ORD 1092 04/08/2014 c CJ \$ y"NNN/I_/////11111Nlllili\\\\,\ T£ .X PS "City of Choice" ORDINANCE 1092 AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY, AS DEPICTED HEREIN, LOCATED NORTH OF THE DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS MESA AT TURNING STONE, EAST OF FM 1103; COMPRISED OF APPROXIMATELY 1.162 ACRES FROM AGRICULTUAL (AG) TO SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (SF-3)AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Chapter 211 authorizes the City of Cibolo, as a home-rule municipality, to adopt,repeal or amend zoning district boundaries; and WHEREAS, Section 9.02 of the City Charter of the City of Cibolo provides that the City Council with the authority by ordinance to fix City zoning district boundaries, and provide for the alteration of said boundaries in any manner provided by law; and WHEREAS,the City of Cibolo received applications to rezone approximately 1.162acres of real property located generally immediately north of the developments known as Mesa at Turning Stone and east of FM 1103, as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the property had previously been annexed into the City of Cibolo with the temporary zoning classification of AG; and WHEREAS, two public hearings were held to discuss the assignment of permanent zoning to the real property described herein; with the first public hearing being conducted by the Planning & Zoning Commission on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; and, the second public hearing being conducted by City Council on Tuesday, March 25, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; and WHEREAS, notice of the above referenced public hearings was published in The Seguin Gazette on February 23, 2014 and February 25, 2014, a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Cibolo, Texas and within the territory to be zoned, in accordance with law; and WHEREAS,written notice was sent to each owner of real property within the City of Cibolo, as indicated on the approved tax roll of the City of Cibolo, within 200 feet of the properties to be assigned permanent zoning, with said notice provided more than ten (10) days prior to the initial public hearing of the Planning and Zoning Commission as cited above; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined and found that the proposed rezoning application is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and would promote public health, safety and general welfare of the City. NOW,THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS: SECTION I. THAT an approximate 1.162 acres as described and detailed on the attached Exhibit "A",said Exhibit"A"to be incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein, is hereby rezoned from its temporary zoning of AG to SF-3. SECTION II. THATthe zoning map of the City of Cibolo is hereby amended to reflect the new zoning designations as created by this Ordinance. SECTION III THAT all provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cibolo not herein amended or repealed shall remain infull force and effect. SECTION IV THAT all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent that they are in conflict. SECTION V THAT if any provisions of this ordinance shall be held void or unconstitutional, it is hereby provided that all otherparts of the same which are not held void or unconstitutional shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI THIS ordinance will take effect