Min CC 01/17/1968 CITY OF CIBOLO GUADALUPE COUNTY 'CIBOLO,TEXAS January' 17, 1968 The City Council of the City of Cibolo, Cibolo, Texas met in regular session on the above date at 8:00 o 'clock p.m. in the meeting room of the Cibolo Fire Station. Mayor M.O. Grooms presided over the meeting with all Council- men present. Minutes of the previous meeting, held on November 15, 1967, were read and approved. Financial report was given with special attention to City Tax Monies received from the County Tax Assessor-Collector, (the Cityls Collection Agent) . Business attended to: 1. Mayor Grooms made motion, seconded by D.O. Trotti th pay the following: Marshall Ed Higginson for Dec . & Jan. 032.00, Secretary F.S. Schlab er for Dec. & Jan. $20.000 Fred Niemietz for pipe used in errecting stop signs $12.80, Cibolo Lumber Company (materials ) $1.99,Biery Law Office for 5 xerox copies 2. The following applications were approved: a. Ruben de los Santos applied for permit to erect an auto mechanic shop on Santa Clara Ave. This is Subject bo ordinance #which Mr. de los Santos whall agree to. b. Jack Hendrix applied to add-on an 8Ix8I shed to his existing garage on Hwy. 78. Received $1.00. c. M.O. Grooms applied to add-on a 161x16 ' bedroom and bath to his existing residence. Received $3.00-C`0 There being no further business, the same was upon otion made, adjourned. .0. rooms, Mayor F.S. ScKlathecrs Secretary