Min CC 06/01/1972 S
JUNE 1, 1972
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P. M. by Mayor
Schlather with all members present except Alderman Lieck.
An application for a building permit for a church by
Rev. J. D . McPhetridge, pastor and Carl R. Martin of
the Church of God was approved. The fee was waived
by the Council.
It was agreed to change the time of regular meetings
to 7:00 P. M. on the first and third Thursday of each
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved
as read.
Ed Ling is to put out a news release concerning the
mosquito problem (emptying cans and etc . ) .
Mayor Schlat'ner reported that the flood damage to the
City Park is to be cleaned up by the Emergency Prepared-
ness Adminitration as part of their Disaster Repair.
Mayor Schlather recd a petition from Lewis C . Borgfeld
et ux requesting annexation of a portion of their
land to the City of Cibolo.
A motion was made by Ed Ling, seconded by Dylla, and
passed, to pass Ordinance No . 41 setting a time, place ,
and date for a public hearing concerning the annexation
of said land and authorizing and directing the Mayor
to -Qublish notice of the public hearing.
Meeting adjourned at 9: 45 P. 141.
F. S. Sc lather Mayor
��dwa- rd Ling Ci Secretary