ORD 1122 02/24/2015 C4.
WHEREAS, §212 of the Texas Local Government Code empowers the City of Cibolo to
establish,administer,enforce and amend Subdivision Regulations;and
WHEREAS, §211 of the Texas Local Government Code empowers the City of Cibolo
to establish,administer, enforce and amend Zoning Regulations; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, adopted Ordinance 1048 on
February 26,_2013, adopting aUnified Development Codeto improve the ability of the City to
protect the community health, safety and general welfare; and
WHEREAS, Article 3, Section 3.7 of the UDC allows the City of Cibolo to amend the UDC as
necessary, in accordance with the requirements of Chapter §211 of the Texas Local Government
Code to protect the community health safety and-general welfare; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, adopted Ordinance 1099 on April
22, 2014, amending Ordinance 978 by creating a Unified Development Code Committee
comprised of seven citizens from each Voting District and the ETJ with expertise in land
development, economic: development, infrastructure construction and who were active in the
affairs of the City of Cibolo, to update the Cibolo Unified Development Code to improve the
ability of the City protect the community health, safety and general welfare; and
WHEREAS, the UDC Committee held six meetings to discuss proposed amendments of the
UDC, each held Within the:Cibolo City Hall; all as being legally posted and open to the public;
WHEREAS, two .public hearings were held to discuss the various proposed amendments and
adoption of Article 11-of the UDC as depicted in Exhibit"A", with the first public hearing being
conducted by the Planning and Zoning Commission on February 11, 2015 in the Cibolo City
Hall; and,.the second public hearings being conducted by City Council on February 24, 2015 in
the Cibolo City Hall; each being conducted for the purpose of providing all interested persons
the opportunity to be heard concerning the .proposed amendments to:the Unified Development
Code; and
WHEREAS, legal notice notifying the public of both—public hearings was published in the
Seguin Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Cibolo, on January 25 and
January 27, 2015, with said publications provided more than fifteen (15) days prior to the initial
public hearing of the City Council as cited above; and
WHEREAS, a joint workshop was held to discuss the various proposed amendments as outlined
in Exhibit "A", and adoption of Article 11 of the 2013 Unified Development Code by City
Council and the Planning &Zoning Commission on January 13, 2015 in the.Cibolo City-Hall; as
.being legally posted.and open to the public; and
WHEREAS, a new Article 11 shall not be part of this Ordinance; but shall be considered at a
subsequent meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the various
proposed amendments as outlined in Exhibit "A"; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the various proposed amendments were
fully reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and accurately reflects the land
development policies of the City Council.
THAT the recitals contained in the preamble hereof are hereby found to be true, and such
recitals are hereby made a part of this Ordinance for all purposes and are adopted as a part of the
judgment and findings of the Council.
THAT the City. Planner's report dated February 24, 2015, is hereby adopted and incorporated in
this Ordinance as.Exhibit"A".
THAT,.the City of Cibolo Code of Ordinances' UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE."UDC" is.
hereby amended as more particularly described on Exhibit"-A".
THAT if any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance shall be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance and the application of
such provision to other persons and circumstances shall nevertheless be valid, and the City
hereby declares that this Ordinance would have been enacted without such invalid provision.
THAT, all ordinances and codes, or parts thereof, which are in conflict or inconsistent with any
provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, and the provisions
of this Ordinance shall be and remain controlling as to the matters resolved herein.
It is officially found, determined, and declared that the meeting at which this Ordinance is
adopted was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and subject matter of the
public business to be considered at such meeting, including this Ordinance, was given, all.as
required by Chapter 551, as amended, Texas Government Code and Chapters 211 and 212 of the
Texas Local Government Code.
THIS ordinance will take effect its passage, approval and:publication as provided by law.
PASSED AND APPROVED this,the 24th day February 2015.
Lisa M. Jac on, Mayor
Peggy Cimics, City Secretary
Page 11
Exhibit "A"
February 24
Updates to the 2013 Cibolo Unified Development Code "UDC." Report
The City of Cibolo Unified Development Code (the "UDC") was approved by the Cibolo City Council on
February 26, 2013. The UDC serves as the Zoning Code and the Subdivision regulations for all
properties within the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo and generally to all land subject to its
jurisdiction as conferred by State law.
At the time of approval of the UDC in 2013, City Staff indicated to Council that within the following
year of use the document would be brought back for review to propose any revisions necessary to
address any issues. The attached represents Staff's commitment per the approval.
The proposed amendment to the UDC contains several hundred individual modifications. Many of
these are relatively minor and have been classified as "housekeeping" in this report.
This document is to serve as an accompaniment to the UDC as modified, attached herewith or which
can be requested. Added/revised language within the document is indicated by yellow highlights and
deleted language is indicated with stFikethr,,ugh yellow highlights
These documents were posted on the City's Official Website for 30 days for public input. This will be
followed by two (2) advertised/scheduled public hearings February 11, 2015 and February 24, 2015.
o c i� For additional information, questions or comments:
• Lisa Gonzalez
City Planner
r x n (210) 658-9900
"Clto 4 r1 Cl wirr"
Page 12
1. Grammar Punctuation and Spelling Revisions"General Housekeeping"
Minor grammatical,spelling,spacing and punctuation corrections have been made throughout the UDC. Also,as a
new section has been added,omitted or moved,the necessary adjustment of renumbering or lettering has been
2. Where a code section is referenced elsewhere in the code these references have been adjusted as necessary to
accommodate the addition of other sections. Struck out" "throughout UDC and replaced
with alternative language i.e. "City Staff"or"City Manager and/or Designee." "Planning-and Development
Service "should be changed to"Planning and Engineering,"which is the new name for the department.
3. 1.8-Effective Date
Updated to most recent UDC of February 26, 2013(Ordinance 1048).
4. 1.12 Unified Development Code Definitions
Flea Market;Outdoor Open Air Sales
Buildings or open areas in which sales areas or stalls are set aside or rented and which are intended for use by two
or more individuals or by educational,religious or charitable organizations to sell articles that are either
homemade, homegrown, handcrafted,or antique.
5. Omit:
f gods&rnefc-handise feF personal or household use.Typical uses inGlude department
6. Addition:
General retail sales;neighborhood scale
Sales or rental of commonly used goods and merchandise for personal or household uses for surrounding
7. Addition:
General retail sales;regional
Sales or rental of commonly used goods and merchandise for personal or household use.Typical uses include
department stores,apparel stores,furniture stores,mail order stores or similar establishments.
8. Revision:
Local Convenience Store
A commercial activity engaged in the sale of commonly used goods&merchandise,including petroleum
products,for personal or household use in a structure three five thousand(37000 5,000)square feet or more in
size. Refer to Article 6 of this UDC for additional requirements for fuel sales and stores exceeding 5,000 square
9. Revised:
Lot/Impervious Coverage
That portion of a lot,parcel or tract covered by the primary structure and inclusive of all area enclosed under a
permanent roof including attached and detached garages. Lot coverage includes driveways,sidewalks, accessory
buildings, unenclosed porches and patios,similar paved areas,and pools.
10. Revised:
Recreational Vehicle(RV)
A vehicular type portable structure without permanent foundation,met Me.re than
. rty feet ('5"^ length
primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreational,camping,or travel use,with or without motor
power, ee feea peried not exceeding thirty""' `aa -_This includes,but is not limited
to,travel trailers,truck campers,camping trailers&self-propelled motor homes.
Page 13
11. Omit:
A use engaged in the prepaFatien and retail sale ef food and beverages, ineluding sale of alcohelic beverage&-when
GORGIUCted aS aR @Gces5ory or seGeRda,Y f-__aW-e_ -A.A.01 PFOdLIGiRg less than fifty(50) peFeent of the gFess ineeme. 14.
geffera4estafrr-ant may 1 d I' + +-.' nt Typical uses include restal-rantq-,-bath full seFvmee and fast feed,
coffee r
12. Revision:
A use engaged in the preparation and retail sale of food and beverages, including the sale of alcoholic beverages
when conducted as an accessory or secondary feature and producing less than twenty-five (25) percent of the
gross income. A-ne�a d restaurant gens n„+ include ,,,moor entertain;e;n—Typic4l uses aFe full s
dinner heuses, and similar, esta-blish.m.entT4P,th incidentalalcoholicbeverage service. For a neighborhood
restaurant including outdoor entertainment see Article 6 of this UDC for additional requirements.
13. Omit:
An establishment that ells,-food only for consumption eff the
14. Shopping Center
A group of commercial establishments planned and constructed as a total entity that will typically have multiple
. regional scale retail establishments and/or multiple smaller neighborhood scale retail buildings.
15. 2.3 Duties and Approval Authority
1.The City Manager or his/her designee shall have the authority to review and make a recommendation to the City
Council and the appropriate Advisory Committee body designated by City Council to review the following
16. 2.4(D)Amendments to Administrative Rules
(5)The City Manager or his/her designee will notify appropriate sorr mitteeS City Council or the
appropriate advisory body designated by City Council of any administrative rules amendments.
17. Article 3 Procedures and Applications
Struck out "Beard-Serer lissiOR Gr Gornrniiittee" throughout Article 3 and replaced with alternative language
"advisory body"per City Attorney continents.
18. 3.8(C)Compliance with TLGC&City Charter
(2) By virtue of this policy,the Annexation Plan requirements of TLGC Section 43.052(Subchapter C)are not
applicable because the City of Cibolo has not specifically identified any annexation(s)where the provisions of TLGC
43.053(Chapter C)would be applicable.City Ceuncil reserves the right to desigRate lald need to
be-included in a 3 Yea-FAnneXation Plan,as defined in TI-COCU Seetie-A 43.052(Subehapter C).
19.. 3.10 Extensions of Water and Sewer Mains
D. Request to Connect to City of Cibolo Utilities Required
it shall be the policy of the City Council to require that all developments located within the City of Cibolo request
City of Cibolo water and sanitary sewer service. If a development is located in the CCN boundaries of another
Page 14
utility purveyor,the applicant shall invoke applicable state statutes,as amended,and formally request that the
City of Cibolo provide utility service(s). The City of Cibolo shall determine,upon receiving a formal request in
writing or by a plat submittal,if the City can provide the requested utility service(s)to the development.
E.Compliance with Fire and Building Codes Required
It shall be the policy of the City Council to require all utility purveyors providing utility service within the City of
Cibolo to comply with all applicable City of Cibolo Fire and Building Codes,as amended, by the date in which a
service connection is requested. If a utility provider cannot supply utility services in accordance with the City of
Cibolo Fire and Building Codes,as amended,on the date in which said utility service is requested,the City of Cibolo
reserves the right to provide said utility service if the City of Cibolo has the ability to provide said service in
accordance with the City of Cibolo Fire and Building Codes, as amended.
20. 3.11(E)Expiration and Extension
(2) Once the Beard,Commission orthe City Council Fants relief on the appeat,relief is granted,a new
Development Application or permit application shall be submitted within 180 days after-of the date of such
approval or the appeal shall become null and void.
