Min CC 08/03/1972 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 3, 1972 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Schlather with all members present except Alderman Lieck. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Future annexation plans were discussed at length. Mayor Schlather reported that the plans for the regional sewer system have been revised to delete the pGrtable plant south of Cibolo and substitute therefor a force main and a parallel gravity main along FM 78 from Dietz Creek to Town Creek. The street improvements which must follow immediately after construction of the sewer system were discussed briefly. It has been determined that the Mater Board will construct the sewer system and the City'.will handle street improve- ments. The use of the City Park by the Jaycees was discussed. A final decision on this matter will be held in abeyance pend- ing further planning by Council on a long range master plan for the park as well as intermediate range plans for the park. The pending disposition of the Community Hall was discussed 1driefly. Mayor Schlather reported on the efforts of the City of Schertz, the joint Chamber of Commerce, the State Highway Department, the Southern Pacific Railroad, and Cibolo to formulate a plan for coordinated action to maintain and beautify the Southern Pacific right-of-way through Schertz and Cibolo. The council supports wholeheartedly these efforts . Mayor Schlather reported on the efforts of the Schertz-Cibolo Chamber of Commerce to form an industrial park corporation to attract light industry to this area and provide an industri- al park area for same. A motion was made by Mr. Ling, second- ed by Mr. Niemietz and passed to pass the attached Resolution, supporting the formation of such an industrial foundation. Mr. Ling reported on the Thoroughfare Study Report. The Council requested the Mr. Ling assure that the report be revised to include the rerouting of FM 1103 to tie into Haeckerville Road and be extended south to IH 10 in the 1980 time frame of priority. Mr. Ling brought up the need to purchase right-of-way for rerouting of FM 78 south of Cibolo in the immediate future to preclude excessive escala- tion of costs due to construction in the proposed right-of- way. This will be discussed further in the next few months . The meeting adjourned at 9; 20 F. M. F. S. Schlather Mayor Edward Ling Ci Setary