Min CC 01/18/1967 CITY OF CIBOLO r GUADALUPE COUNTY CIBOLO,.TESAS Jana 18, 1967 The council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, met for its regular monthly meeting on Jan. 18, 1967 with the following members present; Mayor NMo0, Grooms, Aldermen; `-earl Biser, D® 0, Trotti, Alvin Lieck and Fred Niemietz, City Marshall Bd. J® Hig- ginson Jr. and city Secretary Fred Wo Wiedner® Alderman Karl Biser asked to be excused becasee of his wife 's illness, this the mayor grant eda The meeting was called to order by Iayor Grooms and had the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and on motion, and second to approve the minutes as read was approved and were adopted as read,. !&-yor Grooms read letter from. the City Secretary, of his res ignat ion as City Secretary, effective as of March 31, 1967,. This was approved and accepted,. Mayor Grooms made a report on the places visited in regards to junky and unsan- itary places in town, and that at the present time it seems these calls have not had any effect, and that some kind of an ordinance needs to be adopted to cover such conditions* 1%yor Grooms further reported that he had made a visit to the county Tax Collect- or 's office in regards to taxese Said that the Tax-Collector would make up a listof names around July lst of those property owners in the Incorporated City of Cibolo that had not paid their taxes and are declared delinquent.. Also that the Utility Companys taxable in the city of Cibolo have come through. The secretary was asked to make up a list of the Places on the Council that will expire on April 4th, 1967- And to make a notice stating that an election for the Offices of the T&yor, City Marshall and Place on the council for Aldermen to expire be published in the Valley News,. That qualified persons seeking any of these off ices or places, file with the City Secretary before midnight March 4th, 1967 of their intentions in order to be place on the official ballot^ Mayor Grooms read letters from State Highway Dept., and one from Hy. F, New County Agent, in regards to maps of the county showing the types of soil in the our. county,. Mr. Lieck, complaint about the State Hiway Dept* erecting some of their signs to close to the fire hydrant s a No immediate action was taken on this w Mayor Grooms read a letter from Floyd Westerman in regards to signing a con- tract with his firm,. to represent the city of Cibdr1o, or act as F'iancial Advicer-5 in future bond elections etc. This to be acted on at the next meet i_r].ga City Marshall Ed Higginson Jr. gave his report on activities in his line of duty since the last reports Stating that 3 burglaries were committed, but no arrests madea There also was some more discussions on whether to re-emburse the City Mar- shall when he has to loose time as a witness in court etc* No act ion was taken at this t ime. A motion was made, seconded, and appreoved, that in order to file for any of the offices in the forth coming city election, candidates must pay a filing fee of $2.00 at time of filing with the Ci#y Secretary: There being no further business for discussion, the meeting adjourneda ATT EST Rja.yor- Mo0o Grooms r red �i'i. Wiedner - City Secretary