.22 feet to an iron pin set for the West corner of a 17.700 acre tract, for the North corner of this tract; THENCE with the Southwest line of the said 17.700 acre tract, S. 30° 00' E. 457.-80 feet'to an 'iron pin in the Nort-hwesc•line of the afore said Dennis 3. Weir 6.490 acre tract, set for the South corner of the said 17.700 acre tract, for an East corner of this tract; THENCE with the common line between the said Dennis J. Wier 6.490 acre tract and this crier, S. 62' 47' 15" W. 329.62 feet and S. 30' 00' E. 150.0 deet to the place of beginning. There is additauna1ly conveyed herewith an easement Cur Ingress and egress purposes 0.714 oC an acre, owned by 0v:inlets, which 0.7.14 of an .ccry toad easement is more particularly described -by metes and bounds as follows: Description of a 0.714 of en acre road easement running along the Northwest •lino of a 17,700 acre tract conveyed to UKNNLS JAMES WEIR from CALVIN R. WEIR And wife, l.C)I°i'3R H. WEIR, dated November 20, 1984, for ingress and uyress from llac'crl , ,v i 1 le Rood lo the above descr ib,Kl Z4.190 etre I,.acL. - BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch threaded rod found in the Southwest line of the Haeckerville Road, set for the North corner of the 48.36 acre tract, for the North corner of the said 17.700 acre trame, rs,o the herein described 0.714 of an acre road easement; THENCE with the-86ettiwest line of the Haeckerville Rood, the Northeast line of the said 48.36 acre sacs, S. 30' 00' E. 20.0 feet to a point, the East corner of this road easement; THENCE parallel with and at a distance of 20.0 feet form the Northwest line of the said 48.36 acre tract, the Northwest line of the said 17.700 acre tract, S. 60' 00' W. 1,555.54 feet to a point in the Northeast line of the 24.190 acre tract, the South corner of this road easement; THENCE with the Northeast line of the said 24.190 acre tract. N. 30° 00' W. 20.0 feet co an iron pin in the Northwest line of the said 48.36 acre tract, set for the North corner of the said 24.190 acre tract, the West corner of • the said 17.700 acre tract, the West corner of this road easement; THENCE with the Northwest line of the said 48.36 acre tract, the Northwest line of the said L7.700 acre tract. N. 600 00' E. 1,555.54 feet co the place of beginning. Page 3 1173/0883 administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty,by, through or under him, but not otherwise. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. w.-.:-- trip CLARENCE WEIR by CALVIN WEIR, Trustee THE STATE OF TEXAS * * COUNTY OF BEXAR * This instrument was acknowledged before me on the //a day of lerrAd, , A.D., 1995, by Calvin Weir as Trustee for Clarence Weir. *.. 6 �C - 2.r.:—"----'—^ ` " NOTARY PUBLIC, THE STATE OF TEXAS ' 0J , ANNA i4t NELSON W4a +��( . notary Pi�OR_ sStat....:ct taa .' My caTlusSi FACE03+ THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY Y OF GUADA'UPE FILED FOR RECORD t ca that this instrument ent was hereon hereby dela veers at ec?rded�unty� hereon P me arra Omcial Public Raaords of Guada uaa 95 Rai - PFS 12= 12 Ta). L` A.LOREiZ ?: countyOledt COUNTY .r a3UA2)AL 3- , ?. GuadaluPeCountyTOMS 6i Aar lifirtirdVAC.4.,74. ---- . J, PREPARED IN T .LA ICE OF: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: ADAMS &FLAKE 1001 Pat Booker Rd., #200 Universal City, Texas 78148 Page 4 EXHIBIT B DISANNEXATION MAP TOTAL AREA OF DE-ANNEXATION=24 19 ACRES • 143230 1390 AC LENNAR HOMES OF TEXAS I AND AND CONSTRUCTION ITO IBIS CENTRAL NEWT V N STP. ----___________ � EN --,--.--....-------- 6 r SAN ANTONIO. 12 TX 71232,... V CA 69654 L4 23.32 AC 69364 — LYNETTE M WEIR 7.0600 AC. 69626 co 445 DW LAND. HAROLD HA 44.3440 AC. J CIBOLO.TX 70100 515 OM LN DAVID I.&EDWARD 13CZECH 1% mom TX TIM JUDITH A HANES \2954 HAECKFRVILLE RD ,_.