Min CC 09/15/1971 CITE' OF CISOLO GUADALUPE COUNTY CIBOLO,TEXAS CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 1971 PRESENT: ABSENT-: Mayor F. S. Schlather Alderman Ling Alderman Niemietz Alderman Dylla Alderman Dykes Alderman Lieck The Cibolo City Council meeting for September f was called to order on the 15th of the month at 7: 30 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall. The minutes were read and approved. The Parks and Recreation Dept. reported a balance of 41453.00. The report was approved. The financial report for the City of Cibolo was read and accepted, the balance being 03219.25. i The Council agreed to pay Mr. Lieck 43.00 each for painting (12) twelve street signs. Motion was made by Fred Niemietz and seconded and passed. The Weed Ordinance #40 was read to the Council and discussed. A motion was made by Fred Niemietz and seconded by Ted Dykes and passed to adopt the ordinance. A Youth Activities Director was discussed. Mrs . Ling is to write a letter to the Texas High- way Dept. for(4) four parking signs for Farm Road 1103. The City Council agreed to change the monthly meetings from the third Wednesday to the third Thursday of each month. Meeting Adjourned. 21�1�41 Mayor S. Schlather Edward Ling City Se etary