21. 3.12(6)(5)Stop Work Order
A.Authority. Whenever any duly authorized agent of the City of Cibolo determines that any work
regulated by this UDC is being installed or completed in a manner contrary to the provisions of this UDC or
any other applicable City of Cibolo Code, contrary to approved Construction Plans, or in a dangerous or unsafe
manner, the City of Cibolo is authorized to issue a stop work order immediately and to not allow
work to progress until the issue(s)that resulted in the stop work order is/are remediated at the expense of the
B. Issuance. The stop work order shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property involved;
or to the owner's agent, or to the person doing the work. Upon issuance of a stop work order, the cited
work shall immediately cease. The stop work order shall state the reason for the order and the conditions under
which the cited work is authorized to resume.
C. Order. Whenever any code violations are discovered or when a City official finds that
work regulated by the UDC or any other applicable City Code is being performed or completed in a manner
contrary to the provisions of the U DC or another applicable City Code or in a dangerous or
unsafe manner, the City is authorized to issue a stop work order.
D. Emergencies. Where a verifiable emergency exists, the City shall not be required to give a written notice
prior to stopping the work.
F.Failure to Comply.Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop work
order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition,
shall be liable to the fines and penalties prescribed by Article 1 of this UDC.
22. 3.13(B) Provisional Field Permits
Upon an affirmative finding by the City Engineer that required public improvements have been completed in
accordance with this UDC and the Design and Construction requirements of the City of Cibolo,the City Manager e
the Planning and Engineering Services Director may authorize the issuance of Provisional Field Permits to allow the
issuance of building permits.f9F model-k
Acceptance Of pUbliC ifflffOvements by City COURCil OF the Planning and Zoning Commission-. Provisional Field
Permits shall be issued"at risk"to the developer and does not preclude the City Council from denying, or
deferring, Preliminary Acceptance,upon the discovery of any defect in the public improvements after the issuance
of any provisional field permit. Provisional Field Permits shall be subject to all regular permitting requirements.
Page 15
Certificates of occupancy for hGmes aL prized by a provisional field permit shall not be issued until Preliminary
Acceptance of all public improvements is granted by City Council
23. 3.13(D)(3)Appeals
Any person or persons aggrieved by any decision of the Director of Planning and Engineering Services or any
officer,department,or board of the City may appeal the decision to the Planning&Zoning Commission and/or City
Council as specified in this UDC unless the cause for the permit denial relates to a zoning related sections of this
UDC;in which case the appeal shall be made to the Board of Adjustment.
24. 3.13(F) Issuance
No building permit shall be issued on property that is a lot of record unless; 1)Additions to existing structures
don't exceed 25%of the building gross floor area at the time of the adoption of this UDC and/or 2)for interior
finish outs on improvements to existing structures.
25. 4.2.1 Planning and Zoning Commission
Revised: Planning and Zoning Commission created.
D.There sh e three(3)alternate member places on the Gemmission.
4.21.2. Length of ntment
. regular
The er o a two year term Each term
nts hos/hn limits �
No commission member may serve more than four consecutive terms.After a two-year absence, a
membeF is eligible foF re appointment.
As the to ate the cit. OF withiR
rrr-rrrc-a car-rrrr , ,
,shall-appoint • r' +aRces feF cause fdi I f thecommi-
A. MembeFs must attend at least 50 n ent of all Ins and special meetings duFing each s
nths of the;F to regardless f cause of absence and. rrdle-sss of excuse.Thr, nth esd
Failure te
complyWith Attendance rra"-quire�.em`_ntr {'11 b considered as nation from the Cemmiss• in the
event f h termination,the chaiFpersen of the Ca sien-shall• e.d•atel„Ratify the City Co sil
h hall then take immediate 6-+cp5 to foiiil the vacancy.
B. Regular and alternate members serve at the will and pleasuFe of the City Council and may be
Femoved at any tome. Reecdmnendatkms-few e..beF by the
. . i shall be feFwarded to the City GeunGil upeRthe affirmative vote Of a majeFityOf the regular
mei rrc-rmrrvcl'e-�. Meetings.
A. Regular meetings shall be held monthly unless a lack of agenda items allows for a meeting not to be
held.The meetings shall he held on the second\Alep.m.in the City
Cau+40 Cham—hers of Cit„Hall.Special meetings may be required at the request of the chairperson or at
the request of Mayor and/or City Council.The time and place of both special and regular meetings are
subject to change upon proper notification of all members of the Commission.
Page 16
B. Th 'r staff hall prev'd the planning and Zeni Rg!"E)FAMiS5jg
con T''S
meeting,a synepsis of each agenda kem,as
Feq w ke d,any-sLqipoft4%-deeuments fer eaGh agenda item and a summary indicating compliance 0
non c P+p lance with city ordinances.This infermational package shall be iR the ferm ef a hard cepy a+�
transmitted It ll as required.The hard copy shaR-be made available at the city hall buildffin.g
an the[ 'day prier to the impeRding FAeetmg-.
"k "+ate4nembe-s rh-,I�7QTr-,e_f oeor mere
regular Planning and Zoning Commission
at the request of the City Manager,
his/her de members, Parliamentary procedure;meetings open to public.
C. Meetings shall he open to the public ,and -,llcrr-li-litated-a-S-�is record.
All meetings shall he held On F anEef the Texas Open Meetings Art [Tex.
G t Cade.1 551.001 et s s.1 and applicable City r,Fdinane
4.24.8. Powers and reties of the rnm� }_ � �''
A. TE)formulate a compre 0 ve plan fOF the orderly growth and development Gf the ,and
periedoeally reEemmend chaRges to the City Council fOF its action in d pel+eies to
facilitate the nls,.,,enterioof a Gomprehensive plan.
B. On a Gentinuffing basis, review,develop and update the zoning erdinances, annenat0en Plans,
capitalimpr ments plans,plans to facilitate the geals ef a cemprehensive plan aR�ether
matters affecting the development ef the city and Fecemmend to the City Council,fer its a Mien
amend.ments neeessary to adjust to changing conditions.
C. Review d recommend to the city eeunG far its @Gtien, pFepesed suladivisiem plats to guide the
developmentFesidential subdivisions in accordance with the
�city's rd'n
D. `Make an •6n-p'la'n$-€ef-the ClearanGe and rebuildinS--f
depr-des, ;st�r�t ,nsl igMed areas,which�
E. nn d d t the Cit Council,for its aetien, igl?w3y 1
P. 1Alh specified in this I lnr the,Planning-an Fem
- ratNe ddecisioris make by the City of!'ihGle staff dur4n
G. Perform other such cluties as may be duly delegated to the Planning and Zoning
te time by the City Council.
n 7�--cz.9. Ce r n.,✓rvr.�zv-oczrd
The C'b()Io Planning and Zoning Cemmis R is hereby derl-.red to be adjunct to the Cit.,COURrii All
adMIRiStFative el of the city e he
CbmMi.Ssion at all Feaseriable times.
4.2.140. r Brien of members.MembeFseftheplanRingandzo i shall serve without
t' Ho the
ity ceunGil may awtherize the payment of any expense(s)far travel and
eti„g;and s • �
n+ay-be4n Irred by members OR cerijunctien with the perfeFmance of their duties as members of the
Planning slrtrieRing-Commirrrr✓sinv"-
Page 17
26. 4.2.2 Role of City Council
The City Council is responsible for appointing and removing members of the Planning and Zoning Commission.The
City Council shall, after first receiving a report from P& Z, hear and render decisions on applications for original
zoning, render decisions on proposed amendments to the official zoning map, as well as take final action on
amendments of the text of the zening^r.l;.,-nee UDC and certain appeals and non-zoning related variances from
the UDC, and where defined in this UDC, decisions by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City staff in the
administration of this UDC.
27. 4.2.34kele4444f+ing Adminis#awf Role of City Staff
The Zoning ndministrater, City staff designated by the City Manager r4'+61,, will be the administrative
administrate theofficial r--the duties and procedures provided in this UDC. The provisions of this
ordinance will ordinarily be carried out by said officials, or a designee such as assistants, deputies, or department
28. 4.2.4 Role of Board of Adiustments
The Board of Adjustment(BOA)has the powers and duties set forth in Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government
Code. The Board of Adjustment's jurisdiction extends to and includes the following specific powers and duties:
A. Zoning Variance from Zoning standards of this UDC
B. Appeal of an Administrative Decision,where defined by this UDC and TLGC§211.010.
29. Membership
The Board of Adjustment shall consist of seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternate members, each to be
appointed for a term of two (2)years and removable for cause by the City Council.The two(2)alternate members
shall serve in the absence of one (1) or more regular members when requested to do so by the City Manager or
his/her designee.Weancies w;;; be filled f the red term of any member h n, becorines vacant.The
appointed members hall select a Chain.!,.sen and suGh ether
necessary. Meetings
The Board�__hall adept rules in accordanEe with the PFE)V;SiE)n Of thi5 UDG. Meetings of t e heard shall-beheld at
the call of the ChaiFpeFsen and t such ^theFtimes a5 the Board May deteFMine Chairpersen,er in his/he
absence,the Acting Chairperson,may administer oathsa d cempel-the attendan f witnesses.The Beard sh-,n
keep r upon questiep_, er if absent er failiFig to vete,
ating such fact,and shall I(eep reGords of the examinations and A-thP-.F Aeffircialf ark�ieh shall be
diate'y filed the Office the_-C"erk and shall be a public Fecerd.-
vote by a 75 r nt of the Joh 1 h�_neEeto reverse y-Qr4er.-requirement dedsio n
of any adminis ve-o_f+cia, or te decide in favor of the applicant eR @Ry matter upon whiGh it is required to pass
e rams;-to effect .
30. City Council Required Notice/Hearing
Revised;per TLGC 211.006:
A public hearing shall be held by the City Council before adopting any proposed supplement, amendment or
change. Notice of such hearing shall be given before the 15`h day before the date of the hearing. Notice of the
Page 18
time and place of the hearing must be published in an official newspaper or a newspaper of general circulation in
the municipality. If an application or petition has been filed,the owner shall appear in person or by agent.
31. 4.3.2 Conditional Use Permit
Moved following conditions of CUP to Site Plan process:
G. Prateetion of peFS9RS @Rd property frem erosion,fleed E)F wateF damage,fiFe,neise,glare and similaf hazards
of impaGts.
H—Location, lighting and type of signs;and relatien ef signs to traffi adjacent
pr-GRef fies--
I-4dequar=y and convenience of eff street parking and loading facilites.
32. 4.3.5 Zoning Variance
The Board of Adjustment shall have the authority to hear requests for zoning variances in accordance with the
terms of this UDC and Texas Local Government Code§211.010.
33. Section 4.4 Establishment of Zoning Districts
AG Agricultural
SF-1 Low Density Single-Family Residential
SF-2 Medium Density Single-Family Residential
SF-3 Mixed Density Single-Family Residential
TF-1 Duplex
MF-1 Multi Family
MF-2 Multi Family _
MH-1 Manufactured Housing
MH-2 _ Mobile Home Park
C-1 Neighborhood Commercial
C-2 Old Town/Town Center
C-3 Retail/Office
C-4 General Commercial
PF Public Facilities(Parks and Institutional Facilities)
1-1 Light Industrial
1-2 Heavy Industrial
MURE Mixed Use Regional Employment Center
OT Old Town Mixed Use Overlay
78 FM 78 Mixed Use Overlay
TC Town Center Mixed Use Overlay
34. 4.4.8 Prohibited Uses
Moved to Article 13-Use Table:
1—All uses not exp,essly permitted by this UDC,shall be expressly prohibited.
