Min CC 08/17/1972 N •
AUGUST 17, 1972
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P. M. by Mayor Schlather with
all members present except Alderman Ling. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and approved.
The financial report was read and accepted.
Annexation plans were again discussed and it was determined to continue
efforts to annex land to the north of the city. Mayor Schlather will
contact the surveyor, Mr. Bill Kolodzi:e, and instruct him to plat the
remainder of the Borgfeld tract and the tract owned by Olyn Krueger
that is adjacent to the Borgfeld tract and lying to the north of it.
When the meets and bounds of these tracts are received from the surveyor
the city will incorporate same upon the owners request.
Mayor Schlather reported that Mr. Marvin Shipman had met with him
and Mr. E. C. Wiederstein, President of the West Guadalupe County
Municipal Utility District, in an effort to determine the most feasable
manner towards breaking the ground on the proposed sewer system for the
City. It was determined that Mr. Shipman would make a close approxima-
tion of the cost of the project and then get together with Mr. Floyd
Westerman, the financial advisor of the M. U. D. to determine a bond
indebtedness repayment plan to be presented back to the M. U. D. and
then hopefully on to a bond election to be decided by the citizens.
Mr. Dan Saucedo came before the Council representing the Cibolo Valley
Jaycees in their effort to establish a ball park on the City Park Grounds.
The Council wholeheartedly supports the Jaycees idea in the development
of a ball park, but feels that a contract needs to be drawn up between
the two parties to determine the obligations of each. Mayor Schlather
asked Mr. Saucedo to obtain a copy of the contract that the City of
Schertz has with the Valley Lions Club pertaining to the ball park the
Lions developed on the Schertz City Park Grounds. Mr. Saucedo said
that he would and that he would like to bring it and a more comprehensive
plan to the council at its next meeting. Mayor Schlather asked
Mr. Saucedo to be present at the next meeting and present his plans.
There being no further business to come before the council the meeting
adjourned at 9:00 P. M.
Schlather, Mayor
elf '
Edward Ling City cretary