__ —. CHIOLo,TX 7010 w I 69633 69566 0.0760 AC 27.6060 AC. — LYNETTE M WEIR REDD NO ROBERT L.VIA 443 D W LANE 1464 WIN DWOOD TRAIL L i O CIROLO,TX 76104 LOREN.TX 76653 I69657 1.00 AC j DENNIS i.A BARBARA 7 WEAR —_t 447 DW IwNP 12 MOW.TX 76106 G /452270 3.390 AC I _.. LENNAR HONES OF TEXAS IAND AND CONSTRICTION I TO i I 1013 CENTRAL ENVY N STEIM 0 SAN ANTONIO.TX 1872-0026 t w0 I I 1 0R / iI I I 1 : EXHIBIT C UPDATED CITY OF CIBOLO CITY LIMITS/ETJ MAP Page 6 Eva J'?' di Ts■._ Cw3s �■. l An ...finZ 104ptiii± _hat itonimos -ma , ,■ IM., r� � -� Ilimi=w- MI moil 11120114111 MI EINIYII �: immintiawm. 1 _1 IIII*ILP 1111 MUM III imEMILVIIPM1111.111 I MINIM MI p% g' MIN I a II �' L-_jiL111 `' llim- \_L- ! =` 11'121-..... -t„ ° 1_ �, 11'''Ir410.413111rE mid Irlilli RI ,�2� _ice �"��I ��.�� ilfi`�,� -BIiiLiIJi•1I1,.7i1i=� � 1111_ 1 I Irmo iii 1 '� Illln.., ` -- oli 71anekti1 111111- � . k ;i� , ,. _.=Inum.! Li m .i■.!! ..... .Vii,,i 11M . mina=alargi 1 ■ -"� IYI�_ 11111 IIIICa~ III11111� I _ 01111riALIII C -- '- O WENS -�. mu - 11.11I. ... • 2,..iii,. ...... al idi, wiz.,-.!;;/,,, ,::-.; _ E maim '174011111 ' "oligaz -,r.,_,,k,..... 1 Ile 7 roftalikaL_„11,,n, l'Ilk:41173 MIti M=�� erg 1 IiIIi ■i •� ra�� 1111 ---1"1111. --� :.��= •i1i II Illtijk— ," 1, . 1111111 Ia' .. ■ �r.+ ' - 21::1 MI :i—, �wkir&�- logriii _ ��� 1��� "--4111.10111111 ME ie all* 1 Immillil „4„:1.-- et it li, gml1111111111wrillitit _, ., ..-A 1 liagalir .1.Ais""1".1110"9"61111•111111 '111.11-11'"6"—m- —WlillIlli4 I WI em .foraio 01... .--2-wmhiezi .=.1- _.......____ , ,, of A h• —.war Irn, MAI I' Jr In . los i % . 4.,,,, 57 r Ar 1. c � ,1.I //.. o!��mi..-11111�1111 Wmtuvi±�'� am/JL'�^d//,�' IIII R_` Mi �Il �i i =ow Air - ... ' ilk 114.4.10 7/ MMORIAllr LEGEND a441 ./ J./MLMOP - r.--7 1 Ln Mab ET ,. 7111E111111111±-74111111"lik iMminEr s i^;-� CITY OF CIBOLO OVERALL ANNEX MAP � %'v� MARCH 26,2013 e i , . C.".ETI M"'“" MOANED.. f/[7 KLEIN ■ ill � ENGINEERING 7/ _yam.. i G / EXHIBIT D WEIR NON-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT (Attached) Page 7 CITY OF CIBOLO NON ANNEXATION DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), dated 44,194 ,;21 , 2013 ("Effective Date"), made by and between the CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, a home rule municipality located in Guadalupe County, Texas ("City"), and Lynette Weir ("Landowner"); WHEREAS, Landowner owns certain real property located in Guadalupe County, Texas that is appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as land for agricultural or wildlife management use under Subchapter C or D, Chapter 23, Tax Code, or as timber land under Subchapter E of that chapter of the Tax Code and such real property being more particularly depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated into this agreement(the "Property"); WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Section 43.035 requires that before unilateral annexation of a property which is appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as land for agricultural or wildlife management use under Subchapter C or D, Chapter 23, Tax Code, or as timber land under Subchapter E of that chapter that a municipality must offer a development agreement to said property owner pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 212.172 that guarantees the continuation of the extraterritorial status of the area for a certain time and authorizes the enforcement of all regulations and planning authority of the municipality that do not interfere with the use of the area for agriculture, wildlife management, or timber; and WHEREAS, City and Landowner agree that this Agreement satisfies the requirements of Texas Local Government Code Sections 43.035 and 212.172; and WHEREAS, in recognition of the mutual benefits to be derived from the controlled development of the Property and its guaranteed continued extra territorial status for a certain time, Landowner and City desire to enter into this agreement, pursuant to §§212.172 and 43.035 of the Local Government Code of the State of Texas, to evidence their agreements with respect to guaranteeing the continuation of the extraterritorial status of the land and its immunity from annexation by the City for a period years, extending the municipality's