Min CC 02/15/1967 CITY OF CIBOLO GUADALUPB COUNTY CIBOLO.TEXAS Feb. 15, 1967 The council of the City of Cibolo, Texas met for its regular monthly meeting on Feb. 15, 1967 with the following members presents Mayor M, 0, Grooms, Aldermen" Ted Dykes, D, 0. T rott i, Karl Bis er, Alwin Lieck and Fred Niemiet z, City Marshall Ed. J, Higginson Jr. and city secretary Fred We Vhednera The meeting opened by the mayor having the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting" After the reading of the minutes the mayor entertained a motion thht minutes be approved, this was seconded and carried" The mayor presented 2 bills, on a from the Valley News and one from Marvin Remmler- suggested that these bills be paid, which was seconded and approved* Mayor Grooms, reread the letter from Floyd Viesterman, which had been read at the previuos meeting, in which he asks that the City of Cibolo, Texas appoint the company he represents as the financial advicers to the citya After the reading of the letter Mayor Grooms proposed that the company of M, E. Allison & Co. Inc® be appointed as the Financila advicers for the City of Cibolo, Texas. This motion was seconded and approved,. The forthcoming City election was discussed and the mayor appointed FredmNie- mietz, Karl Biser and D. 0. Trotti as a committee to canvass the city for candidates for the various positions in this elect iono There being no further business for discussion, the meeting adjournede. ATT EST g Mayor - M. 0, Grooms r Fred We iedner- Sec.