ORD 1121 02/06/2015 OF /Cnw .n /�0 . a° < a° �R r=�o Tex�AS "City of Choice" ORDINANCE NO. 1121 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CITY'S CODE OF ORDINANCES BY ESTABLISHING A NEW SECTION 2.101 WHICH SHALL PROVIDE FOR THE ADOPTION OF RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR INVESTIGATIONS AND HEARINGS CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 3.16 AND 14.10 OF THE CITY CHARTER; PROVIDING A NEW SECTION 2.102 WHICH PRESCRIBES MONETARY PENALTIES FOR CONTEMPT OF CITY COUNCIL AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY CHARTER SECTIONS 3.16 AND 14.10, PROVIDING FOR SAVINGS, SEVERABILITY, AND REPEALING CLAUSE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 14.10 (1) and Section 3.16 of the City Charter empowers City Council to have the power to inquire into the official conduct of any department, agency, appointed boards, office, officers, employees or appointed board members of the City; and WHEREAS, Section 14.10 (2) (E) of the City Charter provides that City Council shall adopt rules of procedures to be followed by ordinance, before conducting hearings under Section 14.10 (1); and WHEREAS, Section 14.10 (1) and Section 3.16 of the City Charter further empowers City Council, for the purpose of investigations and hearings, to administer oaths, subpoena witnesses, compel the production of books, papers, and other evidence material to the inquiry; and WHEREAS, Section 14.10 (1) and Section 3.16 of the City Charter mandates that City Council shall provide, by ordinance, penalties for contempt for failure or refusal to obey any subpoena or produce any such books,papers or other evidence. NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: Section 1 Findings adopted. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. Page 1 of 5 Section 2 Section established. The City of Cibolo's Code of Municipal Ordinances is hereby amended by establishing anew Sec. 2.101,which shall read as follows: Sec. 2-101. - City Charter Section 14.10 Investigation and Hearings Rules and Procedures. (a) Purpose. This section is adopted in compliance with the directive stated in City Charter Section 14.10 (2) (E). (b) Scope. This section shall address the process by which City Council shall conduct investigations and hearings authorized by City Charter Sections 14.10 (2). (c) Rules for conduct of hearing. At any hearing held under this section during the investigation or disposition of a complaint, the following rules apply: (i) General Rules. A. Open Session. All hearings shall be conducted in open session of City Council, except that City Council may conduct a closed session to receive advice from its attorney pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act. B. Special Called Meeting. A special meeting of City Council shall be called to hold the hearing. C. Public Comment. No public comment shall be allowed unless agreed to by a majority vote of City Council. In the event that City Council determines to allow public comment it shall set rules for public comments prior to the opening of the hearing. D. Council Participation. A member of City Council who is either the complainant or respondent shall not sit at the dais during the hearing and shall not participate in any deliberation or vote during the hearing. For the purposes of this Section, the term City Council shall refer to members of City Council participating in the hearing; and, action shall be taken on majority vote, unless a super majority is prescribed by the City Charter. E. Presiding Officer. The Mayor, or, in the event of the Mayor's unavailability, the Mayor Pro Tem; or in the event of the Mayor Pro Tem's unavailability, a member of City Council selected by a majority of City Council shall preside over the hearing. F. Respondent's Right of Appearance. The person charged (respondent) in the complaint has the right to attend the hearing, the right to make a statement, the right to present witnesses, and the right to be accompanied by legal counsel or another advisor. Only legal counsel to the person charged in the complaint may advise that person during the course of the hearing, but-may not speak on his or her behalf, except with the permission of City Council or as prescribed in this section. G. The Complainant's Right of Appearance. The person making a charge (complainant) has the right to attend the hearing, the right to make a statement, and the right to be accompanied by legal counsel or another advisor. Only legal counsel to the complainant may advise the complainant during the course of the hearing, but may not speak on behalf of the complainant, except with the permission of City Council or as prescribed by this section. Witnesses may not be presented by the complainant, except with the permission of City Council. Page 2 of 5 (ii) Procedures. A. Opening Hearing. The Presiding officer shall open the hearing with an announcement of the nature of the hearing and the reading of the complaint, or a summary of the complaint, which shall include the allegations to be considered. B. Investigation results. After opening the hearing the Presiding Officer shall call for the presentation of the results of any investigation. C. Complainant and Respondent Statements. After presentation of investigation results the presiding officer shall call for statements. The complainant and the respondent shall have ten minutes each to make a statement and statements may be made by the complainant's or respondent's legal counsel. The complainant shall precede the respondent when making statements. D. Witnesses. 