ORD 1106 07/22/2014 u" O e 4 ORDINANCE 110 6 AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE CERTAIN REAL,PROPERTY LOCATED IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF THE DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS TURNING STONE AND WEST OF FM 1103; COMPRISED OF 98.406 ACRES, OF WHICH 92.32 ACRES ALONG FM 1103 WOULD BE REZONED FROM RURAL SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (SF-1) TO SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. (SF-2); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. - WHEREAS, Texas Local Government.Code Section 211.002 authorizes the City of Cibolo, as a home-rule municipality,to adopt,repeal or amend zoning district boundaries; and WHEREAS, Section 9.02 of the City Charter of the City of Cibolo provides that the City Council with the authority by ordinance to fix City zoning district boundaries, and provide for the alteration of said boundaries in any manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo received an application to rezone-approximately 92.32 acres of real property located immediately north of the development known as Turning Stone and west of FM 1103, to be rezoned from Rural Single-Family Residential (SF-1) to Single-Family Residential.(SF-2), as depicted in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Section 211.004 provides that zoning regulations and district boundaries must-be adopted in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the City; and WHEREAS, two public hearings were held to discuss the rezoning of certain tracts of real property described herein; with the first public hearing being -conducted by the -Planning & Zoning Commission on Wednesday, May 14, 2014.at 6:30 p.m. in the.Cibolo City Hall;.and, the second public hearing-being conducted by City Council on Tuesday; May 27, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Cibolo City kali; each being conducted for the purpose of providing all interested persons the-opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed rezoning of approximately 92.32 acres from SF-1 to SF-2, as described herein and depicted on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, legal notice notifying the public of both public-hearings on the property proposed to be rezoned, was published in the Seguin Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Cibolo, on April 27th, 2014 and April 29th, 2014, with said publications provided more than fifteen(15) days prior to the public hearing before the City.Council; and WHEREAS, written notice was sent to each owner of real property, as indicated on the approved tax roll of the City of Cibolo, within 200 feet of theproperties to be assigned permanent zoning, with said notice provided more than ten (10) days prior to the initial public hearing of the Planning and Zoning.Commission as cited above; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined and found that the proposed rezoning application is in accordance with the comprehensive plan and would promote public health, safety and general welfare of the City; and NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION I. THAT an approximate. 92.32 acres of real property located immediately north of the developmentknown as Turning Stone and west of FM 1103, to be rezoned from Rural Single- Family Residential (SF-1) to Single-Family Residential (SF-2), being more specifically defined on Exhibit"A". SECTION II. THAT .the Zoning Map of the City of Cibolo is hereby amended to reflect the new zoning designations created by this.Ordinance, attached hereto as Exhibit`B". SECTION III. THAT all provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cibolo not herein amended or repealed shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION IV. THAT all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent that they are in conflict. SECTION V. THAT if any provisions of this ordinance shall be held