Min CC 07/21/1971 � J I'l t CITY OF CIBOLO CIBOLO, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING ® JULY 21, 1971 PRESENT: Mayor F. S. Schlather Alderman Dykes Alderman Dylla Alderman Niemietz Alderman Lieck Alderman Ling City Marshal Ed Higginson Wilton Walker Parks & Ree. Dept. The minutes were read and accepted as read. A financial report was presented and accepted. Mr. Lieck has experimented with painting of the street signs. They can be roller painted. Mr. Lieck will proceed with this project. Mayor Schlather and Mr. Niemietz will canvas the area for new street signs that are required. Mrs. Ling is to apply for a tax exempt number for the city. The purchase or rental of a radar speed control unit was discussed. Mayor Schlather reported that the grant for the aid in purchase of the city park has fallen through. An effort will be made to obtain a grant for Lnprovement of the City Park. Closing of Amacher Lane was discussed and will be pursued further in the immediate future. r I Second Page 1 The Parks and Recreation Department has a balance of 41271.00. Mr. Walker reported a tournament is planned for Sunday, July 25, with 12 teams entered. The trophies were donated. A Store License for the con- cession stand was discussed. Mayor Schlather will have a Weed and Trash Ordinance drawn zip for consideration next month. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. F. S. Schlather Mayor /J C /] ` Z Edward Ling City Secretary