ORD 1195 01/10/2017 0 IF C) r`_ O T £ XA5 ORDINANCE 11955 AN ORDINANCE ASSIGNING A PERMANENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 379 WEIL ROAD, COMPRISED OF APPROXIMATELY SEVEN (7) ACRES FROM AGRICULTURAL HOMESTEAD (AG) TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) TO ALLOW USES WITHIN THE TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (TF-1); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Section 211.004 provides that zoning regulations and district boundaries must be adopted in accordance with a duly adopted Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Section 211.002 authorizes the City of Cibolo,as a home-rule municipality to adopt,repeal or amend zoning district boundaries in order to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the City;and WHEREAS, Section 9.02 of the City Charter of the City of Cibolo also provides that the City Council with the authority to fix City zoning district boundaries by ordinance,and provide for the alteration of said boundaries in any manner provided by law;and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo received an application to rezone approximately seven (7) acres located at 379 Weil Road, from Agricultural (AG) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow uses allowed in the Two-Family Residential District(TF-1); and WHEREAS, two public hearings were held to discuss the rezoning to the real properties described herein; with the first public hearing being conducted by the Planning & Zoning Commission on Wednesday,December 14, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; and, the second public hearing being conducted by City Council on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; each being conducted for the purpose of providing all interested persons the opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed rezoning of seven (7) acres from AG to PUD, as described herein and depicted in Exhibit"A";and WHEREAS, legal notice notifying the public of both public hearings on the property proposed to be rezoned, was published in the Seguin Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Cibolo, on November 27, 2016 and November 29, 2016, with said publications provided more than fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing before the City Council; and WHEREAS, written notice of the above public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission was sent to each owner of real property, as indicated on the approved tax roll of the City of Cibolo, within 200 feet of the properties to be rezoned, with said notice provided more than ten (10) days prior to the initial public hearing of the Planning and Zoning Commission as cited above; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended and the City Council, therefore determined that revising the zoning classifications of certain real properties located 379 Weil Road, from AG to PUD to allow uses allowed in the TF-1, as reflected in the attached Exhibit "A" would be in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and would be in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS: SECTION I. THAT the seven (7) acre property located at 379 Weil Road shall be rezoned from Agricultural (AG) to Planned Unit Development(PUD) to allow uses allowed in the Two-Family Residential District (TF-1), a depiction of which is more specifically defined on Exhibit"A". SECTION II THAT subject to the conditions stated in Section III, the zoning map of the City of Cibolo is hereby amended to reflect the new zoning designations created by this Ordinance, as shown on Exhibit "B", attached hereto; provided all other applicable requirements of the Cibolo Unified Development Code are followed. SECTION III THAT all uses and development standards of the Two-Family Residential District (TF-1) zoning district