Min CC 03/17/1971 .1- f CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 17,1971 Present; Mayor F.S. Schlather Dykes Dylla Lie ck Niemietz Ling Mrs. Ling is to have the ga.s shut off if we are to be billed even if we don' t use any. Walker reported that the Parks and Recreation Dept. has obtained approval to use the school ball diamond this year. They have obtained a donation of a con- cession stand and a score board. Several other do- nations have been obtained. Beginning Balance-4974.47 and New Balance-4997.41. Henk Construction is to complete the street repairs this week. Mr. Schlather and Niemietz will canvass the area to determine the number of signs required. Mrs . Ling will find the location to get street signs in San Antonio . Niemietz reported that Crescencio Alvarado requested the city remove stumps adjacent to his property. Mr. Lieck will investigate the cost of removal but it is not agreed yet that this is necessary. Mr. Donovan presented his proposal for city zoning. Ed Ling will check on the legality of hiring a night watchman to supplement our town marshal. Ed Ling will check the legality of tti'CID board members serving on zoning commission. The progress of the sewer system was discussed. Mayor Schlather read a letter he had sent to the Water Qual- ity Board following up on the WCID request for a sewage treatment system. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. r F.S. Schlather M yor Edward Ling 'ec tary