ORD 1093 04/08/2014 az< q � T£ X "Cite of Choice" ORDINANCE 1093 AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 14.851 ACRES CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY, AS DEPICTED HEREIN, LOCATED IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF THE DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS MESA AT TURNING STONE,EAST OF FM 1103 FROM RETAIL/OFFICE (C-3) TO SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (SF-3); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Chapter 211 authorizes the City of Cibolo, as a home-rule municipality, to adopt, repeal or amend zoning district boundaries; and WHEREAS, Section 9.02 of the City Charter of the City of Cibolo provides that the City Council with the authority by ordinance to fix City zoning district boundaries, and provide for the alteration of said boundaries in any manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo received applications to rezone approximately 14.851acres of real property located generally immediately north of the developments known as Mesa at Turning Stone and east of FM 1103, as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, two public hearings were held to discuss the rezoning of the real property described herein; with the first public hearing being conducted by the Planning & Zoning Commission on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; and, the second public hearing being conducted by City Council on Tuesday, March 25, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; and WHEREAS, notice of the above referenced public hearings was published in The Seguin Gazette on February 23, 2014 and February 25, 2014, a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Cibolo, Texas and within the territory to be zoned, in accordance with law; and WHEREAS,written notice was sent to each owner of real property within the City of Cibolo, as indicated on the approved tax roll of the City of Cibolo, within 200 feet of the properties to be assigned permanent zoning, with said notice provided more than ten (10) days prior to the initial public hearing of the Planning and Zoning Commission as cited above; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined and found that the proposed rezoning application is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and would promote public health, safety and general welfare of the City. NOW,THEREFORIF,: DE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIDOLO,TEXAS: SECTION I. THAT an approximate 14.851 acres parcel of property as described and detailed on the attached Exhibit "A", said Exhibit "A" to be incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein, is hereby rezoned from C-3 to SF-3. SECTION H. THAT the zoning map of the City of Cibolo is hereby amended to reflect the new zoning designations as created by this Ordinance. SECTION III THAT all provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cibolo not herein amended or repealed shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION IV THAT all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent that they are in conflict. SECTION V THAT if any provisions of this ordinance shall be held void or unconstitutional, it is hereby provided that all other parts of the same which are not held void or