Min CC 10/21/1971 i
OCTOBER 21., 1971
The Cibolo City Council met on October 21, 1971,
at 7: 35 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall. Mayor
Schlather and all Councilmen were present.
The minutes were read and accepted.
The financial report was read and accepted.
Mayor Schlather reported that through AACOG we
will get one day a week of work for a park em-
ployee for 02.50 a day for our portion of his pay
through a program of the federal government.
The Parks and Recreation Dept. reported a balance
of 01524.00.
The Mayor reported on a contact with Mormon and Mok
today concerning the Master Plan. They are some-
what confused over the progress they have made.
They are to coordinate with the Mayor this next
A motioncmade by Dylla and seconded by Dykes to
pass the attached resolution to contribute a max-
imum of 4150®00 to the Thoroughfare Study.
A motiongmade by Lieck and seconded by Dylla, and
passed to take bids on all buildings on the City
Park grounds except the house and tile garage.
The highest bid will be accepted.
Dylla moved and Niemietz seconded and motion passed
to bond the city councilmen and Marshal with Tri
City Insurance. Mayor Schlather abstained from
the voting.
Meeting adjourned.
Mayor S. Schlather
Edward Ling Cit Secretary