Min CC 09/07/1972 44 ,
The regular meeting of the Cibolo City Council was called
to order at 7:05 P. M. by Mayor Schlather with all members
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved
as read.
Mr. Dan Sancedo, of the Cibolo Valley Jaycees gave a presen-
tation on their proposed development of our City Park. He
was requested to draw up a 'written agreement concerning the
development, outlining the details thereof, for Council con-
sideration at our next regular meeting on" September 21, 1972.
Mr. Lewis Borgfeld and Mr. Andy Anderson gave a presentation
on the organization and purposes of the Guadalupe County Re-
sources Conservation District. This organization, sponsored
by AACOG, coup serve as a focal point for all projects in
Guadalupe Co. such as flood control, parlt development, high-
way beautification and similar community needed projects.
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A motion was made by Mr. Lieck, seconded by Mr. Dykes and
passed to pass Resolution No . 1007 sponsoring the Guadalupe Co.
Resources Conservation and Development .
Copies of the revised subdivision ordinance prepared by Mormon
and Mok have been received and are available for study prior
to the next regular meeting at whichlMr. Hoyle Osborne of
Mormon'' and Mok will be present.
All members of the Council were aware of and expressed their
disapproval of the recent building start made by the Church
of God which is not in accordance with the plan submitted by
the Church and approved by the Council. The Mayor is to have
construction -stopped immediately.
The Council reiterated that all requests for building permits
are to be accompanied by two copies of the plans and specifica-
tions, one copy of which is to be retained by the City for
record purposes .
A motion was made by Mr. Ling, seconded by Mr. Dylla, and
passed to enact Ordinance No. 42 prohibiting parking along
both sides of FM 1103 from Bee Alley to the Bowling Alley.
The problem of keeping the railroad right of %vay clear was
discussed. The conclusion was that the best approach appears
to be enforcement of our weed ordinance . A representative of
the Southern Pacific Railroad stated that they would abide by
it, probably by paying the City for having it cut.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
F:' ,Y. Schlather Mayor
City Secretary i ward Ling