Min CC 09/21/1967 Councilmen: (Alderman) Y Mayor: M. 0. Grooms Marshall: Ed Higginson Jr. Karl- Biser . Ted Dykes Alwin Lieck CITY OF CIBOLO Fred Niemietz GUADALUPE COUNTY D. 0. Trotti COLO.TEXAS September 21, 1967 The City Council of the City of Cibolo, Cibolo, Texas met in regular session on the above date, which was postponed From Wednesday to Thursday night due to inclement weather conditions. The Mayor, and Councilmen, bvith the Marshall in attendance. Treasurer's Report: None available. Mayor presented Secretary with the following bills to be paid: W. F. Castella & Associates $ 50..00 Check No. 47 Two-Way-Radio Communications Co. $17.60 " " 48 Valley News &Wingspread 4.27 " 't 49 Sargent-Sowell,Inc. 54.3 46 Total Disbursements $126.22 Unfinished Business: 1. Maps of Cibolo : Reviewed & discussion by Mayor & Councilmen, decision made that further study be made Tabeled. 2._ Stop Sign Project: Mr. Alwin Liecke & Mr. Fred Niemletz, councilmen assigned to checking into the materials to be used & the stakes & hole digging still have further details to be checked into before complete report can be made. 3. Corporation Court's Fine in the amount of S 10.00 still unpaid by Mr. Felipe Garmona Rangel, 912 Cambell St., Seguin, Texas_: This Fine was assessed August 16, 1967, no word received, nor the money. Mr. Higginson requested Mayor check into the stipulations necessary for him to get a Warrant for Mr. Rangel's arrest Mayor stated he would check & report back to the Marshall. 4. Marshali Higginson Maae a report to the Council on the 3 residents that th Old Cars & wrecked Machinery Ordinance had been issued to, since none had nothing to comply due to existing circumstances, circumstances explained & accepted by Council as plausible at the present me6tirg5 but the Marshall & Mayor discussed & further attempts to dispose of said vehicles, and the Marshall to report back to the Council at the next meeting his accomplishments. Jesus Zamora-Would give vehicles to junk dealer to get moved from premises. Bill Arnold EHusband overseas, Wife trying to junk for small amount of cash. Jim McEwen Moved out & left vehicle or vehicles standing. New Business: TaPmml Pr's rPqui-st for gravel for fixing strePt.s_ Mrs. Henry Krahn requested that city fix street where gravel has washed out. Council aiscussed-that if they s ar ed this type of maintenance it might possible present future problems & they (City) were in no Financial State at this time to consider doing such request. Therefore, they would have to refuse Mrs. Krahn. Cibolo Bank's new Charter Grant in effect September 15, 1967 making the Cibolo Bank i o o State Ba State Charter): Mayor & Council Members discussed transferring any & all funds from the Randolph Field Bank & using the Cibolo State Bank exclusively for transferring there future Tax Income & Council Business. Mayor to make the necessary arrangements for Ordinance or etc. Bills accepted by Council presented to Secretary for Payment as above stated as being Paic Motion Made to Adjourn by Councilman Liecke &O-VAA-11 . dZEK& econdedHE— :3 P•m• Respectfully Submitted. LIZ Vir nia Jo yetteher -=Secretary 0. Gro ms, ayor