Min CC 08/18/1971 4 4 1 CITY OF C IBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUG. 18,1971 Present: Absent: Mayor F. S. Schlather Alderman Lieck Alderman Dylla Alderman Niemietz Alderman Ling Alderman Dykes The Cibolo City Council Meeting for August 18, 1971 was called to order at 8: 00 P. m. Mayor Schlather reported that he called Joe Tiller in Austin about our sewer plant permit . They are waiting for approval of SARA., and Schertz-U.C . dis- tricts of our own plant before approving our permit. Mayor Schlather explained to Mr. Tiller the urgency of our request. Consequently, we expect a reply this next month. Mayor Schlather reported that the area had been canvassed and the required street signs ordered. Niemietz reported "or Parks and Recreation Dept. A Tournament was held August 15, ti,.ith another planned for Sept. 26. The present balance is 41496.84. The Park Land will be plowed. Dylla moved that a Weed and Trash Ordinance {#38 modified as required by tie Council, be passed. Niemietz seconded the motion and the ordinance was passed. The closing of Amacher Lane was discussed at great length. It was decided that an effort will be made to obtain surplus fill for this lane to improve it. The requirement to pay to the state a tax on all traffic fires was noted. The applications for the store license (concession stand) and sales tax exemption were received. Second Page An ordinance prohibiting blocking of the railroad crossing was discussed with no. action taken. Passage of Ordinance #39 prohibiting dispensing of flamable liquids from portable equipment, was moved by Ling, seconded by Niemietz, and passed® Bonding of city officials will be investigated by Mayor Schlather. Meeting adjourned 10015. Mayor F. S. Schlather alar cy Edward Ling CA y Secretary