regulatory authority over the land by providing for all regulations and planning authority of the City that do not interfere with the use of the area for its currently appraised purpose, authorizing enforcement by the City of certain regulations in the same manner the regulations are enforced within the City's boundaries and authorizing enforcement by the City of certain agreed upon land use and development regulations; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo City Council authorized and approved this agreement at a regularly scheduled council meeting subject to the Open Meetings Act in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and the ordinances and Charter of the City of Cibolo. City of Cibolo Page 1 of 4 TLGC§43.035 Development Agreement NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained or referred to herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the City and the Landowner,the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Landowner covenants and agrees not to file a development document, master plan or for plat approval or a permit, not to include permits for uses existing on the date of this agreement ("Existing Uses"), on their respective property until such property has been annexed into the City and zoned pursuant to all applicable laws of the State of Texas and ordinances of the City of Cibolo, said zoning to be at the sole discretion of the City. 2. Land Use. The Landowner further covenants and agrees not use the Property for any use other than the Existing Uses, without the prior written consent of the City, said Existing Uses specifically being uses that allow the Property Owner to retain its current Property appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as land for agricultural or wildlife management use under Subchapter C or D, Chapter 23, Tax Code, or as timber land under Subchapter E of that chapter as applicable to the Property on the Effective Date of this agreement or those other Existing Uses as listed in Exhibit B attached hereto. 3. Municipal Regulations. Those municipal regulations listed in the Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated by reference into this agreement, which both Landowner and City agree do not interfere with the Existing Uses of the Property, are hereby extended to the Property. The Landowner further covenants, agrees and authorizes enforcement by the City of these regulations in the same manner the regulations are enforced within the City's boundaries. 4. Permits and Vested Rights. Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 43.035 this Agreement is not a permit for purposes of Chapter 245 of the Texas Government Code. The Landowner and all Landowner's heirs, successors and assigns hereby waive any and all vested rights including rights and claims that they may have under common law, federal case law or Section 43.002 of the Texas Local Government Code related to uses, anticipated uses or potential uses of the Property, other than the Existing Uses. 5. Municipal Services. The City shall not be obligated to provide the landowner with any municipal services (such as police protection, fire protection, drainage and street construction, or maintenance), with respect to the Property for the duration of this Agreement. 6. Extraterritorial Status. The City hereby guarantees the extraterritorial status of the Property and that it shall not annex the Property for the duration of this agreement. Except that, regardless of how the area is then currently appraised for ad valorem tax purposes, should the Landowner or the Landowner's heirs, successors or assigns file for any type of development document, master plan, plat approval or permit for the area with a governmental entity that has jurisdiction over the area, or change the existing use to a use not allowed hereunder then this provision of the Agreement shall be void pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 43.035. Plat is defined as any plat authorized by City of Cibolo Page 2 of 4 TLGC§43.035 Development Agreement Chapters 212 or 232 of the Texas Local Government Code, or their successor statutes. Permit is defined the same as in Local Government Code Chapter 245. 