ORD 1148 01/12/2016 0Cec4 R � X Rti� ORDINANCE NO. 1148 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'T'Y OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, PROVIDING- FOR THE FIRST AMENDMENT OF THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2015-20169 BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, .2015, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2016; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE IS CUMULATIVE OF ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING SAVINGS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo; Guadalupe County, Texas; passed and approved Ordinance Number 1139 on September 8; 2015, and thereby adopted the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Annual Budget; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the municipality-of Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas, may amend the budget from time to time; and WHEREAS,projects budgeted in the prior year were not completed in the prior year and therefore expenditures were not made resulting in an increase to fund balance; and WHEREAS, it is necessary, at this time, to make the first amendment to the Fiscal Year 2015- 2016 Annual-Budget to increase expenditures for the fiscal year for completion of these projects. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE. CITY-COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO,.TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION That the above and foregoing premises are true and correct and.are incorporated herein and made part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. ADOPTION - That the approved and adopted budget for-Fiscal Year 2015-2016, is hereby amended as specified in Exhibit A attached hereto. SECTION 3. CUMULATIVE CLAUSE That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of the City-of Cibolo,Texas,except where the provisions of this Ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of.such Ordinances, in which event the more restrictive provision shall apply. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council of the City of Cibolo that the phrases, clauses, sentences,,paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance should- be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality-shall not affect any of-the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences,paragraphs or sections-of this Ordinance, since the same-would have been enacted by the City Council without incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 5. SAVINGS That.all rights and privileges of the City of Cibolo are expressly saved as to.any and all violations of the provisions of any Ordinances affecting the annual budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016,which. have accrued at the time of the effective date of this-Ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not; under such Ordinances, same shall not be affected by this Ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE That this Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon the passage and approval of the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED by a vote of 7 for to 0 against this 12th day of January, 2016. APPROVED: �A Allen Dunn,Mayor ATTEST: Peggy Cimics, City Secretary GENERAL FUND FY 15 FY 15 POSITIVE/ FY 16 FY 16 FY 16 REVISED ACTUAL (NEGATIVE) Balance to Amount added ADOPTED BUDGET AFTER. BUDGET AFTER BUDGET RESULTS VARIANCE Roll Forward to FY 16 Reason BUDGET INTERNAL XFERS AMENDMENT 1 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 5,389,823 5,388;343 (1,480) 4,909,604 5,706,102 5,706,102 REVENUES: GENERAL TAXES AND FRANCHISE FEES 6,335,868 6,352;605 16,736 6,888;p00 6,888,000 6,888,000 PERMITS AND FEES 2,020,112 2,221,878 201,766 2,101,000 2,101,000 2,101,000 ANIMAL CONTROL 15,990 18,619 2,629 13,800 13,800 13,800 COURT AND ALARM FEES 267,079 291,027 23,947 275,500 275,500 275,500 INTEREST AND MISCELLANEOUS 30,373 34,994 4,621 30,225 30,225 30,225 PARKS AND GRANTS 55,892 174,756 118,864 43,000 43,000 43,000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AND TRANSFERS 413,538 418,622 5,083 6,275 440,756 440,756 447,031 SUBTOTAL REVENUES 9,138,853 9,512,500 373,647. 