Page 19
35. 4.5.1 Residential Districts
Revised: Low Density Single-Family Residential District(SF-1)
This district is established for large-lot single-family residential housing and is consistent with a very low density
suburban/exurban environrn }t development with housing arranged in conventional detached format with a
maximum density of 2 units per acre,to create a semi-rural setting of the City.
i Medium Density Single-Family Residential District(SF-2) Mixed High Density Single-Family Residential District(SF-3)
The mixed-density residential district enables a mix of residential densities(up to 5.5 units per acre).The district
is intended to complement the suburban district and allow a mixture of different density neighborhoods. and
serve as a tr s•t• al. Two-Family Residential District(TF-1)
The two-family residential district enables duplex residential development. The district is intended to serve as a
transitional or buffer use. Multi-Family District(MF-1)
This district provides for attached, multiple family residential use to a maximum density of 18 units per acre,
situated with access to an arterial roadway. It is intended to be located near retail and office use to provide
convenient service and serve as a transitional or buffer use. Multi-Family District(MF-2)
This district provides for attached,multiple family residential use to a maximum density of 24 units per acre,
situated with access to a major arterial roadway or highway. It is intended to be located near retail and office use
to provide convenient service, and access to regional facilities for its residents and serve as a transitional or buffer
use. Agricultural District(AG)
The Agricultural district is intended to serve as an initial temporary zoning designation for newly annexed
properties into the City and as a permanent zoning designation for those rural properties of the City that are
ideally suited for agricultural purposes. Since single-family residences are permitted in this district, this district is
considered to be a very--law-clensiTy residential district.
36. 4.5.2 NeR Residential� ;� Mixed Use Districts
Addition: Mixed Use Districts(C-2)
The Mixed-Use Districts are intended to ensure harmonious development, redevelopment, and rehabilitation of
uses by integrating an appropriate mix of residential retail, office, entertainment, civic uses commensurate with
traditional values of the city, its citizens, and the surrounding area. The establishing of these Mixed-Use Districts
serve to reinforce and reinvigorate downtown Cibolo's mixed-use residential, light retail and services, preserve the
historical traditions and monuments of the "Old Town" and to create a Mixed Use District to expand a central core
to the geographic center of Cibolo.
4.5.3 Non-Residential Districts Mixed Use 0-I'd Teivn/Mlxed Use Tamm Cente_r W"Flet(C-2)
The M;xed Use Old Tewn and Wxed Use Town Center•1c r-m-st F;e s aFe established to reinforce and reiRvigeFate
downtown Cibele's rngxpd ,qp hktF)r4zal trad4ions and monuments and tG Create a Mixed Use Tewn CenteF40
expand a central Fnixe s
lopment and rehabof uses by integratiRg an apprepFiate mix of Fetail,of
Page 110
entertain ^t, eivic,and residential uses eemmensurate with traditional values of the effity, its dtizens, and th
surreuRding area.
37. Public Facilities District(PF)
The Public Facilities District is intended to provide for public, semi-public and institutional facilities within close
proximity to various neighborhood and commercial land uses and to serve as a transitional or buffer use.
38. District Plans and Requirements
A, 1. Master Plan. The Master Plan is intended to serve a general land arrangement plan as the first step in the
planned development process when a PUD district is created. It establishes the most general guidelines for the
district by identifying land use types, thoroughfare locations, if applicable, and project boundaries and illustrates
the integration of these elements into a Master Plan for the whole PUD district. The Master Plan will become an
exhibit to the ordinance creating the PUD district.Where appropriate,it is acceptable for the Master Plan and PUD
Ordinance to be supplemented with a detailed written narrative and any other exhibits, as necessary, to convey to
the manner in which the PUD will be developed. Since each PUD is unique, the required information necessary to
review each PUD will vary depending on the size& nature of the development and the particular mix of proposed
uses. When written narratives and/or exhibits are utilized, the City may include such information as conditions of
the PUD ordinance.
39. Omission:
4.: Plan4. MasteF Plan ReqUiFements
40. Revised:
As may be pertinent to the request, At—a—minir ufP7 the Master Plan shall include the following minimum
A. A general statement setting forth how the proposed district will relate to the Cibolo Comprehensive
Plan, Future Land Use Map, Future Thoroughfare Plan and Master Park Plan and the degree to which the
project is consistent with those plans.
B. The total acreage within the proposed district.
C. An accurate survey of the boundaries of the district.
D. Proposed general land uses and the acreage for each use, including open space. For residential
development,the total number of units and the number of units per acre shall be provided.
E. Proposed arterial or collector streets,or conceptual driveways,as appropriate. Showing local streets or
private ring roads accessing the development is optional.
41 Omission:
n n [ (n—/_) n,,,,.,1.,..ment Stan 5 far each proposed land use in the PUD shall bedescribedfollows:
F. A statement or narrative that describes the applicable development standards that are proposed to
govern the development of the proposed PUD. It is acceptable to include a general note or narrative
statement reference such as "Pod 1 shall be developed in accordance with all of the development
standards of a particular zoning district and that Pod 2 shall be developed in accordance with all of the
development standards of another zoning district. As an alternative, the developer may propose
development standards unique to the proposed PUD and reference other requirements of the UDC that
shall be applicable, such as buffering, landscaping or the like. Regardless of the method that an applicant
selects,the applicant shall clearly delineate each of the following regulations for the PUD:
0 Minimum lot area.
Page X11
• Minimum lot width and depth.
• Minimum front,side,and rear setbacks.
• Maximum height of buildings.
• Maximum building coverage.
• Minimum parking standards for each general land use.
43. Omission: G) Existing Cenditiens(Context Plan)
G. As a separate exhibit supporting the Master Plan, the applicant shall provide a scaled plan and/or a
detailed aerial photo of the area surrounding the proposed PUD,to be titled as Context Plan,The Context
Plan shall include sufficient details depicting existing land uses, transportation networks and related
contextual details of the area surrounding the proposed PUD.The Context Plan shall be reviewed with the
Master Plan to determine if the Master Plan is appropriate as proposed or if development standards
applicable to the proposed PUD should be incorporated into the PUD Ordinance.
The purpose of the Context Plan is to facilitate the review of the PUD application and determine if the
proposed PUD will be compatible with surrounding development. Failure to properly relate the proposed
PUD Master Plan to the Context Map may be used as a basis for denying a proposed PUD application.
The following elements shall be shown, or highlighted, on the Context Plan for the area surrounding the
PUD, with details demonstrating how the proposed PUD will relate to these existing elements. As a
minimum,the following details must be provided:
1. Existing streets.
2. Existing 100-year floodplain,floodway,major drainage ways or linear park elements.
3. City limits and E.T.J. boundaries.
4. Zoning districts within and adjacent to the proposed district land use.
5. Utility Locations, including water,wastewater and electric.
6. Existing and proposed building locations if known.
H. In lieu of submitting a Master Plan, an applicant may submit a combined Master Plan/Detailed Plan to be
adopted with the PUD ordinance. If an applicant proposes a combined Master Plan/Detailed Plan, the plan
shall both be subject to Planning and Zoning Commission review and City Council approval.A Context Plan,
as described above,must also be submitted.
I. The City Council may impose conditions of approval, as necessary, to ensure that the PUD is compatible
with surrounding uses or the goals, plans and policies of the City of Cibolo.
2. Detail Plan. The detail plan is the final step of the planned development process containing the details of
development for the property. For smaller tracts PUD's, or where final development plan is otherwise known, the
detail plan may be used to establish the district, and serving as the Master Plan & Detailed Plan and be the only
required plan in the PUD process, provided that the Detail Plan addresses all of the requirements for a Master Plan
and Context Plan,as well as those requirements described below for a Detail Plan.
44. 9 6 Commission Approval of PUD Detail Plan
45. 7 Expiration of Approved Plans
Page 112
(A) If no detail plan has been approved for the property within-5 3 (five three)years of the date of approval of a
PUD Master Plan, a Detailed Plan may still be filed within one (1) year of the five year time period expiration, but
said Detail Plan must be approved by the City Council, after receiving the report of the Commission and after
notice and hearing. As a condition of reinstating an expired Detail Plan, the City may require that a reinstated
Detail Plan comply with any new development regulations adopted by the City after the expiration date of the
Detail Plan. If no Detail Plan is submitted after this six-M four(4)year window,the PUD Detail Plan will expire and
the City shall initiate a zoning case to revert the area back to its prior zoning.
46. Plan Review Criteria
• Dees The proposed development plan will implement the Mixed Use Concept Plan and all mixed use
• Does The proposed development plan will implement the mixed use phasing plan?.
• Dees The proposed development plan will demonstrate how all mixed use district purposes, requirements and
standards as set forth will be met?.
47.,Area&General Building Placement Development Standards
(3)Front Y-ai-d BSL:C-2
(4)Rear Yafd BSL:C-2
(5)Side*@Fd BSL:C-2
48. Permitted Uses
A. Single-family residential, duplex residential, residential, ndam;n6 5,anr,tial +„ „ units per
acre development density,provided that this use takes access from a local public street.
D.Townhouse residential, condominium residential to 12 units per acre development density is permitted subject
to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit,per the CUP requirements of Article 3 and 4.3.2 of this UDC.
49. Permitted and Prohibited Uses
A. Townhouse, apartment and condominium residential, to 20 its peF acre deve'^r,meRt density, provided tha-t
this use takes access from a local, public street and not fFern a collector or +e ial street s defined .,n the
TheFoughfaFe n-. development may be permitted in this overlay district only subject to the granting of a
Conditional Use Permit (CUP) by City Council in accordance with all of the Conditional Use Permit procedural
requirements specified in Article 3 and 4.3.2 of this UDC.
B. Vertical Mixed Use: Upper-story residential use is permitted, provided that the ground level of the building is
occupied by non-residential uses, and subject to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit for said residential uses
as described in Section of this UDC.
50. Uses
Page 113
A. Alt The permitted uses desGribed in section of the C-2 district and Old Town Mixed Use Overlay district shall 4ae
permitted in the govern the uses permitted by right and by CUP in the TC district. by Fight.
51. 5.2(A)Criteria
(3) Such nonconforming use or structure shall be subject to such reasonable regulations as the Board of
Adjustment(BOA)may be required to protect adjacent property.shall be subjeet t e specific neneenferming
51. 6.3.1(k)Fuel Sale Business
(5) Stores exceeding 5,000 Square Feet: If a structure exceeds 5,000 square feet in size,a Conditional Use Permit
(CUP)will be required.
52. 6.3.1 Purpose and Applicability
(q) Big Box Requirements
1. Big box uses are defined as a single tenant retail building over 100,000 square feet.
2. Big box uses proposed in the C-3 district on a property that adjoins property zoned SF-1, SF-2 or SF-3
shall only be permitted subject to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP); subject to all CUP
criteria, standards and processes defined in Article 3 of this UDC. In consideration of a CUP to allow a big
box use, the City Council may impose reasonable conditions of approval to ensure that the big box use
does not diminish the use or value of the adjoining residential property for residential purposes or may
deny the CUP request upon determining that the proposed big box would not be compatible with the
adjoining residential zoning district.
3. Big boxes are permitted by right in the C-4 and MURE zoning districts and in the FM 78 Overlay
District. Big boxes are permitted by right in the C-3 zoning district if the property on which the big box is
proposed does not share a common border with any property zoned SF-1, SF-2, or SF-3. For purposes of
enforcing this requirement, property zoned SF-1, SF-2 or SF-3 on the opposite side of a right-of-way from
where a big box is proposed is considered to adjoin the property on which the big box is proposed and
has a shared border.
