Min CC 01/15/1969 CITE' OF CIBOLO
The City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas met in regular
session on the 15th of January, 1969, at 7 :30 p.m. , in the
meeting room of the Cibolo Fire Station.
Mayor Grooms presided over the meeting and all Councilmen were
Minutes of the previous meeting -y held on the 18th of December;
1968, were read and approved. A report of the financial condition
of the City was rendered by the Secretary.
Business attended to:
The proposed tax increase was again discussed and the question
arose as to whether a vote was needed to increase our tax rate .
Mayor Grooms stated that he and the Secretary would come up
with a clear reading on the matter by the next meeting.
The fireworks ordinance has not reached a final draft at this
date, and the Secretary said that ene would be completed shortly.
There being no further business , the same was upom motion made,
.0. Grooms, Mayor
a r
F.S. Sch ather, Secretary