Min CC 12/21/1967 CITY OF CIBOLO GUADALUPE COUNTY CMOLO,TEAS Dec. 21, 1967 The council of the Ci�ry of Cibolo, Texas met for its regular monthly meeting on Dec. -21, 196$ with the following members present; Aldermen; Karl, Fred Niemietz, Alvin Lieck and Ted Dykes* In the absence of Mayor Grooms, alderman Ted Dykes acted mayor pro®tem. City marshall Ed. Higginson and city Secretary Fred Ili* Ydiedner's PJir. Dykes called the meeting to order and had the secretary read the minutes of the last regular meeting of Nov. 16, 1966 and also the minutes of the Special call- ed meeting of Dec. 1, 1966. A motion was made, seconded and approved that the min® utesof the regular meeting and the Special meeting be adopted as read., Mayor Pro-tem Dykes had court proceedings on two men appearing before the court on traf is violat ions* Both parties pleaded guilty and were fined w25.00 each. Mr. Dykes read a letter from the Board of Trustees of the Schertz-Cibolo Ind. School District® In regards to renaming the schools in the district's No action was taken* Fred Niemietz made a report on the inspection he made with mayor Grooms to the places that present uns ight ly and unsanitary conditions, City Marshall Ed. Higginson reported that he had to take off from work 2 days in order to testify on a DWL case . `1kiether there was some way to re-emburse him on such cases. The council felt it should be done, but no action was takeno Utility taxes were discussed, whether the city had received any from these companies* To the secretarys knowlege none had been received., The council urged that we should look into this and see what could be done* The council also made known that there will be a city election for 3 aldermen a mayor and the city marshall in April and that preparation should be made for this election soon* There being no further business for discussion a motion was made to adjourn, this was seconded and passed., ATT EST Mayor Fred W. 3',liedner - City Sec.