7. Voluntary Annexation. Should the Landowner, heirs, successors or assigns file for any type of development document, master plan, plat approval or permit for the area with a governmental entity that has jurisdiction over the area, or change the existing use to a use not allowed hereunder this provision then said action shall be deemed a request for voluntary annexation by the City with this agreement serving as the required petition and the Property shall, at the discretion of the City, be annexed into the City. The Landowner and Landowner's heirs, successors and assigns covenant and agree that such annexation is voluntarily made and shall be considered to be by voluntary petition of the owners of the Property at the time of such annexation. 8. Amendments. Neither this Agreement nor any term hereof may be changed, waived, discharged or terminated except by an agreement in writing signed by all parties hereto. 9. Law Governing. This agreement shall be deemed to be a contract under the laws of the State of Texas which is performable in Guadalupe, County, Texas, and for all purposes shall be construed and enforced in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 10. Assignment; Binding Effect. The parties may not assign this Agreement to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of the other; provided, however, that no such assignment shall operate to release the assigning party from its obligations hereunder. This Agreement and all of its terms and provisions shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the City and the Landowner and their respective successors and assigns, including all future owners of the Property. 11. Duration; Expiration. This Agreement shall be in effect until October 26, 2019 from the date signed by the parties. Upon the expiration of this Agreement, the Landowner and Landowner's successors, heirs or assigns agree to the voluntary annexation of the property with this Agreement serving as a petition for voluntary annexation. 12. Taxation. This Agreement shall not obligate the City of Cibolo to rebate taxes collected, or may be collected, during the time period when the said property was lawfully annexed by the City of Cibolo. 13. Counterparts. To facilitate execution, this Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts as may be convenient or necessary, and it shall not be necessary that the signatures of all parties hereto be contained on any one counterpart hereof. A facsimile transmission shall be deemed to be an original signature. City of Cibolo Page 3 of 4 TLGC§43.035 Development Agreement EXECUTED by the parties hereto to be effective as of the date first set forth above. City of Cibolo, a.hame rule m ' 'pality,,fi Landowner: Guadalupe Count, , Texas :. -) / , : _ B Lynette Weir By: �,�'?: �'', \' .., _ 445 DW Lane Robertrrera, ciGoli.City Man ger .- Address: Randall%Anderson, City Planner() Cibolo, { City: (/:// State/Zip: Texas 78108 Date: March 26, 2013 Date: ,J ,y G d (V/ > a 13 City of Cibolo Page 4 of 4 TLGC§43.035 Development Agreement Exhibit A GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT PROPERTY RECORD(S) OF PROPERTY/PROPERTIES THAT IS/ARE SUBJECT TO THE NON-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT (SEE ATTACHED) GCAD Property Identification #69654 & 69655 .Guadalupe CAD Map of Property ID 69654 for Year 20:1.2 \6956 ` 69063 \ S". — \ 115058 ll --"2 68685 69656 1 L/ 695566 69662 69568 `^ •�-"`--�..\ �-'-�` 6ggs' ,:.fir, 69655 69564 :,- : ,-. • �• 69565 6965' .-� ' 1' 69598 \ rl•.; • 6961 mo 616 Feet i El Selected Property!. ;P.r.ope!'ty .D..etails Account ....-........_... .._........._�..e,.�.