Min CC 01/21/1971 CITY OF CIBOLO �- GUADALUPB COUNTY CIBOLO.TEXAS AMINUTES OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JAN. 21, 1971 The City Council of Cibolo, Texas held its regular month- ly meeting at 7: 3OPm, Jan. 21, 1971, with all members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Present balance of 44959.59 was reported by Mr. Ted Dykes. Mr. Lieck discussed the fire insurance rating system for Cibolo . It will be discussed further at the next meeting. It was moved by Ted Dykes and seconded by Fred Niemitz and passed that Cibolo join the Alamo Area Council of Govern- ments. (AACOG) Mr. Dylla made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Lieck that Mayor Schlather be empowered to apply to the Texas Water Quality Board for a permit to establish a local sewer system.c� The upcoming election was discussed and action will be taken before the next meeting to prepare for the election. Meeting was adjourned at 9: 00pm. Fritz Schlather Mayor Ed Ling Secretary