53. 8.1 Fence Requirements
D. Residential Subdivision Perimeter Fencing
8.1.1 Fence Location
A. Fences may be built on or along property lines in all districts. Fences may be installed within a
residential district on the property line at a corner lot adjacent to a public street, provided there is no
visual impairment of motorists and pedestrians, provided there is a visual t4angle clearance of a-mir4mum
e,—t"�r},r.�7-(moo)-feet as defined by Article 18 of this UDC and provided there is no interference with utility
and/or drainage easements.
Section 8.1.5 Residential Subdivision Perimeter Fencing
A. Legislative Findings and Purpose
Pa ,, e 114
The city council finds that it is necessary for the public welfare to impose standards to improve and
preserve the quality of a subdivision's perimeter fences in residential neighborhoods in order to avoid
blighting influences on neighborhoods and public safety problems.
B. Applicability
The requirements of this subsection apply only to fences located along the perimeter of a tract or parcel
subject to an application for subdivision plat approval which adjoins a collector or arterial street or a
platted multiple lot residential subdivision that adjoins a collector or arterial street.
C. Standard
A fence constructed of wooden boards shall include at least one(1)of the following architectural or
landscaping elements for every fifty(50) lineal feet:
1. An offset or column extending at least twelve(12)inches vertically and six(6)inches horizontally
from the remainder of the fence;or
2. A minimum of 33%masonry from ground elevation at proposed fence line;or
3. Climbing vines,shrubs or trees shall be planted along the base of that portion of the fence that
fronts a public street.The remaining setback area between the fence and property line shall be
landscaped with grass or other low ground cover.All plants shall be irrigated and maintained.
Only living vegetation may be used to meet these landscaping requirements.
D. All perimeter fences, as defined above,shall be maintained by a homeowners association,so as not to create a
hazard, public nuisance or blight in the surrounding neighborhood.
54. 8.3.1 Exterior Building Materials
A. All primary and accessory buildings constructed in the MF-1, MF-2,C-1,C-2,C-3,C-4, Mixed Use,PUD and PF
zoning districts and non-residential buildings,such as schools and churches,in residential zoning districts,shall
have all exterior walls clad in brick,stone,stucco,tile,cultured stone or split faced block for one hundred percent
(100%)of the wall area,exclusive of all windows,doors,roofs,glass construction materials,or sidewalk and
walkway covers.
55. 8.3.1 Exterior Building Materials
C. All primary and accessory buildings constructed in the 1-1 and 1-2 zoning districts,shall have all exterior
walls clad in brick,stone,stucco,tile,cultured stone or split faced block for one hundred percent(100%)of the
wall area, exclusive of all windows,doors,roofs,glass construction materials,or sidewalk and walkway covers for
facades visible to the public right-of-way and where adjacent to any residential zoning district.Additional building
finish materials such as, but not limited to decorative metal, clay and/or concrete tiles,standing seam metal,
exterior insulation finish system(EIFS),decorative cast stone,and block glass, may be considered as acceptable
building materials. Building designs should incorporate accent materials that are typical of South Central Texas and
Cibolo,such as,but not limited to,standing seam roofs,decorative stone(limestone)and the like.These accents
can be used in wainscot, pilaster,and vestibule design elements.This level of design shall wrap around fagade
corners visible from the right-of-way and any residential zoning district.Where building facades are not visible
from any public right-of-way and not visible from any adjoining residential property,the use of painted smooth
Page 115
face block or painted tilt wall shall be permitted. Where proposed accessory building would not be visible to the
public R.O.W.and adjoins a C-4,1-1,1-2 zoning district,metal facades are permitted.
56. 8.3.2 Exterior Architectural Elements
The following architectural elements shall apply to all buildings constructed in the MF-1, MF-2,C-1,C-2,C-3,C-4,
Mixed Use, PUD and PF zoning districts and all non-residential buildings within any residential zoning district for
building elevations that front on any public street.
57. G. ZORiRg Adminis#ateF City Planner Discretion
1. The City recognizes that all projects and buildings have unique attributes that do not readily allow for
complete compliance with all as aspects of the requirements of this Article. In those instances, the
city reserves the right for the City Planner reserves to exercise the discretion to-attempt to find design
solutions that will satisfy the general spirit and intent of this Article. If a solution cannot be found
relative to any requirement in Section 8.1 or 8.2, the request shall be heard by the Board of
Adjustment as a variance,with the applicant required to follow all variance procedure described in
Article 3 of this UDC. If the issue pertains to a requirement in Section 8.3, the applicant can request
an appeal of the interpretation of the City Planner to the Planning &Zoning Commission. If the
Planning and Zoning Commission denies the appeal, the applicant has ten (10) business days to file
an appeal with the City Planner to request City Council consideration of the appeal.
58. 9.3.5 Exceptions
C. Waste generated on-site and deposited in ordinary refuse containers shall not be subject to the restrictions of
this Article,but shall be subject to the screening requirements of Article 8 of this UDC.
59. Article 10 Off-Street Parking and Loading
Struck out"Zoning dpninistFat throughout Article 10 and replaced with alternative language "City Manager or
his/her designee"per City Attorney comments.
60. Section 10.2 Off-Street Parking Requirements(Table 2)
Use General Requirement Additional Requirement
Residential Uses
SF;detached 2 per dwelling unit 2 garage enclosed parking spaces
Duplex 2 per dwelling unit 2 garage enclosed parking spaces
SF;attached 2 per dwelling unit 2 garage enclosed parking spaces
Townhouse 2 per dwelling unit 2 garage enclosed parking spaces i
Apartment 1.5 per 1-bedroom unit 2 per 2- Additienal plus 5 percent of total
bedroom unit 2.5 per 2+bedroom number of required spaces
Upper story residential 1 per bedroom
Group homes of six or less 1 per bedroom Plus 10%of general regairema of
total bedrooms
Group homes of more than six 1 per 2 bedrooms Plus 1.5 per 2 employees
Page 116
All other Group Living 1 per 2 bedrooms Plus 1.5 per 2 employees
61. Section 10.7 Use of Required Parking Spaces
Recreational vehicles shall not be stored on any lot(zoned SF-2,SF-3 or C-2)or street other than a residential lot of
the owner or a site specifically designed for Vehicle Parking.
Section 10.13 Driveways
Omission from Section/moved to Article 18.16
62. Section 12.3.2(H)(1)(cc)Contents
13.Sigp,age; Location, lighting and type of signs; and relation of signs to traffic control and adverse effect
on adjacent properties.
63. Section 12.3.2 Contents
K. On the initial submittal,submit five(5)full size plan sets plus a disk and PDF files of all submitted plans and
reports. Once all site plan comments are addressed,submit three(3)sets of final reports and three(3)final plan
sets at full size and one(1)11 x 17 inch(half-size)copies.Staff will stamp 1 full size plan set as"approved"and
return it to you for your files and will forward 1 full set to the Building Official to be included in the building permit
plan set when the building permit is requested.The final submittal must also include a CD or DVD that contains all
final plans and reports in PDF format,with all plans in a format that can be incorporated into the City of Cibolo GIS
network. Plans may be submitted in AutoCAD,Arcview or any other approved format compatible with the City of
Cibolo GIS platform.Acceptable graphical data must be formatted with:DWG(AutoCAD)or a Geographic
Information System (GIS)shape file submitted with the x,y coordinates projected to the following coordinate
system: NAD 1483 State Plane Texas Central FIPS 4204 Feet.
64. Section 13.2 Use Table
CoEidaillounge Bar.
65. Section 13.2 Use Table
Revised Use:
Concrete Asphalt Batching Plant(Commercial)
1-1: P I f C I (P=Permitted)(C=Conditional)
Concrete Asphalt Batching Plant(Civic) (P=Permitted)(C=Conditional)
PF: (P-][Cj
66. Section 13.2 Use Table
Revised Definition:
Flea Market;Outdoor Open Air Sales
Buildings or open areas in which sales areas or stalls are set aside or rented and which are intended for use by two
or more individuals or by educational,religious or charitable organizations to sell articles that are either
homemade,homegrown,handcrafted,or antique.
67. Section 13.2 Use Table
Page 117
Revised Use:
General Retail Sales;Regional
C-3: [P ][P-S I (P=Permitted)(S=Supplemental)
68. Section 13.2 Use Table
Revised definition:
Local convenience store(With Fuel Sales)
A commercial activity engaged in the sale of commonly used goods&merchandise, including petroleum products,
for personal or household use in a structure gree five thousand(3 5,000)square feet or less in size.Refer to
Article 6 of this UDC for additional requirements for fuel sales and stores exceeding 5,000 square feet.
69. Revised Definition:
A use engaged in the preparation and retail sale of food and beverages, including the sale of alcoholic beverages
when conducted as an accessory or secondary feature and producing less than twenty-five (25) percent of the
gross income. A nei hberhood restauFant does not inGlude eutdoor entertainment. Typical Yses are full service
dinneF houses, and similar 3-, with- ineidenta"icohelic beverage—me. For a neighborhood j
restaurant including outdoor entertainment see Article 6 of this UDC for additional requirements. Typieal uses fe
full serviEe dinner houses,and similar establishment5,Ayfth-inew dental alcoholic beverage ser f
70. Section 13.3 Use Table `
Revised Use:
B. General Warehousing and Distribution
C-4: G P (P=Permitted)(C=Conditional)
71. Section 13.4 Use Table
Group Res+den"
72. Article 14 Lot Design Standards
Revised Chart:
Minimum Front yard BSL (BSL=Building Setback Line)
Minimum Rearyard BSL
Minimum Side yard BSL
Maximum Lot/Impervious Coverage
Rural Single Pandy Low Density Residential
Wigle Family Medium Density Residential--2
Single-F,a r?lly Mixed-Density Residential-3
73.. Section 17.1(C)(9)Irrigation
Omit: (already stated in d)
f. in reviev.,ef landscape plans fe n plia ee-�the above criteriato reduce the amount of required
k-4*Gaping-requirement,the r'•+„olanne.may Fanta�re44ta-re4w4; between the requiFed peFeentage and
reduced peFeenta An applicant n d by the Cit ola .to the Planning&
74. Section 17.10) Non-residential and Multi-family Landscaping Buffer Requirements
1. A non-residential or multi-family use adjacent to,or directly facing, a single-family zoning district shall provide
a minimum twenty foot(20')landscape buffer adjacent to the property line of the residential use or
Page 118
residentially zoned property.A minimum of one(1)shade tree shall be planted for each thirty linear feet(30')
of landscape buffer.A minimum of ten(10)shrubs shall be planted for each fifty lineaFfeet(So')forty linear
feet(40')of landscape buffer.All other areas within the landscape buffer shall be covered with grass or
another solid vegetative cover approved at the time of Site Plan approval.The buffer wall standards below
shall also be applicable.
75. Section 17.2 Protected Tree&heritage Tree Preservation
(C) Tree Trunk Measurement
1.Straight Trunk:Trees with fairly straight, upright trunks should be measured four and a half(4.5)feet above the
ground as shown below.
4.5 k.
