ORD 1086 12/10/2013 OF "I �,.` < s T£ X Ate' "City of Choice" ORDINANCE NO: 10 8 6 AN ORDINANCE TO ASSIGN PERMANENT ZONING TO CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY, AS DEPICTED HEREIN, LOCATED GENERALLY IMMEDIATELY LOCATED NORTH OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 10, SOUTH OF BOLTON ROAD, WEST OF SANTA CLARA ROAD AND EAST OF ZUEHL ROAD; COMPRISED OF APPROXIMATELY 5.001 ACRES FROM AGRICULTUAL (AG) TO GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C-4); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Section 211.02 authorizes the City of Cibolo, as a home-rule municipality,to adopt,repeal or amend zoning district boundaries; and I WHEREAS, Section 9.02 of the City Charter of the City of Cibolo provides that the City Council with the authority by ordinance to fix City zoning district boundaries, and provide for the alteration of said boundaries in any manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo received an application to rezone approximately 5.001 acres of real property located generally immediately north of Interstate Highway 10, south of Bolton Road, west of Santa Clara Road and east of Zuehl Road, as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Section 211.004 provides that zoning regulations and district boundaries must be adopted in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the City; and WHEREAS, two public hearings were held to discuss the assignment of permanent zoning to the real property described herein; with the first public hearing being conducted by the Planning & Zoning Commission on Wednesday,November 13, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; and, the second public hearing being conducted by City Council on Tuesday, December 10, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; each being conducted for the purpose of providing all interested persons the opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed rezoning of 5.001 acres from AG to C-4; and WHEREAS, written notice was sent to each owner of real property, as indicated on the approved tax roll of the City of Cibolo, within 200 feet of the properties to be assigned permanent zoning, with said notice provided more than ten (10) days prior to the initial public hearing of the Planning and Zoning Commission as cited above; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined and found that the proposed rezoning application is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and would promote public health, safety and general welfare of the City; and NOW,THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITE'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION I. THAT an approximate 5.001 acre parcel of property located generally immediately north of Interstate Highway 10, south of Bolton Road, west of Santa Clara Road and east of Zuehl Road,being more specifically defined on Exhibit"A", is hereby rezoned from AG to C-4. SECTION II. THAT the zoning map of the City of Cibolo is hereby amended to reflect the new zoning designations as created by this Ordinance. SECTION III THAT all provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cibolo not herein amended or repealed shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION IV THAT all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent that they are in conflict. SECTION V THAT if any provisions of this ordinance shall be held void or unconstitutional, it is hereby provided that all other parts of the same which are not held void or unconstitutional shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI THIS ordinance will take effect its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. PASSED, APPROVED,AND ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF December, 2013. Lisa M. Jackson Mayor, City of Cibolo ATTEST: Peggy Cimics City Secretary, City of Cibolo EXHIBIT A: Rezoning Exhibit(Legal Description) BJETT.ERSWORTH&ASSQCIAATES,INC, ENGMERS-StM VEYORS-WNSULTANTS I I I EAST MOUNTAIN STREET,SEGUI14,'EXAS 78155 20523" (830)379-5552 FAX(830)37R-5553 680.56&690.33 E•Mall: blah Qa 11ashmet 20523-C-(3 May 25,2001 KEN L.RE WINGER,P.E.