Min CC 07/19/1967 COUNCILMEN: (ALDERMAN) a. MARSHALL: Karl -Biser MAYOR: ; Mr. Ed Higginson Jr. Ted Dykes M. 0. GROOMS Alwin Lieck CITY OF CIBOLO Fred Niefaietz GUADALUPE COUNTY �. 0. Trotti CMOLO,TE%As July 19, 1967 The City Council of the City of Cibolo, Cibolo, Texas met in regular session July 19,1967 at the Cibolo Fire Station, Cibolo, Texas at approximately 8:15p.m. The Mayor & All Councilmen present, with one Visitor in Attendance,Mr. S. A. Swenson. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting (June24th) were read by the Secretary, and approved as read. TREASURER'S REPORT: Balance to be reported at later date. No bills were presented for payment. Mayor Grooms reported to the Council that sufficient funds were still available for necessitated expenditures. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Discussion on the following items: g T17 Mrs. Alma Rosenbaum,s unpaid balance in the amount of on previous indebtedness to City for Grant Permit .(Carried as unfinishec (2) Mayor Grooms requested Mr. Alwin Lieck,Councilman to accompany him to- the Courthouse in Guadalupe County,Seguin,Texas to review Tax Roll Status, Tentative date set for the following week. (3) Map Plat,of Cibolo--Mayor reported to the Council that he had had lengthy discussion with the Engineers on said matter, and that he expects to receive Maps soon, at such time presentation will be made to the Council. (4) Old cars & Machinery being- wrecked and left in public view, detrimental to the appearance of the City of Cibolo: An Ordinance being read to the Council by the Mayor, and lengthy discussion of all phases & exactness, being examined, Motion was made by the Mayor, and seconded by Mr. Fred Niemietz, that the Ordinance be adopted in and for the City of Cibolo,Cibolo,Texas, and enforced. Motion Carried by a majority vote. Mayor requested that the Secreta. draw up=_said Ordinance, and copies would be presented to all liable parties, when failure to comply, Fines would be assessed. New Business: (1) Presentation of the Original blue-print for construction of New Home & Boat-House Builder Mr.Charles Flings for Permit Grant. After throrou study by the Mayor, and Councilmen, Motion was made by Mr. Alwin Lieck that the Permit be Granted at an assessed value of $20,000.00, Motion seconded by Fred Niemietz,^ vote carried unanimously. Permit Granted in the amount due of $20:00;_.(-Representing $1.00 per $1,000.00 appraisal (2)Discussion at length by the Mayor & Councilmen, for the City of Cibolo, regarding the installation of Stop-Signs within the City Limits,their exact locations of installation, &enforcement, designated to be all locations where streets lead in-to State-Roads. After carefuls study & discussion, Motion made,seconded& passed by all parties unanimously. M -or stated to the Council that he would assume responsibility of Purhhase & installation. (3)Visitor Mr. Swenson requested Speed Zones & enforcement on City Streets in regards to the Safety & Welfare of Citizens of the City.(Tabeldd) Stated he would personally assist in the financing of enforcement,& volunteered to purchase & install all above Item 2. if council would go along with this suggestion.(No further discussion.) Discussion also followed relative to the City Marshall & question was ask,' If Mr. Ed Higginson was Depttiz roper authoriza ' n to carry weapon? Council advised that he e� v ed t t fice which • made im Legally authorized. s aycr, seconded & voted unanimously'.. lotion made to adjourn at 9:15p.'R- & � meeting Adjourned.