unconstitutional shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI THIS ordinance will take effect its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. PASSED,APPROVED,AND ADOPTED THIS 8h DAY OF APRIL,2014. Lisa M. Jackso Mayor, City of Cibolo ATTEST: Peggy Cimics City Secretary, City of Cibolo EXHIBIT A: Rezoning Exhibit(]Legal Description; 14.851 acre tract) rjPAPE-DAWSON' ENGINEERS LAND 91YU0111111EAT HIVIIIHMENTAL TRMISPBRIATION WATEN RESOURCH SUNMIK I-'If:LD NOTHS FOR ZONING A, 14.851 acr% 911MOVICSS, 4VICt(ifland okitorthat c-.ilkd33,25gaerc-tr,,tetdA�i:eribt�I in dcwyd to .!�,oberj N. Cagalano and Nvifc Donna Catalano recorded, irt Volatue, 1224,Pagos 864-867 of the Official Publio Records-Of 011%, Ialt.lpe Coullty,Jlcxar,,,olit.Df ilie James W.(laty.Survey No.255, Alistract 144 of Guadalupe County,Tqxms.Said 14.851 acras�being all iff the(Ity of CHVIO And Gua&Wpo Ccyt�jjty, Tpxas. Said 1 851 acre tract-being more-fully descributi, as. lbllowg, With bearings based on 1he Uxas Cc ordiel-ate S),,steral osutbtished.for 1110-Soulb Central Zons from the North Afivrion DaTun,of 1933 INAD 83(NA201 1)epoch 20'10.0034 COMMENCM(h At a set K"iron rad with yellow cap marked'Taipe-13m"oh' at the southwut SS acro 4 ract,on the cost Yi4it-of-, y title of F,M. 11-03,an SOa cornero f said.33.92Iwo footrISM-af-way at thN, point, at.the n0rtIAv0st.t0rjIer of a 31,1 SO.acre mm.afilder tract desclibed ill deed to HU4 Davolopment recorded in V61pine �'349,t Pages 260-202 of the Official Public Records of Guadalupe Coltilty"Texas, from W111101 a, W, a distance of 1.53 f -1 .nand, oltri(I Vj­ iron wd benTs.- S 4.1 LT" all also a Wild W' iron rod al the southwOt comer of said roma-Inder tia ct, and the nor -t th BI atton Melavily Mmest canner of a 7L66 acre: tmet &icribcd in decd 0 ...0 a Limited partnership rccordW in voluI)e 31(;7, Paget 01-487 of alae: Official Public.ilecords of Guadalupe County, rexas bears 3 29"50'44" 13, as distance of 20.00 feet; THENCE: NR 5911401311,50 E,with-lite line of Wd 35.258 acre traut,adistance-0079.13 feet to mj -acres and a1w c.r ofo..cc)l loci adjacout 4,58 .it the most south southwestcornerof 28.720ackies both -1 described a deed marded in VolU1110 q$S'.pagQ3 j03-106 QrtjjC offiCia I ILlWic Records of ua(lnlupeCounIy,Texts,b jCosedptio"; - THENCE-'-. N 2-9053"24"W, NAIIi.the Bait line of mald 4.58 mmq, the most Qztst WeSt 11tv (if said 2 .720 atm-$,fwor andacross said 33.258,iere tract a distance of_5253q feet- to all angle.110int; RECEIVE-D 10V 120,13 Page I ot2 CITYOMBOLO r-jrjr Easia Rawk.iey San. Amonio. Temas 742Pfi HOOSION Mar WOUH - gLj.VW,P.P 14,851 AcwZ*rd%tgTt-u4 10 Ev Nto a S 3 IN-m Page TF I E IN'CE, Overall([aerms,said 33.259acre-timo,the alld disumcox N 3(072 1611W,a d is I at I coorslo.,76 emto qj I"m ugl�pofnt; N 91103'58" E, it distance of 776,32 fool to a point m) dto WTA line of a drain gasomen't established in Ilia Whiqwr Nfea & ision Unit dows. at Nortlicliffic If Still) IV 3 recooded in Volome 6, pa gas 76,7-768 of Plot.Records of Gana daNpo County, Texas; ITTENCR: S OM"17"H, with Ilia vee,0 H ne of vkid 'Iraim easern-eut t esabli-Shod hi the Whisper H Sfmb-divjsion Unit 3, at 270.76'foot posming a found !4" iron rod and Continuing alongsaid butiring over and krossmakt 33.253 acre tract, ftyra mal distance of 