designations of the Cibolo Unified Development Code, as amended, shall govern the development of the seven (7) acres of the residential in accordance with this Planned Unit Development, Concept Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and further provided that compliance with the recommended conditions of the P&Z are achieved. Said conditions are as follows: 1. Maximum of 18 residential lots. 2. Maximum of 4 residential lots with a minimum lot width at front building setback line of 65 feet and a minimum overall lot area of 8,775 square feet. 3. Minimum side building setback line at 7.5 feet for all residential lots. SECTION IV THAT all references herein to the Cibolo Unified Development Code -shall mean the Cibolo Unified Development Code as may be amended, re-codified or otherwise revised and such amendment, recodification or other revision shall apply to this Planned Unit Development. SECTION V THAT all provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cibolo not herein amended or repealed shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI THAT all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent that they are in conflict. SECTION VII THAT this ordinance is not severable. SECTION VIII THIS ordinance will take effect upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. PASSED,APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS /0 DAY OF 2017. Allen Dunn Mayor, City of Cibolo ATTEST: '7 Peggy --�-�-�- Peggy Cimics City Secretary, City of Cibolo EXHIBIT A: Rezoning Exhibit(Legal Description) DAM=YEP. LAND SURVEYING�----- METES A11411)BOUNDS I)ESCRIPTION FOR A 7,377 ACRE TRACT OF LAND "ZONNG" B cin g 7.377 acres of land situated in the Sexto Domingum Survey No. 152,Abstract 10,Guadalupe County, Texas and consisting of a 1.71 acre tract of land recorded in Volume 4159,Page 1 a22 of the Official Public Records of Guadalupe County,Texas,a 0.517 acre tract of land as recorded in Volume 4159,Page 1024 of the Official Public Records of Guadalupe County,Texas,and a 5.15 acre tract of land as recorded in Volume 4159, Page 1020 of the Official Public records of Guadalupe County,Texas,and said 7.377 acre tract of land beine more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Northwesterly line of Weil Road,being the Southerly comer of a 5.8 acne tract of Iand as conveyed to Clarence Belleveau,and recorded in Volume 544,Page 44,of the Official Public Records of Guadalupe County,Texas,being the Easterly comer of said 1.71 acre tract,and being the Easterly comer of this herein described 7.377 acre tract of land; Thcnce with deed calls,along the Northwesterly line of We Road,S 600 09'00"W a distance of 150.00 feet to a point for the Southerly corner of said 1.71 acre tract,being the Easterly corner of said 0.51 acre tract of land, and a corner in the Southeasterly line of this herein described 7,377 acre tract of land; Thence continuing with the Northwesterly line of Neil Road,5 60156'56"W a distance of 150.00 feet to a point for the Southerly corner of said 031 acre tract,being the Southeasterly comer of said 5.15 acre tract,and being a corner along the Southeasterly line of this herein described 7.377 acre tract of land; Thence continuiuga along the Northwesterly line of Weil Read,S 601 00'W a distance of 357.25 feet to a point for the Easterly corner of a 4.92 acre tract of land conveyed to Thomas Group,as recorded.in Volume 1178, Page 240,of the Official Public Records of Guadalupe County,Teras,being the Southerly corner of said 5.15 acre tract of land,and beim the Southerly corner of this herein described 7.377 acre tract of land; Thence departing the Northwesterly line of Weil Road,with the Northeasterly line of said 4.92 acre tract, N 270 54'03"W a distance of 496.99 feet to a point in the Southeasterly line of a 6,475 acre tract conveyed to Jessica