Min CC 05/18/1972 CITY OF C IB OLO
mAY 18, 1972
Alderman Ted Dykes called the regular May meeting
to order at 6:40 P. M. All councilmen were pre-
sent except Mayor Schlather.
The minutes were read and approved as read.
The financial report was read and accepted.
Alderman Niemietz reported for the Parks and Recrea-
tion Dept a balance of 42462. They have another
Bingo scheduled for June 10, 1972, and they will
continue to have one the second Saturday of each
No further action has been taken on our ,junk ordinance
since Schertz has not completed work on theirs and
the Texas Municipal League has not answered our letter
requesting a copy of their model ordinance.
The GVEC franchise was discussed briefly and will be
further considered at the regular June meeting at
which time GVEC representatives will meet with the
council. Mayor Schlather reported that Mr. Westerman
advises against granting GVEC a franchise.
A- request for a permit to park a trailer house be-
hind his house by H. L. Young was approved prior to
the meeting by a canvas of sufficient council members
for approval.
A general meeting of landowners interested in the
annexation of their land by Cibolo was held. The
advantages and disadvantages of annexation were
discussed. J
The progress of CCMA and our sewer system was dis-
cussed with no decisions made.
Alderman Dyll-a brought up the mosquito problem.
Mayor Schlather will contact Randolph A.F.B. about
spraying Cibolo. Ed Ling was asked to take care of i
a news item concerning emptying water where mosqui-
toes breed.
Page Two
Ed Ling is to prepare a news release concerning
clean-up in Cibolo by May 30.
It was decided that a meeting will be held on the
first and third Thursday of each month for the
next few months .
The council approved the Master Plan of the
Thoroughfare Study Group consultant.
The meeting adjourned at 10: 35 P. M.
F. S. ch ather
dwar•d Ling
City Secretary