Min CC 04/16/1969 CITY OF CIBOLO
The City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas met in regular session on the
16th of April, 1969, at 7:30 p.m.,, in the meeting room of the Cibolo Fire
Station. y'
Newly elected Mayor Fritz Schlather presided over the meeting and all members
of the City Council were present.
Ex-Mayor M.®. Grooms was present to swear in the new Mayor and the re-elected
member of the City Council, Ted Dykes and Alwin Lieck.
Ed Higginson Jr. was sworn in his re-elected position of City Marshall by dity
Secretary Ray Corbett.
Minute of the previous meeting, .held_-on. the 19th od March, 1969, were read and
.Ad-appi�ivea,--A'report- of= _the financial condition of the City was rendered by
the City Secretary.
an increase in the City `fax rate from the$.75 per
one-hundred dollar to $1.00 per one hundred dollar.
The new City Secretary was accepted.
Motion made by Alwin Lieck and seconded by Glen Rhew to allow the City Secretary
to sign City checks authorized for payment by the City Council. Passed
Glen Rhew suggested that the City have Coastal State Gas Company make a leak
survey on main ga&lines within the jurisdiction of the City Limits. All-
members agreed to this.
The fire works ordinance was reviewed and it was decided to publish one in the
Valley New.
Motion made by Fred hiemietz and seconded by Alwin Lieck to give Ed Higginson
Jr. a raise from 4.00 per wok to $10.00 per week effective as of 16th of April
1969. Passed
Fred Niemietz made,_a motion that Ed Higginson give a complete verbal report of
the City Marshall!,s activities each month. Passed
The City Secretary was directed to write Sheriff Phil Medlin a letter asking
him to give the City some assistance on traffic violators during the 3:30 p.m.
to 5:00 p.m. rush hours.
Discussion on the Sewage System and street improvement was held.
Meeting Adjourned 9:20 p.m.
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