7 L3 -root to a poinj on dic,live:oaf said-35.258; ,It 0 ru,I ra 0 t; THENICT, 3 59132°44"W, With the fine of said.35.258 aa-ro tract,a dicta r-tce-(if 727.60 fiwt to 41ioPOINT OF BECANNING,and containing 14--.851 ams.in the Oily of Cibolo, coulay,Texas. ""itis domiloat was piv-pim! milder 221AC665,211, 4m Alot. n-flect the rout4s OF all Oil tile, gTOlUld$Urvey,and is not to be used to movey or establish inte-rests in real.ptopurtyexcept those 4 (jr tights,an . . I araC m establishcd by Ilia creation_car bounda" r Elie-, aofificrfl subdivisioniterwhich it was prepued." VREMAKMMIlzipo-Mammi ri iate wi a Im. 1.XTB: 0cwWr 23,2013 10-13 No. 33,04-0v '00C. 1UPIS Mun Itcgistration,070 -M ,MS IN., MOUS-00 JOHWWI 4407 RECEIVED 140Y 1 NO CITY OFC-1BOL01 rdPAP&PAWSOM ENGINEER S-- EXHIBIT A: Rezoning Exhibit(Graphically; 14.851 acre tract) will I IN 7w DR DEED REIWfiE` SOF 61MOhl:PE eJ0UP{]Y.jEXkS I IT{C h . =_ � fik�'ti' t3.Fi�II+S,l931s�SC'�.F�'�GN1���`F�FII'+1.25+414a('E' � �C�•1};�9Y..IE'afe�5 �t71° 0� !4�' #Q6?" t e 54 PLAT RECORDS QFt6tAVAlUF'F COVKM flim$ - - -� , - - I'm 1110—im NOT ES rF-�PMFM.;.;A:dt,L SER 0S MVIT�ro tTEfiH'M:1kC :j LT lr:CkVQEInzPF.EP'A_RAtT,'0I•OFAMID«FOIE P� � 2. Dif¢-[•Aj45",'0S ARE BASED 09 Ake 1;€XA5 r -COQ,ppr.�w„CE.SSIL7 E5r�littirEOfi.R 7iFd CE1I1PALITIO EMOMTYdEWtCx2rt A%'_r5Z:IsANUAPUM ,�� C.R:111181�'€CaR A Qk*851 aI�4 H;'�1L?!$li STI-GQ 55�TRNM1.('I C7�E.r3i4d}'CD4a�t9��Il.r�"t'$1�1.1_tZ07 39�3�+hCksL `PF+t�i`T ' i QG8,VRr.Ii 1)I.m,u r;0't0lk()klV.1tN_CATlhk:hXfl,5i+6LD M01 F I'tTdC°'.�,',Irl.r6'Q'ATAI A':+ir3'Pl9ilORDE:I7IN -._. .. �t{1Y,4FgIG��ta'{*Affil:i2'it' $Elv'T1�t QFFIC:Idif'F'ltllC.t4':fC1:['�}FfiDSO {i�1r5Qa�U.�JF!1 £srliati'Eh".lT-,,V 5, iOCATIONMA P ���aa�,�>ale�a�sa�:t4t67rt�1'i°:RC1kY1sY�saa33,,�n�'Tyr,ert�Y�Ie��t�ar�.:�It.�rVUH, , '6vkff,oA.%kpok.b`;' i .xCt l6cRrfi 9kat:t�w'a6 AI�.,11s^711x 1�"ti d7k €913P}�P,+ra ti¢)iilPrkl}AI.t1PC a*rl'9'v'6�, t.se �d 1. DRAW R�iY Ai- 58 P,R,) j srNSKA MT S R,l'Y51ti.''v4HG RTE II 3 rel1 +,�f�(rry .S�� ?alb�'.a f h'LlrJhLl'SUIMMM G. 1+t+raF.w rte. i ''�' ht�4�."y.'A�•�d l.!,�++i�t�il.,f�;rl��ti-;•6 1 �aa�asa. RQl1t 9' M. C.rtl 4.fJ. 1A' :FL, gaC•i'1+ ` ahLWly' a7tOl q IN it.,RFS (VOL, 1224, PGS864-867 ORR) �_ �Lbw "•�"'' � '�' �� -�,,��....,C A tr_ = - - - 0 F--.'z 14 IR y6, L� 1`41 .�c, ;i 6• F_ �$ T mi.ia�A G�9 qq 44AA Ryr� f'� Y, 1 .m jyi 6.62+u.a�t1, R. 3N�!to SGy y �a. ll � ,?�4V' rs .'.: �(e�+�t�'a� s:dUs' iir fL�at!.�rr M4►ti�e[�� W� '�9 � Wt@ 3a� �=-�,._� � r:����l,i4i ������P PAM �. ! set 1.,�2` T.R. (RD) FiA t,r - 1.Et - .a c w ff:� _ _ 4YF�5:d P.Ut Y i ll��Gc+S F`�S5aeET ci} s i3. . ;�;�v ,yNlti CImoppr,� h. 4. X107. PGS. '7-91-401 0AM) 2& L 2141, m. $GO-2u K7.PA). 6 Fid ip t:fi. p AW'1511*401 I WECEIVEDOGUMENTVIAS PREPARED 4dR11 ERAC 64311.WU-.409 PAPEMAWSO, REFLECT-`{�E RE3'U Ir$©.T Am o1$'rHE,0gc),UNh>3tJk'EN.�,�.65S MOO ENGINEj UE USCG T C62 1ti'i Y rr�SrAaLWH I r, E Fs eri RFAL.PRO ERIY p y I ?'OQk €Pr iH:C7$F.�1,171F$ANO 114fRE'�fS UPUM OR WAG SHED al THE C REMION O{7UM;z OURAWA;7F RHE M81N13ARY OF THE .a'iitai'&sara''r• ''1 wav.t 'fi:+Ak!'#.id i a?3'ae r+19!9 fpk} �" � ISYS fi7.IV►4'h` POC 111€ht $L'8ITI*dt$l0Fd FOR VA17CF6-IE WAS PREPARED.' SKET 'P OF F tY'}' � W4 aLv.ai v mx'+Yomm-p-+9 L?*t' S ac c+.eon�er:amta+ 0F'CjB0L0,6CT0BER 23-8 2003 M, No.: tr 4-nrts