Min CC 08/16/1967 Councilmen:. (Alderman) t Mayor: fly. 0. Grooms Marshall: w nigglnson, or. Karl- Biser--- Ted--Dykes" - Al*In Lieck = CITY OF CIBOLO Fred Niemietz ` D. 0. Trotti GUADALUPE COUNTY CIBOLO,TEXAS August 16, 1967 The City- Council of the City of Cibolo, Cibolo, Texas met in regular session August 1&, 1967, at the Cibolo Fire Station, at Approximately 8:00p.m. The Mayor, and Councilmen, with the exception of Mr. D. 0. Trotti were in attendance, with the Marshall and one visitor present. Prior 'to the Regular Council meeting Corporation Court was held in session and Charges & Fine Assessed as detailed below: Mr. Felipe Garmona Rarigel, Gen. Delivery, Seguin, Texas Charges: Operating Motor Vehicle on wrong side of Highway, Involved in accident - with another vehicle, causing extensive damage & personal injuries, in said accident, occuring on F/M Highway 78 East, at 12:20p.m. on 20 July, 1967. Filed at Docket No. 117, Fine: Fine Assessed against Mr. Garmona Rangel in the amount of X10.00 No payment received at he aring, to be paid at later date. Treasurer's Report: Balance still unavailable. Receipts were presented to the Secretary for Depost as follows: $ 6.00_,Receipts Nos: 18 & 19 ms's• A]ma Rosenbaum, Fine, & permit gr 1. 00 Receipt No. 17 Mrs. Mercedes Guiterrez Permit Grant 7. 00 Unfinished Business: 1. -Mayor Grooms & Mr. Alwin Lieck's trip to Courthouse in Seguin, Texas to review tax-rol still tentative, ]Mayor reported to Counc it he had talked with Tax Assessor & Collector in view of the matter to be checked. 2. Maps of Cibolo, were received and reviewed by all present and lengthy discussion on matters relative to annexation of additional territory to the City of Cibolo. Further studies to be made & this matter carried forward--no action or definite decisions made. 3. Mr. Charles Fling's Buildirg Permit Cancelled.(Blue Prints to be returned). 4. Stop Sign Project: Mayor presented Council- with order for the following relative to pro ec : 6 6op Signs @ $ 4.50 $ 36.00 16 Clamps (prs.) 16.00 16.00 52.00 Council took the following action to further this project: Appointed (1) Mr. Alwin Liecke--What type of post to be used for erecting Stop Signs, Height, Material best suitable in pipe to be used, Councilman Lieck tc check _ with used metal dealers to see what is available, and the cost & etc. & also, the type of material to be used in setting signs, Cement & etc. Report will be made to Council at the next meetirg. (2) Mr. Fred Niemietz--To check relative to Hole Digging, Stakes-report to Counci: Next-Meeting 5. Clarification in view of previous discussion relative to present City Marshalls legality to carry weapon. New Business: City Council's Special Called Meeting on Thursday August 3rd,1967 relative to City of- Cibolo's Resolution for Organizing A Regional Planning Commission, known as the Cibolo Mar Regional Planning Commission: Mr. Ted -Dykes, & Mr. Karl Biser were delegate as the appointed Representatives for this project. Mayor advised secretary to make up - proper files for this new Project. Cont'd Page 2 Minutes of August 16, lyb7 city Uouncis t�eeUii : (2) Mayor requestdd -Secretary issue checks on Monthly S tat s as Follows:. Mr. Ed. Higginson Jr. -City Marshall charges for 'services rendered1=1 .00 mss-.-Virginia Jo Bettcher Secretary " �� it '� 10.00 (3) Marshall Higginson Jr.-made the following repprt--on the newly passed Ordinance re: to Old Cars & Machinery wrecked detrimental to City-- 30 days being the time in which action will be taken & fines assessed if failure to comply with said Ordinance: Ordinances had been issued to the following: (1) Jesus Zamora. (2) Bill Arnold (3) Jim McEwen (4) Paving of Streets was mentioned, but no discussion, Informed no funds available (5) Mr. Bd. Higginson Jr., Marshall reported to the council he had taken upon his own Judgment to order Transistorized Unit Receiver for installation in his car in his line of duty, this unit making it possible for him to converse with State., -in the event he should -have problems arising where he needed their assistance, at present he had no equipment making this posseible. - Reported this unitwould cost approximately $45.00 Council making no comments--No further discussion--at this meeting relative to his report. Motion made to adjourn at approximately . 9:15p•m• by Courn ilman Lieck & seconded by Karl Biser voted unanimously.: Respectfully submitted. M. 0. Grooms Virginia Jo Bettcher, MAYOR City Secretary Note:—Council Niemietz phoned stating -that, approval has been granted Mrs. Barbara-Parks to open'-School of Dance on Dain Street in Cibolo. Permit Grant in the amount of $1.00 was to be receved from Mrs. Parks. Mayor transferred funds in the amount cf $ 100.00 from Randolph `Field National Bank to Cibolo State Bank on Bank .-Deposit Slip No. 14 Check No. 107 dated Sept.1,1967