ORD 1160 05/24/2016 �l0Al_kllIF/I/Ii c 1 4O! z '''''Iilililp//IIIIIl1 p 111�+ T � X Af' ORDINANCE NO. 1160 PROVIDING FOR THE DISANNEXATION OF APPROXIMATELY 0.828 ACRES, BEING WEST OF STOLTE ROAD, SOUTH OF LOWER SEGUIN ROAD, EAST OF HAECKERVILLE ROAD AND NORTH OF VALLEY VIEW, WITHIN THE EXISTING CITY LIMIT BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS; THE REFUND OF AD VALOREM TAXES; AND THE ADOPTION OF AN UPDATED CITY OF CIBOLO CITY LIMITS/ETJ MAP REFLECTING THE DISANNEXATION. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Section 43.142 provides that a home-rule municipality may disannex an area in the municipality according to rules as may be provided by the charter of the municipality and not inconsistent with the procedural rules prescribed by Chapter 43; and WHEREAS; Section 1.04 of the City Charter provides that the City may disannex territory by ordinance after a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the owner of certain territory within the City's Corporate limits has petitioned City Council to disannex the territory; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, approved Ordinance 997 on October 25, 2011, annexing 523.79 acres south of FM 78 into the City of Cibolo, including the 0.828 acres owned by Kathy G. Tackett; and WHEREAS, at the time that Ordinance 997 was approved by the City Council, the 0.828 acre parcel owned by Kathy G. Tackett, referenced as GCAD Parcel 63364 was within the City of Cibolo ETJ and eligible to enter into a Non-Annexation Agreement for said 0.828 acre tract that was the homestead of GCAD Parcel 63363 with a lawfully granted Agricultural Exemption by the GCAD; and WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code section 43.035(b)(1) stipulates that a municipality must offer to make a development agreement with landowners eligible under TLGC 43.035(a)(2) to guarantee the continuation of the extraterritorial status of the area; and WHEREAS, the 0.828 acres owned by Kathy Tackett in GCAD Parcel Number 63364 and the 20.547 acres also owned by Kathy Tackett in GCAD Parcel Number 63363 did- in fact qualify under Texas Local Government Code section 43.035(b)(1) to be offered development Page 1 agreements under TLGC 43.035(a)(2), with Ms. Tackett being legally informed of this fact and executing a non-annexation agreement on said properties on September 19, 2011; and -WHEREAS, Ms. Tackett became aware of City of Cibolo taxes being added to said GCAD Parcel Number 63364 as her property was not listed as exempted from the 523.79 acre annexation tract per Ordinance 997; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo recently became-aware of all of these circumstances by Ms. Tackett and a detailed examination of the chain of events described above; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo, after discovering these unique circumstances, hereby finds and determines that it would be right and appropriate, and the best interest of the City of Cibolo, to disannex Ms. Tackett's tract totaling 0.828 acres described herein effective immediately; and, to the extent permitted by law,retroactively effective as of October 25, 2011; and to amend the City of Cibolo City Limits/ETJ Map accordingly; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo, finds that due.to the unique circumstances it is appropriate to refund the ad valorem taxes collected; and WHEREAS, the petitioner acknowledges, and City Council finds, that the territory to be disannexed does not include the disannexation of a road or highway; and WHEREAS, before City Council +a took action on this Ordinance a hearing was held on May 24, 2016, to allow members of the public give testimony and express opinions as to the merits of the disannexation. NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The -land and territory lying within the City of Cibolo, Texas, more particularly described in Exhibits `A' and `B', attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby subtracted and disannexed out of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and said territory, as described, shall hereafter not be included within the boundary limits of said City, and the present boundary limits of said City, at the various .points contiguous to the area described in Exhibits `A' and `B'. The City of Cibolo City Limits/ETJ Map is subsequently amended-to subtract the property described in Exhibits "A" and`B" and is revised as depicted in Exhibit"C". SECTION 2. The land and territory more particularly described on Exhibits `A' and `B' attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, shall be excluded as a part of the City of Cibolo, Texas and inhabitants thereof shall not be entitled to any of the rights and privileges as citizens and shall not be bound by the acts, ordinances; resolutions, and regulations of the City of Cibolo, Texas. SECTION 3. The City Manager is authorized and directed to refund to the property owner the ad valorem taxes collected by the City through Guadalupe County Tax Office during the period the property was annexed. Page 2 SECTION 4. This ordinance shallbe effective immediately; and,to the extent permitted by law, shall be retroactively effective as of October 25, 2011. PASSED AND APPROVED this, the 24th day of May 2016. MAYOR Allen Dunn ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY SECRETARY CITY ATTORNEY Peggy Cimics DNRBH&Z P.C. Page 3 EXHIBIT A(Field Notes) DISANNEXATION AREA METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION Field Notes for an approximate 0.828 Acre tract of land out of the Jose Flores Survey, Abstract No. 134, to be disannexed out the City of Cibolo, Guadalupe County-, Texas; said 0.828 Acres of land is adjacent to and/or surrounded by the existing City Limits or ETJ of the City of Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas; COMMENCING: At a point being on the City Limit line of the City of Cibolo, more specifically on the southwest Right of Way line of Haeckerville Rd., said point being the most northern corner of a 20.547 acre tract listed in Guadalupe County Appraisal District, Account No: 63363; THENCE: Leaving said Right of Way of Haeckerville Rd and along with the northwest of Line of the said 20.547 acre tract a distance of 1,670.16 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING for the herein described 0.828 acre tract, said point being the most northern corner of said 0.828 acre tract listed in Guadalupe County Appraisal District, Account No. 63364; 3 THENCE: Into the above mentioned 20.547 acre tract with the northeast line of said 0.828 acre tract a distance of 169.94 feet to a point, said point also being the most eastern comer-of said 0.828 acre tract; THENCE: Along with the southeastern line of said 0.828 acre tract a distance of 212.76 feet to a point, said point also being the most southern corner of said 0.828 acre tract; THENCE: Along with the southwestern line of said 0.828 acre tract a distance of 169.83 feet to a point said point also being the most western corner of said 0.828 acre tract, said point also being on the southeast line of a 44.344 acre tract listed in Guadalupe County Appraisal District, Account No. 69626; THENCE: Along with the northwest line of said 0.828 acre tract a distance of 212.33 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing.0.828 acres of land more or less. Page 4 �. C, :(TVLR SEC•UIV Rn. N m 2 d ......�.._. X Er W J G'4=t u raeAnaN rnx. � O z FREAD LNC 0 � x DME LM. cr, c y z � r� QT5CZECX. AID L EMM }69626 LEGEND 0,96I5CLECX,pANLmwIRU O __ /69020stiO Cibolo City Limit 1 Ik:XLIT.xAlW'!on GK N` Cibolo r6xn3 Non Annexation - - PROPERTY TO BE OISANNEXED «< Agreement TACKETT, KATHY G. /83384 Guadalupe County (0.828 AC.) »� #63364 Appraisal District Property 10 No. * TMS EXHIBIT C UPDATED CITY OF CIBOLO CITY LIMITS/ETJ MAP �as.. f i EXPLAINATION I �cmorcftlo Fa _ " • _-•., -'CDdo ETJ _._ .._.I NonAmenlion City o/Marion ETJ son Aniorm ETJ KwAsombumb 1 i 0 w , unsw r M m P OF< CITY OF CIBOLO n.��.owrs..waw ma.w ..:armour oa m aror4o�ear_m Nwab rn.,a mew OVERALL ANNEXATION MAP o� May 24,2016 Page 6