2.Trunk on an Angle or Slope:The trunk is measured at right angles to the trunk four and a half(4.5)feet along the
center of the trunk axis,so the height is the average of the shortest and the longest sides of
the trunk, as shown below:
4.5 N. ? 45 ft \ o
3. Multi-Trunk Trees
To determine the diameter of a multi-trunk tree, measure each tree trunk larger than 1.0 inch(1"). Determine the
diameter of the largest tree trunk. The diameter of the multi-trunk tree is then computed as the diameter of the
Page 1 ,19
largest tree trunk plus%of the composite diameters of each smaller tree trunk greater than 1.0 inch (1").A multi-
trunked tree is differentiated from individual trees growing from a common root stock if there is a visible
connection between the trunks above ground.
V2I 1r V. < 4i j t••'J'''► �5,.'!��:"t�;:'�h, w(i1f 4�/�,���{•��' ^"✓''alY.+.`l�i.`
0! • �os t' �{ hY� �.. .•r• " ,l: "►u:•"'�r+'V`•��+•-
t 4. r It
�• 4i
76. Addition:
(E) Use of Retaining Walls to Preserve Trees
When using retaining wall when natural grade must be raised or lowered,the tree well shall be designed in
accordance with the design concepts depicted below:
y%� I'_ 7a.6acklilliny
- behind
retaining IJaR
Root Zone
(PRZ) t
kept at orlginalgrade
7b.Soil removed
retaining troll
77. 18.13 Traffic Impact Analysis(TIA)
(5)TIA Scope Assessment
Page 120
Prior to the submittal of any TIA,the developer,or the Civil or Traffic Engineer representing the developer,shall
meet with the City Engineer,or his duly authorized agent,to formally determine the scope of the TIA.The scope of
the TIA shall be sufficiently scaled to reflect the traffic impact of the proposed use that is causing the TIA to be
submitted and may include pedestrian and bicycle elements depending on the nature and location of the proposed
use(s).Once the scope of the TIA is established,the City Engineer,or his agent,shall formally stipulate said scope
in writing.The City Engineer reserves the right to expand,or to contract,the scope of the TIA as additional details
about the proposed use(s)causing the TIA to be prepared is ascertained, provided that such an expansion of scope
is based on sound generally accepted traffic engineering practices.
78. Revision:
(6)TIA Threshold Analysis
In order to determine when a TIA is required,the TIA Threshold Analysis worksheet listed as Table 18.1 of this UDC
shall be utilized.
79. Table 18.1
TIA Worksheet
Traffic Impact Analysis(TIA)Threshold Worksheet
N Complete this icon as an aid to delermine it your project requires aTraffic Impact Analysis Seedy.
PrOad Name. Threshold Worksheet Prepared by.
Project Lawton: Comaany. z Owner«n Cnvner'e+45ent
fl- Address
Do r Date: Emod: Phone:
A r' Permit Type or Reason far TIP.StUdyMorkshecl(Ghetkone aWIndlglelhenumbrirrfknovm)
n j OOler•
m Zoning: Site Plan: Plot Mixed Use:
nl y
to Propocod Typo of Devolopmant(Matti bullding dewlor n t or mulzuocarpencim may mryis add gma tabular sheets to dote mk a total peak hour tops)
N Antgsated ProjaU Size CriGcat Peak Peak Hour Trip Rate Peak Fleur Trips Trip Rale
—t LsndlBullding LloefZonincg AcG GFA t3 of UNts Hour [PHT)Rate {PF!T) Savrce
v' 'd ITE Code:
Previous Devotopmant on Site(Reeuued for land*In prevlousy0u=t bUldlrhgsooalpled within f yearof submQtal or it Ro-=rdM proparty)
Pnewoua S'¢e C�ilidl Peak Pest NaurTnp Rate Peak Harr Tr ps Tti(7Rdto
LarWiBuilding UserLDninq Aces GFA Sof LYNta Hour (PHTJ Rata (PH'C) Source
ITE Code.
Previous TLA Report(if property hos a TIA an 51e) Difference In PHT{Propooml FHT-Prevlo=Dovdopmom PFR erTIA P11-n
Peak Hear Tripe Peek Hour Trips Increase in Peak Hour Trips
Pro(aetad ie TIA on Pile Projected in Updated Develoynent Plan (0 an inrsmhse of 76 PHT or an Increase of 1 C°.6 of are tole(PHT,a new 71A U required)
STum Lane Requirements for Developments with Loss Than 70 PHT(for tfevelapmcnts wi0h 76 or more PHT,Ods molpb will be included in she TIA)
Right-Urn Wie5 ropuirod et left-him tinct required at:
Requirement [dentlfysveetrdlFreny name) V4enlify sirootrdrh eway name)
Median Openings WA r, n Nene
Ddvewanp or streets with a daily entering right-or left-tum tranio volume of 6110 a a None o Nano
vehicle tolps or 50 vehicle pe2k hour s a ❑
RoWmdbyTxDDT o o None n n Nona
o n
�' YYtxte
rmtledUslMn9 may exist n M Note 0 n None
;t highs s uneven Grade,
(For Official Use Only Oa Not Write In this Box)
n TIA report Is required. o A TLA teport is not temtirsd The treft gonoratod by the proposed devdapment don—not exceed the threshold requirements.
n The traHi impact aeralysis has been waived fortre follomnq reasons:
ftAcwod by. Dob'
IN=GFA a Grose F bwAres(bido.Wn)_ RE-tnsawic of Irmiapwolon Engimem,Twp G-wavw ah ffanan, sty Sanoot SMer s.W.sulte Ole,Wa*N ion OC 20024-V211;J202 sst-aoso,
Page 122
walls,on cerner. In-ts an whieh a freRt yard requiFed by this UDC,nG structure, ineluding signs,fenGes and
he nnaintaiRed withiR the triaRgle area formed by the interseeting street IiRes and a stFaight line connerating such
t. et lines,at paintslines,a5 depicted
ffaphiGally iR Seetien 20.5.3.At the inteFsectieR of arteFffial streets,the City E rease the clear
distaRrze Lip to 50 feet where necessary to ensure publie health and 5afety.
A. Generally.
No fence, wall, sign, foliage, berming or other structure or obstruction which will obstruct the
driver's view (sight lines) of traffic approaching the intersection shall be placed in the sight triangle.
These sight lines shall be unobstructed between a height of three (3) feet and eight (8)feet above the
elevation of the street centerline and shall be placed on any corner lot in the areas specified by this
subsection or the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
standards; whichever is more stringent.
B. Requirements.
1. At the intersection of two public streets, regardless of classification, Distance A and
Distance B (refer to Figures 18.1 and 18.2) shall not be less than thirty(30) feet.
2. Utility cabinets, including traffic signal cabinets, over three (3) feet in height (above
the street centerline) are not allowed in a sight triangle.
C. Exemptions.
1. Utility poles, traffic control signs or other signs related to public safety, and trees
eighteen inches or less in width that are devoid of branches and spaced to minimize visual
obstruction are allowed in a sight triangle. Such structures are considered point obstructions
and are permitted because a driver can adjust slightly to avoid or see around them.
2. Subject to approval by the City Engineer, a traffic signal cabinet may be located in a
sight triangle only where no other location is feasible due to physical or fiscal constraints,
and is located such that the side facing vehicle traffic is less than eighteen inches(18") in width to
minimize the sight obstruction.
Figure 18.1 Sight Triangle Requirements for Street Intersections
Page 123
Ll B
Distance A and Distance B are measured from the point of intersection of lines that extend from either the edge of
the curb line or edge of asphalt, whichever is closer to the property, away from the intersection. Only one of the
four required street sight triangles is shown.
Figure 18.2 Sight Triangle Requirements for Street Intersections(Measurement)
N �
Canada Avenue
�--30' —�-� 30'
30' ) — —I I I 30'
Clear Vision Areas —
Lot 1
Figure 18.3 Sight Triangle Requirements for Street Intersections(Three Dimensional)
Page 124
Visual Obstruction Permissible
.--- -------- 8'obove Streot Centerline
I I No Visual Obstruction Allowed
I i I
I I —"-------- 3'above Slroot Contertine
Visual Obstruction Permissible
•�9nE7frlangw--- /
j Street Howling or Edge of Asphalt
18.16 Driveways(Rewrite)
81. (B)(2) Non-residential Subdivision/Site Plans
d. Driveway access to residential lots from major collector streets shall be limited to the greatest extent practical.
82. LEM
d. Driveway access to residential lots from minor collector streets is permitted, but should be limited to greatest
extent practical.
83. u
4. Driveway approaches, curbs, gutters, pavements and appurtenances on public property and other
facilities to provide access to abutting properties in the City and EfJ in connection with platting or building
construction shall be constructed, provided, altered or repaired in accordance with the standards
outlined below and the Cibolo Design and Construction Manual.
5.All driveway approaches shall comply with the following standards.
a. Sidewalk to Be Removed. Where a driveway approach is designed to cross an existing sidewalk, the
sidewalk included in the driveway approach area shall be removed and reconstructed as a driveway
approach unless the City Engineer has determined that the section of sidewalk fully complies with the
requirements of this section for driveway approaches. The area across the driveway will be jointed
and edged as a sidewalk. The depth and design for the sidewalk will be consistent with the driveway
approved design and will be consistent with ADA regulations.
b. Removal of Curb and Gutter. Where a driveway approach is to be constructed at a location where a
Page 125
curb and gutter is in place, the curb and gutter shall be removed to the nearest existing construction
joint or a new construction joint formed by other methods as may be approved by the City Engineer.
The driveway approach shall be constructed in accordance with the Cibolo Design and Construction
c. Drainage. Driveway approaches shall be designed to prevent the entrance of water from the street
onto private property, except that a drainage system may be provided within the property to handle
water coming from the street. Driveway approaches and related drainage systems shall be constructed
in accordance with the Cibolo Design and Construction Manual.
d. Radius. Driveway approaches shall be constructed with either flared side slopes or with return curbs
having a rolled face disappearing at the sidewalks and joining the street curb with a radius to
conform to the Cibolo Design and Construction Manual, Flared side slopes shall be
used whenever a curb return may present an architectural barrier within a pedestrian path. Driveway
flares shall not extend in front of the adjacent property. The radius shall continue beyond the sidewalk
to the end of the required dimension.
6. Design Criteria. Driveway widths shall comply with the criteria listed below in Table 18-4. For commercial and
industrial uses that will obtain driveway access from a state highway,driveway widths shall be governed by TxDOT
standards and shall not be limited by the requirements of Table 18-4.Commercial and industrial uses on other
rights-of-way may be allowed additional driveway width,subject the approval of the City Engineer and the findings
of a professional traffic engineer licensed to practice in Texas to accommodate the needs of trucks or other
oversized equipment that will utilize the proposed driveway.The Fire Chief shall also have the right to require
additional driveway width based on the nature of any proposed use and the need to provide fire protection and
emergency access.
84. Table 18-4(moved from Section 10.13)
TABLE 18-4
Width of Access
Use Classification Standard Minimum Access Width
One car garage 10 feet
Single Family Residential Two car garage 18 feet
Three car garage 26 feet
Two family Residential Two,one car garages 25 feet
Two,two car garages 40 feet
Recommended 30 feet
Commercial(two-way drive) Minimum 25 feet
Maximum(up to 175'frontage) 35 feet
Maximum(greater than 175'frontage) 52 feet
Recommended(Ingress) 18 feet
Commercial(one-way drive) Recommended(Egress) 18 feet
Minimum 16 feet
Maximum 25 feet
(a) Width of Driveway Approach.On local streets the width of any driveway approach shall conform to the dimensions as
required by Table 3-6,and the width shall be as measured along the property line,except that driveway approaches for
Page 126
motor vehicle docks,within a building,shall not exceed sixty feet(60)in width at the property line.The width shall be
measured to the centerline of the driveway at the property line where the curb return ends.
