ORD 1089 02/25/2014 O f C 1 4s, \ y 41 ,y 'rym l//dIGP/lowl III ll�l�� TE X PS "City of Choice" ORDINANCE NO. 1089 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE OF CITY OF CIBOLO ORDINANCE #1048, COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS THE CITY OF CIBOLO UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC), PERTAINING TO THE REGULATION OF MULTI- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE FM 78 MIXED USE OVERLAY DISTRICT; REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY,AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, §212 of the Texas Local Government Code empowers the City of Cibolo to establish,administer,enforce and amend Subdivision Regulations;and WHEREAS, §211 of the Texas Local Government Code empowers the City of Cibolo to establish,administer, enforce and amend Zoning Regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, adopted Ordinance 1048 on February 26, 2013, adopting a Unified Development Code to improve the ability of the City to protect the community health, safety and general welfare; and WHEREAS, Article 3, Section 3.7 of the UDC allows the City of Cibolo to amend the UDC as necessary, in accordance with the requirements of Chapter §211 of the Texas Local Government Code to protect the community health, safety and general welfare; and WHEREAS, two public hearings were held to discuss proposed amendments to Article 4, Section of the UDC, pertaining to the FM 78 Mixed Use Overlay District Regulations; with the first public hearing being conducted by the Planning and Zoning Commission on February 12, 2014 in the Cibolo City Hall; and, the second public hearings being conducted by City Council on February 25, 2014 in the Cibolo City Hall; each being conducted for the purpose of providing all interested persons the opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed amendmentstotheUnified Development Code;and WHEREAS, legal notice notifying the public of both public hearings and the section of the UDC for which amendments will be considered, was published in the Seguin Gazette, a newspaper of.general .circulation in the-City of Cibolo, on January 26 and January 29, 2014, with said publications provided more than fifteen (15) days prior to the.initial public hearing of the City Council as cited above; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of proposed amendments to Article 4, Section of the UDC, pertaining to the FM 78 Mixed Use Overlay District'Regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Council fmds and determines that the proposed amendment to the UDC Was fully reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and accurately reflects the land development policies of the City Council. NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION 1. ADOPTION (a) Article 4, Section of the UDC, pertaining to the FM 78 Mixed Use Overlay District Regulations, is herby amended as follows: Permitted and Prohibited Uses 1. All uses described in the MURE district shall be permitted in this mixed use district, with the exception of uses permitted in the I-1 and I-2 districts and any expressly prohibited MURE use; subject to all of the performance standards, guidelines and standards of the- MURE .district, including setbacks,. building height, buffers, and transitional standards. In addition to the permitted uses of the underlying district, the following additional uses are permitted within the FM 78 District boundary, as prescribed below: A. Townhouse, apartment and condominium residential, to N tis-per- aEre developmet density,.prov4ded giat this use takes aeeess ffem a loea4,pubhe poeet and not from a.eolleeteT or arte-ria4 stfeas ped on the Thoroughfare re D'ffln. development may be permitted in this overlay district only subject to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP)by Cit X Council in accordance with all .of the Conditional Use Permit procedural requirements specified in Article 3 of this UDC. B. Vertical-Mixed Use: Upper-story residential.use is permitted, provided that the ground level of the building, is occupied by non-residential uses, and subject to therg anting of a Conditional Use Permit for said residential uses as described in Section of this UDC. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY If any section,subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid,such decision shill not affect the validity of the remaining portion of the ordinance; and SECTION 3. REPEAL All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with any of the provisions.of this ordinance are hereby repealed insofar as the same is in conflict with the provisions hereof, and SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall.be effective from and after February 25, 2014. PASSED AND APPROVED this,.the 25th day of February 2014. Lisa M. Jackso ,Mayor ATTEST: Peggy Cimics, City Secretary