its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. PASSED,APPROVED,AND ADOPTED THIS 8DAY OF APRIL, 2014. Lisa M. Jackson Mayor, City of Cibolo ATTEST: I � `,7 Z2,- Peggy Cimics City Secretary, City of Cibolo EXHIBIT A: Permanent Zoning Exhibit(Legal Description; 1.16 acre tract) PAPE-DAW- SON ENGINEERS 4-agpom" [AND DEVIL91414HT INVIROMMUITAL TRANSPORTATION Wit ER RESIDURUS HRIMING FIELD NOTES FOR ZONWNG A 1.162 acre, rnore or less, tract of I and out of that called 33.258 arc tract described in deed to Robeft N. Catalano, an([ w--i&- Donna Cataluto rebated A71 Voluine 12,24, Pages 864-867 of the Official Public Rer-mAq of 8uadAupe County.Texas. out of the Jamcs W.CIT41Y sarvuy No. 255, Abstract 144 of Gua,61upe.County,Texas, Said l.ifra ctereq being in Onadalupe County,'Ticxas. Said 1.162 pere tract being more hilly described as follows, with buannps hwsed On Bite Texas Coordinate Systum cstablished f6.r the South-Cel%ral zone fix-Jill.the North Ainctican Datum of 1993NAD ,�3 (N,.ek?-011)epocli26tO.00, C(.-WMENC-ING:At a set 14"iron mel with yvflow cap m6rkext,"Papp,-Ex�vson."at the sautivivest Corner of saUt 33,258_acre tract,on the cast right-ofiway line ofF.324. 1103, w SO- fi-)Qt yjght_of_tray jt this paint.,�Itthc v of, 34,12() em remainder In e 1 1; a &raa dentibed in deed to JILH Developineit recorded an VOW=234%PqO 260--262 of Me Official Pvblic Records(if Oundalupe CoUlivyll.exas,from which a.,found 'Ym"ban rod bears S 43'44'05"W,a distance of 1,553-feel,kliid also a fbtin4 lv2"iron wd jail.the-sowhwest conies of said re7alainder tract, and the northwest ecerhcrof a 71.66 acre tract-described in d"d to the Manton Fanlily Litnite(t parwership recorded:in Volume 3167,'Pages 481-487 of the Offivi a] Public Recor4s.of6vadalope CooMy,Texas b(,-oTq,% 291-5�1'44"2,a distance of 20.00 feet, TF1 EIN C E: N.59-4915" R,nillithe line of said 35.258 aotv 1ra4,v-<1istaripe of 379.93 -feet to a lbund Yj­iron rod,alit ihe7southeast-corner of a called adjacent 4,58 acres and also at the.ino-st south southwot carnvT Wfi28.720 ac m;bob desedbed in deed veco rded in Volume 9185, Pages 103.106 of-the Official Public Rvxwrds(Ir -Giiadakipu County,Toxas, T Ff FM Ek N,992 44"13,Nivi t h I I i e I i g i e o f 9 aid 35.238 58 a eve tract,a,d 1 s tan ex o f 727.60 fi,-t t to the.110INT OF BEGMLING for this dcscripflsuji', UAW 801 1111:1-NC& N 30028'17' W, ovor a an a found 'A" iron rod at the angle point on the -Arcsi linv of ti drain ea.wriieut cstablishvd in the Whisper Nlea-down at Northeliffle Il Subdivision Unit 3 rucorded hi Volume 6 Pages 767-768 of filat Records of Guadalapu County,Toxvis'.1 REGENVO,_� tl4ige I of 2 P4 12013 r:1 S1 Ra rn%ey :115 Ant,-mi b ie-ITY Orn-Gmcx�o­ HIVNIGH FarrW1 JJ 2 a L5.3-7 F,_!)o P,o F 2 L).fg .-q u R 1 V ft rib vivo 'ji.p�k!—it a L.1�t.,�CSr�tplaq� L'ri14t 7'asb li�_3304=1a1� tFi$Lm 7 C+1p2 TIIENICE �3 55045'54"E, wilit tate 't v,,t I.illo est .slid drain easepi nt egtgblished in the 'a hispu Nle-ado.ws at Northeliftc II Unit 3, a d'astans c. of 360.24 find to :t found insn rod with a9p marked"Ca tpli ", the si)uthwest crag-ner of said drain e:cs went e.,tablished in the W,hispey ikIeadows at Northcliffe II S ubdivisiatit Unit 3,a wrticr of the talbremmition- ed 34.189 ac:re rets aimler tract; THF1,,14CE; S 530.56119"1E,vAth lbo Nitre of aaM 35,258 acre tract, a distance of 115,79 fee to a set Jrvr,rod with yellow Gap!narked"Pape-D,amson" T-1,IENl:E: 8 3,7c49'19"NK, witli the lime of said-35.258 norr,tMul,it distAnc;of 131,64 feet to o set VC01)i`oal with yellow cap larked"Pzpe-Davws on",; THENC-R. 9 59PJ2'4W':W,`tcI`itlt tete Brig:of Said 35.258 acre tract, a distance of 7732 feta to the POINT OF BEGINNLvG, and eoatmingia,, 1,162 a-Zres in Guadalupe t•ount�v, Texas. 