void or unconstitutional, it is hereby provided that all other parts of the same which are not held void or unconstitutional shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI. THIS ordinance will take effect its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. PASSED, APPROVED,AND ADOPTED THIS 22°d DAY OF July, 2014. Lisa M. Jackson Mayor, City of Cibolo ATTEST: Peggy Cimics City Secretary, City of Cibolo TURNING STONE, UNIT-Wt LOT'INFORMATION VOL. 7, PG. 776-777,•P.R. LEGEND LD]xLFLYn14 WBDrm. )Doless lOT t],BIR 1 bBmx NAd D/Lkc D wL 10x0,PD d18.D0. ml N61fIOE4 m40.II 781W �'>> Log T, I, ® IlR 1R x111 Imola IMid hri t MON'min U.-V 0-0 E'wR° NN[ me]NA4 pnr•mrtY mn La X.%Pe aN,0.R - Bie PauDA DB4q II]plm e 4enmc mwa¢•u4t ix Ramnmr Lt ® IOT 1B,m, RPtlgt imOa wL 1000.P4 624 q0. 89 Pf]mA 0044111 7nm _ 0 ItR xq pu 1 m vmmtl 6 DPM LOL TOLL PO,I;4P. vl]P0.1RA 060.4 rR 7alm Px PuilzoAmmWNWYS LI 5l07' ® mi 11.W%1 On XkIR0.L mRLx L4.101E P4 1,DA 61]POmA'080141%)Olm ® LOl6 Bu 1 BmPLq JPBn mOe>r•Pwxa IF Bv.mvt P4,E4 0.R. ®P POmOA 0m4'II]Elm lOT 07.vu, L,ta IpduM+L•}ninny Y 10..r6r],PG vX 40. P[RODA CDOL6,II III W ® LOT 24 Ou I -x05).-a 0.4 )L R16LDJ.DOOR w)elm ® ,drt x;eu t Bmml Omna•xggy x,yY La'vmx,ti ve;40. m wROA mR4q II 7mm I� lOT a BN{I Ctl1,'mMY L l leda N W.'mm,P4 BEI,OR T]-.k C0441K>nm ® finita m,0.Oanw a l- FmOA TRACT INFORMATION Q IR a BW I a1 m r®.uRnte PmDmNYP w.m14 Pa 4x1 BA 6DJDPAA aLw,nm Bm mm64 TR)Bae p maeul mme re m.Ami m a mo mom Pc,miu PLNOA®aIIn,m -T BfF0iDl4 DWIEB OESWPmII LOT M Bl6 1 O�mvP.dw N•InmtmA T Y4 TPq P0.pX 0.R Cl PfOJOA CmO;II 781 W ® FN hmn F=J h N 0 -W AO M4.- 0.x8).DA 1]65 G SP,04�Nunrp P=IW NF 2C204 A� q 10].00. ABO Nd LOTURNING STONE, UNIT-W2 LOT INFORMATION ruP Ntmam mm�am.n bmt K 41r K P4 n,o4. w VOL. 8, PC. 91, P.R. 4 ear,D.4 Fuamncq 064 D 0. x684 N Ilm 08-II]mm.. ]0 ,0.l 01.EYt 1 0a�.Iglu 1'•Nlr 11 r6m PGvaPO xm,0.4 2m DIIPF POS 410.tWe BRABBxII.t II]01]2 ® LOT R 0LN 1 Wax Ytlal Im,r Y JmnNm 10..1m1,P4 ea 00. va Pn�Ohm.D4 4w,nm 0Yi01R0141R]mmw 5U,a4 im mez w r noxrx,wlmrz rd 7ms¢ � 1nF x fiat 1 xa.p.a.almY•q.Rm W w.rDn.Pn BR4 a4 ml 4 m�PmOA®an,a]mm ® mol.1,54 PG 102 D.0. xOPv.0040.0.]el0e LM 01 OLK I CmUn41 Nsnm�Te.IP W.Gmt,P4 5]y D0. MI 4lCOP IBOd E,/IID,9NI Yttttiq lY)!}4 ® 1m D0.0u1 lm,6WtN• [Mn .A IIL.Fq Px;04 6'4.IVu01.1540,1%]mm ® LOT P.BIK 1 Bmim fa9Y LbOe/Rrmvanp `A.]OTE Pm L.0.0. rV BI4f film¢w,NDI BPADNR4 T;]pllx � ® tm mL 6u 1 M.ImA xnw A!mq.rY[ La m,4 K rPq n4 vm 0.mnA mRAq II]mm ISI ® LOT a 0IR 1 m1 of 1-UnW PmrneM NA.100],p4 x64 40. Im E WROWA U.,nm S41-ATR m2m w mT r4 vu 1 4N el➢va IRgad PWmWP LLL]OYL P4x4 40. em G 7ApOmA alw,nm WJ MID04II]llev I� IDt 11.BIR 1 P W, M.4!LYN,O L 11 m1q Pq r0.{OR my P[W0A OmID,A 781m 1� 1--1 Iym•Avon R•4pmq 0. It51 P4??2 40. FCOIOA[m0.II]mm t� ® 1-44-1 1-A A P4 9II,44 IPII uPmq®4q II Tdtm t], 9 1 11mmk 200'NOTIFICATION RADIUS 1 xqs-, _______- --,__- r pae � �.__ ___----mob____®__�__ t6...RmP m6 Nu ��a.np �����--- -N4T F•LWm �a °'xa,nn Rva 530'14'53'E' o�Li nSORc°Lt°`rp b�1a0r�sig•a®0 g Dmtu vAnm PRroum 30.OU � sl,_nA N59'45'0YE 2263.64 N59'I5' �9 1y . W E 2654.48 L2 7I , b Dxm A� I.r d (IQ Q a yu Pm IN Vit ° of QI ?�; RESIDENTIAL TRACT 'UI RRS ; (92.32 ACRES w m 8a 2 F.1. EXSTING ZONING:SF-1 OI PROPOSED 2Q"JING:5F-2 ZIto @ Z / NI L4 A� I° I " y S5939'571Y 1015.39' 1 g$ S59'3Y59"w 4101.45' __ -- �N ® ®®®®®®®®®©®®®1069®00®®00 ya3 g 200'NOTIFICATION RADIUS ..- i mos us.m n.- ZONING EXHIBIT 1 OF D10 nu RESIDENTIA6 TRACT(92.32 AC.) GRAPHIC SCALE °'"'^' • �ee9c�� COMMERCM TRACT(6.086 AC.) oma 9UT OF TRS JAMES R.RICHARDSON SURVEY Na 182. 