__. Property ID: 69654 Geo ID: 2G0271-0000-08600-0-00 Type: Real Legal Description: ABS: 271 SUR: F RODRIGUEZ 23.3200 AC. Location Situs Address: HAECKERVILLE RD Neighborhood: CIBOLO CRK-EAST-GCO Mapsco: WF074A Jurisdictions: GCO, LTR, CCI, SCS, CAD Owner Owner Name: WEIR LYNETTE M Mailing Address: , 445 D W LANE, CIBOLO, TX 78108 Property Appraised Value: $2675 ( powered by: https://propaccess.trueautomation.com/Map/View/Map/2/69654/2012 PropertyACCESS www.trueautomarion.com Map Disclaimer This product is for Informational purposes only and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal,engineering,or surveying purposes.It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries.The Guadalupe County Appraisal District expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection herewith. Guadalupe CAD.- Property Details Page 1 of 2 Guadalupe CAD Property Search Results > 69654 WEIR LYNETTE M for Year 2012 _ __. Property _.�. . . _ . ._.. .__._..-_... Account Property ID. 69654 Legal Description: ABS:271 SUR: F RODRIGUEZ 23.3200 AC. Geographic ID: 2G0271-0000-08600-0-00 Agent Code. Type: Real Property Use Code. Property Use Description. Location Address: HAECKERVILLE RD Mapsco: WF074A Neighborhood: CIBOLO CRK-EAST-GCO Map ID: P-5 Neighborhood CD. CCES Owner Name: WEIR LYNETTE M Owner ID 57176 Mailing Address: 445 D W LANE %Ownership: 100.0000000000% CIBOLO,TX 78108 Exemptions: Values (+)Improvement Homesite Value: + $0 (+)Improvement Non-Homesite Value: + $662 (+)Land Homesite Value: + $0 (+)Land Non-Homesite Value: + $0 Ag/Timber Use Value (+)Agricultural Market Valuation: + $182,747 $2,013 (+)Timber Market Valuation: + $0 $0 (=)Market Value: = $183,409 (—)Ag or Timber Use Value Reduction: — $180,734 (=)Appraised Value: = $2,675 (—)HS Cap: — $0 (=)Assessed Value: = $2,675 r Taxing Jurisdiction Owner WEIR LYNETTE M %Ownership: 100.0000000000% Total Value: $183,409 Entity.Description :Tax Rate Appraised Value Taxable Value Estimated Tax, CAD APPRAISAL DISTRICT 0.000000 $2,675 $2,675 $0 00 CCI CITY OF CIBOLO 0 432700 $2,675 $2,675 $11.57 GCO GUADALUPE COUNTY 0.345600 $2,675 $2,675 $9.24 LTR LATERAL ROAD 0.058000 $2,675 $2,675 $1.55 SCS SCHERTZ-CIBOLO-U.C. ISD 1.460000 $2,675 $2,675 $39.06 Total Tax Rate: 2.296300 Taxes w/Current Exemptions: $61.42 Taxes w/o Exemptions: $61.43 Improvement/Building Guadalupe CAD - Property Details Page 2 of 2 Improvement#1: RESIDENTIAL State Code: E3 Living Area: sqft Value: $662 Type Description Class CD Exterior Wall Year Built SQFT BARN BARN WBD 600.0 Land ____ _.. _. ....._.. _ .. -- # Type A.Description Acres Sqft i Eff Front 3 Eff Depth Market Value Prod.Value 1 D5P NATIVE POOR_ 10.0000_ 435600.00 0.00 0.00 _ $78,365_ mm$460 2 D5G _NATIVE GOOD ___ 10.0000 435600.00 0.00 ____. 0.00 _ __.$78,365 $730 3 D71 IMPROVED PECAN 3.3200 130680.00 0.00 0.00 $26,017 $823 Roll Value History Year Improvements Land MarketAg Valuation Appraised HS Cap Assessed 2013 N/A N/A N/A _N/A N/A N/A 2012 $662 $182,747mm 2,013 2,675 $0 $2,675 2011 $662 $182,747 1,818 2,480 _ ._. $0 $2,480 • 2010 $662 $179,163 2,143 2,805 $0 $2,805 _ 2009 $662 _ .._._.$179,163 _ .. . .2,036 __________._____._„2,698_2,698 2008 $662 $179,163 1,963 2,625 $0 $2,625 Deed History-(Last 3 Deed Transactions) # Deed Date ,Type Description'Grantor Grantee I Volume Page! Number 1 10/10/1995 12:00:00 AM OT OTHER WEIR LYNETTE M 1173 0881 0 Questions Please Call (830) 303-3313 Website version: Database last updated on:2/18/2013 8:28 ©2013 True Automation, Inc.All Rights PM Reserved. Privacy Notice This site only supports Internet Explorer 6+, Netscape 7+and Firefox 1.5+. Guadalupe CAD - Property Details Page 1 of 2 Guadalupe CAD Property Search Results > 69655 WEIR LYNETTE M for Year 2012 Property _ . ..._. ._ E Account Property ID: 69655 Legal Description. ABS:271 SUR: F RODRIGUEZ 0.8700 AC. Geographic ID: 2G0271-0000-08610-0-00 Agent Code: Type: Real Property Use Code: Property Use Description: Location Address: 455 DW LN Mapsco: WF074B Neighborhood: CIBOLO CRK-EAST-GCO Map ID• P-5 Neighborhood CD: CCES Owner Name: WEIR LYNETTE M Owner ID: 57176 Mailing Address: 445 D W LANE %Ownership: 100.0000000000% CIBOLO,TX 78108 Exemptions: HS _ _ !Values 1 (+)Improvement Homesite Value. + $52,789 (+)Improvement Non-Homesite Value: + $0 (+)Land Homesite Value: + $27,904 (+)Land Non-Homesite Value. + $0 Ag/Timber Use Value (+)Agricultural Market Valuation: + $0 $0 (+)Timber Market Valuation. + $0 $0 (=)Market Value: = $80,693 (—)Ag or Timber Use Value Reduction:— $0 (=)Appraised Value: = $80,693 (—)HS Cap: — $0 (=)Assessed Value: = $80,693 Taxing Jurisdiction Owner WEIR LYNETTE M %Ownership. 