Min CC 12/01/1966 - Special CITY OF CISOLO
Dec, 1, 1966
A special meeting of the council of the City of Cibolo, Texas was called by
Mayor M,O. Grooms on Dec, 1st 1966• Present for this meeting were® Mayor 1400
Grooms, Aldermen; De 0, Trotti, Karl Biser, Fred Niemietz, Ted Dykes and Alvin Liecke
City Sec, Fred 1I® Wi.ednera
Purpose of this meetin was to approve or dissapprove serveral requestd for
building permits., ,
House plan for Mrs, Cunn inghams house was presented by Fr ies enhahn Brothers
and after studying the plan, the mayor made a motion that a tentative approval be
given, to be made permanent after more specific information is given to the mayor
in regards to the construction material to be used in this plano This motion was
seconded and approveda (Said information requested has been presented to the mayor
and a permit has been granted to the Friesenhahn brothers for this residence on the
Edgar MM Brehm property)-
The mayor proposed that the plot for street layout construction Rhea subdivision
in the Southwestern part of the city between the old Schertz road and Farm Road 78
by the J, D, Jones Construction Coo be approved with the provision that a copy of
the restrictions and proposals for future construction in this section be furnished
to the City Council for their files.. This motion was seconded and approvedo The City
secretary to inform Mr. Rhea of thiss
There being no other busines for discussion the meeting was adjournedE.
Lz-'f Mayor
re d® le ner- See,