Min CC 02/21/1968 --'it r�
February 21, 1968
The City Council of the City of Cibolo, Cibolo, Texas met in
regular session on the above date at 8:00 o 'clock p.m. in the
meeting room of the- Cibolo Fire Station.
Mayor M.O. Grooms presided over the meetin with all Councilman
and the City Marshall in attendence.
Minutes of the previous meeting, held on January 17, 1968,
were read and approved.
Business attended to:
-1.The Mayor advised the Secretary that, a semi-annual
financial statement will have to be published in the
2.T'he Council unamiously a reed to reimburse Marshall
Higginson the amount of 50.00 for two days work missed
while att'end'ing Dist. Court while representing the City.
3.The Council also agreed to reimburse Marshall Higginson
for the additional vehicleinsurance required while per-
forming his duties for the City, The amount being $49.54
for the past year.
4.The following application was approved:
Mr. .Charles Dorrow applied for permit to erect ancar-
port to be attached to rent house in the rear of his
lot at 211 Meek St. Fee of $1.00 to be obtained.
There being no further business, the same was upon motion
made, adjourned.
M.0, Grooms, Mayor
F.S. Sch ather, Secretary