6,275 9,792,281 9,792,281 91798,556 EXPENDITURES: CITY MANAGER 262,521 262,745 (224) 274,955 281,529 281,529 CITY COUNCIL 10,593 8,550 2,043 10,900 10,900 10,900 CITY SECRETARY 370,854 308,780 62,074 397;628 397,563 397,563 POLICE DEPARTMENT 3,001,683 2,953,906 47,777 3,434,985 3,430,960 3,430,960 POLICE-ISD PROGRAM 157,381 147,449 9,932 158,012 157,772 157,772 MUNICIPALCOURT 172,160 162,740 9,420 188,064 188,032 188,032 PLANNING&ENGINEERING SERVICES 939,448 841,454 97,994 46,344 46,344 * 926,918 927,807 974;151 PUBLIC WORKS 877,441 815,787 61,654 34,200 23,625 @ 1,003,923 997,859 1,021,484 ANIMALSERVICES 130,222 124,100 6,122 187,639 187,742 187,742 PARKS 575,964 '558,543 17,421 6,775 23,625 @ 685,119 683,833 707,458 FINANCE 350,863 339,958 10,905 370,287 370,206 370,206 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 316,791 239,114 77,677 77,338 77,338 & 336,147 336,075 413,413 HUMAN RESOURCES 112,709 99,801 12,908 125,720 125,689 125,689 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1,973,972 1;972,395 1,577 1,500 1,500 # 21135,205 2,132,327 2,133,827 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1 366,471 359,419 7,052 7,000 7,000 ^ 712,250 719,461 . 726,461 SUBTOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,619,072 9,194,741 424,331 173,157' 179,432 10,947,753 10,947,755 11,127,187 CHANGE'IN FUND BALANCE (480,219) 317,759 797,979 (173,157) (173,157) (1,155,472) (1,155,474) (1,328,631) ENDING FUND BALANCE 4,909,604 5,706;102 796,499 3,754,132 4,550,628 4,377,472 * Master plan spans two fiscal years @ PW Bldg exp spans multiple years & Point to point connectivity project delayed # Fire Chief's truck ^ Kronos implementation delayed to fiscal year 2016 UTILITY FUND FY 15 FY 15 POSITIVE/ FY 16 FY.16 FY 16 REVISED ACTUAL (NEGATIVE) Balance to Amount added ADOPTED BUDGET AFTER BUDGET AFTER BUDGET RESULTS VARIANCE Roll Forward to FY 16 Reason BUDGET INTERNAL XFERS„ AMENDMENT 1 (BUDGET BASIS) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 2,834,808 2,834,808 - 2,627,340 3,330,918 3,330,918 REVENUES: SALES AND SERVICES 8,445,597 8,821,886 376;290 9,288,918. 9,288,918 9,288,918 FEES AND RENTAL 46,538 47,897 1,359 43,950 43,950 43,950 CREDIT CARD FEES 47,272 51,405 4,133 51,100 51,100 51,100 INTEREST AND MISCELLANEOUS 16,236 19,924 3,688 9,700 9,700 9,700 SALE OF MATERIAL 7,913 420,618 412,705 (380,000) (380,000) 381,800 381,800 1,800 TRANSFERS 54.4,885 544,887 2 17,825 325,000 325;000 342,825 . SUBTOTAL REVENUES 9,108,440 9,906,617 798,177 (380,000.00) (362,175.00) 10,100,468 10,100,468 9,738,293 EXPENDITURES: UTILITI,ES'ADMINISTRATION 7,279,327 7,307,631 (28,304) 34,758 34,758. * 8,066,372 8,066,372 81101,130 UTILITIES OPERATIONS 1,037,961 1,003,915 34,046 5,800 23,625: @ 1,034,923 1,034,923 1,058,548 OTHER EXPENSE/DEBT SERVICE 998,620 997,969 651 993;897 993,897 993,897 SUBTOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,315,908 9,309,515 6,393 40,558 58,383 10,095,192 10,095,192 10,153,575 CHANGE IN RESERVED.FOR DEBT (100,992) (100,992) (100,992) (100199.2) (100,992) CHANGE IN FUND'BALANCE (207,468) 496,110 .703,577 (420,558) (420,558) 5,276 5,276 (415,282) ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,627,340 3,330,918 703,577 2,531,624 3,235,202 2,814,644 i * Master plan spans two fiscal years 4 @ 'PW Bldg exp spans multiple years DRAINAGE UTILITY DISTRICT FY 15 FY 15 FY 16 FY 16 FY 16 REVISED ACTUAL Balance to Amount added ADOPTED BUDGETAFTER BUDGETAFTER BUDGET RESULTS VARIANCE Roll Forward to FY 16 Reason BUDGET INTERNALXFERS AMENDMENT 1 (BUDGET BASIS) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 273,660 273,660 - 150,730 254,149 254,149 REVENUES: SALES AND SERVICES 452,629 454,048 1;419 490,800 490,800 490,800 INTEREST AND MISCELLANEOUS 100 112 12 - - - TRANSFERS - - (24,100) - - (24,160) SUBTOTAL REVENUES 452,729 454,160 1,431 (24,100) 490,800 490,800 466,700 EXPENDITURES: DRAINAGE OPERATIONS 575;659 473,671 101,988 59,311 35,211 *@ 490,338: 490,339 525,550 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (122,930) (19,511) 103,419 (59,311) (59,311) 462 461 (58,850). ENDING FUND BALANCE 150,730 254,149 103,419 151,192 254,610 195,299 * Master plan spans two,fiscal years @ PW Bldg exp spans multiple years ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FY 15 FY 15 FY 16 FY 16 FY 16 REVISED ACTUAL Balance to Amount added ADOPTED BUDGET AFTER BUDGETAFTER BUDGET RESULTS VARIANCE Roll Forward to FY'16 Reason BUDGET INTERNAL XFERS AMENDMENT 1 BEGINNING.FUND BALANCE 347,074 347,073 (1) .173;524 298,128 