Silveyra,as recorded in DocumentNo.2014019710,of the Official Public Records of Guadalupe County,Texas,being the Northerly corner of said 4.92 acre tract,being the Westerly comer of said 5.15 acre tract,and the Westerly corner of this herein described 7.377 acre tract of land; Thence with the Southeasterly line of said 6.075 acre tract,N 600 00'E a distance of 486.61 feet to a point for the Easterly comer of said 6.075 acre tract,being a Southerly corner of Cibolo Vistas Phase 1,as recorded in Volume 7,Pages 308309,ofthe Map and Plat Records,Guadalupe County,Texas,being the Northerly comer of said 5.15 acre tract,being the Westerly corner of saidl.71 acre tract,and being in the Northwesterly line of this herein described 7.377 acre tract of land; Exhibit A: Rezoning Exhibit(Legal Description Cont.) Thence along the Southeasterly line of said Cibolo Vistas,Phase 1,N 6010 04'H a distance of 150.00 feet to a point for the Westerly corner of said 5.8 acre tract,being the Northerly corner of said 1.71 acre tract,and beim the Northerly corner of this herein described 7.377 acre tract of land; The=along the Southwesterly litre of said 5.8 acre tract,S 300 13'E a distance of 496.72 feet to the Paint of Beginning and containing this herein described 7.377 acre tract of land; "This document was prepared under 22 TAC §663.21,does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those frights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared-if Bearings based on recorded deed information located in the official Public Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. OF Drew A.Mpy awyer '� ^r� Registered Professional Laud Surveyor No.5348 �•� �,� TBPLS Firm Registration#10191500, ."".............p.�. 132 Caddell,Nmv Braunfels,TX 78130 �t7_R�Vti SfA004-7377ACZDNWG y AA i GEORGE E t1 - �pe I =. u >d sr� .JO/NRiV $LLR R IEAILLGES LLC I 10-t460 . .�T' @�...)IJt . 0— „,_ O1 � IIEARAGf O iE]IAS ILC -g,�L ��,/ ”. aim .�M i;/ 7Ta4T1 140.114 4 PROP D ERI91 Noun TE `t ilf TE7f118 LL POD-0:426" it76w. !SL R C .,.JESSICA.,.JESSICAiIECTORi AWMRO Y■LVETRA "P , H tin r •. � PID tYT76 n t ti RS$MEa IEA PID.tRITK PROP K) , 0w. Ro RTS IS. 81ANK TIMOTHr ow 02514— Cl RMITIAJI t>Mu t n, PROP 10 1424M a" CRESTA A IAT55 T .LLC , EVERT KEVINJ --i s./ y t O OE . t RAKAT '?hL ;.,..' `,+ ,'.�.�.............�. .... 664 s 'R - vlwvtrtmea �` ~x): PROP 0..i� f�BIMIS tItRRARA Kir � .+� PROPS 62M GROUP THOMAS R i L AN - GROUP TTNMIAS A t L JAN � � S16 i6' OfIt.EVEAO CURENCE EICI 4A2— QSi ' f F t :. ..... ;.::.... ••. �T�I1�.T.•L �:_. WEITKACR IDINMG ODtIKR cwOMA rx • 41 � � • ►ROIECT Ntt WIOP IO:amPROP 10'.BiMIY PROP n:8" PROP 10 lIS OF NAT LUIHERLM CHURCH 2 LATONVPROPER IES LLC YW,ERYI" 'uum TR PEARSONS" `";»'"-""g GSys w, ,03w- ISM EXHIBIT B: Updated Official Zoning Map -City Of Cibolo, Texas - iiL • a � - }{. '( .ri Pep E. �mereCrriu.t2 5^t �+.. .tea�e`,0-M+•F Pn- �S f r = rrnr� j i. on 65nw _ .'� ,. .a S I I Ll1.faLalbia� ti � I � { r a _ V ao ti OFFICIAL ZONING MAP u oCity of 10 2010 ,�,�io. on 0 05 1 2 7'e x^5 124.000 Miles pF C� C) r o 1 T£ XAS "City of Choice" City Council Meeting Date: January 10, 2017 From: Rudolph F. Klein IV, P.E., Director of Planning & Engineering Subject: Zoning Petition I Ordinance 379 Weil Road—Permanent Zoning of 7 acres to PUD(including TF-1) Owner: Barbara Kay Dennis Applicant: JHFS Holdings, LLC by Jack Scanio Representative: Moeller&Associates by James Ingells Area: 6.86 acres Location: 379 Weil Road Council District: 7 Proposed Zoning: Planned Unit Development(PUD) Proposed Uses: Two-Family Residential (TF-2)—Duplexes Attachments: Rezoning Ordinance & Applicant Narrative Background/History: The City Council and P&Z Commission held public hearings on December 13'h and December 14"' respectively, to hear public testimony on the voluntary annexation of the seven (7) acres, including the .672 acre homestead, generally located east of FM 1103 and north along Weil Road. In anticipation of the annexation the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council held/will hold public hearings on December 14, 2016 and January 10, 2017, respectively, to hear public testimony concerning the assignment of PUD permanent zoning for the seven (7) acres as described within the attached ordinance. Staff was approached by the applicants about the possibility of placing residential duplexes at the below subject tracts located at 379 Weil Road. The site is currently within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ):with uses including agricultural and a homestead. The applicant is requesting annexation and permanent zoning of PUD to provide alternative housing choices that are currently unavailable to the community. The PUD request does not include the .672 acre homestead as temporary Agricultural zoning will be applied pending permanent zoning designations at a later date. Please see provided narrative on the proposed lot configuration of the subdivision. Find ingslCurrent Activity: I The subject tracts are located along Weil Road with surrounding uses/zoning as follows: 1. North I • Cibolo Vistas, Single Family Residential(SF-2) 2. East • Vacant, ETJ 3. South (across Weil Rd.) ti • AG/Residential, ETJ Little Co.wys 4. West a • AG/Daycare, ETJ The recently adopted Future Land Use Map indicates the property to have Commercial and Neighborhood Residential. The proposed transitional residential would serve as an appropriate buffer between the existing/proposed uses and the realignment/extension of the future FM 1103. s 1 3 Public Notice: , 1, y Per TLGC, the proposed rezoning notice was published within the local newspaper and provided to seven (7) property owners within 200' of the site. C OF To exceed these minimum requirements, Staff placed signage on site (see PQ Ic photo) and sent property owners notice by certified mail. Following this process, to date, Staff has received no letters in favor of or in opposition to the request. P &Z Recommendation: On December 14, 2016, the Planning &Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing, to solicit public testimony regarding the rezoning. Following staff's presentation, the public hearing opened for citizen comment whereas one (1) citizen expressed concerns about the durability of the public notice signs. (In review by staff) By a vote 6-1, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the proposed rezoning with the following conditions: 1. Maximum of 18 residential lots. 2. Maximum of 4 residential lots with a minimum lot width at front building setback line of 65 feet and a minimum overall lot area of 8,775 square feet. 3. Minimum side building setback line at 7.5 feet for all residential lots. City Council Action Options: 1. Approve the proposed Zoning Ordinance of approximately 7 acres at 379 Weil Road to a Planned Unit Development(PUD), as recommended by the P&Z Commission. 2. Deny the request. Recommendation: 1. Approve the proposed Zoning Ordinance of approximately 7 acres at 379 Weil Road to a Planned Unit Development(PUD), as recommended by the P&Z Commission. J- n Rudolph F. Klein IV, P.E. Lisa Gonzalez Director of Planning&Engineering City Planner Rklein(a)cibolotx.gov Laonzalez@cibolotx.gov 210-658-9900 x 3139 210-658-9900 x 3141 t 1 i - .,, SITE Future Land Use Map(2016 Master Plan update) Current Official Zoning Map Neighborhood Residential Commercial 2 Weil Duplex Subdivision Planned Development District (RMHPDD) Narrative REQUEST The applicant is requesting a Planned Development District ("PDD") with a Base Zoning TF-1 of the proposed 6.86ac tract to allow for the development of a duplex residential community. The current TF-1 zoning district requires a minimum 75' lot width with a 9,000 square