1. Witnesses may be offered by the respondent; witnesses may be offered by complainant with the consent of City Council and any member of City Council may offer witnesses. 2. Witness lists shall be offered to City Council by respondent; complainant and members of City Council prior to the questioning of any witness. City Council shall then vote as to which of complainant's witnesses, if any, may be called to testify. 3. The presiding officer shall call witnesses from the witness list tendered by respondent and members of City Council and those tendered by complainants who were approved by City Council. Additional witnesses, offered by City Council Members, may not be called unless approved by a majority of City Council present. 4. All witnesses must be sworn and all questioning of witnesses shall be conducted by the members of City Council. 5. Each member of Council shall be given an opportunity to offer questions to the witnesses, as called upon by the presiding officer. After each member has such opportunity the questioning of witnesses shall close unless City Council, by majority vote, chose to allow additional rounds,of questioning. 6. Prior to questioning a witness may make a preliminary statement that shall not exceed three minutes. E. Modification of Rules. City Council may establish time limits, which diverge from these rules, and other rules relating to the participation of any person in the hearing as the particulars of each hearing dictate;provided that such rules are imposed in a non-discriminatory manner as to the rights of the complainant and respondent and are agreed upon by a majority of City Council prior to the opening of the hearing. * Deliberations. After the conclusion of the examination of witnesses City Council shall deliberate the offered evidence. 1. In its deliberations City Council shall rely on evidence of which a reasonably prudent person commonly relies in the conduct of the person's affairs. City Council shall further abide by the following: (a) City Council shall only consider evidence relevant to the allegations; and (b) City Council shall not consider hearsay unless it finds the nature of the information is reliable and useful. G. Findings of Fact and Law. After deliberations City Council shall vote on whether each allegation was proven true by a preponderance of the evidence, and if true, the Section of the Charter that was violated. Page 3 of 5 J d H. Disposition. After deliberations, City Council shall dispose of the matter in a manner authorized by the City Charter, including, but not limited to Sections 14.06, 14.07 and 14.10; and disposition of the matter under the City Charter is final. Sec. 2-102. -Power to Subpoena Witnesses and Issue Contempt Orders. (a) Purpose and scope. This section is adopted in compliance with the directive stated in City Charter Sections 3.06 and 14.10 (1) (E) and shall prescribe the punishment City Council may impose against any person who violates a subpoena of witnesses or for the compelling of production of books,papers or other evidence. (b) Subpoena Power. For the purpose of investigations and hearings, City Council shall have the power to administer oaths, subpoena witnesses, compel the production of books, papers, and other evidence material to the inquiry. (c) Contempt Orders. City Council may impose a fine upon any person, whether or not an official or employee of the City, who violates any subpoena, issued pursuant to the City Charter and this Section, and such fine shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00). Section 3. Conflicts repealed. All provisions of the Ordinances of the City of Cibolo, codified or uncodified, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the City of Cibolo, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. Savings. The repeal of any ordinance or part of ordinances affected by the enactment of this ordinance shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance or as discontinuing, abating, modifying, or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, or as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. Section 5. Severability. It is the intention of City Council that this ordinance, and every provision thereof, shall be considered severable, and the invalidity or unconstitutionality of any section, clause, provision or portion of this ordinance shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other provision of this ordinance. Section 6. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage save and except subsection (iii), entitled"Power to Subpoena Witnesses and Issue Contempt Orders", which shall become effective after publication as required by law. Page 4 of 5 v PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ! DAY OF YJ G X2015. APPROVED: Lisa M. Jackson, or ATTEST: Peggy Cimics, TRMC City Secretary Page 5 of 5