(b) Maximum Space t o Be Occupied By Driveway Approaches. Driveway approaches shall not occupy more than
seventy percent (70%) of the roadway abutting frontage of the tract of ground devoted to one particular use.
(c) Number of Driveway Approaches Allowed. On local streets not more than one(1) driveway approach shall be
permitted on any parcel of property with a frontage of one hundred feet (100) or less, except that additional
openings may be permitted with the approval of t he C i t y E n g i n e e r for the necessity and convenience of the
public.For arterials the distances shall be 300 feet.
(d) Driveway Separation.When more than one(1) driveway approach is required to serve a parcel of property, the
driveway approaches shall be separated by a minimum distance, as measured between the edge of the driveway and the
adjacent driveway or street right-of-way, as required by this section. The minimum separation from an arterial or
collector intersection shall be 100 feet.
85. Addition:
7.Single-family and two-family developments are exempt from these standards on all local streets.
8.Where a property at a corner does not have the necessary frontage to accommodate the required spacing
from the intersection, or an interior property does not have adequate width to meet the spacing requirements
from an existing driveway on an adjacent property, a common access easement with an adjacent property may be
utilized to obtain the necessary spacing. Where site limitations preclude such common access easements, or
where cooperation of adjacent property owners cannot be obtained, the Gty Engineer may authorize a non-
compliant driveway, which should be spaced as far from the intersection as practical, provided that the applicant
can demonstrate that the proposed drive would result in a traffic safety hazard.
9. Shared Driveways. Driveway approaches shall be located entirely within the frontage of the premises
abutting the work, except that shared driveway access with an adjoining property owner may be permitted
provided joint application is made by all interested parties and the requirements of s ection.
10.Angle of Driveway Approach. The angle of the driveway approach with the curb line shall be approximately
ninety degrees(90) for two-way driveways,or forty-five degrees(45) to ninety degrees(90) for one-way
11.Obstruction of Driveway Approaches. Driveway approaches shall not be constructed or designed so that
standing or parked vehicles may obstruct the driveway.
12.Cross Access and Internal Driveways. Goss access easements for internal driveways are encouraged to
minimize the number of driveway cuts on streets, thereby maintaining street mobility, and to facilitate
traffic flow between adjacent lots.
(a) May Be Required. A cross access easement(s) for an internal driveway(s) may be required
between adjacent lots;
(b) Location and Dimension. The location and dimensions of such easement(s)shall be determined by
the City Engineer and may be required to be shown on a plat when appropriate.
86. Section 18.17 Sidewalks
Page 127
H. At the time that that Final Acceptance is granted for any subdivision,or any unit or phase of a subdivision,the
City shall require the developer to file a Sidewalk Installation Bond equal to valuation of sidewalks that are
required to be installed by this UDC but that have not yet been constructed.The City shall release the Sidewalk
Installation Bond at such time as all required sidewalks are constructed.
87. Section 19.5(0) ETJ Lot Standards
1. For the Purpose of this UDC, the City of Cibolo is divided into the following fifteen (15) districts, with each
corresponding Future Land Use Map classification:
Zoning District Future Land Use Map Designation
a. SF-1 RuralLowDensity Single-Family Residential(0-2.0 dwelling units per acre)
b. SF-2 ban-Medium Density Single-Family Residential(2.0 to 4.0 dwelling units/acre)
c. SF-3 Mixed-Density Single-Family Residential (2.0 to 5.5 dwelling units/acre)
m. PF Public Facilities(Parks and Institutional Facilities)
88. Section 19.5(0)ETJ Lot Standards
2.-15. Maximum Lot/Impervious Coverage
89. Section 19.6(B) Utility Location Policies
1. It shall be the policy of the City Council to require that all developments located within the City of Cibolo to
request City water and sanitary sewer service.Should a development be located in the CCN boundaries of another
utility purveyor, the applicant shall invoke applicable state statutes, as amended, and formally request that the
City of Cibolo provide utility service(s). The City of Cibolo shall determine if the City can provide the requested
utility service(s)to the development.
90. Section 19.10(P)(10)(c)Storm water discharge into large creeks
1. For development adjacent to the main stem of Cibolo, Dietz,Town Creek East,Town Creek West,Town Creek or
Santa Clara Creeks,storm water discharge may not require detention facilities,provided that the engineer is able
to demonstrate that the increased direct discharge will not result in any adverse impacts to any downstream or
adjacent property,and provided that there is compliance with the City of Cibolo Code of Ordinances Chapter 30
(Floods)and all other aspects of this UDC and Cibolo Design and Construction Manual.
91. Section 20 3.2 Overall Concept Plan/Land Study/Master Plan/Mixed Use Concept Plan
All persons desiring to subdivide land within the area of jurisdiction of this Article shall first prepare and submit,
not less than twenty (20) working days prior to any meeting at which the Land Study is to be considered, the
following information:
a. Seven(7) hard copies and one(1).pdf copy of the Land Study in compliance with all applicable
provisions of this Article.
b. Seven (7) copies d . ( ) pdf copy of the preliminapf-jAility and dFainage Geneept-plans.
Topographic centauFs with intervals ef net mere than five(5) feet shall be Shown on the Land
b. Seven (7) copies and one (1) .pdf copy of the preliminary utility plans. Topographic contours
with intervals of not more than five(5)feet shall be shown on the Land Study.
c. Seven (7) copies and one (1) .pdf copy of the preliminary utility plans. Topographic contours
with intervals of not more than five(5)feet shall be shown on the Land Study.
Page 128
d. One(1)hard copy and one(1) .pdf of a tree survey showing all protected trees on the site,per
the requirements of this UDC.
(2) The Land Study/Master Plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional engineer, certified land planner,
registered architect or registered professional land surveyor at a scale no smaller than one inch (1")
equals two hundred feet(200')and on sheets no larger than twenty-four inches(24")by thirty-six inches
(36") in size (unless otherwise approved by the City Planner) The following information shall be
a. On all plan sheets:
5. Location of the tract per aceeFeling to the abstract and survey records of Guadalupe
b. Existing use and conditions plan sheets shall show the following:
6. Existing easements located on or within two hundred feet (200') of the subject property.
This information shall include the type, dimension, ownership, and recording
information,and may ;
9. Existing 100-year floodplain areas and floodways as shown on the Federal Insurance
Rate Maps(FIRMS), or proposed CLOMR boundaries for the subject tract with a note on
the drawing indicating the appropriate panel number and any known environmentally
sensitive areas relative to wetlands, endangered or otherwise listed species,
archeological indicators, predominant soil types of the properties and slope analysis;
c. Proposed use and development plan sheets shall show the following:
1. Proposed phasing of the development and the order of platting;
2. Designation of those areas within the subject property covered by tree canopy areas of
ten thousand(10,000)square feet or more;
3 General arrangement of f tuFe sand uses for the-s4bject-proper ty. The applicant shall
depict the types of land uses, planned densities for residential areas, and any non-
residential uses anticipated. This information shall not include a lot pattern nor specify
lot sizes or lot dimensions;
d. Additional information to be submitted under separate cover:
1. As necessary, depending upon the scope and nature of the Land Study, the City will
require the filings of a Preliminary Engineering Report sh',", be filed phase ' Studi^
{write; and descriptive reports) that provides a general and broad description of the
following issues, as may be pertinent to the project: TIA, Environmental Study, Soils
Study,and an eFt or ra4ve-describing, an assessment of how the Land
Study will conform to the Future Land Use Map, Future Thoroughfare Plan, Parks Plan,
Regulations, Zoning Regulations and other applicable provisions of this UDC,
and identify how the project will tie into existing and/or proposed drainage facilities and
e. The Land Study shall identify which level of Traffic Impact Analysis will be required and a
proposed scope of the TIA to be submitted with the Preliminary Plat and indicate how the
developer intends to comply with the Parkland Dedication requirements if a residential
development is Being proposed.
f. The City Engineer and City Planner may require additional information as necessary to
demonstrate compliance with this UDC and City Council policies.
(3) Procedures and Conditions
Page 129
a. If a Land Study application is submitted in accordance with all of the above requirements, the
Land Study shall be deemed to be"complete"and shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and
the City of Cibolo. if all of the above requirements have not been satisfied,the Land Study will
be deemed "incomplete" and will either be rejected without being docketed for Planning and
Zoning Commission er will be docketed,with a reeemmendation that thee Lan
Study be-ta�fett—tVztttV -tkie—app4cafft-add do al time te GeFreet any deft.
Once the Land Study is docketed for Planning and Zoning Commission review, the applicant
must submit seven (7)final hard copies of the Land Study, Drainage Plan and Utility Plan at the
same size previously stipulated,and one(1).pdf copy of each.
Once the Land Study addresses all City review comments, a final submittal of 7 full size plan
sets, two (2) final copies of all engineering reports (if amended from the original submittal)
and a DVD or CD providing PDF's of all submitted plans and reports is required. The final
submittal must also include a CD or DVD that contains all final plans and reports as PDF files
and all plans in a format that can be incorporated into the City of Cibolo GIS network. Plans
may be submitted in AutoCAD,Arcview or any other approved format compatible with the City
of Cibolo GIS platform.Acceptable graphical data must be formatted with: DWG(AutoCAD) or
a Geographic Information System (GIS)shape file submitted with the x,y coordinates projected
to the following coordinate system:NAD 1983 State Plane Texas Central FIPS 4204 Feet.
b. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council shall review and evaluate the Land
Study to determine whether the proposed development conforms to the Master Plan, Future
Land Use Plan, Future Thoroughfare Plan-,-La , the UDC and other
applicable ordinances of the City.
E. The Planning and ty-C-&� fermatien
to be 5ubrnitted to supplement the Land Study,
C. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the City Council require,
conditions of approval that;
(3) Pertain to the conformity of the proposed Land Study to this UDC.Ahe CBMP.ehensiye
P4n-,-�Future TheFoughfare Plan or FutuFe Land Use Map
(4) Pertains to any issue related to the public health, safety or general welfare of the City of
(5)Additional information to be submitted to supplement the submittal of a Preliminary Plat
d. A land study may be submitted for review concurrently with a preliminary plat application,
provided that the respective requirements for both types of applications are satisfied as
specified by this UDC OrdiRaRee, as amended. If the preliminary plat cannot not be reviewed
by the City in time for it to be scheduled on the same Planning and Zoning Commission
agenda as the land study,then the preliminary plat shall be denied on the basis of inadequate
review time unless the applicant has executed a notarized written waiver of the 30-day
review period for the preliminary plat.
92. Section 20.3.3 Preliminary Plat
(3) Preliminary plats shall utilize all of the standardized plat notes described in Section 20.6 of this UDC as
applicable and the Preliminary Plat shall be accompanied with reports, exhibits, studies, surveys, calculations and
other information as necessary to demonstrate that the preliminary plat submittal, in its entirety, provides the
information. described below. All of the reports surveys exhibit calculations and other supporting information
shall be incorporated by reference as a part of the Preliminary Plat.