foot lot area. The proposed community will consist of lots consistent with the TF-1 zoning, only with a 65ft lot width minimum. The proposed typical 65'x135' lot in Weil Duplex Subdivision is 8,775 square feet in area. We are proposing to revise the current TF-1 district requirements to a minimum 65' lot width, 8,775 sf minimum lot area allowing duplex dwellings along with the implementation of several other PDD standards with this PDD. We respectfully request consideration of the proposed Planned Development District for the 6.86 acres of land located off Weil Rd. BASE ZONING DISTRICT The Weil Duplex Subdivision will have the base zoning requirements of the TF-1 zoning district as described in the current zoning ordinance of the City of Cibolo. The PDD will revise the minimum lot widths set forth in the current zoning standards for an TF-1 zoning district. Development Standards The general development standards per land use areas as follows: Land Use: Standard TF-1 Zoning Weil Duplex PDD Base Zoning: TF-1 TF-1 Minimum Lot Width: 75 Feet Wide 65 Feet Wide Minimum Lot Depth: 120 Feet 135 Feet Minimum Lot Area 9,000 Square Feet 8,775 Square Feet Minimum Front Setback: 25 Feet 25 Feet Minimum Side Setback: 10 Feet 7.5 Feet Minimum Rear Setback: 10 Feet 10 Feet AMON— LITAA&GEORGEEIII 6.068 ec. ROP ID:147756 �F^{a•^+�' ' PROP ID:62737 _ PROP ID:1477 PR - -- I S pR LI JOHN R 8 V I SHARHON6A RE N$AMERITAGE HO XAS LLC (P OP ID:14 460 -�-"-'0.1 HERITAGE HOMES TEXAS LIC .` 0.1222 a ROP ID:14704' � R 48459 PROP ID:62738 ERITAG HOMES ONWEX 4L - - t --: - E�, ES OF TEXAS LL PRO ID:62644 SILVEYRA JESSICA&HECTOR&AMPARO M SILVEYRA 0 as eURKE 6 ac.C&R 0 6.075 ac. �.^ LEXAND R D L&TYS IMA Y 26 ac. _ P ID:147775 0.12 c. FL PERS KYLE&MEA AN PROP ID:1 78 PROP ID:1484 0 ac. RO ERTS P L BLANK SHIP TIMOTHY ClRISTIAN 0 ac. 0.251 Jae �J' P OP 10:147 76- - P, OP ID:1484 r - PROP ID:148468 BERT GLE"JR CRYSTA-R M R17AGE HOIES OF T AS LLC EVERT KEVIN _ 0 ac. ,.. i PROP ID:62648 DENNIS BARBARA KAY ' 1.558 ac. PROP ID:62647 v PROP ID:62645 -PROP 10:63646 DENNIS BARBARA KAY PROPID:62639 GROUP THOMAS R&L JAN GROUP THOMASM&L JAN 5'15 a°' .^ BEL VEAU.LA: E&C L i 4.92 ac, "' a. —__ • PRCID 62649 ® 0 DE 6ARA lOEM= O aI ! ..�� . .r --- OFAFILTNACT IONINCtXHMII CIHOLO.TX '16k rle 7 PROJECT SITE PROP ID:66320 PROP ID:66469 PROP ID:66273 + PROP 10:66. $S OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ZLATONY PROPERTIES LLC - SULLEN BRIAN&ELIZABETH PEARSON SHI 8.75 ac. 10.396 ac. 19.08 ac. 1 ac. • Marion t PROP ID:62737 ,,,.^^^ NANGELITA A1 GEORGE_EIN --—_ 6.068 ac. PROP ID 1377 ROP ID:197756 PR ---- -- SORR LL JOHN R&V I SHARHOO R NEAMERITAGE HO XAS LLC 1Pf IOP ID:14 460 ) ,a:n r•,m, ; 0-.- 0.1 MERITAGE HOMES OF TEXAS LLC 0.1222 ad tROP ID:1474' -- ' R 48459 PROP 10:62738 ERITAG HOMES OWEX (,L , . rk E ES OF TEXAS LL PRO ID:62644 f „ SILVEYRA JESSICA&HECTOR&AMPARO M SILVEYRA • 0ac. +. 5 e'——ft BURKE 0 NIEL C&R C 6.075 ac. ,, '' LEXAND R DL&TYSI IIMA V 26 ac. ••• OF 10:147775 0.12 c. FL DER$KYLE&MEA AN PR PID'1 711 PROP ID:1484 { 0 ac. RO ERTS P L BLANK SHIP TIMOTHY CHRISTIAN ' 0 ac. 0.2514LW, 4 --P OP ID:147 76 PI tOP ID:1484 PROP ID 198468 BERT GLEN•6Y-JR CRYSTA-R y M RITA GE ROWS OF T AS LLC EVERT KEVIN J f - i i'. I P ID:62648 "- DENNIS ARBARA KAY I� 1558 ac. ,. AC•9 ,....,, Ywsxx.'�a"i �.,,�,� �i , PROP ID:62647 DENNIS BARBARA KAY PROP ID:62645 PROP 14: PROP ID:62639 GROUP THOMAS R&L JAN GROUP iHQ`M6J�L°dAN , 6.15 ac. BEL VERU CLARENGE E&C L 3.92 ac. 0.5� T )q 5.8 ac. O , •PRTP ID:62649 DEN II Zap.40 �A , 1 g11 SAI iib _ . WFIL TRACTZONING EXHIBIT SAO CIBOLO,TX Cliff t • 1 PROJECT SITE PROP ID:66320 PROP ID:66469 PROP ID:66273 PROP ID:66. r-*rvSS OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ZLATONY PROPERTIES LLC BULLEN BRIAN&ELIZABETH PEARSON SHI 8.75 ac. 10.396 ea 19.08 ac. 1 ac. .... • MarionMicrmoft �. i If