'Vii'i.isdocument.was, prep-ed-ed gander.M.AC663.21,.dog not reflect flie results of All o [he gmund.urvoy,and is not Wed dal eonvev ov e)oablish 1titereyts in real l'property except those rights and interests hupliefi or established by the. creation or rt.,ounliguratikin of the boundary of the p(Il.jtaurJl Sub�IjViSi(in. fbi,which it was prepared." BY,�e�4prlL'•� PREPARED BY, T°ao P'`7;�SLrSfs�j i"17g9r1eer3l4. ,TI 1.+ ocrober 23,2d13 4- TI)B NO. 9304-00 1 �.a. !(rC;l Cd:l�'�G'9L.'+$ d 1 dtasia 3'+?3rt7R1Dk 3'J�=Stll l.1621 ��.�C:"�'L' FN.ducx �+ TUB Filar Rep bomap imi 047(1 ,' ,r' �3;� ;j�; `CIty�9r Firt�tl�cE;iitrccis�rit>!ld{l?R.9-dd+ t%' '�_+,IQ1INI ILS!€CHOL1."it- SUFN Pf ENGWEE S EXHIBIT A: Permanent Zoning Exhibit(Graphically; 1.162 acre tract) 13H 5iw REcowsor GUADAL13r.COUNTY.1EXAS I Inch 1,0V fai'! C!fiCI,%LFY.ILLKPM1 .�3r, o.UADALU!E fi R PLU RECORDS OF GLIADALJf'E rLCrL' ITY',lE}C%S. i. ftIE PROTES:SIL3NA!SER',+KES PROv1DE0.fIERE'OIfII '4� � � ,y INCLUCE-TI IE PREPARADON'CF A FM ROTE ?SITE .,I 5� f1ESCRIP310K 2. Tf.flS' R14GSAREEPMDORT UE Ai ct;aRmA.TrSYSfE+AE5rAuL5HEbP6FvescufH CENTRAL.LONE FROP4 TM MO_,F.TH AMERICAN f)APUM Of 1903-M DW iP,r4,2011)EFOCH i1)10M. y� g f"(Elff41TGEQl IT F CIBOG., U ! l0 ej ''� 1 rhe r' 4 i.l�`?C1b.li.�It3ft'LIt LTi55,.Y Rr+CT`oF L.AI<C�o7a1'tJT fTl.r$'1'I",SL.f:F.F]3.;,7Sli rYd;Rtt 7�rtr:'I' 800301 IN PL:P0 70 gtTAART N CATAt1.A,W)Ahl`WIFE UONN.4 l.ATAF.AN01,W:0RIJkfJ 1N LOCATION q►i �y`� � 1?f..lihrl:123},P.$i liti Kfia-}I ;i?l'E5aF3CJFI'I+,,:IAf.PLPUI.I'L:1ScCS:FtLG"rL3F4iLl�4fYalLLfPEC4 LV IV 31R°FV, - - - '('li\.hti`fJCJI'i]f'•'I'llklaZP/1�41b'.['elt:il'STJRrr'ES`'fti4}.25.3,AfJST-7Li1L'7'9.117�I+CrLIe1L1ALUPE COL'.SNI'r', P.%k'5 ?WAFcFa,:a�r' TEXAS SAID 1.IQ ACRES DUNC IN 'CUADALUPG 'COUAIT'r', T-TIXAS, r b ? a 5 'Nti15P h4'S1rArrjnS� - ROSr�Er++R�TJ u, pphyyTr'yyAp,'1 rl0 tit o,Rf:PPI'Lgji1C JF Fru FYry .'91'D ellI E ll,lNNA s$1:'8t1iV131Y1'a t1N1�t- fA, -f, 'f :IJOHt�hJoa�llt;HOLU9 L, CJ Al�+''NG ',q Mod 16.. Pr ES, 36.?'d8 A1,RLS7G.T-76;i, P.R. r i 4wlUL. 1224. M.S. Iv;.,Ki�j' 4`�1;'. •��j[rad.t���d�pP 854 t:.ar rfr;� �i�j ,�,If',ti it z. �_DRAIN HOW-- rt;Rt rr 'y 767-70d P.R.) 1.Y F• j S 9?h.CCE'o_ c91 u E, -0 1 „I� �' t.T,V. :5147. rF,ad �+CI?L 3"'.'is - �— -�.x 7 16 R4X ll {;'.ilia T]F15, fi?5.103-a Ub Q,P.R.;) Na;`� I iii - L ' 07 h ,i FIS LFA. ((9ASTELLA) AL II Iyo11)u10 tF v dy x.162 ACRES �'� zr77.72' Fr1 N5914 T` 5 ;§ f3.1 f{15W32'A,"E 727-60 9T 1/211, 1'R. (po) a ,I1 71-66 ACRES {P L3W� ?0N FAMILY LlWIED RNRINER_HII' A'dtiJL, 49. F'ti5. - ,4a..L 3153. MS,. 481-481 FT7 'I/?' LR. X 2'"f5L7'41 E �G+.I�L1`� 11­113 fiLti:19M04!'+4+'AS PPEPA.RED UNDER 22TAC56M1.DOES NOT ftCfiGe?T THE P.€SULTS t7f A.PI ON TI IE t RG`'U:^{L~Sl:R'V_"4.AND IS a`1C'T i PAPE-aAWSOM Tr;•0C•uSE0 @U• :WWEY OR UT. UUMI IN•TERF315 IN REk F cPERTY rENGINEERS 1-YC EPT DOSE R104S A-10 INTERESTS RAPT IED OR 6T RLISI IED D1' ai ME CREATION OR RECONFIGURAIJIGH OF IhE BOUNDARY OF THE C UrF.5 um, w i.'.-xv r',,w r Rri w r#h.',�^zm:M WKS! POUTICAI_.SuE.o.l'diSlGra FOR 4w7HTCM .T WAS PEPA.REC•.` ru rv�+xrcrc SITEET T Or I j "Asa"wq=gft,v+,wmr+�a grd r�4rs�rc/,:r v OBETs 2Y, 01.3 Jcs h :., c$3,04-00 . SG. ttwa:vy a 1v ftra 1N-s,ec.vs a+.w w�utr•I.rases-ov 1'„� T '� '