Min CC 09/12/1972 - Special SPECIAL CALLED MEETITdG
SEPTEMBER 12, 1972
The special meeting was called to order at 7:05 P. M.
Mayor Schlather expressed to Rev. McPhetridge and members of
his board the Council' s disapproval of the building being con-
structed, since it did not conform to the plans previously ap-
proved and was not considered an 'asset to the community in its
present configuration. Rev. McPhetridge apologized for failing
to consult the Council before beginning construction. - It was
also noted that several citizens have complained to various
councilmen about the new Church building.
A discussion ensued concerning what would ma(e the building
acceptable to the Council. Basically, it was explained that
the Council desired at least a bri=ck veneer building, essentially
as originally proposed.
Rev. McPhetridge and his Board agreed. immediately t.o brick the
building but stated that- they needed time to raise the money.
After considerable discussion, it was agreed that Rev. 1NicPhetridge
would investigate raising necessary financing for the work and
appear before the next regular Council meeting to resolve the
time problem.
The Council agreed to allow the Church of God to use the building
provided they moved with all possible speed to comply with their
pr oposa-1 to brick veneer the existing building. _
The meeting adjourned at 8: 30 P.M.
F. S.- Schlather Mayor
Edward Ling ity Secretary