'oa)se .. ABSTRACT ND..277, OF CUADALUPB COUNTY, TEXAS, }' 1'�4�J4 I3eD PmuRm vJ„A.n.mo• (a sex-x1W anm AND,'BEING, OUT OF TRE 144.89 ACRS REMAINDER 6 sa pnlema n 7W2 1DW r¢5-31rJ Fw T%CT RECORDED IN VOLUME 888. PO. 58 OF TEE 1 Q ,� Rm P.9ltwem IlenOm:TAM F-1.1/Tats IDDLT).m DEED RECORDS 8F CUADALUPE COUNTY TEXAS. - (Legal Description & Proposed Zoning Boundaries) Denham-Ramones Engineering RECEIVE and Associates, Inc, APR p q 2014 CITY OF DIBOLO FIELD NOTES FOR JANET FOERG,ET AL TRACT Zoning Tract-Residential(SF2) Being a 92.32 acre parcel of land in the James R Richardson Survey No. 102, Abstract No. 277, of Guadalupe County,Texas, and.being out of the called 144.89 acre remainder tract recorded in Volume 988,Page 59 of the Deed Records (D.R.)of Guadalupe County, Texas; said 92.32 acres being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at point for the east corner of the above described remainder tract, and the east corner of this description, lying on the southwest right-of-way line of FM 1103 (80' ROW), a found Type III TxDOT monument bears S 29°59'28" E - 1762.23 feet; a second found Type III TxDOT monument on said right-of-way line bears N 29°59'28" W 2761.14 feet; THENCE S 59039'57" W,pass at 0.73 feet a found.1/2" rebar with CEC cap held for line only, continue on for a total distance of 345.42 feet to a set 1/2" rebar with Denham Ramones Engineering(D-R E.)plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 59°3.9'57" W fora distance of 101539 feet to a found 1/2"rebar with.Pape- Dawson cap found at an angle point in the southeast line.of this description,as shown on the plat of the Turning Stone Subdivision Uxiit WI,recorded in Volume 7,Pages 776-777 of the Plat Records-(P.R.)of Guadalupe County; - THENCE S 59°37'59" W,for a distance of 4101.45 feet to a point for the south corner of this description; on the northeast right-of-way line of Dean Road (50' R.O.W.), a found 1/2"rebar(no cap),held for line only,bears S 59°37'59"W-0.78 feet; THENCE N 30005'44" W, with the northeast right=of--way line of Dean Road, for.a distance of 807.83 feet,to a point at the west corner of this description,same point being the south comer of a called 61.11 acre tract recorded in Volume 430, Page 267, D.R.; a found 1/4"rebar with no cap,held for line only,bears N 5945'07" E-0.47 feet; THENCE N 59°45'07" E, for a distance of 2263.64 feet to a set 1/2" rebar with D-R E. plastic cap at a re-entrant corner of this description,at the terminus of the 30'Road Tract described as a Save&Except tract in Volume 988, Page 59; a found 1/4" rebar with no cap at the east corner of the 61.11.acre tract bears N 59045'07"E-919.81 feet; HALand Projects Woerg Tractlsurvey\Zoning\M&B-Zone-Res-Hndy.doc Page 1 of 2 1380 Pantheon Way,Suite 290 Ph: (210)495-3100 San Antonio,Texas 78232 Fax:(210)495-3122 THENCE S 30914'53" E,with said terminus of 30'wideroad tract,for a distance"of 30.00 feet to a set 1/2"rebar with D-R E.plastic cap; THENCE N 59045'07" E, with the southeast line of said tract, for a distance of 2854.48 feet to a set 1/2"rebar with D"R E. plastic cap for the north corner of this description; THENCE S 29°59'28" E, across the above described 144.89 acre tract, for a distance of 767.79 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 92.32 acres of land, more or less. o Bearings source is .the southwest ROW line of FM 1103, between the two Type III TxDOT-monuments described above, and shown as N 29°59'28" W as derived from GPS observation based on NAD 83 (HARK), Texas. State Plane Coordinate System- South central Zone. I hereby certify that this description conforms_ to the minimum standards set forth by the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying according to an actual survey made on the ground by employees of"Denham-Ramones Engineering and Associates,Inc." Date:: j �QFEGisTeR Gary B.-Nei . R.P.L.S.43964 GARY`IR., MMLL� Firm No, 10273.00 396.4°.... • ?FES51��P'�.OQ' Warning: Only those copies with the Signature and �� 3-u .\I Seal in red should-be relied upon. Foerg Tract Boundary Project Number: 130033.307 EXHIBIT B: UPDATED OFFICIAL ZONING MAP Leuend s, . o n #_ { :4 FM 78 ' on r t�3 °m c.°a 7a' 5i { ire _ Jnr ppy� $ a`` 33T S i a t , lit �.s w � 911 R i s s • +, r,:{ }4 A 41 If 1 s OFFICIAry orZONINcreosoL G MAP �.., cr —