&R.P.L,S. TRACT C 5.001 ACRE TRACT Being a 5.001 ACRE TRACT situated in Jose Flores Survey,A-134, Guadalupe County,Texas, Said 5.004 ACRE TRACT is comprised of part of a tract called 9.979 acres In conveyance from Thelma B. Schaefer, at vir to Read Miner recorded in Volume 1018 at Page 377 and part of a tract called First Tract (9.979 acres) in conveyance from Thelma B. Schaefer, et vir to Read Miner recorded In Volume 1018 at Page 371 of the Oficial Recorda of said county and being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a one-half inch diameter rebar found bent(shot base)marking the south corner of the tract herein described,some being the south corner of sold 9.979 acre tract, lying in the northwest line of a tract called 4.475 acres In Volume 137 at Page 200, further described as being the east corner of Lot 7,Country Side Acres Subdivision recorded in Volume 4 at Page 93 of the Map Records, being the east corner of a called 27.966 acre in Volume 840 at Page 110, and lying in the northwest line of interstate Highway No.10; THENCE with the southwest line of the tract herein described, same being a segment of the common line of said 9.979 acre tract and said Lot 7,N 300 53'30u W,(called N 300 53'30"W basis of bearing)685.85 feet to a one-half Inch diameter rebar set with cap (B&A)marking-the west corner of the tract herein described,same being the south corner of a 5.001 acre tract this day surveyed by me; THENCE with the northwest line of the tract herein described, into said 9.979 acre tract, N 650 52' 13° E;-at 277.98 feet a one-half inch diameter rebar set with cap (B&A) marking the east corner of a 5.001 acre tract this day surveyed by me and being the south corner of a 5.001 acre tract this day surveyed by me and at 318.94 feet a one-half Inch diameter rebar set with cap (13M)marking the north comer of the tract herein described; THENCE with the northeast line of the tract herein described,S 300 681 3p"E,689.79 feet to a one-half inch diameter rebar set with cap (B&A),.marking the east corner of the tract herein described, along the common line of said 9,979 acrgjract and said 4.475 acre tract, further described as lying In the northwest line of said Interstate Highway No. 10; THENCE with the southeast litre of the tract herein described, same being a segment of the common line of said 9.979 acre tract and said 4.475 acre tract, along a segment of the northwest line of said Interstate Highway No, 10, S 66" 34' 17" W, (called S 660.34' 31" W) 319.42 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 6,001 AqRES OF LAND.-- I hereby certify the foregoing field notes represent the resins of orf njthe ground su �y made under my supervision in March 2001. 77 4Y EN RFzINI (3ER,".•.P,L.S.26 EXHIBIT A: Rezoning Exhibit (Graphically) IOFB 6-21-DE AWm COBIGNENT F77"m DAM WY Iq=1 uuc•m/n,y^ KU 5-01 A ADOED IO:GORO fN15 \QlnE MOE NUI 6-5-01 AODFD BAIFIt Yd11 ADD D 100 WD ,100 N77E ryll,p NLVOttSy Or a�c wounx va+c M0,0,RCH 1-IDD nnoevn aw sa ��\11" vm ftwR--SB RD3Ut rWJW 0071-SIIOT EASE `+'�,6 •'TCi �ti��/T.1, •IPTB-m FM7 PIPE FWRD DENT-SHOT 619E n/c IV CAUE6 9.971�9 W F0W MER OPIIO 111E VMXER wt.Iola -E- EEECIR6 LINEPP Pom POLE - /•_,!�I 1�•E{t� m •TFtagmc M=W% � dRECORDS PP SR M WFM CVP(0b y F "•;• P, I.00MAT WUE DIRT�O6 4�ADIRT � U $ r y y6.E71• � � :P ru FR 9LIL01 �O C OF CALLED 9.979 w MOI.IDIe ra.An p� Cp p ,, 500 �GF�EJ , 4G� �Ir 41"; Joe vl� C.lim 9.979 ACRES '1'BfD10 COAYEYED FIt011 Tfl R.SCIWFFR, 'pET NR TO RFA➢1211 �•C+n',S\E�•� N $ MP RECORDED IN VNE 1013 PAGE 377. sA8 1 lam c p:9aro19V cSA9' p�� d. N C M GLlfO 1.50�� 7n• ;� ,A �F N WL 1010 Yi >¢.171 d y 0� 5.001 5 4 1�p OE/O or aaLEu 9.979 �F, 14 �' MRCS w 1oL Iola. TI. 9/C DF CALLED 9.979 ACRES S OF CALLED IOIe PO.l77 k MAC Of 1$ 1.507 3.179 ArnEs W wL:'' a� \n..7013 E¢07 l�'1' lI`Ote PO.D71 7�r BON WW1.507 NVEYEDFROOM THELVA�ED SCK(UER, ET VIR TO READ 1 sow RECORDEDEI IND >e z ,-���yN '� Sl�� VOLUME 1018 PAGE 371. tP S/C OF CALLED 9 97 ACRES U � ' O R 1 •� WL 1013 A0.071 `�` �O R 5001 AGRES p CN.IFD 8.979 MRFS(FIRST TRAC COUVIEWD FROM 1NElll1 B.SCKL IN EF VIN TO REM MINER �iyij DI L'GQi n AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 1016 PACE 371. R'+/-X10. T 'g, (TAVQ.RWD (AT n k0-0) 1y.W ~�FOW 0 J L9Y. K* A S\.R�p5 4M1 L�\1N I' 01„ `(1' s/c Or= af79 A(,—w �laai 4d'J �;1 0c.Iola Pc 1 F¢fts•CfI19Y TD DE EiYt-m �t. mqw za of �1 6, €s' �� PAR`PIVON OF, acm AS -Z1.011 A6RE, Isne1.9L F a -9111W 2001- A-134, GUADALUPE 0 ERSWORTH&ASSOCDITES,INC. COUNTY TEXAS G L 111 167E AIkGKtlt RP7S RSD L-WV