Page 130
a. A preliminary plat may depict more than one phase, which, if so proposed, shall be clearly
b. Vicinity or location map that shows the location of the proposed preliminary plat within the City or
the ET1, in relationship to existing major roadways and the existing/proposed zoning of the subject
property and adjacent properties;
c. Boundary lines,abstract survey lines,corporate boundaries, ETJ boundaries,front building setbacks, j
Existing or proposed roadways, ineluding existing pavement and Fight of way-widths and any
to sewe each proposed phase of the subdivision. Proposed street names must comply with 911
megene n anagernept criteria.
i. Location, width and names of existing/proposed right-of-ways, property lines, subdivision name,
section, block and lot information for properties; the location, type, dimension, ownership, and
recording information for existing and proposed easements; and existing structures on and within
two hundred feet (200') of the subject property; shall be depicted. The submittal of an Alta Survey
and current hall bedeemed adequate to satisfy this requirement;
l• TTYby s�TT
courses Utility and DFainage Reports with adequate information to determine conformity with the utility a
drainage requirements ef this UDC. Physieal features, ineluding the location and size- -of water
40"ea r flood
_p}etine existing aipager—buildings,
rtrr4rP-; Inpated on aF within two hundred feet(200')mains, ater mains, gas mains, Guivert popes (OnGluding slope and elevation), and dra Aagee
f the bj et p ert.. The type and size of
existing sewer mains, water main&,—gas__nia_ms, d culvert n must he included. Th and
,depth ofd l � is m art be included. The height' i
similar drainage structures must be inGluded;
,zootage of lets and proposed use of same. Fef non resideRtial
uses, the ng-,existing
buildings, paF!6ng lots heF f Rg s) dr'v a drive isles leadingareas, �
gaFbage stoFage aFeas, landscaped areas,and preserved trees.
k. Title block,the title wider which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded,the name and address of
the owner/applicant, the name and address of the engineer or registered public surveyor who
prepared the plat and plans, graphic and written scale, date of preparation, north arrow, location of
the property according to the abstract survey records of Guadalupe County, and number of lots,
segregated by the intended use of each lot—i.e.single-family residential,open space,school, park;
1. Sites, if any,to be reserved or dedicated for parks, schools, playgrounds or other uses and the entity
to which those sites are to be dedicated;
m. Contours with intervals of two (2) feet or less shown for the area with all elevations on the contour
map referenced to sea level datum;
n. A flr-ep .
The preliminaFy drainage plan shall depiet storm water d tention/retention aFeas, prop ed surface
and/or subsurface drainage !R+pfov�-ments and locations fE)F ed drainage discharge from the
site hall be shown;h„directional
t. All h al features of the n erty to he subdivided
dFainage plans,including the location and size of all water couFses, 100 yeaF flood plains according to
P1be 131
e. n tree survey indicating
all heritage trees and protected trees with a C_inch DBH to be preseFvedirnd
Femo .erl their nRu in inches, hetan'.- P Gommon narnes, and loGatio clearly r ente.d
to phie survey. and any herita trTeJ-R Ri'TIUT'T6-JCTi3 LLJ shall be IIPiIlated as well as JtreeT+
pavement area and-right-of way. A-grading plaR shall accompany the tree survey pith all tFees
Iep—ated. Proteeted and heritage trees stipulated OR this UDC must he noted as a tree to be preseFved
and shall be physically tagged rete .
1.�tAnnq for; replacement heritage trees will hopIanted rli peFreplacement -,+r I'
- ln
fat4o stipulated in this UDC shall be de5ignated with proper nomenclature added to designate
that these trn are of h
p. AR engrt indicating any-4nown/studied environmentally sensitive areas relative to
Hands endangered n ethe a listed species, theological slope aRcalY5iS..
AS pertinent' based e� +herd e, size __£oma 1 vity-of 'hhe rt the CityMay e the
q— �'�'zdi"=TT���' ep � p e>RT��'�TT�pre}� ,
studies, such as a Phase 1 envirAnrneptal
slope eF soil stHdies and ons to determine ;f the plat �raffF t
Analyses, Environmental Study, Sails Study, Drainage Study and a Utility eFVffe ARalysis.T e repeA
will al address nfo to the Marto DIS Parks
iFutuFe Land Use Plan, ThoFeughfaFe Plan,
Plan,thus LJDG and otheF applieable ordinances of the City.
x. Dedication
to-serve subdivision;
y. Proposed and/or existing zoning of the subject pFopeFty and adjacent propeF4�,
r. Minimum finished floor elevations of building foundations for all lots adjacent to or within a 100-year
floodplain or within an area that may be susceptible to flooding;
s. Green space Preservation and Buffers and related drainage criteria described in Article 19 shall be
t. The plat shall include all standardized language contained in Section 20.6; including the ownership
certificate Statement that the bj t property ; owned by the ^ nl','n+; engineer and surveyor
certifications, City of Cibolo signature blocks j
Planning Q ZORiRg C-GMFni5SiOR c t.ry Mayor, City SecFetary to attest to the Mayor's signature,
approval dates by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, and signature blocks for
GVEC,CCMA,CPS and Green Valley Special Utility District(if applicable);
u.Plats must include the following general notes:
Notice: Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of the Unified
Development Code of the City of Cibolo and State platting statutes and is subject to fines and
withholding of utilities and building permits.
Notice: Plat approval shall not be deemed to or presumed to give authority to violate, nullify,
void,or cancel any provisions of local,state,or federal laws,ordinances,or codes.
Notice: The applicant is responsible for securing any Federal permits that may be necessary as
the result of proposed development activity. The City of Cibolo is not responsible for
determining the need for,or ensuring compliance with any Federal permit."
Notice: Approval of this plat does not constitute a verification of all data, information and
calculations supplied by the applicant. The Engineer of Record or Registered Public Land
Surveyor is solely responsible for the completeness,accuracy and adequacy of his/her submittal
whether or not the application is reviewed for code compliance by the City Engineers.
Page 132
Notice: All responsibility for the adequacy of this plat remains with the engineer or surveyor
who prepared them. In approving these plans, the City of Cibolo must rely on the adequacy of
the work of the Engineer and/or surveyor of record.
Notice: Routine maintenance of weeds and grass in all easements shall be the responsibility of
the property owner, HOA, or Property Owner Association on which the easement is located in
accordance with City of Cibolo Code of Ordinances provisions for high weeds and grass.
dd. The plat shall ineludp a CPnpral Nate that states"NOT-ICE!Selling a partion ef this addition by mete-s
and beunds is a vielatien A-f City OFdonance and State Law,and is subject
of utll+ties and building permits"..
ee. The plat shall iRclude a-G deemed to oF e d
to give -atho4ty4o-Aalat U114y, Void, Cancel-any-pfevisions of I al tate r federal laws
ff. The plat shall include a GeneFal Note that states"The applicant is espons4bl
peFrnits that rnay be necessary a5 the Fe5ult posed development a6tivity. The City Of QbGIO iS
not responsible fAr PlPtPFPAiR;ng the need for, --mpliance with any FedeFal peF
• u
gg.The plat shall include a general note stating"Routine maintenance of weeds and grass On all easem
Sh-all -he the Ire-sponsibility of the pFeperty ekvneF, HOA, eF Property Owner Association E)R
ch the
nt is located i `.rdaRGe with City
and gFa'T
v. All residential plats shall contain a general note stating that a Geotechnical Report demonstrating
compliance with all Recommended Practice for the Design of Residential Foundations, Version 1
standards of the Texas Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers,the Geotechnical standards
of the City of Cibolo UDC and the City of Cibolo Building Code, each of which as may be amended,
prior to the issuance of a building permit.
w. Additional General Notes may be required by the City as necessary(e.g. for drainage, public access or
other special types of easements)and appropriate to protect public health,safety and welfare.
x. Street names must comply with all 911 Emergency Management criteria.
(4) With the Preliminary Plat Submittal additional reports, data and information, shall be submitted under
separate cover identified as an Engineering Report and will include the following:
a: Utility and Drainage Reports with adequate information to determine conformity with the
utility and drainage requirements of this UDC. Physical features, including the location and size
of water courses, 100-year flood plains per FIRM maps, proposed CLOMR boundaries,
regulated wetlands and areas where water drains into and out of the subdivision. dep+etin
existingutility and .drainage ild ngs, sewer rnain5, water mains, gas mains, culvert pipes
n), and drainage structures lep-ated on or N.Alithin twe hundFed feet
T/290' f the e
*��rT'Sslopeproperty. The type andsize of stin
main-,,and culvertpipes4w.-st be included. The vAd-th and depth of dFainage channels must be
..—Aed. The height and elevation of dams, spillways and etheF similar dFainag
must be PnElud d-1-
b. An engineer's report indicating any known/studied environmentally sensitive areas relative to
wetlands endangered or otherwise listed species, archeological indicators, soils, and slope
P ,ige 133 i
c. As pertinent' based on the scope, size and complexity of the project, the City may require the
submittal of written and descriptive engineer reports or studies, such as a Phase 1
environmental report, slope or soil studies and calculations to determine if the plat complies
with iraffic impact Analysis, En 40flrnetital Study, Soils
Service Analysis T�tie,4zPert_willil also add f + +h nMaster DI-,n Future I an
Plan,JJse Plan,Thoroughfare Plan, Parks this UDC and other applicable ordinances of the City.
d. A proposed grading plan, depicting areas into and out of the proposed subdivision shall be
shown. The preliminary drainage plan shall depict storm water detention/retention areas,
proposed surface and/or subsurface drainage improvements and locations for proposed
drainage discharge from the site shall be shown; by diFectienal arrows;
e. A tree survey indicating all heritage trees and protected trees with a 6-inch DBH to be
preserved and removed, their DBH in inches, botanic & common names, and locations clearly
represented on a topographic survey. and any heritage treesBuilding setbacks `hall he
indicated a well a street pave nt area and right of way.A gradiRg plan shall accompany-the
tree_-,uPvey-mob-all tFe�eInt+ed Protected and heritage trees stipulated in this UDC must be
noted--as--a4ree to be preserved and shall be physically tagged and protected from site
Lecatfens f9FNf}ere replacemerit heritage trees will he planted, r, enlacement +r„e ealiper
ratio stipulated in this UDG shall be designated with pFeper ne-me-Aclati-Ke added tO Elesig
that there trees are Ret be Femoved, except as peFFnitted by this IJDG.
(6) Once a plat is submitted,the City has 10 business days to review the plat to determine if the application
is complete. Once 10 business days pass after a submittal deadline, the plat will automatically be
considered to be a "complete" submittal if the applicant has not been notified otherwise by the City.
The 30-day review time frame stipulated by Texas LGC Section 212.009 shall commence on the 11`h
business day after a plat submittal deadline passes and the plat is determined to be "complete". The
30-day review period may only be stopped at written and notarized request of the applicant,or his/her
duly authorized agent.
(7) Once the Preliminary Plat addresses all City review comments, a final submittal of 7 full size plan sets,
two(2)final copies of all engineering reports(if amended from the original submittal)and a DVD or CD
providing PDF's of all submitted plans and reports is required.The final submittal must also include a CD
or DVD that contains all final plans and reports as PDF files and all plans in a format that can be
incorporated into the City of Cibolo GIS network. Plans may be submitted in AutoCAD, Arcview or any
other approved format compatible with the City of Cibolo GIS platform.Acceptable graphical data must
be formatted with: DWG(AutoCAD)or a Geographic Information System(GIS)shape file submitted with
the x,y coordinates projected to the following coordinate system: NAD 1983 State Plane Texas Central
FIPS 4204 Feet.