298,128 REVENUES: SALES TAX 240,000 241,491 1,491 325,000 325,000 325,000 INTEREST AND MISCELLANEOUS 132 153 21 150 150 150 TRANSFERS 120,000 120,000 - 120,000 120,000 120,000 SUBTOTAL REVENUES 360,132 361,644 1,512 - 445,150 445,150 445;150 EXPENDITURES: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 533,682 410,589 123,093 101,790 101,790 * 449,028 449,027 550,817 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (173,550) (48,945) 124,605 (101,790) (101,790) (3,878) (3,877) (105,667) ENDING FUND BALANCE 173,524 298,128 124,604 169,646 294,251 192,461 * Master plan/Strategic plan and corridor study spans two fiscal years FY 15 FY 15 FY 16 FY 16 REVISED ACTUAL Amount added ADOPTED BUDGETAFTER BUDGET RESULTS VARIANCE to FY 16 BUDGET AMENDMENT 1 FUND 30-STREET IMPACT FEES BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 452,966 452,965 (1) 288,161 348,328 REVENUES: INTEREST 195 224 29 200 200 SUBTOTAL REVENUES 195 224 29 200 200 EXPENDITURES: LAND ACQUISITION-GVR ROW 130,000 68,819 61,181 60,000 - 60,000 ENGINEERING-FM 1103 REALIGN 25,000 22,720 2,280 - 200,000 200,000 CONSTRUCTION-GVR'ROW 10,000 13,323 (3,323) - - - 165,000 1041-861 60,139 60,000 200,000 260,000 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (164,805) (104,637) 60,168 (60,000) (199,800) (259,800) ENDING FUND BALANCE 288,161 348,328 60,167 88,361 88,528 FUND 31-DRAINAGE IMPACT FEES BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 994,775 994,775 1,110,353 1,250,644 REVENUES: .IMPACT FEES .DRAINAGE 105,211 163,097 (2,115) 74,000 74,000 IMPACT FEES-DRAINAGE(2014) 204,458 225,811 21,353 142,100 142,100 INTEREST 1,909 1,949 40 2,000 2,000 SUBTOTAL REVENUES 311,578 330,857 19,279 218,100 218,100 EXPENDITURES: DRAINAGE IMPROV-TOWN CREEK - - - - 1,300,000 1,300,000 DRAINAGE IMPROV-TOLLE RD 171,000 73,413 97,587 60,000 - 60,000 ENGINEERING-TOLLERD 25,000 1,575 23,425 10;000 - 10,000 196,000 74,988 121,012 70;000 1,300,000 1,370,000 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 115,578 255,869 140,291 (70,000) (1,081,900) (1,151,900) ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,110,353 1,250,644 140,291 28,453 98,744 FY 15 FY 15 FY 16 FY 16 REVISED ACTUAL Amount added ADOPTED BUDGETAFTER BUDGET RESULTS VARIANCE to FY 16 BUDGET AMENDMENT 1 FUND 07-2006 TAX NOTES BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 55,829 55,829 55,858 REVENUES: INTEREST 21 29 8 15 15 SUBTOTAL REVENUES 21 29 8 15 15 EXPENDITURES: CONSTRUCTION-GVR(EbF 1103) 55,850 - 55,850 55,873 55,873- 55,850 - 55,850 551;873 SS,873 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (55,829) 29 55,858 (55,858) (55,858) ENDING FUND BALANCE - 55,858 55,858 FUND 54-2011 GO BONDS(BALL FIELDS) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 2,669,785 2,669,785 - 21283,257 2,471;511" REVENUES: INTEREST 3,865 3,960 95- 2,000 2,000 SUBTOTAL REVENUES 3,865 3,960 95 2,000 2;000 EXPENDITURES: LAND ACQUISTION 1,393 1,393 - - - ENGINEERING SERVICES 389,000 200,841 1.88,159 188,255 - 188,255 CONSTRUCTION - - - - 2,285,256 2,285,256 390,393 202,234 188,159 188,255 2,285,256 2,473,511 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (386,528) (198,274) 188,254 (188,255) (2,283,256) (2,471,511) ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,283,257 2,471,511 188,254 1 FUND 57-2013 GO BONDS(COMMUNITY CENTER] BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 4,798,969 4,798,969 - 4,488,500 4,775,186 REVENUES: INTEREST 14,141 15,490 1,349 11,500 11,500 SUBTOTAL REVENUES 14,141 15,490 1;349 - 11,500 11,500 EXPENDITURES: ENGINEERING SERVICES 324,610 39,273 285,337 286,686 - 286,686 CONSTRUCTION - - 4,500,000 4,500,000 324,610: 39,273 285,337 286,686 4,500,000 4,786,686 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (310,469) (23,783) 286,686 (286,686) (4,488,500) (4,775,186) ENDING FUND BALANCE 4,488,500 4,775,186 286,686 - - FUND 58-2014 GO BONDS(FIRE STATION) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 825,228 825,228 - 701,098 777,090 REVENUES: INTEREST -870 1,005 _ 135_ 500 500 SUBTOTAL REVENUES - 870 1,005 135 500 500 EXPENDITURES: ENGINEERING SERVICES 125,000 49,143 75,857 75,992 - 7S,992 CONSTRUCTION - - - - 701,598 701,598 125,000 49,143 75,857 75,992 701,598 777,590 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (124,130) (48,138) 75,992 (75,992) (701,098) (777,090) ENDING FUND BALANCE 701,098 777,090 75,992 -