Min CC 03/16/1972 Excerpt From Minutes of Meeting o;f Cibolo City_,Council off° March 169 1972 A discussion of the Thoroughfare Study was the first order of business since the maps were required at the Universal City- Council .meeting the same night. In general the Thoroughfare Study correlated very closely ,,<ith' sur Master Plan as being prepared by t�forman and 1,4ok. However;. it was deficient in three respects. The Council felt that the Green Valley Road (an east- ,;est artery between Farm Road 1103 - 3009 and on to 1518.'Y should br shown as a major thoroughfare in the Study. The Study included suffieent North-south i thoroughfares but , vaas considered deficient in east- Pest circulation. �he second deficiency was the failure to show an east-west connection between Farm Road 1103 (along Its present east-west section) and on west generally along the present county road known as Borgfield „ Road and intersecting 3009 near the high sD hool in Schertz. The third discrepancy was the failure to note the exist- Ing City Park on the Study Map. CITY OF CIE OLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 16, 1972 The regular City Council meeting was called to order at' ' 7: 35 P.M. on March 16, 1972, with all members present . A discussion of the Thoroughfare Study was the first order of business since the maps were required at the Universal City Council meeting the same night. In general the Thoroughfare Study correlated very closely with our Master Plan as being prepared by Mormon and Mok. However, it was deficient in three respects. The Council felt that the Green Valley Road (an east- west artery between Farm Road 1103 - 3009 and on to 1518) should be shown as a major thoroughfare in the Study. The Study included sufficent north-south thoroughfares but was considered deficient in -east- west circulation. The second deficiency was the failure to show an east-west connection between Farm Road 1103 (along its present east-west section) and on west generally along the `present county road known as Borgfield Road and intersecting 3009 near the high school in Schertz. The third discrepancy was the failure to note the exist- ing City Park on the Study Map. These comments were to be transmitted to the A-E for incorporation into the Study. The upcoming annexation by the City of San Antonio and its impact on Cibolo was discussed at some length with no action taken. Minutes were read and approved as read. The financial report was read and accepted. Most of the trees purchased the past month for planting in the City Park have been purchased and donated by various citizens of Cibolo, many as a living memorial to the late Mr. Ernst Schlather.. Many have also been purchased by local citizens for planting in their own ,yards . Consequently, the city has incurred a negligible expense in the planting of these trees. Mr. Dean, Director of the Parks and Recreation Dept. , report- ed a current balance of 01800. in their saving accou_nt' and 4541. in their checking account. He proposed to transfer Page two 4300. from the checking account to the saving account, permission for which was granted by the Counc_i-1. Mr. -.Ling proposed and Council concurred in writing a letter to Commissioner Campbell confirming the verbal contract between the City and the Count y ,concerning the sale of gra- vel from the City Park t.o the County. The Council reaffirmed the stand that Mormon and Mok should provide a minimum of three possible esthetically pleasing designs for the front fence of the City Park. Mayor Schlather is to contact Morman and Mok to assure that they have these designs available to the City Council for our next regular meeting. Morm n and Mo'�- had presented the City with a bill for 0900. reccommending that s,4e hold the remainding 4350. to assure completion of the remainder of the work. Howe=ver, a motion was made by Dykes, seconded by Niemie'tz, and passed to pay them ��2000. on account and hold the remainder until completion of the Master Plan including zoning ordinancesand subdivision ordinances. This action was taken partically because of the poor pro- gress made by the contractor in the development of this Master Plan and partially due to the volumne of work .to be completed. Mayor Schlather reported that in the nearing yesterday (March 15, 1972) the Texas -dater Quaility Board gave final approval to the Cibolo Creek Municipal Al thority (COMA) as the regional sewage treatment entity. With this approval rapid action ' is anticipated 'in obtaining a new regional sewage treatment plant. Mayor Schlather reported that there was no news concerning Guadalupe County cities eligibility for federal funds through .AC OG. The - franchise requested by GVEC- at the last council meeting was discussed- at length.- It was decided by the council to investigate futher the desirability of granting a franchise for electrical service in the city. Mayor Schlather is to attempt to obtain -a speaker on this subject for the next council meeting. The construction of the sewer system, the possible future extensions of the water supply system, and the extension of the city liraits were- discussed. Page three A motion was made by Niemietz and seconded by Dykes and , passed to enact attached resolution of intent to enter into a contract with CCMA for treatment of our municipal sewage. Ed Higginson presented a verbal request for a permit for an 8- x 20 ft. addition onto his garage , for another add- ition to his ':arage for a rest -room w:dihh was origionally planned for the building and requested permission to move one of the small buildings from the city park to his house. Council approved all three requests . A motion was made by Dylla and seconded by Niemietz and pass- ed to have Mayor Schlather contact the law firm of Dennis and S� oud of Cibolo concerning their interest in being retained as city attorneys . Ed Higginson pointed out to the council that, due to -recent ," legislation Enacted by the state our ordinance covering junk and allaindoned automobiles is no longer valid. He futher stated. that Schertz expected to have their similar ordinance revised in accordance with the lastest legislation. within a few days. He' stated that they would give us a copy of their ordinance for our' use.. City Council directed Ling to obtain a copy from the TML of their reccommended junk and abandoned automobile@ordi- nance . The City Council agreed to pay Ralph Giles, County Tax Assessor-Collector, the taxes "he says" are due plus the illegal and unjustified penalties on the city park land. Meeting adjourned at 10: 55 p.m. - - F. S. Schlather Mayor Edw rd Ling City Vecretary i