Min CC 03/15/1967 l � l I CITY OF CIBOLO GUADALUPE COUNTY CIBOLO,TE%AS March 15, 1967 The council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, met for its regular monthly meeting on March 15, 1967, with the following members present; Mayor Me OP Grooms, Alder- man- Alwin Lieck, Ted Dykes, D.0a Trotti, Karl Biser and Fred Niemietz, City Marsh- all Ed. J. Higginson Jr. and City secretary Fred We Wiedner, Mayor Grooms opened the meeting by having the secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting, which were approved as read 1 The secretary presented a building soketch from Marvin Kierum 93nr a permit to build or enlarge a building on the Arthur Voigt place. There was some discussion, disputing the fact that the building was not constructed in accordance to previous discussions the mayor had with Mr. Kierum, on vdaich basis the secretary gave a permit.. The mayor was to look into this further' A bill from the The Radio Communication Co® was presented, but payment of it was not approved at this time, pending further information what the bill was for® City Marshall Ed Higginson to see about it,. The forthcoming city election was discussed and the secretary was instructed to type up the notices that are to be posted,. In a meeting called on March the 1st, the members of the Water Board and the City Coun oil members met together for the presentation of a Planning Commission on the future needs of the smaller cities in the Guadalupe county, in regards to water and sewage& This was presented by Mrs Boyd from Seguin, and Mayor H ild from Marion, Texas. After some discussion on the subject, Cdr. Lieck made a motion that the City of Cibolo be represented when and if such a Commision is formed, this motion was seconded and carried There being no further business for discussion, the meeting adjourneda ATTEST 14&YOR® M.O. tR`OOMS Fred We Viriedner- City Sec.