Min CC 09/18/1968 CITY OF CIBOLO GUADALUPE COUNTY CIBOLO.TE%AS The City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas met in regular session on the 18th of September, 1968, at 7 :30 p.m. , in the meeting room of the Cibolo Fire Station. Mayor-pro-tem Dykes presided over the meeting with all councilmen being present. Mayor Grooms being absent. Minutes of the previous meeting, held on the 21st of August, 1968, were read and approved. A report of the financial condition of the City was rendered by the Secretary. Business attended to: Fritz Schlather gave a report on the street paving project. He re- ported that Engineer H.S. Bettersworth had come out and advised that to do the job according to his specifications and work outlay would be a great deal more than the City could afford at this time. He suggested that we have a competent contractor come out and. prepare the streets and asphalt them similar to the existing hardtop streets . Discussion was then brought up on the feasibility of getting a sewage system for the City prior to any major street improvement program. Mr. Glen Rhew made motion that the Conncilmen set up a meeting with the water Board for the purpose of discussing with them the possibility and feasability of bringing the water district under city control for the purpose of securing a sewer system for the city, to be financed and controled by the water board. Mr. Ted Dykes seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. Fritz Schlather was asked to set up a meeting at the convienence of the Water Board Members. I.O. Tiseth was granted permission to build a shed on his property. There being no further business, the same was upon motion made, adjourned. p Q M.O. Groo s, Mayor E.S. Sch ather, Secretary