Min CC 11/16/1971 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 16, 1971 Present: Absent: Mayor F. S. Schlather Alderman Dylla Alderman Niemietz Alderman Dykes Alderman Lieck Alderman Ling Mr. Osburne of Marmon and Mok gave a two hour presentation on the Master Plan they have prepared for Cibolo to guide our future growth. Some discussion enVued, but in general the Council agreed with the basic concept. The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Schlather at 9: 30 p.m. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted as read. The financial report was read and accepted. It was noted that our new employee would take care of mounting our street signs , and Mr. Ling was to arrange for concrete, etc. It was noted that no one had submitted a bid on the buildings on the City Park. It was then agreed to await the outcome of a request for federal govern- ment funds for aid in the development of the park. If funds are received, the excess buildings will be removed. If not, the material may be used in self help development. There being no other business , the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. idayor F. S. Schlather Edward Ling City 6ecr•etary