(10) Approval of the Preliminary Plat
a. Upon receipt of the preliminary plat application, inclusive of all exhibits, reports, studies, surveys
and all other information submitted in support of the plat, the Commission shall render a
recommendation to the City Council concerning the plat within thirty (30) days from that date in
which the plat is deemed to be a "complete" submittal, which shall be 10 days after the plat
submittal deadline. Such recommendation may consist of approval, disapproval, or conditional
approval. Conditional approval shall be considered to be approval of a plat subject to conformity
with prescribed conditions, but shall be deemed to be disapproval of such plats until such
conditions are complied with. All objections made to the preliminary plat, or conditions imposed,
shall be furnished to the sub divider in writing.
Upon receipt of the Commission recommendation on the plat,the City Council shall take action on the
plat application, inclusive of all exhibits,reports,studies and all other information submitted in support of
the plat,within thirty(30)days from that date in which the plat was acted on by the Commission.Such
Page 134
final action may consist of approval,disapproval,or conditional approval.Conditional approval shall be
considered to be approval of a plat subject to conformity with prescribed conditions,but shall be deemed
to be disapproval of such plats until such conditions are complied with.All objections made to the
preliminary plat,or conditions imposed,shall be furnished to the sub divider in writing.
93. Section 20.3.4 Engineering/Construction Plans,Studies and Technical Reports
a. Prior to filing a Final Plat,or Preliminary/Final Plat,the developer shall submit one(1) DVD and four (4)
complete full sized paper sets of all signed and sealed engineering reports and studies and
engineering/construction plans for all proposed streets,storm sewers,drainage structures,water and wastewater
facilities,retaining walls, sidewalks,and any other required public improvements for the area covered or to be
covered by the final plat in accordance with Article 20.5 of this UDC.Construction plans shall include all of the
information,title page,engineering letters,technical reports and General Construction Notes and Special Notes
listed in Article 20.5 to constitute a complete submittal. Piecemeal submittals will not be accepted.
b. Construction Plans shall be submitted in accordance with standardized plat and construction plat notes, as
applicable,described in this Article,and shall provide all of the technical information contained in this Article.
Construction Plans cover sheet shall include a signature block where the City Engineer will sign and date upon
acceptance of the plans for construction. The Signature Block will be titled:"Accepted For Construction";will have
a place for the City Engineer to sign and date said block;and include the following language:"Note;The City
Engineer's signature affixed to this document indicates that the City Engineer and City Staff has reviewed this
document and has found it to be in general conformance with the City of Cibolo's UDC or approved variances to
the same. The City Engineer,through the acceptance of this document,assumes no responsibility,other than
stated above,for the completeness and/or accuracy of this document. Responsibility for the engineering
adequacy of the facilities depicted in this document lies solely with the Registered/Licensed Professional Engineer
whose seal and signature is affixed to this document."
D. The City Engineer shall review the plans, specifications, reports and studies for compliance with this
UDC and the Cibolo Design and Construction Manual. When plans approved, each of the three (3)
complete sets of plans, studies and reports will be marked as "Accepted" and will be signed-ancl
sealed by the City Engineer. One(1) "Accepted" plan set shall be retained by the City Engineer.The
other "Approved" plan sets will be provided to the developer and the Community Development
Service Planning and Engineering Department.
E. Utility and Agency Comments or Approvals.
In addition to the approval acceptance of Construction Plans by the City Engineer, Construction Plans shall not
be considered appreved accepted until the City Engineer and City Planner have received letters or memos from
all utilities that have jurisdiction over improvements required or desired in the subdivision,including:
A.City of Cibolo Public Works;
B.Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative(GVEC);
C.CPS(where applicable)
D.Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority(CCMA);
E.Green Valley Special Utility District(where applicable);
F.Texas Department of Transportation,if any state right-of-way is involved in streets or access points;
G.Cable and telephone utility providers;
H.Guadalupe County,if any county right-of-way is involved in streets or access points;
I. Any other State or public agency with approval with jurisdiction over improvements desired in the
It shall be the responsibility of the developer to notify each affected utility provider or outside agency having
jurisdiction over the development to provide said utility provider or agency with plans and specifications required
Page 135
to review the development. It shall also be the responsibility of the developer to provide the City Engineer and
City Planner with letters or memos from each utility or agency
F. If plans are not aWreved accepted, one set shall be marked with the objections and note and returned to
the applicant or developer for corrections. Once construction plans are appreved accepted by the City Engineer,
the owner/developer shall provide three (3) complete sets of plans, reports and studies to be signed and sealed
by the City Engineer and distributed as prescribed above. .
G. A Final Plat for the development may not be submitted until Construction Plans have been approved
accepted by the City Engineer.
H. The engineering/construction plans shall be valid for a period of one(1)year from the date on which they
were approved accepted.The City Council may grant a one (1)year extension, but in no case shall be extended
more than twice. If the plans expire, the City shall have the discretion to cause the plans to be subject to be
reapproved by the City in accordance with the current Cibolo Design and Construction Manual, as it may have
been amended after the original appreval acceptance of the construction plans, assuming that no construction
has occurred.
H. Utility and AgenGy Cernments er Approval&:
in addition to the approval tance f r t.. tiee Plans by the City Ce
gineeF, Genstruction Plans shall not
be censideFed approved Lintil the City Enginee, and City Planner cl have received letters memes from all utolo
that have jurisdiction oveF dMpFeV ments required or desired in the subdivisieR, including�
B.Guadalupe Valley EleetFie Cooperative .
C.CDC(where placable)
C rFeeR Valley Special Utility Distr'et(where applicable);
paints,F.Texas Department ef TFansportation,Of any state Fight of way is involved In streets OF access peints;
G.Cable and telephone Utility PFOViders',
H.Guadalupe County,if any county ripht nf w is involved in streets er aGeess
�. n other Stat_ OF public agency with appreval with i rrcsdictier eats desired i.. the
It shall be the Fesponsibility ef the develeper to notify eaGh affected util ty pFevider oF outside agency h@ViRg
.e-t*e-n ever the develappAeRt te provide said utility pFevider or a6eney with plans dapeci#ea,4o�k-ed
to.-view the deyelepme�`nt eh�Itll�rl o�be t`e respo lityofd the developer
Planner with lettere n memes frn ..the.',ir,e th development and to attest
e-n Plans and Pinal Plat suffierently address their needs and
I. Once the Construction Plans address all City review comments,a final submittal of 3 full size plan sets, two(2)
final copies of all engineering reports(if amended from the original submittal)and a DVD or CD providing PDF's of
all submitted plans and reports is required.The final Submittal must also include a CD or DVD that contains all final
plans and reports as PDF files and all plans in a format that can be incorporated into the City of Cibolo GIS network.
Plans may be submitted in AutoCAD,Arcview or any other approved format compatible with the City of Cibolo GIS
platform.Acceptable graphical data must be formatted with:DWG(AutoCAD)or a Geographic Information System
(GIS)shape file submitted with the x,y coordinates projected to the following coordinate system:NAD 1983 State
Plane Texas Central FIPS 4204 Feet.
94. Section 20.3.5 Final Plat
Page 136
k. The Final Plat or Preliminary/Final Plat shall have all required certifications and dedications specified by
this UDC,include all required General Notes stipulated in the Preliminary Plat requirements of this Article and
contain all standardized plat language described in Article 20.6 of this UDC.
3. Final Plat or Preliminary/Final Plat submittals shall provide all of the following information on the plat or
in supporting documents exhibits and reports surveys or calculations as appropriate.All of the reports,surveys,
exhibit calculations and other supporting information submitted with the Final Plat or Preliminary/Final Plat shall
be incorporated by reference as a part of the Final Plat or Preliminary/Final Plat and shall be subject to City review
and approval.
n. Private restrictions:
1. A copy of the private restrictions(covenants)to be recorded with the final plat may be requested
by the City of Cibolo as necessary to ensure compliance with all requirements of this UDC. Reference to
said private restrictions(covenants)will be noted on the plat(s).
4. Once the Final Plat or Preliminary/Final Plat addresses all City review comments,a final submittal of 7 full size
plan sets, two(2)final copies of all engineering reports(if amended from the original submittal)and a DVD or CD
providing PDF's of all submitted plans and reports is required.The final submittal must also include a CD or DVD
that contains all final plans and reports as PDF files and all plans in a format that can be incorporated into the City
of Cibolo GIS network. Plans may be submitted in AutoCAD,Arcview or any other approved format compatible
with the City of Cibolo GIS platform.Acceptable graphical data must be formatted with: DWG(AutoCAD)or a
Geographic Information System(GIS)shape file submitted with the x,y coordinates projected to the following
coordinate system:NAD 1983 State Plane Texas Central FIPS 4204 Feet.
7. Approval of Final Plat
Upon receipt of the Final Plat or Preliminary/Final Plat application, inclusive of all exhibits reports,studies and all
other information submitted in support of the plat,the Commission shall render a recommendation to the City
Council concerning the plat within thirty(30)days from that date in which the plat is deemed to be a "complete"
submittal,which shall be 10 days after the plat submittal deadline.
B. Upon receipt of the Commission recommendation on the plat application,inclusive of all exhibits, reports,
studies and all other information submitted in support of the plat,the City Council shall take action on the plat
within thirty(30)days from that date in which the plat was acted on by the Commission.
95. Section 20.6 Standard Plat Language Notes, Bonds and Acceptance Forms
Approval of the CitV Planner (Minor Plats Only):
This plat of has been submitted to and considered by the Planning
Development Services Department of the City of Cibolo,Texas,and is hereby approved.
Dated this day of
City Planner—Director Planning Development Services Department
96. Section 20.6 Standard Plat Language Notes, Bonds and Acceptance Forms
Page 137
APPROVED AS AN AMENDED PLAT,this the day of 20 , by the City of Cibolo,Texas.
City Planner/Director of Planning and Engineering Services
97. Section 20.6 Standard Plat Language, Notes, Bonds and Acceptance Forms
Notice; Selling a portion of this additien by metes and bounds is a vielatien ef the Unified Development Ge d-
e e€
the City ef Gibele and State platting statutes and is subject to fines and withhelding of utilities and building permits.
r presume
provisions.,f lecal state,OF federal laws erlliHa Rceror ender
Nle+ire.The applicantissibief$r securingy Fe.erai`flerm+tsthat-may-benecessary� the r result�f prepes
any develepment activity. The City of Gibale is Rot Fesponsible feF deteFffl RiRg the need fer, eF ensuriRg eempliance with
Federal permit"
Notice-Approval of this plat dees not constitute a verification of all data,infoFmation and calculations lied-Ly the
applicant. The Engwnee. of Rerer.d er Registererd Public Land SUFveyOF elely r sihle fen the completeness,
accuFaey and adequacy of his/heF submittal whether eF not the applicatien is reviewed fer code compliance by
City E.
Pletke.-All respensibility fE)F the adequacy ef this plat remains with th, Y.Fha pFepaFeEJ them. in
1pff e ..these plans,+he!'i