Min CC 07/06/1972 16", r CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 6, 1972 The regular city council meeting for July was called to order at 7: 05 P.M. with all councilmen present ex- cept Alderman Dylla. The minutes were read and approved as read. The financial report was read and accepted. Consideration of the Master Plan was postponed until the next meeting. It has been determined that Mr. Shipman will be the engineer for the sewer and street system. Mr. atiriederstine is to arrange for a financial advisor for our se."er system. Com. Campbell was asked to close the gravel pit in the City Park before his term of office expires . Marmon and Mok sent a sketch for the Park entrance. Consideration of a Junk Auto Ordinance was postponed until the next meeting. There was no word since the last meeting on the future annexation. A motion was made by Alderman Lieck, seconded by Alderman Dykes, and passed to accept Schertz Ordinance #258 re- leasing their Extraterritorial Jurisdiction on the land between FM Rd 78 and Cibolo Creek east from Dietz Creek to the Cibolo City Limits. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M. ,V. e<;1— T. S. 6cKlather Mayor Z- " yard Ling ity Secretary