100.0000000000% Total Value: $80,693 Entity Description Tax Rate Appraised Value Taxable Value Estimated Tax i CAD APPRAISAL DISTRICT 0.000000 $80,693 $80,693 $0.00 CCI CITY OF CIBOLO 0.432700 $80,693 $80,693 $349.16 'GCO GUADALUPE COUNTY 0.345600 $80,693 $75,693 $261.59 LTR LATERAL ROAD 0.058000 $80,693 $72,693 $42.16 SCS SCHERTZ-CIBOLO-U C. ISD 1.460000 _ $80,693 $65,693 $959.12 Total Tax Rate: 2.296300 Taxes w/Current Exemptions: $1,612.03 Taxes w/o Exemptions: $1,852.95 Improvement!Building Guadalupe CAD -Property Details Page 2 of 2 Improvement#1: MOBILE State Code: A2 Living Area: 3148.0 sqft Value: $52,789 HOMES Type Description Class CD Exterior Wall Year Built SQFT MH MOBILE HOME M24 1568.0 RES1 MAIN FLR 5 1580.0 CARC CARPRT-C * 720.0 FN FLAT VALUE FN 720.0 UTL UTILITY-FIN * 72.0 AT ATTACHMENT AT1 1.0 , Land..�.... ............_._..._�... ,_�. .._ .._..,.�..__,_ _...._ _...__ _.... ___ __.__._. ___�.._,.._...__... ...._.,.. ..__..........._..�.. __ .�......._. # 'Type' Description Acres ,SgftEff Front Eff Depth Market Value Prod.Value - ry ` 1 G29 G29 0.8700 0.00 0 00 0.00 $22,904 $0 2 UTIL UTILITY 0.0000 0.00 100 0.00 $5,000 $0 i Roll Value History I Year Improvements Land Market t Ag Valuation ,Appraised HS Cap I Assessed 201-3-- .... ..._.. __ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2012 $52,789 $27,904 0 80,693 $0 $80,693 2011 $52,789 $27,904 0 80,693 $0 $80,693 2010 $52,789 $27,455 ..._....._ 0 80,244 $0 $80,244 2009 $54,203 $27,455 0 81,658 $0 $81,658 2008 $54,203 $27,455 0 81,658 $2,489 $79,169 I Deed History -(Last 3 Deed Transactions) l #,Deed Date :Type I Description 3 Grantor jGrantee Number 1 10/10/1995 12:00:00 AM OT OTHER WEIR LYNETTE M---1-1-7-3- 0881 0 Questions Please Call (830) 303-3313 Website version: Database last updated on:2/18/2013 8:28 ©2013 True Automation, Inc.All Rights PM Reserved. Privacy Notice This site only supports Internet Explorer 6+, Netscape 7+and Firefox 1 5+ Exhibit B CITY OF CIBOLO NON ANNEXATION DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Affidavit of Tax Appraisal Status and Current Uses Lynette Weir appeared in person before me today and stated under oath: "My name is Lynette Weir. I am competent to make this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct. I am the owner of the property located at 445 D W Lane. Said property is appraised for ad valorem tax purposes under the Texas Tax Code for agricultural purposes. Further, my properties, GCAD Parcels 69654 & 69655, are currently being used for the following uses: agricultural. Signed• -!=- ��,�-%-�—�„ Printed Name: '�q/1679e /118;r State of Texas County of Guadalupe Before me, (3 (C+ Prir\" CSC-I ' CCs , on this day personally appeared LyneU & - To be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this c I day of MCA In ,2013. (Seal) BETH ';'` 4B`,=NotaryPublic s eEof Texas Notary Public, State of Texas �;• �� *" My Commission Expires %i'Eiiit+ao December 22, 2014 Exhibit C CITY OF CIBOLO LIST OF MUNICIPAL REGULATIONS List of City of Cibolo Ordinances Referencing Land Uses, Development Requirements and Permits as they exist or may be amended. *Ordinance No. Description 1048 2013 Unified Development Code 797 Fireworks Regulations 1047 Sign Ordinance 1040 International Property Maintenance Code 2012* 1038 International Energy Conservation Code 2012* 1034 Uniform Mechanical Code 2012* 1033 Uniform Plumbing Code 2012* 1037 International Building Code 2012* 1039 International Existing Building Code 2012* 1035 International Residential Code 2012* 1036 International Fire Code 2012* 1003 NEC 2011* *Subject to Local Amendments